PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


OS/2 1.0 Debugger Boot Disk

This disk contained a version of OS/2 1.0 built on October 12, 1988, which included the built-in kernel debugger used by Microsoft and IBM for internal development, along with a rudimentary program selector.

Note that IBM OS/2 1.0 was finalized in October 1987, nearly a year before the timestamps of these files, indicating that this was a private build of IBM OS/2 1.0. When this disk boots, the following version banner is displayed:

IBM Operating System/2 Version 1.00
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1981, 1987. All rights reserved.
(C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1981, 1987.


The 5-digit number indicates the day the files were built. The first 2 digits (88) are the year and the 3 remaining digits (286) are the day of the year (October 12).

A directory listing of this disk is provided below.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Loading /machines/pcx86/ibm/5170/ega/1024kb/rev3/debugger/machine.xml...

Directory of OS/2 1.0 Debugger (1988)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

IBMBIO   COM      4096  10-12-88  12:32p
IBMDOS   COM    299143  10-12-88  10:53a
IBMDOS   SYM     62788  10-12-88  10:54a
OSO001   MSG     64808  10-12-88  10:07a
CMD      EXE     57648  10-12-88  12:52p
COMMAND  COM     25564  10-12-88  12:54p
COUNTRY  SYS     14632  10-12-88   1:14p
MSG      DLL      6578  10-12-88   1:17p
NLS      DLL      5162  10-12-88   1:18p
SWAPPER  EXE      4150  10-12-88   1:43p
ANSICALL DLL      3637  10-12-88  10:07a
BKSCALLS DLL      5704  10-12-88  10:09a
BMSCALLS DLL      2576  10-12-88  10:56a
BVSCALLS OLD     31744  10-12-88  11:01a
DOSCALL1 DLL      8709  10-12-88  10:56a
KBDCALLS DLL      7232  10-12-88  11:03a
MONCALLS DLL      7351  10-12-88  11:03a
MOUCALLS DLL      5701  10-12-88  11:04a
QUECALLS DLL     11238  10-12-88  11:05a
SESMGR   DLL     24278  10-12-88  11:14a
SHELL    EXE     11744  10-12-88  11:15a
VIOCALLS DLL     13981  10-12-88  11:18a
CLOCK01  SYS      2812  10-12-88  11:18a
DISK01   SYS     18616  10-12-88  11:22a
EGA      SYS      2110  10-12-88  11:24a
KBD01    SYS     16945  10-12-88  11:28a
PRINT01  SYS      7683  10-12-88  12:09p
SCREEN01 SYS      1583  10-12-88  12:11p
COM01    SYS      8758  10-12-88  11:19a
EXTDSKDD SYS      1877  10-12-88  11:24a
POINTDD  SYS      5886  10-12-88  12:08p
VDISK    SYS      4662  10-12-88  12:12p
BVSCALLS DLL     23542   1-30-89  11:07a
HARDERR  EXE     16288  10-12-88  11:14a
CONFIG   SYS       132   1-30-89  10:39a
BVSCALLS SYM      1636   1-30-89  11:07a
       36 file(s)     790994 bytes
                      412160 bytes free

Aside from the fact that the IBMDOS.COM on this disk is much larger than the 1987 version (thanks to the inclusion of the kernel debugger), most of the other file sizes are identical. But not all. For example, the 1987 version of CLOCK01.SYS is 2762 bytes, whereas this version is 2812 bytes. So apparently a few changes were slipped into the 1.0 sources used to build these binaries.