PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


Castle Adventure (1985)

From MobyGames:

This game is like a cross between a Kroz game and a text adventure – the player moves through a castle using the arrow keys, picking up equipment and battling monsters in real-time along the way; however, at any time, it is also possible to type simple commands into the game’s text parser, allowing a greater variety of actions and more complex solutions to problems. The object of the game is to escape from the 83-room castle while collecting as many of the thirteen available treasures as possible.

IBM PC XT, 640Kb RAM, 10Mb Hard Disk (Formatted), CGA

Color Display

Directory of Castle Adventure (1985)

 Volume in drive A is CASTLE
 Directory of A:\

CASTLE   EXE     70656   6-01-85   7:48p
CASTLE   RAN     48384   6-01-85   7:48p
        2 file(s)     119040 bytes
                       40960 bytes free