Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.
C O M P A Q (R) P E R S O N A L C O M P U T E R S
The software provided on this diskette supercedes earlier versions
of the software located on MS-DOS(R) as published by Compaq Computer
Corporation or other USER PROGRAMS diskettes. Software for use with
Microsoft(R) Operating System/2 can be found in the OS2 directory.
Software for use only with MS-DOS(R) versions 3.31 and earlier can
be found in the DOS331 directory.
This software enables you to take advantage of specific capabilities
of your computer. Refer to the individual software files located on
this diskette for specific version or date information.
Additional information concerning the files on this diskette can
be obtained by referring to the User Programs Reference, or the
Supplemental Software Guide, or by booting this diskette, typing
HELP at the A> prompt, and then pressing the ENTER key.
[PCjs Machine "deskpro386"]
Loading /machines/pcx86/compaq/deskpro386/cga/640kb/machine.xml...
Volume in drive A is USER 072789
Directory of A:\
IBMBIO COM* 33688 4-05-89 12:00p
IBMDOS COM* 37528 4-05-89 12:00p
COMMAND COM* 37667 4-05-89 12:00p
OS2 <DIR> 7-27-89 12:00p
DOS331 <DIR> 7-27-89 12:00p
AUTOEXEC BAT* 33 7-27-89 12:00p
README CPQ 1694 7-27-89 12:00p
ADAPT COM 18514 7-27-89 12:00p
CACHE EXE 26210 7-27-89 12:00p
CEMM EXE 33157 7-27-89 12:00p
CEMMP EXE 16261 7-27-89 12:00p
CHARSET COM 2761 7-27-89 12:00p
CLOCK SYS 1773 7-27-89 12:00p
HELP COM 39448 7-27-89 12:00p
INSTALL EXE 75673 7-27-89 12:00p
KEYB COM 11030 7-27-89 12:00p
KEYBDP COM 13340 7-27-89 12:00p
KP COM 18840 7-27-89 12:00p
MODE COM 28136 7-27-89 12:00p
PWRCON COM 37084 7-27-89 12:00p
THINNO F8 2048 7-27-89 12:00p
THINNO F14 3584 7-27-89 12:00p
THINNO F16 4096 7-27-89 12:00p
THINUS F8 2048 7-27-89 12:00p
THINUS F14 3584 7-27-89 12:00p
THINUS F16 4096 7-27-89 12:00p
KEYBOARD SYS 41144 7-27-89 12:00p
VDISK SYS 7946 7-27-89 12:00p
ADAPT CFG 4 1-01-80 12:15a
DOS 890 9-11-89 8:09a
CONFIG SYS 0 9-17-89 1:43p
CF000292 0 9-17-89 1:43p
32 file(s) 502277 bytes
Directory of A:\OS2
. <DIR> 7-27-89 12:00p
.. <DIR> 7-27-89 12:00p
KP COM 18840 7-27-89 12:00p
PWRCON COM 37084 7-27-89 12:00p
MOUSEA05 SYS 17462 7-27-89 12:00p
PWRCON SYS 3114 7-27-89 12:00p
6 file(s) 76500 bytes
Directory of A:\DOS331
. <DIR> 7-27-89 12:00p
.. <DIR> 7-27-89 12:00p
MODE COM 15194 7-27-89 12:00p
3 file(s) 15194 bytes
Total files listed:
41 file(s) 593971 bytes
118784 bytes free