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Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit - Reference - Volume 1
Microsoft (R) Windows (tm) Software Development Kit - Reference - Volume 1
development tools for building Microsoft (R) Windows applications
for the MS-DOS (R) and PC-DOS Operating Systems
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Document No. SY0302a-300-R00-1089
Table of Contents
Application Programming Interface
Windows Features
Window Manager Interface
Window Manager Interface Function Groups
Graphics Device Interface
Graphics Device Interface Function Groups
System Services Interface
System Services Interface Function Groups
Naming Conventions
Parameter Names
Windows Calling Convention
Manual Overview
Document Conventions
PART I Windows Functions
Chapter 1 Window Manager Interface Functions
1.1 Message Functions
1.1.1 Generating and Processing Messages
1.1.2 Translating Messages
1.1.3 Examining Messages
1.1.4 Sending Messages
1.1.5 Avoiding Message Deadlocks
1.2 Window-Creation Functions
1.2.1 Window Classes
1.2.2 How Windows Locates a Class
1.2.3 How Windows Determines the Owner of a Class
1.2.4 Registering a Window Class
1.2.5 Shared Window Classes
1.2.6 Predefined Window Classes
1.2.7 Elements of a Window Class
1.2.8 Class Styles
1.2.9 Internal Data Structures
1.2.10 Window Subclassing
1.2.11 Redrawing the Client Area
1.2.12 Class and Private Display Contexts
1.2.13 Window Function
1.2.14 Window Styles
1.2.15 Multiple Document Interface Windows
1.2.16 Title Bar
1.2.17 System Menu
1.2.18 Scroll Bars
1.2.19 Menus
1.2.20 Window State
1.2.21 Life Cycle of a Window
1.3 Display and Movement Functions
1.4 Input Functions
1.5 Hardware Functions
1.6 Painting Functions
1.6.1 How Windows Manages the Display
1.6.2 Display Context Types
1.6.3 Display-Context Cache
1.6.4 Painting Sequence
1.6.5 WM_PAINT Message
1.6.6 Update Region
1.6.7 Window Background
1.6.8 Brush Alignment
1.6.9 Painting Rectangular Areas
1.6.10 Drawing Icons
1.6.11 Drawing Formatted Text
1.6.12 Drawing Gray Text
1.6.13 Nonclient-Area Painting
1.7 Dialog-Box Functions
1.7.1 Uses for Dialog Boxes
1.7.2 Creating a Dialog Box
1.7.3 Return Values from a Dialog Box
1.7.4 Controls in a Dialog Box
1.7.5 Dialog-Box Keyboard Interface
1.8 Scrolling Functions
1.8.1 Standard Scroll Bars and Scroll-Bar Controls
1.8.2 Scroll-Bar Thumb
1.8.3 Scrolling Requests
1.8.4 Processing Scroll Messages
1.8.5 Scrolling the Client Area
1.8.6 Hiding a Standard Scroll Bar
1.9 Menu Functions
1.10 Information Functions
1.11 System Functions
1.12 Clipboard Functions
1.13 Error Functions
1.14 Caret Functions
1.14.1 Creating and Displaying a Caret
1.14.2 Sharing the Caret
1.15 Cursor Functions
1.15.1 Pointing Devices and the Cursor
1.15.2 Displaying and Hiding the Cursor
1.15.3 Positioning the Cursor
1.15.4 The Cursor Hotspot and Confining the Cursor
1.15.5 Creating a Custom Cursor
1.16 Hook Functions
1.16.1 Filter-Function Chain
1.16.2 Installing a Filter Function
1.17 Property Functions
1.18 Rectangle Functions
1.18.1 Using Rectangles in a Windows Application
1.18.2 Rectangle Coordinates
1.18.3 Creating and Manipulating Rectangles
1.19 Summary
Chapter 2 Graphics Device Interface Functions
2.1 Device-Context Functions
2.1.1 Device-Context Attributes
2.1.2 Saving a Device Context
2.1.3 Deleting a Device Context
2.1.4 Compatible Device Contexts
2.1.5 Information Contexts
2.2 Drawing-Tool Functions
2.2.1 Drawing-Tool Uses
2.2.2 Color
2.3 Color-Palette Functions
2.3.1 How Color Palettes Work
2.3.2 Using a Color Palette
2.4 Drawing-Attribute Functions
2.4.1 Background Mode and Background Color
2.4.2 Stretch Mode
2.4.3 Text Color
2.5 Mapping Functions
2.5.1 Constrained Mapping Modes
2.5.2 Partially Constrained and Unconstrained Mapping Modes
2.5.3 Transformation Equations
2.5.4 Example: MM_TEXT
2.5.5 Example: MM_LOENGLISH
2.6 Coordinate Functions
2.7 Region Functions
2.8 Clipping Functions
2.9 Line-Output Functions
2.9.1 Function Coordinates
2.9.2 Pen Styles, Colors, Widths
2.10 Ellipse and Polygon Functions
2.10.1 Function Coordinates
2.10.2 Bounding Rectangles
2.11 Bitmap Functions
2.11.1 Bitmaps and Devices
2.11.2 Device-Independent Bitmap Functions
2.12 Text Functions
2.13 Font Functions
2.13.1 Font Family
2.13.2 Character Cells
2.13.3 Altering Characters
2.13.4 Leading
2.13.5 Character Set
2.13.6 Pitch
2.13.7 Selecting Fonts with GDI
2.13.8 Font Files and Font Resources
2.14 Metafile Functions
2.14.1 Creating a Metafile
2.14.2 Storing a Metafile in Memory or on Disk
2.14.3 Deleting a Metafile
2.14.4 Changing How Windows Plays a Metafile
2.15 Printer-Control Functions
2.16 Printer-Escape Function
2.16.1 Creating Output on a Printer
2.16.2 Banding Output
2.16.3 Starting and Ending a Print Job
2.16.4 Terminating a Print Job
2.16.5 Information Escapes
2.16.6 Additional Escape Calls
2.17 Environment Functions
2.18 Summary
Chapter 3 System Services Interface Functions
3.1 Module-Management Functions
3.2 Memory-Management Functions
3.3 Segment Functions
3.4 Operating-System Interrupt Functions
3.5 Task Functions
3.6 Resource-Management Functions
3.7 String-Manipulation Functions
3.8 Atom-Management Functions
3.9 Initialization-File Functions
3.10 Communication Functions
3.11 Sound Functions
3.12 Utility Macros and Functions
3.13 File I/O Functions
3.14 Debugging Functions
3.15 Optimization-Tool Functions
3.16 Application-Execution Functions
3.17 Summary
Chapter 4 Functions Directory
PART II Windows Messages
Chapter 5 Messages Overview
5.1 Window-Management Messages
5.2 Initialization Messages
5.3 Input Messages
5.4 System Messages
5.5 Clipboard Messages
5.6 System-Information Messages
5.7 Control Messages
5.7.1 Button-Control Messages
5.7.2 Edit-Control Messages
5.7.3 List-Box Messages
5.7.4 Combo-Box Messages
5.7.5 Owner Draw-Control Messages
5.8 Notification Messages
5.8.1 Button Notification Codes
5.8.2 Edit-Control Notification Codes
5.8.3 List-Box Notification Codes
5.8.4 Combo-Box Notification Codes
5.9 Scroll-Bar Messages
5.10 Nonclient-Area Messages
5.11 Multiple Document Interface Messages
5.12 Summary
Chapter 6 Messages Directory
Application Programming Interface
This manual describes the application programming interface (API) of the
Microsoft (R) Windows (tm) presentation manager. The API contains the
functions, messages, data structures, data types, statements, and files that
application developers use to create programs that run with Windows.
The API can be thought of as a set of tools which, when properly used,
creates a Windows application that is portable across a variety of
Windows Features
A Windows application can take advantage of a number of features provided by
the API. These features include the following:
■ Shared display, memory, keyboard, mouse, and system timer
■ Data interchange with other applications
■ Device-independent graphics
■ Multitasking
■ Dynamic linking
Windows allows applications, running simultaneously on the system, to share
hardware resources; application developers do not need to write specific
code to accomplish this complex task.
The clipboard, another Windows feature, acts as a place for data interchange
between applications. The information sent between applications can be in
the form of text, bitmaps, or graphic operations. Windows provides a number
of functions and messages that regulate the transmission of information with
the clipboard. These functions and the corresponding messages are part of
the window manager interface, one of several libraries in the API.
Windows contains functions that an application can use for
device-independent graphic operations. These functions create output that is
compatible with raster displays and printers of varying resolution, as well
as with a number of vector devices (plotters). These functions are part of
the graphics device interface (GDI), the second of the API libraries.
Windows provides multitasking, which means that several applications can run
simultaneously. The functions that affect multitasking and memory management
in general are part of the system services interface, the third API library.
Because of the memory limitations imposed by DOS, it is important to keep
applications as compact as possible. Windows accomplishes this compaction
through dynamic linking and the use of discardable code, which allows an
application to load and execute a subset of the library of functions at run
time. Only a single copy of a library is necessary, no matter how many
applications access it.
Window Manager Interface
The window manager interface contains the functions that create, move, and
alter a window, the most basic element in a Windows application. A window is
a rectangular region that contains graphic representations of user input,
input options, and system output.
Windows is a menu-driven environment; menus are the principal means of
presenting options to a user from within an application. The functions that
create menus, alter their contents, and obtain the status of menu items are
also part of the window manager interface.
The window manager interface also contains functions that create system
output. An example of this output is the dialog box that applications use to
request user input and to display information.
The window manager interface also contains messages and the functions that
process them. A message is a special data structure that contains
information about changes within an application. These changes include
keyboard, mouse, and timer events, as well as requests for information or
actions that an application should carry out.
Window Manager Interface Function Groups
The following list describes the function groups found in the window manager
■ Message functions
■ Information functions
■ Window-creation functions
■ System functions
■ Display and movement functions
■ Clipboard functions
■ Error functions
■ Input functions
■ Caret functions
■ Hardware functions
■ Cursor functions
■ Painting functions
■ Hook functions
■ Dialog functions
■ Property functions
■ Scrolling functions
■ Rectangle functions
■ Menu functions
Graphics Device Interface
The graphics device interface (GDI) contains the functions that perform
device-independent graphic operations within a Windows application. These
functions create a wide variety of line, text, and bitmap output on a number
of different output devices. GDI allows an application to create pens,
brushes, fonts, and bitmaps for specific output operations. The following
figure shows a sample of text, line, and bitmap output from Microsoft
Windows Paintbrush(tm), an application that was created with GDI functions:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
Graphics Device Interface Function Groups
The following list describes the function groups found in GDI:
■ Device-context functions
■ Ellipse and polygon functions
■ Drawing-tool functions
■ Bitmap functions
■ Drawing-attribute functions
■ Text functions
■ Mapping functions
■ Font functions
■ Coordinate functions
■ Metafile functions
■ Region functions
■ Printer-escape functions
■ Clipping functions
■ Environment functions
■ Line-output functions
■ System functions
System Services Interface
The system services interface contains the functions that access code and
data in modules, allocate and manage memory (both local and global), manage
tasks, load program resources, translate strings from one character set to
another, alter the Windows initialization file, assist in system debugging,
carry out communications through the system's I/O ports, create and open
files, and create sounds using the system's sound generator.
System Services Interface Function Groups
The following list describes the function groups found in the system
services interface:
■ Module-management functions
■ Initialization-file functions
■ Memory-management functions
■ Communication functions
■ Task functions
■ Sound functions
■ Resource-management functions
■ Utility functions
■ String-translation functions
■ File I/O functions
■ Atom-management functions
■ System functions
Naming Conventions
Many Windows functions have been named with a verb-noun model to help you
remember and become familiar with the function. The function name indicates
both what the function does (verb) and the target of its action (noun). All
function names begin with an uppercase letter. If the name is composed of
several words, each word begins with an uppercase letter and all words are
adjoined (no spaces or underscore characters separate the words). Some
examples of function names are shown below:
■ CreateWindow
■ RegisterClass
■ SetMapMode
Parameter Names
Most parameters and local variables have a lowercase prefix that indicates
the general type of the parameter, followed by one or more words that
describe the content of the parameter. The standard prefixes used in
parameter and variable names are defined below:
Prefix Meaning
b Boolean (a nonzero value means true,
zero means false)
c Character (a one-byte value)
dw Long (32-bit) unsigned integer
f Bit flags packed into a 16-bit integer
h 16-bit handle
l Long (32-bit) integer
lp Long (32-bit) pointer
n Short (16-bit) integer
p Short (16-bit) pointer
pt x- and y-coordinates packed into an
unsigned 32-bit integer
rgb RGB color value packed into a 32-bit
w Short (16-bit) unsigned integer
If no lowercase prefix is given, the parameter is a short integer whose name
is descriptive.
Some examples of parameter and variable names are shown as follows:
bIconic ptXY
fAction rgbColor
hWnd Height
lpString X
nBytes Width
pMsg Y
Windows Calling Convention
Windows uses the same calling convention used by Microsoft Pascal.
Throughout this manual, this calling convention will be referred to as the
Pascal calling convention. The Pascal calling convention entails the
■ Parameters are pushed onto the stack in the order in which they appear
in the function call.
■ The code that restores the stack is part of the called function
(rather than the calling function).
This convention differs from the calling convention used in other languages,
such as C. In C, parameters are pushed onto the stack in reverse order, and
the calling function is responsible for restoring the stack.
When developing Windows applications in a language that does not ordinarily
use the Pascal calling convention, such as C, you must ensure that the
Pascal calling convention is used for any function that is called by
Windows. In C, this requires the use of the PASCAL key word when the
function is declared.
Manual Overview
This manual gives the Windows-application developer general as well as
detailed information about Windows functions, messages, data types,
resource-compiler statements, assembly-language macros, and file formats. It
does not attempt to explain how to create a Windows application. Rather,
this manual provides detailed descriptions of each component of the Windows
API for readers who already have a basic understanding of Windows
This manual is divided into two volumes. The following sections describe the
purpose and contents of each volume.
Volume 1
Volume 1 contains reference information describing the Windows functions and
messages. It is made up of six chapters:
Chapter 1, "Window Manager Interface Functions," categorizes window-manager
functions into their related groups and briefly describes individual
functions. This chapter also supplies additional information about
particular function groups, including definitions of new terms and
descriptions of models that are unique to Windows. This chapter is designed
to assist the application developer who is new to Windows or who has
questions about a particular group of Windows functions.
Chapter 2, "Graphics Device Interface Functions," categorizes the functions
that perform device-independent graphics operations in the Windows
environment, provides brief descriptions of the functions, and explains the
most important features of the Windows graphics interface.
Chapter 3, "System Services Interface Functions," categorizes the various
utility functions that perform services not directly related to managing a
window or producing graphical output.
Chapter 4, "Functions Directory," contains an alphabetical list of Windows
functions. The documentation for each function gives the syntax, states the
function's purpose, lists its input parameters, and describes its return
value. For some functions, additional information the developer needs in
order to use those functions is given.
Chapter 5, "Messages Overview," categorizes messages into their related
groups and briefly describes individual messages. This chapter also supplies
additional information about particular message groups, including
definitions of new terms and descriptions of models that are unique to
Windows. This chapter is designed to assist the application developer who is
new to Windows or who has questions about a particular group of Windows
Chapter 6, "Messages Directory," contains an alphabetical list of Windows
messages. The documentation for each message states the message's purpose,
lists its input parameters, and describes its return value (if one exists).
For some messages, additional information the developer needs in order to
use those messages is given.
Volume 2
Volume 2 contains reference material for other components of the Windows
API. It contains nine chapters and five appendixes:
Chapter 7, "Data Types and Structures," contains a table of data types and
an alphabetical list of structures found in Windows.
Chapter 8, "Resource Script Statements," describes the statements that
define resources which the Resource Compiler adds to an application's
executable file. The statements are arranged according to functional groups.
Chapter 9, "File Formats," describes the formats of five types of files:
bitmap files, icon resource files, cursor resource files, clipboard files,
and metafiles. Each description gives the general file structure and
information about specific parts of the file.
Chapter 10, "Module-Definition Statements," describes the statements
contained in the module-definition file that defines the application's
contents and system requirements for the LINK program.
Chapter 11, "Binary and Ternary Raster-Operation Codes," describes the
raster operations used for line output and those used for bitmap output.
Chapter 12, "Printer Escapes," lists the printer escapes that are available
in Windows.
Chapter 13, "Assembly-Language Macros Overview," categorizes and briefly
describes the Windows assembly-language macros which provide a simplified
interface to the function and segment conventions of high-level languages.
Chapter 14, "Assembly-Language Macros Directory," lists the
assembly-language macros alphabetically and, for each macro, provides a
detailed description and one or more examples of how to use it in a program.
Chapter 15, "Windows DDE Protocol Definition," contains an alphabetical
listing and description of the Windows messages which comprise the Windows
Dynamic Data Exchange protocol.
Appendix A, "Virtual-Key Codes," lists the symbolic names and hexadecimal
values of Windows virtual-key codes and includes a brief description of each
Appendix B, "RC Diagnostic Messages," contains a listing of Resource
Compiler error messages and provides a brief description of each message.
Appendix C, "Windows Debugging Messages," contains a listing of Windows
debugging messages and provides a brief description of each message.
Appendix D, "Character Tables," shows the layout of the ANSI character set
and the IBM PC Extended Character set.
Appendix E, "32-Bit Memory Management DLL," describes how to implement a
32-bit flat memory model for your application.
Document Conventions
Throughout this manual, the term "DOS" refers to both MS-DOS(R) and PC-DOS,
except when noting features that are unique to one or the other.
The following document conventions are used throughout this manual:
Convention Description of Convention
Bold text Bold letters indicate a specific term or punctuation mark
intended to be used literally: language key words or
functions (such as EXETYPE or CreateWindow), DOS commands,
and command-line options (such as /Zi). You must type
these terms and punctuation marks exactly as shown.
However, the use of uppercase or lowercase letters is not
Convention Description of Convention
However, the use of uppercase or lowercase letters is not
always significant. For instance, you can invoke the
linker by typing either LINK, link, or Link at the DOS
( ) In syntax statements, parentheses enclose one or more
parameters that you pass to a function.
Italic text Words in italics indicate a placeholder; you are expected
to provide the actual value. For example, the following
syntax for the SetCursorPos function indicates that you
must substitute values for the X and Y coordinates,
separated by a comma:
SetCursorPos(X, Y)
Standout type Code examples are displayed in standout emphesis. This
emohesis represents code that is displays in a Monospaced
type in the printed book.
Convention Description of Convention
type in the printed book.
BEGIN Vertical ellipses in program examples indicate that a
. portion of the program is omitted.
. . . Ellipses following an item indicate that more items
having the same form may appear. In the following example,
the horizontal ellipses indicate that you can specify
more than one breakaddress for the g command:
g «=startaddress» «breakaddress»...
« » Double brackets enclose optional fields or parameters in
command lines and syntax statements. In the following
example, option and executable-file are optional
parameters of the RC command:
Convention Description of Convention
parameters of the RC command:
RC «option» filename «executable-file»
| A vertical bar indicates that you may enter one of the
entries shown on either side of the bar. The following
command-line syntax illustrates the use of a vertical
DB «address | range»
The bar indicates that following the Dump Bytes command (
DB), you can specify either an address or a range.
" " Quotation marks set off terms defined in the text.
{ } Curly braces indicate that you must specify one of the
enclosed items.
Convention Description of Convention
CAPITAL LETTERS capital letters indicate the names of keys and key
sequences, such as:
Version 3.0 A box containing a Microsoft Windows version number
indicates that a function, message, or data structure is
compatible only with the specified version and later
Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Documentation Set
Throughout this documentation set, "SDK" refers specifically to the
Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit and its contents. The SDK
includes the following manuals:
Title Contents
Installation and Provides an orientation to the SDK,
Update Guide explains how to install the SDK software,
and highlights the changes for version
Guide to Programming Explains how to write Windows
applications, and provides sample
applications that you can use as
templates for writing your own programs.
The Guide to Programming also addresses
some more advanced Windows programming
Tools Explains how to use the
software-development tools you'll need
to build Windows applications, such as
debuggers and specialized SDK editors.
Reference Is a comprehensive guide to all the
details of the Microsoft Windows
application program interface (API). The
Reference lists in alphabetical order
all the current functions, messages, and
data structures of the API, and provides
extensive overviews on how to use the
System Application Architecture, Provides guidelines and recommendations
Common User Access: Advanced for writing programs that look and act
Interface Design Guide consistently with other Microsoft
Windows applications.
PART I Windows Functions
Part 1 describes the functions which are the core of the Windows application
programmer interface (API). You use these functions as part of a C- or
assembly-language program to create an application that takes advantage of
Windows' user-interface, graphics and multitasking capabilities.
Chapter 1 Window Manager Interface Functions
This chapter describes the Microsoft Windows functions that process
messages, create, move, or alter a window, or create system output. These
functions constitute the window manager interface.
This chapter describes the following topics:
■ Message functions
■ Window-creation functions
■ Display and movement functions
■ Input functions
■ Hardware functions
■ Painting functions
■ Dialog-box functions
■ Scrolling functions
■ Menu functions
■ Information functions
■ System functions
■ Clipboard functions
■ Error functions
■ Caret functions
■ Cursor functions
■ Hook functions
■ Property functions
■ Rectangle functions
1.1 Message Functions
Message functions read and process Windows messages in an application's
queue. Messages represent a variety of input to a Windows application. A
message is a data structure that contains a message identifier and message
parameters. The content of the parameters varies with the message type. The
following list briefly describes each function:
Function Description
CallWindowProc Passes message information to the
specified function.
DispatchMessage Passes a message to a window function of
the specified window.
GetMessage Retrieves a message from the specified
range of
GetMessagePos Returns the position of the mouse at the
time the last message was retrieved.
GetMessageTime Returns the time at which the last
message was
InSendMessage Determines whether the current window
function is processing a message passed
to it through a call to the SendMessage
PeekMessage Checks the application queue and places
the message appropriately.
PostAppMessage Posts a message to the application.
PostMessage Places a message in the application
PostQuitMessage Posts a WM_QUIT message to the
ReplyMessage Replies to a message.
SendMessage Sends a message to a window or windows.
SetMessageQueue Creates a new message queue of a
different size.
TranslateAccelerator Processes keyboard accelerators for menu
TranslateMDISysAccel Processes multiple document interface
(MDI) child window command accelerators.
TranslateMessage Translates virtual key-stroke messages
into character messages.
WaitMessage Yields control to other applications.
Function Description
WinMain Serves as an entry point for execution
of a Windows application.
1.1.1 Generating and Processing Messages
Windows generates a message at each input event, such as when the user moves
the mouse or presses a keyboard key. Windows collects these input messages
in a system-wide queue and then places these messages, as well as timer and
paint messages, in an application's queue. The application queues are
first-in/first-out queues that belong to individual applications; however,
timer and paint messages are held in the queue until the application has
processed all other messages. Windows places messages that belong to a
specific application in that application's queue. The application then reads
the messages by using the GetMessage function and dispatches them to the
appropriate window function by using the DispatchMessage function.
Windows sends some messages directly to an application's window function,
without placing them in the application queue. Such messages are called
unqueued messages. In general, an unqueued message is any message that
affects the window only. The SendMessage function sends messages directly to
a window.
For example, the CreateWindow function directs Windows to send a WM_CREATE
message to the window function of the application and to wait until the
message has been processed by the window function. Windows sends this
message directly to the function and does not place it in the application
Although most messages are generated by Windows, applications can create
their own messages and place them in the application queues of other
An application can pull messages from its queue by using the GetMessage
function. This function searches the application queue for messages and, if
a message exists, returns the top message in the application queue. If the
application queue is empty, GetMessage waits for a message to be placed in
the queue. While waiting, GetMessage relinquishes control to Windows,
allowing other applications to take control and process their own messages.
Once a main function has a message from a queue, it can dispatch the message
to a window function by using the DispatchMessage function. This function
directs Windows to call the window function of the window associated with
the message, and then passes the content of the message as function
arguments. The window function can then process the message and carry out
any requested changes to the window. When the window function returns,
Windows returns control to the main function. The main function can then
pull the next message from the queue.
Unless noted otherwise, Windows can send messages in any sequence. An
application should not rely on receiving messages in a particular order.
Windows generates a virtual-key message each time the user presses a
keyboard key. The virtual-key message contains a virtual-key code that
defines which key was pressed, but does not define the character value of
that key. To retrieve the character value, the main function must translate
the virtual-key message by using the TranslateMessage function. This
function puts another message with an appropriate character value in the
application queue. The message can then be dispatched to a window function.
1.1.2 Translating Messages
In general, a main function should use the TranslateMessage function to
translate every message, not just virtual-key messages. Although
TranslateMessage has no effect on other types of messages, it guarantees
that any keyboard input is translated correctly.
The following program fragment illustrates the typical loop that a main
function uses to pull messages from the queues and dispatch them to window
int PASCAL WinMain(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nShowCmd)
HANDLE hInstance;
HANDLE hPrevInstance;
LPSTR lpCmdLine;
int nShowCmd;
MSG msg;
while (GetMessage((LPMSG)&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
Applications that use accelerator keys must load an accelerator table from
the resource file by using the LoadAccelerator function, and then translate
keyboard messages into accelerator-key messages by using the
TranslateAccelerator function. The main loop for applications that use
accelerator keys should have the following form:
while (GetMessage((LPMSG)&msg, (HWND)NULL, 0, 0))
if (TranslateAccelerator(hWindow, hAccel, ((LPMSG)&msg) == 0)
The TranslateAccelerator function must appear before the standard
TranslateMessage and DispatchMessage functions. Furthermore, since
TranslateAccelerator automatically dispatches the accelerator message to the
appropriate window function, the TranslateMessage and DispatchMessage
functions should not be called if TranslateAccelerator returns a nonzero
1.1.3 Examining Messages
An application can use the PeekMessage function when it checks the queues
for messages but does not want to pull the message from the queue. The
function returns a nonzero value if a message is in the queue, and lets the
application retrieve the message and process it without going through the
application's main loop.
Typically, an application uses PeekMessage to check periodically for
messages when the application is carrying out a lengthy operation, such as
processing input and output. For example, this function can be used to check
for messages that terminate the operation. PeekMessage also gives the
application a chance to yield control if no messages are present because
PeekMessage can yield if no messages are in the queue.
1.1.4 Sending Messages
The SendMessage and PostMessage functions let applications pass messages to
their windows or to the windows of other applications.
The PostMessage function directs Windows to post the message by placing it
in the application queue. Control returns immediately to the calling
application, and any action to be carried out as a result of the message
does not occur until the message is read from the queue.
The SendMessage function directs Windows to send a message directly to the
given window function, bypassing the application queue. Windows does not
return control to the calling application until the window function that
receives the message processes the message.
When an application transmits a message, it must send the message by calling
SendMessage if the application relies on the return value of a message. The
return value of SendMessage is the same as the return value of the function
that processed the message. PostMessage returns immediately after sending
the message, so its return value is only a Boolean value indicating whether
the message was successfully sent and so does not indicate how the message
was processed.
Windows communicates with applications through window messages. The messages
are passed (sent or posted) to an application's window function to let the
function process the messages as desired. Although an application's main
function may read and dispatch window messages, in most cases only the
window function processes them.
1.1.5 Avoiding Message Deadlocks
An application can create a deadlock condition in Windows if it yields
control while processing a message sent from another application (or by
Windows on behalf of another application) by means of the SendMessage
function. The application does not have to yield explicitly. Calling any one
of the following functions can result in the application yielding control:
■ DialogBox
■ DialogBoxIndirect
■ DialogBoxIndirectParam
■ DialogBoxParam
■ GetMessage
■ MessageBox
■ PeekMessage
■ Yield
Normally a task that calls SendMessage to send a message to another task
will not continue executing until the window procedure that receives the
message returns. However, if a task that receives the message yields
control, Windows can be placed in a deadlock situation where the sending
task needs to execute and process messages but cannot because it is waiting
for SendMessage to return.
A window function can determine whether a message it receives was sent by
SendMessage by calling the InSendMessage function. Before calling any of the
functions listed above while processing a message, the window function
should first call InSendMessage. If InSendMessage returns TRUE, the window
function must call the ReplyMessage function before calling any function
that yields control.
As an alternative, can use a system modal dialog box or message box. Because
system modal windows prevent other windows from receiving input focus or
messages, an application should use system modal windows only when
1.2 Window-Creation Functions
Window-creation functions create, destroy, modify, and obtain information
about windows. The following list briefly describes each window-creation
Function Description
AdjustWindowRect Computes the size of a window to fit a
given client area.
AdjustWindowRectEx Computes the size of a window with
extended style to fit a given client
CreateWindow Creates overlapped, pop-up, and child
CreateWindowEx Creates overlapped, pop-up, and child
windows with extended styles.
DefDlgProc Provides default processing for those
dialog-box messages that an application
does not process.
DefFrameProc Provides default processing for those
multiple document interface (MDI) frame
window messages that an application does
not process.
DefMDIChildProc Provides default processing those for
MDI child window messages an that
application does not process.
DefWindowProc Provides default processing for those
window messages that an application does
not process.
DestroyWindow Destroys a window.
GetClassInfo Retrieves information about a specified
GetClassLong Retrieves window-class information from
a WNDCLASS structure.
GetClassName Retrieves a window-class name.
GetClassWord Retrieves window-class information from
a WNDCLASS structure.
GetLastActivePopup Determines which popup window owned by
another window was most recently active.
GetWindowLong Retrieves information about a window.
GetWindowWord Retrieves information about a window.
RegisterClass Registers a window class.
Function Description
SetClassLong Replaces information in a WNDCLASS
SetClassWord Replaces information in a WNDCLASS
SetWindowLong Changes a window attribute.
SetWindowWord Changes a window attribute.
UnregisterClass Removes a window class from the
window-class table.
1.2.1 Window Classes
A window class is a set of attributes that defines how a window looks and
behaves. Before an application can create and use a window, it must define
and register a window class for that window. An application registers a
class by passing values for each element of the class to the RegisterClass
function. Any number of window classes can be registered. Once a class has
been registered, Windows lets the application create any number of windows
belonging to that class. The registered class remains available until it is
deleted or the application terminates.
Although the complete window class consists of many elements, Windows
requires only that an application supply a class name, an address to the
window procedure that will process all messages sent to windows belonging to
this class, and an instance handle that identifies the application that
registered the class. The other elements of the window class define default
attributes for windows of the class, such as the shape of the cursor and the
content of the menu for the window.
There are three types of window classes. They differ in scope and when they
are created and destroyed.
System Global Classes
Windows creates system global classes when it starts. These classes are
available for use by all applications at all times. Because Windows creates
system global classes on behalf of all applications, an application cannot
create or destroy any of these classes. Examples of system global classes
include edit-control and list-box control classes.
Application Global Classes
An application or (more likely) a library creates an application global
class by specifying the CS_GLOBALCLASS style for the class. Once created, it
is globally available to all applications within the system. Most often, a
library creates an application global class so that applications which call
the library can use the class. Windows destroys an application global class
when the application or library that created it terminates. For this reason,
it is essential that all applications destroy all windows using that class
before the library or application that created the class terminates.
Application Local Classes
An application local class is any window class created by an application for
its exclusive use. This is the most common type of class created by an
1.2.2 How Windows Locates a Class
When an application creates a window with a specified class, Windows uses
the following algorithm to find the class:
1. Windows searches for a local class of the specified name.
2. If Windows does not find a local class with the name, then it searches
the application global class list.
3. If Windows does not find the name in the application global class
list, then it searches the system global class list.
This procedure is used for all windows created by the application, including
windows created on the application's behalf, such as dialog controls. It is
possible, then, to override system global classes without affecting other
1.2.3 How Windows Determines the Owner of a Class
Windows determines class ownership from the hInstance field of the WNDCLASS
structure passed to the RegisterClass function when the application or
library registers the class. For Windows libraries, this must be the
instance handle of the library. When the application that registered the
class terminates or the library that registered the class is unloaded, the
class is destroyed. For this reason, all windows using the class must be
destroyed before the application or library terminates.
1.2.4 Registering a Window Class
When Windows registers a window class, it copies the attributes into its own
memory area. Windows uses the internally stored attributes when an
application refers to the window class by name; it is not necessary for the
application that originally registered the class to keep the structure
1.2.5 Shared Window Classes
Applications must not share registered classes with other applications. Some
information in a window class, such as the address of the window function,
is specific to a given application and cannot be used by other applications.
However, applications can share an application global class. See
"Application Global Classes," in Section 1.2.1 for more information.
Although applications must not share registered classes, different instances
of the same application can share a registered class. Once a window class
has been registered by an application, it is available to all subsequent
instances of that application. This means that new instances of an
application do not need to, and should not, register window classes that
have been registered by previous instances.
1.2.6 Predefined Window Classes
Windows provides several predefined window classes. These classes define
special control windows that carry out common input tasks that let the user
input text, direct scrolling, and select from a list of names. The
predefined window classes are available to all applications and can be used
any number of times to create any number of these control windows.
1.2.7 Elements of a Window Class
The elements of the window class define the default behavior of the windows
created from that class. The application that registers the window class
assigns elements to the class by setting appropriate fields in a WNDCLASS
data structure and passing the structure to the RegisterClass function. An
application can retrieve information about a given window class with the
GetClassInfo function.
Table 1.1 shows the window class elements:
Table 1.1 Window Class Elements
Element Purpose
Class name Distinguishes the class from other
registered classes.
Window-function address Points to the function that processes
all messages that are sent to windows in
the class, and defines the behavior of
the window.
Instance handle Identifies the application that
registered the class.
Class cursor Defines the shape of the cursor when the
cursor is in a window of the class.
Table 1.1 Window Class Elements (continued)
Element Purpose
Class icon Defines the shape of the icon Windows
displays when a window belonging to the
class is closed.
Class background brush Defines the color and pattern Windows
Element Purpose
Class background brush Defines the color and pattern Windows
uses to fill the client area when the
window is opened or painted.
Class menu Specifies the default menu used for any
window in the class that does not
explicitly define a menu.
Class styles Defines how to update the window after
moving or resizing, how to process
double-clicks of the mouse, how to
allocate space for the display context,
and other aspects of the window.
Class extra Specifies the amount of memory (in bytes)
that Windows should reserve at the end
of the class data structure.
Window extra Specifies the amount of memory (in bytes)
Element Purpose
Window extra Specifies the amount of memory (in bytes)
that Windows should reserve at the end
of any window structure an application
creates with this class.
The following sections describe the elements of a window class and explain
the default values for these elements if no explicit value is given when the
class is registered.
Class Name
Every window class needs a class name. The class name distinguishes one
class from another. An application assigns a class name to the class by
setting the lpszClassName field of the WNDCLASS structure to the address of
a null-terminated string that contains the name.
In the case of an application global class, the class name must be unique to
distinguish it from other application global classes. If an application
registers another application global class with the name of an existing
application global class, the RegisterClass function returns FALSE,
indicating failure. A conventional method for ensuring this uniqueness is to
include the application name in the name of the application global class.
The class name must be unique among all the classes registered by an
application. An application cannot register an application local class and
an application global class with the same class name.
Window-Function Address
Every class needs a window-function address. The address defines the entry
point of the window function that is used to process all messages for
windows in the class. Windows passes messages to the function when it wants
the window to carry out tasks, such as painting its client area or
responding to input from the user. An application assigns a window function
address by copying the address to the lpfnWndProc field of the WNDCLASS
structure. The window function must be exported in the module-definition
(.DEF) file. See Chapter 10, "Module-Definition Statements," in Reference,
Volume 2, for more information on exporting functions.
For details about the window function, see Section 1.2.13, "Window
Instance Handle
Every window class needs an instance handle to identify the application that
registered the class. As a multitasking system, Windows lets several
applications run at the same time, so it needs instance handles to keep
track of all applications. Windows assigns a unique handle to each copy of a
running application.
Windows passes an instance handle to an application when the application
first begins operation. The application assigns this instance handle to the
class by copying it to the hInstance field of the WNDCLASS structure.
Class Cursor
The class cursor defines the shape of the cursor when the cursor is in the
client area of a window in the class. Windows automatically sets the cursor
to the given shape as soon as the cursor enters the window's client area,
and ensures that the cursor keeps that shape while it remains in the client
area. To assign a cursor shape to a window class, an application typically
loads the shape from the application's resources by using the LoadCursor
function, and then assigns the returned cursor handle to the hCursor field
of the WNDCLASS structure.
Windows does not require a class cursor. If a class cursor is not defined,
Windows assumes that the window will set the cursor shape each time the
cursor moves into the window.
Class Icon
The class icon defines the shape of the icon used when the window of the
given class is minimized. To assign an icon to a window class, an
application typically loads the icon from the application's resources by
using the LoadIcon function, and then assigns the returned icon handle to
the hIcon field of the WNDCLASS structure.
Windows does not require a class icon. If a class icon is not defined,
Windows assumes the application will draw the icon whenever the window is
minimized. In this case, Windows sends appropriate messages to the window
procedure, requesting that the icon be painted.
Class Background Brush
A class background brush is the brush used to prepare the client area of a
window for subsequent drawing by the application. Windows uses the brush to
fill the client area with a solid color or pattern, thereby removing all
previous images from that location whether they belonged to the window or
To assign a background brush to a class, an application typically creates a
brush by using the appropriate functions from GDI, and then assigns the
returned brush handle to the hbrBackground field of the WNDCLASS structure.
Instead of creating a brush, an application can use a standard system color
by setting the field to one of the following color values:
To use a standard system color, the application must increase the
background-color value by one. For example, COLOR_BACKGROUND + 1 is the
system background color.
Class Menu
A class menu defines the default menu to be used by the windows in the class
if no explicit menu is given when the windows are created. A menu is a list
of commands that appears at the top of a window, under the title bar, from
which a user can select actions for the application to carry out. To assign
a menu to a class, an application sets the lpszMenuName field of the
WNDCLASS structure to the address of a null-terminated string that contains
the resource name of the menu. The menu is assumed to be a resource in the
given application. Windows automatically loads the menu when it is needed.
Note that if the menu resource is identified by an integer and not by a
name, the lpszMenuName field can be set to that integer value by applying
the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro before assigning the value.
Windows does not require a class menu. If a menu is not given, Windows
assumes that the windows in the class have no menu bars. Even if no class
menu is given, an application can still define a menu bar for a window when
it creates the window.
Windows does not allow menu bars with child windows. If a menu is given and
a child window is created using the class, the menu is ignored.
1.2.8 Class Styles
The class styles define additional elements of the window class. Two or more
styles can be combined by using the bitwise OR operator. Table 1.2 lists the
class styles:
Table 1.2 Window Class Styles
Style Description
CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT Aligns the window's client area on a
byte boundary (in the x direction).
CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW Aligns the window on a byte boundary (in
the x direction).
CS_CLASSDC Allocates one display context to be
shared by all windows in the class.
CS_DBLCLKS Sends double-click messages to the
window function.
Table 1.2 Window Class Styles (continued)
Style Description
CS_GLOBALCLASS Specifies that the window class is an
application global class. An application
global class is created by an
application or library and is available
to all applications. The class is
destroyed when the application or
library that created the class
Style Description
library that created the class
terminates; it is essential, therefore,
that all windows created with the
application global class be closed
before this occurs.
CS_HREDRAW Requests that the entire client area be
redrawn if a movement or adjustment to
the size changes the width of the client
CS_NOCLOSE Inhibits the close option on the System
CS_OWNDC Allocates a unique display context for
each window in the class.
CS_PARENTDC Gives the parent window's display
context to the window class.
Style Description
context to the window class.
CS_SAVEBITS Saves the portion of the screen image
that is obscured by a window; Windows
uses the saved bitmap to re-create the
screen image when the window is removed.
Windows displays the bitmap at its
original location and does not send
WM_PAINT messages to windows which had
been obscured by the window if the
memory used by the bitmap has not been
discarded and if other screen actions
have not invalidated the stored image.
CS_VREDRAW Requests that the entire client area be
redrawn if a movement or adjustment to
the size changes the height of the
client area.
Style Description
To assign a style to a window class, an application assigns the style value
to the style field of the WNDCLASS structure.
1.2.9 Internal Data Structures
Windows maintains internal data structures for each window class and window.
These structures are not directly accessible to applications but can be
examined and modified by using the following functions:
■ GetClassInfo
■ GetClassLong
■ GetClassName
■ GetClassWord
■ GetWindowLong
■ GetWindowWord
■ SetClassLong
■ SetClassWord
■ SetWindowLong
■ SetWindowWord
Section 1.2.10 describes some ways in which a window class or window can be
1.2.10 Window Subclassing
A subclass is a window or set of windows that belong to the same window
class, and whose messages are intercepted and processed by another window
function (or functions) before being passed to the class window function.
To create the subclass, the SetWindowLong function is used to change the
window function associated with a particular window, causing Windows to call
the new window function instead of the previous one. Any messages not
processed by the new window function must be passed to the previous window
function by calling the CallWindowProc function. This allows Windows to
create a chain of window functions. The address of the previous window
function can be retrieved by using the GetWindowLong function before using
Similarly, the SetClassLong function changes the window function associated
with a window class. Any window that is subsequently created with that class
will be associated with the replacement window function for that class, as
will the window whose handle is passed to SetClassLong. Other existing
windows that were previously created with the class are not affected,
When you subclass a window or class of windows, you must export the
replacement window procedure in your application's definition file, and you
must create the address of the procedure which you pass to SetWindowLong or
SetClassLong by calling the MakeProcInstance function.
An application should not attempt to create a window subclass for standard
Windows controls such as combo boxes and buttons.
1.2.11 Redrawing the Client Area
When a window is moved, Windows automatically copies the contents of the
client area to the new location. This saves time because a window does not
have to recalculate and redraw the contents of the client area as part of
the move. If the window moves and changes size, Windows copies only as much
of the previous client area as is needed to fill the new location. If the
window increases in size, Windows copies the entire client area and sends a
WM_PAINT message to the window to fill in the newly exposed areas. When a
window is moved, Windows assumes the contents of the client area remain
valid and can be copied without modification to the new location.
For some windows, however, the contents of the client area are not valid
after a move, especially if the move includes a change in size. For example,
a clock application whose window must always contain the complete image of
the clock has to redraw the window anytime the window changes size, and has
to update the time after the move. To prevent the windows from copying the
previous contents of the client area, a window should specify the CS_VREDRAW
and CS_HREDRAW styles in the window class.
1.2.12 Class and Private Display Contexts
A display context is a special set of values that applications use for
drawing in the client area of their windows. Windows requires a display
context for each window on the system display, but allows some flexibility
in how that display context is stored and treated by the system.
If no explicit display-context style is given, Windows assumes that each
window will use a display context retrieved from a pool of contexts
maintained by Windows. In such cases, each window must retrieve and
initialize the display context before painting, and then free it after
In order not to retrieve a display context each time it wants to paint in a
window, an application can specify the CS_OWNDC style for the window class.
This class style directs Windows to create a private display context, that
is, to allocate a unique display context for each window in the class. The
application need only retrieve the context once, and then use it for all
subsequent painting. Although the CS_OWNDC style is convenient, it must be
used carefully because each display context occupies approximately 800 bytes
of memory in the GDI heap.
By specifying the CS_CLASSDC style, an application can have some of the
convenience of a private display context without allocating a separate
display context for each window. The CS_CLASSDC style directs Windows to
create a single class display context, that is, one display context to be
shared by all windows in the class. An application need only retrieve the
display context for a window; then as long as no other window in the class
retrieves that display context, the window can continue to use the context.
Similarly, by specifying the CS_PARENTDC style, an application can create
child windows that inherit the device context of their parent.
1.2.13 Window Function
A window function processes all messages sent to a window in a given class.
Windows sends messages to a window function when it receives input from the
user that is intended for the given window, or when it needs information or
the procedure to carry out some action on its window, such as painting in
the client area.
A window function receives input messages from the keyboard, mouse, and
timer. It receives requests for information, such as a request for the
window title. It receives reports of changes made to the system by other
windows, such as a change to the WIN.INI file. It receives messages that
give it an opportunity to modify the standard system response to certain
actions, such as an opportunity to adjust a menu before it is displayed. It
receives requests to carry out some action on its window or client area,
such as a request to update the client area. And a window function receives
information about its status in relation to other windows, such as losing
access to the keyboard or becoming the active window.
Most of the messages a window function receives are from Windows, but it can
also receive messages from other windows, including windows it owns. These
messages can be requests for information or notification that a given event
has occurred within another window.
A window function continues to receive messages from the system and possibly
other windows in the system until it, or the window function of a parent
window, or the system destroys the window. Even in the process of being
destroyed, the window function receives additional messages that give it the
opportunity to carry out any clean-up tasks before terminating. But once the
window is destroyed, no more messages are passed to the function for that
particular window. If there is more than one window of the class, however,
the window function continues to receive messages for the other windows
until they, too, are destroyed.
A window function defines how a given window actually behaves; that is, it
defines what response the window makes to commands from the user or system.
The messages the window function receives from the system contain
information that the function knows; for example, the user clicked the
scroll bar or selected the Open command in the File menu, or double-clicked
in the client area. The window function must examine these messages and
determine what action, if any, to take. For example, if the user clicks the
scroll bar, the window function may scroll the contents of the client area.
Windows provides detailed information about what happens and provides some
tools to carry out tasks, such as drawing and scrolling, but the window
function must carry out the actual task.
A window function can also choose not to respond to a given message. If it
does not respond, the function must give the system the opportunity to
respond by passing the message to the DefWindowProc function. This function
carries out default actions based on the given message and its parameters.
Many messages, especially nonclient-area messages, must be processed, so the
DefWindowProc function is required in all window functions.
A window function also receives messages that are really intended to be
processed by the system. These messages, called nonclient-area messages,
inform the function either that the user has carried out some action in a
nonclient area of the window, such as clicking the title bar, or that some
information about the window is required by the system to carry out an
action, such as for moving or adjusting the size of the window. Although
Windows passes these messages to the window function, the function should
pass them to the DefWindowProc function and not attempt to process them. In
any case, the window procedure must not ignore the message or return without
passing it to DefWindowProc.
Window Messages
A window message is a set of values that Windows sends to a window function
when it requests some action or informs the window of input. Every message
consists of four values: a handle that identifies the window, a message
identifier, a 16-bit message-specific value, and a 32-bit message-specific
value. These values are passed as individual parameters to the window
function. The window function then examines the message identifier to
determine what response to make and how to interpret the 16- and 32-bit
Windows has a wide variety of messages that it or applications can send to a
window function. Most messages are sent to a window as a result of a given
function being executed or as input from the user.
To send a message to a window procedure, Windows expects the window function
to have four parameters and use the Pascal calling convention. The following
illustrates the window procedure syntax:
LONG FAR PASCAL WndProc(hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam)
HWND hWnd;
WORD wMsg;
WORD wParam;
DWORD lParam;
The hWnd parameter identifies the window receiving the message; the wMsg
parameter is the message identifier; the wParam parameter is 16 bits of
additional message-specific information; and lParam is 32 bits of additional
information. The window procedure must return a 32-bit value that indicates
the result of message processing. The possible return values depend on the
actual message sent.
Windows expects to make an intersegment call to the window function, so the
function must be declared with the FAR attribute. The window-function name
must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Default Window Function
The DefWindowProc function is the default message processor for window
functions that do not or cannot process some of the messages sent to them.
For most window functions, the DefWindowProc function carries out most, if
not all, processing of nonclient-area messages. Those are the messages that
signify actions to be carried out on parts of the window other than the
client area. Table 1.3 lists the messages DefWindowProc processes and the
default actions for each:
Table 1.3 Default Actions for Messages
Message Default Action
WM_ACTIVATE Sets or kills the input focus.
Message Default Action
WM_ACTIVATE Sets or kills the input focus.
WM_CANCELMODE Terminates internal processing of
standard scroll bar input, terminates
internal menu processing, and releases
mouse capture.
WM_CLOSE Calls the DestroyWindow function.
WM_CTLCOLOR Sets the background and text color and
returns a handle to the brush used to
fill the control background.
WM_ERASEBKGND Fills the client area with the color and
pattern specified by the class brush, if
WM_GETTEXT Copies the window title into a specified
Message Default Action
WM_GETTEXTLENGTH Returns the length (in characters) of
the window title.
WM_ICONERASEBKGND Fills the icon client area with the
background brush of the parent window.
WM_NCACTIVATE Activates or deactivates the window and
draws the icon or title bar to show the
new state.
WM_NCCALCSIZE Computes the size of the client area.
WM_NCCREATE Initializes standard scroll bars, if any,
and sets the default title for the
WM_NCDESTROY Frees any space internally allocated for
Message Default Action
WM_NCDESTROY Frees any space internally allocated for
the window title.
Table 1.3 Default Actions for Messages (continued)
Message Default Action
WM_NCHITTEST Determines what part of the window the
mouse is in.
WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK Tests the given point to determine the
location of the mouse and, if necessary,
generates additional messages.
WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN Determines whether the left mouse button
was pressed while the mouse was in the
Message Default Action
was pressed while the mouse was in the
nonclient area of a window.
WM_NCLBUTTONUP Tests the given point to determine the
location of the mouse and, if necessary,
generates additional messages.
WM_NCMOUSEMOVE Tests the given point to determine the
location of the mouse and, if necessary,
generates additional messages.
WM_NCPAINT Paints the nonclient parts of the window.
WM_PAINT Validates the current update region, but
does not paint the region.
WM_PAINTICON Draws the window class icon when a
window is minimized.
Message Default Action
WM_SETREDRAW Forces an immediate update of
information about the clipping area of
the complete window.
WM_SETTEXT Sets and displays the window title.
WM_SHOWWINDOW Opens or closes a window.
WM_SYSCHAR Generates a WM_SYSCOMMAND message for
menu input.
WM_SYSCOMMAND Carries out the requested system command.
WM_SYSKEYDOWN Examines the given key and generates a
Message Default Action
WM_SYSKEYDOWN Examines the given key and generates a
WM_SYSCOMMAND message if the key is
either TAB or ENTER.
1.2.14 Window Styles
Windows provides several different window styles that can be combined to
form different kinds of windows. The styles are used in the CreateWindow
function when the window is created.
Overlapped Windows
An overlapped window is always a top-level window. In other words, an
overlapped window never has a parent window. It has a client area, a border,
and a title bar. It can also have a System menu, minimize/maximize boxes,
scroll bars, and a menu, if these items are specified when the window is
created. For windows used as a main interface, the System menu and
minimize/maximize boxes are strongly recommended.
Every overlapped window can have a corresponding icon that Windows displays
when the window is minimized. A minimized window is not destroyed. It can be
opened again by restoring the icon. An application minimizes a window to
save screen space when several windows are open at the same time.
You create an overlapped window by using the WS_OVERLAPPED or
WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW style with the CreateWindow function. An overlapped
window created with the WS_OVERLAPPED style always has a caption and a
border. The WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW style creates an overlapped window with a
caption, a thick-frame border, a system menu, and minimize and maximize
Owned Windows
An owned window is a special type of overlapped window. Every owned window
has an owner. This owner must also be an overlapped window. Being owned
forces several constraints on a window:
■ An owned window will always be "above" its owner when the windows are
ordered. Attempting to move the owner above the owned window will
cause the owned window to also change position to ensure that it will
always be above its owner.
■ Windows automatically destroys an owned window when it destroys the
window's owner.
■ An owned window is hidden when its owner is minimized.
An application creates an owned window by specifying the owner's window
handle as the hWndParent parameter of the CreateWindow function when
creating a window that has the WS_OVERLAPPED style.
Dialog boxes are owned windows by default. The function that creates the
dialog box receives the handle of the owner window as its hWndParent
Pop-up Windows
Pop-up windows are another special type of overlapped window. The main
difference between a pop-up window and an overlapped window is that an
overlapped window always has a caption, while the caption bar is optional
for a pop-up window. Like overlapped windows, pop-up windows can be owned.
You create a pop-up window by using the WS_POPUP window style with the
CreateWindow function. A pop-up window can be opened and closed by using the
ShowWindow function.
Child Windows
A child window is the window style used for windows that are confined to the
client area of a parent window. Child windows are typically used to divide
the client area of a parent window into different functional areas.
You create a child window by using the WS_CHILD window style with the
CreateWindow function. A child window can be shown and hidden by using the
ShowWindow function.
Every child window must have a parent window. The parent window can be an
overlapped window, a pop-up window, or even another child window. The parent
window relinquishes a portion of its client area to the child window, and
the child window receives all input from this area. The window class does
not have to be the same for each of the child windows in the parent window.
This means an application can fill a parent window with child windows that
look different and carry out different tasks.
A child window has a client area, but it does not have any other features
unless these are explicitly requested. An application can request a border,
title bar, minimize/maximize boxes, and scroll bars for a child window. In
most cases, the application designs its own features for the child window.
Although not required, every child window should have a unique integer
identifier. The identifier, given in the menu parameter of the CreateWindow
function in place of a menu, helps identify the child window when its parent
window has many other child windows. The child window should use this
identifier in any messages it sends to the parent window. This is the way a
parent window with several child windows can identify which child window is
sending the message.
Windows always positions the child window relative to the upper-left corner
of the parent window's client area. The coordinates are always client
coordinates. (For information about mapping, see Section 2.5, "Mapping
Functions.") If all or part of a child window is moved outside the visible
portion of the parent window's client area, the child window is clipped;
that is, the portion outside the parent window's client area is not
A child window is an independent window that receives its own input and
other messages. Input intended for a child window goes directly to the child
window and is not passed through the parent window. The only exception is if
input to the child window has been disabled by the EnableWindow function. In
this case, Windows passes any input that would have gone to the child window
to the parent window instead. This gives the parent window an opportunity to
examine the input and enable the child window, if necessary.
Actions that affect the parent window can also affect the child window. The
following is a list of actions affecting parent windows that can affect
child windows:
Parent Window Child Window
Shown Shown after the parent window.
Hidden Hidden prior to the parent window being
closed. A child window can be visible
only when the parent window is visible.
Destroyed Destroyed prior to the parent window
being destroyed.
Moved Moved with the parent window's client
area. The child window is responsible
for painting after the move.
Increased in size or Paints any portions of the parent window
maximized that have been exposed as a result of
the increased size of the client area.
Windows does not automatically clip a child window from the parent window's
client area. This means the parent window will draw over the child window if
it carries out any drawing in the same location as the child window. Windows
does clip the child window from the parent window's client area if the
parent window has a WS_CLIPCHILDREN style. If the child window is clipped,
the parent window cannot draw over it.
A child window can overlap other child windows in the same client area. Two
child windows of the same parent window may draw in each other's client area
unless one child window has a WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style. Sibling windows are
child windows that share the same parent window. If the application
specifies this style for a child window, any portion of that child's sibling
window that lies within this window will be clipped.
If a window has either the WS_CLIPCHILDREN or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style, a
slight loss in performance occurs.
1.2.15 Multiple Document Interface Windows
Windows multiple document interface (MDI) provides applications with a
standard interface for displaying multiple documents within the same
instance of an application. An MDI application creates a frame window which
contains a client window in place of its client area. An application creates
an MDI client window by calling CreateWindow with the class MDICLIENT and
passing a CLIENTCREATESTRUCT data structure as the function's lpParam
parameter. This client window in turn can own multiple child windows, each
of which displays a separate document. An MDI application controls these
child windows by sending messages to its client window.
For more information on the multiple document interface, see the Guide to
1.2.16 Title Bar
The title bar, a rectangle at the top of the window, provides space for the
window title or name. An application defines the window title when it
creates the window. It can also change this name anytime by using the
SetWindowText function. If a window has a title bar, Windows lets the user
use the mouse to move the window.
1.2.17 System Menu
The System menu, identified by an icon at the left end of the title bar, is
a pop-up menu that contains the system commands. The system commands are
commands selected by the user to direct Windows to carry out actions on the
window, such as moving and closing it.
If a System menu or close box is desired for a window, the WS_SYSMENU and
WS_CAPTION window styles must be specified when the window is created.
1.2.18 Scroll Bars
The horizontal and vertical scroll bars, bars on the right and lower sides
of a window, let a user scroll the contents of the client area. Windows
sends scroll requests to a window as WM_HSCROLL and WM_VSCROLL messages. If
the window permits scrolling, the window function must process these
A window can have one or both scroll bars. To create a window with a scroll
bar, the application must specify the WS_HSCROLL or WS_VSCROLL window style
when the window is created.
1.2.19 Menus
A menu is a list of commands from which the user can select using the mouse
or the keyboard. When the user selects an item, Windows sends a
corresponding message to the window function to indicate which command was
selected. Windows provides two types of menus: menu bars (sometimes called
static menus) and pop-up menus.
A menu bar is a horizontal menu that appears at the top of a window and
below the title bar, if one exists. Any window except a child window can
have a menu bar. If an application does not specify a menu when it creates a
window, the window receives the default menu bar (if any) defined by the
window class.
Pop-up menus contain a vertical list of items and are often displayed when a
user selects a menu-bar item. In turn, a pop-up menu item can display
another pop-up menu. Also, a pop-up menu can be "floating." A floating
pop-up menu can appear anywhere on the screen designated by the application.
An application creates an empty pop-up menu by calling the CreatePopupMenu
function, and then fills in the menu using the AppendMenu and InsertMenu
functions. It displays the pop-up menu by calling TrackPopupMenu.
Individual menu items can be created or modified with the MF_OWNERDRAW
style, indicating that the item is an owner-draw item. In this case, the
owner of the menu is responsible for drawing all visual aspects of the menu
item, including checked, grayed, and highlighted states. When the menu is
displayed for the first time, the window that owns the menu receives a
WM_MEASUREITEM message. The lParam parameter of this message points to a
MEASUREITEMSTRUCT data structure. The owner then fills in this data
structure with the dimensions of the item and returns. Windows uses the
information in the data structure to determine the size of the item so that
Windows can appropriately detect the user's interaction with the item.
Windows sends the WM_DRAWITEM message whenever the owner of the menu must
update the visual appearance of the item. Unlike other owner-draw controls,
however, the owner of the menu item does not receive the WM_DELETEITEM
message when the menu item is removed from the menu. A top-level menu item
cannot be an owner-draw item.
When the application calls AppendMenu, InsertMenu, or ModifyMenu to add an
owner-draw menu item to a menu or to change an existing menu item to be an
owner-draw menu item, the application can supply a 32-bit value as the
lpNewItem parameter to the function. The application can use this value to
maintain additional data associated with the item. This value is available
to the application as the itemData field of the structures pointed to by the
lParam parameter of the WM_MEASUREITEM and WM_DRAWITEM messages. For
example, if an application were to draw the text in a menu item using a
specific color, the 32-bit value could contain a pointer to a string. The
application could then set the text color before drawing the item when it
received the WM_DRAWITEM message.
1.2.20 Window State
The window state can be opened or closed (iconic), hidden or visible, and
enabled or disabled. The initial state of a window can be set by using the
following window styles:
Windows creates windows that are initially enabled for input, that is,
windows that can start receiving input messages immediately. In some cases,
an application may need to disable input to a new window. It can disable
input by specifying the WS_DISABLED window style.
A new window is not displayed until an application opens it by using the
ShowWindow function or specifies the WS_VISIBLE window style when it creates
the window. For overlapped windows, the WS_ICONIC window style creates a
window that is minimized initially.
1.2.21 Life Cycle of a Window
Because the purpose of any window is to let the user enter data or to let
the application display information, a window starts its life cycle when the
application has a need for input or output. A window continues its life
cycle until there is no longer a need for it, or the application is
terminated. Some windows, such as the window used for the application's main
user interface, last the life of the application. Other windows, such as a
window used as a dialog box, may last only a few seconds.
The first step in a window's life cycle is creation. Given a registered
window class with a corresponding window function, the application uses the
CreateWindow function to create the window. This function directs Windows to
prepare internal data structures for the window and to return a unique
integer value, called a window handle, that the application can use to
identify the window in subsequent function calls.
The first message most windows process is WM_CREATE, the window-creation
message. Again, the CreateWindow function sends this message to inform the
window function that it can now perform any initialization, such as
allocating memory and preparing data files. The wParam parameter is not
used, but the lParam parameter contains a long pointer to a CREATESTRUCT
data structure, whose fields correspond to the parameters passed to
Both the WM_CREATE and WM_NCCREATE messages are sent directly to the window
function, bypassing the application queue. This means an application will
create a window and process the WM_CREATE message before it enters the main
program loop.
After a window has been created, it must be opened (displayed) before it can
be used. An application can open the window in one of two ways: it can
specify the WS_VISIBLE window style in the CreateWindow function to open the
window immediately after creation, or it can wait until later and call the
ShowWindow function to open the window. When creating a main window, an
application should not specify WS_VISIBLE, but should call ShowWindow from
the WinMain function with the nCmdShow parameter set to the desired value.
When the window is no longer needed or the application is terminated, the
window must be destroyed. This is done by using the DestroyWindow function.
DestroyWindow removes the window from the system display and invalidates the
window handle. It also sends WM_DESTROY and WM_NCDESTROY messages to the
window function.
The WM_DESTROY message is usually the last message a window function
processes. This occurs when the DestroyWindow function is called or when a
WM_CLOSE message is processed by the DefWindowProc function. When a window
function receives a WM_DESTROY message, it should free any allocated memory
and close any open data files.
The window used as the application's main user interface should always be
the last window destroyed and should always cause the application to
terminate. When this window receives a WM_DESTROY message, it should call
the PostQuitMessage function. This function copies a WM_QUIT message to the
application's message queue as a signal for the application to terminate
when the message is read from the queue.
1.3 Display and Movement Functions
Display and movement functions show, hide, move, and obtain information
about the number and position of windows on the screen. The following list
briefly describes each display and movement function:
Function Description
ArrangeIconicWindows Arranges minimized (iconic) child
BeginDeferWindowPos Initializes memory used by the
DeferWindowPos function.
BringWindowToTop Brings a window to the top of a stack of
overlapped windows.
CloseWindow Hides the specified window or minimizes
DeferWindowPos Records positioning information for a
window to be moved or resized by the
EndDeferWindowPos function.
EndDeferWindowPos Positions or sizes several windows
simultaneously based on information
recorded by the DeferWindowPos function.
GetClientRect Copies the coordinates of a window's
client area.
GetWindowRect Copies the dimensions of an entire
GetWindowText Copies a window caption into a buffer.
Function Description
GetWindowTextLength Returns the length (in characters) of
the given window's caption or text.
IsIconic Specifies whether a window is open or
closed (iconic).
IsWindowVisible Determines whether the given window is
IsZoomed Determines whether a window is maximized.
MoveWindow Changes the size and position of a
OpenIcon Opens the specified window.
SetWindowPos Changes the size, position, and ordering
of child or pop-up windows.
SetWindowText Sets the window caption or text.
ShowOwnedPopups Shows or hides all pop-up windows.
ShowWindow Displays or removes the given window.
1.4 Input Functions
Input functions disable input from system devices, take control of the
system devices, or define special actions that Windows takes when an
application receives input from a system device. (The system devices are the
mouse, the keyboard, and the timer.) The following list briefly describes
each input function:
Function Description
EnableWindow Enables and disables mouse and keyboard
input throughout the application.
GetActiveWindow Returns a handle to the active window.
GetCapture Returns a handle to the window with the
GetCurrentTime Retrieves the current Windows time.
GetDoubleClickTime Retrieves the current double-click time
for the mouse.
GetFocus Retrieves the handle of the window that
currently owns the input focus.
GetTickCount Returns the number of timer ticks
recorded since the system was booted.
Function Description
IsWindowEnabled Determines whether the specified window
is enabled for mouse and keyboard input.
KillTimer Kills the specified timer event.
ReleaseCapture Releases mouse input and restores normal
SetActiveWindow Makes a window the active window.
SetCapture Causes mouse input to be sent to a
specified window.
SetDoubleClickTime Sets the double-click time for the mouse.
SetFocus Assigns the input focus to a specified
SetSysModalWindow Makes the specified window a system
modal window.
SetTimer Creates a system-timer event.
SwapMouseButton Reverses the meaning of left and right
1.5 Hardware Functions
Hardware functions alter the state of input devices and obtain state
information. Windows uses the mouse and the keyboard as input devices. The
following list briefly describes each hardware function:
Function Description
EnableHardwareInput Enables or disables mouse and keyboard
input throughout the application.
GetAsyncKeyState Returns interrupt-level information
about the key state.
GetInputState Returns TRUE if there is mouse or
keyboard input.
GetKBCodePage Determines which OEM/ANSI tables are
GetKeyboardState Copies an array that contains the state
of keyboard keys.
GetKeyNameText Retrieves a string containing the name
of a key from a list maintained by the
keyboard driver.
GetKeyState Retrieves the state of a virtual key.
Function Description
MapVirtualKey Accepts a virtual-key code or scan code
for a key and returns the corresponding
scan code, virtual-key code, or ASCII
OemKeyScan Maps OEM ASCII codes 0 through 0x0FF
into the OEM scan codes and shift states.
SetKeyboardState Sets the state of keyboard keys by
altering values in an array.
VkKeyScan Translates an ANSI character to the
corresponding virtual-key code and shift
state for the current
1.6 Painting Functions
Painting functions prepare a window for painting and carry out some useful
general-purpose graphics operations. Although all the paint functions are
specifically intended for the system display, some can be used for other
output devices. The following list briefly describes each painting function:
Function Description
BeginPaint Prepares a window for painting.
DrawFocusRect Draws a rectangle in the style used to
indicate focus.
DrawIcon Draws an icon.
DrawText Draws characters of a specified string.
EndPaint Marks the end of window repainting.
ExcludeUpdateRgn Prevents drawing within invalid areas of
a window.
FillRect Fills a given rectangle by using the
specified brush.
FrameRect Draws a border for the given rectangle.
GetDC Retrieves the display context for the
client area.
GetUpdateRect Copies the dimensions of a window
region's bounding rectangle.
GetUpdateRgn Copies a window's update region.
GetWindowDC Retrieves the display context for an
entire window.
GrayString Writes the characters of a string using
gray text.
InvalidateRect Marks a rectangle for repainting.
Function Description
InvalidateRgn Marks a region for repainting.
InvertRect Inverts the display bits of the
specified rectangle.
ReleaseDC Releases a display context.
UpdateWindow Notifies the application when parts of a
window need redrawing.
ValidateRect Releases the specified rectangle from
ValidateRgn Releases the specified region from
1.6.1 How Windows Manages the Display
The system display is the principal display device for all applications
running with Windows. All applications are free to display some form of
output on the system display, but since many applications can run at one
time, applications are not entitled to the entire system display. The
complete system display must be shared. Windows shares the system display by
carefully managing the access that applications have to it. Windows ensures
that applications have space to display output but do not draw in the space
reserved for other applications.
Windows manages the system display by using the display context type. The
display context is a special device context that treats each window as a
separate display surface. An application that retrieves a display context
for a specific window has complete control of the system display within that
window, but cannot access or paint over any part of the display outside the
window. With a display context, an application can use GDI painting
functions, as well as the output functions described in this section, to
draw in the given window.
1.6.2 Display Context Types
There are four types of display contexts: common, class, private, and
window. The common, class, and private display contexts permit drawing in
the client area of a given window. The window display context permits
drawing anywhere in the window. When a window is created, Windows assigns a
common, class, or private display context to it, based on the type of
display context specified in that window's class style.
Common Display Context
A common display context is the default context for all windows. Windows
assigns a common display context to the window if a display-context type is
not explicitly specified in the window's class style.
A common display context permits drawing in a window's client area, but it
is not immediately available for use by a window. A common display context
must be retrieved from a cache of display contexts before a window can carry
out any drawing in its client area. The GetDC or BeginPaint function
retrieves the display context and returns a handle to the context. The
handle can be used with GDI functions to draw in the client area of the
given window. After drawing is complete, the context must be returned to the
cache by using the ReleaseDC or EndPaint function. After the context is
released, drawing cannot occur until another display context is retrieved.
When a common display context is retrieved, Windows gives it default
selections for pen, brush, font, clipping area, and other attributes. These
attributes define the tools currently available to carry out the actual
drawing. Table 1.4 lists the default selections for a common display
Table 1.4 Defaults for a Display Context
Attribute Default
Background color White
Background mode OPAQUE
Attribute Default
Background mode OPAQUE
Bitmap No default.
Brush origin (0,0)
Clipping region Entire client area with the update
region clipped as appropriate. Child and
pop-up windows in the client area may
also be clipped.
Current pen position (0,0)
Device origin Upper-left corner of client area.
Attribute Default
Drawing mode R2_COPYPEN
applications written to run with Windows
versions prior to 3.0)
Intercharacter spacing 0
Mapping mode MM_TEXT
Polygon-filling mode ALTERNATE
Relative-absolute flag ABSOLUTE
Stretching mode BLACKONWHITE
Attribute Default
Text color Black
Viewport extent (1,1)
Viewport origin (0,0)
Table 1.4 Defaults for a Display Context (continued)
Attribute Default
Window extents (1,1)
Window origin (0,0)
An application can modify the attributes of the display context by using the
selection functions and display-context attribute functions. For example,
applications typically change the selected pen, brush, and font.
When a common display context is released, the current selections, such as
mapping mode and clipping area, are lost. Windows does not preserve the
previous selections of a common display context since these contexts are
shared and Windows has no way to guarantee that the next window to use a
given common display context will be the last window to use that context.
Applications that modify the attributes of a common display context must do
so each time another context is retrieved.
Class Display Context
A window has a class display context if the window class specifies the
CS_CLASSDC style. A class display context is shared by all windows in a
given class. A class display context is not part of the display context
cache. Instead, Windows specifically allocates a class context for sole use
by the window class.
A class display context must be retrieved before it can be used, but it does
not have to be released after use. As long as only one window from the class
uses the context, the class display context can be kept and reused. If
another window in the class needs to use the context, that window must
retrieve it before any drawing occurs. Retrieving the context sets the
correct origin and clipping for the new window and ensures that the context
will be applied to the correct window. A handle to the class display context
can be retrieved by using the GetDC or BeginPaint function. The ReleaseDC
and EndPaint functions have no effect on the class display context.
A class display context is given the same default selections as a common
display context when the first window of the class is created (see Table
1.4, "Defaults for a Display Context"). These selections can be modified at
any time. Windows preserves all new selections made for the class display
context, except for the clipping region and device origin, which are
adjusted for the current window when the context is retrieved. Otherwise,
all other attributes remain unchanged. This means a change made by one
window applies to all windows that subsequently use the context.
Changing the mapping mode of a class display context may have an undesirable
effect on how a window's background is erased. For more information, see
Section 1.6.7, "Window Background," and Section 2.5, "Mapping Functions."
Private Display Context
A window has a private display context if the window class specifies the
CS_OWNDC style. A private display context is used exclusively by a given
window. A private display context is not part of the display context cache.
Instead, Windows specifically allocates the context for sole use by the
A private display context needs to be retrieved only once. Thereafter, it
can be kept and used any number of times by the window. Windows
automatically updates the context to reflect changes to the window, such as
moving or sizing. A handle to a private display context can be retrieved by
using the GetDC or BeginPaint function. The ReleaseDC and EndPaint functions
have no effect on the private display context.
A private display context is given the same default selections as a common
display context when the window is created (see Table 1.4, "Defaults for a
Display Context"). These selections can be modified at any time. Windows
preserves any new selections made for the context. New selections, such as
clipping region and brush, remain selected until the window specifically
makes a change.
Changing the mapping mode of a private display context may have an
undesirable effect on how the window's background is erased. For more
information, see Section 1.6.7, "Window Background," and Section 2.5,
"Mapping Functions."
Window Display Context
A window display context permits painting anywhere in a window, including
the caption bar, menus, and scroll bars. Its origin is the upper-left corner
of the window, instead of the upper-left corner of the client area.
The GetWindowDC function retrieves a window display context from the same
cache as it does common display contexts. Therefore, a window that uses a
window display context must release it with the ReleaseDC function
immediately after drawing.
Windows always sets the current selections of a window display context to
the same default selections as a common display context and does not
preserve any change the window may have made to these selections (see Table
1.4, "Defaults for a Display Context"). Windows does not allow private or
class window display contexts, so CS_OWNDC and CS_CLASSDC class styles have
no effect on the window display context.
A window display context is intended to be used for special painting within
a window's nonclient area. Since painting in nonclient areas of overlapped
windows is not recommended, most applications reserve a display context for
designing custom child windows. For example, an application may use the
display context to draw a custom border around the window. In such cases,
the window usually processes the WM_NCPAINT message instead of passing it on
to the DefWindowProc function. For applications that do not process
WM_NCPAINT messages but still wish to paint in the nonclient area, the
GetSystemMetrics function can be used to retrieve the dimensions of various
parts of the nonclient area, such as the caption bar, menu bar, and scroll
1.6.3 Display-Context Cache
Windows maintains a cache of display contexts that it uses for common and
window display contexts. This cache contains five display contexts, which
means only five common display contexts can be active at any one time. To
prevent more than five from being retrieved, a window that uses a common or
window display context must release that context immediately after drawing.
If a window fails to release a common display context, all five display
contexts may eventually be active and unavailable for any other window. In
such a case, Windows ignores all subsequent requests for a common display
context. In the retail version of Windows, the system will appear to be
deadlocked, while the debugging version of Windows will undergo a fatal
exit, alerting the developer of a problem.
The ReleaseDC function releases a display context and returns it to the
cache. Class and private display contexts are individually allocated for
each class or window; they do not belong to the cache so they do not need to
be released after use.
1.6.4 Painting Sequence
Windows carries out many operations to manage the system display that affect
the content of the client area. If Windows moves, sizes, or alters the
appearance of the display, the change may affect a given window. If so,
Windows marks the area changed by the operation as ready for updating and,
at the next opportunity, sends a WM_PAINT message to the window so that it
can update the window in the update region. If a window paints in its client
area, it must call the BeginPaint function to retrieve a handle to a display
context, must update the changed area as defined by the update region, and
finally, must call the EndPaint function to complete the operation.
A window is free to paint in its client area at any time, that is, at times
other than in response to a WM_PAINT message. The only requirement is that
it retrieve a display context for the client area before carrying out any
1.6.5 WM_PAINT Message
The WM_PAINT message is a request from Windows to a given window to update
its display. Windows sends a WM_PAINT message to a window whenever it is
necessary to repaint a portion of an application's window. When a window
receives a WM_PAINT message, it should retrieve the update region by using
the BeginPaint function, and it should carry out whatever operations are
necessary to update that part of the client area.
The InvalidateRect and InvalidateRgn functions do not actually generate
WM_PAINT messages. Instead, Windows accumulates the changes made by these
functions and its own changes while a window processes other messages in its
application queue. Postponing the WM_PAINT message lets a window process all
changes at once instead of updating bits and pieces in time-consuming
individual steps.
A window can require Windows to send a WM_PAINT message by using the
UpdateWindow function. The UpdateWindow function sends the message directly
to the window, regardless of the number of other messages in the application
queue. UpdateWindow is typically used when a window wants to update its
client area immediately, such as just after the window is created.
Once a window receives a WM_PAINT message, it must call the BeginPaint
function to retrieve the display context for the client area and to retrieve
other information such as the update region and whether the background has
been erased.
Windows automatically selects the update region as the clipping region of
the display context. Since GDI discards (clips) drawing that extends outside
the clipping region, only drawing that is in the update region is actually
visible. For more information about the clipping region, see Section 2.8,
"Clipping Functions."
The BeginPaint function empties the update region to prevent the same region
from generating subsequent WM_PAINT messages.
After completing the painting operation, the window must call the EndPaint
function to release the display context.
1.6.6 Update Region
An update region defines the part of the client area that is marked for
painting on the next WM_PAINT message. The purpose of the update region is
to save some applications the time it takes to paint the entire contents of
the client area. If only the part that needs painting is added to the update
region, only that part is painted. For example, if a word changes in the
client area of a word-processing application, only the word needs to be
painted, not the entire line of text. This saves the time it takes the
application to draw the text, especially if there are many different sizes
and typefaces.
The InvalidateRect and InvalidateRgn functions add a given rectangle or
region to the update region. The rectangle or region must be given in client
coordinates. The update region itself is defined in client coordinates.
Windows adds its own rectangles and regions to a window's update region
after operations such as moving, sizing, and scrolling the window.
The ValidateRect and ValidateRgn functions remove a given rectangle or
region from the update region. These functions are typically used when the
window has updated a specific part of the display in the update region
before receiving the WM_PAINT message.
The GetUpdateRect and GetUpdateRgn functions retrieve the smallest rectangle
that encloses the entire update region. These functions can be used to
compute the current size of the update region to determine if painting is
1.6.7 Window Background
The window background is the color or pattern the client area is filled with
before a window begins painting in the client area. Windows paints the
background for a window or gives the window the opportunity to do so by
sending a WM_ERASEBKGND message to the window when the application calls the
BeginPaint function.
The background is important since if not erased, the client area will
contain whatever was originally on the system display before the window was
moved there. Windows erases the background by filling it with the background
brush specified by the window's class.
Windows applications that use class or private display contexts should be
careful about erasing the background. Windows assumes the background is to
be computed by using the MM_TEXT mapping mode. If the display context has
any other mapping mode, the area erased may not be within the visible part
of the client area.
1.6.8 Brush Alignment
Brush alignment is particularly important on the system display where
scrolling and moving are commonplace. A brush is a pattern of bits with a
minimum size of 8-by-8 bits. GDI paints with a brush by repeating the
pattern again and again within a given rectangle or region. If the region is
moved by an arbitrary amount─for example, if the window is scrolled─and the
brush is used again to filled empty areas around the original area, there is
no guarantee that the original pattern and the new pattern will be aligned.
For example, if the scroll moves the original filled area up one pixel, the
intersection of the original area and any new painting will be out of
alignment by one pixel, or bit. Depending on the pattern, this may have a
undesirable visual effect.
To ensure that a brush is aligned after a window is moved, an application
must take the following steps:
1. Call the SelectObject function to select a different brush.
2. Call the SetBrushOrg function to realign the current brush.
3. Call the UnrealizeObject function to realign the origin of the
original brush when it is selected next.
4. Call the SelectObject function to select the original brush.
1.6.9 Painting Rectangular Areas
The FillRect, FrameRect, and InvertRect functions provide an easy way to
carry out painting operations on rectangles in the client area.
The FillRect function fills a rectangle with the color and pattern of a
given brush. This function fills all parts of the rectangle, including the
edges or borders.
The FrameRect function uses a brush to draw a border around a rectangle. The
border width and height is one unit.
The InvertRect function inverts the contents of the given rectangle. On
monochrome displays, white pixels become black, and vice versa. On color
displays, the results depend on the method used by the display to generate
color. In either case, calling InvertRect twice with the same rectangle
restores the display to its original colors.
1.6.10 Drawing Icons
The DrawIcon function draws an icon at a given location in the client area.
An icon is a bitmap that a window uses as a symbol to represent an item or
concept, such as an application or a warning.
An icon can be created by using the SDKPaint program, added to an
application's resources by using the Resource Compiler, and loaded into
memory by using the LoadIcon function. Applications can also call the
CreateIcon function to create an icon and can modify a previously loaded or
created icon at any time. An icon resource is in global memory and its
handle is the handle to that memory. An application can free memory used to
store an icon created by CreateIcon by calling DeleteIcon.
1.6.11 Drawing Formatted Text
The DrawText function formats and draws text within a given rectangle in the
client area. This function provides simple text processing that most
applications, other than word processors, can use to display text. DrawText
output is similar to the output generated by a terminal, except it uses the
selected font and can clip the text if it extends outside a given rectangle.
DrawText provides many different formatting styles. Table 1.5 lists the
styles that are available:
Table 1.5 Text Formatting Styles
Value Description
DT_BOTTOM Bottom-justified (single line only).
DT_CENTER Centered.
DT_EXPANDTABS Expands tab characters into spaces.
Otherwise, tabs are treated as single
characters. The number of spaces depends
on the tab stop size specified by
DT_TABSTOP. If DT_TABSTOP is not given,
the default is eight spaces.
DT_EXTERNALLEADING Includes the font external leading in
line height. External leading is not
included in the height of a line of text.
(Leading is the space between lines of
given, there is no spacing between lines
of text. Depending on the selected font,
this means that characters in different
Value Description
this means that characters in different
lines may touch or overlap.
DT_LEFT Left-justified. Default.
DT_NOCLIP Draws text without clipping. All text
will be drawn even if it extends outside
the specified rectangle. The DrawText
function is somewhat faster when
DT_NOCLIP is used.
DT_RIGHT Right-justified.
DT_SINGLELINE Single line only. Carriage returns and
linefeeds do not break the line. Default
is multiple-line formatting.
DT_TABSTOP Sets tab stops. The high-order byte of
the wFormat parameter is the number of
Value Description
the wFormat parameter is the number of
characters for each tab. If DT_TABSTOP
is not given, the default tab size is
eight spaces.
DT_TOP Top-justified (single line only).
DT_VCENTER Vertically centered (single line only).
DT_WORDBREAK Sets word breaks. Lines are
automatically broken between words if a
word would extend past the edge of the
rectangle specified by the lpRect
parameter. Carriage-return/linefeed
sequence also causes a line break.
Word-break characters are space, tab,
carriage return, linefeed, and
carriage-return/linefeed combinations.
Value Description
carriage-return/linefeed combinations.
Applies to multiple-line formatting only.
The DrawText function uses the selected font, so applications can draw
formatted text in other than the system font.
DrawText does not hyphenate, and although it can justify text to the left,
right, or center, it cannot combine justification styles. In other words, it
cannot justify both left and right.
DrawText recognizes a number of control characters and carries out special
actions when it encounters them. Table 1.6 lists the control characters and
the respective action:
Table 1.6 DrawText Control Characters
Character (ANSI value) Action
Carriage return(13) Interpreted as a line-break character.
The text is immediately broken and
started on the next line down in the
Linefeed(10) Interpreted as a line-break character.
The text is immediately broken and
started on the next line down in the
A carriage-return/linefeed character
combination is interpreted as a single
line-break character.
Space(32) Interpreted as a word-break character if
the DT_WORDBREAK style is given. If the
text is too long to fit on the current
Character (ANSI value) Action
text is too long to fit on the current
line in the formatting rectangle, the
line is broken at the closest word-break
character to the end of the line.
Tab(9) Expanded into a given number of spaces
if the DT_EXPANDTABS style is given. The
number of spaces depends on what
tab-stop value is given with the
DT_TABSTOP style. The default is eight.
1.6.12 Drawing Gray Text
An application can draw gray text by calling the SetTextColor function to
set the current text color to the COLOR_GRAYTEXT, the solid gray system
color used to draw disabled text. However, if the curent display driver does
not support a solid gray color, this value is set to zero.
The GrayString function is a multiple-purpose function that gives
applications another way to gray text or carry out other customized
operations on text or bitmaps before drawing the result in a client area. To
gray text, the function creates a memory bitmap, draws the string in the
bitmap, and then grays the string by combining it with a gray brush. The
GrayString function finally copies the gray text to the display. An
application can intercept or modify each step of this process, however, to
carry out custom effects, such as changing the gray brush to a patterned
brush or drawing an icon instead of a string.
If GrayString is used to draw gray text only, GrayString uses the selected
font of the given display context. GrayString sets text color to black. It
creates a bitmap, and then uses the TextOut function to write a given string
to the bitmap. It then uses the PatBlt function and a gray brush to gray the
text, and uses the BitBlt function to copy the bitmap to the client area.
GrayString assumes that the display context for the client area has MM_TEXT
mapping mode. Other mapping modes cause undesirable results.
GrayString lets an application modify this graying procedure in three ways:
by defining an additional brush to be combined with the text before being
displayed, by replacing the call to the TextOut function with a call to an
application-supplied function, and by disabling the call to the PatBlt
The additional brush is defined as a parameter. This brush is combined with
the text as the text is being copied to the client area by the BitBlt
function. The additional brush is intended to be used to give the text a
desired color, since the bitmap used to draw the text is a monochrome
The application-supplied function is also defined as a parameter. If a
non-NULL value is given for the function, GrayString automatically calls the
application-supplied function instead of the TextOut function and passes it
a handle to the display context for the memory bitmap as well as the long
pointer and count passed to GrayString. The function can carry out any
operation and interpret the long pointer and count in any way. For example,
a negative count could be used to indicate that the long pointer points to
an icon handle that signals the application-supplied function to draw the
icon and let GrayString gray and display it. No matter what type of drawing
the function carries out, GrayString assumes it is successful if the
application-supplied function returns TRUE.
GrayString suppresses graying if it receives an ncount parameter equal to -1
and the application-supplied function returns FALSE. This is a way to
combine custom patterns with the text without interference from the gray
1.6.13 Nonclient-Area Painting
Windows sends a WM_NCPAINT message to the window whenever the non-client
area of the window, such as the title bar, menu bar, and window frame, needs
painting. Processing this message is not recommended since a window that
does so must be able to paint all the required parts of the nonclient area
for the window. In other words, a window should pass this message on to the
DefWindowProc function for default processing unless the Windows application
is creating a custom nonclient area for a child window.
1.7 Dialog-Box Functions
Dialog-box functions create, alter, test, and destroy dialog boxes and
controls within dialog boxes. A dialog box is a temporary window that
Windows creates for special-purpose input, and then destroys immediately
after use. An application typically uses a dialog box to prompt the user for
additional information about a current command selection. The following list
briefly describes each dialog function:
Function Description
CheckDlgButton Places/removes a check, or changes the
state of the three-state button.
CheckRadioButton Checks a specified button and removes
checks from all others.
CreateDialog Creates a modeless dialog box.
CreateDialogIndirect Creates a modeless dialog box from a
CreateDialogIndirectParam Creates a modeless dialog box from a
template and passes data to it when it
is created.
CreateDialogParam Creates a modeless dialog box and passes
data to it when it is created.
DefDlgProc Provides default processing for any
Windows messages that a dialog box with
a private window class does not process.
DialogBox Creates a modal dialog box.
DialogBoxIndirect Creates a modal dialog box from a
DialogBoxIndirectParam Creates a modal dialog box from a
template and passes data to it when it
is created.
DialogBoxParam Creates a modal dialog box and passes
data to it when it is created.
DlgDirList Fills the list box with names of files
matching a path.
DlgDirListComboBox Fills a combo box with names of files
matching a path.
Function Description
DlgDirSelect Copies the current selection from a list
box to a string.
DlgDirSelectComboBox Copies the current selection from a
combo box to a string.
EndDialog Frees resources and destroys windows
associated with a modal dialog box.
GetDialogBaseUnits Retrieves the base dialog units used by
Windows when creating a dialog box.
GetDlgCtrlID Returns the ID value of a control window.
GetDlgItem Retrieves the handle of a dialog item
from the given dialog box.
GetDlgItemInt Translates the control text of an item
into an integer value.
GetDlgItemText Copies an item's control text into a
GetNextDlgGroupItem Returns the window handle of the next
item in a group.
GetNextDlgTabItem Returns the window handle of the next or
previous item.
IsDialogMessage Determines whether a message is intended
for the given dialog box.
IsDlgButtonChecked Tests whether a button is checked.
MapDialogRect Converts the dialog-box coordinates to
client coordinates.
SendDlgItemMessage Sends a message to an item within a
dialog box.
SetDlgItemInt Sets the caption or text of an item to a
string that represents an integer.
SetDlgItemText Sets the caption or text of an item to a
1.7.1 Uses for Dialog Boxes
For convenience and to keep from introducing device-dependent values into
the application code, applications use dialog boxes instead of creating
their own windows. This device independence is maintained by using logical
coordinates in the dialog-box template. Dialog boxes are convenient to use
because all aspects of the dialog box, except how to carry out its tasks,
are predefined. Dialog boxes supply a window class and procedure, and create
the window for the dialog box automatically. The application supplies a
dialog function to carry out tasks and a dialog-box template that describes
the dialog style and content.
Modeless Dialog Box
A modeless dialog box allows the user to supply information to the dialog
box and return to the previous task without canceling or removing the dialog
box. Modeless dialog boxes are typically used as a way to let the user
continually supply information about the current task without having to
select a command from a menu each time. For example, modeless dialog boxes
are often used with a text-search command in word-processing applications.
The dialog box remains displayed while the search is carried out. The user
can then return to the dialog box and search for the same word again, or
change the entry in the dialog box and search for a new word.
An application with a modeless dialog box processes messages for that box by
using the IsDialogMessage function inside the main message loop. The dialog
function of a modeless dialog box must send a message to the parent window
when it has input for the parent window. It must also destroy the dialog box
when it is no longer needed. A modeless dialog box can be destroyed by using
the DestroyWindow function. An application must not call the EndDialog
function to destroy a modeless dialog box.
Modal Dialog Box
A modal dialog box requires the user to respond to a request before the
application continues. Typically, a modal dialog box is used when a chosen
command needs additional information before it can proceed. The user should
not be able to continue some other operation unless the command is canceled
or additional information is provided.
A modal dialog box disables its parent window, and it creates its own
message loop, temporarily taking control of the application queue from the
main loop of the program. A modal dialog box is displayed when the
application calls the DialogBox function.
By default, a modal dialog box cannot be moved by the user. An application
can create a moveable dialog box by specifying the WS_CAPTION and,
optionally, the WS_SYSMENU window styles.
The dialog box is displayed until the dialog function calls the EndDialog
function, or until Windows is terminated. The parent window remains disabled
unless the dialog box enables it. Note that enabling the parent window is
not recommended since it defeats the purpose of the modal dialog box.
System-Modal Dialog Box
A system-modal dialog box is identical to a modal dialog box except that all
windows, not just the parent window, are disabled. System-modal dialog boxes
must be used with care since they effectively shut down the system until the
user supplies the required information.
1.7.2 Creating a Dialog Box
A dialog box is created by using either the CreateDialog or DialogBox
function. These functions load a dialog-box template from the application's
executable file, and then create a pop-up window that matches the template's
specifications. The dialog box belongs to the predefined dialog-box class
unless another class is explicitly defined. The DialogBox function creates a
modal dialog box; the CreateDialog function creates a modeless dialog box.
Use the WS_VISIBLE style for the dialog-box template if you want the dialog
box to appear upon creation.
Dialog-Box Template
The dialog-box template is a description of the dialog box: its height and
width, the controls it contains, its style, the type of border it uses, and
so on. A template is an application's resource and must be added to the
application's executable file by using the Resource Compiler.
Dialog boxes can be easily modified and are system independent, enabling an
application developer to change the template without changing the source
The CreateDialog and DialogBox functions load the resource into memory when
they create the dialog box, and then use the information in the dialog
template to create the dialog box, position it, and create and position the
controls for the dialog box.
The Resource Compiler takes a text description of the template and converts
it to the required binary form. This binary form is added to the
application's executable file.
Dialog-Box Measurements
Dialog box and control dimensions and coordinates are device independent.
Since a dialog box may be displayed on system displays that have widely
varying pixel resolutions, dialog-box dimensions are specified in system
character widths and heights instead of pixels. Characters are guaranteed to
give the best possible appearance for a given display. One unit in the x
direction is equal to 1/4 of the dialog base width unit. One unit in the y
direction is equal to 1/8 of the dialog base height unit. The dialog base
units are computed from the height and width of the system font; the
GetDialogBaseUnits function returns the dialog base units for the current
display. Applications can convert these measurements to pixels by using the
MapDialogRect function.
Windows does not allow the height of a dialog box to exceed the height of a
full-screen window. The width of a dialog box is not allowed to be greater
than the width of the screen.
1.7.3 Return Values from a Dialog Box
The DialogBox function that creates a modal dialog box does not return until
the dialog function has called the EndDialog function to signal the end of
the dialog box. When control finally returns from the DialogBox function,
the return value is equal to the value specified in the EndDialog function.
This means a modal dialog box can return a value through the EndDialog
Modeless dialog boxes cannot return values in this way since they do not use
the EndDialog function to terminate execution and do not return control in
the same way a modal dialog box does. Instead, modeless dialog boxes return
values to their parent windows by using the SendMessage function to send a
notification message to the parent window. Although Windows does not
explicitly define the content of a notification message, most applications
use a WM_COMMAND message with an integer value that identifies the dialog
box in the wParam parameter and the return value in the lParam parameter.
Modal dialog boxes may also use this technique to return values to their
parent windows before terminating.
1.7.4 Controls in a Dialog Box
A dialog box can contain any number and any type of controls. A control is a
child window that belongs to a predefined or application-defined window
class and that gives the user a method of supplying input to the
application. Examples of controls are push buttons and edit controls. Most
dialog boxes contain one or more controls of the predefined class. The
number of controls, the order in which they should be created, and the
location of each in the dialog box are defined by the control statements
given in the dialog-box template.
Control Identifiers
Every control in a dialog box needs a unique control identifier, or ID, to
distinguish it from other controls. Since all controls send information to
the dialog function through WM_COMMAND messages, the control identifiers are
essential for the dialog box to determine which control sent a given
All identifiers for all controls in the dialog box must be unique. If a
dialog box has a menu bar, there must be no conflict between menu-item
identifiers and control identifiers. Since Windows sends menu input to a
dialog function as WM_COMMAND messages, conflicts with menu and control
identifiers can cause errors. Menus in dialog boxes are not recommended.
The dialog function usually identifies the dialog-box controls by using
their control identifier. Occasionally the dialog function requires the
window handle that was given to the control when it was created. The dialog
function can retrieve this window handle by using the GetDlgItem function.
General Control Styles
The WS_TABSTOP style specifies that the user can move the input focus to the
given control by pressing the TAB or SHIFT+TAB keys. Typically, every
control in the dialog box has this style, so the user can move the input
focus from one control to the other. If two or more controls are in the
dialog box, the TAB key moves the input focus to the controls in the order
in which they have been created. The SHIFT+TAB keys move the input focus in
reverse order. For modal dialog boxes, the TAB and SHIFT+TAB keys are
automatically enabled for moving the input focus. For modeless dialog boxes,
the IsDialogMessage function must be used to filter messages for the dialog
box and to process these key strokes. Otherwise, the keys have no special
meaning and the WS_TABSTOP style is ignored.
The WS_GROUP style specifies that the user can move the input focus to the
given control by using a DIRECTION key. Typically, the first and last
controls in a group of consecutive controls in the dialog box have this
style, so the user can move the input focus from one control to the other.
The DOWN and RIGHT keys move the input focus to controls in the order in
which they have been created. The UP and LEFT keys move the input focus in
reverse order. For modal dialog boxes, the DIRECTION keys are automatically
enabled for moving the input focus. For modeless dialog boxes, the
IsDialogMessage function must be used to filter messages for the dialog box
and to process these key strokes. Otherwise, the keys have no special
meaning and the WS_GROUP style is ignored.
Button controls are the principal interface of a dialog box. Almost all
dialog boxes have at least one push-button control and most have one default
push button and one or more other push buttons. Many dialog boxes have
collections of radio buttons enclosed in group boxes, or lists of check
Most modal or modeless dialog boxes that use the special keyboard interface
have a default push button whose control identifier is set to 1 so that the
action the dialog function takes when the button is clicked is identical to
the action taken when the ENTER key is pressed. There can be only one button
with the default style; however, an application can assign the default style
to any button at any time. These dialog boxes may also set the control
identifier of another push button to 2 so that the action of the ESCAPE key
is duplicated by clicking that button.
When a dialog box first starts, the dialog function can set the initial
state of the button controls by using the CheckDlgButton function, which
sets or clears the button state. This function is most useful when used to
set the state of radio buttons or check boxes. If the dialog box contains a
group of radio buttons in which only one button should be set at any given
time, the dialog function can use the CheckRadioButton function to set the
button and automatically clear any other radio button.
Before a dialog box terminates, the dialog function can check the state of
each button control by using the IsDlgButtonChecked function, which returns
the current state of the button. A dialog box typically saves this
information to initialize the buttons the next time the dialog box is
Edit Controls
Many dialog boxes have edit controls that let the user supply text as input.
Most dialog functions initialize an edit control when the dialog box first
starts. For example, the function may place a proposed filename in the
control that the user can adapt or modify. The dialog function can set the
text in an edit control by using the SetDlgItemText function, which copies
text in a given buffer to the edit control. When the edit control receives
the input focus, the complete text will automatically be selected for
Since edit controls do not automatically return their text to the dialog
box, the dialog function must retrieve the text before terminating. It can
retrieve the text by using the GetDlgItemText function, which copies the
edit-control text to a buffer. The dialog function typically saves this text
to initialize the edit control later, or passes it on to the parent window
for processing.
Some dialog boxes use edit controls that let the user enter numbers. The
dialog function can retrieve a number from an edit control by using the
GetDlgItemInt function, which retrieves the text of the control and converts
the text to a decimal value. The user enters the number in decimal digits.
It can be either signed or unsigned. The dialog function can display an
integer by using the SetDlgItemInt function. It converts a signed or
unsigned integer to a string of decimal digits.
List Boxes and Directory Listings
Some dialog boxes display lists, such as filenames, from which the user can
select one or more names. Dialog boxes that display a list typically use
list-box controls. Dialog boxes that display a list of filenames typically
use a list-box control and the DlgDirList and DlgDirSelect functions. The
DlgDirList function automatically fills a list box with the filenames in the
current directory. The DlgDirSelect function retrieves the selected filename
from the list box. Together they provide a convenient way for a dialog box
to display a directory listing, and let the user select a file without
having to type in the name of the directory and file.
Combo Boxes
Another method for providing a list of items to a user is by means of a
combo box. A combo box consists of either a static text field or edit field
combined with a list box. The list box can be displayed at all times or
pulled down by the user. If the combo box contains a static text field, the
text field always displays the current selection (if any) in the list-box
portion of the combo box. If it uses an edit field, the user can type in the
desired selection; the list box highlights the first item (if any) which
matches what the user has entered in the edit field. The user can then
select the item highlighted in the list box to complete the choice.
Owner-Draw Dialog-Box Controls
List boxes, combo boxes, and buttons can be designated as owner-draw
controls by creating them with the appropriate style:
Style Meaning
LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED Creates an owner-draw list box with
items that have the same, fixed height.
LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE Creates an owner-draw list box with
items that have different heights.
CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED Creates an owner-draw combo box with
items that have the same, fixed height.
CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE Creates an owner-draw combo box with
items that have different heights.
BS_OWNERDRAW Creates an owner-draw button.
When a control has the owner-draw style, Windows handles the user's
interaction with the control as usual, such as detecting when a user has
clicked a button and notifying the button's owner of the event. However,
because it is an owner-draw control, the owner of the control is completely
responsible for the visual appearance of the control.
When Windows first creates a dialog box containing owner-draw controls, it
sends the owner a WM_MEASUREITEM message for each owner-draw control. The
lParam parameter of this message contains a pointer to a MEASUREITEMSTRUCT
data structure. When the owner receives the message for a control, the owner
fills in the appropriate fields of the structure and returns. This informs
Windows of the dimensions of the control or of its items so that Windows can
appropriately detect the user's interaction with the control. If a list box
or combo box is created with the LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE or
CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE style, this message is sent to the owner for each item
in the control, since each item can differ in height. Otherwise, this
message is sent once for the entire owner-draw control.
Whenever an owner-draw control needs to be redrawn, Windows sends the
WM_DRAWITEM message to the owner of the control. The lParam parameter of
this message contains a pointer to a DRAWITEMSTRUCT data structure that
contains information about the drawing required for the control. Similarly,
if an item is deleted from a list box or combo box, Windows sends the
WM_DELETEITEM message containing a pointer to a DELETEITEMSTRUCT data
structure that describes the deleted item.
Messages for Dialog-Box Controls
Many controls recognize predefined messages that, when sent to the control,
cause it to carry out some action. A dialog function can send a message to a
control by supplying the control identifier and using the SendDlgItemMessage
function, which is identical to the SendMessage function except that it uses
a control identifier instead of a window handle to identify the control that
is to receive the message.
1.7.5 Dialog-Box Keyboard Interface
Windows provides a special keyboard interface for modal dialog boxes and
modeless dialog boxes that use the IsDialogMessage function to filter
messages. This keyboard interface carries out special processing for several
keys and generates messages that correspond to certain buttons in the dialog
box or changes the input focus from one control to another. Table 1.7 lists
the keys used in this interface and the respective action:
Table 1.7 Dialog-Box Keyboard Interface
Key Action
DOWN Moves the input focus to the next
control that has the WS_GROUP style.
ENTER Sends a WM_COMMAND message to the dialog
function. The wParam parameter is set to
Key Action
function. The wParam parameter is set to
1 or the default button.
ESCAPE Sends a WM_COMMAND message to the dialog
function. The wParam parameter is set to
LEFT Same as UP.
SHIFT+TAB Moves the input focus to the previous
control that has the WS_TABSTOP style.
Table 1.7 Dialog-Box Keyboard Interface (continued)
Key Action
TAB Moves the input focus to the next
control that has the WS_TABSTOP style.
UP Moves the input focus to the previous
control that has the WS_GROUP style.
The TAB and DIRECTION keys have no effect if the controls in the dialog box
do not have the WS_TABSTOP or WS_GROUP style. The keys have no effect in a
modeless dialog box if the IsDialogMessage function is not used to filter
messages for the dialog box.
For applications that use accelerators and have modeless dialog boxes, the
IsDialogMessage function must be called before the TranslateAccelerator
function. Otherwise, the keyboard interface for the dialog box may not be
processed correctly.
Applications that have modeless dialog boxes and want those boxes to have
the special keyboard interface must filter all messages retrieved from the
application queue through the IsDialogMessage function before carrying out
any other processing. This means that the application must pass the message
to the function immediately after retrieving the message by using the
GetMessage or PeekMessage function. Most applications that have modeless
dialog boxes incorporate the IsDialogMessage function as part of the main
message loop in the WinMain function. The IsDialogMessage function
automatically processes any messages for the dialog box. This means that if
the function returns a nonzero value, the message does not require
additional processing and must not be passed to the TranslateMessage or
DispatchMessage function.
The IsDialogMessage function also processes the ALT+mnemonic sequence.
Scrolling in Dialog Boxes
In modal dialog boxes, the DIRECTION keys have specific functions that
depend on the controls in the box. For example, the keys move the input
focus from control to control in group boxes, move the cursor in edit
controls, and scroll the contents of list boxes. The DIRECTION keys cannot
be used to scroll the contents of any dialog box that has its own scroll
bars. If a dialog box has scroll bars, the application must provide an
appropriate keyboard interface for the scroll bars. Note that the mouse
interface for scrolling is available if the system has a mouse.
1.8 Scrolling Functions
Scrolling functions control the scrolling of a window's contents and control
the window's scroll bars. Scrolling is the movement of data in and out of
the client area at the request of the user. It is a way for the user to see
a document or graphic in parts if Windows cannot fit the entire document or
graphic inside the client area. A scroll bar allows the user to control
scrolling. The following list briefly describes each scrolling function:
Function Description
GetScrollPos Retrieves the current position of the
scroll-bar thumb.
GetScrollRange Copies the minimum and maximum
scroll-bar positions for given
scroll-bar positions for a specified
ScrollDC Scrolls a rectangle of bits horizontally
and vertically.
ScrollWindow Moves the contents of the client area.
SetScrollPos Sets the scroll-bar thumb.
SetScrollRange Sets the minimum and maximum scroll-bar
ShowScrollBar Displays or hides a scroll bar and its
1.8.1 Standard Scroll Bars and Scroll-Bar Controls
A standard scroll bar is a part of the nonclient area of a window. It is
created with the window and displayed when the window is displayed. The sole
purpose of a standard scroll bar is to let users generate scrolling requests
for the window's client area. A window has standard scroll bars if it is
created with the WS_VSCROLL or WS_HSCROLL style. A standard scroll bar is
either vertical or horizontal. A vertical bar always appears at the right of
the client area; a horizontal bar always appears at the bottom. A standard
scroll bar always has the standard scroll-bar height and width as defined by
the SM_CXVSCROLL and SM_CYHSCROLL system metric values. (For more
information, see the GetSystemMetrics function in Chapter 4, "Functions
A scroll-bar control is a control window that looks and acts like a standard
scroll bar. But unlike a standard scroll bar, a scroll-bar control is not
part of any window. As a separate window, a scroll-bar control can receive
the input focus, and indicates this by displaying a flashing caret in the
thumb. When a scroll-bar control has the input focus, the user can use the
keyboard to direct the scrolling. Unlike standard scroll bars, a scroll-bar
control provides a built-in keyboard interface. Scroll-bar controls also can
be used for other purposes. For example, a scroll-bar control can be used to
select values from a range of values, such as a color from a rainbow of
1.8.2 Scroll-Bar Thumb
The scroll-bar thumb is the small rectangle in a scroll bar. It shows the
approximate location within the current document or file of the data
currently displayed in the client area. For example, the thumb is in the
middle of the scroll bar when page three of a five-page document is in the
client area.
The SetScrollPos function sets the thumb position in a scroll bar. Since
Windows does not automatically update the thumb position when an application
scrolls, SetScrollPos must be used to update the thumb position. The
GetScrollPos function retrieves the current position.
A thumb position is an integer. The position is relative to the left or
upper end of the scroll bar, depending on whether the scroll bar is
horizontal or vertical. The position must be within the scroll-bar range,
which is defined by minimum and maximum values. The positions are
distributed equally along the scroll bar. For example, if the range is 0 to
100, there are 100 positions along the scroll bar, each equally spaced so
that position 50 is in the middle of the scroll bar. The initial range
depends on the scroll bar. Standard scroll bars have an initial range of 0
to 100; scroll-bar controls have an empty range (both minimum and maximum
values are zero) if no explicit range is given when the control is created.
The SetScrollRange function sets new minimum and maximum values so that
applications can change the range at any time. The GetScrollRange function
retrieves the current minimum and maximum values. The minimum and maximum
values can be any integers. For example, a spreadsheet program with 255 rows
can set the vertical scroll range to 1 to 255.
If SetScrollPos specifies a position value that is less than the minimum or
more than the maximum, the minimum or maximum value is used instead.
SetScrollPos moves the thumb along the thumb positions.
1.8.3 Scrolling Requests
A user makes a scrolling request by clicking in a scroll bar. Windows sends
the request to the given window in the form of WM_HSCROLL and WM_VSCROLL
messages. The lParam parameter contains a position value and the handle of
the scroll-bar control that generated the message (lParam is zero if a
standard scroll bar generated the message). The wParam parameter specifies
the type of scroll, such as scroll up one line, scroll down a page, or
scroll to the bottom. The type of scroll is determined by which area of the
scroll bar the user clicks.
The user can also make a scrolling request by using the scroll-bar thumb,
the small rectangle inside the scroll bar. The user moves the thumb by
moving the mouse while holding the left mouse button down when the cursor is
in the thumb. The scroll bar sends SB_THUMBTRACK and SB_THUMBPOSITION flags
with a WM_HSCROLL or WM_VSCROLL message to an application as the user moves
the thumb. Each message specifies the current position of the thumb.
1.8.4 Processing Scroll Messages
A window that permits scrolling needs a standard scroll bar or a scroll-bar
control to let the user generate scrolling requests, and a window function
to process the WM_HSCROLL and WM_VSCROLL messages that represent the
scrolling requests. Although the result of a scrolling request is entirely
up to the window, a window typically carries out a scroll by moving in some
direction from the current location or to a known beginning or end, and by
displaying the data at the new location. For example, a word-processing
application can scroll to the next line, the next page, or to the end of the
1.8.5 Scrolling the Client Area
The simplest way to scroll is to erase the current contents of the client
area, and then paint the new information. This is the method an application
is likely to use with SB_PAGEUP, SB_PAGEDOWN, SB_TOP, and SB_END requests
where completely new contents are required.
For some requests, such as SB_LINEUP and SB_LINEDOWN, not all the contents
need to be erased, since some will still be visible after the scroll. The
ScrollWindow function preserves a portion of the client area's contents,
moves the preserved portion the specified amount, and prepares the rest of
the client area for painting new information. ScrollWindow uses the BitBlt
function to move a specific part of the client area to a new location within
the client area. Any part of the client area that is uncovered (not in the
part to be preserved) is invalidated and will be erased and painted over at
the next WM_PAINT message.
ScrollWindow also lets an application clip a part of the client area from
the scroll. This is to keep items that have fixed positions in the client
area, such as child windows, from moving. This action automatically
invalidates the part of the client area that is to receive the new
information so that the application does not have to compute its own
clipping regions.
1.8.6 Hiding a Standard Scroll Bar
For standard scroll bars, if the minimum and maximum values are equal, the
scroll bar is considered disabled and is hidden. This is the way to
temporarily hide a scroll bar when it is not needed for the current contents
of the client area.
The SetScrollRange function hides and disables a standard scroll bar when it
sets the minimum and maximum values to equal values. No scrolling requests
can be made through the scroll bar when it is hidden. SetScrollRange enables
the scroll bar and shows it again when it sets the minimum and maximum
values to unequal values. The ShowScrollBar function can also be used to
hide or show a scroll bar. It does not affect the scroll bar's range or
thumb position.
1.9 Menu Functions
Menu functions create, modify, and destroy menus. A menu is an input tool in
a Windows application that offers users one or more choices, which they can
select with the mouse or keyboard. An item in a menu bar can display a
pop-up menu, and any item in a pop-up menu can display another pop-up menu.
In addition, a pop-up menu can appear anywhere on the screen. The following
list briefly describes each menu function:
Function Description
AppendMenu Appends a menu item to a menu.
CheckMenuItem Places or removes checkmarks next to
pop-up menu items.
CreateMenu Creates an empty menu.
CreatePopupMenu Creates an empty pop-up menu.
DeleteMenu Removes a menu item and destroys any
associated pop-up menus.
DestroyMenu Destroys the specified menu.
DrawMenuBar Redraws a menu bar.
EnableMenuItem Enables, disables, or grays a menu item.
GetMenu Retrieves a handle to the menu of a
specified window.
GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions Retrieves the dimensions of the default
menu checkmark bitmap.
GetMenuItemCount Returns the count of items in a menu.
GetMenuItemID Returns the item's identification.
GetMenuState Obtains the status of a menu item.
GetMenuString Copies a menu label into a string.
GetSubMenu Retrieves the menu handle of a pop-up
Function Description
GetSystemMenu Accesses the System menu for copying and
HiliteMenuItem Highlights or removes the highlighting
from a top-level (menu-bar) menu item.
InsertMenu Inserts a menu item in a menu.
LoadMenuIndirect Loads a menu resource.
ModifyMenu Changes a menu item.
RemoveMenu Removes an item from a menu but does not
destroy it.
SetMenu Specifies a new menu for a window.
SetMenuItemBitmaps Associates bitmaps with a menu item for
display when an item is and is not
TrackPopupMenu Displays a pop-up menu at a specified
screen location and tracks user
interaction with the menu.
1.10 Information Functions
Information functions obtain information about the number and position of
windows on the screen. The following list briefly describes each information
Function Description
AnyPopup Indicates whether any pop-up window
ChildWindowFromPoint Determines which child window contains a
specific point.
EnumChildWindows Enumerates the child windows that belong
to a specific parent window.
EnumTaskWindows Enumerates all windows associated with a
given task.
EnumWindows Enumerates windows on the display.
FindWindow Returns the handle of a window with the
given class and caption.
Function Description
GetNextWindow Returns a handle to the next or previous
GetParent Retrieves the handle of the specified
window's parent window.
GetTopWindow Returns a handle to the top-level child
GetWindow Returns a handle from the window
manager's list.
GetWindowTask Returns the handle of a task associated
with a window.
IsChild Determines whether a window is the
descendent of a specified window.
IsWindow Determines whether a window is a valid,
existing window.
SetParent Changes the parent window of a child
WindowFromPoint Identifies the window containing a
specified point.
1.11 System Functions
System functions return information about the system metrics, color, and
time. The following list briefly describes each system function:
Function Description
GetCurrentTime Returns the time elapsed since the
system was booted.
GetSysColor Retrieves the system color.
GetSystemMetrics Retrieves information about the system
SetSysColors Changes one or more system colors.
1.12 Clipboard Functions
Clipboard functions carry out data interchange between Windows applications.
The clipboard is the place for this interchange; it provides a place from
which applications can pass data handles to other applications. The
following list briefly describes each clipboard function:
Function Description
ChangeClipboardChain Removes a window from the chain of
clipboard viewers.
CloseClipboard Closes the clipboard.
EmptyClipboard Empties the clipboard and reassigns
clipboard ownership.
EnumClipboardFormats Enumerates the available clipboard
GetClipboardData Retrieves data from the clipboard.
GetClipboardFormatName Retrieves the clipboard format.
GetClipboardOwner Retrieves the window handle associated
with the current clipboard owner.
GetClipboardViewer Retrieves the handle of the first window
in the clipboard viewer chain.
GetPriorityClipboardFormat Retrieves data from the clipboard in the
first format in a prioritized format
IsClipboardFormatAvailable Returns TRUE if the data in the given
format is available.
OpenClipboard Opens the clipboard.
RegisterClipboardFormat Registers a new clipboard format.
SetClipboardData Copies a handle for data.
SetClipboardViewer Adds a handle to the clipboard viewer
1.13 Error Functions
Error functions display errors and prompt the user for a response. The
following list briefly describes each error function:
Function Description
FlashWindow Flashes the window by inverting its
active/inactive state.
MessageBeep Generates a beep on the system speaker.
MessageBox Creates a window with the given text and
1.14 Caret Functions
Caret functions affect the Windows caret, which is a flashing line, block,
or bitmap that marks a location in a window's client area. The caret is
especially useful in word-processing applications to mark a location in text
for keyboard editing. These functions create, destroy, display, hide, and
alter the blink time of the caret. The following list briefly describes each
caret function:
Function Description
CreateCaret Creates a caret.
DestroyCaret Destroys the current caret.
GetCaretBlinkTime Returns the caret flash rate.
GetCaretPos Returns the current caret position.
HideCaret Removes a caret from a given window.
SetCaretBlinkTime Establishes the caret flash rate.
SetCaretPos Moves a caret to the specified position.
ShowCaret Displays the newly created caret or
redisplays a hidden caret.
1.14.1 Creating and Displaying a Caret
Windows forms a caret by inverting the pixel color within the rectangle
given by the caret's position and its width and height. Windows flashes the
caret by alternately inverting the display, and then restoring it to its
previous appearance. The caret blink time (in milliseconds) defines the
elapsed time between inverting and restoring the display. A complete flash
(on-off-on) takes twice the blink time.
The CreateCaret function creates the caret shape and assigns ownership of
the caret to the given window. The caret can be solid or gray, or, for
bitmap carets, any desired pattern. The caret can have any shape, but
typical shapes are a line, a solid block, a gray block, and a pattern, as
shown in Figure 1.1:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
Windows displays a solid caret by inverting everything in the rectangle
defined by the caret's width and height. For a gray caret, Windows inverts
every other pixel. For a pattern, Windows inverts only the white bits of the
bitmap that defines the pattern. The width and height of a caret are given
in logical units, which means they are subject to the window's mapping mode.
1.14.2 Sharing the Caret
There is only one caret, so only one caret shape can be active at a time.
Applications must cooperatively share the caret to prevent undesired
effects. Windows does not inform an application when a caret is created or
destroyed, so to be cooperative a window should create, move, show, and hide
a caret only when it has the input focus or is active. A window should
destroy the caret before losing the input focus or becoming inactive.
Bitmaps for the caret can be created by using the CreateBitmap function, or
loaded from the application's resources by using the LoadBitmap function.
Bitmaps loaded from resources can be created by using the SDKPaint program
and added to an application's resources by using the Resource Compiler. (For
more information about the Resource Compiler, see Tools.)
1.15 Cursor Functions
Cursor functions set, move, show, hide, and confine the cursor. The cursor
is a bitmap, displayed on the display screen, that shows a current location.
The following list briefly describes each cursor function:
Function Description
ClipCursor Restricts the cursor to a given
CreateCursor Creates a cursor from two bit masks.
DestroyCursor Destroys a cursor created by the
CreateCursor function.
GetCursorPos Stores the cursor position (in screen
LoadCursor Loads a cursor from the resource file.
SetCursor Sets the cursor shape.
SetCursorPos Sets the position of the cursor.
ShowCursor Increases or decreases the cursor
display count.
1.15.1 Pointing Devices and the Cursor
When a system has a mouse (or any other type of pointing device), the cursor
shows the current location of the mouse. Windows automatically displays and
moves the cursor when the mouse is moved. If a system does not have a mouse,
Windows does not automatically display or move the cursor. Applications can
use the cursor functions to display or move the cursor when a system does
not have a mouse.
1.15.2 Displaying and Hiding the Cursor
In a system without a mouse, Windows does not display or move the cursor
unless the user chooses certain system commands, such as commands for sizing
and moving. This means that after a call to SetCursor, the cursor remains on
the screen until a subsequent call to SetCursor with a NULL parameter
removes the cursor, or until a system command is carried out. Applications
that wish to use the cursor without a mouse usually simulate mouse input by
using keyboard keys, such as the DIRECTION keys, and display and move the
cursor by using the cursor functions.
The ShowCursor function shows or hides the cursor. It is used to temporarily
hide the cursor, and then restore it without changing the current cursor
shape. This function actually sets an internal counter that determines
whether the cursor should be drawn. Hiding and showing are accumulative, so
hiding the cursor five times requires that it be shown five times before the
cursor will be drawn.
1.15.3 Positioning the Cursor
The SetCursorPos and GetCursorPos functions set and retrieve the current
screen coordinates of the cursor. Although the cursor can be set at a
location other than the current mouse location, if the system has a mouse,
the next mouse movement will redraw the cursor at the mouse location. The
SetCursorPos and GetCursorPos functions are most often used in applications
that use the keyboard and specified key strokes to move the cursor. Notice
that screen coordinates are not affected by the mapping mode in a window's
client area.
1.15.4 The Cursor Hotspot and Confining the Cursor
A cursor has a hotspot. When Windows draws the cursor, it always places the
hotspot over the point on the display screen that represents the current
position of the mouse or keyboard DIRECTION key. For example, the hotspot on
the pointer is the point at the tip of the arrow.
The ClipCursor function confines the cursor to a given rectangle on the
display screen. The cursor can move to the edge of the rectangle but cannot
move out of it. ClipCursor is typically used to restrict the cursor to a
given window such as a dialog box that contains a warning about a serious
error. The rectangle is always given in screen coordinates and does not have
to be within the window of the currently running application.
1.15.5 Creating a Custom Cursor
The SetCursor function sets the cursor shape and draws the cursor. When a
system has a mouse, Windows automatically changes the shape of the cursor
when it crosses a window border or enters a different part of a window, such
as a title or menu bar. It uses standard cursor shapes for the different
parts of the screen, such as a pointer in a title bar. The SetCursor
function lets an application delete the standard cursor and draw its own
custom cursor. The cursor keeps its new shape until the mouse moves or a
system command is carried out.
1.16 Hook Functions
Hook functions manage system hooks, which are shared resources that install
a specific type of filter function. A filter function is an
application-supplied callback function, specified by the SetWindowsHook
function, that processes events before they reach any application's message
loop. Windows sends messages generated by a specific type of event to filter
functions installed by the same type of hook. The following list briefly
describes each hook function:
Function Description
CallMsgFilter Passes a message and other data to the
current message-filter function.
DefHookProc Calls the next filter function in a
filter-function chain.
Function Description
SetWindowsHook Installs a system and/or application
filter function.
UnhookWindowsHook Removes a Windows filter function from a
filter-function chain.
1.16.1 Filter-Function Chain
A filter-function chain is a series of connected filter functions for a
particular system hook. For example, all keyboard filter functions are
installed by WH_KEYBOARD and all journaling-record filter functions are
installed by WH_JOURNALRECORD. Applications pass these filter functions to
the system hooks with calls to the SetWindowsHook function. Each call adds a
new filter function to the beginning of the chain. Whenever an application
passes a filter function to a system hook, it must reserve space for the
address of the next filter function in the chain. SetWindowsHook returns
this address.
Once each filter function completes its task, it must call the DefHookProc
function. DefHookProc uses the address stored in the location reserved by
the application to access the next filter function in the chain.
To remove a filter function from a filter chain, an application must call
the UnhookWindowsHook function with the type of hook and a pointer to the
There are five types of standard window hooks and two types of debugging
hooks. Table 1.8 lists each type and describes its purpose:
Table 1.8 System Hooks
Type Purpose
WH_CALLWNDPROC Installs a window function filter.
Type Purpose
WH_CALLWNDPROC Installs a window function filter.
WH_GETMESSAGE Installs a message filter (on debugging
versions only).
WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK Installs a journaling playback filter.
WH_JOURNALRECORD Installs a journaling record filter.
WH_KEYBOARD Installs a keyboard filter.
WH_MSGFILTER Installs a message filter.
WH_SYSMSGFILTER Installs a system-wide message filter.
The WH_CALLWNDPROC and WH_GETMESSAGE hooks will affect system performance.
They are supplied for debugging purposes only.
1.16.2 Installing a Filter Function
To install a filter function, an application must do the following:
1. Export the function in its module definition file.
2. Obtain the function's address by using the MakeProcInstance function.
3. Call the SetWindowsHook function, specifying the type of hook function
(see Table 1.8, "System Hooks") and the address of the function
(returned by MakeProcInstance).
4. Store the return value from SetWindowsHook in a reserved location.
This value is the address of the previous filter function.
NOTE Filter functions and the return value from SetWindowsHook must
reside in fixed library code and data. This allows these hooks to
operate in a large-frame EMS environment.
1.17 Property Functions
Property functions create and access a window's property list. A property
list is a storage area that contains handles for data that the application
wishes to associate with a window. The following list briefly describes each
property function:
Function Description
EnumProps Passes the properties of a window to an
enumeration function.
GetProp Retrieves a handle associated with a
string from the window property list.
RemoveProp Removes a string from the property list.
SetProp Copies a string and a data handle to a
window's property list.
Using Property Lists
Once a data handle is in a window's property list, any application can
access the handle if it can also access the window. This makes the property
list a convenient way to make data (for example, alternate captions or menus
for the window) available to the application when it wishes to modify the
Every window has its own property list. When the window is created, the list
is empty. The SetProp function adds entries to the list. Each entry contains
a unique ANSI string and a data handle. The ANSI string identifies the
handle; the handle identifies the data associated with the window, as
illustrated in Figure 1.2:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
The data handle can identify any object or memory block that the application
wishes to associate with the window. The GetProp function retrieves the data
handle of an entry from the list without removing the entry. The handle can
then be used to retrieve or use the data. The RemoveProp function removes an
entry from the list when it is no longer needed.
Although the purpose of the property list is to associate data with a window
for use by the application that owns the window, the handles in a property
list are actually accessible to any application that has access to the
window. This means an application can retrieve and use a data handle from
the property list of a window created by another application. But using
another application's data handles must be done with care. Only shared,
global memory objects, such as GDI drawing objects, can be used by other
applications. If a property list contains local or global memory handles or
resource handles, only the application that has created the window may use
them. Global memory handles can be shared with other applications by using
the Windows clipboard. (For more information, see Section 1.12, "Clipboard
Functions.") Local memory handles cannot be shared.
The contents of a property list can be enumerated by using the EnumProps
function. The function passes the string and data handle of each entry in
the list to an application-supplied function. The application-supplied
function can carry out any task.
The data handles in a property list always belong to the application that
created them. The property list itself, like other window-related data,
belongs to Windows. A window's property list is actually allocated in the
the USER heap, the local heap of the USER library. Although there is no
defined limit to the number of entries in a property list, the actual number
of entries depends on how much room is available in the USER heap. This
depends on how many windows, window classes, and other window-related
objects have been created.
The application creates the entries in a property list. Before a window is
destroyed or the application that owns the window terminates, all entries in
the property list must be removed by using the RemoveProp function. Failure
to remove the entries leaves the property list in the USER heap and makes
the space it occupies unusable for subsequent applications. This can
ultimately cause an overflow of the USER heap. Entries in the property list
can be removed at any time by using the RemoveProp function. If there are
entries in the property list when the WM_DESTROY message is received for the
window, the entries must be removed at that time. To ensure that all entries
are removed, use the EnumProps function to enumerate all entries in the
property list. An application should remove only those properties that it
added to the property list. Windows adds properties for its own use and
disposes of them automatically. An application must not remove properties
which Windows has added to the list.
1.18 Rectangle Functions
Rectangle functions alter and obtain information about rectangles in a
window's client area. In Windows, a rectangle is defined by a RECT data
structure. The structure contains two points: the upper-left and lower-right
corners of the rectangle. The sides of a rectangle extend from these two
points and are parallel to the xand y-axes. The following list briefly
describes each rectangle function:
Function Description
CopyRect Makes a copy of an existing rectangle.
EqualRect Determines whether two rectangles are
InflateRect Expands or shrinks the specified
IntersectRect Finds the intersection of two rectangles.
OffsetRect Moves a given rectangle.
PtInRect Indicates whether a specified point lies
within a given rectangle.
SetRectEmpty Sets a rectangle to an empty rectangle.
UnionRect Stores the union of two rectangles.
1.18.1 Using Rectangles in a Windows Application
Rectangles are used to specify rectangular areas on the display or in a
window, such as the cursor clipping area, the client repaint area, a
formatting area for formatted text, and the scroll area. Rectangles are also
used to fill, frame, or invert an area in the client area with a given
brush, and to retrieve the coordinates of a window or a window's client
Since rectangles are used for many different purposes, the rectangle
functions do not use an explicit unit of measure. Instead, all rectangle
coordinates and dimensions are given in signed, logical values. The actual
units are determined by the function in which the rectangle is used.
1.18.2 Rectangle Coordinates
Coordinate values for a rectangle can be within the range -32,768 to 32,767.
Widths and heights, which must be positive, are within the range 0 to
32,767. This means that a rectangle whose left and right sides or whose top
and bottom are further apart than 32,768 units is not valid. Figure 1.3
shows a rectangle whose upper-left corner is left of the origin, but whose
width is less than 32,767:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
1.18.3 Creating and Manipulating Rectangles
The SetRect function creates a rectangle, the CopyRect function makes a copy
of a given rectangle, and the SetRectEmpty function creates an empty
rectangle. An empty rectangle is any rectangle that has zero width, zero
height, or both.
The InflateRect function increases or decreases the width and height of a
rectangle. It adds or removes width from both ends of the rectangle, or adds
or removes height from both the top and bottom of the rectangle.
The OffsetRect function moves the rectangle by a given amount. It moves the
corners of the rectangle by adding the given x and y amounts to the corner
The PtInRect function determines whether a given point lies within a given
rectangle. The point is in the rectangle if it lies on the left or top side
or is completely within the rectangle.
The IsRectEmpty function determines whether the given rectangle is empty.
The IntersectRect function creates a new rectangle that is the intersection
of two existing rectangles. The intersection is the largest rectangle
contained in both existing rectangles. The intersection of two rectangles is
shown in Figure 1.4:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
The UnionRect function creates a new rectangle that is the union of two
existing rectangles. The union is the smallest rectangle that contains both
existing rectangles. The union of two rectangles is shown in Figure 1.5:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
For information about functions that draw ellipses and polygons, see Section
2.10, "Ellipse and Polygon Functions."
1.19 Summary
Window manager interface functions process messages, create, move, or alter
a window, or create system output. For more information on topics related to
window manager interface functions, see the following:
Topic Reference
Function descriptions Reference, Volume 1: Chapter 4,
"Functions Directory"
Windows messages Reference, Volume 1: Chapter 5,
"Messages Overview," and Chapter 6,
"Messages Directory"
Topic Reference
Windows data types and structures Reference, Volume 2: Chapter 7,
"Data Types and Structures"
Using the Resource Reference, Volume 2: Chapter 8,
Compiler "Resource Script Statements"
Tools: Chapter 3, "Compiling
Resources: The Resource Compiler"
General information on Windows Guide to Programming: Chapter 1, "An
programming Overview of the Windows Environment"
Creating and managing a window Guide to Programming: Chapter 2, "A
Generic Windows Application"
Handling input Guide to Programming: Chapter 4,
"Keyboard and Mouse Input," and
Chapter 6, "The Cursor, the Mouse,
Topic Reference
Chapter 6, "The Cursor, the Mouse,
and the
Icons Guide to Programming: Chapter 5,
Menus Guide to Programming: Chapter 7,
Controls and dialog boxes Guide to Programming: Chapter 8,
"Controls," and Chapter 9, "Dialog
Creating icons and cursors Tools: Chapter 4, "Designing Images:
Designing dialog boxes Tools: Chapter 5, "Designing Dialog
Boxes: The Dialog Editor"
Topic Reference
Boxes: The Dialog Editor"
Chapter 2 Graphics Device Interface Functions
This chapter describes the functions that perform device-independent
graphics operations within a Windows application, including creating a wide
variety of line, text, and bitmap output on many output devices. These
functions constitute the Windows graphics device interface (GDI).
The chapter covers the following function categories:
■ Device-context functions
■ Drawing-tool functions
■ Color-palette functions
■ Drawing-attribute functions
■ Mapping functions
■ Coordinate functions
■ Region functions
■ Clipping functions
■ Line-output functions
■ Ellipse and polygon functions
■ Bitmap functions
■ Text functions
■ Font functions
■ Metafile functions
■ Printer-control functions
■ Printer-escape function
■ Environment functions
2.1 Device-Context Functions
Device-context functions create, delete, and restore device contexts (DC). A
device context is a link between a Windows application, a device driver, and
an output device, such as a printer or plotter.
Figure 2.1 shows the flow of information from a Windows application through
a device context and a device driver to an output device:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
Any Windows application can use GDI functions to access an output device.
GDI passes calls (which are device independent) from the application to the
device driver. The device driver then translates the calls into
device-dependent operations.
The following list briefly describes each device-context function:
Function Description
CreateCompatibleDC Creates a memory device context.
CreateDC Creates a device context.
CreateIC Creates an information context.
DeleteDC Deletes a device context.
GetDCOrg Retrieves the origin of a specified
device context.
RestoreDC Restores a device context.
SaveDC Saves the current state of the device
2.1.1 Device-Context Attributes
Device-context attributes describe selected drawing objects (pens and
brushes), the selected font and its color, the way in which objects are
drawn (or mapped) to the device, the area on the device available for output
(clipping region), and other important information. The data structure that
contains these attributes is called the DC data block.
Table 2.1 lists the default device-context attributes and the GDI functions
that affect or use these attributes:
Table 2.1 Default Device-Context Attributes and Related GDI
Attribute Default GDI Functions
Background color White SetBkColor
Background mode OPAQUE SetBkMode
Bitmap No default CreateBitmap
Brush WHITE_BRUSH CreateBrushIndirect
Attribute Default GDI Functions
Brush origin (0,0) SetBrushOrg
Clipping region Display surface ExcludeClipRect
Color palette DEFAULT_PALETTE CreatePalette
Current pen position (0,0) MoveTo
Drawing mode R2_COPYPEN SetROP2
Font SYSTEM_FONT CreateFont
Attribute Default GDI Functions
Font SYSTEM_FONT CreateFont
Table 2.1 Default Device-Context Attributes and Related GDI
Attribute Default GDI Functions
Intercharacter spacing 0 SetTextCharacterExtra
Mapping mode MM_TEXT SetMapMode
Pen BLACK_PEN CreatePen
Attribute Default GDI Functions
Polygon-filling mode ALTERNATE SetPolyFillMode
Stretching mode BLACKONWHITE SetStretchBltMode
Text color Black SetTextColor
Viewport extent (1,1) SetViewportExt
Viewport origin (0,0) SetViewportOrg
Window extent (1,1) SetWindowExt
Window origin (0,0) SetWindowOrg
2.1.2 Saving a Device Context
Occasionally, it is necessary to save a device context so that the original
attributes will be available at a later time. For example, a Windows
application may need to save its original clipping region so that it can
restore the client area's original state after a series of alterations
occur. The SaveDC and RestoreDC functions make this possible.
2.1.3 Deleting a Device Context
The DeleteDC function deletes a device context and ensures that shared
resources are not removed until the last context is deleted. The device
driver is a shared resource.
2.1.4 Compatible Device Contexts
The CreateCompatibleDC function causes Windows to treat a portion of memory
as a virtual device. This means that Windows prepares a device context that
has the same attributes as the device for which it was created, but the
device context has no connected output device. To use the compatible device
context, the application creates a compatible bitmap and selects it into the
device context. Any output it sends to the device is drawn in the selected
bitmap. Since the device context is compatible with some actual device, the
context of the bitmap can be copied directly to the actual device, or vice
versa. This also means that the application can send output to memory (prior
to sending it to the device). Note that the CreateCompatibleDC function
works only for devices that have BitBlt capabilities.
2.1.5 Information Contexts
The CreateIC function creates an information context for a device. An
information context is a device context with limited capabilities; it cannot
be used to write to the device. An application uses an information context
to gather information about the selected device. Information contexts are
useful in large applications that require memory conservation.
By using an information context and the GetDeviceCaps function, you can
obtain the following device information:
■ Device technology
■ Physical display size
■ Color capabilities of the device
■ Color-palette capabilities of the device
■ Drawing objects available on the device
■ Clipping capabilities of the device
■ Raster capabilities of the device
■ Curve-drawing capabilities of the device
■ Line-drawing capabilities of the device
■ Polygon-drawing capabilities of the device
■ Text capabilities of the device
2.2 Drawing-Tool Functions
Drawing-tool functions create and delete the drawing tools that GDI uses
when it creates output on a device or display surface. The following list
briefly describes each drawing-tool function:
Function Description
CreateBrushIndirect Creates a logical brush.
CreateDIBPatternBrush Creates a logical brush that has a
pattern defined by a device-independent
bitmap (DIB).
CreateHatchBrush Creates a logical brush that has a
hatched pattern.
Function Description
CreatePatternBrush Creates a logical brush that has a
pattern defined by a memory bitmap.
CreatePen Creates a logical pen.
CreatePenIndirect Creates a logical pen.
CreateSolidBrush Creates a logical brush.
DeleteObject Deletes a logical pen, brush, font,
bitmap, or region.
EnumObjects Enumerates the available pens or brushes.
GetBrushOrg Retrieves the current brush origin for a
device context.
GetObject Copies the bytes of logical data that
define an object.
GetStockObject Retrieves a handle to one of the
predefined stock pens, brushes, fonts,
or color palettes.
SelectObject Selects an object as the current object.
SetBrushOrg Sets the origin of all brushes selected
into a given device context.
UnrealizeObject Directs GDI to reset the origin of the
given brush.
2.2.1 Drawing-Tool Uses
A Windows application can use any of three tools when it creates output: a
bitmap, a brush, or a pen. An application can use the pen and brush
together, outlining a region or object with the pen and filling the region's
or object's interior with the brush. GDI allows the application to create
pens with solid colors, bitmaps with solid or combination colors, and
brushes with solid or combination colors. (The available colors and color
combinations depend on the capabilities of the intended output device.)
There are seven predefined brushes available in GDI; an application selects
any one of them by using the GetStockObject function. The following list
describes these brushes:
■ Black
■ Dark-Gray
■ Gray
■ Hollow
■ Light-Gray
■ Null
■ White
There are six hatched brush patterns; an application can select any one of
these patterns by using the CreateHatchBrush function. (A hatch line is a
thin line that appears at regular intervals on a solid background.) The
following list describes these hatch patterns:
■ Backward Diagonal
■ Cross
■ Diagonal Cross
■ Forward Diagonal
■ Horizontal
■ Vertical
Figure 2.2 shows each hatched brush pattern. A simple Windows application
created this figure:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
There are three predefined pens available in GDI; an application selects any
one of them by using the GetStockObject function. The following list
describes these pens:
■ Black
■ Null
■ White
In addition to selecting a stock pen, an application creates an original pen
by using the GDI CreatePen function. This function allows the application to
select one of six pen styles, a pen width, and a pen color (if the device
has color capabilities). The pen style can be solid, dashed, dotted, a
combination of dots and dashes, or null. The pen width is the number of
logical units GDI maps to a certain number of pixels (this number is
dependent on the current mapping mode if the pen is selected into a device
context). The pen color is an RGB color value.
Figure 2.3 shows a variety of pen patterns obtained from calls to the
CreatePen function. A simple Windows application created this figure:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
2.2.2 Color
Many of the GDI functions that create pens and brushes require that the
calling application specify a color in the form of a COLORREF value. A
COLORREF value specifies color in one of three ways:
■ As an explicit RGB value
■ As an index to a logical-palette entry
■ As a palette-relative RGB value
The second and third methods require the application to create a logical
palette. Section 2.3, "Color Palette Functions," describes Windows color
palettes and the functions used by an application to exploit their
An explicit RGB COLORREF value is a long integer that contains a red, a
green, and a blue color field. The first (low-order) byte contains the red
field, the second byte contains the green field, and the third byte contains
the blue field; the fourth (high-order) byte must be zero. Each field
specifies the intensity of the color; zero indicates the lowest intensity
and 255 indicates the highest. For example, 0x00FF0000 specifies pure blue,
and 0x0000FF00 specifies pure green. The RGB macro accepts values for the
relative intensities of the three colors and returns an explicit RGB
COLORREF value. When GDI receives the RGB value as a function parameter, it
passes the RGB color value directly to the output device driver, which
selects the closest available color on the device. The GetNearestColor
function returns the closest logical color to a specified logical color that
a given device can represent.
If the device is a plotter, the driver converts the RGB value to a single
color that matches one of the pens on the device.
If the device uses color raster technology and the RGB value specifies a
color for a pen, the driver will select a solid color. If the device uses
color raster technology and the RGB value specifies a color for a brush, the
driver will select from a variety of available color combinations. Since
many color devices can display only a few colors, the actual color is
simulated by "dithering," that is, mixing pixels of the colors which the
display can actually render.
If the device is monochrome (black-and-white), the driver will select black,
white, or a shade of gray, depending on the RGB value. If the sum of the RGB
values is zero, the driver selects a black brush. If the sum of the RGB
values is 765, the driver selects a white brush. If the sum of the RGB
values is between zero and 765, the driver selects one of the gray patterns
The GetRValue, GetGValue, and GetBValue functions extract the values for
red, green, and blue from an explicit RGB COLORREF value.
2.3 Color-Palette Functions
Many color graphic displays are capable of displaying a wide range of
colors. In most cases, however, the actual number of colors which the
display can render at any given time is more limited. For example, a display
that is potentially able to produce over 262,000 different colors may be
able to show only 256 of those colors at a time because of hardware
limitations. In such cases, the display device often maintains a palette of
colors; when an application requests a color that is not currently
displayed, the display device adds the requested color to the palette.
However, when the number of requested colors exceeds the maximum number for
the device, it must replace an existing color with the requested color. As a
result, if the total number of colors requested by one or more windows
exceeds the number available on the display, many of the actual colors
displayed will be incorrect.
Windows color palettes act as a buffer between color-intensive applications
and the system, allowing an application to use as many colors as needed
without interfering with its own color display or colors displayed by other
windows. When a window has input focus, Windows ensures that the window will
display all the colors it requests, up to the maximum number simultaneously
available on the display, and displays additional colors by matching them to
available colors. In addition, Windows matches the colors requested by
inactive windows as closely as possible to the available colors. This
significantly reduces undesirable changes in the colors displayed in
inactive windows.
The following list briefly describes the functions an application calls to
use color palettes:
Function Description
AnimatePalette Replaces entries in a logical palette;
Windows maps the new entries into the
system palette immediately.
CreatePalette Creates a logical palette.
GetNearestPaletteIndex Retrieves the index of a logical palette
entry most nearly matching a specified
RGB value.
GetPaletteEntries Retrieves entries from a logical palette.
GetSystemPaletteEntries Retrieves a range of palette entries
from the system palette.
GetSystemPaletteUse Determines whether an application has
access to the full system palette.
RealizePalette Maps entries in a logical palette to the
system palette.
SelectPalette Selects a logical palette into a device
SetPaletteEntries Sets new palette entries in a logical
palette; Windows does not map the new
entries to the system palette until the
application realizes the logical palette.
SetSystemPaletteUse Allows an application to use the full
system palette.
UpdateColors Performs a pixel-by-pixel translation of
each pixel's current color to the system
palette. This allows an inactive window
to correct its colors without redrawing
its client area.
2.3.1 How Color Palettes Work
Color palettes provide a device-independent method for accessing the color
capabilities of a display device by managing the device's physical (or
system) palette, if one is available. Typically, devices that can display at
least 256 colors use a physical palette.
An application employs the system palette by creating and using one or more
logical palettes. Each entry in the palette contains a specific color. Then,
instead of specifying an explicit value for a color when performing graphics
operations, the application indicates which color is to be displayed by
supplying an index into its logical palette.
Since more than one application can use logical palettes, it is possible
that the total number of colors requested for display can exceed the
capacity of the display device. Windows acts as a mediator among these
When a window requests that its logical palette be given its requested
colors (a process known as realizing its palette), Windows first exactly
matches entries in the logical palette to current entries in the system
If an exact match for a given logical-palette entry is not possible, Windows
sets the entry in the logical palette into an unused entry in the system
Finally, when all entries in the system palette have been used, Windows
takes these logical palette entries that do not exactly match and matches
them as closely as possible to entries already in the system palette. To
further aid this color matching, Windows sets aside 20 static colors (called
the "default palette") in the system palette to which it can match entries
in a background palette.
Windows always satisfies the color requests of the foreground window first;
this ensures that the active window will have the best color display
possible. For the remaining windows, Windows satisfies the color requests of
the window which most recently received input focus, the window which was
active before that one, and so on.
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
Figure 2.4 illustrates this process. In this figure, a hypothetical display
has a system palette capable of containing 12 colors. The application that
created Logical Palette 1 owns the active window and was the first to
realize its logical palette, which consists of 8 colors. Logical Palette 2
is owned by a window which realized its logical palette while it was
Because the active window was active when it realized its palette, Windows
mapped all of the colors in Logical Palette 1 directly to the system
Three of the colors (1, 3, and 5) in Logical Palette 2 are identical to
colors in the system palette; to save space in the palette, then, Windows
simply matched those colors to the existing system colors when the second
application realized its palette. Colors 0, 2, 4, and 6 were not already in
the system palette, however, and so Windows mapped those colors into the
system palette.
Because the system palette is now full, Windows was not able to map the
remaining two colors (which do not exactly match existing colors in the
system palette) into the system palette. Instead, it matched them to the
closest colors in the system palette.
2.3.2 Using a Color Palette
Before drawing to the display device using a color palette, an application
must first create a logical palette by calling the CreatePalette function
and then call SelectPalette to select the palette for the device context
(DC) for the output device for which it will be used. An application cannot
select a palette into a device context using the SelectObject function.
All functions which accept a color parameter accept an index to an entry in
the logical palette. The palette-index specifier is a long integer value
with the first bit in its high-order byte set to 1 and the palette index in
the two low-order bytes. For example, 0x01000005 would specify the palette
entry with an index of 5. The PALETTEINDEX macro accepts an integer value
representing the index of a logical-palette entry and returns a
palette-index COLORREF value which an application can use as a parameter for
GDI functions that require a color.
An application can also specify a palette index indirectly by using a
palette-relative RGB COLORREF value. If the target display device supports
logical palettes, Windows matches the palette-relative RGB COLORREF value to
the closest palette entry; if the target device does not support palettes,
then the RGB value is used as though it were an explicit RGB COLORREF value.
The palette-relative RGB COLORREF value is identical to an explicit RGB
COLORREF value except that the second bit of the high-order byte is set to
1. For example, 0x02FF0000 would specify a palette-relative RGB COLORREF
value for pure blue. The PALETTERGB macro accepts values for red, green and
blue, and returns a palette-relative RGB COLORREF value which an application
can use as a parameter for GDI functions that require a color.
If an application does specify an RGB value instead of a palette entry,
Windows will use the closest matching color in the default palette of 20
static colors.
If the source and destination device contexts have selected and realized
different palettes, the BitBlt function does not properly move bitmap bits
to or from a memory device context. In this case, you must call the
GetDIBits with the wUsage parameter set to DIB_RGB_COLORS to retrieve the
bitmap bits from the source bitmap in a device-independent format. You then
use the SetDIBits function to set the retrieved bits in the destination
bitmap. This ensures that Windows will properly match colors between the two
device contexts.
BitBlt can successfully move bitmap bits between two screen display
contexts, even if they have selected and realized different palettes. The
StretchBlt function properly moves bitmap bits between device contexts
whether or not they use different palettes.
2.4 Drawing-Attribute Functions
Drawing-attribute functions affect the appearance of Windows output, which
has four forms: line, brush, bitmap, and text. The following list describes
each drawing-attribute function:
Function Description
GetBkColor Returns the current background color.
GetBkMode Returns the current background mode.
GetPolyFillMode Retrieves the current polygon-filling
GetROP2 Retrieves the current drawing mode.
GetStretchBltMode Retrieves the current stretching mode.
GetTextColor Retrieves the current text color.
SetBkColor Sets the background color.
SetBkMode Sets the background mode.
SetPolyFillMode Sets the polygon-filling mode.
SetROP2 Sets the current drawing mode.
SetStretchBltMode Sets the stretching mode.
SetTextColor Sets the text color.
2.4.1 Background Mode and Background Color
Line output can be solid or broken (dashed, dotted, or a combination of the
two). If it is broken, the space between the breaks can be filled by setting
the background mode to OPAQUE and selecting a color. By setting the
background mode to TRANSPARENT, the space between breaks is left in its
original state. The SetBkMode and SetBkColor functions accomplish this task.
Brush output is solid, patterned, or hatched. The space between hatch marks
can be filled by setting the background mode to OPAQUE and selecting a
color. When Windows creates brush output on a display, it combines the
existing color on the display surface with the brush color to yield a new
and final color; this is a binary raster operation. If the default raster
operation is not appropriate, a new one is chosen by using the SetROP2
2.4.2 Stretch Mode
If an application copies a bitmap to a device and it is necessary to shrink
or expand the bitmap before drawing, the effects of the StretchBlt and
StretchDIBits functions can be controlled by calling SetStretchBltMode to
set the current stretch mode for a device context. The stretch mode
determines how lines eliminated from the bitmap are combined.
2.4.3 Text Color
The appearance of text output is limited only by the number of available
fonts and the color capabilities of the output device. The SetBkColor
function sets the color of the text background (the unused portion of each
character's cell) and the SetTextColor function sets the color of the
character itself.
2.5 Mapping Functions
Mapping functions alter and retrieve information about the GDI mapping
modes. In order to maintain device independence, GDI creates output in a
logical space and maps it to the display. The mapping mode defines the
relationship between units in the logical space and pixels on a device. The
following list briefly describes each mapping function:
Function Description
GetMapMode Retrieves the current mapping mode.
GetViewportExt Retrieves a device context's viewport
GetViewportOrg Retrieves a device context's viewport
GetWindowExt Retrieves a device context's window
GetWindowOrg Retrieves a device context's window
OffsetViewportOrg Modifies a viewport origin.
OffsetWindowOrg Modifies a window origin.
ScaleViewportExt Modifies the viewport extents.
ScaleWindowExt Modifies the window extents.
SetMapMode Sets the mapping mode of a specified
device context.
SetViewportExt Sets a device context's viewport extents.
SetViewportOrg Sets a device context's viewport origin.
SetWindowExt Sets a device context's window extents.
SetWindowOrg Sets a device context's window origin.
There are eight different mapping modes: MM_ANISOTROPIC, MM_HIENGLISH,
Each mode has a specific use in a Windows application. Table 2.2 summarizes
the eight GDI mapping modes:
Table 2.2 GDI Mapping Modes
Mapping Mode Intended Use
MM_ANISOTROPIC Used in applications that map one
logical unit to an arbitrary physical
unit. The x- and y-axes are arbitrarily
MM_HIENGLISH Used in applications that map one
logical unit to 0.001 inch. Positive y
extends upward.
MM_HIMETRIC Used in applications that map one
logical unit to 0.01 millimeter.
Positive y extends upward.
MM_ISOTROPIC Used in applications that map one
Mapping Mode Intended Use
MM_ISOTROPIC Used in applications that map one
logical unit to an arbitrary physical
unit. One unit along the x-axis is
always equal to one unit along the y
MM_LOENGLISH Used in applications that map one
logical unit to 0.01 inch. Positive y
extends upward.
MM_LOMETRIC Used in applications that map one
logical unit to 0.1 millimeter. Positive
y extends upward.
MM_TEXT Used in applications that map one
logical unit to one pixel. Positive y
extends downward.
MM_TWIPS Used in applications that map one
Mapping Mode Intended Use
MM_TWIPS Used in applications that map one
logical unit to 1/1440 inch (1/20 of a
printer's point). Positive y extends
2.5.1 Constrained Mapping Modes
GDI classifies six of the mapping modes as constrained mapping modes:
In each of these modes, one logical unit is mapped to a predefined physical
unit. For instance, the MM_TEXT mode maps one logical unit to one device
pixel, and the MM_LOENGLISH mode maps one logical unit to 0.01 inch on the
device. These mapping modes are constrained because the scaling factor is
fixed, so an application cannot change the number of logical units that
Windows maps to a physical unit. Table 2.3 shows the number of logical units
in various mapping modes that result in a certain physical unit:
Table 2.3 Logical/Physical Conversion Table
Mapping Logical Physical
Mode Units Unit
MM_HIENGLISH 1000 1 inch
MM_HIMETRIC 100 1 millimeter
MM_LOENGLISH 100 1 inch
MM_LOMETRIC 10 1 millimeter
MM_TEXT 1 Device pixel
MM_TWIPS 1440 1 inch
Mapping Logical Physical
Mode Units Unit
2.5.2 Partially Constrained and Unconstrained Mapping Modes
The unconstrained mapping modes, MM_ISOTROPIC and MM_ANISOTROPIC, use two
rectangular regions to derive a scaling factor and an orientation: the
window and the viewport. The window lies within the logical-coordinate space
and the viewport lies within the physical-coordinate space. Both possess an
origin, an x-extent, and a y-extent. The origin may be any one of the four
corners. The x-extent is the horizontal distance from the origin to its
opposing corner. The y-extent is the vertical distance from the origin to
its opposing corner. Windows creates a horizontal scaling factor by dividing
the viewport's x-extent by the window's x-extent and creates a vertical
scaling factor by dividing the viewport's y-extent by the window's y-extent.
These scaling factors determine the number of logical units that Windows
maps to a number of pixels. In addition to determining scaling factors, the
window and viewport determine the orientation of an object. Windows always
maps the window origin to the viewport origin, the window x-extent to the
viewport x-extent, and the window y-extent to the viewport y-extent.
Partially Constrained Mapping Mode
An application creates output with equally scaled axes by using the
MM_ISOTROPIC mapping mode. This means that Windows will map a symmetrical
object (for example, a square or a circle) in the logical space as a
symmetrical object in the physical space. In order to maintain this
symmetry, GDI shrinks one of the viewport extents. The amount of shrinkage
depends on the requested extents and the aspect ratio of the device. This
mapping mode is called partially constrained because the application does
not have complete control in altering the scaling factor.
Unconstrained Mapping Mode
An application can completely alter the horizontal and vertical scaling
factors by using the MM_ANISOTROPIC mapping mode and setting the window and
viewport extents to any value after selecting this mapping mode. Windows
will not alter either scaling factor in this mode.
2.5.3 Transformation Equations
GDI uses the following equations to transform logical points to device
points, and device points to logical points:
■ Transforming logical points to device points:
Dx = (Lx - xWO) x xVE/xWE + xVO Dy = (Ly - yWO) x yVE/yWE + yVO
■ Transforming device points to logical points:
Lx = (Dx - xVO) x xWE/xVE + xWO Ly = (Dy - yVO) x yWE/yVE + yWO
The following list describes the variables used in these transformation
Variable Description
xWO Window origin x-coordinate
yWO Window origin y-coordinate
xWE Window extent x-coordinate
yWE Window extent y-coordinate
xVO Viewport origin x-coordinate
yVO Viewport origin y-coordinate
xVE Viewport extent x-coordinate
yVE Viewport extent y-coordinate
Lx Logical-coordinate system x-coordinate
Ly Logical-coordinate system y-coordinate
Dx Device x-coordinate
Dy Device y-coordinate
The following four ratios are scaling factors:
They are used to determine the necessary stretching or compressing of
logical units. The subtraction and addition of viewport and window origins
is referred to as the translational component of the equation.
2.5.4 Example: MM_TEXT
The default mapping mode is MM_TEXT. In this mapping mode, one logical unit
is mapped to one pixel on the device or display.
A simple Windows application created three rectangles as they appear in the
logical and physical coordinate spaces when MM_TEXT is the mapping mode, as
shown in Figure 2.5. The drawing on the left illustrates the logical space;
the drawing on the right illustrates the device, or physical, space. The
rectangles appear vertically elongated in the physical space because pixels
on the chosen display are longer than they are wide. The rectangles appear
to be upside-down because positive y extends downward in the
physical-coordinate system.
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
2.5.5 Example: MM_LOENGLISH
A Windows application created three rectangles and mapped them from the
logical space to the physical space by using the MM_LOENGLISH mapping mode,
as shown in Figure 2.6. The drawing on the left illustrates how the
rectangles appear in relation to the xand y-axes in the logical coordinate
system. The drawing on the right illustrates how the rectangles appear in
relation to the x- and y-axes in the physical coordinate system.
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
2.6 Coordinate Functions
Coordinate functions convert client coordinates to screen coordinates (or
vice versa), and determine the location of a specific point. These functions
are useful in graphics-intensive applications. The following list briefly
describes each coordinate function:
Function Description
ChildWindowFromPoint Determines which child window contains a
specified point.
ClientToScreen Converts client coordinates into screen
DPtoLP Converts device points (that is, points
relative to the window origin) into
logical points.
LPtoDP Converts logical points into device
ScreenToClient Converts screen coordinates into client
WindowFromPoint Determines which window contains a
specified point.
2.7 Region Functions
Region functions create, alter, and retrieve information about regions. A
region is an elliptical or polygonal area within a window that can be filled
with graphical output. An application uses these functions in conjunction
with the clipping functions to create clipping regions. For more information
about clipping functions, see Section 2.8, "Clipping Functions." The
following list briefly describes each region function:
Function Description
CombineRgn Combines two existing regions into a new
CreateEllipticRgn Creates an elliptical region.
CreateEllipticRgnIndirect Creates an elliptical region.
CreatePolygonRgn Creates a polygonal region.
CreatePolyPolygonRgn Creates a region consisting of a series
of closed polygons that are filled as
though they were a single polygon.
CreateRectRgn Creates a rectangular region.
CreateRectRgnIndirect Creates a rectangular region.
CreateRoundRectRgn Creates a rounded rectangular region.
EqualRgn Determines whether two regions are
FillRgn Fills the given region with a brush
FrameRgn Draws a border for a given region.
GetRgnBox Retrieves the coordinates of the
bounding rectangle of a region.
InvertRgn Inverts the colors in a region.
OffsetRgn Moves the given region.
PaintRgn Fills the region with the selected brush
PtInRegion Tests whether a point is within a region.
Function Description
RectInRegion Tests whether any part of a rectangle is
within a region.
SetRectRgn Creates a rectangular region.
2.8 Clipping Functions
Clipping functions create, test, and alter clipping regions. A clipping
region is the portion of a window's client area where GDI creates output;
any output sent to that portion of the client area which is outside the
clipping region will not be visible. Clipping regions are useful in any
Windows application that needs to save one part of the client area and
simultaneously send output to another. The following list briefly describes
each clipping function:
Function Description
ExcludeClipRect Excludes a rectangle from the clipping
GetClipBox Copies the dimensions of a bounding
IntersectClipRect Forms the intersection of a clipping
region and a rectangle.
OffsetClipRgn Moves a clipping region.
PtVisible Tests whether a point lies in a region.
RectVisible Determines whether part of a rectangle
lies in a region.
SelectClipRgn Selects a clipping region.
2.9 Line-Output Functions
Line-output functions create simple and complex line output with the
selected pen. The following list briefly describes each line-output
Function Description
Arc Draws an arc.
LineDDA Computes successive points on a line.
LineTo Draws a line with the selected pen.
MoveTo Moves the current position to the
specified point.
Polyline Draws a set of line segments.
Figure 2.7 shows an arc created by using the Arc function. The upper portion
of the illustration shows the arc as it would appear on a display; the lower
portion shows the arc suspended in its bounding rectangle, which GDI uses to
determine the size and shape of the arc:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
2.9.1 Function Coordinates
Line-output functions require coordinates in logical units, which GDI uses
to draw a line in logical space. The use of logical units ensures device
independence in Windows. GDI maps this line from the logical space to the
physical space on the device. The number of logical units that GDI maps to a
pixel depends on the current mapping mode. When GDI draws a line, it
excludes the last specified point. For example, if the LineTo function is
given the arguments (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2), the line will be drawn from (X1,
Y1) to (X2 - 1, Y2 - 1).
2.9.2 Pen Styles, Colors, Widths
If an application draws lines and does not create a new pen, GDI uses the
default pen. This pen is black and is one pixel wide when the mapping mode
is MM_TEXT. An application can create a new pen of a different width, style,
and color by using the CreatePen function. The new color is dependent on the
color capabilities of the output device. The new style can be solid, dotted,
dashed, or a combination of dotted and dashed. Once an application creates a
new pen, it can select it into a display context by using the SelectObject
Figure 2.8 shows simple line output created by the LineTo and MoveTo
functions. The application created the rectangle on the left by using a
styled pen and the rectangle on the right by using a solid pen:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
2.10 Ellipse and Polygon Functions
Ellipse and polygon functions draw ellipses and polygons. GDI draws the
perimeter of each object with the selected pen and fills the interior by
using the selected brush. These functions are particularly useful in drawing
and charting applications. The following list briefly describes each ellipse
and polygon function:
Function Description
Chord Draws a chord.
DrawFocusRect Draws a rectangle in the style used to
indicate focus.
Ellipse Draws an ellipse.
Pie Draws a pie.
Polygon Draws a polygon.
PolyPolygon Draws a series of closed polygons that
are filled as though they were a single
Rectangle Draws a rectangle.
RoundRect Draws a rounded rectangle.
2.10.1 Function Coordinates
Ellipse and polygon functions require coordinates in logical units, which
GDI uses to determine the location and size of an object in logical space.
The use of logical units ensures device independence in Windows. GDI uses a
mapping function to map logical units to pixels on the device. The number of
logical units that Windows maps to a pixel depends on the current mapping
mode. The default mapping mode, MM_TEXT, maps one logical unit to one pixel.
When GDI draws a rectangle, it uses four arguments. The first two arguments
specify the rectangle's upper-left corner. The last two arguments do not
actually specify part of the rectangle; they specify the point adjacent to
the lower-right corner. For example, if the first point is specified by (X1,
Y1) and the second point is specified by (X2, Y2), the rectangle's
upper-left corner will be (X1, Y1) and the lower-right corner will be (X2 -
1, Y2 - 1).
2.10.2 Bounding Rectangles
Instead of requiring a radius or circumference measurement, the Chord,
Ellipse, and Pie functions use a bounding rectangle to define the size of
the object they create. The bounding rectangle is hidden; GDI uses it only
to describe the object's location and size.
For information about functions that alter or obtain information about
rectangles in a window's client area, see Section 1.18, "Rectangle
2.11 Bitmap Functions
Bitmap functions display bitmaps. A bitmap is a matrix of memory bits that,
when copied to a device, defines the color and pattern of a corresponding
matrix of pixels on the device's display surface. Bitmaps are useful in
drawing, charting, and word-processing applications because they let you
prepare images in memory and then quickly copy them to the display. The
following list briefly describes each bitmap function:
Function Description
BitBlt Copies a bitmap from a source to a
destination device.
CreateBitmap Creates a bitmap.
CreateBitmapIndirect Creates a bitmap described in a data
CreateCompatibleBitmap Creates a bitmap that is compatible with
a specified device.
CreateDiscardableBitmap Creates a discardable bitmap that is
compatible with a specified device.
ExtFloodFill Fills the display surface within a
border or over an area of a given color.
FloodFill Fills the display surface within a
GetBitmapBits Retrieves the bits in memory for a
specific bitmap.
GetBitmapDimension Retrieves the dimensions of a bitmap.
Function Description
GetPixel Retrieves the RGB value for a pixel.
LoadBitmap Loads a bitmap from a resource file.
PatBlt Creates a bit pattern.
SetBitmapBits Sets the bits of a bitmap.
SetBitmapDimension Sets the height and width of a bitmap.
SetPixel Sets the RGB value for a pixel.
StretchBlt Copies a bitmap from a source to a
destination device (compresses or
stretches, if necessary).
2.11.1 Bitmaps and Devices
The relationship between bitmap bits in memory and pixels on a device is
device-dependent. On a monochrome device, the correspondence is usually
one-to-one, where one bit in memory corresponds to one pixel on the device.
2.11.2 Device-Independent Bitmap Functions
Microsoft Windows version 3.0 provides a set of functions that define and
manipulate color bitmaps which can be appropriately displayed on any device
with a given resolution, regardless of the method by which the display
represents color in memory. These functions translate a device-independent
bitmap specification into the device-specific format used by the current
display. The following is a list of these functions:
Function Description
CreateDIBitmap Creates a device-specific memory bitmap
from a device-independent bitmap (DIB)
specification and optionally initializes
bits in the bitmap. This function is
similar to CreateBitmap.
GetDIBits Retrieves the bits in memory for a
specific bitmap in device-independent
form. This function is similar to
SetDIBits Sets a memory bitmap's bits from a DIB.
This function is similar to
SetDIBitsToDevice Sets bits on a device surface directly
from a DIB.
Function Description
StretchDIBits Moves a device-independent bitmap (DIB)
from a source rectangle into a
destination rectangle, stretching or
compressing the bitmap as required.
A device-independent bitmap specification consists of two parts:
1. A BITMAPINFO data structure that defines the format of the bitmap and
optionally supplies a table of colors used by the bitmap
2. An array of bytes that contain the bitmap bit values
Depending on the values contained in the bitmap information data structure,
the bitmap bit values can specify explicit color (RGB) values or indexes
into the color table. In addition, the color table can consist of indexes
into the currently realized logical palette instead of explicit RGB color
values. It is important to note that the coordinate-system origin for DIBs
is the lower-left corner, not the Windows default upper-left corner.
2.12 Text Functions
Text functions retrieve text information, alter text alignment, alter text
justification, and write text on a device or display surface. GDI uses the
current font for text output. The following list briefly describes each text
Function Description
ExtTextOut Writes a character string, within a
rectangular region, using the currently
selected font. The rectangular region
can be opaque (filled with the current
background color) and it can be a
clipping region.
GetTabbedTextExtent Computes the width and height of a line
of text containing tab characters.
GetTextAlign Returns a mask of the text alignment
GetTextExtent Uses the current font to compute the
width and height of text.
GetTextFace Copies the current font name to a buffer.
GetTextMetrics Fills the buffer with metrics for the
selected font.
SetTextAlign Positions a string of text on a display
or device.
SetTextJustification Justifies a text line.
Function Description
TabbedTextOut Writes a character string with expanded
tabs, using the current font.
TextOut Writes a character string using the
current font.
2.13 Font Functions
Font functions select, create, remove, and retrieve information about fonts.
A font is a subset of a particular typeface, which is a set of characters
that share a similar fundamental design.
The following list briefly describes each font function:
Function Description
AddFontResource Adds a font resource in the specified
file to the system font table.
CreateFont Creates a logical font that has the
specified characteristics.
CreateFontIndirect Creates a logical font that has the
specified characteristics.
EnumFonts Enumerates the fonts available on a
given device.
GetCharWidth Retrieves the widths of individual
RemoveFontResource Removes a font resource from the font
SetMapperFlags Alters the algorithm the font mapper
A font family is a group of typefaces that have similar stroke-width and
serif characteristics. A typeface is a set of characters (letters, numerals,
punctuation marks, symbols) that share a common design. Font characters
share very specific characteristics, such as point size and weight.
Note that the terms GDI uses to describe fonts, typefaces, and families of
fonts do not necessarily correspond to traditional typographic terms.
The Helv typeface is an example of a familiar typeface. Available fonts
within this typeface include 8-point Helv bold and 10-point Helv italic.
Figure 2.9 shows several fonts from the Helv and Courier typefaces:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
2.13.1 Font Family
GDI organizes fonts by family; each family consists of typefaces and fonts
that share a common design. The families are divided by stroke width and
serif characteristics. The term stroke, which means a horizontal or vertical
line, comes from handwritten characters composed of one or more pen strokes.
The horizontal stroke is called a cross-stroke. The main vertical line is
called a stem. Figure 2.10 shows a lowercase f composed of a cross-stroke
and a stem with a loop at the top:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
Serifs are short cross-lines drawn at the ends of the main strokes of a
letter. If a typeface does not have serifs, it is generally called a
sans-serif (without serif) typeface. Figure 2.11 shows serifs:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
GDI uses five distinct family names to categorize typefaces and fonts. A
sixth name is used for generic cases. Note that GDI's family names do not
correspond to traditional typographic categories. Table 2.4 lists the
font-family names and briefly describes each family:
Table 2.4 Font Families
Name Description
Dontcare Generic family name. Used when
information about a font does not exist
Name Description
information about a font does not exist
or does not matter.
Decorative Novelty fonts.
Modern Constant stroke width (fixed-pitch),
with or without serifs. Fixed-pitch
fonts are usually modern.
Roman Variable stroke width (proportionally
spaced), with serifs.
Script Designed to look like handwriting.
Swiss Variable stroke width (proportionally
spaced), without serifs.
Name Description
2.13.2 Character Cells
A character is the basic element in a font. In GDI, each character is
contained within a rectangular region known as a character cell. This
rectangular region consists of a specific number of rows and columns, and
possesses six points of measurement: ascent, baseline, descent, height,
origin, and width. The following list describes these measurements:
Measurement Description
Ascent Specifies the distance in character-cell
rows from the character-cell baseline to
the top of the character cell.
Baseline Serves as the base on which all
characters stand (some lowercase letters
have descenders, such as the tail of the
g or y, that descend below the baseline).
Descent Specifies the distance in character-cell
rows from the character-cell baseline to
the bottom of the character cell.
Height Specifies the height of a character-cell
Measurement Description
Origin Used as a point of reference when the
character is written on a device or a
display surface. The origin is the
upper-left corner of the character cell.
Width Specifies the width of a character-cell
Figure 2.12 shows a character cell that contains an uppercase A. The
baseline appears at the top of the second row. Note that the uppercase A
uses the baseline as its starting point. Also note that the width and height
values refer to the character-cell width and height, not the width and
height of the individual character:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
2.13.3 Altering Characters
Characters exist in many sizes and shapes. The following sections describe
how characters are altered in GDI to produce a particular font.
For an italic font, GDI skews the characters so that they appear slanted.
When italicized, the base of the character remains intact while the upper
portion shifts to the right. The greatest amount of shifting occurs at the
top of the character, the least amount at the base. Figure 2.13 shows
characters before and after being italicized:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
A font is made bold by increasing its weight, which refers to the thickness
of the lines or strokes that compose a character. Fonts with a heavy weight
are referred to as bold. Figure 2.14 shows normal and bold characters:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
An underline font has a line under each character. When a character is
underlined, a solid line appears directly below the baseline of the
character cell. Figure 2.15 shows underlined characters:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
A strikeout font has a solid horizontal line drawn through each character.
The position of this line within each character cell is constant for a given
font. Figure 2.16 shows characters that are struck out:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
2.13.4 Leading
Leading is the distance from baseline to baseline of two adjacent rows of
text. When font designers develop a font, they specify that a given amount
of space should appear between rows. The addition of this space ensures that
a character is not obscured by part of another character in an adjacent row.
There are two ways of adding this additional space: by inserting it within
the character cells of a font (internal leading) or by inserting it between
rows of text as they are printed on a device (external leading).
Internal Leading
Internal leading refers to the space inserted within character cells of a
particular font. Only marks such as accents, umlauts, and tildes in foreign
character sets appear within the space allocated for internal leading.
Figure 2.17 shows two rows of text that use internal leading:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
External Leading
External leading is space inserted between the top and bottom of character
cells in adjacent rows of text. The font designer must specify the amount of
external leading necessary to produce easily readable text from a particular
font. External leading is not built into a font; you must add it before you
print text on a device. Figure 2.18 shows external leading:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
2.13.5 Character Set
All fonts use a character set. A character set contains punctuation marks,
numerals, uppercase and lowercase letters, and all other printable
characters. The designer of a character set assigns a numeric value to each
element in the set. You use this number to access an element within the set.
Most character sets used in Windows are supersets of the U.S. ASCII
character set, which defines characters for the 96 numeric values from 32 to
127. There are four major groups of character sets:
■ Symbol
■ Vendor specific
ANSI Character Set
The ANSI character set is the most commonly used character set. The blank
character is the first character in the ANSI character set. It has a
hexadecimal value of 0x20, which is equivalent to the decimal value 32. The
last character in the ANSI character set has a hexadecimal value of 0xFF,
which is equivalent to the decimal value 255.
Many fonts specify a default character. Whenever a request is made for a
character not in the set, this default character is given. Most fonts using
the ANSI character set specify the period (.) as the default character. The
hexadecimal value for the period is 0x2E, or decimal 46 in the ANSI
character set.
Fonts use a break character to separate words and justify text. Most fonts
using the ANSI character set specify the blank character, whose hexadecimal
value is 0x20, decimal 32.
OEM Character Set
Windows supports a second character set, referred to as the OEM character
set. This is generally the character set used internally by DOS for screen
display. Characters 32 to 127 of the OEM set are usually identical to the
same characters in the U.S. ASCII set, which are also in the ANSI set. The
remaining characters in the OEM set (0 to 31, and 128 to 255) correspond to
the characters which may be shown on the computer's DOS display, and
generally differ from ANSI characters.
Symbol Character Set
The symbol character set contains special characters typically used to
represent mathematical and scientific formulas.
Vendor-Specific Character Sets
Many printers and other output devices contain fonts based on character sets
which differ from the ANSI and OEM sets, such as the EBCDIC character set.
In such cases, the printer driver must translate from the ANSI character set
to one or more of the sets provided by the printer or other device.
2.13.6 Pitch
The term pitch traditionally refers to the number of characters from a
particular font that will fit in a single inch. GDI, however, uses this term
differently. The term fixed-pitch refers to a font whose character-cell size
is constant for each character. The term variable-pitch refers to a font
whose character cells vary in size, depending on the actual width of the
Average Character Width
Variable-pitch fonts use the average character width to specify the average
width of character cells in the font. Since there is no variance in
character-cell width for fixed-pitch fonts, the average character width
specifies the character width of any character in the fixed-pitch font.
Maximum Character Width
Variable-pitch fonts use the maximum character width to specify the maximum
width of any character cell in the font. Since there is no variance in
character width for fixed-pitch fonts, the maximum character width is
equivalent to the average character width in the fixed-pitch font.
Digitized Aspect
When raster fonts are created, they are designed with one particular aspect
ratio in mind. The aspect ratio is the ratio of the width and height of a
device's pixel. GDI maintains a record of the ideal x-aspect and y-aspect
for individual fonts. The ideal x-aspect is the width value from the aspect
ratio of the device. The ideal y-aspect is the height value from the aspect
ratio of the device. These values are called the digitized aspects for x and
y. The GetAspectRatioFilter function retrieves the setting for the current
aspect-ratio filter. Windows provides a special filter, the aspect-ratio
filter, to select fonts designed for a particular aspect ratio from all of
the available fonts. The filter uses the aspect ratio specified by the
SetMapperFlags function.
When a particular font is not available on a device, GDI sometimes
synthesizes that font. The process of synthesizing may add width or height
to an existing font. Whenever GDI synthesizes an italic or bold font from a
normal font, extra columns are added to individual character cells in that
font. The difference in width (the extra columns) between a string created
with the normal font and a string created with the synthesized font is
called the overhang.
2.13.7 Selecting Fonts with GDI
GDI maintains a collection of fonts from different typefaces. In addition to
this collection, some devices maintain a collection of hardware fonts in
their ROM. GDI lets you describe a font and then selects the closest
matching available font from your description.
GDI requires you to describe the font you want to use to create text. The
font you describe is a logical font (it may or may not actually exist). GDI
compares this logical font to the available physical fonts and selects the
closest match.
The process of selecting the physical font that bears the closest
resemblance to the specified logical font is known as font mapping. GDI also
maintains a font table. Each entry in the font table describes a physical
font and its attributes. Included in each entry is a pointer to a
corresponding font resource. Figure 2.19 shows a font table that contains
fonts X, Y, and Z:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
Font-Mapping Scheme
GDI cannot guarantee that a physical font exists that exactly matches a
requested logical font, so GDI attempts to pick a font that has the fewest
differences from the requested logical font. Since fonts have many different
attributes, the GDI font mapper assigns penalties to physical fonts whose
characteristics do not match the characteristics of the specified logical
font. The physical font with the fewest penalties assigned is the one that
GDI selects.
To begin the mapping, GDI transforms the requested height and width of the
logical font to device units. This transformation depends on the current
mapping mode and window and viewport extents. GDI then asks the device to
realize the physical font. A device can realize a font if it can create it
or a font very close to it.
If the device can realized a physical font, GDI compares this font with its
own set of fonts. If GDI has a font that more closely matches the logical
font, GDI uses it. But if the device signals that it can take
device-realized fonts only, GDI uses the realized font.
If the device cannot realize a font, GDI searches its own fonts for a match.
To determine how good a match a given physical font is to the requested
logical font, the mapper takes the logical font and compares it one
attribute at a time with each physical font in the system.
Table 2.5 lists the characteristics that are penalized by GDI's font mapper.
The characteristics are grouped according to penalty weights, with the
heaviest penalty assigned to the CharSet characteristic and the lightest
penalty assigned to the Weight, Slant, Underline, and StrikeOut
Table 2.5 Font-Mapping Characteristics
Characteristic Penalty Scheme
CharSet If the character set does not match, the candidate font 4
is penalized heavily. Fonts with the wrong character
set are very rarely selected as the physical font.
There is no default character set. This means a logical
font must alway specify the desired set.
Pitch The wrong pitch is penalized heavily. If the requested 3
pitch is fixed, a wrong pitch is assessed a greater
Characteristic Penalty Scheme
CharSet If the character set does not match, the candidate font 4
pitch is fixed, a wrong pitch is assessed a greater
penalty since an application that handles fixed pitches
may not be able to handle variable-pitch fonts.
Family If the font families do not match, the candidate font 3
is penalized heavily. If a default font family is
requested, no penalties are assessed.
FaceName If the font typeface names do not match, the candidate 3
font is penalized heavily. If a default font facename
is requested, no penalties are assessed.
Height The wrong height is penalized. GDI always chooses or 2
synthesizes a shorter font if the exact height is not
available. GDI can synthesize a font by expanding a
font's character bitmaps by an integer multiple. GDI
will expand a font up to eight times. If a default
height is requested, GDI arbitrarily searches for a
Characteristic Penalty Scheme
CharSet If the character set does not match, the candidate font 4
height is requested, GDI arbitrarily searches for a
twelve-point font.
Width The wrong width is penalized. GDI always chooses or 2
synthesizes a narrower font if the exact width is not
available. If a default width is requested, GDI
assesses a penalty for any difference between the
aspect ratio of the device and the aspect ratio of the
font. The mapper can give unexpected results if there
are no fonts for the given aspect ratio.
Weight Although GDI can synthesize bold, an actual bold font 1
is preferred. The mapper penalizes for synthesizing.
Slant Although GDI can synthesize italics, an actual italic 1
font is preferred. The mapper penalizes for
Characteristic Penalty Scheme
CharSet If the character set does not match, the candidate font 4
Table 2.5 Font-Mapping Characteristics (continued)
Characteristic Penalty Scheme
Underline Although GDI can synthesize underlining, an actual 1
underline font is preferred. The mapper penalizes for
StrikeOut Although GDI can synthesize strikeouts, an actual 1
strikeout font is preferred. The mapper penalizes for
If GDI synthesizes a font, the mapper assesses a penalty that depends on the
number of times the font was replicated. Furthermore, a penalty is added if
the font was synthesized in both directions and the synthesizing was uneven,
that is, if the font was stretched more in one direction than the other.
When the mapper has compared all the fonts in the system, it picks the one
with the smallest penalty. The application should retrieve the metrics of
the font to find out the characteristics of the font it received.
The penalty weights listed in Table 2.5 are the default penalties used by
Example of Font Selection
For the purpose of this example, assume that the system font table lists
only the three fonts shown in Figure 2.19, "A GDI Font Table," fonts X, Y,
and Z. Suppose you need to use a specific font, font Q, to create text on an
output device. You will need to describe font Q so that GDI can choose the
physical font (X, Y, or Z) that bears the closest resemblance to Q.
To describe font Q, you use the CreateFont or CreateFontIndirect GDI
function. These functions create a logical font which is a description of
the desired physical font.
Use the SelectObject function to select the physical font that most closely
matches logical font Q. (The SelectObject function requires that you pass a
handle to font Q.) Once a call to the SelectObject function occurs, GDI will
initiate the selection process.
Table 2.6 shows the physical fonts in the font table and the penalties that
GDI assigns to each as it tries to find a font that will match font Q. The
left column shows the font attributes that GDI compares; the second column
gives the attributes of font Q, the desired font. The attributes of fonts X,
Y, and Z─the fonts that are actually in the system font table─are followed
by the penalty values that GDI gives to each one. The bottom row of the
table gives the penalty totals for each font:
Table 2.6 Sample Font Selection Ratings
Desired Available
Attributes Q X Y Z
Pitch Fixed Variable 3 Fixed 0 Variable 3
Family Roman Modern 3 Roman 0 Modern 3
FaceName Tms Rmn Pica 3 Tms Rmn 0 Elite 3
Height 8 10 2 10 2 8 0
Width 4 6 2 6 2 4 0
Slant None None 0 None 0 None 0
Underline None None 0 None 0 None 0
StrikeOut None None 0 None 0 None 0
Penalty 17 8 9
The penalty totals show that font Y has the lowest penalty score and
therefore resembles font Q most closely. In this example, GDI would select
font Y as the physical font on the output device.
2.13.8 Font Files and Font Resources
GDI stores information about the physical font in font files. The font file
consists of a header and a bitmap. The font-file header contains a detailed
description of the font. If the font file is a raster file, the font-file
bitmap contains actual representations of the font characters. If the font
file is a vector file, the font-file bitmap contains character strokes for
the font characters. A font resource is a collection of one or more of these
physical-font files.
2.14 Metafile Functions
Metafile functions close, copy, create, delete, retrieve, play, and return
information about metafiles. A metafile is a collection of GDI commands that
creates desired text or images.
Metafiles provide a convenient method of storing graphics commands that
create text or images. Metafiles are especially useful in applications that
use specific text or a particular image repeatedly. They are also
device-independent; by creating text or images with GDI commands and then
placing the commands in a metafile, an application can re-create the text or
images repeatedly on a variety of devices. Metafiles are also useful in
applications that need to pass graphics information to other applications.
The following list briefly describes each metafile function:
Function Description
CloseMetaFile Closes a metafile and creates a metafile
CopyMetaFile Copies a source metafile to a file.
CreateMetaFile Creates a metafile display context.
DeleteMetaFile Deletes a metafile from memory.
EnumMetaFile Enumerates the GDI calls within a
GetMetaFile Creates a handle to a metafile.
GetMetaFileBits Stores a metafile as a collection of
bits in a global memory block.
PlayMetaFile Plays the contents of a specified
PlayMetaFileRecord Plays a metafile record.
SetMetaFileBits Creates a memory metafile.
2.14.1 Creating a Metafile
A Windows application must create a metafile in a special device context. It
cannot use the device contexts that the CreateDC or GetDC functions return;
instead, it must use the device context that the CreateMetaFile function
Windows allows an application to use a subset of the GDI functions to create
a metafile. This subset is the set of all GDI functions that create output
(it is not necessary to use those functions that provide state information,
such as the GetDeviceCaps or GetEnvironment functions). The following is a
list of GDI functions an application can use in a metafile:
AnimatePalette OffsetViewportOrg SetBkMode
Arc OffsetWindowOrg SetDIBitsToDevice
BitBlt PatBlt SetMapMode
Chord Pie SetMapperFlags
CreateBrushIndirect Polygon SetPixel
CreateDIBPatternBrush Polyline SetPolyFillMode
CreateFontIndirect PolyPolygon SetROP2
CreatePatternBrush RealizePalette SetStretchBltMode
CreatePenIndirect Rectangle SetTextAlign
CreateRegion ResizePalette SetTextCharExtra
DrawText RestoreDC SetTextColor
Ellipse RoundRect SetTextJustification
Escape SaveDC SetViewportExt
ExcludeClipRect ScaleViewportExt SetViewportOrg
ExtTextOut ScaleWindowExt SetWindowExt
FloodFill SelectClipRegion SetWindowOrg
IntersectClipRect SelectObject StretchBlt
LineTo SelectPalette StretchDIBits
MoveTo SetBkColor TextOut
To create output with a metafile, an application must follow four steps:
1. Create a special device context by using the CreateMetaFile function.
2. Send GDI commands to the metafile by using the special device context.
3. Close the metafile by calling the CloseMetaFile function. This
function returns a metafile handle.
4. Display the image or text on a device by using the PlayMetaFile
function, passing to the function the metafile handle obtained from
CloseMetaFile and a device-context handle for the device to which the
metafile is to be played.
The device context which CreateMetaFile creates does not have default
attributes of its own. Whatever device-context attributes are in effect for
the output device when an application plays a metafile will be the defaults
for the metafile. The metafile can change these attributes while it is
playing. If the application needs to retain the same device-context
attributes after the metafile has finished playing, it should save the
output device context by calling the SaveDC function before calling
PlayMetaFile. Then, when PlayMetaFile returns, the application can call the
RestoreDC function (with -1 as the nSavedDC parameter) to restore the
original device-context attributes.
Although the maximum size of a metafile is 232 bytes or records, the actual
size of a metafile is limited by the amount of memory or disk space
2.14.2 Storing a Metafile in Memory or on Disk
An application can store a metafile in system memory or in a disk file.
To store the metafile in memory, an application calls CreateMetafile and
passes NULL as the function parameter.
There are two ways of storing a metafile in a disk file:
■ When the application calls CreateMetaFile to open a metafile, it
passes a filename as the function parameter; the metafile will then be
recorded in a disk file.
■ After the application has created a metafile in memory, it calls the
CopyMetaFile function. This function accepts the handle of a memory
metafile and the filename of the disk file which is to save the
The GetMetaFile function opens a metafile stored in a disk file and makes it
available for replay or modification. This function accepts the filename of
a metafile stored on disk and returns a metafile handle.
2.14.3 Deleting a Metafile
An application frees the memory which Windows uses to store the metafile by
calling the DeleteMetafile function. This function removes a metafile from
memory and invalidates its handle. It has no effect on disk files.
2.14.4 Changing How Windows Plays a Metafile
A metafile does not have to be played back in its entirety or exactly in the
form in which it was recorded. An application can use the EnumMetaFile
function to locate a specific metafile record. EnumMetaFile calls an
application-supplied callback function and passes it the following:
■ The metafile device context
■ A pointer to the metafile handle table
■ A pointer to a metafile record
■ The number of associated objects with handles in the handle table
■ A pointer to application-supplied data
The callback function can then use this information to play a single record,
to query it, copy it, or modify it. The PlayMetaFileRecord function plays a
single metafile record.
Chapter 9, "File Formats," in Reference, Volume 2, shows the formats of the
various metafile records and describes their contents.
When Windows plays or enumerates the records in a metafile, it identifies
each object with an index into a handle table. Functions that select objects
(such as SelectObject and SelectPalette) identify the object by means of the
object handle which the application passes to the function.
Objects are added to the table in the order in which they are created. For
example, if a brush is the first object created in a metafile, the brush is
given index zero. If the second object is a pen, it is given index 1, and so
on. See the description of the HANDLETABLE data structure in Chapter 7,
"Data Types and Structures," in Reference, Volume 2, for information on the
format of the handle table.
2.15 Printer-Control Functions
Printer-control functions retrieve information about a printer and modify
its initialization state. The printer driver, rather than GDI itself,
provides these functions. The following list briefly describes each
printer-control function:
Function Description
DeviceCapabilities Retrieves capabilities of a printer
device driver.
DeviceMode Sets the current printing modes for a
device by prompting the user with a
dialog box.
ExtDeviceMode Retrieves or modifies device
initialization information for a given
printer driver or displays a
driver-supplied dialog box for
configuring the driver.
2.16 Printer-Escape Function
The Escape function allows an application to access facilities of a
particular device that are not directly available through GDI. The nEscape
parameter of this function specifies the escape function to be performed.
When an application calls Escape for a printer device context, the escape
functions regulate the flow of printer output from Windows applications,
retrieve information about a printer, and alter the settings of a printer.
2.16.1 Creating Output on a Printer
Windows applications use only the standard Windows functions to access
system memory, the output device, the keyboard, and the mouse. Each
application interacts with the user through one or more windows that are
created and maintained by the user. GDI assists an application in creating
output by passing device-independent function calls from the application to
the device driver. The device driver first translates these
device-independent function calls into device-dependent operations that
create images on a device's display surface, and then sends them to Print
Manager (the spooler). Print Manager serves two purposes: it collects
translated commands from one application and stores them in a corresponding
job, and it passes a complete job to the device for output. Figure 2.20
shows the path of output from a Windows application to a device:
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
If only one Windows application were allowed to run at any given time, Print
Manager and many of the escape functions would be unnecessary. However,
Windows allows several applications to run at once. If two or more of these
applications send output simultaneously, each application's output must be
separated and remain separated during printing or plotting. Print Manager
maintains this separation. The printer-escape functions affect the way Print
Manager handles this separation task.
2.16.2 Banding Output
The model used by GDI states that any point on an output device can be
written to at any time. This model is easily implemented on vector devices
but poses a problem on many dot-matrix devices that cannot scroll backward.
Banding provides a solution to this problem.
Banding involves several steps:
1. The application creates a metafile and uses it as an intermediate
storage device for the output.
2. Beginning at the top of the metafile, GDI translates a rectangular
region (band) of output into device-specific commands, and then sends
it to a corresponding job.
3. The application repeats this process until the entire metafile has
been converted to bands and the output from these bands has been
translated into device-specific commands and stored in a job.
4. The application sends the job to the output device.
When creating a device context, GDI verifies whether the device has banding
capabilities. If it does, GDI creates the metafile that will be used during
the banding process. To implement banding, you call the necessary output
functions and the NEXTBAND escape. The NEXTBAND escape requires a long
pointer to a RECT data structure as its output parameter. The device driver
copies the coordinates of the next band into this structure. When the entire
metafile has been converted into device-specific commands, the driver
returns four zeros (0,0,0,0) in the RECT structure.
GDI does the banding for you if your output device has banding capabilities
and you call the NEWFRAME escape. Although NEWFRAME requires more memory and
is slower, it does simplify the output process. After the application
creates each page of output, it calls the NEWFRAME escape. If the device is
capable of banding, GDI copies output to a metafile and calls the NEXTBAND
escape for you. As discussed earlier, the NEXTBAND escape causes the
contents of the metafile to be converted into device-specific commands and
to be copied to a corresponding job. If a memory problem occurs or the user
terminates a job, the NEWFRAME escape returns a message that defines the
error or abort message.
2.16.3 Starting and Ending a Print Job
The STARTDOC escape informs the device driver that an application is
beginning a new print job. After the STARTDOC call is issued, Print Manager
queues all output from a particular application in a corresponding job until
an ENDDOC escape is issued. (Note that you cannot use the ENDDOC escape to
terminate a job.)
2.16.4 Terminating a Print Job
If you send output to a device with the NEWFRAME escape, you are required to
write a termination procedure and supply it with the application. The
SETABORTPROC escape sets a pointer to this procedure; it should be called
prior to the STARTDOC escape. The ABORTDOC escape terminates print jobs if
it is called before the first call to NEWFRAME. It should also be used to
terminate jobs that use the NEXTBAND escape.
2.16.5 Information Escapes
Four of the escape functions are used to retrieve information about the
selected device and its settings. The GETPHYSPAGESIZE escape retrieves the
physical page size of the output device (in device units), the smallest
addressable units on the device. For example, one-fortieth of a millimeter
is the smallest addressable unit on some vector devices. A pixel is the
smallest addressable unit on a dot-matrix device. The GETPRINTINGOFFSET
escape retrieves the distance (in device units) from the upper-left corner
of the page to the point at which printing begins. The GETSCALINGFACTOR
escape retrieves the scaling factors for the x- and y-axes of a device. The
scaling factor expresses the number of logical units that are mapped to a
device unit. The QUERYESCSUPPORT escape determines whether a particular
escape function is implemented on a device driver. If the escape in question
is implemented, QUERYESCSUPPORT returns a nonzero value. If the escape is
not implemented, QUERYESCSUPPORT returns zero.
2.16.6 Additional Escape Calls
There are two additional escapes that alter the state of the device: the
FLUSHOUTPUT and DRAFTMODE escapes. The FLUSHOUTPUT escape flushes the output
in the device's buffer (the device stores device operations in the buffer
before sending them to Print Manager). The DRAFTMODE escape turns on the
device's draft mode. This means that the device will use one of its own
fonts instead of using a GDI font. It also means that calls to the
text-justification functions that alter interword and intercharacter spacing
are ignored. For a detailed description of the functions that alter
interword and intercharacter spacing, see Sections 2.12, "Text Functions,"
and 2.13, "Font Functions."
2.17 Environment Functions
Environment functions alter and retrieve information about the environment
associated with an output device. The following list briefly describes the
two enviornment functions:
Function Description
GetEnvironment Copies environment information into a
SetEnvironment Copies data to the environment
associated with an attached device.
2.18 Summary
Graphics device interface (GDI) functions perform device-independent
graphics operations within a Windows application. For more information on
topics related to GDI functions, see the following:
Topic Reference
Function descriptions Reference, Volume 1: Chapter 4,
"Functions Directory"
Windows data types and structures Reference, Volume 2: Chapter 7,
"Data Types and Structures"
Metafile formats Reference, Volume 2: Chapter 9,
Topic Reference
Metafile formats Reference, Volume 2: Chapter 9,
Raster operations Reference, Volume 2: Chapter 11,
"Binary and Ternary Raster-Operation
Printer escapes Reference, Volume 2: Chapter 12,
"Printer Escapes"
Drawing text and graphics in a Guide to Programming: Chapter 3,
window "Output to a Window"
Drawing bitmaps Guide to Programming: Chapter 11,
Sending output to a printer Guide to Programming: Chapter 12,
"Printing," and Chapter 17, "Print
Topic Reference
"Printing," and Chapter 17, "Print
Text fonts Guide to Programming: Chapter 18,
Color palettes Guide to Programming: Chapter 19,
"Color Palettes"
Chapter 3 System Services Interface Functions
This chapter describes the system services interface functions. These
functions access code and data in modules, allocate and manage both local
and global memory, manage tasks, load program resources, translate strings
from one character set to another, alter the Microsoft Windows
initialization file, assist in system debugging, carry out communications
through the system's I/O ports, create and open files, and create sounds
using the system's sound generator.
This chapter lists the following categories of functions:
■ Module-management functions
■ Memory-management functions
■ Segment functions
■ Operating-system interrupt functions
■ Task functions
■ Resource-management functions
■ String-manipulation functions
■ Atom-management functions
■ Initialization-file functions
■ Communication functions
■ Sound functions
■ Utility macros and functions
■ File I/O functions
■ Debugging functions
■ Optimization-tool functions
■ Application-execution functions
3.1 Module-Management Functions
Module-management functions alter and retrieve information about Windows
modules, which are loadable, executable units of code and data. The
following list briefly describes each module-management function:
Function Description
FreeLibrary Decreases the reference count of a
library by one and removes it from
memory if the reference count is zero.
FreeModule Decreases the reference count of a
module by one and removes it from memory
if the reference count is zero.
FreeProcInstance Removes a function instance entry at an
GetCodeHandle Determines which code segment contains a
specified function.
GetInstanceData Copies data from an offset in one
instance to an offset in another
GetModuleFileName Copies a module filename.
GetModuleHandle Returns the module handle of a module.
GetModuleUsage Returns the reference count of a module.
GetProcAddress Returns the address of a function in a
GetVersion Returns the current version number of
LoadLibrary Loads a library module.
MakeProcInstance Returns a function-instance address.
3.2 Memory-Management Functions
Memory-management functions manage system memory. There are two categories
of functions: those that manage global memory and those that manage local
memory. Global memory is all memory in the system that has not been
allocated by an application or reserved by the system. Local memory is the
memory within a Windows application's data segment. The following list
briefly describes each memory-management function:
Function Description
DefineHandleTable Creates a private handle table in an
application's default data segment.
GetFreeSpace Retrieves the number of bytes available
in the global heap.
GetWinFlags Retrieves information about the system
memory configuration.
GlobalAlloc Allocates memory from the global heap.
GlobalCompact Compacts global memory to generate free
GlobalDiscard Discards a global memory block if the
lock count is zero, but does not
invalidate the handle of the memory
GlobalDosAlloc Allocates global memory that can be
accessed by DOS running in real or
protected mode.
GlobalDosFree Frees global memory previously allocated
by the GlobalDosAlloc function.
GlobalFlags Returns the flags and lock count of a
global memory block.
GlobalFree Removes a global memory block and
invalidates the handle of the memory
GlobalHandle Retrieves the handle of a global memory
GlobalLock Retrieves a pointer to a global memory
block specified by a handle. Except for
nondiscardable objects in protected
(standard or 386 enhanced) mode, the
block is locked into memory at the given
address and its lock count is increased
by one.
GlobalLRUNewest Moves a global memory object to the
newest least-recently-used (LRU)
GlobalLRUOldest Moves a global memory object to the
oldest least-recently-used (LRU)
GlobalNotify Installs a notification procedure for
the current task.
GlobalReAlloc Reallocates a global memory block.
GlobalSize Returns the size (in bytes) of a global
memory block.
Function Description
GlobalUnlock Invalidates the pointer to a global
memory block previously retrieved by the
GlobalLock function. In real mode, or if
the block is discardable, GlobalUnlock
decreases the block's lock count by one.
GlobalUnwire Decreases the lock count set by the
GlobalWire function, and unlocks the
memory block if the count is zero.
GlobalWire Moves an object to low memory and
increases the lock count.
LimitEMSPages Limits the amount of expanded memory
that Windows will assign to an
LocalAlloc Allocates memory from the local heap.
LocalCompact Compacts local memory.
LocalDiscard Discards a local memory block if the
lock count is zero, but does not
invalidate the handle of the memory
LocalFlags Returns the memory type of a local
memory block.
LocalFree Frees a local memory block from memory
if the lock count is zero and
invalidates the handle of the memory
LocalHandle Retrieves the handle of a local memory
LocalInit Initializes a local heap in the
specified segment.
LocalLock Locks a block of local memory by
increasing its lock count.
LocalReAlloc Reallocates a local memory block.
LocalShrink Shrinks the local heap.
LocalSize Returns the size (in bytes) of a local
memory block.
LocalUnlock Unlocks a local memory block.
LockData Locks the current data segment in memory.
LockSegment Locks a specified data segment in memory.
SetSwapAreaSize Increases the amount of memory that an
application reserves for code segments.
Function Description
SwitchStackBack Returns the stack of the current task to
the task's data segment after it had
been previously redirected by the
SwitchTasksBack function.
SwitchStackTo Changes the stack of the current task to
the specified data segment, such as the
data segment of a dynamic-link library
UnlockData Unlocks the current data segment.
UnLockSegment Unlocks a specified data segment.
3.3 Segment Functions
Segment functions allocate, free, and convert selectors; lock and unlock
memory blocks referenced by selectors; and retrieve information about
segments. The following list briefly describes each selector function:
Function Description
AllocDStoCSAlias Accepts a data-segment selector and
returns a code-segment selector that can
be used to execute code in a data
AllocSelector Allocates a new selector.
ChangeSelector Generates a temporary code selector that
corresponds to a given data selector, or
a temporary data selector that
corresponds to a given code selector.
DefineHandleTable Creates a private handle table which
Windows updates automatically.
FreeSelector Frees a selector originally allocated by
the AllocSelector or AllocDStoCSAlias
GetCodeInfo Retrieves information about a code
GlobalFix Prevents a global memory block from
moving in linear memory.
Function Description
GlobalPageLock Page-locks the memory associated with
the specified global selector and
increments its page-lock count. Memory
that is page-locked cannot be moved or
paged out to disk.
GlobalPageUnlock Decrements the page-lock count for a
block of memory. If the page-lock count
reaches zero, the memory can be moved
and paged out to disk.
GlobalUnfix Unlocks a global memory block previously
fixed by the GlobalFix function.
LockSegment Locks a segment in memory.
UnlockSegment Unlocks a segment previously locked by
the LockSegment function.
An application should not use these functions unless it is absolutely
necessary. Use of these functions violates preferred Windows programming
3.4 Operating-System Interrupt Functions
Operating-system interrupt functions allow an assembly-language application
to perform certain DOS and NETBIOS interrupts without directly coding the
interrupt. This ensures compatibility with future Microsoft products.
The following list briefly describes these functions:
Function Description
DOS3Call Issues a DOS 21H (function-request)
NetBIOSCall Issues a NETBIOS 5CH interrupt.
3.5 Task Functions
Task functions alter the execution status of tasks, return information
associated with a task, and retrieve information about the environment in
which the task is executing. A task is a single Windows application call.
The following list briefly describes each task function:
Function Description
Catch Copies the current execution environment
to a buffer.
ExitWindows Initiates the standard Windows shutdown
Function Description
GetCurrentPDB Returns the current DOS Program Data
Base (PDB), also known as the Program
Segment Prefix (PSP).
GetCurrentTask Returns the task handle of the current
GetDOSEnvironment Retrieves the environment string of the
currently running task.
GetNumTasks Returns the number of tasks currently
executing in the system.
SetErrorMode Controls whether Windows handles DOS
Function 24H errors or allows the
calling application to handle them.
Throw Restores the execution environment to
the specified values.
Yield Halts the current task and starts any
waiting task.
3.6 Resource-Management Functions
Resource-management functions find and load application resources from a
Windows executable file. A resource can be a cursor, icon, bitmap, string,
or font. The following list briefly describes each resource-management
Function Description
AccessResource Opens the specified resource.
AllocResource Allocates uninitialized memory for a
FindResource Determines the location of a resource.
FreeResource Removes a loaded resource from memory.
LoadAccelerators Loads an accelerator table.
LoadBitmap Loads a bitmap resource.
LoadCursor Loads a cursor resource.
LoadIcon Loads an icon resource.
LoadMenu Loads a menu resource.
LoadResource Loads a resource.
LoadString Loads a string resource.
LockResource Retrieves the absolute memory address of
a resource.
Function Description
SetResourceHandler Sets up a function to load resources.
SizeofResource Supplies the size (in bytes) of a
UnlockResource Unlocks a resource.
3.7 String-Manipulation Functions
String-manipulation functions translate strings from one character set to
another, determine and convert the case of strings, determine whether a
character is alphabetic or alphanumeric, find adjacent characters in a
string, and perform other string manipulation. The following list briefly
describes each string-translation function:
Function Description
AnsiLower Converts a character string to lowercase.
AnsiLowerBuff Converts a character string in a buffer
to lowercase.
AnsiNext Returns a long pointer to the next
character in a string.
AnsiPrev Returns a long pointer to the previous
character in a string.
AnsiToOem Converts an ANSI string to an OEM
character string.
AnsiToOemBuff Converts an ANSI string in a buffer to
an OEM character string.
AnsiUpper Converts a character string to uppercase.
AnsiUpperBuff Converts a character string in a buffer
to uppercase.
IsCharAlpha Determines whether a character is
IsCharAlphaNumeric Determines whether a character is
IsCharLower Determines whether a character is
IsCharUpper Determines whether a character is
lstrcat Concatenates two strings identified by
long pointers.
lstrcmp Performs a case-sensitive comparison of
two strings identified by long pointers.
lstrcmpi Performs a case-insensitive comparison
of two strings identified by long
Function Description
lstrcpy Copies one string to another; both
strings are identified by long pointers.
lstrlen Determines the length of a string
identified by a long pointer.
OemToAnsi Converts an OEM character string to an
ANSI string.
OemToAnsiBuff Converts an OEM character string in a
buffer to an ANSI string.
ToAscii Translates a virtual-key code to the
corresponding ANSI character or
wsprintf Formats and stores a series of
characters and values in a buffer.
Format arguments are passed separately.
wvsprintf Formats and stores a series of
characters and values in a buffer.
Format arguments are passed through an
3.8 Atom-Management Functions
Atom-management functions create and manipulate atoms. Atoms are integers
that uniquely identify character strings. They are useful in applications
that use many character strings and in applications that need to conserve
memory. Windows stores atoms in atom tables. A local atom table is allocated
in an application's data segment; it cannot be accessed by other
applications. The global atom table can be shared, and is useful in
applications that use dynamic data exchange (DDE). The following list
briefly describes each atom-management function:
Function Description
AddAtom Creates an atom for a character string.
DeleteAtom Deletes an atom if the reference count
is zero.
FindAtom Retrieves an atom associated with a
character string.
GetAtomHandle Retrieves a handle (relative to the
local heap) of the string that
corresponds to a specified atom.
GetAtomName Copies the character string associated
with an atom.
GlobalAddAtom Creates a global atom for a character
GlobalDeleteAtom Deletes a global atom if the reference
count is zero.
Function Description
GlobalFindAtom Retrieves a global atom associated with
a character string.
GlobalGetAtomName Copies the character string associated
with a global atom.
InitAtomTable Initializes an atom hash table.
MAKEINTATOM Casts an integer for use as a function
3.9 Initialization-File Functions
Initialization-file functions obtain information from and copy information
to the Windows initialization file WIN.INI and private initialization files.
A Windows initialization file is a special ASCII file that contains
key-name-value pairs that represent run-time options for applications. The
following list briefly describes each initialization-file function:
Function Description
GetPrivateProfileInt Returns an integer value in a section
from a private initialization file.
GetPrivateProfileString Returns a character string in a section
from a private initialization file.
GetProfileInt Returns an integer value in a section
from the WIN.INI file.
GetProfileString Returns a character string in a section
from the WIN.INI file.
WritePrivateProfileString Copies a character string to a private
initialization file, or deletes one or
more lines in a private initialization
WriteProfileString Copies a character string to the WIN.INI
file, or deletes one or more lines from
An application should use a private (application-specific) initialization
file to record information which affects only that application. This
improves both the performance of the application and Windows itself by
reducing the amount of information that Windows must read when it accesses
the initialization file. An application should record information in WIN.INI
only if it affects the Windows environment or other applications; in such
cases, the application should send the WM_WININICHANGE message to all
top-level windows.
The files WININI.TXT and SYSINI.TXT supplied with the retail version of
Windows describe the contents of WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI, respectively.
3.10 Communication Functions
Communication functions carry out communications through the system's serial
and parallel I/O ports. The following list briefly describes each
communication function:
Function Description
BuildCommDCB Fills a device control block with
control codes.
ClearCommBreak Clears the communication break state
from a communication device.
CloseComm Closes a communication device after
transmitting the current buffer.
EscapeCommFunction Directs a device to carry out an
extended function.
FlushComm Flushes characters from a communication
GetCommError Fills a buffer with the communication
GetCommEventMask Retrieves, then clears, an event mask.
GetCommState Fills a buffer with a device control
OpenComm Opens a communication device.
ReadComm Reads the bytes from a communication
device into a buffer.
SetCommBreak Sets a break state on the communication
SetCommEventMask Retrieves and then sets an event mask on
the communication device.
SetCommState Sets a communication device to the state
specified by the device control block.
TransmitCommChar Places a character at the head of the
transmit queue.
UngetCommChar Specifies which character will be the
next character to be read.
WriteComm Writes the bytes from a buffer to a
communication device.
3.11 Sound Functions
Sound functions create sound and music for the system's sound generator. The
following list briefly describes each sound function:
Function Description
CloseSound Closes the play device after flushing
the voice queues and freeing the buffers.
CountVoiceNotes Returns the number of notes in the
specified queue.
GetThresholdEvent Returns a long pointer to a threshold
GetThresholdStatus Returns the threshold-event status for
each voice.
OpenSound Opens the play device for exclusive use.
SetSoundNoise Sets the source and duration of a noise
from the play device.
SetVoiceAccent Places an accent in the voice queue.
SetVoiceEnvelope Places the voice envelope in the voice
SetVoiceNote Places a note in the specified voice
SetVoiceQueueSize Allocates a specified number of bytes
for the voice queue.
SetVoiceSound Places the specified sound frequency and
durations in a voice queue.
SetVoiceThreshold Sets the threshold level for a given
StartSound Starts playing each voice queue.
StopSound Stops playing all voice queues and
flushes their contents.
SyncAllVoices Places a sync mark in each voice queue.
WaitSoundState Waits until the play driver enters the
specified state.
3.12 Utility Macros and Functions
Utility macros and functions return contents of words and bytes, create
unsigned long integers and data structures, and perform specialized
arithmetic. The following list briefly describes each utility macro or
Function Description
HIBYTE Returns the high-order byte of an
HIWORD Returns the high-order word of a long
LOBYTE Returns the low-order byte of an integer.
LOWORD Returns the low-order word of a long
MAKEINTATOM Casts an integer for use as a function
MAKEINTRESOURCE Converts an integer value into a long
pointer to a string, with the high-order
word of the long pointer set to zero.
MAKELONG Creates an unsigned long integer.
MAKEPOINT Converts a long value that contains the
x- and y-coordinates of a point into a
POINT data structure.
MulDiv Multiplies two word-length values and
then divides the result by a third
word-length value, returning the result
rounded to the nearest integer.
PALETTEINDEX Converts an integer into a palette-index
PALETTERGB Converts three values for red, green,
and blue into a palette-relative RGB
RGB Converts three values for red, green,
and blue into an explicit RGB COLORREF
3.13 File I/O Functions
File I/O functions create, open, read from, write to, and close files. The
following list briefly describes each file I/O function:
Function Description
GetDriveType Determines whether a disk drive is
removeable, fixed, or remote.
GetSystemDirectory Retrieves the pathname of the Windows
system subdirectory.
GetTempDrive Returns the letter of the optimal drive
for temporary file storage.
GetTempFileName Creates a temporary filename.
GetWindowsDirectory Retrieves the pathname of the Windows
Function Description
_lclose Closes a file.
_lcreat Creates a new file or opens and
truncates an existing file.
_llseek Positions the pointer to a file.
_lopen Opens an existing file.
_lread Reads data from a file.
_lwrite Writes data in a file.
OpenFile Creates, opens, reopens, or deletes the
specified file.
SetHandleCount Changes the number of file handles
available to a task.
3.14 Debugging Functions
Debugging functions help locate programming errors in an application or
library. The following briefly describes these functions:
Function Description
DebugBreak Forces a break to the debugger.
FatalAppExit Displays a message box and then
terminates the application.
FatalExit Displays the current state of Windows
and prompts for instructions on how to
OutputDebugString Sends a debugging message to the
debugger if present, or to the AUX
device if the debugger is not present.
ValidateCodeSegments Determines whether any code segments
have been altered by random memory
ValidateFreeSpaces Checks free segments in memory for valid
3.15 Optimization-Tool Functions
Optimization-tool functions control how the Windows Profiler and Swap
software development tools interact with an application being developed. The
following list briefly describes these functions:
Function Description
ProfClear Discards all samples in the Profiler
sampling buffer.
ProfFinish Stops sampling by Profiler and flushes
the buffer to disk.
ProfFlush Flushes the Profiler sampling buffer to
ProfInsChk Determines if Profiler is installed.
ProfSampRate Sets the rate of code sampling by
ProfSetup Sets up the Profiler sampling buffer and
recording rate.
ProfStart Starts sampling by Profiler.
ProfStop Stops sampling by Profiler.
SwapRecording Begins or ends analyzing by Swap of the
application's swapping behavior.
3.16 Application-Execution Functions
Application-execution tasks permit one application to execute another
program. The following list briefly describe these functions:
Function Description
LoadModule Executes a separate application.
WinExec Executes a separate application.
WinHelp Runs the Windows Help application and
passes context or topic information to
The WinExec function provides a high-level method for executing any Windows
or standard DOS application. The calling application supplies a string
containing the name of the executable file to be run and any command
parameters, and specifies the initial state of the application's window.
The LoadModule function is similar, but provides more control over the
environment in which the application is executed. The calling application
supplies the name of the executable file and a DOS Function 4BH, Code 00H,
parameter block.
The WinHelp function executes the Windows Help application and optionally
passes data to it indicating the nature of the help requested by the
application. This data is either an integer which specifies a context
identifier in the help file or a string containing a key word in the help
3.17 Summary
System services interface functions access code and data in modules,
allocate and manage both local and global memory, manage tasks, load program
resources, translate strings from one character set to another, alter the
Windows initialization file, assist in system debugging, carry out
communications through the system's I/O ports, create and open files, and
create sounds using the system's sound generator. For more information on
topics related to system services interface functions, see the following:
Topic Reference
Topic Reference
Function descriptions Reference, Volume 1: Chapter 4,
"Functions Directory"
Windows data types and structures Reference, Volume 2: Chapter 7, "Data
Types and Structures"
Initialization-file formats Reference, Volume 2: Chapter 9, "File
Diagnostic messages for Reference, Volume 2: Appendix C,
debugging "Windows Debugging Messages"
Writing and reading from files Guide to Programming: Chapter 10, "File
Input and Output"
Managing memory Guide to Programming: Chapter 15,
"Memory Management," and Chapter 16,
"More Memory Management"
Topic Reference
Libraries Guide to Programming: Chapter 20,
"Dynamic-Link Libraries"
Using Profiler Tools: Chapter 13, "Analyzing CPU Time:
Using Swap Tools: Chapter 14, "Analyzing Swaps:
Chapter 4 Functions Directory
This chapter contains an alphabetical list of functions from the Microsoft
Windows application programming interface (API). The documentation for each
function contains a line illustrating correct syntax, a statement about the
function's purpose, a description of its input parameters, and a description
of its return value. The documentation for some functions contains
additional, important information that an application developer needs in
order to use the function.
int AccessResource(hInstance, hResInfo)
This function opens the specified resource file and moves the file pointer
to the beginning of the specified resource, letting an application read the
resource from the file. The AccessResource function supplies a DOS file
handle that can be used in subsequent file-read calls to load the resource.
The file is opened for reading only.
Applications that use this function must close the resource file by calling
the _lclose function after reading the resource.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies the instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the resource.
hResInfo HANDLE Identifies the desired resource.
This handle should be created by using
the FindResource function.
Return Value
The return value specifies a DOS file handle to the designated resource
file. It is -1 if the resource cannot be found.
AccessResource can exhaust available DOS file handles and cause errors if
the opened file is not closed after the resource is accessed.
ATOM AddAtom(lpString)
This function adds the character string pointed to by the lpString parameter
to the atom table and creates a new atom that uniquely identifies the
string. The atom can be used in a subsequent GetAtomName function to
retrieve the string from the atom table.
The AddAtom function stores no more than one copy of a given string in the
atom table. If the string is already in the table, the function returns the
existing atom value and increases the string's reference count by one.
Parameter Type/Description
lpString LPSTR Points to the character string to
be added to the table. The string must
be a null-terminated character string.
Return Value
The return value specifies the newly created atom if the function is
successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
The atom values returned by AddAtom range from 0xC000 to 0xFFFF. Atoms are
case insensitive.
int AddFontResource(lpFilename)
This function adds the font resource from the file named by the lpFilename
parameter to the Windows font table. The font can subsequently be used by
any application.
Parameter Type/Description
lpFilename LPSTR Points to a character string that
names the font-resource file or contains
a handle to a loaded module. If
lpFilename points to the font-resource
filename, the string must be
null-terminated, have the DOS filename
format, and include the extension. If
lpFilename contains a handle, the handle
is in the low-order word and the
high-order word is zero.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of fonts added. The return value is
zero if no fonts are loaded.
Any application that adds or removes fonts from the Windows font table
should notify other windows of the change by using the SendMessage function
with the hWnd parameter set to -1 to send a WM_FONTCHANGE message to all
top-level windows in the system.
It is good practice to remove any font resource an application has added
once the application is through with the resource.
For a description of font resources, see the Guide to Programming.
void AdjustWindowRect(lpRect, dwStyle, bMenu)
This function computes the required size of the window rectangle based on
the desired client-rectangle size. The window rectangle can then be passed
to the CreateWindow function to create a window whose client area is the
desired size. A client rectangle is the smallest rectangle that completely
encloses a client area. A window rectangle is the smallest rectangle that
completely encloses the window. The dimensions of the resulting window
rectangle depend on the window styles and on whether the window has a menu.
Parameter Type/Description
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the coordinates of the
client rectangle.
dwStyle DWORD Specifies the window styles of
the window whose client rectangle is to
be converted.
bMenu BOOL Specifies whether the window has a
Return Value
This function assumes a single menu row. If the menu bar wraps to two or
more rows, the coordinates are incorrect.
Version 3.0
void AdjustWindowRectEx(lpRect, dwStyle, bMenu, dwExStyle)
This function computes the required size of the rectangle of a window with
extended style based on the desired client-rectangle size. The window
rectangle can then be passed to the CreateWindowEx function to create a
window whose client area is the desired size.
A client rectangle is the smallest rectangle that completely encloses a
client area. A window rectangle is the smallest rectangle that completely
encloses the window. The dimensions of the resulting window rectangle
depends on the window styles and on whether the window has a menu.
Parameter Type/Description
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the coordinates of the
client rectangle.
dwStyle DWORD Specifies the window styles of
the window whose client rectangle is to
be converted.
bMenu BOOL Specifies whether the window has a
dwExStyle DWORD Specifies the extended style of
the window being created.
Return Value
This function assumes a single menu row. If the menu bar wraps to two or
more rows, the coordinates are incorrect.
Version 3.0
WORD AllocDStoCSAlias(wSelector)
This function accepts a data-segment selector and returns a code-segment
selector that can be used to execute code in the data segment. When in
protected mode, attempting to execute code directly in a data segment will
cause a general protection violation. AllocDStoCSAlias allows an application
to execute code which the application had created in its own stack segment.
The application must free the new selector by calling the FreeSelector
Parameter Type/Description
wSelector WORD Specifies the data-segment selector.
Return Value
The return value is the code-segment selector corresponding to the
data-segment selector. If the function cannot allocate a new selector, the
return value is zero.
Windows does not track segment movements. Consequently, the data segment
must be fixed and nondiscardable; otherwise, the data segment might move,
invalidating the code-segment selector.
The ChangeSelector function provides another method of obtaining a code
selector corresponding to a data selector.
An application should not use this function unless it is absolutely
necessary. Use of this function violates preferred Windows programming
HANDLE AllocResource(hInstance, hResInfo, dwSize)
This function allocates uninitialized memory for the passed resource. All
resources must be initially allocated by using the AllocResource function.
The LoadResource function calls this function before loading the resource.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies the instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the resource.
hResInfo HANDLE Identifies the desired resource.
It is assumed that this handle was
created by using the FindResource
dwSize DWORD Specifies an override size in
bytes to allocate for the resource. The
override is ignored if the size is zero.
Return Value
The return value identifies the global memory block allocated for the
Version 3.0
WORD AllocSelector(wSelector)
This function allocates a new selector. If the wSelector parameter is a
valid selector, AllocSelector returns a new selector which is an exact copy
of the one specified by wSelector. If wSelector is NULL, AllocSelector
returns a new, uninitialized selector.
The application must free the new selector by calling the FreeSelector
Parameter Type/Description
wSelector WORD Specifies the selector to be
copied, or NULL if AllocSelector is to
allocate a new, uninitialized selector.
Return Value
The return value is either a selector that is a copy of an existing
selector, or a new, uninitialized selector. If the function could not
allocate a new selector, the return value is zero.
An application can call AllocSelector to allocate a selector that it can
pass to the ChangeSelector function.
An application should not use this function unless it is absolutely
necessary. Use of this function violates preferred Windows programming
Version 3.0
void AnimatePalette(hPalette, wStartIndex, wNumEntries, lpPaletteColors)
This function replaces entries in the logical palette identified by the
hPalette parameter. When an application calls AnimatePalette, it does not
have to update its client area because Windows maps the new entries into the
system palette immediately.
Parameter Type/Description
hPalette HPALETTE Identifies the logical palette.
wStartIndex WORD Specifies the first entry in the
palette to be animated.
wNumEntries WORD Specifies the number of entries in
the palette to be animated.
lpPaletteColors LPPALETTEENTRY Points to the first
member of an array of PALETTEENTRY data
structures to replace the palette
entries identified by wStartIndex and
Return Value
AnimatePalette will only change entries with the PC_RESERVED flag set in the
corresponding palPaletteEntry field of the LOGPALETTE data structure that
defines the current logical palette. The CreatePalette function creates a
logical palette.
LPSTR AnsiLower(lpString)
This function converts the given character string to lowercase. The
conversion is made by the language driver based on the criteria of the
current language selected by the user at setup or with the Control Panel.
Parameter Type/Description
lpString LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string or specifies single
character. If lpString specifies single
character, that character is in the
low-order byte of the low-order word,
and the high-order word is zero.
Return Value
The return value points to a converted character string if the function
parameter is a character string. Otherwise, it is a 32-bit value that
contains the converted character in the low-order byte of the low-order
Version 3.0
WORD AnsiLowerBuff(lpString, nLength)
This function converts character string in a buffer to lowercase. The
conversion is made by the language driver based on the criteria of the
current language selected by the user at setup or with the Control Panel.
Parameter Type/Description
lpString LPSTR Points to a buffer containing one
or more characters.
nLength WORD Specifies the number of characters
in the buffer identified by the lpString
parameter. If nLength is zero, the
length is 64K (65,536).
Return Value
The return value specifies the length of the converted string.
LPSTR AnsiNext(lpCurrentChar)
This function moves to the next character in a string.
Parameter Type/Description
lpCurrentChar LPSTR Points to a character in a null-terminated string.
Return Value
The return value points to the next character in the string, or, if there is
no next character, to the null character at the end of the string.
The AnsiNext function is used to move through strings whose characters are
two or more bytes each (for example, strings that contain characters from a
Japanese character set).
LPSTR AnsiPrev(lpStart, lpCurrentChar)
This function moves to the previous character in a string.
Parameter Type/Description
lpStart LPSTR Points to the beginning of the string.
lpCurrentChar LPSTR Points to a character in a null-terminated string.
Return Value
The return value points to the previous character in the string, or to the
first character in the string if the lpCurrentChar parameter is equal to the
lpStart parameter.
The AnsiPrev function is used to move through strings whose characters are
two or more bytes each (for example, strings that contain characters from a
Japanese character set).
int AnsiToOem(lpAnsiStr, lpOemStr)
This function translates the string pointed to by the lpAnsiStr parameter
from the ANSI character set into the OEM-defined character set. The string
can be greater than 64K in length.
Parameter Type/Description
lpAnsiStr LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
string of characters from the ANSI
character set.
lpOemStr LPSTR Points to the location where the
translated string is to be copied. The
lpOemStr parameter can be the same as
lpAnsiStr to translate the string in
Return Value
The return value is always -1.
Version 3.0
void AnsiToOemBuff(lpAnsiStr, lpOemStr, nLength)
This function translates the string in the buffer pointed to by the
lpAnsiStr parameter from the ANSI character set into the OEM-defined
character set.
Parameter Type/Description
lpAnsiStr LPSTR Points to a buffer containing one
or more characters from the ANSI
character set.
lpOemStr LPSTR Points to the location where the
translated string is to be copied. The
lpOemStr parameter can be the same as
lpAnsiStr to translate the string in
nLength WORD Specifies the number of characters
in the buffer identified by the
lpAnsiStr parameter. If nLength is zero,
the length is 64K (65,536).
Return Value
LPSTR AnsiUpper(lpString)
This function converts the given character string to uppercase. The
conversion is made by the language driver based on the criteria of the
current language selected by the user at setup or with the Control Panel.
Parameter Type/Description
lpString LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string or specifies single
character. If lpString specifies a
single character, that character is in
the low-order byte of the low-order word,
and the high-order word is zero.
Return Value
The return value points to a converted character string if the function
parameter is a character string; otherwise, it is a 32-bit value that
contains the converted character in the low-order byte of the low-order
Version 3.0
WORD AnsiUpperBuff(lpString, nLength)
This function converts a character string in a buffer to uppercase. The
conversion is made by the language driver based on the criteria of the
current language selected by the user at setup or with the Control Panel.
Parameter Type/Description
lpString LPSTR Points to a buffer containing one
or more characters.
nLength WORD Specifies the number of characters
in the buffer identified by the lpString
parameter. If nLength is zero, the
length is 64K (65,536).
Return Value
The return value specifies the length of the converted string.
BOOL AnyPopup( )
This function indicates whether a pop-up window exists on the screen. It
searches the entire Windows screen, not just the caller's client area. The
AnyPopup function returns nonzero even if a pop-up window is completely
covered by another window.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value is nonzero if a pop-up window exists. Otherwise, it is
Version 3.0
BOOL AppendMenu(hMenu, wFlags, wIDNewItem, lpNewItem)
This function appends a new item to the end of a menu. The application can
specify the state of the menu item by setting values in the wFlags
Parameter Type/Description
hMenu HMENU Identifies the menu to
be changed.
wFlags WORD Specifies information
about the state of the new
menu item when it is added to
the menu. It consists of one
or more values listed in the
following "Comments" section.
wIDNewItem WORD Specifies either the
command ID of the new menu
item or, if wFlags is set to
MF_POPUP, the menu handle of
Parameter Type/Description
MF_POPUP, the menu handle of
the pop-up menu.
lpNewItem LPSTR Specifies the content
of the new menu item. The
interpretation of the
lpNewItem parameter depends
upon the setting of the
wFlags parameter.
If wFlags is lpNewItem
MF_STRING Contains a long pointer to a
null-terminated character
MF_BITMAP Contains a bitmap handle
HBITMAP in its low-order word.
Parameter Type/Description
MF_OWNERDRAW Contains an
application-supplied 32-bit
value which the application
can use to maintain additional
data associated with the menu
item. This 32-bit value is
available to the application
in the itemData field of the
structure pointed to by the
lParam parameter of the
messages sent when the menu
item is initially displayed or
is changed.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
Whenever a menu changes (whether or not the menu resides in a window that is
displayed), the application should call DrawMenuBar.
Each of the following groups lists flags that are mutually exclusive and
should not be used together:
The following list describes the flags which may be set in the wFlags
Value Meaning
MF_BITMAP Uses a bitmap as the item. The low-order
word of the lpNewItem parameter contains
the handle of the bitmap.
MF_CHECKED Places a checkmark next to the item. If
the application has supplied checkmark
bitmaps (see SetMenuItemBitmaps),
setting this flag displays the
"checkmark on" bitmap next to the menu
Value Meaning
MF_DISABLED Disables the menu item so that it cannot
be selected, but does not gray it.
MF_ENABLED Enables the menu item so that it can be
selected and restores it from its grayed
MF_GRAYED Disables the menu item so that it cannot
be selected and grays it.
MF_MENUBARBREAK Same as MF_MENUBREAK except that for
pop-up menus, separates the new column
from the old column with a vertical line.
MF_MENUBREAK Places the item on a new line for static
menu-bar items. For pop-up menus, places
the item in a new column, with no
Value Meaning
the item in a new column, with no
dividing line between the columns.
MF_OWNERDRAW Specifies that the item is an owner-draw
item. The window that owns the menu
receives a WM_MEASUREITEM message when
the menu is displayed for the first time
to retrieve the height and width of the
menu item. The WM_DRAWITEM message is
then sent whenever the owner must update
the visual appearance of the menu item.
This option is not valid for a top-level
menu item.
MF_POPUP Specifies that the menu item has a
pop-up menu associated with it. The
wIDNewItem parameter specifies a handle
to a pop-up menu to be associated with
the item. This is used for adding either
Value Meaning
the item. This is used for adding either
a top-level pop-up menu or adding a
hierarchical pop-up menu to a pop-up
menu item.
MF_SEPARATOR Draws a horizontal dividing line. Can
only be used in a pop-up menu. This line
cannot be grayed, disabled, or
highlighted. The lpNewItem and
wIDNewItem parameters are ignored.
MF_STRING Specifies that the menu item is a
character string; the lpNewItem
parameter points to the string for the
menu item.
MF_UNCHECKED Does not place a checkmark next to the
item (default). If the application has
supplied checkmark bitmaps (see
Value Meaning
supplied checkmark bitmaps (see
SetMenuItemBitmaps), setting this flag
displays the "checkmark off" bitmap next
to the menu item.
BOOL Arc(hDC, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4)
This function draws an elliptical arc. The center of the arc is the center
of the bounding rectangle specified by the points (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2). The
arc starts at the point (X3, Y3) and ends at the point (X4, Y4). The arc is
drawn using the selected pen and moving in a counterclockwise direction.
Since an arc does not define a closed area, it is not filled.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X1 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the bounding
Y1 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the bounding
X2 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the lower-right corner of the
bounding rectangle.
Y2 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
Parameter Type/Description
Y2 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the lower-right corner of the
bounding rectangle.
X3 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the arc's starting point. This point
does not have to lie exactly on the arc.
Y3 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the arc's starting point. This point
does not have to lie exactly on the arc.
X4 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the arc's endpoint. This point does
not have to lie exactly on the arc.
Y4 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the arc's endpoint. This point does
not have to lie exactly on the arc.
Parameter Type/Description
not have to lie exactly on the arc.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the arc is drawn. It is nonzero if the
arc is drawn. Otherwise, it is zero.
The width of the rectangle specified by the absolute value of X2 - X1 must
not exceed 32,767 units. This limit applies to the height of the rectangle
as well.
Version 3.0
WORD ArrangeIconicWindows(hWnd)
This function arranges all the minimized (iconic) child windows of the
window specified by the hWnd parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
Return Value
The return value is the height of one row of icons, or zero if there were no
Applications that maintain their own iconic child windows call this function
to arrange icons in a client window. This function also arranges icons on
the desktop window, which covers the entire screen. The GetDesktopWindow
function retrieves the window handle of the desktop window.
To arrange iconic MDI child windows in an MDI client window, an application
sends the WM_MDIICONARRANGE message to the MDI client window.
Version 3.0
HANDLE BeginDeferWindowPos(nNumWindows)
This function allocates memory to contain a multiple window-position data
structure and returns a handle to the structure. The DeferWindowPos function
fills this data structure with information about the target position for a
window that is about to be moved. The EndDeferWindowPos function accepts
this data structure and instantaneously repositions the windows using the
information stored in the structure.
Parameter Type/Description
nNumWindows int Specifies the initial number of
windows for which position information
is to be stored in the data structure.
The Defer-
WindowPos function increases the size of
the structure if needed.
Return Value
The return value identifies the multiple window-position data structure. The
return value is NULL if system resources are not available to allocate the
HDC BeginPaint(hWnd, lpPaint)
This function prepares the given window for painting and fills the paint
structure pointed to by the lpPaint parameter with information about the
The paint structure contains a handle to the device context for the window,
a RECT data structure that contains the smallest rectangle that completely
encloses the update region, and a flag that specifies whether or not the
background has been erased.
The BeginPaint function automatically sets the clipping region of the device
context to exclude any area outside the update region. The update region is
set by the InvalidateRect or InvalidateRgn functions and by the system after
sizing, moving, creating, scrolling, or any other operation that affects the
client area. If the update region is marked for erasing, BeginPaint sends a
WM_ERASEBKGND message to the window.
An application should not call the BeginPaint function except in response to
a WM_PAINT message. Each BeginPaint call must have a matching call to the
EndPaint function.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window to be
data structure that is to receive
painting information, such as the device
context for the window and the update
Return Value
The return value identifies the device context for the specified window.
If the caret is in the area to be painted, the BeginPaint function
automatically hides the caret to prevent it from being erased.
BOOL BitBlt(hDestDC, X, Y, nWidth, nHeight, hSrcDC, XSrc, YSrc, dwRop)
This function moves a bitmap from the source device given by the hSrcDC
parameter to the destination device given by the hDestDC parameter. The XSrc
and YSrc parameters specify the origin on the source device of the bitmap
that is to be moved. The X, Y, nWidth, and nHeight parameters specify the
origin, width, and height of the rectangle on the destination device that is
to be filled by the bitmap. The dwRop parameter (raster operation) defines
how the bits of the source and destination are combined.
Parameter Type/Description
hDestDC HDC Identifies the device context that
is to receive the bitmap.
X int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the
destination rectangle.
Parameter Type/Description
destination rectangle.
Y int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the
destination rectangle.
nWidth int Specifies the width (in logical
units) of the destination rectangle and
source bitmap.
nHeight int Specifies the height (in logical
units) of the destination rectangle and
source bitmap.
hSrcDC HDC Identifies the device context from
which the bitmap will be copied. It must
be NULL if the dwRop parameter specifies
a raster operation that does not include
a source.
Parameter Type/Description
a source.
XSrc int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the source
YSrc int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the source
dwRop DWORD Specifies the raster operation to
be performed. Raster-operation codes
define how the graphics device interface
(GDI) combines colors in output
operations that involve a current brush,
a possible source bitmap, and a
destination bitmap. For a list of
raster-operation codes, see Table .1,
"Raster Operations."
Parameter Type/Description
"Raster Operations."
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the bitmap is drawn. It is nonzero if the
bitmap is drawn. Otherwise, it is zero.
GDI transforms the nWidth and nHeight parameters, once by using the
destination display context, and once by using the source display context.
If the resulting extents do not match, GDI uses the StretchBlt function to
compress or stretch the source bitmap as necessary. If destination, source,
and pattern bitmaps do not have the same color format, the BitBlt function
converts the source and pattern bitmaps to match the destination. The
foreground and background colors of the destination are used in the
If BitBlt converts monochrome bitmaps to color, it sets white bits (1) to
the background color and black bits (0) to the foreground color. The
foreground and background colors of the destination device context are used.
To convert color to monochrome, BitBlt sets pixels that match the background
color to white (1), and sets all other pixels to black (0). The foreground
and background colors of the color-source device context are used.
The foreground color is the current text color for the specified device
context, and the background color is the current background color for the
specified device context.
Not all devices support the BitBlt function. For more information, see the
RC_BITBLT raster capability in the GetDeviceCaps function, later in this
Table lists the various raster-operation codes for the dwRop parameter:
Table Raster Operations
Code Description
BLACKNESS Turns all output black.
DSTINVERT Inverts the destination bitmap.
MERGECOPY Combines the pattern and the source
bitmap using the Boolean AND operator.
MERGEPAINT Combines the inverted source bitmap with
the destination bitmap using the Boolean
OR operator.
NOTSRCCOPY Copies the inverted source bitmap to the
NOTSRCERASE Inverts the result of combining the
destination and source bitmaps using the
Boolean OR operator.
Code Description
Boolean OR operator.
PATCOPY Copies the pattern to the destination
PATINVERT Combines the destination bitmap with the
pattern using the Boolean XOR operator.
PATPAINT Combines the inverted source bitmap with
the pattern using the Boolean OR
operator. Combines the result of this
operation with the destination bitmap
using the Boolean OR operator.
SRCAND Combines pixels of the destination and
source bitmaps using the Boolean AND
SRCCOPY Copies the source bitmap to the
Code Description
SRCCOPY Copies the source bitmap to the
destination bitmap.
SRCERASE Inverts the destination bitmap and
combines the result with the source
bitmap using the Boolean AND operator.
SRCINVERT Combines pixels of the destination and
source bitmaps using the Boolean XOR
SRCPAINT Combines pixels of the destination and
source bitmaps using the Boolean OR
WHITENESS Turns all output white.
Code Description
For a complete list of the raster-operation codes, see Chapter 11, "Binary
and Ternary Raster-Operation Codes," in Reference, Volume 2.
void BringWindowToTop(hWnd)
This function brings a pop-up or child window to the top of a stack of
overlapping windows. In addition, it activates pop-up and top-level windows.
The BringWindowToTop function should be used to uncover any window that is
partially or completely obscured by any overlapping windows.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the pop-up or child
window that is to be brought to the top.
Return Value
int BuildCommDCB(lpDef, lpDCB)
This function translates the definition string specified by the lpDef
parameter into appropriate device-control block codes and places these codes
into the block pointed to by the lpDCB parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
lpDef LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the
device-control information for a device.
The string must have the same form as
the DOS MODE command-line parameter.
lpDCB DCB FAR * Points to the DCB data
structure that is to receive the
translated string. The structure defines
the control setting for the
serial-communication device.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is zero if the
string is translated. It is negative if an error occurs.
The BuildCommDCB function only fills the buffer. An application should call
SetCommState to apply these settings to the port. Also, by default,
BuildCommDCB specifies Xon/Xoff and hardware flow control as disabled. An
application should set the appropriate fields in the DCB data structure to
enable flow control.
BOOL CallMsgFilter(lpMsg, nCode)
This function passes the given message and code to the current message
filter function. The message filter function is an application-specified
function that examines and modifies all messages. An application specifies
the function by using the SetWindowsHook function.
Parameter Type/Description
lpMsg LPMSG Points to an MSG data structure
that contains the message to be filtered.
nCode int Specifies a code used by the filter
function to determine how to process the
Return Value
The return value specifies the state of message processing. It is FALSE if
the message should be processed. It is TRUE if the message should not be
processed further.
The CallMsgFilter function is usually called by Windows to let applications
examine and control the flow of messages during internal processing in menus
and scroll bars or when moving or sizing a window.
Values given for the nCode parameter must not conflict with any of the MSGF_
and HC_ values passed by Windows to the message filter function.
LONG CallWindowProc(lpPrevWndFunc, hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam)
This function passes message information to the function specified by the
lpPrevWndFunc parameter. The CallWindowProc function is used for window
subclassing. Normally, all windows with the same class share the same window
function. A subclass is a window or set of windows belonging to the same
window class whose messages are intercepted and processed by another
function (or functions) before being passed to the window function of that
The SetWindowLong function creates the subclass by changing the window
function associated with a particular window, causing Windows to call the
new window function instead of the previous one. Any messages not processed
by the new window function must be passed to the previous window function by
calling CallWindowProc. This allows a chain of window functions to be
Parameter Type/Description
lpPrevWndFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the previous window function.
hWnd HWND Identifies the window that
receives the message.
wMsg WORD Specifies the message number.
wParam WORD Specifies additional
message-dependent information.
lParam DWORD Specifies additional
message-dependent information.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the message processing. The
possible return values depend on the message sent.
int Catch(lpCatchBuf)
This function catches the current execution environment and copies it to the
buffer pointed to by the lpCatchBuf parameter. The execution environment is
the state of all system registers and the instruction counter.
Parameter Type/Description
lpCatchBuf LPCATCHBUF Points to the CATCHBUF
structure that will receive the
execution environment.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the execution environment is copied to
the buffer. It is zero if the environment is copied to the buffer.
The Throw function uses the buffer to restore the execution environment to
its previous values.
The Catch function is similar to the C run-time setjmp function (which is
incompatible with the Windows environment).
BOOL ChangeClipboardChain(hWnd, hWndNext)
This function removes the window specified by the hWnd parameter from the
chain of clipboard viewers and makes the window specified by the hWndNext
parameter the descendant of the hWnd parameter's ancestor in the chain.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window that is to
be removed from the chain. The handle
must previously have been passed to the
SetClipboardViewer function.
hWndNext HWND Identifies the window that follows
hWnd in the clipboard-viewer chain (this
is the handle returned by the
SetClipboardViewer function, unless the
sequence was changed in response to a
Return Value
The return value specifies the status of the hWnd window. It is nonzero if
the window is found and removed. Otherwise, it is zero.
The Microsoft Windows version 3.0 SDK has replaced this function with five
specialized functions. These new functions are:
Function Description
AppendMenu Appends a menu item to the end of a menu.
DeleteMenu Deletes a menu item from a menu,
destroying the menu item.
InsertMenu Inserts a menu item into a menu.
ModifyMenu Modifies a menu item in a menu.
RemoveMenu Removes a menu item from a menu but does
not destroy the menu item.
Applications written for SDK versions 2.1 and earlier may continue to call
ChangeMenu as previously documented. New applications should call the new
functions listed above.
Version 3.0
WORD ChangeSelector(wDestSelector, wSourceSelector)
This function generates a code selector that corresponds to a given data
selector, or a data selector that corresponds to a given code selector.
The wSourceSelector parameter specifies the selector to be copied and
converted; the wDestSelector parameter is a selector previously allocated by
a call to the AllocSelector function. ChangeSelector modifies the
destination selector to have the same properties as the source selector, but
with the opposite code or data attribute. This function changes only the
attributes of the selector, not the value of the selector.
Parameter Type/Description
wDestSelector WORD Specifies a selector previously
allocated by AllocSelector that receives
the converted selector.
wSourceSelector WORD Specifies the selector to be
Return Value
The return value is the copied and converted selector. It is zero if the
function failed.
Windows does not attempt to track changes to the source selector.
Consequently, the application should use the converted destination selector
immediately after it is returned by this function before any movement of
memory can occur.
An application should not use this function unless it is absolutely
necessary. Use of this function violates preferred Windows programming
void CheckDlgButton(hDlg, nIDButton, wCheck)
This function places a checkmark next to or removes a checkmark from a
button control, or changes the state of a three-state button. The
CheckDlgButton function sends a BM_SETCHECK message to the button control
that has the specified ID in the given dialog box.
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box that
contains the button.
nIDButton int Specifies the button control to be
wCheck WORD Specifies the action to take. If
the wCheck parameter is nonzero, the
CheckDlgButton function places a
checkmark next to the button; if zero,
the checkmark is removed. For
three-state buttons, if wCheck is 2, the
button is grayed; if wCheck is 1, it is
checked; if wCheck is 0, the checkmark
is removed.
Return Value
BOOL CheckMenuItem(hMenu, wIDCheckItem, wCheck)
This function places checkmarks next to or removes checkmarks from menu
items in the pop-up menu specified by the hMenu parameter. The wIDCheckItem
parameter specifies the item to be modified.
Parameter Type/Description
hMenu HMENU Identifies the menu.
wIDCheckItem WORD Specifies the menu
item to be checked.
wCheck WORD Specifies how to check
the menu item and how to
determine the item's
position in the menu. The
wCheck parameter can be a
combination of the
MF_BYCOMMAND flags. These
Parameter Type/Description
MF_BYCOMMAND flags. These
flags can be combined by
using the bitwise OR
operator. They have the
following meanings:
MF_BYCOMMAND Specifies that the
wIDCheckItem parameter gives
the menu-item ID
(MF_BYCOMMAND is the default).
MF_BYPOSITION Specifies that the
wIDCheckItem parameter gives
the position of the menu item
(the first item is at
position zero).
MF_CHECKED Adds checkmark.
Parameter Type/Description
MF_CHECKED Adds checkmark.
MF_UNCHECKED Removes checkmark.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous state of the item. It is either
MF_CHECKED or MF_UNCHECKED. The return value is -1 if the menu item does not
The wIDCheckItem parameter may identify a pop-up menu item as well as a menu
item. No special steps are required to check a pop-up menu item.
Top-level menu items cannot be checked.
A pop-up menu item should be checked by position since it does not have a
menu-item identifier associated with it.
void CheckRadioButton(hDlg, nIDFirstButton, nIDLastButton,
This function checks the radio button specified by the nIDCheckButton
parameter and removes the checkmark from all other radio buttons in the
group of buttons specified by the nIDFirstButton and nIDLastButton
parameters. The CheckRadioButton function sends a BM_SETCHECK message to the
radio-button control that has the specified ID in the given dialog box.
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box.
nIDFirstButton int Specifies the integer identifier of
the first radio button in the group.
nIDLastButton int Specifies the integer identifier of
the last radio button in the group.
nIDCheckButton int Specifies the integer identifier of
the radio button to be checked.
Return Value
HWND ChildWindowFromPoint(hWndParent, Point)
This function determines which, if any, of the child windows belonging to
the given parent window contains the specified point.
Parameter Type/Description
hWndParent HWND Identifies the parent window.
Point POINT Specifies the client coordinates
of the point to be tested.
Return Value
The return value identifies the child window that contains the point. It is
NULL if the given point lies outside the parent window. If the point is
within the parent window but is not contained within any child window, the
handle of the parent window is returned.
BOOL Chord(hDC, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4)
This function draws a chord (a region bounded by the intersection of an
ellipse and a line segment). The (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) parameters specify
the upper-left and lower-right corners, respectively, of a rectangle
bounding the ellipse that is part of the chord. The (X3, Y3) and (X4, Y4)
parameters specify the endpoints of a line that intersects the ellipse. The
chord is drawn by using the selected pen and filled by using the selected
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context in
which the chord will appear.
X1 int Specifies the x-coordinate of the
bounding rectangle's upper-left corner.
Y1 int Specifies the y-coordinate of the
bounding rectangle's upper-left corner.
X2 int Specifies the x-coordinate of the
bounding rectangle's lower-right corner.
Y2 int Specifies the y-coordinate of the
bounding rectangle's lower-right corner.
X3 int Specifies the x-coordinate of one
end of the line segment.
Parameter Type/Description
end of the line segment.
Y3 int Specifies the y-coordinate of one
end of the line segment.
X4 int Specifies the x-coordinate of one
end of the line segment.
Y4 int Specifies the y-coordinate of one
end of the line segment.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not the arc is drawn. It is nonzero if
the arc is drawn. Otherwise, it is zero.
int ClearCommBreak(nCid)
This function restores character transmission and places the transmission
line in a nonbreak state.
Parameter Type/Description
nCid int Specifies the communication device
to be restored. The OpenComm function
returns this value.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is zero if the
function is successful. It is negative if the nCid parameter is not a valid
void ClientToScreen(hWnd, lpPoint)
This function converts the client coordinates of a given point on the
display to screen coordinates. The ClientToScreen function uses the client
coordinates in the POINT data structure, pointed to by the lpPoint
parameter, to compute new screen coordinates; it then replaces the
coordinates in the structure with the new coordinates. The new screen
coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of the system display.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose client
area will be used for the conversion.
lpPoint LPPOINT Points to a POINT data
structure that contains the client
coordinates to be converted.
Return Value
The ClientToScreen function assumes that the given point is in client
coordinates and is relative to the given window.
void ClipCursor(lpRect)
This function confines the cursor to the rectangle on the display screen
given by the lpRect parameter. If a subsequent cursor position, given with
the SetCursorPos function or the mouse, lies outside the rectangle, Windows
automatically adjusts the position to keep the cursor inside. If lpRect is
NULL, the cursor is free to move anywhere on the display screen.
Parameter Type/Description
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the screen coordinates of
the upper-left and lower-right corners
of the confining rectangle.
Return Value
The cursor is a shared resource. An application that has confined the cursor
to a given rectangle must free it before relinquishing control to another
BOOL CloseClipboard( )
This function closes the clipboard. The CloseClipboard function should be
called when a window has finished examining or changing the clipboard. It
lets other applications access the clipboard.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the clipboard is closed. It is nonzero if
the clipboard is closed. Otherwise, it is zero.
int CloseComm(nCid)
This function closes the communication device specified by the nCid
parameter and frees any memory allocated for the device's transmit and
receive queues. All characters in the output queue are sent before the
communication device is closed.
Parameter Type/Description
nCid int Specifies the device to be closed.
The OpenComm function returns this value.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is zero if the
device is closed. It is negative if an error occurred.
HANDLE CloseMetaFile(hDC)
This function closes the metafile device context and creates a metafile
handle that can be used to play the metafile by using the PlayMetaFile
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HANDLE Identifies the metafile device context to be closed.
Return Value
The return value identifies the metafile if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
void CloseSound( )
This function closes access to the play device and frees the device for
opening by other applications. The CloseSound function flushes all voice
queues and frees any buffers allocated for these queues.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
void CloseWindow(hWnd)
This function minimizes the specified window. If the window is an overlapped
window, it is minimized by removing the client area and caption of the open
window from the display screen and moving the window's icon into the icon
area of the screen.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window to be minimized.
Return Value
This function has no effect if the hWnd parameter is a handle to a pop-up or
child window.
int CombineRgn(hDestRgn, hSrcRgn1, hSrcRgn2, nCombineMode)
This function creates a new region by combining two existing regions. The
method used to combine the regions is specified by the nCombineMode
Parameter Type/Description
hDestRgn HRGN Identifies an existing
region that will be replaced
by the new region.
hSrcRgn1 HRGN Identifies an existing
hSrcRgn2 HRGN Identifies an existing
nCombineMode int Specifies the operation
to be performed on the two
existing regions. It can be
any one of the following
RGN_AND Uses overlapping areas of
both regions (intersection).
Parameter Type/Description
RGN_COPY Creates a copy of region 1
(identified by hSrcRgn1).
RGN_DIFF Saves the areas of region 1
(identified by the hSrcRgn1
parameter) that are not part
of region 2 (identified by
the hSrcRgn2 parameter).
RGN_OR Combines all of both regions
RGN_XOR Combines both regions but
removes overlapping areas.
Return Value
The return value specifies the type of the resulting region. It can be any
one of the following values:
Value Meaning
COMPLEXREGION New region has overlapping borders.
ERROR No new region created.
NULLREGION New region is empty.
SIMPLEREGION New region has no overlapping borders.
If the hDestRgn parameter does not identify an existing region, the
application must pass a far pointer to a previously allocated HRGN as the
hDestRgn parameter.
HANDLE CopyMetaFile(hSrcMetaFile, lpFilename)
This function copies the source metafile to the file pointed to by the
lpFilename parameter and returns a handle to the new metafile. If lpFilename
is NULL, the source is copied to a memory metafile.
Parameter Type/Description
hSrcMetaFile HANDLE Identifies the source metafile.
lpFilename LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the file
that is to receive the metafile.
Return Value
The return value identifies the new metafile.
int CopyRect(lpDestRect, lpSourceRect)
This function copies the rectangle pointed to by the lpSourceRect parameter
to the RECT data structure pointed to by the lpDestRect parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
lpDestRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure.
lpSourceRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure.
Return Value
Although the CopyRect function return type is an integer, the return value
is not used and has no meaning.
int CountClipboardFormats( )
This function retrieves a count of the number of formats the clipboard can
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of data formats in the clipboard.
int CountVoiceNotes(nVoice)
This function retrieves a count of the number of notes in the specified
queue. Only those queue entries that result from calls to the SetVoiceNote
function are counted.
Parameter Type/Description
nVoice int Specifies the voice queue to be
counted. The first voice queue is
numbered 1.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of notes in the given queue.
HBITMAP CreateBitmap(nWidth, nHeight, nPlanes,
nBitCount, lpBits)
This function creates a device-dependent memory bitmap that has the
specified width, height, and bit pattern. The bitmap can subsequently be
selected as the current bitmap for a memory display by using the
SelectObject function.
Although a bitmap cannot be copied directly to a display device, the BitBlt
function can copy it from a memory display context (in which it is the
current bitmap) to any compatible device.
Parameter Type/Description
nWidth int Specifies the width (in pixels) of
the bitmap.
nHeight int Specifies the height (in pixels) of
the bitmap.
nPlanes BYTE Specifies the number of color
planes in the bitmap. Each plane has
nWidth x nHeight x nBitCount bits.
nBitCount BYTE Specifies the number of color bits
per display pixel.
lpBits LPSTR Points to a short-integer array
that contains the initial bitmap bit
values. If it is NULL, the new bitmap is
left uninitialized. For more information,
see the description of the bmBits field
in the BITMAP data structure in Chapter
7, "Data Types and Structures," in
Reference, Volume 2.
Return Value
The return value identifies a bitmap if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
HBITMAP CreateBitmapIndirect(lpBitmap)
This function creates a bitmap that has the width, height, and bit pattern
given in the data structure pointed to by the lpBitmap parameter. Although a
bitmap cannot be directly selected for a display device, it can be selected
as the current bitmap for a memory display and copied to any compatible
display device by using the BitBlt function.
Parameter Type/Description
lpBitmap BITMAP FAR * Points to a BITMAP data
structure that contains information
about the bitmap.
Return Value
The return value identifies a bitmap if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
HBRUSH CreateBrushIndirect(lpLogBrush)
This function creates a logical brush that has the style, color, and pattern
given in the data structure pointed to by the lpLogBrush parameter. The
brush can subsequently be selected as the current brush for any device.
Parameter Type/Description
lpLogBrush LOGBRUSH FAR * Points to a LOGBRUSH
data structure that contains information
about the brush.
Return Value
The return value identifies a logical brush if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
A brush created using a monochrome (one plane, one bit per pixel) bitmap is
drawn using the current text and background colors. Pixels represented by a
bit set to 0 will be drawn with the current text color, and pixels
represented by a bit set to 1 will be drawn with the current background
void CreateCaret(hWnd, hBitmap, nWidth, nHeight)
This function creates a new shape for the system caret and assigns ownership
of the caret to the given window. The caret shape can be a line, block, or
bitmap as defined by the hBitmap parameter. If hBitmap is a bitmap handle,
the nWidth and nHeight parameters are ignored; the bitmap defines its own
width and height. (The bitmap handle must have been previously created by
using the CreateBitmap, CreateDIBitmap, or LoadBitmap function.) If hBitmap
is NULL or 1, nWidth and nHeight give the caret's width and height (in
logical units); the exact width and height (in pixels) depend on the
window's mapping mode.
If nWidth or nHeight is zero, the caret width or height is set to the
system's window-border width or height. Using the window-border width or
height guarantees that the caret will be visible on a high-resolution
The CreateCaret function automatically destroys the previous caret shape, if
any, regardless of which window owns the caret. Once created, the caret is
initially hidden. To show the caret, the ShowCaret function must be called.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window that owns
the new caret.
hBitmap HBITMAP Identifies the bitmap that
defines the caret shape. If hBitmap is
NULL, the caret is solid; if hBitmap is
1, the caret is gray.
nWidth int Specifies the width of the caret
(in logical units).
nHeight int Specifies the height of the caret
(in logical units).
Return Value
The system caret is a shared resource. A window should create a caret only
when it has the input focus or is active. It should destroy the caret before
losing the input focus or becoming inactive.
The system's window-border width or height can be retrieved by using the
GetSystemMetrics function with the SM_CXBORDER and SM_CYBORDER indexes.
HBITMAP CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, nWidth, nHeight)
This function creates a bitmap that is compatible with the device specified
by the hDC parameter. The bitmap has the same number of color planes or the
same bits-per-pixel format as the specified device. It can be selected as
the current bitmap for any memory device that is compatible with the one
specified by hDC.
If hDC is a memory device context, the bitmap returned has the same format
as the currently selected bitmap in that device context. A memory device
context is a block of memory that represents a display surface. It can be
used to prepare images in memory before copying them to the actual display
surface of the compatible device.
When a memory device context is created, GDI automatically selects a
monochrome stock bitmap for it.
Since a color memory device context can have either color or monochrome
bitmaps selected, the format of the bitmap returned by the
CreateCompatibleBitmap function is not always the same; however, the format
of a compatible bitmap for a nonmemory device context is always in the
format of the device.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
nWidth int Specifies the width (in bits) of the bitmap.
nHeight int Specifies the height (in bits) of the bitmap.
Return Value
The return value identifies a bitmap if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
HDC CreateCompatibleDC(hDC)
This function creates a memory device context that is compatible with the
device specified by the hDC parameter. A memory device context is a block of
memory that represents a display surface. It can be used to prepare images
in memory before copying them to the actual device surface of the compatible
When a memory device context is created, GDI automatically selects a 1-by-1
monochrome stock bitmap for it.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context. If
hDC is NULL, the function creates a
memory device context that is compatible
with the system display.
Return Value
The return value identifies the new memory device context if the function is
successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
This function can only be used to create compatible device contexts for
devices that support raster operations. For more information, see the
RC_BITBLT raster capability in the GetDeviceCaps function, later in this
GDI output functions can be used with a memory device context only if a
bitmap has been created and selected into that context.
When the application no longer requires the device context, it should free
it by calling the DeleteDC function.
Version 3.0
HCURSOR CreateCursor(hInstance, nXhotspot,
nYhotspot, nWidth, nHeight, lpANDbitPlane, lpXORbitPlane)
This function creates a cursor that has specified width, height, and bit
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies an instance of the
module creating the cursor.
nXhotspot int Specifies the horizontal position
of the cursor hotspot.
nYhotspot int Specifies the vertical position of
the cursor hotspot.
nWidth int Specifies the width in pixels of
the cursor.
nHeight int Specifies the height in pixels of
the cursor.
lpANDbitPlane LPSTR Points to an array of bytes
containing the bit values for the AND
mask of the cursor. This can be the bits
of a device-dependent monochrome bitmap.
lpXORbitPlane LPSTR Points to an array of bytes
containing the bit values for the XOR
mask of the cursor. This can be the bits
of a device-dependent monochrome bitmap.
Return Value
The return value identifies the cursor if the function was successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
HDC CreateDC(lpDriverName, lpDeviceName, lpOutput, lpInitData)
This function creates a device context for the specified device. The
lpDriverName, lpDeviceName, and lpOutput parameters specify the device
driver, device name, and physical output medium (file or port),
Parameter Type/Description
lpDriverName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the DOS
filename (without extension) of the
device driver (for example, Epson (R)).
lpDeviceName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the name
of the specific device to be supported
(for example, Epson FX-80). The
lpDeviceName parameter is used if the
module supports more than one device.
lpOutput LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the DOS
file or device name for the physical
output medium (file or output port).
lpInitData LPDEVMODE Points to a DEVMODE data
structure containing device-specific
initialization data for the device
driver. The ExtDeviceMode retrieves this
structure filled in for a given device.
The lpInitData parameter must be NULL if
the device driver is to use the default
initialization (if any) specified by the
user through the Control Panel.
Return Value
The return value identifies a device context for the specified device if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
DOS device names follow DOS conventions; an ending colon (:) is recommended,
but optional. Windows strips the terminating colon so that a device name
ending with a colon is mapped to the same port as the same name without a
colon. The driver and port names must not contain leading or trailing
HWND CreateDialog(hInstance, lpTemplateName,
hWndParent, lpDialogFunc)
This function creates a modeless dialog box that has the size, style, and
controls defined by the dialog-box template given by the lpTemplateName
parameter. The hWndParent parameter identifies the application window that
owns the dialog box. The dialog function pointed to by the lpDialogFunc
parameter processes any messages received by the dialog box.
The CreateDialog function sends a WM_INITDIALOG message to the dialog
function before displaying the dialog box. This message allows the dialog
function to initialize the dialog-box controls.
CreateDialog returns immediately after creating the dialog box. It does not
wait for the dialog box to begin processing input.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies an instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the dialog-box template.
lpTemplateName LPSTR Points to a character string that
names the dialog-box template. The
string must be a null-terminated
character string.
hWndParent HWND Identifies the window that owns
the dialog box.
lpDialogFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address for the dialog function. See the
following "Comments" section for details.
Return Value
The return value is the window handle of the dialog box. It is NULL if the
function cannot create the dialog box.
Use the WS_VISIBLE style for the dialog-box template if the dialog box
should appear in the parent window upon creation.
Use the DestroyWindow function to destroy a dialog box created by the
CreateDialog function.
A dialog box can contain up to 255 controls.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR.
Callback Function
BOOL FAR PASCAL DialogFunc(hDlg, wMsg,
wParam, lParam)
HWND hDlg;
WORD wMsg;
WORD wParam;
DWORD lParam;
DialogFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Parameter Definition
hDlg Identifies the dialog box that receives
the message.
wMsg Specifies the message number.
wParam Specifies 16 bits of additional
message-dependent information.
lParam Specifies 32 bits of additional
message-dependent information.
Return Value
Except in response to the WM_INITDIALOG message, the dialog function should
return nonzero if the function processes the message, and zero if it does
not. In response to a WM_INITDIALOG message, the dialog function should
return zero if it calls the SetFocus function to set the focus to one of the
controls in the dialog box. Otherwise, it should return nonzero, in which
case Windows will set the focus to the first control in the dialog box that
can be given the focus.
The dialog function is used only if the dialog class is used for the dialog
box. This is the default class and is used if no explicit class is given in
the dialog-box template. Although the dialog function is similar to a window
function, it must not call the DefWindowProc function to process unwanted
messages. Unwanted messages are processed internally by the dialog-class
window function.
The dialog-function address, passed as the lpDialogFunc parameter, must be
created by using the MakeProcInstance function.
HWND CreateDialogIndirect(hInstance, lpDialogTemplate,
hWndParent, lpDialogFunc)
This function creates a modeless dialog box that has the size, style, and
controls defined by the dialog-box template given by the lpDialogTemplate
parameter. The hWndParent parameter identifies the application window that
owns the dialog box. The dialog function pointed to by the lpDialogFunc
parameter processes any messages received by the dialog box.
The CreateDialogIndirect function sends a WM_INITDIALOG message to the
dialog function before displaying the dialog box. This message allows the
dialog function to initialize the dialog-box controls.
CreateDialogIndirect returns immediately after creating the dialog box. It
does not wait for the dialog box to begin processing input.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies an instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the dialog-box template.
lpDialogTemplate LPSTR Points to a block of memory that
contains a DLGTEMPLATE data structure.
hWndParent HWND Identifies the window that owns
the dialog box.
lpDialogFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the dialog function. See the
following "Comments" section for details.
Return Value
The return value is the window handle of the dialog box. It is NULL if the
function cannot create either the dialog box or any controls in the dialog
Use the WS_VISIBLE style in the dialog-box template if the dialog box should
appear in the parent window upon creation.
A dialog box can contain up to 255 controls.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR.
Callback Function
BOOL FAR PASCAL DialogFunc(hDlg, wMsg,
wParam, lParam)
HWND hDlg;
WORD wMsg;
WORD wParam;
DWORD lParam;
DialogFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Parameter Definition
hDlg Identifies the dialog box that receives
the message.
wMsg Specifies the message number.
wParam Specifies 16 bits of additional
message-dependent information.
lParam Specifies 32 bits of additional
message-dependent information.
Return Value
Except in response to the WM_INITDIALOG message, the dialog function should
return nonzero if the function processes the message, and zero if it does
not. In response to a WM_INITDIALOG message, the dialog function should
return zero if it calls the SetFocus function to set the focus to one of the
controls in the dialog box. Otherwise, it should return nonzero, in which
case Windows will set the focus to the first control in the dialog box that
can be given the focus.
The dialog function is used only if the dialog class is used for the dialog
box. This is the default class and is used if no explicit class is given in
the dialog-box template. Although the dialog function is similar to a window
function, it must not call the DefWindowProc function to process unwanted
messages. Unwanted messages are processed internally by the dialog-class
window function.
The dialog-function address, passed as the lpDialogFunc parameter, must be
created by using the MakeProcInstance function.
Version 3.0
HWND CreateDialogIndirectParam(hInstance, lpDialogTemplate,
hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam)
This function creates a modeless dialog box, sends a WM_INITDIALOG message
to the dialog function before displaying the dialog box, and passes
dwInitParam as the message lParam. This message allows the dialog function
to initialize the dialog-box controls. Otherwise, this function is identical
to the CreateDialogIndirect function.
For more information on creating a modeless dialog box, see the description
of the CreateDialogIndirect function.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies an instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the dialog-box template.
lpDialogTemplate LPSTR Points to a block of memory that
contains a DLGTEMPLATE data structure.
hWndParent HWND Identifies the window that owns
the dialog box.
lpDialogFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the dialog function. For
details, see the "Comments" section in
the description of the
CreateDialogIndirect function.
dwInitParam DWORD Is a 32-bit value which
CreateDialogIndirectParam passes to the
dialog function when it creates the
dialog box.
Return Value
The return value is the window handle of the dialog box. It is NULL if the
function cannot create either the dialog box or any controls in the dialog
Version 3.0
HWND CreateDialogParam(hInstance, lpTemplateName,
hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam)
This function creates a modeless dialog box, sends a WM_INITDIALOG message
to the dialog function before displaying the dialog box, and passes
dwInitParam as the message lParam. This message allows the dialog function
to initialize the dialog-box controls. Otherwise, this function is identical
to the CreateDialog function.
For more information on creating a modeless dialog box, see the description
of the CreateDialog function.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies an instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the dialog-box template.
lpTemplateName LPSTR Points to a character string that
names the dialog-box template. The
string must be a null-terminated
character string.
hWndParent HWND Identifies the window that owns
the dialog box.
lpDialogFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address for the dialog function. For
details, see the "Comments" section of
the CreateDialog function.
dwInitParam DWORD Is a 32-bit value which
CreateDialogParam passes to the dialog
function when it creates the dialog box.
Return Value
The return value is the window handle of the dialog box. It is -1 if the
function cannot create the dialog box.
Version 3.0
HBITMAP CreateDIBitmap(hDC, lpInfoHeader, dwUsage,
lpInitBits, lpInitInfo, wUsage)
This function creates a device-specific memory bitmap from a
device-independent bitmap (DIB) specification and optionally sets bits in
the bitmap.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device
structure that describes the
size and format of the
device-independent bitmap.
dwUsage DWORD Indicates whether the
memory bitmap is to be
initialized. If dwUsage is
set to CBM_INIT,
CreateDIBitmap will
initialize the bitmap with
the bits specified by
Parameter Type/Description
the bits specified by
lpInitBits and lpInitInfo.
lpInitBits LPSTR Points to a byte
array that contains the
initial bitmap values. The
format of the bitmap values
depends on the biBitCount
field of the BITMAPINFO
structure identified by
lpInitInfo. See the
description of the
BITMAPINFO data structure in
Chapter 7, "Data Types and
Structures," in Reference,
Volume 2, for more
lpInitInfo LPBITMAPINFO Points to a
Parameter Type/Description
lpInitInfo LPBITMAPINFO Points to a
BITMAPINFO data structure
that describes the
dimensions and color format
of lpInitBits.
wUsage WORD Specifies whether the
bmiColors[ ] fields of the
lpInitInfo data structure
contain explicit RGB values
or indexes into the
currently realized logical
palette. The wUsage
parameter must be one of the
following values:
DIB_PAL_COLORS The color table consists of
an array of 16-bit indexes
into the currently realized
Parameter Type/Description
into the currently realized
logical palette.
DIB_RGB_COLORS The color table contains
literal RGB values.
Return Value
The return value identifies a bitmap if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
This function also accepts a device-independent bitmap specification
formatted for Microsoft OS/2 Presentation Manager versions 1.1 and 1.2 if
the lpInfoHeader points to a BITMAPCOREHEADER data structure and the
lpInitInfo parameter points to a BITMAPCOREINFO data structure.
Version 3.0
HBRUSH CreateDIBPatternBrush(hPackedDIB, wUsage)
This function creates a logical brush that has the pattern specified by the
device-independent bitmap (DIB) defined by the the hPackedDIB parameter. The
brush can subsequently be selected for any device that supports raster
operations. For more information, see the RC_BITBLT raster capability in the
GetDeviceCaps function, later in this chapter.
Parameter Type/Description
hPackedDIB GLOBALHANDLE Identifies a
global memory object
containing a packed
device-independent bitmap. To
obtain this handle, an
application calls the
GlobalAlloc function to
allocate a block of global
memory and then fills the
memory with the packed DIB. A
packed DIB consists of a
BITMAPINFO data structure
immediately followed by the
array of bytes which define
the pixels of the bitmap.
wUsage WORD Specifies whether the
bmiColors[ ] fields of the
BITMAPINFO data structure
contain explicit RGB values or
indexes into the currently
realized logical palette. The
wUsage parameter must be one
of the following values:
DIB_PAL_COLORS The color table contains
literal RGB values. into the
currently realized logical
DIB_RGB_COLORS The color table consists of an
array of 16-bit indexes.
Return Value
The return value identifies a logical brush if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
HBITMAP CreateDiscardableBitmap(hDC, nWidth, nHeight)
This function creates a discardable bitmap that is compatible with the
device identified by the hDC parameter. The bitmap has the same number of
color planes or the same bits-per-pixel format as the specified device. An
application can select this bitmap as the current bitmap for a memory device
that is compatible with the one specified by the hDC parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies a device context.
nWidth int Specifies the width (in bits) of the bitmap.
nHeight int Specifies the height (in bits) of the bitmap.
Return Value
The return value identifies a bitmap if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
Windows can discard a bitmap created by this function only if an application
has not selected it into a display context. If Windows discards the bitmap
when it is not selected and the application later attempts to select it, the
SelectObject function will return zero. When this occurs, the application
should remove the handle to the bitmap by using DeleteObject.
HRGN CreateEllipticRgn(X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
This function creates an elliptical region.
Parameter Type/Description
X1 int Specifies the x-coordinate of the
upper-left corner of the bounding
rectangle of the ellipse.
Y1 int Specifies the y-coordinate of the
upper-left corner of the bounding
rectangle of the ellipse.
X2 int Specifies the x-coordinate of the
lower-right corner of the bounding
rectangle of the ellipse.
Y2 int Specifies the y-coordinate of the
lower-right corner of the bounding
rectangle of the ellipse.
Return Value
The return value identifies a new region if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
The width of the rectangle, specified by the absolute value of X2 - X1, must
not exceed 32,767 units. This limit also applies to the height of the
HRGN CreateEllipticRgnIndirect(lpRect)
This function creates an elliptical region.
Parameter Type/Description
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the coordinates of the
upper-left and lower-right corners of
the bounding rectangle of the ellipse.
Return Value
The return value identifies a new region if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
The width of the rectangle must not exceed 32,767 units. This limit applies
to the height of the rectangle as well.
HFONT CreateFont(nHeight, nWidth, nEscapement,
nOrientation, nWeight, cItalic, cUnderline,
cStrikeOut, cCharSet, cOutputPrecision, cClipPrecision,
cQuality, cPitchAndFamily, lpFacename)
This function creates a logical font that has the specified characteristics.
The logical font can subsequently be selected as the font for any device.
Parameter Type/Description
Parameter Type/Description
nHeight int Specifies the desired height (in
logical units) of the font. The font
height can be specified in three ways:
If nHeight is greater than zero, it is
transformed into device units and
matched against the cell height of the
available fonts. If it is zero, a
reasonable default size is used. If it
is less than zero, it is transformed
into device units and the absolute value
is matched against the character height
of the available fonts. For all height
comparisons, the font mapper looks for
the largest font that does not exceed
the requested size, and, if there is no
such font, looks for the smallest font
nWidth int Specifies the average width (in
Parameter Type/Description
nWidth int Specifies the average width (in
logical units) of characters in the font.
If nWidth is zero, the aspect ratio of
the device will be matched against the
digitization aspect ratio of the
available fonts to find the closest
match, determined by the absolute value
of the difference.
nEscapement int Specifies the angle (in tenths of
degrees) of each line of text written in
the font (relative to the bottom of the
nOrientation int Specifies the angle (in tenths of
degrees) of each character's baseline
(relative to the bottom of the page).
nWeight int Specifies the desired weight of the
Parameter Type/Description
nWeight int Specifies the desired weight of the
font in the range 0 to 1000 (for example,
400 is normal, 700 is bold). If nWeight
is zero, a default weight is used.
cItalic BYTE Specifies whether the font is
cUnderline BYTE Specifies whether the font is
cStrikeOut BYTE Specifies whether characters in
the font are struck out.
cCharSet BYTE Specifies the desired character
set. The following values are
Parameter Type/Description
The OEM character set is
Fonts with other character sets may
exist in the system. If an application
uses a font with an unknown character
set, it should not attempt to translate
or interpret strings that are to be
rendered with that font. Instead, the
strings should be passed directly to the
output device driver.
cOutputPrecision BYTE Specifies the desired output
precision. The output precision defines
how closely the output must match the
Parameter Type/Description
how closely the output must match the
requested font's height, width,
character orientation, escapement, and
pitch. It can be any one of the
following values:
cClipPrecision BYTE Specifies the desired clipping
precision. The clipping precision
defines how to clip characters that are
partially outside the clipping region.
It can be any one of the following
Parameter Type/Description
cQuality BYTE Specifies the desired output
quality. The output quality defines how
carefully GDI must attempt to match the
logical-font attributes to those of an
actual physical font. It can be any one
of the following values:
cPitchAndFamily BYTE Specifies the pitch and family of
the font. The two low-order bits specify
the pitch of the font and can be any one
of the following values:
Parameter Type/Description
of the following values:
The four high-order bits of the field
specify the font family and can be any
one of the following values:
lpFacename LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the
Parameter Type/Description
character string that specifies the
typeface name of the font. The length of
this string must not exceed 30
characters. The EnumFonts function can
be used to enumerate the typeface names
of all currently available fonts.
Return Value
The return value identifies a logical font if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
The CreateFont function does not create a new font. It merely selects the
closest match from the fonts available in GDI's pool of physical fonts.
HFONT CreateFontIndirect(lpLogFont)
This function creates a logical font that has the characteristics given in
the data structure pointed to by the lpLogFont parameter. The font can
subsequently be selected as the current font for any device.
Parameter Type/Description
lpLogFont LOGFONT FAR * Points to a LOGFONT data
structure that defines the
characteristics of the logical font.
Return Value
The return value identifies a logical font if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
The CreateFontIndirect function creates a logical font that has all the
specified characteristics. When the font is selected by using the
SelectObject function, GDI's font mapper attempts to match the logical font
with an existing physical font. If it fails to find an exact font, it
provides an alternate whose characteristics match as many of the requested
characteristics as possible. For a description of the font mapper, see
Chapter 2, "Graphics Device Interface Functions."
HBRUSH CreateHatchBrush(nIndex, crColor)
This function creates a logical brush that has the specified hatched pattern
and color. The brush can subsequently be selected as the current brush for
any device.
Parameter Type/Description
nIndex int Specifies the hatch style
of the brush. It can be any
one of the following values:
HS_BDIAGONAL 45-degree downward hatch (left
to right)
HS_CROSS Horizontal and vertical
Parameter Type/Description
HS_CROSS Horizontal and vertical
HS_DIAGCROSS 45-degree crosshatch
HS_FDIAGONAL 45-degree upward hatch (left
to right)
HS_HORIZONTAL Horizontal hatch
HS_VERTICAL Vertical hatch
crColor COLORREF Specifies the
foreground color of the brush
(the color of the hatches).
Return Value
The return value identifies a logical brush if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
HDC CreateIC(lpDriverName, lpDeviceName, lpOutput, lpInitData)
This function creates an information context for the specified device. The
information context provides a fast way to get information about the device
without creating a device context.
Parameter Type/Description
lpDriverName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the DOS
filename (without extension) of the
device driver (for example, EPSON).
lpDeviceName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the name
of the specific device to be supported
(for example, EPSON FX-80). The
lpDeviceName parameter is used if the
module supports more than one device.
lpOutput LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the DOS
file or device name for the physical
output medium (file or port).
lpInitData LPSTR Points to device-specific
initialization data for the device
driver. The lpInitData parameter must be
NULL if the device driver is to use the
default initialization (if any)
specified by the user through the
Control Panel.
Return Value
The return value identifies an information context for the specified device
if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
DOS device names follow DOS conventions; an ending colon (:) is recommended,
but optional. Windows strips the terminating colon so that a device name
ending with a colon is mapped to the same port as the same name without a
The driver and port names must not contain leading or trailing spaces.
GDI output functions cannot be used with information contexts.
Version 3.0
HICON CreateIcon(hInstance, nWidth, nHeight,
nPlanes, nBitsPixel, lpANDbits, lpXORbits)
This function creates an icon that has specified width, height, colors, and
bit patterns.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies an instance of the
module creating the icon.
nWidth int Specifies the width in pixels of
the icon.
nHeight int Specifies the height in pixels of
the icon.
nPlanes BYTE Specifies the number of planes in
the XOR mask of the icon.
nBitsPixel BYTE Specifies the number of bits per
pixel in the XOR mask of the icon.
Parameter Type/Description
lpANDbits LPSTR Points to an array of bytes that
contains the bit values for the AND mask
of the icon. This array must specify a
monochrome mask.
lpXORbits LPSTR Points to an array of bytes that
contains the bit values for the XOR mask
of the icon. This can be the bits of a
monochrome or device-dependent color
Return Value
The return value identifies an icon if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
HMENU CreateMenu( )
This function creates a menu. The menu is initially empty, but can be filled
with menu items by using the AppendMenu or InsertMenu function.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value identifies the newly created menu. It is NULL if the menu
cannot be created.
HANDLE CreateMetaFile(lpFilename)
This function creates a metafile device context.
Parameter Type/Description
lpFilename LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the name
of the metafile. If the lpFilename
parameter is NULL, a device context for
a memory metafile is returned.
Return Value
The return value identifies a metafile device context if the function is
successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
Version 3.0
HPALETTE CreatePalette(lpLogPalette)
This function creates a logical color palette.
Parameter Type/Description
data structure that contains information
about the colors in the logical palette.
Return Value
The return value identifies a logical palette if the function was
successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
HBRUSH CreatePatternBrush(hBitmap)
This function creates a logical brush that has the pattern specified by the
hBitmap parameter. The brush can subsequently be selected for any device
that supports raster operations. For more information, see the RC_BITBLT
raster capability in the GetDeviceCaps function, later in this chapter.
Parameter Type/Description
hBitmap HBITMAP Identifies the bitmap. It is
assumed to have been created by using
the CreateBitmap, CreateBitmapIndirect,
LoadBitmap, or CreateCompatibleBitmap
function. The minimum size for a bitmap
to be used in a fill pattern is 8-by-8.
Return Value
The return value identifies a logical brush if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
A pattern brush can be deleted without affecting the associated bitmap by
using the DeleteObject function. This means the bitmap can be used to create
any number of pattern brushes.
A brush created using a monochrome (one plane, one bit per pixel) bitmap is
drawn using the current text and background colors. Pixels represented by a
bit set to 0 will be drawn with the current text color, and pixels
represented by a bit set to 1 will be drawn with the current background
HPEN CreatePen(nPenStyle, nWidth, crColor)
This function creates a logical pen having the specified style, width, and
color. The pen can be subsequently selected as the current pen for any
Parameter Type/Description
nPenStyle int Specifies the pen style. It can be any one of the
following values:
Parameter Type/Description
If the width of the pen is greater than 1 and the pen
style is PS_INSIDEFRAME, the line is drawn inside the
frame of all primitives except polygons and polylines;
the pen is drawn with a logical (dithered) color if the
pen color does not match an available RGB value. The
PS_INSIDEFRAME style is identical to PS_SOLID if the pen
width is less than or equal to 1.
nWidth int Specifies the width of the pen (in logical units).
Parameter Type/Description
nWidth int Specifies the width of the pen (in logical units).
crColor COLORREF Specifies the color of the pen.
Return Value
The return value identifies a logical pen if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
Pens with a physical width greater than one pixel will always have either
null or solid style or will be dithered if the pen style is PS_INSIDEFRAME.
HPEN CreatePenIndirect(lpLogPen)
This function creates a logical pen that has the style, width, and color
given in the data structure pointed to by the lpLogPen parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
lpLogPen LOGPEN FAR * Points to the LOGPEN data
structure that contains information
about the logical pen.
Return Value
The return value identifies a logical pen object if the function is
successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
Pens with a physical width greater than one pixel will always have either
null or solid style or will be dithered if the pen style is PS_INSIDEFRAME.
HRGN CreatePolygonRgn(lpPoints, nCount, nPolyFillMode)
This function creates a polygonal region.
Parameter Type/Description
lpPoints LPPOINT Points to an array of POINT
data structures. Each point specifies
the x- and y-coordinates of one vertex
of the polygon.
nCount int Specifies the number of points in
the array.
nPolyFillMode int Specifies the polygon-filling mode
to be used for filling the region. It
can be ALTERNATE or WINDING (for an
explanation of these modes, see the
SetPolyFillMode function, later in this
Return Value
The return value identifies a new region if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
Version 3.0
HRGN CreatePolyPolygonRgn(lpPoints, lpPolyCounts,
nCount, nPolyFillMode)
This function creates a region consisting of a series of closed polygons.
The region is filled using the mode specified by the nPolyFillMode
parameter. The polygons may overlap, but they do not have to overlap.
Parameter Type/Description
Parameter Type/Description
lpPoints LPPOINT Points to an array
of POINT data structures
that define the vertices of
the polygons. Each polygon
must be a closed polygon.
The polygons are not
automatically closed. The
polygons are specified
lpPolyCounts LPINT Points to an array of
integers, each of which
specifies the number of
points in one of the
polygons in the lpPoints
nCount int Specifies the total
number of integers in the
Parameter Type/Description
number of integers in the
lpPolyCounts array.
nPolyFillMode int Specifies the filling
mode for the region. The
nPolyFillMode parameter may
be either of the following
ALTERNATE Selects alternate mode.
WINDING Selects winding number mode.
Return Value
The return value identifies the region if the function was successfull.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
In general, the polygon fill modes differ only in cases where a complex,
overlapping polygon must be filled (for example, a five-sided polygon that
forms a five-pointed star with a pentagon in the center). In such cases,
ALTERNATE mode fills every other enclosed region within the polygon (that
is, the points of the star), but WINDING mode fills all regions (that is,
the points and the pentagon).
When the filling mode is ALTERNATE, GDI fills the area between odd-numbered
and even-numbered polygon sides on each scan line. That is, GDI fills the
area between the first and second side, between the third and fourth side,
and so on.
To fill all parts of the region, WINDING mode causes GDI to compute and draw
a border that encloses the region but does not overlap. For example, in
WINDING mode, the five-sided polygon that forms the star is computed as a
ten-sided polygon with no overlapping sides; the resulting star is filled.
Version 3.0
HMENU CreatePopupMenu()
This function creates and returns a handle to an empty pop-up menu.
An application adds items to the pop-up menu by calling InsertMenu and
AppendMenu. The application can add the pop-up menu to an existing menu or
pop-up menu, or it may display and track selections on the pop-up menu by
calling TrackPopupMenu.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value identifies the newly created menu. It is NULL if the menu
cannot be created.
HRGN CreateRectRgn(X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
This function creates a rectangular region.
Parameter Type/Description
X1 int Specifies the x-coordinate of the
upper-left corner of the region.
Y1 int Specifies the y-coordinate of the
upper-left corner of the region.
X2 int Specifies the x-coordinate of the
lower-right corner of the region.
Y2 int Specifies the y-coordinate of the
lower-right corner of the region.
Return Value
The return value identifies a new region if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
The width of the rectangle, specified by the absolute value of X2 - X1, must
not exceed 32,767 units. This limit applies to the height of the rectangle
as well.
HRGN CreateRectRgnIndirect(lpRect)
This function creates a rectangular region.
Parameter Type/Description
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the coordinates of the
upper-left and lower-right corners of
the region.
Return Value
The return value identifies a new region if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
The width of the rectangle must not exceed 32,767 units. This limit applies
to the height of the rectangle as well.
Version 3.0
HRGN CreateRoundRectRgn(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3)
This function creates a rectangular region with rounded corners.
Parameter Type/Description
X1 int Specifies the x-coordinate of the
upper-left corner of the region.
Y1 int Specifies the y-coordinate of the
upper-left corner of the region.
X2 int Specifies the x-coordinate of the
lower-right corner of the region.
Y2 int Specifies the y-coordinate of the
lower-right corner of the region.
X3 int Specifies the width of the ellipse
used to create the rounded corners.
Parameter Type/Description
used to create the rounded corners.
Y3 int Specifies the height of the ellipse
used to create the rounded corners.
Return Value
The return value identifies a new region if the function was successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
The width of the rectangle, specified by the absolute value of X2 - X1, must
not exceed 32,767 units. This limit applies to the height of the rectangle
as well.
HBRUSH CreateSolidBrush(crColor)
This function creates a logical brush that has the specified solid color.
The brush can subsequently be selected as the current brush for any device.
Parameter Type/Description
crColor COLORREF Specifies the color of the brush.
Return Value
The return value identifies a logical brush if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
HWND CreateWindow(lpClassName, lpWindowName, dwStyle,
X, Y, nWidth, nHeight, hWndParent, hMenu, hInstance, lpParam)
This function creates an overlapped, pop-up, or child window. The
CreateWindow function specifies the window class, window title, window
style, and (optionally) initial position and size of the window. The
CreateWindow function also specifies the window's parent (if any) and menu.
For overlapped, pop-up, and child windows, the CreateWindow function sends
WM_CREATE, WM_GETMINMAXINFO, and WM_NCCREATE messages to the window. The
lParam parameter of the WM_CREATE message contains a pointer to a
CREATESTRUCT data structure. If WS_VISIBLE style is given, CreateWindow
sends the window all the messages required to activate and show the window.
If the window style specifies a title bar, the window title pointed to by
the lpWindowName parameter is displayed in the title bar. When using
CreateWindow to create controls such as buttons, check boxes, and text
controls, the lpWindowName parameter specifies the text of the control.
Parameter Type/Description
lpClassName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that names the window
class. The class name can be any name
registered with the RegisterClass
function or any of the predefined
control-class names specified in Table
.2, "Control Classes."
Parameter Type/Description
lpWindowName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that represents the
window name.
dwStyle DWORD Specifies the style of window
being created. It can be any combination
of the styles given in Table .3, "Window
Styles," the control styles given in
Table 4.4, "Control Styles," or a
combination of styles created by using
the bitwise OR operator.
X int Specifies the initial x-position of
the window. For an overlapped or pop-up
window, the X parameter is the initial x
-coordinate of the window's upper-left
corner (in screen coordinates). If this
value is CW_USEDEFAULT, Windows selects
Parameter Type/Description
value is CW_USEDEFAULT, Windows selects
the default position for the window's
upper-left corner. For a child window, X
is the x-coordinate of the upper-left
corner of the window in the client area
of its parent window.
Y int Specifies the initial y-position of
the window. For an overlapped window,
the Y parameter is the initial y
-coordinate of the window's upper-left
corner. For a pop-up window, Y is the y
-coordinate (in screen coordinates) of
the upper-left corner of the pop-up
window. For list-box controls, Y is the
y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of
the control's client area. For a child
window, Y is the y-coordinate of the
upper-left corner of the child window.
Parameter Type/Description
upper-left corner of the child window.
All of these coordinates are for the
window, not the window's client area.
nWidth int Specifies the width (in device
units) of the window. For overlapped
windows, the nWidth parameter is either
the window's width (in screen
coordinates) or CW_USEDEFAULT. If nWidth
is CW_USEDEFAULT, Windows selects a
default width and height for the window
(the default width extends from the
initial x-position to the right edge of
the screen, and the default height
extends from the initial y-position to
the top of the icon area).
nHeight int Specifies the height (in device
units) of the window. For overlapped
Parameter Type/Description
units) of the window. For overlapped
windows, the nHeight parameter is the
window's height in screen coordinates.
If the nWidth parameter is CW_USEDEFAULT,
Windows ignores nHeight.
hWndParent HWND Identifies the parent or owner
window of the window being created. A
valid window handle must be supplied
when creating a child window or an owned
window. An owned window is an overlapped
window that is destroyed when its owner
window is destroyed, hidden when its
owner is made iconic, and which is
always displayed on top of its owner
window. For pop-up windows, a handle can
be supplied, but is not required. If the
window does not have a parent or is not
owned by another window, the hWndParent
Parameter Type/Description
owned by another window, the hWndParent
parameter must be set to NULL.
hMenu HMENU Identifies a menu or a
child-window identifier. The meaning
depends on the window style. For
overlapped or pop-up windows, the hMenu
parameter identifies the menu to be used
with the window. It can be NULL, if the
class menu is to be used. For child
windows, hMenu specifies the
child-window identifier, an integer
value that is used by a dialog-box
control to notify its parent of events
(such as the EN_HSCROLL message). The
child-window identifier is determined by
the application and should be unique for
all child windows with the same parent
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies the instance of the
module to be associated with the window.
lpParam LPSTR Points to a value that is passed
to the window through the CREATESTRUCT
data structure referenced by the lParam
parameter of the WM_CREATE message. If
an application is calling CreateWindow
to create a multiple document interface
(MDI) client window, lpParam must point
to a CLIENTCREATESTRUCT data structure.
Return Value
The return value identifies the new window. It is NULL if the window is not
For overlapped windows where the X parameter is CW_USEDEFAULT, the Y
parameter can be one of the show-style parameters described with the
ShowWindow function, or, for the first overlapped window to be created by
the application, it can be the nCmdShow parameter passed to the WinMain
Table lists the window control classes; Table lists the window styles;
Table lists the control styles:
Table Control Classes
Class Meaning
BUTTON Designates a small rectangular child
window that represents a button the user
can turn on or off by clicking it.
Button controls can be used alone or in
groups, and can either be labeled or
appear without text. Button controls
typically change appearance when the
user clicks them.
COMBOBOX Designates a control consisting of a
selection field similar to an edit
control plus a list box. The list box
may be displayed at all times or may be
dropped down when the user selects a
"pop box" next to the selection field.
Depending on the style of the combo box,
the user can or cannot edit the contents
of the selection field. If the list box
is visible, typing characters into the
selection box will cause the first list
box entry that matches the characters
typed to be highlighted. Conversely,
selecting an item in the list box
displays the selected text in the
selection field.
EDIT Designates a rectangular child window in
which the user can enter text from the
keyboard. The user selects the control,
and gives it the input focus by clicking
it or moving to it by using the TAB key.
The user can enter text when the control
displays a flashing caret. The mouse can
be used to move the cursor and select
characters to be replaced, or to
position the cursor for inserting
characters. The BACKSPACE key can be
used to delete characters.
Edit controls use the variable-pitch
system font and display ANSI characters.
Applications compiled to run with
previous versions of Windows display
text with a fixed-pitch system font
unless they have been marked by the
Windows 3.0 MARK utility with the MEMORY
FONT option. An application can also
send the WM_SETFONT message to the edit
control to change the default font.
Table Control Classes (continued)
Class Meaning
Edit controls expand tab characters into
as many space characters as are required
to move the cursor to the next tab stop.
Tab stops are assumed to be at every
eighth character position.
LISTBOX Designates a list of character strings.
This control is used whenever an
Class Meaning
This control is used whenever an
application needs to present a list of
names, such as filenames, that the user
can view and select. The user can select
a string by pointing to it and clicking.
When a string is selected, it is
highlighted and a notification message
is passed to the parent window. A
vertical or horizontal scroll bar can be
used with a list-box control to scroll
lists that are too long for the control
window. The list box automatically hides
or shows the scroll bar as needed.
MDICLIENT Designates an MDI client window. The MDI
client window receives messages which
control the MDI application's child
windows. The recommended style bits are
Class Meaning
a scrollable MDI client window which
allows the user to scroll MDI child
windows into view, an application can
also use the WS_HSCROLL and WS_VSCROLL
SCROLLBAR Designates a rectangle that contains a
thumb and has direction arrows at both
ends. The scroll bar sends a
notification message to its parent
window whenever the user clicks the
control. The parent window is
responsible for updating the thumb
position, if necessary. Scroll-bar
controls have the same appearance and
function as scroll bars used in ordinary
windows. Unlike scroll bars, scroll-bar
controls can be positioned anywhere in a
Class Meaning
controls can be positioned anywhere in a
window and used whenever needed to
provide scrolling input for a window.
The scroll-bar class also includes
size-box controls. A size-box control is
a small rectangle that the user can
expand to change the size of the window.
STATIC Designates a simple text field, box, or
rectangle that can be used to label, box,
or separate other controls. Static
controls take no input and provide no
Table Window Styles
Style Meaning
DS_LOCALEDIT Specifies that edit controls in the
dialog box will use memory in the
application's data segment. By default,
all edit controls in dialog boxes use
memory outside the application's data
segment. This feature may be suppressed
by adding the DS_LOCALEDIT flag to the
STYLE command for the dialog box. If
this flag is not used, EM_GETHANDLE and
EM_SETHANDLE messages must not be used
since the storage for the control is not
in the application's data segment. This
feature does not affect edit controls
created outside of dialog boxes.
DS_MODALFRAME Creates a dialog box with a modal
Style Meaning
DS_MODALFRAME Creates a dialog box with a modal
dialog-box frame that can be combined
with a title bar and System menu by
specifying the WS_CAPTION and WS_SYSMENU
DS_NOIDLEMSG Suppresses WM_ENTERIDLE messages that
Windows would otherwise send to the
owner of the dialog box while the dialog
box is displayed.
DS_SYSMODAL Creates a system-modal dialog box.
WS_BORDER Creates a window that has a border.
WS_CAPTION Creates a window that has a title bar
(implies the WS_BORDER style). This
style cannot be used with the
Style Meaning
WS_CHILD Creates a child window. Cannot be used
with the WS_POPUP style.
WS_CHILDWINDOW Creates a child window that has the
WS_CHILD style.
WS_CLIPCHILDREN Excludes the area occupied by child
windows when drawing within the parent
window. Used when creating the parent
WS_CLIPSIBLINGS Clips child windows relative to each
other; that is, when a particular child
window receives a paint message, the
WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style clips all other
overlapped child windows out of the
region of the child window to be updated.
Style Meaning
region of the child window to be updated.
(If WS_CLIPSIBLINGS is not given and
child windows overlap, it is possible,
when drawing within the client area of a
child window, to draw within the client
area of a neighboring child window.) For
use with the WS_CHILD style only.
Table Window Styles (continued)
Style Meaning
WS_DISABLED Creates a window that is initially
WS_DLGFRAME Creates a window with a double border
Style Meaning
WS_DLGFRAME Creates a window with a double border
but no title.
WS_GROUP Specifies the first control of a group
of controls in which the user can move
from one control to the next by using
the DIRECTION keys. All controls defined
with the WS_GROUP style after the first
control belong to the same group. The
next control with the WS_GROUP style
ends the style group and starts the next
group (that is, one group ends where the
next begins). Only dialog boxes use this
WS_HSCROLL Creates a window that has a horizontal
scroll bar.
WS_ICONIC Creates a window that is initially
Style Meaning
WS_ICONIC Creates a window that is initially
iconic. For use with the WS_OVERLAPPED
style only.
WS_MAXIMIZE Creates a window of maximum size.
WS_MAXIMIZEBOX Creates a window that has a maximize box.
WS_MINIMIZE Creates a window of minimum size.
WS_MINIMIZEBOX Creates a window that has a minimize box.
WS_OVERLAPPED Creates an overlapped window. An
overlapped window has a caption and a
WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW Creates an overlapped window having the
Style Meaning
WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW Creates an overlapped window having the
WS_POPUP Creates a pop-up window. Cannot be used
with the WS_CHILD style.
WS_POPUPWINDOW Creates a pop-up window that has the
styles. The WS_CAPTION style must be
combined with the WS_POPUPWINDOW style
to make the system menu visible.
WS_SYSMENU Creates a window that has a System-menu
box in its title bar. Used only for
windows with title bars.
WS_TABSTOP Specifies one of any number of controls
Style Meaning
WS_TABSTOP Specifies one of any number of controls
through which the user can move by using
the TAB key. The TAB key moves the user
to the next control specified by the
WS_TABSTOP style. Only dialog boxes use
this style.
WS_THICKFRAME Creates a window with a thick frame that
can be used to size the window.
WS_VISIBLE Creates a window that is initially
visible. This applies to overlapped and
pop-up windows. For overlapped windows,
the Y parameter is used as a ShowWindow
function parameter.
WS_VSCROLL Creates a window that has a vertical
scroll bar.
Style Meaning
Table Control Styles
Style Meaning
BS_AUTOCHECKBOX Identical to BS_CHECKBOX, except that
the button automatically toggles its
state whenever the user clicks it.
Style Meaning
the button is checked, the application
is notified by BN_CLICKED, and the
checkmarks are removed from all other
radio buttons in the group.
BS_AUTO3STATE Identical to BS_3STATE, except that the
button automatically toggles its state
when the user clicks it.
BS_CHECKBOX Designates a small rectangular button
that may be checked; its border is bold
when the user clicks the button. Any
text appears to the right of the button.
BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON Designates a button with a bold border.
This button represents the default user
response. Any text is displayed within
Style Meaning
response. Any text is displayed within
the button. Windows sends a message to
the parent window when the user clicks
the button.
BS_GROUPBOX Designates a rectangle into which other
buttons are grouped. Any text is
displayed in the rectangle's upper-left
BS_LEFTTEXT Causes text to appear on the left side
of the radio button or check-box button.
Use this style with the BS_CHECKBOX,
Table Control Styles (continued)
Style Meaning
BS_OWNERDRAW Designates an owner-draw button. The
parent window is notified when the
button is clicked. Notification includes
a request to paint, invert, and disable
the button.
BS_PUSHBUTTON Designates a button that contains the
given text. The control sends a message
to its parent window whenever the user
clicks the button.
BS_RADIOBUTTON Designates a small circular button that
can be checked; its border is bold when
the user clicks the button. Any text
appears to the right of the button.
Typically, two or more radio buttons are
grouped together to represent mutually
exclusive choices, so no more than one
Style Meaning
exclusive choices, so no more than one
button in the group is checked at any
BS_3STATE Identical to BS_CHECKBOX, except that a
button can be grayed as well as checked.
The grayed state typically is used to
show that a check box has been disabled.
CBS_AUTOHSCROLL Automatically scrolls the text in the
edit control to the right when the user
types a character at the end of the line.
Style Meaning
types a character at the end of the line.
If this style is not set, only text
which fits within the rectangular
boundary is allowed.
CBS_DROPDOWN Similar to CBS_SIMPLE, except that the
list box is not displayed unless the
user selects an icon next to the
selection field.
CBS_DROPDOWNLIST Similar to CBS_DROPDOWN, except that the
edit control is replaced by a static
text item which displays the current
selection in the list box.
CBS_HASSTRINGS An owner-draw combo box contains items
consisting of strings. The combo box
maintains the memory and pointers for
the strings so the application can use
Style Meaning
the strings so the application can use
the LB_GETTEXT message to retrieve the
text for a particular item.
CBS_OEMCONVERT Text entered in the combo box edit
control is converted from the ANSI
character set to the OEM character set
and then back to ANSI. This ensures
proper character conversion when the
application calls the AnsiToOem function
to convert an ANSI string in the combo
box to OEM characters. This style is
most useful for combo boxes that contain
filenames and applies only to combo
boxes created with the CBS_SIMPLE or
CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED The owner of the list box is responsible
for drawing its contents; the items in
Style Meaning
for drawing its contents; the items in
the list box are all the same height.
CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE The owner of the list box is responsible
for drawing its contents; the items in
the list box are variable in height.
CBS_SIMPLE The list box is displayed at all times.
The current selection in the list box is
displayed in the edit control.
CBS_SORT Automatically sorts strings entered into
the list box.
EDIT Class
Style Meaning
ES_AUTOHSCROLL Automatically scrolls text to the right
by 10 characters when the user types a
character at the end of the line. When
the user presses the ENTER key, the
control scrolls all text back to
position zero.
ES_AUTOVSCROLL Automatically scrolls text up one page
when the user presses ENTER on the last
ES_CENTER Centers text in a multiline edit control.
ES_LEFT Aligns text flush-left.
ES_LOWERCASE Converts all characters to lowercase as
Style Meaning
ES_LOWERCASE Converts all characters to lowercase as
they are typed into the edit control.
ES_MULTILINE Designates multiple-line edit control.
(The default is single-line.) If the
ES_AUTOVSCROLL style is specified, the
edit control shows as many lines as
possible and scrolls vertically when the
user presses the ENTER key. If
ES_AUTOVSCROLL is not given, the edit
control shows as many lines as possible
and beeps if ENTER is pressed when no
more lines can be displayed.
If the ES_AUTOHSCROLL style is specified,
the multiple-line edit control
automatically scrolls horizontally when
the caret goes past the right edge of
the control. To start a new line, the
Style Meaning
the control. To start a new line, the
user must press ENTER. If ES_AUTOHSCROLL
is not given, the control automatically
wraps words to the beginning of the next
line when necessary; a new line is also
started if ENTER is pressed. The
position of the wordwrap is determined
by the window size. If the window size
changes, the wordwrap position changes,
and the text is redisplayed.
Multiple-line edit controls can have
scroll bars. An edit control with scroll
bars processes its own scroll-bar
messages. Edit controls without scroll
bars scroll as described above, and
process any scroll messages sent by the
parent window.
Style Meaning
ES_NOHIDESEL Normally, an edit control hides the
selection when the control loses the
input focus, and inverts the selection
when the control receives the input
focus. Specifying ES_NOHIDESEL deletes
this default action.
ES_OEMCONVERT Text entered in the edit control is
converted from the ANSI character set to
the OEM character set and then back to
ANSI. This ensures proper character
conversion when the application calls
the AnsiToOem function to convert an
ANSI string in the edit control to OEM
characters. This style is most useful
for edit controls that contain
Style Meaning
ES_PASSWORD Displays all characters as an asterisk
(*) as they are typed into the edit
control. An application can use the
EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR message to change the
character that is displayed.
ES_RIGHT Aligns text flush-right in a multiline
edit control.
ES_UPPERCASE Converts all characters to uppercase as
they are typed into the edit control.
Style Meaning
LBS_EXTENDEDSEL The user can select multiple items using
the SHIFT key and the mouse or special
key combinations.
LBS_HASSTRINGS Specifies an owner-draw list box which
contains items consisting of strings.
The list box maintains the memory and
pointers for the strings so the
application can use the LB_GETTEXT
message to retrieve the text for a
particular item.
LBS_MULTICOLUMN Specifies a multicolumn list box that is
scrolled horizontally. The
LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH message sets the width
of the columns.
LBS_MULTIPLESEL String selection is toggled each time
Style Meaning
LBS_MULTIPLESEL String selection is toggled each time
the user clicks or double-clicks the
string. Any number of strings can be
LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT The size of the list box is exactly the
size specified by the application when
it created the list box. Normally,
Windows sizes a list box so that the
list box does not display partial items.
LBS_NOREDRAW List-box display is not updated when
changes are made. This style can be
changed at any time by sending a
LBS_NOTIFY Parent window receives an input message
whenever the user clicks or
double-clicks a string.
Style Meaning
double-clicks a string.
LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED The owner of the list box is responsible
for drawing its contents; the items in
the list box are the same height.
LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE The owner of the list box is responsible
for drawing its contents; the items in
the list box are variable in height.
LBS_SORT Strings in the list box are sorted
LBS_STANDARD Strings in the list box are sorted
alphabetically and the parent window
receives an input message whenever the
user clicks or double-clicks a string.
The list box contains borders on all
Style Meaning
LBS_USETABSTOPS Allows a list box to recognize and
expand tab characters when drawing its
strings. The default tab positions are
32 dialog units. (A dialog unit is a
horizontal or vertical distance. One
horizontal dialog unit is equal to 1/4
of the current dialog base width unit.
The dialog base units are computed based
on the height and width of the current
system font. The GetDialogBaseUnits
function returns the current dialog base
units in pixels.)
LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT The owner of the list box receives
whenever the user presses a key when the
list box has input focus. This allows an
Style Meaning
list box has input focus. This allows an
application to perform special
processing on the keyboard input.
SBS_BOTTOMALIGN Used with the SBS_HORZ style. The bottom
edge of the scroll bar is aligned with
the bottom edge of the rectangle
specified by the X, Y, nWidth, and
nHeight parameters given in the
CreateWindow function. The scroll bar
has the default height for system scroll
Style Meaning
SBS_HORZ Designates a horizontal scroll bar. If
neither the SBS_BOTTOMALIGN nor
SBS_TOPALIGN style is specified, the
scroll bar has the height, width, and
position given in the CreateWindow
SBS_LEFTALIGN Used with the SBS_VERT style. The left
edge of the scroll bar is aligned with
the left edge of the rectangle specified
by the X, Y, nWidth, and nHeight
parameters given in the CreateWindow
function. The scroll bar has the default
width for system scroll bars.
SBS_RIGHTALIGN Used with the SBS_VERT style. The right
edge of the scroll bar is aligned with
the right edge of the rectangle
Style Meaning
the right edge of the rectangle
specified by the X, Y, nWidth, and
nHeight parameters given in the
CreateWindow function. The scroll bar
has the default width for system scroll
SBS_SIZEBOX Designates a size box. If neither the
specified, the size box has the height,
width, and position given in the
CreateWindow function.
lower-right corner of the size box is
aligned with the lower-right corner of
the rectangle specified by the X, Y,
nWidth, and nHeight parameters given in
Style Meaning
nWidth, and nHeight parameters given in
the CreateWindow function. The size box
has the default size for system size
upper-left corner of the size box is
aligned with the upper-left corner of
the rectangle specified by the X, Y,
nWidth, and nHeight parameters given in
the CreateWindow function. The size box
has the default size for system size
SBS_TOPALIGN Used with the SBS_HORZ style. The top
edge of the scroll bar is aligned with
the top edge of the rectangle specified
by the X, Y, nWidth, and nHeight
parameters given in the CreateWindow
Style Meaning
parameters given in the CreateWindow
function. The scroll bar has the default
height for system scroll bars.
SBS_VERT Designates a vertical scroll bar. If
neither the SBS_RIGHTALIGN nor
SBS_LEFTALIGN style is specified, the
scroll bar has the height, width, and
position given in the CreateWindow
SS_BLACKFRAME Specifies a box with a frame drawn with
the same color as window frames. This
Style Meaning
the same color as window frames. This
color is black in the default Windows
color scheme.
SS_BLACKRECT Specifies a rectangle filled with the
color used to draw window frames. This
color is black in the default Windows
color scheme.
SS_CENTER Designates a simple rectangle and
displays the given text centered in the
rectangle. The text is formatted before
it is displayed. Words that would extend
past the end of a line are automatically
wrapped to the beginning of the next
centered line.
SS_GRAYFRAME Specifies a box with a frame drawn with
the same color as the screen background
Style Meaning
the same color as the screen background
(desktop). This color is gray in the
default Windows color scheme.
SS_GRAYRECT Specifies a rectangle filled with the
color used to fill the screen background.
This color is gray in the default
Windows color scheme.
SS_ICON Designates an icon displayed in the
dialog box. The given text is the name
of an icon (not a filename) defined
elsewhere in the resource file. The
nWidth and nHeight parameters are
ignored; the icon automatically sizes
SS_LEFT Designates a simple rectangle and
displays the given text flush-left in
Style Meaning
displays the given text flush-left in
the rectangle. The text is formatted
before it is displayed. Words that would
extend past the end of a line are
automatically wrapped to the beginning
of the next flush-left line.
SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP Designates a simple rectangle and
displays the given text flush-left in
the rectangle. Tabs are expanded, but
words are not wrapped. Text that extends
past the end of a line is clipped.
SS_NOPREFIX Unless this style is specified, windows
will interpret any "&" characters in the
control's text to be accelerator prefix
characters. In this case, the "&" is
removed and the next character in the
string is underlined. If a static
Style Meaning
string is underlined. If a static
control is to contain text where this
feature is not wanted, SS_NOPREFIX may
be added. This static-control style may
be included with any of the defined
static controls.
You can combine SS_NOPREFIX with other
styles by using the bitwise OR operator.
This is most often used when filenames
or other strings that may contain an "&"
need to be displayed in a static control
in a dialog box.
SS_RIGHT Designates a simple rectangle and
displays the given text flush-right in
the rectangle. The text is formatted
before it is displayed. Words that would
extend past the end of a line are
Style Meaning
extend past the end of a line are
automatically wrapped to the beginning
of the next flush-right line.
SS_SIMPLE Designates a simple rectangle and
displays a single line of text
flush-left in the rectangle. The line of
text cannot be shortened or altered in
any way. (The control's parent window or
dialog box must not process the
WM_CTLCOLOR message.)
SS_USERITEM Specifies a user-defined item.
SS_WHITEFRAME Specifies a box with a frame drawn with
the same color as window backgrounds.
This color is white in the default
Windows color scheme.
Style Meaning
SS_WHITERECT Specifies a rectangle filled with the
color used to fill window backgrounds.
This color is white in the default
Windows color scheme.
Version 3.0
HWND CreateWindowEx(dwExStyle, lpClassName,
lpWindowName, dwStyle, X, Y, nWidth,
nHeight, hWndParent, hMenu, hInstance, lpParam)
This function creates an overlapped, pop-up, or child window with an
extended style specified in the dwExStyle parameter. Otherwise, this
function is identical to the CreateWindow function. See the description of
the CreateWindow function for more information on creating a window and for
a full descriptions of the other parameters of CreateWindowEx.
Parameter Type/Description
dwExStyle DWORD Specifies the extended style of
the window being created. Table .5,
"Extended Window Styles," lists the
extended window styles.
lpClassName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that names the window
lpWindowName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that represents the
Parameter Type/Description
character string that represents the
window name.
dwStyle DWORD Specifies the style of window
being created.
X int Specifies the initial x-position of
the window.
Y int Specifies the initial y-position of
the window.
nWidth int Specifies the width (in device
units) of the window.
nHeight int Specifies the height (in device
units) of the window.
hWndParent HWND Identifies the parent or owner
Parameter Type/Description
hWndParent HWND Identifies the parent or owner
window of the window being created.
hMenu HMENU Identifies a menu or a
child-window identifier. The meaning
depends on the window style.
hInstance HANDLE Identifies the instance of the
module to be associated with the window.
lpParam LPSTR Points to a value that is passed
to the window through the CREATESTRUCT
data structure referenced by the lParam
parameter of the WM_CREATE message.
Return Value
The return value identifies the new window. It is NULL if the window is not
Table lists the extended window styles.
Table Extended Window Styles
Style Meaning
WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME Designates a window with a double border
that may optionally be created with a
title bar by specifying the WS_CAPTION
style flag in the dwStyle parameter.
WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY Specifies that a child window created
with this style will not send the
WM_PARENTNOTIFY message to its parent
window when the child window is created
or destroyed.
Table , "Control Classes," lists the window control classes. Table , "Window
Styles," lists the window styles. Table , "Control Styles," lists the
control styles. See the description of the CreateWindow function for these
Version 3.0
void DebugBreak( )
This function forces a break to the debugger.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
Version 3.0
LONG DefDlgProc(hDlg, wMsg, wParam, lParam)
This function provides default processing for any Windows messages that a
dialog box with a private window class does not process.
All window messages that are not explicitly processed by the window function
must be passed to the DefDlgProc function, not the DefWindowProc function.
This ensures that all messages not handled by their private window procedure
will be handled properly.
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box.
wMsg WORD Specifies the message number.
wParam WORD Specifies 16 bits of additional
message-dependent information.
lParam DWORD Specifies 32 bits of additional
message-dependent information.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the message processing and depends
on the actual message sent.
The source code for the DefDlgProc function is provided on the SDK disks.
An application creates a dialog box by calling one of the following
Function Description
CreateDialog Creates a modeless dialog box.
CreateDialogIndirect Creates a modeless dialog box.
Function Description
CreateDialogIndirect Creates a modeless dialog box.
CreateDialogIndirectParam Creates a modeless dialog box and passes
data to it when it is created.
CreateDialogParam Creates a modeless dialog box and passes
data to it when it is created.
DialogBox Creates a modal dialog box.
DialogBoxIndirect Creates a modal dialog box.
DialogBoxIndirectParam Creates a modal dialog box and passes
data to it when it is created.
DialogBoxParam Creates a modal dialog box and passes
data to it when it is created.
Version 3.0
HANDLE DeferWindowPos(hWinPosInfo, hWnd, hWndInsertAfter,
x, y, cx, cy, wFlags)
This function updates the multiple window-position data structure identified
by the hWinPosInfo parameter for the window identified by hWnd parameter and
returns the handle of the updated structure. The EndDeferWindowPos function
uses the information in this structure to change the position and size of a
number of windows simultaneously. The BeginDeferWindowPos function creates
the multiple window-position data structure used by this function.
The x and y parameters specify the new position of the window, and the cx
and cy parameters specify the new size of the window.
Parameter Type/Description
hWinPosInfo HANDLE Identifies a
multiple window-position
data structure that
contains size and position
information for one or more
windows. This structure is
returned by the
function or the most recent
call to the DeferWindowPos
hWnd HWND Identifies the window
for which update
information is to be stored
in the data structure.
Parameter Type/Description
hWndInsertAfter HWND Identifies the window
following which the window
identified by the hWnd
parameter is to be updated.
x int Specifies the x-
coordinate of the window's
upper-left corner.
y int Specifies the y-
coordinate of the window's
upper-left corner.
cx int Specifies the window's
new width.
cy int Specifies the window's
new height.
Parameter Type/Description
new height.
wFlags WORD Specifies one of
eight possible 16-bit
values that affect the size
and position of the window.
It must be one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
SWP_DRAWFRAME Draws a frame (defined in
the window's class
description) around the
SWP_HIDEWINDOW Hides the window.
SWP_NOACTIVATE Does not activate the window.
Parameter Type/Description
SWP_NOACTIVATE Does not activate the window.
SWP_NOMOVE Retains current position
(ignores the x and y
SWP_NOREDRAW Does not redraw changes.
SWP_NOSIZE Retains current size
(ignores the cx and cy
SWP_NOZORDER Retains current ordering
(ignores the hWndInsertAfter
SWP_SHOWWINDOW Displays the window.
Parameter Type/Description
Return Value
The return value identifies the updated multiple window-position data
structure. The handle returned by this function may differ from the handle
passed to the function as the hWinPosInfo parameter. The new handle returned
by this function should be passed to the next call to DeferWindowPos or the
EndDeferWindowPos function.
The return value is NULL if insufficient system resources are available for
the function to complete successfully.
If the SWP_NOZORDER flag is not specified, Windows places the window
identified by the hWnd parameter in the position following the window
identified by the hWndInsertAfter parameter. If hWndInsertAfter is NULL,
Windows places the window identified by hWnd at the top of the list. If
hWndInsertAfter is set to 1, Windows places the window identified by hWnd at
the bottom of the list.
If the SWP_SHOWWINDOW or the SWP_HIDEWINDOW flags are set, scrolling and
moving cannot be done simultaneously.
All coordinates for child windows are relative to the upper-left corner of
the parent window's client area.
Version 3.0
LONG DefFrameProc(hWnd, hWndMDIClient, wMsg,
wParam, lParam)
This function provides default processing for any Windows messages that the
window function of a multiple document interface (MDI) frame window does not
process. All window messages that are not explicitly processed by the window
function must be passed to the DefFrameProc function, not the DefWindowProc
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the MDI frame window.
hWndMDIClient HWND Identifies the MDI client window.
wMsg WORD Specifies the message number.
wParam WORD Specifies 16 bits of additional
message-dependent information.
lParam DWORD Specifies 32 bits of additional
message-dependent information.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the message processing and depends
on the actual message sent. If the hWndMDIClient parameter is NULL, the
return value is the same as for the DefWindowProc function.
Normally, when an application's window procedure does not handle a message,
it passes the message to the DefWindowProc function, which processes the
message. MDI applications use the DefFrameProc and DefMDIChildProc functions
instead of DefWindowProc to provide default message processing. All messages
that an application would normally pass to DefWindowProc (such as nonclient
messages and WM_SETTEXT) should be passed to DefFrameProc instead. In
addition to these, DefFrameProc also handles the following messages:
Message Default Processing by DefFrameProc
WM_COMMAND The frame window of an MDI application
receives the WM_COMMAND message to
activate a particular MDI child window.
The window ID accompanying this message
will be the ID of the MDI child window
assigned by Windows, starting with the
first ID specified by the application
when it created the MDI client window.
This value of the first ID must not
conflict with menu-item IDs.
WM_MENUCHAR When the ALT+HYPHEN key is pressed, the
control menu of the active MDI child
window will be selected.
WM_NEXTMENU This message causes the control menu of
the active MDI child window to be
WM_SETFOCUS DefFrameProc passes focus on to the MDI
client, which in turn passes the focus
on to the active MDI child window.
WM_SIZE If the frame window procedure passes
this message to DefFrameProc, the MDI
client window will be resized to fit in
the new client area. If the frame window
procedure sizes the MDI client to a
different size, it should not pass the
message to DefWindowProc.
DWORD DefHookProc(code, wParam, lParam, lplpfnNextHook)
This function calls the next function in a chain of hook functions. A hook
function is a function that processes events before they are sent to an
application's message-processing loop in the WinMain function. When an
application defines more than one hook function by using the SetWindowsHook
function, Windows forms a linked list or hook chain. Windows places
functions of the same type in a chain.
Parameter Type/Description
code int Specifies a code used by the
Windows hook function (also called the
message filter function) to determine
how to process the message.
wParam WORD Specifies the word parameter of
the message that the hook function is
lParam DWORD Specifies the long parameter of
the message that the hook function is
lplpfnNextHook FARPROC FAR * Points to a memory
location that contains the FARPROC
structure returned by the SetWindowsHook
function. Windows changes the value at
this location after an application calls
the UnhookWindowsHook function.
Return Value
The return value specifies a value that is directly related to the code
Version 3.0
BOOL DefineHandleTable(wOffset)
This function creates a private handle table in an application's default
data segment. The application stores in the table the segment addresses of
global memory objects returned by the GlobalLock function. In real mode,
Windows updates the corresponding address in the private handle table when
it moves a global memory object. When Windows discards an object with a
corresponding table entry, Windows replaces the address of the object in the
table with the object's handle. Windows does not update addresses in the
private handle table in protected (standard or 386 enhanced) mode.
Parameter Type/Description
wOffset WORD Specifies the offset from the
beginning of the data segment to the
beginning of the private handle table.
If wOffset is zero, Windows no longer
updates the private handle table.
Return Value
The return value is nonzero if the function was successful. Otherwise, it is
The private handle table has the following format:
The first WORD (Count) in the table specifies the number of entries in the
table. The second WORD (Clear_Number) specifies the number of entries (from
the beginning of the table) which Windows will set to zero when Windows
updates its least-recently-used (LRU) memory list. The remainder of the
table consists of an array of addresses returned by GlobalLock.
The application must initialize the Count field in the table before calling
DefineHandleTable. The application can change either the Count or
Clearn_Number fields at any time.
Version 3.0
LONG DefMDIChildProc(hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam)
This function provides default processing for any Windows messages that the
window function of a multiple document interface (MDI) child window does not
process. All window messages that are not explicitly processed by the window
function must be passed to the DefMDIChildProc function, not the
DefWindowProc function.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the MDI child window.
wMsg WORD Specifies the message number.
wParam WORD Specifies 16 bits of additional
message-dependent information.
lParam DWORD Specifies 32 bits of additional
message-dependent information.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the message processing and depends
on the actual message sent.
This function assumes that the parent of the window identified by the hWnd
parameter was created with the MDICLIENT class.
Normally, when an application's window procedure does not handle a message,
it passes the message to the DefWindowProc function, which processes the
message. MDI applications use the DefFrameProc and DefMDIChildProc functions
instead of DefWindowProc to provide default message processing. All messages
that an application would normally pass to DefWindowProc (such as nonclient
messages and WM_SETTEXT) should be passed to DefMDIChildProc instead. In
addition to these, DefMDIChildProc also handles the following messages:
Message Default Processing by DefMDIChildProc
WM_CHILDACTIVATE Performs activation processing when
child windows are sized, moved, or shown.
Message Default Processing by DefMDIChildProc
child windows are sized, moved, or shown.
This message must be passed.
WM_GETMINMAXINFO Calculates the size of a maximized MDI
child window based on the current size
of the MDI client window.
WM_MENUCHAR Sends the key to the frame window.
WM_MOVE Recalculates MDI client scroll bars, if
they are present.
WM_NEXTMENU Wraps back to the frame menu bar or
frame control menu.
WM_SETFOCUS Activates the child window if it is not
the active MDI child.
WM_SIZE Performs necessary operations when
Message Default Processing by DefMDIChildProc
WM_SIZE Performs necessary operations when
changing the size of a window,
especially when maximizing or restoring
an MDI child window. Failing to pass
this message to DefMDIChildProc will
produce highly undesirable results.
WM_SYSCOMMAND Also handles the "next window" command.
LONG DefWindowProc(hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam)
This function provides default processing for any Windows messages that a
given application does not process. All window messages that are not
explicitly processed by the class window function must be passed to the
DefWindowProc function.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window that passes
the message.
wMsg WORD Specifies the message number.
wParam WORD Specifies 16 bits of additional
message-dependent information.
lParam DWORD Specifies 32 bits of additional
message-dependent information.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the message processing and depends
on the actual message sent.
The source code for the DefWindowProc function is provided on the SDK disks.
ATOM DeleteAtom(nAtom)
This function deletes an atom and, if the atom's reference count is zero,
removes the associated string from the atom table.
An atom's reference count specifies the number of times the atom has been
added to the atom table. The AddAtom function increases the count on each
call; the DeleteAtom function decreases the count on each call. DeleteAtom
removes the string only if the atom's reference count is zero.
Parameter Type/Description
nAtom ATOM Identifies the atom and character string to be deleted.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is NULL if the
function is successful. It is equal to the nAtom parameter if the function
failed and the atom has not been deleted.
BOOL DeleteDC(hDC)
This function deletes the specified device context. If the hDC parameter is
the last device context for a given device, the device is notified and all
storage and system resources used by the device are released.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the device context is deleted. It is
nonzero if the device context is successfully deleted (regardless of whether
the deleted device context is the last context for the device). If an error
occurs, the return value is zero.
An application must not delete a device context whose handle was obtained by
calling the GetDC function. Instead, it must call the ReleaseDC function to
free the device context.
Version 3.0
BOOL DeleteMenu(hMenu, nPosition, wFlags)
This function deletes an item from the menu identified by the hMenu
parameter; if the menu item has an associated pop-up menu, DeleteMenu
destroys the handle by the pop-up menu and frees the memory used by the
pop-up menu.
Parameter Type/Description
hMenu HMENU Identifies the menu to be changed.
nPosition WORD Specifies the menu item which is
to be deleted. If wFlags is set to
MF_BYPOSITION, nPosition specifies the
position of the menu item; the first
item in the menu is at position 0. If
wFlags is set to MF_BYCOMMAND, then
nPosition specifies the command ID of
the existing menu item.
wFlags WORD Specifies how the nPosition
parameter is interpreted. It may be set
to either MF_BYCOMMAND (the default) or
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
Whenever a menu changes (whether or not the menu resides in a window that is
displayed), the application should call DrawMenuBar.
BOOL DeleteMetaFile(hMF)
This function deletes access to a metafile by freeing the system resources
associated with that metafile. It does not destroy the metafile itself, but
it invalidates the metafile handle, hMF. Access to the metafile can be
reestablished by retrieving a new handle by using the GetMetaFile function.
Parameter Type/Description
hMF HANDLE Identifies the metafile to be deleted.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the metafile handle is invalidated. It is
nonzero if the metafile's system resources are deleted. It is zero if the
hMF parameter is not a valid handle.
BOOL DeleteObject(hObject)
This function deletes a logical pen, brush, font, bitmap, region, or palette
from memory by freeing all system storage associated with the object. After
the object is deleted, the hObject handle is no longer valid.
Parameter Type/Description
hObject HANDLE Identifies a handle to a logical
pen, brush, font, bitmap, region, or
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the specified object is deleted. It is
nonzero if the object is deleted. It is zero if the hObject parameter is not
a valid handle or is currently selected into a device context.
The object to be deleted should not be currently selected into a device
When a pattern brush is deleted, the bitmap associated with the brush is not
deleted. The bitmap must be deleted independently.
An application must not delete a stock object.
void DestroyCaret( )
This function destroys the current caret shape, frees the caret from the
window that currently owns it, and removes the caret from the screen if it
is visible. The DestroyCaret function checks the ownership of the caret and
destroys the caret only if a window in the current task owns it.
If the caret shape was previously a bitmap, DestroyCaret does not free the
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The caret is a shared resource. If a window has created a caret shape, it
destroys that shape before it loses the input focus or becomes inactive.
Version 3.0
BOOL DestroyCursor(hCursor)
This function destroys a cursor that was previously created by the
CreateCursor function and frees any memory that the cursor occupied. It
should not be used to destroy any cursor that was not created with the
CreateCursor function.
Parameter Type/Description
hCursor HCURSOR Identifies the cursor to be
destroyed. The cursor must not be in
current use.
Return Value
The return value is nonzero if the function was successful. It is zero if
the function failed.
Version 3.0
BOOL DestroyIcon(hIcon)
This function destroys an icon that was previously created by the CreateIcon
function and frees any memory that the icon occupied. It should not be used
to destroy any icon that was not created with the CreateIcon function.
Parameter Type/Description
hIcon HICON Identifies the icon to be
destroyed. The icon must not be in
current use.
Return Value
The return value is nonzero if the function was successful. It is zero if
the function failed.
BOOL DestroyMenu(hMenu)
This function destroys the menu specified by the hMenu parameter and frees
any memory that the menu occupied.
Parameter Type/Description
hMenu HMENU Identifies the menu to be destroyed.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not the specified menu is destroyed.
It is nonzero if the menu is destroyed. Otherwise, it is zero.
BOOL DestroyWindow(hWnd)
This function destroys the specified window. The DestroyWindow function
hides or permanently closes the window, sending the appropriate messages to
the window to deactivate it and remove the input focus. It also destroys the
window menu, flushes the application queue, destroys outstanding timers,
removes clipboard ownership, and breaks the clipboard-viewer chain, if the
window is at the top of the viewer chain. It sends WM_DESTROY and
WM_NCDESTROY messages to the window.
If the given window is the parent of any windows, these child windows are
automatically destroyed when the parent window is destroyed. DestroyWindow
destroys child windows first, and then the window itself.
DestroyWindow also destroys modeless dialog boxes created by the
CreateDialog function.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window to be destroyed.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not the specified window is destroyed.
It is nonzero if the window is destroyed. Otherwise, it is zero.
Version 3.0
DWORD DeviceCapabilities(lpDeviceName, lpPort,
nIndex, lpOutput, lpDevMode)
This function retrieves the capabilities of the printer device driver.
Parameter Type/Description
lpDeviceName LPSTR Points to a
null-terminated character
string that contains the
name of the printer device,
such as "PCL/HP LaserJet."
lpPort LPSTR Points to a
null-terminated character
string that contains the
name of the port to which
the device is connected,
such as LPT1:.
nIndex WORD Specifies the
capabilities to query. It
can be any one of the
following values:
DC_BINNAMES Copies a structure identical
to that returned by the
printer driver does not need
to support this index if it
has only bins corresponding
to predefined indexes, in
which case no data is copied
and the return value is 0. If
the index is supported, the
return value is the number of
bins copied. If lpOutput is
NULL, the return value is the
number of bin entries
DC_BINS Retrieves a list of available
bins. The function copies the
list to lpOutput as a WORD
array. If lpOutput is NULL,
the function returns the
number of supported bins to
allow the application the
opportunity to allocate a
buffer with the correct size.
See the description of the
dmDefaultSource field of the
DEVMODE data structure for
information on these values.
An application can determine
the name of device-specific
bins by using the
Parameter Type/Description
Value Meaning
DC_DRIVER Returns the printer driver version number.
DC_DUPLEX Returns the level of duplex support. The
function returns 1 if the printer is capable
of duplex printing. Otherwise, the return
value is zero.
Parameter Type/Description
value is zero.
DC_EXTRA Returns the number of bytes required for the
device-specific portion of the DEVMODE data
structure for the printer driver.
DC_FIELDS Returns the dmFields field of the printer
driver's DEVMODE data structure. The
dmFields bitfield indicates which fields in
the device-independent portion of the
structure are supported by the printer
DC_MAXEXTENT Returns a POINT data structure containing
the maximum paper size that the
dmPaperLength and dmPaperWidth fields of the
printer driver's DEVMODE data structure can
Parameter Type/Description
DC_MINEXTENT Returns a POINT data structure containing
the minimum paper size that the
dmPaperLength and dmPaperWidth fields of the
printer driver's DEVMODE data structure can
Parameter Type/Description
Value Meaning
DC_PAPERS Retrieves a list of supported
paper sizes. The function
copies the list to lpOutput as
a WORD array and returns the
number of entries in the array.
Parameter Type/Description
number of entries in the array.
If lpOutput is NULL, the
function returns the number of
supported paper sizes to allow
the application the
opportunity to allocate a
buffer with the correct size.
See the description of the
dmPaperSize field of the
DEVMODE data structure for
information on these values.
DC_PAPERSIZE Copies the dimensions of
supported paper sizes in
tenths of a millimeter to an
array of POINT structures in
lpOutput. This allows an
application to obtain
information about nonstandard
Parameter Type/Description
information about nonstandard
paper sizes.
DC_SIZE Returns the dmSize field of
the printer driver's DEVMODE
data structure.
DC_VERSION Returns the specification
version to which the printer
driver conforms.
lpOutput LPSTR Points to an array of
bytes. The actual format of
the array depends on the
setting of nIndex. If set to
zero, DeviceCapabilities
returns the number of bytes
required for the output data.
Parameter Type/Description
lpDevMode DEVMODE FAR * Points to a
DEVMODE data structure. If
lpDevMode is NULL, this
function retrieves the current
default initialization values
for the specified printer
driver. Otherwise, the
function retrieves the values
contained in the structure to
which lpDevMode points.
Return Value
The return value depends on the setting of the nIndex parameter; see the
description of that parameter for details.
This function is supplied by the printer driver. An application must include
the DRIVINIT.H file and call the LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress functions to
call the DeviceCapabilities function.
void DeviceMode(hWnd, hModule, lpDeviceName, lpOutput)
This function sets the current printing modes for the device identified by
the lpDestDevType by prompting for those modes using a dialog box. An
application calls the DeviceMode function to allow the user to change the
printing modes of the corresponding device. The function copies the mode
information to the environment block associated with the device and
maintained by GDI.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window that will
own the dialog box.
hModule HANDLE Identifies the printer-driver
module. The application should retrieve
this handle by calling either the
GetModuleHandle or LoadLibrary function.
lpDeviceName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the name
of the specific device to be supported
(for example, Epson FX-80). The device
name is the same as the name passed to
the CreateDC function.
lpOutput LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the DOS
file or device name for the physical
output medium (file or output port). The
output name is the same as the name
passed to the CreateDC function.
Return Value
The DeviceMode function is actually part of the printer's device driver, and
not part of GDI. To call this function, the application must load the
printer device driver by calling LoadLibrary and retrieve the address of the
function by using the GetProcAddress function. The application can then use
the address to set up the printer.
int DialogBox(hInstance, lpTemplateName, hWndParent,
This function creates a modal dialog box that has the size, style, and
controls specified by the dialog-box template given by the lpTemplateName
parameter. The hWndParent parameter identifies the application window that
owns the dialog box. The callback function pointed to by the lpDialogFunc
parameter processes any messages received by the dialog box.
The DialogBox function does not return control until the callback function
terminates the modal dialog box by calling the EndDialog function.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies an instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the dialog-box template.
lpTemplateName LPSTR Points to a character string that
names the dialog-box template. The
string must be a null-terminated
character string.
hWndParent HWND Identifies the window that owns
the dialog box.
lpDialogFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the dialog function. See the
following "Comments" section for details.
Return Value
The return value specifies the value of the nResult parameter in the
EndDialog function that is used to terminate the dialog box. Values returned
by the application's dialog box are processed by Windows and are not
returned to the application. The return value is -1 if the function could
not create the dialog box.
The DialogBox function calls the GetDC function in order to obtain a
display-context. Problems will result if all the display contexts in the
Windows display-context cache have been retrieved by GetDC and DialogBox
attempts to access another display context.
A dialog box can contain up to 255 controls.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR.
Callback Function
int FAR PASCAL DialogFunc(hDlg, wMsg,
wParam, lParam)
HWND hDlg;
WORD wMsg;
WORD wParam;
DWORD lParam;
DialogFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
hDlg Identifies the dialog box that receives
the message.
wMsg Specifies the message number.
wParam Specifies 16 bits of additional
message-dependent information.
lParam Specifies 32 bits of additional
message-dependent information.
Return Value
The callback function should return nonzero if the function processes the
message and zero if it does not.
Although the callback function is similar to a window function, it must not
call the DefWindowProc function to process unwanted messages. Unwanted
messages are processed internally by the dialog-class window function.
The callback-function address, passed as the lpDialogFunc parameter, must be
created by using the MakeProcInstance function.
int DialogBoxIndirect(hInstance, hDialogTemplate,
hWndParent, lpDialogFunc)
This function creates an application's modal dialog box that has the size,
style, and controls specified by the dialog-box template associated with the
hDialogTemplate parameter. The hWndParent parameter identifies the
application window that owns the dialog box. The callback function pointed
to by lpDialogFunc processes any messages received by the dialog box.
The DialogBoxIndirect function does not return control until the callback
function terminates the modal dialog box by calling the EndDialog function.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies an instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the dialog-box template.
hDialogTemplate HANDLE Identifies a block of global
memory that contains a DLGTEMPLATE data
hWndParent HWND Identifies the window that owns
the dialog box.
lpDialogFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the dialog function. See the
following "Comments" section for details.
Return Value
The return value specifies the value of the wResult parameter specified in
the EndDialog function that is used to terminate the dialog box. Values
returned by the application's dialog box are processed by Windows and are
not returned to the application. The return value is -1 if the function
could not create the dialog box.
A dialog box can contain up to 255 controls.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and be declared
Callback Function
BOOL FAR PASCAL DialogFunc(hDlg, wMsg,
wParam, lParam)
HWND hDlg;
WORD wMsg;
WORD wParam;
DWORD lParam;
DialogFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
hDlg Identifies the dialog box that receives
the message.
wMsg Specifies the message number.
wParam Specifies 16 bits of additional
message-dependent information.
lParam Specifies 32 bits of additional
message-dependent information.
Return Value
The callback function should return nonzero if the function processes the
message and zero if it does not.
Although the callback function is similar to a window function, it must not
call the DefWindowProc function to process unwanted messages. Unwanted
messages are processed internally by the dialog-class window function.
The callback-function address, passed as the lpDialogFunc parameter, must be
created by using the MakeProcInstance function.
Version 3.0
int DialogBoxIndirectParam(hInstance, hDialogTemplate,
hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam)
This function creates an application's modal dialog box, sends a
WM_INITDIALOG message to the dialog function before displaying the dialog
box and passes dwInitParam as the message lParam. This message allows the
dialog function to initialize the dialog-box controls.
For more information on creating an application modal dialog box, see the
description of the DialogBoxIndirect function.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies an instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the dialog-box template.
hDialogTemplate HANDLE Identifies a block of global
memory that contains a DLGTEMPLATE data
hWndParent HWND Identifies the window that owns
the dialog box.
lpDialogFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the dialog function. For
details, see the "Comments" section in
the description of the DialogBoxIndirect
dwInitParam DWORD Is a 32-bit value which
DialogBoxIndirectParam passes to the
dialog function when it creates the
dialog box.
Return Value
The return value specifies the value of the wResult parameter specified in
the EndDialog function that is used to terminate the dialog box. Values
returned by the application's dialog box are processed by Windows and are
not returned to the application. The return value is -1 if the function
could not create the dialog box.
Version 3.0
int DialogBoxParam(hInstance, lpTemplateName,
hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam)
This function creates a modal dialog box, sends a WM_INITDIALOG message to
the dialog function before displaying the dialog box, and passes dwInitParam
as the message lParam. This message allows the dialog function to initialize
the dialog-box controls.
For more information on creating a modal dialog box, see the description of
the DialogBox function.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies an instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the dialog-box template.
lpTemplateName LPSTR Points to a character string that
names the dialog-box template. The
string must be a null-terminated
character string.
hWndParent HWND Identifies the window that owns
the dialog box.
lpDialogFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the dialog function. For
details, see the "Comments" section of
the description of the DialogBox
dwInitParam DWORD Is a 32-bit value which
DialogBoxParam passes to the dialog
function when it creates the dialog box.
Return Value
The return value specifies the value of the nResult parameter in the
EndDialog function that is used to terminate the dialog box. Values returned
by the application's dialog box are processed by Windows and are not
returned to the application. The return value is -1 if the function could
not create the dialog box.
LONG DispatchMessage(lpMsg)
This function passes the message in the MSG structure pointed to by the
lpMsg parameter to the window function of the specified window.
Parameter Type/Description
lpMsg LPMSG Points to an MSG data structure
that contains message information from
the Windows application queue.
The structure must contain valid message
values. If lpMsg points to a WM_TIMER
message and the lParam parameter of the
WM_TIMER message is not NULL, then the
lParam parameter is the address of a
function that is called instead of the
window function.
Return Value
The return value specifies the value returned by the window function. Its
meaning depends on the message being dispatched, but generally the return
value is ignored.
int DlgDirList(hDlg, lpPathSpec, nIDListBox,
nIDStaticPath, wFiletype)
This function fills a list-box control with a file or directory listing. It
fills the list box specified by the nIDListBox parameter with the names of
all files matching the pathname given by the lpPathSpec parameter.
The DlgDirList function shows subdirectories enclosed in square brackets ([
]), and shows drives in the form [-x-], where x is the drive letter.
The lpPathSpec parameter has the following form:
«drive:» « «\»directory«\directory»...\»
In this example, drive is a drive letter, directory is a valid directory
name, and filename is a valid filename that must contain at least one
wildcard character. The wildcard characters are a question mark (?), meaning
"match any character," and an asterisk (*), meaning "match any number of
If the lpPathSpec parameter includes a drive and/or directory name, the
current drive and directory are changed to the designated drive and
directory before the list box is filled. The text control identified by the
nIDStaticPath parameter is also updated with the new drive and/or directory
After the list box is filled, lpPathSpec is updated by removing the drive
and/or directory portion of the pathname.
DlgDirList sends LB_RESETCONTENT and LB_DIR messages to the list box.
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box that
contains the list box.
lpPathSpec LPSTR Points to a pathname string. The
string must be a null-terminated
character string.
nIDListBox int Specifies the identifier of a
list-box control. If nIDListBox is zero,
DlgDirList assumes that no list box
exists and does not attempt to fill it.
nIDStaticPath int Specifies the identifier of the
static-text control used for displaying
the current drive and directory. If
nIDStaticPath is zero, DlgDirList
assumes that no such text control is
wFiletype WORD Specifies DOS file attributes of
the files to be displayed. It can be any
combination of the values given in Table
.6, "DOS File Attributes." Values can be
combined by using the bitwise OR
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if a
listing was made, even an empty listing. A zero return value implies that
the input string did not contain a valid search path.
The wFiletype parameter specifies the DOS attributes of the files to be
listed. Table 4.6 describes these attributes.
Table DOS File Attributes
Attribute Value Meaning
0x0000 Read/write data files with no additional attributes
0x0001 Read-only files
0x0002 Hidden files
0x0004 System files
0x0010 Subdirectories
0x0020 Archives
0x2000 LB_DIR flag(1)
0x4000 Drives
0x8000 Exclusive bit(2)
(1) If the LB_DIR flag is set, Windows places the messages generated by
DlgDirList in the application's queue; otherwise they are sent directly to
the dialog function.
(2) If the exclusive bit is set, only files of the specified type are
listed. Otherwise, files of the specified type are listed in addition to
normal files.
Version 3.0
int DlgDirListComboBox(hDlg, lpPathSpec, nIDComboBox,
nIDStaticPath, wFiletype)
This function fills the list box of a combo-box control with a file or
directory listing. It fills the list box of the combo box specified by the
nIDComboBox parameter with the names of all files matching the pathname
given by the lpPathSpec parameter.
The DlgDirListComboBox function shows subdirectories enclosed in square
brackets ([ ]), and shows drives in the form [-x-], where x is the drive
The lpPathSpec parameter has the following form:
«drive:» « «\»directory«\directory»...\»
In this example, drive is a drive letter, directory is a valid directory
name, and filename is a valid filename that must contain at least one
wildcard character. The wildcard characters are a question mark (?), meaning
"match any character," and an asterisk (*), meaning "match any number of
If the lpPathSpec parameter includes a drive and/or directory name, the
current drive and directory are changed to the designated drive and
directory before the list box is filled. The text control identified by the
nIDStaticPath parameter is also updated with the new drive and/or directory
After the combo-box list box is filled, lpPathSpec is updated by removing
the drive and/or directory portion of the pathname.
DlgDirListComboBox sends CB_RESETCONTENT and CB_DIR messages to the combo
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box that
contains the combo box.
lpPathSpec LPSTR Points to a pathname string. The
string must be a null-terminated
character string.
nIDComboBox int Specifies the identifier of a
combo-box control in a dialog box. If
nIDComboBox is zero, DlgDirListComboBox
assumes that no combo box exists and
does not attempt to fill it.
nIDStaticPath int Specifies the identifier of the
static-text control used for displaying
the current drive and directory. If
nIDStaticPath is zero,
DlgDirListComboBox assumes that no such
text control is present.
wFiletype WORD Specifies DOS file attributes of
the files to be displayed. It can be any
combination of the values given in Table
.6, "DOS File Attributes." Refer to the
description of the DlgDirList function
for this table. Values can be combined
by using the bitwise OR operator.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if a
listing was made, even an empty listing. A zero return value implies that
the input string did not contain a valid search path.
BOOL DlgDirSelect(hDlg, lpString, nIDListBox)
This function retrieves the current selection from a list box. It assumes
that the list box has been filled by the DlgDirList function and that the
selection is a drive letter, a file, or a directory name.
The DlgDirSelect function copies the selection to the buffer given by the
lpString parameter. If the current selection is a directory name or drive
letter, DlgDirSelect removes the enclosing square brackets (and hyphens, for
drive letters) so that the name or letter is ready to be inserted into a new
pathname. If there is no selection, lpString does not change.
DlgDirSelect sends LB_GETCURSEL and LB_GETTEXT messages to the list box.
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box that
contains the list box.
lpString LPSTR Points to a buffer that is to
receive the selected pathname.
nIDListBox int Specifies the integer ID of a
list-box control in the dialog box.
Return Value
The return value specifies the status of the current list-box selection. It
is nonzero if the current selection is a directory name. Otherwise, it is
The DlgDirSelect function does not allow more than one filename to be
returned from a list box.
The list box must not be a multiple-selection list box. If it is, this
function will not return a zero value and lpString will remain unchanged.
Version 3.0
BOOL DlgDirSelectComboBox(hDlg, lpString, nIDComboBox)
This function retrieves the current selection from the list box of a combo
box. It assumes that the list box has been filled by the DlgDirListComboBox
function and that the selection is a drive letter, a file, or a directory
The DlgDirSelectComboBox function copies the selection to the buffer given
by the lpString parameter. If the current selection is a directory name or
drive letter, DlgDirSelectComboBox removes the enclosing square brackets
(and hyphens, for drive letters) so that the name or letter is ready to be
inserted into a new pathname. If there is no selection, lpString does not
DlgDirSelectComboBox sends CB_GETCURSEL and CB_GETLBTEXT messages to the
combo box.
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box that
contains the combo box.
lpString LPSTR Points to a buffer that is to
receive the selected pathname.
nIDComboBox int Specifies the integer ID of the
combo-box control in the dialog box.
Return Value
The return value specifies the status of the current combo-box selection. It
is nonzero if the current selection is a directory name. Otherwise, it is
The DlgDirSelectComboBox function does not allow more than one filename to
be returned from a combo box.
Version 3.0
This function allows an application to issue a DOS function-request
interrupt 21H. An application can use this function instead of a directly
coded DOS 21H interrupt. The DOS3Call function executes somewhat faster than
the equivalent DOS 21H software interrupt under Windows.
An application can call this function only from an assembly-language
routine. It is exported from KERNEL.EXE and is not defined in any Windows
include files.
To use this function call, an application should declare it in an
assembly-language program as shown:
extrn DOS3Call :far
If the application includes CMACROS.INC, the application declares it as
extrnFP Dos3Call
Before calling DOS3Call, all registers must be set as for an actual INT 21H.
All registers at the function's exit are the same as for the corresponding
INT 21H function.
This function has no parameters and returns the registers of the DOS
The following is an example of using DOS3Call:
extrn DOS3Call : far
; set registers
mov ah, DOSFUNC
cCall DOS3Call
BOOL DPtoLP(hDC, lpPoints, nCount)
This function converts device points into logical points. The function maps
the coordinates of each point specified by the lpPoints parameter from the
device coordinate system into GDI's logical coordinate system. The
conversion depends on the current mapping mode and the settings of the
origins and extents for the device's window and viewport.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
lpPoints LPPOINT Points to an array of points.
Each point must be a POINT data
nCount int Specifies the number of points in
the array.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the conversion has taken place. It is
nonzero if all points are converted. Otherwise, it is zero.
Version 3.0
void DrawFocusRect(hDC, lpRect)
This function draws a rectangle in the style used to indicate focus.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that specifies the coordinates of the
rectangle to be drawn.
Return Value
Since this is an XOR function, calling this function a second time with the
same rectangle removes the rectangle from the display.
The rectangle drawn by this function cannot be scrolled. To scroll an area
containing a rectangle drawn by this function, call DrawFocusRect to remove
the rectangle from the display, scroll the area, and then call DrawFocusRect
to draw the rectangle in the new position.
BOOL DrawIcon(hDC, X, Y, hIcon)
This function draws an icon on the specified device. The DrawIcon function
places the icon's upper-left corner at the location specified by the X and Y
parameters. The location is subject to the current mapping mode of the
device context.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context for a
X int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the icon.
Y int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the icon.
hIcon HICON Identifies the icon to be drawn.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
The icon resource must have been previously loaded by using the LoadIcon
function. The MM_TEXT mapping mode must be selected prior to using this
void DrawMenuBar(hWnd)
This function redraws the menu bar. If a menu bar is changed after Windows
has created the window, this function should be called to draw the changed
menu bar.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose menu needs redrawing.
Return Value
int DrawText(hDC, lpString, nCount, lpRect, wFormat)
This function draws formatted text in the rectangle specified by the lpRect
parameter. It formats text by expanding tabs into appropriate spaces,
justifying text to the left, right, or center of the given rectangle, and
breaking text into lines that fit within the given rectangle. The type of
formatting is specified by the wFormat parameter.
The DrawText function uses the device context's selected font, text color,
and background color to draw the text. Unless the DT_NOCLIP format is used,
DrawText clips the text so that the text does not appear outside the given
rectangle. All formatting is assumed to have multiple lines unless the
DT_SINGLELINE format is given.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
lpString LPSTR Points to the string to be drawn.
If the nCount parameter is -1, the
string must be null-terminated.
nCount int Specifies the number of bytes in
the string. If nCount is -1, then
lpString is assumed to be a long pointer
to a null-terminated string and DrawText
computes the character count
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the rectangle (in logical
coordinates) in which the text is to be
wFormat WORD Specifies the method of formatting
the text. It can be a combination of the
values given in Table .7, "DrawText
Return Value
The return value specifies the height of the text.
If the selected font is too large for the specified rectangle, the DrawText
function does not attempt to substitute a smaller font.
Table 4.7 lists the values for the wFormat parameter. These values can be
combined by using the bitwise OR operator. Note that the DT_CALCRECT,
used with the DT_TABSTOP value:
Table DrawText Formats
Value Meaning
DT_BOTTOM Specifies bottom-justified text. This
value must be combined with
DT_CALCRECT Determines the width and height of the
rectangle. If there are multiple lines
of text, DrawText will use the width of
the rectangle pointed to by the lpRect
parameter and extend the base of the
rectangle to bound the last line of text.
If there is only one line of text,
DrawText will modify the right side of
the rectangle so that it bounds the last
character in the line. In either case,
Value Meaning
character in the line. In either case,
DrawText returns the height of the
formatted text but does not draw the
DT_CENTER Centers text horizontally.
DT_EXPANDTABS Expands tab characters. The default
number of characters per tab is eight.
DT_EXTERNALLEADING Includes the font external leading in
line height. Normally, external leading
is not included in the height of a line
of text.
DT_LEFT Aligns text flush-left.
DT_NOCLIP Draws without clipping. DrawText is
somewhat faster when DT_NOCLIP is used.
Value Meaning
somewhat faster when DT_NOCLIP is used.
Table DrawText Formats (continued)
Value Meaning
DT_NOPREFIX Turns off processing of prefix
characters. Normally, DrawText
interprets the mnemonic-prefix character
"&" as a directive to underscore the
character that follows, and the
mnemonic-prefix characters "&&" as a
directive to print a single "&". By
specifying DT_NOPREFIX, this processing
is turned off.
Value Meaning
DT_RIGHT Aligns text flush-right.
DT_SINGLELINE Specifies single line only. Carriage
returns and linefeeds do not break the
DT_TABSTOP Sets tab stops. The high-order byte of
the wFormat parameter is the number of
characters for each tab. The default
number of characters per tab is eight.
DT_TOP Specifies top-justified text (single
line only).
DT_VCENTER Specifies vertically centered text
(single line only).
DT_WORDBREAK Specifies word breaking. Lines are
Value Meaning
DT_WORDBREAK Specifies word breaking. Lines are
automatically broken between words if a
word would extend past the edge of the
rectangle specified by the lpRect
parameter. A carriage return/line
sequence will also break the line.
BOOL Ellipse(hDC, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
This function draws an ellipse. The center of the ellipse is the center of
the bounding rectangle specified by the X1, Y1, X2, and Y2 parameters. The
ellipse border is drawn with the current pen, and the interior is filled
with the current brush.
If the bounding rectangle is empty, nothing is drawn.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X1 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the bounding
Y1 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the bounding
X2 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the lower-right corner of the
bounding rectangle.
Y2 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the lower-right corner of the
bounding rectangle.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the ellipse is drawn. It is nonzero if
the ellipse is drawn. Otherwise, it is zero.
The width of the rectangle, specified by the absolute value of X2 - X1, must
not exceed 32,767 units. This limit applies to the height of the rectangle
as well.
The current position is neither used nor updated by this function.
BOOL EmptyClipboard( )
This function empties the clipboard and frees handles to data in the
clipboard. It then assigns ownership of the clipboard to the window that
currently has the clipboard open.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies the status of the clipboard. It is nonzero if the
clipboard is emptied. It is zero if an error occurs.
The clipboard must be open when the EmptyClipboard function is called.
BOOL EnableHardwareInput(bEnableInput)
This function disables mouse and keyboard input. The input is saved if the
bEnableInput parameter is TRUE and discarded if it is FALSE.
Parameter Type/Description
bEnableInput BOOL Specifies that the function should
save input if the bEnableInput parameter
is set to a nonzero value; specifies
that the function should discard input
if the bEnableInput parameter is set to
Return Value
The return value specifies whether mouse and keyboard input is disabled. It
is nonzero if input was previously enabled. Otherwise, it is zero. The
default return value is nonzero (TRUE).
BOOL EnableMenuItem(hMenu, wIDEnableItem, wEnable)
This function enables, disables, or grays a menu item.
Parameter Type/Description
hMenu HMENU Specifies the menu.
wIDEnableItem WORD Specifies the menu
item to be checked. The
wIDEnableItem parameter can
specify pop-up menu items as
well as menu items.
wEnable WORD Specifies the action
to take. It can be a
Parameter Type/Description
to take. It can be a
combination of MF_DISABLED,
MF_BYPOSITION. These values
can be combined by using the
bitwise OR operator. These
values have the following
Value Meaning
MF_BYCOMMAND Specifies that the
wIDEnableItem parameter
gives the menu item ID
(MF_BYCOMMAND is the default
MF_BYPOSITION Specifies that the
Parameter Type/Description
MF_BYPOSITION Specifies that the
wIDEnableItem parameter
gives the position of the
menu item (the first item is
at position zero).
MF_DISABLED Menu item is disabled.
MF_ENABLED Menu item is enabled.
MF_GRAYED Menu item is grayed.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous state of the menu item. The return
value is -1 if the menu item does not exist.
To disable or enable input to a menu bar, see the WM_SYSCOMMAND message.
BOOL EnableWindow(hWnd, bEnable)
This function enables or disables mouse and keyboard input to the specified
window or control. When input is disabled, input such as mouse clicks and
key presses are ignored by the window. When input is enabled, all input is
The EnableWindow function enables mouse and keyboard input to a window if
the bEnable parameter is nonzero, and disables it if bEnable is zero.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window to be
enabled or disabled.
bEnable BOOL Specifies whether the given window
is to be enabled or disabled.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
window is enabled or disabled as specified. It is zero if an error occurs.
A window must be enabled before it can be activated. For example, if an
application is displaying a modeless dialog box and has disabled its main
window, the main window must be enabled before the dialog box is destroyed.
Otherwise, another window will get the input focus and be activated. If a
child window is disabled, it is ignored when Windows tries to determine
which window should get mouse messages.
Initially, all windows are enabled by default. EnableWindow must be used to
disable a window explicitly.
Version 3.0
void EndDeferWindowPos(hWinPosInfo)
This function simultaneously updates the position and size of one or more
windows in a single screen-refresh cycle. The hWinPosInfo parameter
identifies a multiple window-position data structure that contains the
update information for the windows. The DeferWindowPos function stores the
update information in the data structure; the BeginDeferWindowPos function
creates the initial data structure used by these functions.
Parameter Type/Description
hWinPosInfo HANDLE Identifies a multiple
window-position data structure that
contains size and position information
for one or more windows. This structure
is returned by the BeginDeferWindowPos
function or the most recent call to the
DeferWindowPos function.
Return Value
void EndDialog(hDlg, nResult)
This function terminates a modal dialog box and returns the given result to
the DialogBox function that created the dialog box. The EndDialog function
is required to complete processing whenever the DialogBox function is used
to create a modal dialog box. The function must be used in the dialog
function of the modal dialog box and should not be used for any other
The dialog function can call EndDialog at any time, even during the
processing of the WM_INITDIALOG message. If called during the WM_INITDIALOG
message, the dialog box is terminated before it is shown or before the input
focus is set.
EndDialog does not terminate the dialog box immediately. Instead, it sets a
flag that directs the dialog box to terminate as soon as the dialog function
ends. The EndDialog function returns to the dialog function, so the dialog
function must return control to Windows.
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box to be
nResult int Specifies the value to be returned
from the dialog box to the DialogBox
function that created it.
Return Value
void EndPaint(hWnd, lpPaint)
This function marks the end of painting in the given window. The EndPaint
function is required for each call to the BeginPaint function, but only
after painting is complete.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window that is
data structure that contains the
painting information retrieved by the
BeginPaint function.
Return Value
If the caret was hidden by the BeginPaint function, EndPaint restores the
caret to the screen.
BOOL EnumChildWindows(hWndParent, lpEnumFunc, lParam)
This function enumerates the child windows that belong to the specified
parent window by passing the handle of each child window, in turn, to the
application-supplied callback function pointed to by the lpEnumFunc
The EnumChildWindows function continues to enumerate windows until the
called function returns zero or until the last child window has been
Parameter Type/Description
hWndParent HWND Identifies the parent window whose
child windows are to be enumerated.
lpEnumFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the callback function.
lParam DWORD Specifies the value to be passed
to the callback function for the
application's use.
Return Value
The return value specifies nonzero if all child windows have been
enumerated. Otherwise, it is zero.
This function does not enumerate pop-up windows that belong to the
hWndParent parameter.
The address passed as the lpEnumFunc parameter must be created by using the
MakeProcInstance function.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR.
Callback Function
BOOL FAR PASCAL EnumFunc(hWnd, lParam)
HWND hWnd;
DWORD lParam;
EnumFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
hWnd Identifies the window handle.
lParam Specifies the long parameter argument of
the EnumChildWindows function.
Return Value
The callback function should return a nonzero value to continue enumeration;
it should return zero to stop enumeration.
WORD EnumClipboardFormats(wFormat)
This function enumerates the formats found in a list of available formats
that belong to the clipboard. On each call to this function, the wFormat
parameter specifies a known available format, and the function returns the
format that appears next in the list. The first format in the list can be
retrieved by setting wFormat to zero.
Parameter Type/Description
wFormat WORD Specifies a known format.
Return Value
The return value specifies the next known clipboard data format. It is zero
if wFormat specifies the last format in the list of available formats. It is
zero if the clipboard is not open.
Before it enumerates the formats by using the EnumClipboardFormats function,
an application must open the clipboard by using the OpenClipboard function.
The order that an application uses for putting alternative formats for the
same data into the clipboard is the same order that the enumerator uses when
returning them to the pasting application. The pasting application should
use the first format enumerated that it can handle. This gives the donor a
chance to recommend formats that involve the least loss of data.
int EnumFonts(hDC, lpFacename, lpFontFunc, lpData)
This function enumerates the fonts available on a given device. For each
font having the typeface name specified by the lpFacename parameter, the
EnumFonts function retrieves information about that font and passes it to
the function pointed to by the lpFontFunc parameter. The
application-supplied callback function can process the font information as
desired. Enumeration continues until there are no more fonts or the callback
function returns zero.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
lpFacename LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the
typeface name of the desired fonts. If
lpFacename is NULL, EnumFonts randomly
selects and enumerates one font of each
available typeface.
lpFontFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the callback function. See
the following "Comments" section for
lpData LPSTR Points to the
application-supplied data. The data is
passed to the callback function along
with the font information.
Return Value
The return value specifies the last value returned by the callback function.
Its meaning is user-defined.
The address passed as the lpFontFunc parameter must be created by using the
MakeProcInstance function.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR.
Callback Function
int FAR PASCAL FontFunc(lpLogFont, lpTextMetrics,
nFontType, lpData)
short nFontType;
LPSTR lpData;
FontFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
lpLogFont Points to a LOGFONT data structure that
contains information about the logical
attributes of the font.
lpTextMetrics Points to a TEXTMETRIC data structure
that contains information about the
physical attributes of the font.
nFontType Specifies the type of the font.
lpData Points to the application-supplied data
passed by EnumFonts.
Return Value
The return value can be any integer.
The AND (&) operator can be used with the RASTER_FONTTYPE and
DEVICE_FONTTYPE constants to determine the font type. The RASTER_FONTTYPE
bit of the FontType parameter specifies whether the font is a raster or
vector font. If the bit is one, the font is a raster font; if zero, it is a
vector font. The DEVICE_FONTTYPE bit of FontType specifies whether the font
is a device- or GDI-based font. If the bit is one, the font is a
device-based font; if zero, it is a GDI-based font.
If the device is capable of text transformations (scaling, italicizing, and
so on) only the base font will be enumerated. The user must inquire into the
device's text-transformation abilities to determine which additional fonts
are available directly from the device. GDI can simulate the bold, italic,
underlined, and strikeout attributes for any GDI-based font.
EnumFonts only enumerates fonts from the GDI internal table. This does not
include fonts that are generated by a device, such as fonts that are
transformations of fonts from the internal table. The GetDeviceCaps function
can be used to determine which transformations a device can perform. This
information is available by using the TEXTCAPS index.
GDI can scale GDI-based raster fonts by one to five horizontally and one to
eight vertically, unless PROOF_QUALITY is being used.
BOOL EnumMetaFile(hDC, hMF, lpCallbackFunc, lpClientData)
This function enumerates the GDI calls within the metafile identified by the
hMF parameter. The EnumMetaFile function retrieves each GDI call within the
metafile and passes it to the function pointed to by the lpCallbackFunc
parameter. This callback function, an application-supplied function, can
process each GDI call as desired. Enumeration continues until there are no
more GDI calls or the callback function returns zero.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context
associated with the metafile.
hMF LOCALHANDLE Identifies the metafile.
lpCallbackFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
callback function. See the following
"Comments" section for details.
lpClientData BYTE FAR * Points to the
callback-function data.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
callback function enumerates all the GDI calls in a metafile; otherwise, it
returns zero.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR.
Callback Function
int FAR PASCAL EnumFunc(hDC, lpHTable,
lpMFR, nObj, lpClientData)
int nObj;
BYTE FAR * lpClientData;
EnumFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
hDC Identifies the special device context
that contains the metafile.
lpHTable Points to a table of handles associated
with the objects (pens, brushes, and so
on) in the metafile.
lpMFR Points to a metafile record contained in
the metafile.
nObj Specifies the number of objects with
associated handles in the handle table.
lpClientData Points to the application-supplied data.
Return Value
The function can carry out any desired task. It must return a nonzero value
to continue enumeration, or a zero value to stop it.
int EnumObjects(hDC, nObjectType, lpObjectFunc, lpData)
This function enumerates the pens and brushes available on a device. For
each object that belongs to the given style, the callback function is called
with the information for that object. The callback function is called until
there are no more objects or the callback function returns zero.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
nObjectType int Specifies the object type. It can
be one of the following values:
lpObjectFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the application-supplied
callback function. See the following
"Comments" section for details.
lpData LPSTR Points to the
application-supplied data. The data is
passed to the callback function along
with the object information.
Return Value
The return value specifies the last value returned by the callback function.
Its meaning is user-defined.
The address passed as the lpObjectFunc parameter must be created by using
the MakeProcInstance function.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR.
Callback Function
int FAR PASCAL ObjectFunc(lpLogObject, lpData)
char FAR * lpLogObject;
char FAR * lpData;
ObjectFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
lpLogObject Points to a LOGPEN or LOGBRUSH data
structure that contains information
about the logical attributes of the
lpData Points to the application-supplied data
passed to the EnumObjects function.
int EnumProps(hWnd, lpEnumFunc)
This function enumerates all entries in the property list of the specified
window. It enumerates the entries by passing them, one by one, to the
callback function specified by lpEnumFunc. EnumProps continues until the
last entry is enumerated or the callback function returns zero.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose
property list is to be enumerated.
lpEnumFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the callback function. See
the following "Comments" section for
Return Value
The return value specifies the last value returned by the callback function.
It is -1 if the function did not find a property for enumeration.
An application can remove only those properties which it has added. It
should not remove properties added by other applications or by Windows
The following restrictions apply to the callback function:
1. The callback function must not yield control or do anything that might
yield control to other tasks.
2. The callback function can call the RemoveProp function. However, the
RemoveProp function can remove only the property passed to the
callback function through the callback function's parameters.
3. A callback function should not attempt to add properties.
The address passed in the lpEnumFunc parameter must be created by using the
MakeProcInstance function.
Fixed Data Segments
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR. In applications and dynamic libraries with fixed data segments
and in dynamic libraries with moveable data segments that do not contain a
stack, the callback function must have the form shown below.
Callback Function
int FAR PASCAL EnumFunc(hWnd, lpString, hData)
HWND hWnd;
LPSTR lpString;
EnumFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
hWnd Identifies a handle to the window that
contains the property list.
lpString Points to the null-terminated character
string associated with the data handle
when the application called the SetProp
function to set the property. If the
application passed an atom instead of a
string to the SetProp function, the
lpString parameter contains the atom in
its low-order word, and the high-order
word is zero.
hData Identifies the data handle.
Return Value
The callback function can carry out any desired task. It must return a
nonzero value to continue enumeration, or a zero value to stop it.
Moveable Data Segments
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR. In applications with moveable data segments and in dynamic
libraries whose moveable data segments also contain a stack, the callback
function must have the form shown below.
Callback Function
int FAR PASCAL EnumFunc(hWnd, nDummy,
pString, hData)
HWND hWnd;
WORD nDummy;
PSTR pString;
EnumFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
hWnd Identifies a handle to the window that
contains the property list.
nDummy Specifies a dummy parameter.
pString Points to the null-terminated character
string associated with the data handle
when the application called the SetProp
function to set the property. If the
application passed an atom instead of a
string to the SetProp function, the
pString parameter contains the atom.
hData Identifies the data handle.
Return Value
The callback function can carry out any desired task. It should return a
nonzero value to continue enumeration, or a zero value to stop it.
The alternate form above is required since movement of the data will
invalidate any long pointer to a variable on the stack, such as the lpString
parameter. The data segment typically moves if the callback function
allocates more space in the local heap than is currently available.
BOOL EnumTaskWindows(hTask, lpEnumFunc, lParam)
This function enumerates all windows associated with the hTask parameter,
which is returned by the GetCurrentTask function. (A task is any program
that executes as an independent unit. All applications are executed as tasks
and each instance of an application is a task.) The enumeration terminates
when the callback function, pointed to by lpEnumFunc, returns FALSE.
Parameter Type/Description
hTask HANDLE Identifies the specified task.
The GetCurrentTask function returns this
lpEnumFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the window's callback
lParam DWORD Specifies the 32-bit value that
contains additional parameters that are
sent to the callback function pointed to
by lpEnumFunc.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if all
the windows associated with a particular task are enumerated. Otherwise, it
is zero.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR. The callback function must have the following form:
Callback Function
BOOL FAR PASCAL EnumFunc(hWnd, lParam)
HWND hWnd;
DWORD lParam;
EnumFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
hWnd Identifies a window associated with the
current task.
lParam Specifies the same argument that was
passed to the EnumTaskWindows function.
Return Value
The callback function can carry out any desired task. It must return a
nonzero value to continue enumeration, or a zero value to stop it.
BOOL EnumWindows(lpEnumFunc, lParam)
This function enumerates all parent windows on the screen by passing the
handle of each window, in turn, to the callback function pointed to by the
lpEnumFunc parameter. Child windows are not enumerated.
The EnumWindows function continues to enumerate windows until the called
function returns zero or until the last window has been enumerated.
Parameter Type/Description
lpEnumFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the callback function. See
the following "Comments" section for
lParam DWORD Specifies the value to be passed
to the callback function for the
application's use.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if all
windows have been enumerated. Otherwise, it is zero.
The address passed as the lpEnumFunc parameter must be created by using the
MakeProcInstance function.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR. The callback function must have the following form:
Callback Function
BOOL FAR PASCAL EnumFunc(hWnd, lParam)
HWND hWnd;
DWORD lParam;
EnumFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
hWnd Identifies the window handle.
lParam Specifies the 32-bit argument of the EnumWindows function.
Return Value
The function must return a nonzero value to continue enumeration, or zero to
stop it.
BOOL EqualRect(lpRect1, lpRect2)
This function determines whether two rectangles are equal by comparing the
coordinates of their upper-left and lower-right corners. If the values of
these coordinates are equal, EqualRect returns a nonzero value; otherwise,
it returns zero.
Parameter Type/Description
lpRect1 LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the upper-left and
lower-right corner coordinates of the
first rectangle.
lpRect2 LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the upper-left and
lower-right corner coordinates of the
second rectangle.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the specified rectangles are equal. It is
nonzero if the two rectangles are identical. Otherwise, it is zero.
BOOL EqualRgn(hSrcRgn1, hSrcRgn2)
This function checks the two given regions to determine whether they are
Parameter Type/Description
hSrcRgn1 HRGN Identifies a region.
hSrcRgn2 HRGN Identifies a region.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the specified regions are equal. It is
nonzero if the two regions are equal. Otherwise, it is zero.
int Escape(hDC, nEscape, nCount, lpInData, lpOutData)
This function allows applications to access facilities of a particular
device that are not directly available through GDI. Escape calls made by an
application are translated and sent to the device driver.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
nEscape int Specifies the escape function to be
performed. For a complete list of escape
functions, see Chapter 12, "Printer
Escapes," in Reference, Volume 2.
nCount int Specifies the number of bytes of
data pointed to by the lpInData
lpInData LPSTR Points to the input data
structure required for this escape.
lpOutData LPSTR Points to the data structure to
receive output from this escape. The
lpOutData parameter should be NULL if no
data are returned.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is positive if
the function is successful except for the QUERYESCSUPPORT escape, which only
checks for implementation. The return value is zero if the escape is not
implemented. A negative value indicates an error. The following list shows
common error values:
Value Meaning
SP_ERROR General error.
SP_OUTOFDISK Not enough disk space is currently
available for spooling, and no more
space will become available.
SP_OUTOFMEMORY Not enough memory is available for
SP_USERABORT User terminated the job through the
Print Manager.
int EscapeCommFunction(nCid, nFunc)
This function directs the communication device specified by the nCid
parameter to carry out the extended function specified by the nFunc
Parameter Type/Description
nCid int Specifies the
communication device to carry
out the extended function. The
OpenComm function returns this
Parameter Type/Description
nFunc int Specifies the function
code of the extended function.
It can be any one of the
following values:
Value Description
CLRDTR Clears the data-terminal-ready
(DTR) signal.
CLRRTS Clears the request-to-send
(RTS) signal.
RESETDEV Resets the device if possible.
SETDTR Sends the data-terminal-ready
Parameter Type/Description
SETDTR Sends the data-terminal-ready
(DTR) signal.
SETRTS Sends the request-to-send (RTS)
SETXOFF Causes transmission to act as
if an XOFF character has been
SETXON Causes transmission to act as
if an XON character has been
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is zero if it is
successful. It is negative if the nFunc parameter does not specify a valid
function code.
int ExcludeClipRect(hDC, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
This function creates a new clipping region that consists of the existing
clipping region minus the specified rectangle.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X1 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the
Y1 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the
X2 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the lower-right corner of the
Y2 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the lower-right corner of the
Return Value
The return value specifies the new clipping region's type. It can be any one
of the following values:
Value Meaning
COMPLEXREGION The region has overlapping borders.
ERROR No region was created.
NULLREGION The region is empty.
SIMPLEREGION The region has no overlapping borders.
The width of the rectangle, specified by the absolute value of X2 - X1, must
not exceed 32,767 units. This limit applies to the height of the rectangle
as well.
int ExcludeUpdateRgn(hDC, hWnd)
This function prevents drawing within invalid areas of a window by excluding
an updated region in the window from a clipping region.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HANDLE Identifies the device context
associated with the clipping region.
hWnd HWND Identifies the window being
Return Value
This value specifies the type of resultant region. It can be any one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
COMPLEXREGION The region has overlapping borders.
ERROR No region was created.
NULLREGION The region is empty.
SIMPLEREGION The region has no overlapping borders.
Version 3.0
BOOL ExitWindows(dwReserved, wReturnCode)
This function initiates the standard Windows shutdown procedure. If all
applications agree to terminate, the Windows session is terminated and
control returns to DOS. Windows sends the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message to
notify all applications that a request has been made to terminate Windows.
If all applications agree to terminate, Windows sends the WM_ENDSESSION
message to all applications before exiting.
Parameter Type/Description
dwReserved DWORD Is reserved and should be set to
wReturnCode WORD Specifies the return value to be
passed to DOS when Windows exits.
Return Value
The return value is FALSE if one or more applications refused to terminate.
The function does not return if all applications agree to be terminated.
Version 3.0
int ExtDeviceMode(hWnd, hDriver, lpDevModeOutput,
lpDeviceName, lpPort, lpDevModeInput, lpProfile, wMode)
This function retrieves or modifies device initialization information for a
given printer driver, or displays a driver-supplied dialog box for
configuring the printer driver. Printer drivers that support device
initialization by applications export this ExtDeviceMode so that
applications can call it.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies a window.
If the application calls
ExtDeviceMode to display a
dialog box, the specified
Parameter Type/Description
dialog box, the specified
window is the parent of the
dialog box.
hDriver HANDLE Identifies the
device-driver module. The
GetModuleHandle function or
LoadLibrary function
returns a module handle.
lpDevModeOutput DEVMODE FAR * Points to a
DEVMODE data structure. The
driver writes the
initialization information
supplied in the
lpDevModeInput parameter to
this structure.
lpDeviceName LPSTR Points to a
Parameter Type/Description
lpDeviceName LPSTR Points to a
null-terminated character
string that contains the
name of the printer device,
such as "PCL/HP LaserJet."
lpPort LPSTR Points to a
null-terminated character
string that contains the
name of the port to which
the device is connected,
such as LPT1:.
lpDevModeInput DEVMODE FAR * Points to a
DEVMODE data structure that
supplies initialization
information to the printer
Parameter Type/Description
lpProfile LPSTR Points to a
null-terminated string that
contains the name of the
initialization file which
initialization information
is recorded in and read
from. If this parameter is
NULL, WIN.INI is the
wMode WORD Specifies a mask of
values which determine the
types of operations the
function will perform. If
wMode is zero,
ExtDeviceMode returns the
number of bytes required by
the printer device driver's
Parameter Type/Description
the printer device driver's
DEVMODE structure.
Otherwise, wMode must be
one or more of the
following values:
Value Meaning
DM_COPY Writes the printer driver's
current print settings to
the DEVMODE data structure
identified by lpDevMode-
Output. The calling
application must allocate a
buffer sufficiently large
to contain the information.
If this bit is clear,
lpDevModeOutput can be NULL.
Parameter Type/Description
Value Meaning
DM_MODIFY Changes the printer
driver's current print
settings to match the
partial initialization data
in the DEVMODE data
structure identified by
lpDevModeInput before
prompting, copying, or
DM_PROMPT Presents the printer
driver's Print Setup dialog
box and then changes the
current print settings to
those the user specifies.
Parameter Type/Description
DM_UPDATE Writes the printer driver's
current print settings to
the printer environment and
the WIN.INI initialization
Return Value
If the wMode parameter is zero, the return value is the size of the DEVMODE
data structure required to contain the printer driver initialization data.
If the function displays the initialization dialog box, the return value is
either IDOK or IDCANCEL, depending on which button the user selected. If the
function does not display the dialog box and was successful, the return
value is IDOK. The return value is less than zero if the function failed.
The ExtDeviceMode function is actually part of the printer's device driver,
and not part of GDI. To call this function, the application must include the
DRIVINT.H file, load the printer device driver, and retrieve the address of
the function by using the GetProcAddress function. The application can then
use the address to set up the printer.
An application can set the wMode parameter to DM_COPY to obtain a DEVMODE
data structure filled in with the printer driver's initialization data. The
application can then pass this data structure to the CreateDC function to
set a private environment for the printer device context.
Version 3.0
BOOL ExtFloodFill(hDC, X, Y, crColor, wFillType)
This function fills an area of the display surface with the current brush.
If wFillType is set to FLOODFILLBORDER, the area is assumed to be completely
bounded by the color specified by the crColor parameter. The ExtFloodFill
function begins at the point specified by the X and Y parameters and fills
in all directions to the color boundary.
If wFillType is set to FLOODFILLSURFACE, the ExtFloodFill function begins at
the point specified by X and Y and continues in all directions, filling all
adjacent areas containing the color specified by crColor.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device
X int Specifies the logical x
Parameter Type/Description
X int Specifies the logical x
-coordinate of the point where
filling begins.
Y int Specifies the logical y
-coordinate of the point where
filling begins.
crColor COLORREF Specifies the color
of the boundary or of the area
to be filled. The
interpretation of crColor
depends on the value of the
wFillType parameter.
wFillType WORD Specifies the type of
flood fill to be performed. It
must be one of the following
Parameter Type/Description
Value Meaning
FLOODFILLBORDER The fill area is bounded by
the color specified by crColor.
This style is identical to the
filling performed by the
FloodFill function.
FLOODFILLSURFACE The fill area is defined by
the color specified by crColor.
Filling continues outward in
all directions as long as the
color is encountered. This
style is useful for filling
areas with multicolored
Parameter Type/Description
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. It is zero if:
■ The filling could not be completed
■ The given point has the boundary color specified by crColor (if
FLOODFILLBORDER was requested)
■ The given point does not have the color specified by crColor (if
■ The point is outside the clipping region
Only memory device contexts and devices that support raster-display
technology support the ExtFloodFill function. For more information, see the
RC_BITBLT raster capability in the GetDeviceCaps function, later in this
BOOL ExtTextOut(hDC, X, Y, wOptions,
lpRect, lpString, nCount, lpDx)
This function writes a character string, within a rectangular region on the
specified display, using the currently selected font. The rectangular region
can be opaque (filled with the current background color) and it can be a
clipping region.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the origin of the character cell for
the first character in the specified
Y int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the origin of the character cell for
the first character in the specified
wOptions WORD Specifies the rectangle type. It
can be one or both of the following
Parameter Type/Description
can be one or both of the following
values, or neither:
The ETO_CLIPPED value specifies that
Windows will clip text to the rectangle.
The ETO_OPAQUE value specifies that the
current background color fills the
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure.
The lpRect parameter can be NULL.
lpString LPSTR Points to the specified character
nCount int Specifies the number of characters
Parameter Type/Description
nCount int Specifies the number of characters
in the string.
lpDx LPINT Points to an array of values that
indicate the distance between origins of
adjacent character cells. For instance,
lpDx[i] logical units will separate the
origins of character cell i and
character cell i + 1.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not the string is drawn. It is nonzero
if the string is drawn. Otherwise, it is zero.
If lpDx is NULL, the function uses the default spacing between characters.
The character-cell origins and the contents of the array pointed to by the
lpDx parameter are given in logical units. A character-cell origin is
defined as the upper-left corner of the character cell.
By default, the current position is not used or updated by this function.
However, an application can call the SetTextAlign function with the wFlags
parameter set to TA_UPDATECP to permit Windows to use and update the current
position each time the application calls ExtTextOut for a given device
context. When this flag is set, Windows ignores the X and Y parameters on
subsequent ExtTextOut calls.
Version 3.0
VOID FatalAppExit(wAction, lpMessageText)
This function displays a message containing the text specified by the
lpMessageText parameter and terminates the application when the message box
is closed. When called under the debugging version of Windows, the message
box gives the user the opportunity to terminate the application or to return
to the caller.
Parameter Type/Description
wAction WORD Is reserved and must be set to 0.
lpMessageText LPSTR Points to a character string that
is displayed in the message box. The
message is displayed on a single line.
To accommodate low-resolution displays,
the string should be no more than 35
characters in length.
Return Value
An application that encounters an unexpected error should terminate by
freeing all its memory and then returning from its main message loop. It
should call FatalAppExit only when it is not capable of terminating any
other way. FatalAppExit may not always free an application's memory or close
its files, and it may cause a general failure of Windows.
void FatalExit(Code)
This function displays the current state of Windows on the debugging monitor
and prompts for instructions on how to proceed. The display includes an
error code, the Code parameter, followed by a symbolic stack trace, showing
the flow of execution up to the point of call.
An application should call this function only for debugging purposes; it
should not call the function in a retail version of the application. Calling
this function in the retail version will terminate the application.
Parameter Type/Description
Code int Specifies the error code to be displayed.
Return Value
The FatalExit function prompts the user to respond to an "Abort, Break or
Ignore" message. FatalExit processes the response as follows:
Response Description
A (Abort) Terminates Windows.
B (Break) Simulates a non-maskable interrupt (NMI)
to enter the debugger.
I (Ignore) Returns to the caller.
The FatalExit function is for debugging only.
An application should call this function whenever the application detects a
fatal error. All input and output is received and transmitted through the
computer's auxiliary port (AUX) or through the debugger if a debugger is
int FillRect(hDC, lpRect, hBrush)
This function fills a given rectangle by using the specified brush. The
FillRect function fills the complete rectangle, including the left and top
borders, but does not fill the right and bottom borders.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the logical coordinates of
the rectangle to be filled.
hBrush HBRUSH Identifies the brush used to fill
the rectangle.
Return Value
Although the FillRect function return type is an integer, the return value
is not used and has no meaning.
The brush must have been created previously by using either the
CreateHatchBrush, CreatePatternBrush, or CreateSolidBrush function, or
retrieved using the GetStockObject function.
When filling the specified rectangle, the FillRect function does not include
the rectangle's right and bottom sides. GDI fills a rectangle up to, but
does not include, the right column and bottom row, regardless of the current
mapping mode.
FillRect compares the values of the top, bottom, left, and right fields of
the specified rectangle. If bottom is less than or equal to top, or if right
is less than or equal to left, the rectangle is not drawn.
BOOL FillRgn(hDC, hRgn, hBrush)
This function fills the region specified by the hRgn parameter with the
brush specified by the hBrush parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
hRgn HRGN Identifies the region to be filled.
The coordinates for the given region are
specified in device units.
hBrush HBRUSH Identifies the brush to be used
to fill the region.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
ATOM FindAtom(lpString)
This function searches the atom table for the character string pointed to by
the lpString parameter and retrieves the atom associated with that string.
Parameter Type/Description
lpString LPSTR Points to the character string to
be searched for. The string must be
Return Value
The return value identifies the atom associated with the given string. It is
NULL if the string is not in the table.
HANDLE FindResource(hInstance, lpName, lpType)
This function determines the location of a resource in the specified
resource file. The lpName and lpType parameters define the resource name and
type, respectively.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies the
instance of the module whose
executable file contains the
Parameter Type/Description
executable file contains the
lpName LPSTR Points to a
null-terminated character
string that represents the
name of the resource.
lpType LPSTR Points to a
null-terminated character
string that represents the
type name of the resource. For
predefined resource types, the
lpType parameter should be one
of the following values:
Value Meaning
RT_ACCELERATOR Accelerator table
Parameter Type/Description
RT_ACCELERATOR Accelerator table
RT_BITMAP Bitmap resource
RT_DIALOG Dialog box
RT_FONT Font resource
RT_FONTDIR Font directory resource
RT_MENU Menu resource
RT_RCDATA User-defined resource (raw
Return Value
The return value identifies the named resource. It is NULL if the requested
resource cannot be found.
An application must not call FindResource and the LoadResource function to
load cursor, icon, and string resources. Instead, it must load these
resources by calling the following functions:
■ LoadCursor
■ LoadIcon
■ LoadString
An application can call FindResource and LoadResource to load other
predefined resource types. However, it is recommended that the application
load the corresponding resources by calling the following functions:
■ LoadAccelerators
■ LoadBitmap
■ LoadMenu
If the high-order word of the lpName or lpType parameter is zero, the
low-order word specifies the integer ID of the name or type of the given
resource. Otherwise, the parameters are long pointers to null-terminated
character strings. If the first character of the string is a pound sign (#),
the remaining characters represent a decimal number that specifies the
integer ID of the resource's name or type. For example, the string #258
represents the integer ID 258.
To reduce the amount of memory required for the resources used by an
application, the application should refer to the resources by integer ID
instead of by name.
HWND FindWindow(lpClassName, lpWindowName)
This function returns the handle of the window whose class is given by the
lpClassName parameter and whose window name, or caption, is given by the
lpWindowName parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
lpClassName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the
window's class name. If lpClassName is
NULL, all class names match.
lpWindowName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the
window name (the window's text caption).
If lpWindowName is NULL, all window
names match.
Return Value
The return value identifies the window that has the specified class name and
window name. It is NULL if no such window is found.
BOOL FlashWindow(hWnd, bInvert)
This function "flashes" the given window once. Flashing a window means
changing the appearance of its caption bar as if the window were changing
from inactive to active status, or vice versa. (An inactive caption bar
changes to an active caption bar; an active caption bar changes to an
inactive caption bar.)
Typically, a window is flashed to inform the user that the window requires
attention, but that it does not currently have the input focus.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window to be
flashed. The window can be either open
or iconic.
bInvert BOOL Specifies whether the window is to
be flashed or returned to its original
state. The window is flashed from one
state to the other if the bInvert
parameter is nonzero. If the bInvert
parameter is zero, the window is
returned to its original state (either
active or inactive).
Return Value
The return value specifies the window's state before call to the FlashWindow
function. It is nonzero if the window was active before the call. Otherwise,
it is zero.
The FlashWindow function flashes the window only once; for successive
flashing, the application should create a system timer.
The bInvert parameter should be zero only when the window is getting the
input focus and will no longer be flashing; it should be nonzero on
successive calls while waiting to get the input focus.
This function always returns a nonzero value for iconic windows. If the
window is iconic, FlashWindow will simply flash the icon; bInvert is ignored
for iconic windows.
BOOL FloodFill(hDC, X, Y, crColor)
This function fills an area of the display surface with the current brush.
The area is assumed to be bounded as specified by the crColor parameter. The
FloodFill function begins at the point specified by the X and Y parameters
and continues in all directions to the color boundary.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the point where filling begins.
Y int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the point where filling begins.
crColor COLORREF Specifies the color of the
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. It is zero if the filling could not be completed,
the given point has the boundary color specified by crColor, or the point is
outside the clipping region.
Only memory device contexts and devices that support raster-display
technology support the FloodFill function. For more information, see the
RC_BITBLT raster capability in the GetDeviceCaps function, later in this
int FlushComm(nCid, nQueue)
This function flushes all characters from the transmit or receive queue of
the communication device specified by the nCid parameter. The nQueue
parameter specifies which queue is to be flushed.
Parameter Type/Description
nCid int Specifies the communication device
to be flushed. The OpenComm function
returns this value.
nQueue int Specifies the queue to be flushed.
If nQueue is zero, the transmit queue is
flushed. If it is 1, the receive queue
is flushed.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is zero if it is
successful. It is negative if nCid is not a valid device, or if nQueue is
not a valid queue.
int FrameRect(hDC, lpRect, hBrush)
This function draws a border around the rectangle specified by the lpRect
parameter. The FrameRect function uses the given brush to draw the border.
The width and height of the border is always one logical unit.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context of the
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the logical coordinates of
the upper-left and lower-right corners
of the rectangle.
hBrush HBRUSH Identifies the brush to be used
for framing the rectangle.
Return Value
Although the return value type is integer, its contents should be ignored.
The brush identified by the hBrush parameter must have been created
previously by using the CreateHatchBrush, CreatePatternBrush, or
CreateSolidBrush function.
If the bottom field is less than or equal to the top field, or if right is
less than or equal to left, the rectangle is not drawn.
BOOL FrameRgn(hDC, hRgn, hBrush, nWidth, nHeight)
This function draws a border around the region specified by the hRgn
parameter, using the brush specified by the hBrush parameter. The nWidth
parameter specifies the width of the border in vertical brush strokes; the
nHeight parameter specifies the height in horizontal brush strokes.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
hRgn HANDLE Identifies the region to be
enclosed in a border. The coordinates
for the given region are specified in
device units.
Parameter Type/Description
hBrush HBRUSH Identifies the brush to be used
to draw the border.
nWidth int Specifies the width in vertical
brush strokes (in logical units).
nHeight int Specifies the height in horizontal
brush strokes (in logical units).
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
void FreeLibrary(hLibModule)
This function decreases the reference count of the loaded library module by
one. When the reference count reaches zero, the memory occupied by the
module is freed.
Parameter Type/Description
hLibModule HANDLE Identifies the loaded library module.
Return Value
Version 3.0
void FreeModule(hModule)
This function decreases the reference count of the loaded module by one.
When the reference count reaches zero, the memory occupied by the module is
Parameter Type/Description
hModule HANDLE Identifies the loaded module.
Return Value
void FreeProcInstance(lpProc)
This function frees the function specified by the lpProc parameter from the
data segment bound to it by the MakeProcInstance function.
Parameter Type/Description
lpProc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the function to be freed. It
must have been created previously by
using the MakeProcInstance function.
Return Value
After freeing a procedure instance, attempts to call the function using the
freed procedure-instance address will result in an unrecoverable error.
BOOL FreeResource(hResData)
This function removes a loaded resource from memory by freeing the allocated
memory occupied by that resource.
The FreeResource function does not actually free the resource until the
reference count is zero (that is, the number of calls to the function equals
the number of times the application called the LoadResource function for
this resource). This ensures that the data remain in memory for the
application to use.
Parameter Type/Description
hResData HANDLE Identifies the data associated
with the resource. The handle is assumed
to have been created by using the
LoadResource function.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. The return value is
nonzero if the function has failed and the resource has not been freed. The
return value is zero if the function is successful.
Version 3.0
WORD FreeSelector(wSelector)
This function frees a selector originally allocated by the AllocSelector or
AllocDStoCSAlias functions. After the application calls this function, the
selector is invalid and must not be used.
Parameter Type/Description
wSelector WORD Specifies the selector to be freed.
Return Value
The return value is NULL if the function was successful. Otherwise, it is
the selector specified by the wSelector parameter.
An application should not use this function unless it is absolutely
necessary. Use of this function violates preferred Windows programming
HWND GetActiveWindow( )
This function retrieves the window handle of the active window. The active
window is either the window that has the current input focus, or the window
explicitly made active by the SetActiveWindow function.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value identifies the active window.
DWORD GetAspectRatioFilter(hDC)
This function retrieves the setting for the current aspect-ratio filter. The
aspect ratio is the ratio formed by a device's pixel width and height.
Information about a device's aspect ratio is used in the creation,
selection, and displaying of fonts. Windows provides a special filter, the
aspect-ratio filter, to select fonts designed for a particular aspect ratio
from all of the available fonts. The filter uses the aspect ratio specified
by the SetMapperFlags function.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context that
contains the specfied aspect ratio.
Return Value
The return value specifies the aspect ratio used by the current aspect-ratio
filter. The x-coordinate of the aspect ratio is contained in the high-order
word, and the y-coordinate is contained in the low-order word.
int GetAsyncKeyState(vKey)
This function determines whether a key is up or down at the time the
function is called, and whether the key was pressed after a previous call to
the GetAsyncKeyState function. If the most significant bit of the return
value is set, the key is currently down; if the least significant bit is
set, the key was pressed after a previous call to the function.
Parameter Type/Description
vKey int Specifies one of 256 possible virtual-key code values.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the key was pressed since the last call
to GetAsyncKeyState and whether the key is currently up or down. If the most
significant bit is set, the key is down, and if the least significant bit is
set, the key was pressed after a preceding GetAsyncKeyState call.
HMEM GetAtomHandle(wAtom)
This function retrieves a handle (relative to the local heap) of the string
that corresponds to the atom specified by the wAtom parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
wAtom WORD Specifies an unsigned integer that
identifies the atom whose handle is to
be retrieved.
Return Value
The return value identifies the given atom's string. It is zero if no such
atom exists.
WORD GetAtomName(nAtom, lpBuffer, nSize)
This function retrieves a copy of the character string associated with the
nAtom parameter and places it in the buffer pointed to by the lpBuffer
parameter. The nSize parameter specifies the maximum size of the buffer.
Parameter Type/Description
nAtom ATOM Identifies the character string to
be retrieved.
lpBuffer LPSTR Points to the buffer that is to
receive the character string.
nSize int Specifies the maximum size (in bytes)
of the buffer.
Return Value
The return value specifies the actual number of bytes copied to the buffer.
It is zero if the specified atom is not valid.
DWORD GetBitmapBits(hBitmap, dwCount, lpBits)
This function copies the bits of the specified bitmap into the buffer that
is pointed to by the lpBits parameter. The dwCount parameter specifies the
number of bytes to be copied to the buffer. The GetObject function should be
used to determine the correct dwCount value for the given bitmap.
Parameter Type/Description
hBitmap HBITMAP Identifies the bitmap.
dwCount DWORD Specifies the number of bytes to
be copied.
lpBits LPSTR Long pointer to the buffer that is
to receive the bitmap. The bitmap is an
array of bytes. The bitmap byte array
conforms to a structure where horizontal
scan lines are multiples of 16 bits.
Return Value
The return value specifies the actual number of bytes in the bitmap. It is
zero if there is an error.
DWORD GetBitmapDimension(hBitmap)
This function returns the width and height of the bitmap specified by the
hBitmap parameter. The height and width is assumed to have been set
previously by using the SetBitmapDimension function.
Parameter Type/Description
hBitmap HBITMAP Identifies the bitmap.
Return Value
The return value specifies the width and height of the bitmap, measured in
tenths of millimeters. The height is in the high-order word, and the width
is in the low-order word. If the bitmap width and height have not been set
by using SetBitmapDimension, the return value is zero.
DWORD GetBkColor(hDC)
This function returns the current background color of the specified device.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies an RGB color value that names the current
background color.
int GetBkMode(hDC)
This function returns the background mode of the specified device. The
background mode is used with text, hatched brushes, and pen style that is
not a solid line.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies the current background mode. It can be OPAQUE or
DWORD GetBrushOrg(hDC)
This function retrieves the current brush origin for the given device
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies the current origin of the brush. The x-coordinate
is in the low word, and the y-coordinate is in the high word. The
coordinates are assumed to be in device units.
The initial brush origin is at the coordinate (0,0).
BYTE GetBValue(rgbColor)
This macro extracts the blue value from an RGB color value.
Parameter Type/Description
rgbColor DWORD Specifies a red, a green, and a
blue color field, each specifying the
intensity of the given color.
Return Value
The return value specifies a byte that contains the blue value of the
rgbColor parameter.
The value 0FFH corresponds to the maximum intensity value for a single byte;
000H corresponds to the minimum intensity value for a single byte.
HWND GetCapture( )
This function retrieves a handle that identifies the window that has the
mouse capture. Only one window has the mouse capture at any given time; this
window receives mouse input whether or not the cursor is within its borders.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value identifies the window that has the mouse capture; it is
NULL if no window has the mouse capture.
A window receives the mouse capture when its handle is passed as the hWnd
parameter of the SetCapture function.
WORD GetCaretBlinkTime( )
This function retrieves the caret blink rate. The blink rate is the elapsed
time in milliseconds between flashes of the caret.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies the blink rate (in milliseconds).
void GetCaretPos(lpPoint)
This function retrieves the caret's current position (in screen
coordinates), and copies them to the POINT structure pointed to by the
lpPoint parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
lpPoint LPPOINT Points to the POINT structure
that is to receive the screen
coordinates of the caret.
Return Value
The caret position is always given in the client coordinates of the window
that contains the caret.
BOOL GetCharWidth(hDC, wFirstChar, wLastChar, lpBuffer)
This function retrieves the widths of individual characters in a consecutive
group of characters from the current font. For example, if the wFirstChar
parameter identifies the letter a and the wLastChar parameter identifies the
letter z, the GetCharWidth function retrieves the widths of all lowercase
characters. The function stores the values in the buffer pointed to by the
lpBuffer parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
wFirstChar WORD Specifies the first character in a
consecutive group of characters in the
current font.
wLastChar WORD Specifies the last character in a
consecutive group of characters in the
current font.
lpBuffer LPINT Points to a buffer that will
receive the width values for a
consecutive group of characters in the
current font.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
If a character in the consecutive group of characters does not exist in a
particular font, it will be assigned the width value of the default
Version 3.0
BOOL GetClassInfo(hInstance, lpClassName, lpWndClass)
This function retrieves information about a window class. The hInstance
parameter identifies the instance of the application that created the class,
and the lpClassName parameter identifies the window class. If the function
locates the specified window class, it copies the WNDCLASS data used to
register the window class to the WNDCLASS data structure pointed to by
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies the instance of the
application that created the class. To
retrieve information on classes defined
by Windows (such as buttons or list
boxes), set hInstance to NULL.
lpClassName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
string that contains the name of the
class to find. If the high-order word of
this parameter is NULL, the low-order
word is assumed to be a value returned
by the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro used when
the class was created.
lpWndClass LPWNDCLASS Points to the WNDCLASS
structure to which the function will
copy the class information.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the function found a matching class and
successfully copied the data; the return value is FALSE if the function did
not find a matching class.
The lpszClassName, lpszMenuName, and hInstance fields in the WNDCLASS data
structure are not returned by this function. The menu name is not stored
internally and cannot be returned. The class name is already known since it
is passed to this function. The GetClassInfo function returns all other
fields with the values used when the class was registered.
LONG GetClassLong(hWnd, nIndex)
This function retrieves the long value specified by the nIndex parameter
from the WNDCLASS structure of the window specified by the hWnd parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
nIndex int Specifies the byte offset
of the value to be retrieved.
It can also be the following
Value Meaning
GCL_WNDPROC Retrieves a long pointer to
the window function.
Return Value
The return value specifies the value retrieved from the WNDCLASS structure.
To access any extra four-byte values allocated when the window-class
structure was created, use a positive byte offset as the index specified by
the nIndex parameter. The first four-byte value in the extra space is at
offset zero, the next four-byte value is at offset 4, and so on.
int GetClassName(hWnd, lpClassName, nMaxCount)
This function retrieves the class name of the window specified by the hWnd
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose class
name is to be retrieved.
lpClassName LPSTR Points to the buffer that is to
receive the class name.
nMaxCount int Specifies the maximum number of
bytes to be stored in the lpClassName
parameter. If the actual name is longer,
a truncated name is copied to the buffer.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of characters actually copied to
lpClassName. The return value is zero if the specified class name is not
WORD GetClassWord(hWnd, nIndex)
This function retrieves the word that is specified by the nIndex parameter
from the WNDCLASS structure of the window specified by the hWnd parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
nIndex int Specifies the byte offset
Parameter Type/Description
nIndex int Specifies the byte offset
of the value to be retrieved.
It can also be one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
GCW_CBCLSEXTRA Tells how many bytes of
additional class information
you have. For information on
how to access this memory, see
the following "Comments"
GCW_CBWNDEXTRA Tells how many bytes of
additional window information
you have. For information on
how to access this memory, see
the following"Comments"
Parameter Type/Description
the following"Comments"
GCW_HBRBACKGROUND Retrieves a handle to the
background brush.
GCW_HCURSOR Retrieves a handle to the
GCW_HICON Retrieves a handle to the icon.
GCW_HMODULE Retrieves a handle to the
GCW_STYLE Retrieves the window-class
style bits.
Return Value
The return value specifies the value retrieved from the WNDCLASS structure.
To access any extra two-byte values allocated when the window-class
structure was created, use a positive byte offset as the index specified by
the nIndex parameter, starting at zero for the first two-byte value in the
extra space, 2 for the next two-byte value and so on.
void GetClientRect(hWnd, lpRect)
This function copies the client coordinates of a window's client area into
the data structure pointed to by the lpRect parameter. The client
coordinates specify the upper-left and lower-right corners of the client
area. Since client coordinates are relative to the upper-left corners of a
window's client area, the coordinates of the upper-left corner are (0,0).
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window associated with the client area.
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure.
Return Value
HANDLE GetClipboardData(wFormat)
This function retrieves data from the clipboard in the format given by the
wFormat parameter. The clipboard must have been opened previously.
Parameter Type/Description
wFormat WORD Specifies a data format. For a
description of the data formats, see the
SetClipboardData function, later in this
Return Value
The return value identifies the memory block that contains the data from the
clipboard. The handle type depends on the type of data specified by the
wFormat parameter. It is NULL if there is an error.
The available formats can be enumerated in advance by using the
EnumClipboardFormats function.
The data handle returned by GetClipboardData is controlled by the clipboard,
not by the application. The application should copy the data immediately,
instead of relying on the data handle for long-term use. The application
should not free the data handle or leave it locked.
Windows supports two formats for text, CF_TEXT and CF_OEMTEXT. CF_TEXT is
the default Windows text clipboard format, while Windows uses the CF_OEMTEXT
format for text in non-Windows applications. If you call GetClipboardData to
retrieve data in one text format and the other text format is the only
available text format, Windows automatically converts the text to the
requested format before supplying it to your application.
If the clipboard contains data in the CF_PALETTE (logical color palette)
format, the application should assume that any other data in the clipboard
is realized against that logical palette.
int GetClipboardFormatName(wFormat, lpFormatName,
This function retrieves from the clipboard the name of the registered format
specified by the wFormat parameter. The name is copied to the buffer pointed
to by the lpFormatName parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
wFormat WORD Specifies the type of format to be
retrieved. It must not specify any of
the predefined clipboard formats.
lpFormatName LPSTR Points to the buffer that is to
receive the format name.
nMaxCount int Specifies the maximum length (in
bytes) of the string to be copied to the
buffer. If the actual name is longer, it
is truncated.
Return Value
The return value specifies the actual length of the string copied to the
buffer. It is zero if the requested format does not exist or is a predefined
HWND GetClipboardOwner( )
This function retrieves the window handle of the current owner of the
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value identifies the window that owns the clipboard. It is NULL
if the clipboard is not owned.
The clipboard can still contain data even if the clipboard is not currently
HWND GetClipboardViewer( )
This function retrieves the window handle of the first window in the
clipboard-viewer chain.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value identifies the window currently responsible for displaying
the clipboard. It is NULL if there is no viewer.
int GetClipBox(hDC, lpRect)
This function retrieves the dimensions of the tightest bounding rectangle
around the current clipping boundary. The dimensions are copied to the
buffer pointed to by the lpRect parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
lpRect LPRECT Points to the RECT data structure
that is to receive the rectangle
Return Value
The return value specifies the clipping region's type. It can be any one of
the following values:
Value Meaning
COMPLEXREGION Clipping region has overlapping borders.
ERROR Device context is not valid.
NULLREGION Clipping region is empty.
SIMPLEREGION Clipping region has no overlapping borders.
HANDLE GetCodeHandle(lpProc)
This function determines which code segment contains the function pointed to
by the lpProc parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
lpProc FARPROC Is a procedure-instance address.
Return Value
The return value identifies the code segment that contains the function.
If the code segment that contains the function is already loaded, the
GetCodeHandle function marks the segment as recently used. If the code
segment is not loaded, GetCodeHandle attempts to load it. Thus, an
application can use this function to attempt to preload one or more segments
needed to perform a particular task.
Version 3.0
void GetCodeInfo(lpProc, lpSegInfo)
This function retrieves a pointer to an array of 16-bit values containing
information about the code segment that contains the function pointed to by
the lpProc parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
lpProc FARPROC Is the address of the function
in the segment for which information is
to be retrieved. Instead of a
segment:offset address, this value can
also be in the form of a module handle
and segment number. The GetModuleHandle
function returns the handle of a named
lpSegInfo LPVOID Points to an array of four
32-bit values that will be filled with
information about the code segment. See
the following "Comments" section for a
description of the values in this array.
Return Value
The lpSegInfo parameter points to an array of four 32-bit values that
contains such information as the location and size of the segment and its
attributes. The following list describes each of these values:
Offset Description
0 Specifies the logical-sector
offset (in bytes) to the
contents of the segment data,
relative to the beginning of the
file. Zero means no file data is
2 Specifies the length of the
segment in the file (in bytes).
Zero means 64K.
Offset Description
4 Contains flags which specify
attributes of the segment. The
following list describes these
Bit Meaning
0-2 Specifies the segment type. If
bit 0 is set to 1, the segment
is a data segment. Otherwise,
the segment is a code segment.
3 Specifies whether segment data
is iterated. When this bit set
to 1, the segment data is
4 Specifies whether the segment is
Offset Description
4 Specifies whether the segment is
moveable or fixed. When this bit
is set to 1, the segment is
moveable. Otherwise, it is fixed.
5 Is not returned.
6 Is not returned.
7 Specifies whether the segment is
a read-only data segment or an
execute-only code segment. If
this bit is set to 1 and the
segment is a code segment, the
segment is an execute-only
segment. If this bit is set to
zero and the segment is a data
segment, it is a read-only
Offset Description
8 Specifies whether the segment
has associated relocation
information. If this bit is set
to 1, the segment has relocation
information. Otherwise, the
segment does not have relocation
9 Specifies whether the segment
has debugging information. If
this bit is set to 1, the
segment has debugging
information. Otherwise, the
segment does not have debugging
10-11 Is not returned.
Offset Description
10-11 Is not returned.
12-15 Is not returned.
6 Specifies the total amount of
memory allocated for the segment.
This amount may exceed the
actual size of the segment. Zero
means 65,536.
int GetCommError(nCid, lpStat)
In case of a communications error, Windows locks the communications port
until the error is cleared by using the GetCommError function. This function
fills the status buffer pointed to by the lpStat parameter with the current
status of the communication device specified by the nCid parameter. It also
returns the error codes that have occurred since the last GetCommError call.
If lpStat is NULL, only the error code is returned. For a list of the error
codes, see Table 4.8, "Communications Error Codes."
Parameter Type/Description
nCid int Specifies the communication device
to be examined. The OpenComm function
returns this value.
lpStat COMSTAT FAR * Points to the COMSTAT
structure that is to receive the device
status. The structure contains
information about a communication device.
Return Value
The return value specifies the error codes returned by the most recent
communications function. It can be a combination of one or more of the
values given in Table .
Table Communications Error Codes
Value Meaning
CE_BREAK The hardware detects a break condition.
CE_CTSTO Clear-to-send timeout. CTS is low for
the duration specified by CtsTimeout
while trying to transmit a character.
CE_DNS The parallel device is not selected.
Value Meaning
CE_DSRTO Data-set-ready timeout. DSR is low for
the duration specified by DsrTimeout
while trying to transmit a character.
CE_FRAME The hardware detects a framing error.
CE_IOE An I/O error occurs while trying to
communicate with a parallel device.
CE_MODE Requested mode is not supported, or the
nCid parameter is invalid. If set, this
is the only valid error.
CE_OOP The parallel device signals that it is
out of paper.
CE_OVERRUN A character is not read from the
hardware before the next character
Value Meaning
hardware before the next character
arrives. The character is lost.
CE_PTO Timeout occurs while trying to
communicate with a parallel device.
CE_RLSDTO Receive-line-signal-detect timeout. RLSD
is low for the duration specified by
RlsdTimeout while trying to transmit a
Table Communications Error Codes (continued)
Value Meaning
CE_RXOVER Receive queue overflow. There is either
no room in the input queue or a
character is received after the EofChar
character is received.
CE_RXPARITY The hardware detects a parity error.
CE_TXFULL The transmit queue is full while trying
to queue a character.
WORD GetCommEventMask(nCid, nEvtMask)
This function retrieves the value of the current event mask, and then clears
the mask. This function must be used to prevent loss of an event.
Parameter Type/Description
nCid int Specifies the communication device
to be examined. The OpenComm function
returns this value.
nEvtMask int Specifies which events are to be
enabled. For a list of the event values,
see the SetCommEventMask function, later
in this chapter.
Return Value
The return value specifies the current event-mask value. Each bit in the
event mask specifies whether a given event has occurred. A bit is set to 1
if the event has occurred.
int GetCommState(nCid, lpDCB)
This function fills the buffer pointed to by the lpDCB parameter with the
device control block of the communication device specified by the nCid
Parameter Type/Description
nCid int Specifies the device to be examined.
The OpenComm function returns this value.
lpDCB DCB FAR * Points to the DCB data
structure that is to receive the current
device control block. The structure
defines the control setting for the
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is zero if the
function was successful. If an error occurred, the return value is negative.
Version 3.0
WORD GetCurrentPDB()
This function returns the paragraph address or selector of the current DOS
Program Data Base (PDB), also known as the Program Segment Prefix (PSP).
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value is the paragraph address or selector of the current PDB.
DWORD GetCurrentPosition(hDC)
This function retrieves the logical coordinates of the current position.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies a device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies the current position. The y-coordinate is in the
high-order word; the x-coordinate is in the low-order word.
HANDLE GetCurrentTask( )
This function returns the handle of the currently executing task.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value identifies the task if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
DWORD GetCurrentTime( )
This function retrieves the current Windows time. Windows time is the number
of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was booted.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies the current time (in milliseconds).
The GetCurrentTime and GetMessageTime functions return different times.
GetMessageTime returns the Windows time when the given message was created,
not the current Windows time.
The system timer eventually overflows and resets to zero.
void GetCursorPos(lpPoint)
This function retrieves the cursor's current position (in screen
coordinates), that copies them to the POINT structure pointed to by the
lpPoint parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
lpPoint LPPOINT Points to the POINT structure
that is to receive the screen
coordinates of the cursor.
Return Value
The cursor position is always given in screen coordinates and is not
affected by the mapping mode of the window that contains the cursor.
HDC GetDC(hWnd)
This function retrieves a handle to a display context for the client area of
the given window. The display context can be used in subsequent GDI
functions to draw in the client area.
The GetDC function retrieves a common, class, or private display context
depending on the class style specified for the given window. For common
display contexts, GetDC assigns default attributes to the context each time
it is retrieved. For class and private contexts, GetDC leaves the previously
assigned attributes unchanged.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose display
context is to be retrieved.
Return Value
The return value identifies the display context for the given window's
client area if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
After painting with a common display context, the ReleaseDC function must be
called to release the context. Class and private display contexts do not
have to be released. Since only five common display contexts are available
at any given time, failure to release a display context can prevent other
applications from accessing a display context.
This function obtains the final translation origin for the device context.
The final translation origin specifies the offset used by Windows to
translate device coordinates into client coordinates for points in an
application's window. The final translation origin is relative to the
physical origin of the screen display.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context whose
origin is to be retrieved.
Return Value
The return value specifies the final translation origin (in device
coordinates). The y-coordinate is in the high-order word; the x-coordinate
is in the low-order word.
Version 3.0
HWND GetDesktopWindow()
This function returns the window handle to the Windows desktop window. The
desktop window covers the entire screen and is the area on top of which all
icons and other windows are painted.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value identifies the Windows desktop window.
int GetDeviceCaps(hDC, nIndex)
This function retrieves device-specific information about a given display
device. The nIndex parameter specifies the type of information desired.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
nIndex int Specifies the item to return. It can
be any one of the values given in Table
.9, "GDI Information Indexes."
Return Value
The return value specifies the value of the desired item.
Table lists the values for the nIndex parameter:
Table GDI Information Indexes
Index Meaning
Index Meaning
DRIVERVERSION Version number; for example, 0x100 for
TECHNOLOGY Device technology. It can be any one of
the following values:
Value Meaning
DT_PLOTTER Vector plotter
DT_RASDISPLAY Raster display
DT_RASPRINTER Raster printer
DT_RASCAMERA Raster camera
DT_CHARSTREAM Character stream
Index Meaning
DT_DISPFILE Display file
HORZSIZE Width of the physical display (in
VERTSIZE Height of the physical display (in
HORZRES Width of the display (in pixels).
VERTRES Height of the display (in raster lines).
LOGPIXELSX Number of pixels per logical inch along
the display width.
LOGPIXELSY Number of pixels per logical inch along
the display height.
Index Meaning
the display height.
BITSPIXEL Number of adjacent color bits for each
PLANES Number of color planes.
NUMBRUSHES Number of device-specific brushes.
NUMPENS Number of device-specific pens.
NUMFONTS Number of device-specific fonts.
NUMCOLORS Number of entries in the device's color
ASPECTX Relative width of a device pixel as used
for line drawing.
Index Meaning
ASPECTY Relative height of a device pixel as used
for line drawing.
ASPECTXY Diagonal width of the device pixel as
used for line drawing.
PDEVICESIZE Size of the PDEVICE internal data
CLIPCAPS Flag that indicates the clipping
capabilities of the device. It is 1 if
the device can clip to a rectangle, 0 if
it cannot.
SIZEPALETTE Number of entries in the system palette.
This index is valid only if the device
driver sets the RC_PALETTE bit in the
RASTERCAPS index and is available only if
Index Meaning
RASTERCAPS index and is available only if
the driver version is 3.0 or higher.
Table GDI Information Indexes (continued)
Index Meaning
NUMRESERVED Number of reserved entries
in the system palette. This
index is valid only if the
device driver sets the
RC_PALETTE bit in the
RASTERCAPS index and is
available only if the driver
version is 3.0 or higher.
Index Meaning
COLORRES Actual color resolution of
the device in bits per pixel.
This index is valid only if
the device driver sets the
RC_PALETTE bit in the
RASTERCAPS index and is
available only if the driver
version is 3.0 or higher.
RASTERCAPS Value that indicates the
raster capabilities of the
device, as shown in the
following list:
Capability Meaning
RC_BANDING Requires banding support.
Index Meaning
RC_BITBLT Capable of transferring
RC_BITMAP64 Capable of supporting bitmaps
larger than 64K.
RC_DI_BITMAP Capable of supporting
SetDIBits and GetDIBits.
RC_DIBTODEV Capable of supporting the
SetDIBitsToDevice function.
RC_FLOODFILL Capable of performing flood
RC_GDI20_OUTPUT Capable of supporting Windows
version 2.0 features.
Index Meaning
RC_PALETTE Palette-based device.
RC_SCALING Capable of scaling.
RC_STRETCHBLT Capable of performing the
StretchBlt function.
RC_STRETCHDIB Capable of performing the
StretchDIBits function.
CURVECAPS A bitmask that indicates the
curve capabilities of the
device. The bits have the
following meanings:
Bit Meaning
0 Device can do circles.
Index Meaning
0 Device can do circles.
1 Device can do pie wedges.
2 Device can do chord arcs.
3 Device can do ellipses.
4 Device can do wide borders.
5 Device can do styled borders.
6 Device can do borders that
are wide and styled.
7 Device can do interiors.
The high byte is 0.
Index Meaning
LINECAPS A bitmask that indicates the
line capabilities of the
device. The bits have the
following meanings:
Bit Meaning
0 Reserved.
1 Device can do polyline.
2 Reserved.
3 Reserved.
4 Device can do wide lines.
5 Device can do styled lines.
Index Meaning
5 Device can do styled lines.
6 Device can do lines that are
wide and styled.
7 Device can do interiors.
The high byte is 0.
POLYGONALCAPS A bitmask that indicates the
polygonal capabilities of
the device. The bits have
the following meanings:
Bit Meaning
0 Device can do alternate fill
Index Meaning
1 Device can do rectangle.
2 Device can do winding number
fill polygon.
3 Device can do scanline.
4 Device can do wide borders.
5 Device can do styled borders.
6 Device can do borders that
are wide and styled.
7 Device can do interiors.
The high byte is 0.
Index Meaning
TEXTCAPS A bitmask that indicates the
text capabilities of the
device. The bits have the
following meanings:
Bit Meaning
0 Device can do character
output precision.
1 Device can do stroke output
2 Device can do stroke clip
3 Device can do 90-degree
character rotation.
Index Meaning
character rotation.
4 Device can do any character
5 Device can do scaling
independent of X and Y.
6 Device can do doubled
character for scaling.
7 Device can do integer
multiples for scaling.
8 Device can do any multiples
for exact scaling.
9 Device can do double-weight
Index Meaning
10 Device can do italicizing.
11 Device can do underlining.
12 Device can do strikeouts.
13 Device can do raster fonts.
14 Device can do vector fonts.
15 Reserved. Must be returned
For a list of all the available abilities, see the LOGFONT data structure in
Chapter 7, "Data Types and Structures," in Reference, Volume 2.
Version 3.0
LONG GetDialogBaseUnits()
This function returns the dialog base units used by Windows when creating
dialog boxes. An application should use these values to calculate the
average width of characters in the system font.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies the dialog base units. The high-order word
contains the height in pixels of the current dialog base height unit derived
from the height of the system font, and the low-order word contains the
width in pixels of the current dialog base width unit derived from the width
of the system font.
The values returned represent dialog base units before being scaled to
actual dialog units. The actual dialog unit in the x direction is 1/4 of the
width returned by GetDialogBaseUnits. The actual dialog unit in the y
direction is 1/8 of the height returned by the function.
To determine the actual height and width in pixels of a control, given the
height (x) and width (y) in dialog units and the return value
(lDlgBaseUnits) from calling GetDialogBaseUnits, use the following formula:
(x * LOWORD(lDlgBaseUnits))/4
(y * HIWORD(lDlgBaseUnits))/8
To avoid rounding problems, perform the multiplication before the division
in case the dialog base units are not evenly divisible by four.
Version 3.0
int GetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, nStartScan,
nNumScans, lpBits, lpBitsInfo, wUsage)
This function retrieves the bits of the specified bitmap and copies them, in
device-independent format, into the buffer that is pointed to by the lpBits
parameter. The lpBitsInfo parameter retrieves the color format for the
device-independent bits.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device
hBitmap HBITMAP Identifies the
nStartScan WORD Specifies the first
scan line in the destination
bitmap to set in lpBits.
nNumScans WORD Specifies the number of
lines to be copied.
lpBits LPSTR Points to a buffer
that will receive the bitmap
bits in device-independent
Parameter Type/Description
lpBitsInfo LPBITMAPINFO Points to a
BITMAPINFO data structure
that specifies the color
format and dimension for the
device-independent bitmap.
wUsage WORD Specifies whether the
bmiColors[ ] fields of the
lpBitsInfo parameter are to
contain explicit RGB values
or indexes into the currently
realized logical palette. The
wUsage parameter must be one
of the following values:
Value Meaning
DIB_PAL_COLORS The color table is to consist
Parameter Type/Description
DIB_PAL_COLORS The color table is to consist
of an array of 16-bit indexes
into the currently realized
logical palette.
DIB_RGB_COLORS The color table is to contain
literal RGB values.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of scan lines copied from the bitmap.
It is zero if there was an error.
If the lpBits parameter is NULL, GetDIBits fills in the BITMAPINFO data
structure to which the lpBitsInfo parameter points, but does not retrieve
bits from the bitmap.
The bitmap identified by the hBitmap parameter must not be selected into a
device context when the application calls this function.
The origin for device-independent bitmaps is the bottom-left corner of the
bitmap, not the top-left corner, which is the origin when the mapping mode
This function also retrieves a bitmap specification formatted for Microsoft
OS/2 Presentation Manager versions 1.1 and 1.2 if the lpBitsInfo parameter
points to a BITMAPCOREINFO data structure.
Version 3.0
int GetDlgCtrlID(hWnd)
This function returns the ID value of the child window identified by the
hWnd parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the child window.
Return Value
The return value is the numeric identifier of the child window if the
function is successful. If the function fails, or if hWnd is not a valid
window handle, the return value is NULL.
Since top-level windows do not have an ID value, the return value of this
function is invalid if the hWnd parameter identifies a top-level window.
HWND GetDlgItem(hDlg, nIDDlgItem)
This function retrieves the handle of a control contained in the dialog box
specified by the hDlg parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box that contains the control.
nIDDlgItem int Specifies the integer ID of the item to be retrieved.
Return Value
The return value identifies the given control. It is NULL if no control with
the integer ID given by the nIDDlgItem parameter exists.
The GetDlgItem function can be used with any parent-child window pair, not
just dialog boxes. As long as the hDlg parameter specifies a parent window
and the child window has a unique ID (as specified by the hMenu parameter in
the CreateWindow function that created the child window), GetDlgItem returns
a valid handle to the child window.
WORD GetDlgItemInt(hDlg, nIDDlgItem, lpTranslated, bSigned)
This function translates the text of a control in the given dialog box into
an integer value. The GetDlgItemInt function retrieves the text of the
control identified by the nIDDlgItem parameter. It translates the text by
stripping any extra spaces at the beginning of the text and converting
decimal digits, stopping the translation when it reaches the end of the text
or encounters any nonnumeric character. If the bSigned parameter is nonzero,
GetDlgItemInt checks for a minus sign (-) at the beginning of the text and
translates the text into a signed number. Otherwise, it creates an unsigned
GetDlgItemInt returns zero if the translated number is greater than 32,767
(for signed numbers) or 65,535 (for unsigned). When errors occur, such as
encountering nonnumeric characters and exceeding the given maximum,
GetDlgItemInt copies zero to the location pointed to by the lpTranslated
parameter. If there are no errors, lpTranslated receives a nonzero value. If
lpTranslated is NULL, GetDlgItemInt does not warn about errors.
GetDlgItemInt sends a WM_GETTEXT message to the control.
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box.
nIDDlgItem int Specifies the integer identifier of
the dialog-box item to be translated.
lpTranslated BOOL FAR * Points to the Boolean
variable that is to receive the
translated flag.
bSigned BOOL Specifies whether the value to be
retrieved is signed.
Return Value
The return value specifies the translated value of the dialog-box item text.
Since zero is a valid return value, the lpTranslated parameter must be used
to detect errors. If a signed return value is desired, it should be cast as
an int type.
int GetDlgItemText(hDlg, nIDDlgItem, lpString, nMaxCount)
This function retrieves the caption or text associated with a control in a
dialog box. The GetDlgItemText function copies the text to the location
pointed to by the lpString parameter and returns a count of the number of
characters it copies.
GetDlgItemText sends a WM_GETTEXT message to the control.
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box that
contains the control.
nIDDlgItem int Specifies the integer identifier of
the dialog-box item whose caption or
text is to be retrieved.
lpString LPSTR Points to the buffer to receive
the text.
nMaxCount int Specifies the maximum length (in
bytes) of the string to be copied to
lpString. If the string is longer than
nMaxCount, it is truncated.
Return Value
The return value specifies the actual number of characters copied to the
buffer. It is zero if no text is copied.
Version 3.0
LPSTR GetDOSEnvironment( )
This function returns a far pointer to the environment string of the
currently running task. See Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference for more
information on the format and contents of the environment string.
This function has no parameters.
Unlike an application, a dynamic-link library (DLL) does not have a copy of
the environment string. As a result, a library must call this function to
retrieve the environment string.
WORD GetDoubleClickTime( )
This function retrieves the current double-click time for the mouse. A
double-click is a series of two clicks of the mouse button, the second
occurring within a specified time after the first. The double-click time is
the maximum number of milliseconds that may occur between the first and
second click of a double-click.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies the current double-click time (in milliseconds).
Version 3.0
WORD GetDriveType(nDrive)
This function determines whether a disk drive is removeable, fixed, or
Parameter Type/Description
nDrive int Specifies the drive for which the
type is to be determined. Drive A: is 0,
drive B: is 1, drive C: is 2, and so on.
Return Value
The return value specifies the type of drive. It can be one of the following
Value Meaning
DRIVE_REMOVEABLE Disk can be removed from the drive.
DRIVE_FIXED Disk cannot be removed from the drive.
DRIVE_REMOTE Drive is a remote (network) drive.
The return value is zero if the function cannot determine the drive type, or
1 if the specified drive does not exist.
int GetEnvironment(lpPortName, lpEnviron, nMaxCount)
This function retrieves the current environment that is associated with the
device attached to the system port specified by the lpPortName parameter,
and copies it into the buffer specified by the lpEnviron parameter. The
environment, maintained by GDI, contains binary data used by GDI whenever a
device context is created for the device on the given port.
The function fails if there is no environment for the given port.
An application can call this function with the lpEnviron parameter set to
NULL to determine the size of the buffer required to hold the environment.
It can then allocate the buffer and call GetEnvironment a second time to
retrieve the environment.
Parameter Type/Description
lpPortName LPSTR Points to the null-terminated
character string that specifies the name
of the desired port.
lpEnviron LPSTR Points to the buffer that will
receive the environment.
nMaxCount WORD Specifies the maximum number of
bytes to copy to the buffer.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of bytes copied to lpEnviron. If
lpEnviron is NULL, the return value is the size in bytes of the buffer
required to hold the environment. It is zero if the environment cannot be
The first field in the buffer pointed to by lpEnviron must be the same as
that passed in the lpDeviceName parameter of the CreateDC function. If
lpPortName specifies a null port (as defined in the WIN.INI file), the
device name pointed to by lpEnviron is used to locate the desired
HWND GetFocus( )
This function retrieves the handle of the window that currently owns the
input focus.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value identifies the window that currently owns the focus if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
Version 3.0
DWORD GetFreeSpace(wFlags)
This function scans the global heap and returns the number of bytes of
memory currently available.
Parameter Type/Description
wFlags WORD Specifies whether to scan the heap
above or below the EMS bank line in
large-frame and small-frame EMS systems.
If it is set to GMEM_NOT_BANKED,
GetFreeSpace returns the amount of
memory available below the line. If
wFlags is zero, GetFreeSpace returns the
amount is the memory available above the
EMS bank line. The wFlags parameter is
ignored for non-EMS systems.
Return Value
The return value is the amount of available memory in bytes. This memory is
not necessarily contiguous; the GlobalCompact function returns the number of
bytes in the largest block of free global memory.
BYTE GetGValue(rgbColor)
This macro extracts the green value from an RGB color value.
Parameter Type/Description
rgbColor DWORD Specifies a red, a green, and a
blue color field, each specifying the
intensity of the given color.
Return Value
The return value specifies a byte that contains the green value of the
rgbColor parameter.
The value 0FFH corresponds to the maximum intensity value for a single byte;
000H corresponds to the minimum intensity value for a single byte.
BOOL GetInputState( )
This function determines whether there are mouse, keyboard, or timer events
in the system queue that require processing. An event is a record that
describes interrupt-level input. Mouse events occur when a user moves the
mouse or clicks a mouse button. Keyboard events occur when a user presses
one or more keys. Timer events occur after a specified number of clock
ticks. The system queue is the location in which Windows stores mouse,
keyboard, and timer events.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether mouse, keyboard or timer input occurs. It
is nonzero if input is detected. Otherwise, it is zero.
int GetInstanceData(hInstance, pData, nCount)
This function copies data from a previous instance of an application into
the data area of the current instance. The hInstance parameter specifies
which instance to copy data from, pData specifies where to copy the data,
and nCount specifies the number of bytes to copy.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies a previous call of the application.
pData NPSTR Points to a buffer in the current instance.
nCount int Specifies the number of bytes to copy.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of bytes actually copied.
Version 3.0
int GetKBCodePage( )
This function determines which OEM/ANSI tables are loaded by Windows.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies the code page currently loaded by Windows. It can
be one of the following values:
Value Meaning
437 Default (USA, used by most countries:
indicates that there is no OEMANSI.BIN
in the Windows directory)
Value Meaning
in the Windows directory)
850 International (OEMANSI.BIN = XLAT850.BIN)
860 Portugal (OEMANSI.BIN = XLAT860.BIN)
861 Iceland (OEMANSI.BIN = XLAT861.BIN)
863 French Canadian (OEMANSI.BIN =
865 Norway/Denmark (OEMANSI.BIN =
If the file OEMANSI.BIN is in the Windows directory, Windows reads it and
overwrites the OEM/ANSI translation tables in the keyboard driver.
When the user selects a language within the Setup program and the language
does not use the default code page (437), Setup copies the appropriate file
(such as XLATPO.BIN) to OEMANSI.BIN in the Windows system directory. If the
language uses the default code page, Setup deletes OEMANSI.BIN, if it
exists, from the Windows system directory.
void GetKeyboardState(lpKeyState)
This function copies the status of the 256 virtual-keyboard keys to the
buffer specified by the lpKeyState parameter. The high bit of each byte is
set to 1 if the key is down, or it is set to 0 if it is up. The low bit is
set to 1 if the key was pressed an odd number of times since startup.
Otherwise, it is set to 0.
Parameter Type/Description
lpKeyState BYTE FAR * Points to the 256-byte
buffer of virtual-key codes.
Return Value
An application calls the GetKeyboardState function in response to a
keyboard-input message. This function retrieves the state of the keyboard
when the input message was generated.
To obtain state information for individual keys, follow these steps:
1. Create an array of characters that is 265 bytes long.
2. Copy the contents of the buffer pointed to by the lpKeyState parameter
into the array.
3. Use the virtual-key code from Appendix A, "Virtual-Key Codes," in
Reference, Volume 2, to obtain an individual key state.
Version 3.0
int GetKeyboardType(nTypeFlag)
This function retrieves the system-keyboard type.
Parameter Type/Description
nTypeFlag int Determines whether the
function returns a value
indicating the type or subtype
of the keyboard. It may be one
of the following values:
Value Meaning
0 Function returns the keyboard
1 Function returns the keyboard
2 Function returns the number of
function keys on the keyboard.
Return Value
The return value indicates the type or subtype of the system keyboard or the
number of function keys on the keyboard. The subtype is an OEM-dependent
value. The type may be one of the following values:
Value Meaning
1 IBM(R) PC/XT(tm), or compatible (83-key) keyboard
2 Olivetti(R) M24 "ICO" (102-key) keyboard
3 IBM AT(R) (84-key) or similar keyboard
4 IBM Enhanced (101- or 102-key) keyboard
5 Nokia 1050 and similar keyboards
6 Nokia 9140 and similar keyboards
The return value is zero if the nTypeFlag parameter is greater than 2 or if
the function fails.
An application can determine the number of function keys on a keyboard from
the keyboard type. The following shows the number of function keys for each
keyboard type:
Type Number of Function Keys
1 10
2 12 (sometimes 18)
3 10
4 12
5 10
6 24
Version 3.0
int GetKeyNameText(lParam, lpBuffer, nSize)
This function retrieves a string which contains the name of a key.
The keyboard driver maintains a list of names in the form of character
strings for keys with names longer than a single character. The key name is
translated according to the layout of the currently installed keyboard. The
translation is performed for the principal language supported by the
keyboard driver.
Parameter Type/Description
lParam DWORD Specifies the 32-bit parameter of
the keyboard message (such as WM_KEYDOWN)
which the function is processing. Byte 3
(bits 16-23) of the long parameter is a
scan code. Bit 20 is the extended bit
that distinguishes some keys on an
enhanced keyboard. Bit 21 is a "don't
care" bit; the application calling this
function sets this bit to indicate that
the function should not distinguish
between left and right control and shift
keys, for example.
lpBuffer LPSTR Specifies a buffer to receive the
key name.
nSize WORD Specifies the maximum length in
bytes of the key name, not including the
terminating NULL character.
Return Value
The return value is the actual length of the string copied to lpBuffer.
int GetKeyState(nVirtKey)
This function retrieves the state of the virtual key specified by the
nVirtKey parameter. The state specifies whether the key is up, down, or
Parameter Type/Description
nVirtKey int Specifies a virtual key. If the
desired virtual key is a letter or digit
(A through Z, a through z, or 0 through
9), nVirtKey must be set to the ASCII
value of that character. For other keys,
it must be one of the values listed in
Appendix A, "Virtual-Key Codes," in
Reference, Volume 2.
Return Value
The return value specifies the state of the given virtual key. If the
high-order bit is 1, the key is down. Otherwise, it is up. If the low-order
bit is 1, the key is toggled. A toggle key, such as the CAPSLOCK key, is
toggled if it has been pressed an odd number of times since the system was
started. The key is untoggled if the low bit is 0.
An application calls the GetKeyState function in response to a
keyboard-input message. This function retrieves the state of the key when
the input message was generated.
Version 3.0
HWND GetLastActivePopup(hwndOwner)
This function determines which pop-up window owned by the window identified
by the hwndOwner parameter was most recently active.
Parameter Type/Description
hwndOwner HWND Identifies the owner window.
Return Value
The return value identifies the most-recently active pop-up window. The
return value will be hwndOwner if any of the following conditions are met:
■ The window identified by hwndOwner itself was most recently active.
■ The window identified by hwndOwner does not own any pop-up windows.
■ The window identified by hwndOwner is not a top-level window or is
owned by another window.
int GetMapMode(hDC)
This function retrieves the current mapping mode. See the SetMapMode
function, later in this chapter, for a description of the mapping modes.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies the mapping mode.
HMENU GetMenu(hWnd)
This function retrieves a handle to the menu of the specified window.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose menu is to be examined.
Return Value
The return value identifies the menu. It is NULL if the given window has no
menu. The return value is undefined if the window is a child window.
Version 3.0
DWORD GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions()
This function returns the dimensions of the default checkmark bitmap.
Windows displays this bitmap next to checked menu items. Before calling the
SetMenuItemBitmaps function to replace the default checkmark, an application
should call the GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions function to determine the correct
size for the bitmaps.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies the height and width of the default checkmark
bitmap. The high-order word contains the height in pixels and the low-order
word contains the width.
WORD GetMenuItemCount(hMenu)
This function determines the number of items in the menu identified by the
hMenu parameter. This may be either a pop-up or a top-level menu.
Parameter Type/Description
hMenu HMENU Identifies the handle to the menu to be examined.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of items in the menu specified by the
hMenu parameter if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is -1.
WORD GetMenuItemID(hMenu, nPos)
This function obtains the menu-item identifier for a menu item located at
the position defined by the nPos parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hMenu HMENU Identifies a handle to the pop-up
menu that contains the item whose ID is
being retrieved.
nPos int Specifies the position (zero-based)
of the menu item whose ID is being
Return Value
The return value specifies the item ID for the specified item in a pop-up
menu if the function is successful; if hMenu is NULL or if the specified
item is a pop-up menu (as opposed to an item within the pop-up menu), the
return value is -1.
WORD GetMenuState(hMenu, wId, wFlags)
This function obtains the number of items in the pop-up menu associated with
the menu item specified by the wId parameter if the hMenu parameter
identifies a menu with an associated pop-up menu. If hMenu identifies a
pop-up menu, this function obtains the status of the menu item associated
with wId.
Parameter Type/Description
hMenu HMENU Identifies the menu.
wId WORD Specifies the menu-item ID.
wFlags WORD Specifies the nature of the wId
parameter. If the wFlags parameter
contains MF_BYPOSITION, wId specifies a
(zero-based) relative position; if
wFlags contains MF_BYCOMMAND, wId
specifies the item ID.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is -1 if the
specified item does not exist. If the menu itself does not exist, a fatal
exit occurs. If wId identifies a pop-up menu, the return value contains the
number of items in the pop-up menu in its high-order byte, and the menu
flags associated with the pop-up menu in its low-order byte; otherwise, it
is a mask (Boolean OR) of the values from the following list (this mask
describes the status of the menu item that wId identifies):
Value Meaning
MF_CHECKED Checkmark is placed next to item (pop-up
menus only).
MF_DISABLED Item is disabled.
MF_ENABLED Item is enabled.
MF_GRAYED Item is disabled and grayed.
MF_MENUBARBREAK Same as MF_MENUBREAK, except for pop-up
menus where the new column is separated
from the old column by a vertical
dividing line.
Value Meaning
dividing line.
MF_MENUBREAK Item is placed on a new line (static
menus) or in a new column (pop-up menus)
without separating columns.
MF_SEPARATOR Horizontal dividing line is drawn
(pop-up menus only). This line cannot be
enabled, checked, grayed, or highlighted.
The lpNewItem and wIDNewItem parameters
are ignored.
MF_UNCHECKED Checkmark is not placed next to item
int GetMenuString(hMenu, wIDItem, lpString,
nMaxCount, wFlag)
This function copies the label of the specified menu item into the lpString
Parameter Type/Description
hMenu HMENU Identifies the menu.
wIDItem WORD Specifies the integer identifier
of the menu item (from the resource file)
or the offset of the menu item in the
menu, depending on the value of the
wFlag parameter.
lpString LPSTR Points to the buffer that is to
receive the label.
nMaxCount int Specifies the maximum length of the
label to be copied. If the label is
longer than the maximum specified in
nMaxCount, the extra characters are
wFlag WORD Specifies the nature of the wID
parameter. If wFlags contains
MF_BYPOSITION, wId specifies a
(zero-based) relative position; if the
wFlags parameter contains MF_BYCOMMAND,
wId specifies the item ID.
Return Value
The return value specifies the actual number of bytes copied to the buffer.
The nMaxCount parameter should be one larger than the number of characters
in the label to accommodate the null character that terminates a string.
BOOL GetMessage(lpMsg, hWnd, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax)
This function retrieves a message from the application queue and places the
message in the data structure pointed to by the lpMsg parameter. If no
message is available, the GetMessage function yields control to other
applications until a message becomes available.
GetMessage retrieves only messages associated with the window specified by
the hWnd parameter and within the range of message values given by the
wMsgFilterMin and wMsgFilterMax parameters. If hWnd is NULL, GetMessage
retrieves messages for any window that belongs to the application making the
call. (The GetMessage function does not retrieve messages for windows that
belong to other applications.) If wMsgFilterMin and wMsgFilterMax are both
zero, GetMessage returns all available messages (no filtering is performed).
The constants WM_KEYFIRST and WM_KEYLAST can be used as filter values to
retrieve all messages related to keyboard input; the constants WM_MOUSEFIRST
and WM_MOUSELAST can be used to retrieve all mouse-related messages.
Parameter Type/Description
lpMsg LPMSG Points to an MSG data structure
that contains message information from
the Windows application queue.
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose
messages are to be examined. If hWnd is
NULL, GetMessage retrieves messages for
any window that belongs to the
application making the call.
wMsgFilterMin WORD Specifies the integer value of the
lowest message value to be retrieved.
wMsgFilterMax WORD Specifies the integer value of the
highest message value to be retrieved.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if a
message other than WM_QUIT is retrieved. It is zero if the WM_QUIT message
is retrieved.
The return value is usually used to decide whether to terminate the
application's main loop and exit the program.
In addition to yielding control to other applications when no messages are
available, the GetMessage and PeekMessage functions also yield control when
WM_PAINT or WM_TIMER messages for other tasks are available.
The GetMessage, PeekMessage, and WaitMessage functions are the only ways to
let other applications run. If your application does not call any of these
functions for long periods of time, other applications cannot run.
When GetMessage, PeekMessage, and WaitMessage yield control to other
applications, the stack and data segments of the application calling the
function may move in memory to accommodate the changing memory requirements
of other applications. If the application has stored long pointers to
objects in the data or stack segment (that is, global or local variables),
these pointers can become invalid after a call to GetMessage, PeekMessage,
or WaitMessage. The lpMsg parameter of the called function remains valid in
any case.
DWORD GetMessagePos( )
This function returns a long value that represents the cursor position (in
screen coordinates) when the last message obtained by the GetMessage
function occurred.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies the x- and y-coordinates of the cursor position.
The x-coordinate is in the low-order word, and the y-coordinate is in the
high-order word. If the return value is assigned to a variable, the
MAKEPOINT macro can be used to obtain a POINT structure from the return
value; the LOWORD or HIWORD macro can be used to extract the x- or the
To obtain the current position of the cursor instead of the position when
the last message occurred, use the GetCursorPos function.
DWORD GetMessageTime( )
This function returns the message time for the last message retrieved by the
GetMessage function. The time is a long integer that specifies the elapsed
time (in milliseconds) from the time the system was booted to the time the
message was created (placed in the application queue).
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies the message time.
Do not assume that the return value is always increasing. The return value
will "wrap around" to zero if the timer count exceeds the maximum value for
long integers.
To calculate time delays between messages, subtract the time of the second
message from the time of the first message.
HANDLE GetMetaFile(lpFilename)
This function creates a handle for the metafile named by the lpFilename
Parameter Type/Description
lpFilename LPSTR Points to the null-terminated
character string that specifies the DOS
filename of the metafile. The metafile
is assumed to exist.
Return Value
The return value identifies a metafile if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
HANDLE GetMetaFileBits(hMF)
This function returns a handle to a global memory block that contains the
specified metafile as a collection of bits. The memory block can be used to
determine the size of the metafile or to save the metafile as a file. The
memory block should not be modified.
Parameter Type/Description
hMF HANDLE Identifies the memory metafile.
Return Value
The return value identifies the global memory block that contains the
metafile. If an error occurs, the return value is NULL.
The handle used as the hMF parameter becomes invalid when the
GetMetaFileBits function returns, so the returned global memory handle must
be used to refer to the metafile.
Memory blocks created by this function are unique to the calling application
and are not shared by other applications. These blocks are automatically
deleted when the application terminates.
int GetModuleFileName(hModule, lpFilename, nSize)
This function retrieves the full pathname of the executable file from which
the specified module was loaded. The function copies the null-terminated
filename into the buffer pointed to by the lpFilename parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hModule HANDLE Identifies the module or the
instance of the module.
lpFilename LPSTR Points to the buffer that is to
receive the filename.
nSize int Specifies the maximum number of
characters to copy. If the filename is
longer than the maximum number of
characters specified by the nSize
parameter, it is truncated.
Return Value
The return value specifies the actual length of the string copied to the
HANDLE GetModuleHandle(lpModuleName)
This function retrieves the module handle of the specified module.
Parameter Type/Description
lpModuleName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the
Return Value
The return value identifies the module if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
int GetModuleUsage(hModule)
This function returns the reference count of a specified module.
Parameter Type/Description
hModule HANDLE Identifies the module or an instance of the module.
Return Value
The return value specifies the reference count of the module.
DWORD GetNearestColor(hDC, crColor)
This function returns the closest logical color to a specified logical color
the given device can represent.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
crColor COLORREF Specifies the color to be matched.
Return Value
The return value specifies an RGB color value that names the solid color
closest to the crColor value that the device can represent.
Version 3.0
WORD GetNearestPaletteIndex(hPalette, crColor)
This function returns the index of the entry in a logical palette which most
closely matches a color value.
Parameter Type/Description
hPalette HPALETTE Identifies the logical palette.
crColor COLORREF Specifies the color to be matched.
Return Value
The return value is the index of an entry in a logical palette. The entry
contains the color which most nearly matches the specified color.
HWND GetNextDlgGroupItem(hDlg, hCtl, bPrevious)
This function searches for the next (or previous) control within a group of
controls in the dialog box identified by the hDlg parameter. A group of
controls consists of one or more controls with WS_GROUP style.
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box being
hCtl HWND Identifies the control in the
dialog box where the search starts.
bPrevious BOOL Specifies how the function is to
search the group of controls in the
dialog box. If the bPrevious parameter
is zero, the function searches for the
previous control in the group. If
bPrevious is nonzero, the function
searches for the next control in the
Return Value
The return value identifies the next or previous control in the group.
If the current item is the last item in the group and bPrevious is zero, the
GetNextDlgGroupItem function returns the window handle of the first item in
the group. If the current item is the first item in the group and bPrevious
is nonzero, GetNextDlgGroupItem returns the window handle of the last item
in the group.
HWND GetNextDlgTabItem(hDlg, hCtl, bPrevious)
This function obtains the handle of the first control that has the
WS_TABSTOP style that precedes (or follows) the control identified by the
hCtl parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box being
hCtl HWND Identifies the control to be used
as a starting point for the search.
bPrevious BOOL Specifies how the function is to
search the dialog box. If the bPrevious
parameter is zero, the function searches
for the previous control in the dialog
box. If bPrevious is nonzero, the
function searches for the next control
in the dialog box. Identifies the
control to be used as a starting point
for the search.
Return Value
The return value identifies the previous (or next) control that has the
WS_TABSTOP style set.
HWND GetNextWindow(hWnd, wFlag)
This function searches for a handle that identifies the next (or previous)
window in the window-manager's list. The window-manager's list contains
entries for all top-level windows, their associated child windows, and the
child windows of any child windows. If the hWnd parameter is a handle to a
top-level window, the function searches for the next (or previous) handle to
a top-level window; if hWnd is a handle to a child window, the function
searches for a handle to the next (or previous) child window.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the current
wFlag WORD Specifies whether the
function returns a handle to
the next window or to the
previous window. It can be
either of the following
Value Meaning
GW_HWNDNEXT The function returns a handle
to the next window.
GW_HWNDPREV The function returns a handle
to the previous window.
Return Value
The return value identifies the next (or the previous) window in the
window-manager's list.
int GetNumTasks( )
This function returns the number of tasks currently executing in the system.
A task is a unique instance of a Windows application.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies an integer that represents the number of tasks
currently executing in the system.
int GetObject(hObject, nCount, lpObject)
This function fills a buffer with the logical data that defines the logical
object specified by the hObject parameter. The GetObject function copies the
number of bytes of data specified by the nCount parameter to the buffer
pointed to by the lpObject parameter. The function retrieves data structures
of the LOGPEN, LOGBRUSH, LOGFONT, or BITMAP type, or an integer, depending
on the logical object. The buffer must be sufficiently large to receive the
If hObject specifies a bitmap, the function returns only the width, height,
and color format information of the bitmap. The actual bits must be
retrieved by using the GetBitmapBits function.
If hObject specifies a logical palette, it retrieves a two-byte value that
specifies the number of entries in the palette; it does not retrieve the
entire LOGPALETTE data structure that defines the palette. To get
information on palette entries, an application must call the
GetPaletteEntries function.
Parameter Type/Description
hObject HANDLE Identifies a logical pen, brush,
font, bitmap, or palette.
nCount int Specifies the number of bytes to be
copied to the buffer.
lpObject LPSTR Points to the buffer that is to
receive the information.
Return Value
The return value specifies the actual number of bytes retrieved. It is zero
if an error occurs.
Version 3.0
WORD GetPaletteEntries(hPalette, wStartIndex,
wNumEntries, lpPaletteEntries)
This function retrieves a range of palette entries in a logical palette.
Parameter Type/Description
hPalette HPALETTE Identifies the logical palette.
wStartIndex WORD Specifies the first entry in the
logical palette to be retrieved.
wNumEntries WORD Specifies the number of entries in
the logical palette to be retrieved.
lpPaletteEntries LPPALETTEENTRY Points to an array of
PALETTEENTRY data structures to receive
the palette entries. The array must
contain at least as many data structures
as specified by the wNumEntries
Return Value
The return value is the number of entries retrieved from the logical
palette. It is zero if the function failed.
HWND GetParent(hWnd)
This function retrieves the window handle of the specified window's parent
window (if any).
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose parent
window handle is to be retrieved.
Return Value
The return value identifies the parent window. It is NULL if the window has
no parent window.
DWORD GetPixel(hDC, X, Y)
This function retrieves the RGB color value of the pixel at the point
specified by the X and Y parameters. The point must be in the clipping
region. If the point is not in the clipping region, the function is ignored.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the point to be examined.
Y int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the point to be examined.
Return Value
The return value specifies an RGB color value for the color of the given
point. It is -1 if the coordinates do not specify a point in the clipping
Not all devices support the GetPixel function. For more information, see the
RC_BITBLT raster capability in the GetDeviceCaps function, earlier in this
int GetPolyFillMode(hDC)
This function retrieves the current polygon-filling mode.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies the polygon-filling mode. It can be any one of
the following values:
Value Meaning
ALTERNATE Alternate mode
WINDING Winding-number mode
For a description of these modes, see the SetPolyFillMode function, later in
this chapter.
Version 3.0
int GetPriorityClipboardFormat(lpPriorityList, nCount)
This function returns the first clipboard format in a list for which data
exist in the clipboard.
Parameter Type/Description
lpPriorityList WORD FAR * Points to an integer array
that contains a list of clipboard
formats in priority order. For a
description of the data formats, see the
SetClipboardData function later in this
nCount int Specifies the number of entries in
lpPriorityList. This value must not be
greater than the actual number of
entries in the list.
Return Value
The return value is the highest priority clipboard format in the list for
which data exist. If no data exist in the clipboard, this function returns
NULL. If data exist in the clipboard which did not match any format in the
list, the return value is -1.
Version 3.0
WORD GetPrivateProfileInt(lpApplicationName, lpKeyName,
nDefault, lpFileName)
This function retrieves the value of an integer key from the specified
initialization file.
The function searches the file for a key that matches the name specified by
the lpKeyName parameter under the application heading specified by the
lpApplicationName parameter. An integer entry in the initialization file
must have the following form:
[application name]
keyname = value
Parameter Type/Description
lpApplicationName LPSTR Points to the name of a Windows
application that appears in the
initialization file.
lpKeyName LPSTR Points to a key name that appears
in the initialization file.
nDefault int Specifies the default value for the
given key if the key cannot be found in
the initialization file.
lpFileName LPSTR Points to a string that names the
initialization file. If lpFileName does
not contain a path to the file, Windows
searches for the file in the Windows
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. The return value is
zero if the value that corresponds to the specified key name is not an
integer or if the integer is negative. If the value that corresponds to the
key name consists of digits followed by nonnumeric characters, the function
returns the value of the digits. For example, if the entry KeyName=102abc is
accessed, the function returns 102. If the key is not found, this function
returns the default value, nDefault.
The GetPrivateProfileInt function is not case dependent, so the strings in
lpApplicationName and lpKeyName may be in any combination of uppercase and
lowercase letters.
Version 3.0
int GetPrivateProfileString(lpApplicationName, lpKeyName,
lpDefault, lpReturnedString, nSize, lpFileName)
This function copies a character string from the specified initialization
file into the buffer pointed to by the lpReturnedString parameter.
The function searches the file for a key that matches the name specified by
the lpKeyName parameter under the application heading specified by the
lpApplicationName parameter. If the key is found, the corresponding string
is copied to the buffer. If the key does not exist, the default character
string specified by the lpDefault parameter is copied. A string entry in the
initialization file must have the following form:
[application name]
keyname = string
If lpKeyName is NULL, the GetPrivateProfileString function enumerates all
key names associated with lpApplicationName by filling the location pointed
to by lpReturnedString with a list of key names (not values). Each key name
in the list is terminated with a null character.
Parameter Type/Description
lpApplicationName LPSTR Points to the name of a Windows
application that appears in the
initialization file.
lpKeyName LPSTR Points to a key name that appears
in the initialization file.
lpDefault LPSTR Specifies the default value for
Parameter Type/Description
lpDefault LPSTR Specifies the default value for
the given key if the key cannot be found
in the initialization file.
lpReturnedString LPSTR Points to the buffer that
receives the character string.
nSize int Specifies the maximum number of
characters (including the last null
character) to be copied to the buffer.
lpFileName LPSTR Points to a string that names the
initialization file. If lpFileName does
not contain a path to the file, Windows
searches for the file in the Windows
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of characters copied to the buffer
identified by the lpReturnedString parameter, not including the terminating
null character. If the buffer is not large enough to contain the entire
string and lpKeyName is not NULL, the return value is equal to the length
specified by the nSize parameter. If the buffer is not large enough to
contain the entire string and lpKeyName is NULL, the return value is equal
to the length specified by the nSize parameter minus 2.
GetPrivateProfileString is not case dependent, so the strings in
lpApplicationName and lpKeyName may be in any combination of uppercase and
lowercase letters.
FARPROC GetProcAddress(hModule, lpProcName)
This function retrieves the memory address of the function whose name is
pointed to by the lpProcName parameter. The GetProcAddress function searches
for the function in the module specified by the hModule parameter, or in the
current module if hModule is NULL. The function must be an exported
function; the module's definition file must contain an appropriate EXPORTS
line for the function.
Parameter Type/Description
hModule HANDLE Identifies the library module
that contains the function.
lpProcName LPSTR Points to the function name, or
contains the ordinal value of the
function. If it is an ordinal value, the
value must be in the low-order word and
zero must be in the high-order word. The
string must be a null-terminated
character string.
Return Value
The return value points to the function's entry point if the function is
successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
If the lpProcName parameter is an ordinal value and a function with the
specified ordinal does not exist in the module, GetProcAddress can still
return a non-NULL value. In cases where the function may not exist, specify
the function by name rather than ordinal value.
Only use GetProcAddress to retrieve addresses of exported functions that
belong to library modules. The MakeProcInstance function can be used to
access functions within different instances of the current module.
The spelling of the function name (pointed to by lpProcName) must be
identical to the spelling as it appears in the source library's definition
(.DEF) file. The function can be renamed in the definition file.
WORD GetProfileInt(lpAppName, lpKeyName, nDefault)
This function retrieves the value of an integer key from the Windows
initialization file, WIN.INI. The function searches WIN.INI for a key that
matches the name specified by the lpKeyName parameter under the application
heading specified by the lpAppName parameter. An integer entry in WIN.INI
must have the following form:
[application name]
keyname = value
Parameter Type/Description
lpAppName LPSTR Points to the name of a Windows
application that appears in the Windows
initialization file.
lpKeyName LPSTR Points to a key name that appears
in the Windows initialization file.
nDefault int Specifies the default value for the
given key if the key cannot be found in
the Windows initialization file.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. The return value is
zero if the value that corresponds to the specified key name is not an
integer or if the integer is negative. If the value that corresponds to the
key name consists of digits followed by nonnumeric characters, the function
returns the value of the digits. For example, if the entry KeyName=102abc is
accessed, the function returns 102. If the key is not found, this function
returns the default value, nDefault.
int GetProfileString(lpAppName, lpKeyName,
lpDefault, lpReturnedString, nSize)
This function copies a character string from the Windows initialization
file, WIN.INI, into the buffer pointed to by the lpReturnedString parameter.
The function searches WIN.INI for a key that matches the name specified by
the lpKeyName parameter under the application heading specified by the
lpAppName parameter. If the key is found, the corresponding string is copied
to the buffer. If the key does not exist, the default character string
specified by the lpDefault parameter is copied. A string entry in WIN.INI
must have the following form:
[application name]
keyname = value
If lpKeyName is NULL, the GetProfileString function enumerates all key names
associated with lpAppName by filling the location pointed to by
lpReturnedString with a list of key names (not values). Each key name in the
list is terminated with a null character.
Parameter Type/Description
lpAppName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that names the
lpKeyName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that names a key.
lpDefault LPSTR Specifies the default value for
the given key if the key cannot be found
in the initialization file.
lpReturnedString LPSTR Points to the buffer that
receives the character string.
nSize int Specifies the number of characters
(including the last null character) that
will be copied to the buffer.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of characters copied to the buffer
identified by the lpReturnedString parameter, not including the terminating
null character. If the buffer is not large enough to contain the entire
string and lpKeyName is not NULL, the return value is equal to the length
specified by the nSize parameter. If the buffer is not large enough to
contain the entire string and lpKeyName is NULL, the return value is equal
to the length specified by the nSize parameter minus 2.
GetProfileString is not case-dependent, so the strings in lpAppName and
lpKeyName may be in any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.
HANDLE GetProp(hWnd, lpString)
This function retrieves a data handle from the property list of the
specified window. The character string pointed to by the lpString parameter
identifies the handle to be retrieved. The string and handle are assumed to
have been added to the property list by using the SetProp function.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose
property list is to be searched.
lpString LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string or an atom that
identifies a string. If an atom is given,
it must have been created previously by
using the AddAtom function. The atom, a
16-bit value, must be placed in the
low-order word of the lpString
parameter; the high-order word must be
set to zero.
Return Value
The return value identifies the associated data handle if the property list
contains the given string. Otherwise, it is NULL.
The value retrieved by the GetProp function can be any 16-bit value useful
to the application.
Version 3.0
int GetRgnBox(hRgn, lpRect)
This function retrieves the coordinates of the bounding rectangle of the
region specified by the hRgn parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hRgn HRGN Identifies the region.
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
to receive the coordinates of the
bounding rectangle.
Return Value
The return value specifies the region's type. It can be any of the following
Value Meaning
COMPLEXREGION Region has overlapping borders.
NULLREGION Region is empty.
SIMPLEREGION Region has no overlapping borders.
The return value is NULL if the hRgn parameter does not specify a valid
int GetROP2(hDC)
This function retrieves the current drawing mode. The drawing mode specifies
how the pen or interior color and the color already on the display surface
are combined to yield a new color.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context for a raster device.
Return Value
The return value specifies the drawing mode. For a list of the drawing
modes, see Table 4.16, "Drawing Modes," in the SetROP2 function, later in
this chapter.
For more information about the drawing modes, see Chapter 11, "Binary and
Ternary Raster-Operation Codes," in Reference, Volume 2.
BYTE GetRValue(rgbColor)
This macro extracts the red value from an RGB color value.
Parameter Type/Description
rgbColor DWORD Specifies a red, a green, and a
blue color field, each specifying the
intensity of the given color.
Return Value
The return value specifies a byte that contains the red value of the
rgbColor parameter.
The value 0FFH corresponds to the maximum intensity value for a single byte;
000H corresponds to the minimum intensity value for a single byte.
int GetScrollPos(hWnd, nBar)
This function retrieves the current position of a scroll-bar thumb. The
current position is a relative value that depends on the current scrolling
range. For example, if the scrolling range is 0 to 100 and the thumb is in
the middle of the bar, the current position is 50.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies a window that
has standard scroll bars or a
scroll-bar control, depending
on the value of the nBar
nBar int Specifies the scroll bar
to examine. It can be one of
the following values:
Value Meaning
SB_CTL Retrieves the position of a
scroll-bar control. In this
case, the hWnd parameter must
be the window handle of a
scroll-bar control.
Parameter Type/Description
scroll-bar control.
SB_HORZ Retrieves the position of a
window's horizontal scroll bar.
SB_VERT Retrieves the position of a
window's vertical scroll bar.
Return Value
The return value specifies the current position of the scroll-bar thumb.
void GetScrollRange(hWnd, nBar, lpMinPos, lpMaxPos)
This function copies the current minimum and maximum scroll-bar positions
for the given scroll bar to the locations specified by the lpMinPos and
lpMaxPos parameters. If the given window does not have standard scroll bars
or is not a scroll-bar control, then the GetScrollRange function copies zero
to lpMinPos and lpMaxPos.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies a window that
has standard scroll bars or a
scroll-bar control, depending
on the value of the nBar
Parameter Type/Description
nBar int Specifies an integer
value that identifies which
scroll bar to retrieve. It can
be one of the following
Value Meaning
SB_CTL Retrieves the position of a
scroll-bar control; in this
case, the hWnd parameter must
be the handle of a scroll-bar
SB_HORZ Retrieves the position of a
window's horizontal scroll bar.
Parameter Type/Description
SB_VERT Retrieves the position of a
window's vertical scroll bar.
lpMinPos LPINT Points to the integer
variable that is to receive
the minimum position.
lpMaxPos LPINT Points to the integer
variable that is to receive
the maximum position.
Return Value
The default range for a standard scroll bar is 0 to 100. The default range
for a scroll-bar control is empty (both values are zero).
HANDLE GetStockObject(nIndex)
This function retrieves a handle to one of the predefined stock pens,
brushes, or fonts.
Parameter Type/Description
nIndex int Specifies the type of
stock object desired. It can
be any one of the following
Value Meaning
BLACK_BRUSH Black brush
DKGRAY_BRUSH Dark gray brush
GRAY_BRUSH Gray brush
HOLLOW_BRUSH Hollow brush
LTGRAY_BRUSH Light gray brush
NULL_BRUSH Null brush
Parameter Type/Description
WHITE_BRUSH White brush
BLACK_PEN Black pen
NULL_PEN Null pen
WHITE_PEN White pen
ANSI_FIXED_FONT ANSI fixed system font
ANSI_VAR_FONT ANSI variable system font
DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT Device-dependent font
OEM_FIXED_FONT OEM-dependent fixed font
SYSTEM_FONT The system font. By default,
Windows uses the system font
Parameter Type/Description
Windows uses the system font
to draw menus, dialog-box
controls, and other text. In
Windows versions 3.0 and later,
the system font is
proportional width; earlier
versions of Windows use a
fixed-width system font.
Value Meaning
SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT The fixed-width system font
used in earlier versions of
Windows. This stock object is
available for compatibility
DEFAULT_PALETTE Default color palette. This
palette consists of the 20
Parameter Type/Description
palette consists of the 20
static colors always present
in the system palette for
matching colors in the logical
palettes of background
Return Value
The return value identifies the desired logical object if the function is
successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
The DKGRAY_BRUSH, GRAY_BRUSH, and LTGRAY_BRUSH objects should not be used as
background brushes or for any other purpose in a window whose class does not
specify CS_HREDRAW and CS_VREDRAW styles. Using a gray stock brush in such
windows can lead to misalignment of brush patterns after a window is moved
or sized. Stock-brush origins cannot be adjusted (for more information, see
the SetBrushOrg function, later in this chapter).
int GetStretchBltMode(hDC)
This function retrieves the current stretching mode. The stretching mode
defines how information is to be added or removed from bitmaps that are
stretched or compressed by using the StretchBlt function.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies the current stretching mode. It can be
WHITEONBLACK, BLACKONWHITE, or COLORONCOLOR. For more information, see the
SetStretchBltMode function, later in this chapter.
HMENU GetSubMenu(hMenu, nPos)
This function retrieves the menu handle of a pop-up menu.
Parameter Type/Description
hMenu HMENU Identifies the menu.
nPos int Specifies the position in the given
menu of the pop-up menu. Position values
start at zero for the first menu item.
The pop-up menu's integer ID cannot be
used in this function.
Return Value
The return value identifies the given pop-up menu. It is NULL if no pop-up
menu exists at the given position.
DWORD GetSysColor(nIndex)
This function retrieves the current color of the display element specified
by the nIndex parameter. Display elements are the various parts of a window
and the Windows display that appear on the system display screen.
Parameter Type/Description
nIndex int Specifies the display element whose
color is to be retrieved. For a list of
the index values, see the SetSysColor
function, later in this chapter.
Return Value
The return value specifies an RGB color value that names the color of the
given element.
System colors for monochrome displays are usually interpreted as various
shades of gray.
HWND GetSysModalWindow( )
This function returns the handle of a system-modal window, if one is
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value identifies the system-modal window, if one is present. If
no such window is present, the return value is NULL.
Version 3.0
WORD GetSystemDirectory(lpBuffer, nSize)
This function obtains the pathname of the Windows system subdirectory. The
system subdirectory contains such files as Windows libraries, drivers, and
font files.
Parameter Type/Description
lpBuffer LPSTR Points to the buffer that is to
receive the null-terminated character
string containing the pathname.
nSize int Specifies the maximum size (in
bytes) of the buffer. This value should
be set to at least 144 to allow
sufficient room in the buffer for the
Return Value
The return value is the length of the string copied to lpBuffer, not
including the terminating null character. If the return value is greater
than nSize, the return value is the size of the buffer required to hold the
pathname. The return value is zero if the function failed.
The pathname retrieved by this function does not end with a backslash ( \ ),
unless the system directory is the root directory. For example, if the
system directory is named WINDOWS\SYSTEM on drive C:, the pathname of the
system subdirectory retrieved by this function is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.
HMENU GetSystemMenu(hWnd, bRevert)
This function allows the application to access the System menu for copying
and modification.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window
that will own a copy of the
System menu.
bRevert BOOL Specifies the action to
be taken.
If bRevert is: Description
zero GetSystemMenu returns a handle
to a copy of the System menu
currently in use. This copy is
initially identical to the
System menu, but can be
nonzero GetSystemMenu destroys the
possibly modified copy of the
System menu (if there is one)
that belongs to the specified
window and returns a handle to
the original, unmodified
version of the System menu.
Return Value
The return value identifies the System menu if bRevert is nonzero and the
System menu has been modified. If bRevert is nonzero and the System menu has
not been modified, the return value is NULL. If bRevert is zero, the return
value identifies a copy of the System menu.
Any window that does not use the GetSystemMenu function to make its own copy
of the System menu receives the standard System menu.
The handle returned by the GetSystemMenu function can be used with the
AppendMenu, InsertMenu or ModifyMenu functions to change the System menu.
The System menu initially contains items identified with various ID values
such as SC_CLOSE, SC_MOVE, and SC_SIZE. Menu items on the System menu send
WM_SYSCOMMAND messages. All predefined System-menu items have ID numbers
greater than 0xF000. If an application adds commands to the System menu, it
should use ID numbers less than F000.
Windows automatically grays items on the standard System menu, depending on
the situation. The application can carry out its own checking or graying by
responding to the WM_INITMENU message, which is sent before any menu is
int GetSystemMetrics(nIndex)
This function retrieves the system metrics. The system metrics are the
widths and heights of various display elements of the Windows display. The
GetSystemMetrics function can also return flags that indicate whether the
current version is a debugging version, whether a mouse is present, or
whether the meaning of the left and right mouse buttons have been exchanged.
Parameter Type/Description
nIndex int Specifies the system measurement to
be retrieved. All measurements are given
in pixels. The system measurement must
be one of the values listed in Table .10,
"System Metric Indexes."
Return Value
The return value specifies the requested system metric.
System metrics depend on the system display and may vary from display to
display. Table lists the system-metric values for the nIndex parameter:
Table System Metric Indexes
Index Meaning
SM_CXSCREEN Width of screen.
SM_CYSCREEN Height of screen.
SM_CXFRAME Width of window frame that can be sized.
SM_CYFRAME Height of window frame that can be sized.
SM_CXVSCROLL Width of arrow bitmap on vertical scroll bar.
SM_CYVSCROLL Height of arrow bitmap on vertical scroll bar.
SM_CXHSCROLL Width of arrow bitmap on horizontal scroll bar.
SM_CYHSCROLL Height of arrow bitmap on horizontal scroll bar.
SM_CYCAPTION Height of caption.
SM_CXBORDER Width of window frame that cannot be sized.
SM_CYBORDER Height of window frame that cannot be sized.
SM_CXDLGFRAME Width of frame when window has WS_DLGFRAME style.
Index Meaning
SM_CXDLGFRAME Width of frame when window has WS_DLGFRAME style.
SM_CYDLGFRAME Height of frame when window has WS_DLGFRAME style.
SM_CXHTHUMB Width of thumb box on horizontal scroll bar.
SM_CYVTHUMB Height of thumb box on vertical scroll bar.
Table System Metric Indexes (continued)
Index Meaning
SM_CXICON Width of icon.
SM_CYICON Height of icon.
SM_CXCURSOR Width of cursor.
SM_CYCURSOR Height of cursor.
Index Meaning
SM_CYMENU Height of single-line menu bar.
SM_CXFULLSCREEN Width of window client area for
full-screen window.
SM_CYFULLSCREEN Height of window client area for
full-screen window (equivalent to the
height of the screen minus the height of
the window caption).
SM_CYKANJIWINDOW Height of Kanji window.
SM_CXMINTRACK Minimum tracking width of window.
SM_CYMINTRACK Minimum tracking height of window.
SM_CXMIN Minimum width of window.
Index Meaning
SM_CYMIN Minimum height of window.
SM_CXSIZE Width of bitmaps contained in the title
SM_CYSIZE Height of bitmaps contained in the title
SM_MOUSEPRESENT Nonzero if mouse hardware installed.
SM_DEBUG Nonzero if Windows debugging version.
SM_SWAPBUTTON Nonzero if left and right mouse buttons
Version 3.0
WORD GetSystemPaletteEntries(hDC, wStartIndex,
wNumEntries, lpPaletteEntries)
This function retrieves a range of palette entries from the system palette.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
wStartIndex WORD Specifies the first entry in the
system palette to be retrieved.
wNumEntries WORD Specifies the number of entries in
the system palette to be retrieved.
lpPaletteEntries LPPALETTEENTRY Points to an array of
PALETTEENTRY data structures to receive
the palette entries. The array must
contain at least as many data structures
as specified by the wNumEntries
Return Value
The return value is the number of entries retrieved from the system palette.
It is zero if the function failed.
Version 3.0
WORD GetSystemPaletteUse(hDC)
This function determines whether an application has access to the full
system palette. By default, the system palette contains 20 static colors
which are not changed when an application realizes its logical palette. An
application can gain access to most of these colors by calling the
SetSystemPaletteUse function.
The device context identified by the hDC parameter must refer to a device
that supports color palettes.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies the current use of the system palette. It is
either of the following values:
Value Meaning
SYSPAL_NOSTATIC System palette contains no static colors
except black and white.
SYSPAL_STATIC System palette contains static colors
which will not change when an
application realizes its logical palette.
Version 3.0
DWORD GetTabbedTextExtent(hDC, lpString, nCount,
nTabPositions, lpnTabStopPositions)
This function computes the width and height of the line of text pointed to
by the lpString parameter. If the string contains one or more tab
characters, the width of the string is based upon the tab stops specified by
the lpnTabStopPositions parameter. The GetTabbedTextExtent function uses the
currently selected font to compute the dimensions of the string. The width
and height (in logical units) are computed without considering the current
clipping region.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
lpString LPSTR Points to a text string.
nCount int Specifies the number of characters
in the text string.
nTabPositions int Specifies the number of tab-stop
positions in the array to which the
lpnTabStopPositions points.
lpnTabStopPositions LPINT Points to an array of integers
containing the tab-stop positions in
pixels. The tab stops must be sorted in
increasing order; back tabs are not
Return Value
The return value specifies the dimensions of the string. The height is in
the high-order word; the width is in the low-order word.
Since some devices do not place characters in regular cell arrays (that is,
they carry out kerning), the sum of the extents of the characters in a
string may not be equal to the extent of the string.
If the nTabPositions parameter is zero and the lpnTabStopPositions parameter
is NULL, tabs are expanded to eight average character widths.
If nTabPositions is 1, the tab stops will be separated by the distance
specified by the first value in the array to which lpnTabStopPositions
If lpnTabStopPositions points to more than a single value, then a tab stop
is set for each value in the array, up to the number specified by
BYTE GetTempDrive(cDriveLetter)
This function takes a drive letter or zero and returns a letter that
specifies the optimal drive for a temporary file (the disk drive that can
provide the best access time during disk operations with a temporary file).
The GetTempDrive function returns the drive letter of a hard disk if the
system has one. If the cDriveLetter parameter is zero, the function returns
the drive letter of the current disk; if cDriveLetter is a letter, the
function returns the letter of that drive or the letter of another available
Parameter Type/Description
cDriveLetter BYTE Specifies a disk-drive letter.
Return Value
The return value specifies the optimal disk drive for temporary files.
int GetTempFileName(cDriveLetter, lpPrefixString,
wUnique, lpTempFileName)
This function creates a temporary filename of the following form:
In this syntax line, drive is the drive letter specified by the cDriveLetter
parameter; path is the pathname of the temporary file (either the root
directory of the specified drive or the directory specified in the TEMP
environment variable); prefix is all the letters (up to the first three) of
the string pointed to by the lpPrefixString parameter; and uuuu is the
hexadecimal value of the number specified by the wUnique parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
cDriveLetter BYTE Specifies the suggested drive for
the temporary filename. If cDriveLetter
is zero, the default drive is used.
lpPrefixString LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string to be used as the
temporary filename prefix. This string
must consist of characters in the
OEM-defined character set.
wUnique WORD Specifies an unsigned short
lpTempFileName LPSTR Points to the buffer that is to
receive the temporary filename. This
string consists of characters in the
OEM-defined character set. This buffer
should be at least 144 bytes in length
to allow sufficient room for the
Return Value
The return value specifies a unique numeric value used in the temporary
filename. If a nonzero value was given for the wUnique parameter, the return
value specifies this same number.
To avoid problems resulting from converting OEM character an string to an
ANSI string, an application should call the _lopen function to create the
temporary file.
The GetTempFileName function uses the suggested drive letter for creating
the temporary filename, except in the following cases:
■ If a hard disk is present, GetTempFileName always uses the drive
letter of the first hard disk.
■ Otherwise, if a TEMP environment variable is defined and its value
begins with a drive letter, that drive letter is used.
If the TF_FORCEDRIVE bit of the cDriveLetter parameter is set, the above
exceptions do not apply. The temporary filename will always be created in
the current directory of the drive specified by cDriveLetter, regardless of
the presence of a hard disk or the TEMP environment variable.
If the wUnique parameter is zero, GetTempFileName attempts to form a unique
number based on the current system time. If a file with the resulting
filename exists, the number is increased by one and the test for existence
is repeated. This continues until a unique filename is found;
GetTempFileName then creates a file by that name and closes it. No attempt
is made to create and open the file when wUnique is nonzero.
WORD GetTextAlign(hDC)
This function retrieves the status of the text-alignment flags. The
text-alignment flags determine how the TextOut and ExtTextOut functions
align a string of text in relation to the string's starting point.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies the status of the text-alignment flags. The
return value is a combination of one or more of the following values:
Value Meaning
TA_BASELINE Specifies alignment of the x-axis and
the baseline of the chosen font within
the bounding rectangle.
TA_BOTTOM Specifies alignment of the x-axis and
the bottom of the bounding rectangle.
TA_CENTER Specifies alignment of the y-axis and
the center of the bounding rectangle.
TA_LEFT Specifies alignment of the y-axis and
the left side of the bounding rectangle.
TA_NOUPDATECP Specifies that the current position is
not updated.
TA_RIGHT Specifies alignment of the y-axis and
Value Meaning
TA_RIGHT Specifies alignment of the y-axis and
the right side of the bounding rectangle.
TA_TOP Specifies alignment of the x-axis and
the top of the bounding rectangle.
TA_UPDATECP Specifies that the current position is
The text-alignment flags are not necessarily single-bit flags and may be
equal to zero. To verify that a particular flag is set in the return value
of this function, build an application that will perform the following
1. Apply the bitwise OR operator to the flag and its related flags.
The following list shows the groups of related flags:
2. Apply the bitwise AND operator to the result and the return value.
3. Test for the equality of this result and the flag.
The following example shows a method for determining which
horizontal-alignment flag is set:
switch ((TA_LEFT | TA_RIGHT | TA_CENTER) & GetTextAlign(hDC))
case TA_LEFT
int GetTextCharacterExtra(hDC)
This function retrieves the current intercharacter spacing. The
intercharacter spacing defines the extra space (in logical units) that the
TextOut or ExtTextOut functions add to each character as they write a line.
The spacing is used to expand lines of text.
If the current mapping mode is not MM_TEXT, the GetTextCharacterExtra
function transforms and rounds the result to the nearest unit.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies the current intercharacter spacing.
DWORD GetTextColor(hDC)
This function retrieves the current text color. The text color defines the
foreground color of characters drawn by using the TextOut or ExtTextOut
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies the current text color as an RGB color value.
DWORD GetTextExtent(hDC, lpString, nCount)
This function computes the width and height of the line of text pointed to
by the lpString parameter. The GetTextExtent function uses the currently
selected font to compute the dimensions of the string. The width and height
(in logical units) are computed without considering the current clipping
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
lpString LPSTR Points to a text string.
nCount int Specifies the number of characters in the text string.
Return Value
The return value specifies the dimensions of the string. The height is in
the high-order word; the width is in the low-order word.
Since some devices do not place characters in regular cell arrays (that is,
they carry out kerning), the sum of the extents of the characters in a
string may not be equal to the extent of the string.
int GetTextFace(hDC, nCount, lpFacename)
This function copies the typeface name of the selected font into a buffer
pointed to by the lpFacename parameter. The typeface name is copied as a
null-terminated character string. The nCount parameter specifies the maximum
number of characters to be copied. If the name is longer than the number of
characters specified by nCount, it is truncated.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
nCount int Specifies the size of the buffer in
lpFacename LPSTR Points to the buffer that is to
receive the typeface name.
Return Value
The return value specifies the actual number of bytes copied to the buffer.
It is zero if an error occurs.
BOOL GetTextMetrics(hDC, lpMetrics)
This function fills the buffer pointed to by the lpMetrics parameter with
the metrics for the selected font.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
data structure that is to receive the
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
LPINT GetThresholdEvent( )
This function retrieves a flag that identifies a recent threshold event. A
threshold event is any transition of a voice queue from n to n - 1 where n
is the threshold level in notes.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value points to a short integer that specifies a threshold event.
int GetThresholdStatus( )
This function retrieves the threshold-event status for each voice. Each bit
in the status represents a voice. If a bit is set, the voice-queue level is
currently below threshold.
The GetThresholdStatus function also clears the threshold-event flag.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies the status flags of the current threshold event.
DWORD GetTickCount( )
This function obtains the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the
system was started.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of milliseconds that have elapsed
since the system was started.
The count is accurate within ±55 milliseconds.
HWND GetTopWindow(hWnd)
This function searches for a handle to the top-level child window that
belongs to the parent window associated with the hWnd parameter. If the
window has no children, this function returns NULL.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the parent window.
Return Value
The return value identifies a handle to the top-level child window in a
parent window's linked list of child windows. If no child windows exist, it
is NULL.
BOOL GetUpdateRect(hWnd, lpRect, bErase)
This function retrieves the coordinates of the smallest rectangle that
completely encloses the update region of the given window. If the window was
created with the CS_OWNDC style and the mapping mode is not MM_TEXT, the
GetUpdateRect function gives the rectangle in logical coordinates.
Otherwise, GetUpdateRect gives the rectangle in client coordinates. If there
is no update region, GetUpdateRect makes the rectangle empty (sets all
coordinates to zero).
The bErase parameter specifies whether GetUpdateRect should erase the
background of the update region. If bErase is TRUE and the update region is
not empty, the background is erased. To erase the background, GetUpdateRect
sends a WM_ERASEBKGND message to the given window.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose update
region is to be retrieved.
lpRect LPRECT Points to the RECT data
structure that is to receive the client
coordinates of the enclosing rectangle.
bErase BOOL Specifies whether the background
in the update region is to be erased.
Return Value
The return value specifies the status of the update region of the given
window. It is nonzero if the update region is not empty. Otherwise, it is
The update rectangle retrieved by the BeginPaint function is identical to
that retrieved by the GetUpdateRect function.
BeginPaint automatically validates the update region, so any call to
GetUpdateRect made immediately after the BeginPaint call retrieves an empty
update region.
int GetUpdateRgn(hWnd, hRgn, fErase)
This function copies a window's update region into a region identified by
the hRgn parameter. The coordinates of this region are relative to the
upper-left corner of the window (client coordinates).
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window that
contains the region to be updated.
hRgn HRGN Identifies the update region.
fErase BOOL Specifies whether or not the
window background should be erased and
nonclient areas of child windows should
be drawn. If it is zero, no drawing is
Return Value
The return value specifies a short-integer flag that indicates the type of
resulting region. It can be any one of the following values:
Value Meaning
COMPLEXREGION The region has overlapping borders.
ERROR No region was created.
NULLREGION The region is empty.
SIMPLEREGION The region has no overlapping borders.
BeginPaint automatically validates the update region, so any call to
GetUpdateRgn made immediately after the BeginPaint call retrieves an empty
update region.
WORD GetVersion( )
This function returns the current version number of Windows.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies the major and minor version numbers of Windows.
The high-order byte specifies the minor version (revision) number; the
low-order byte specifies the major version number.
DWORD GetViewportExt(hDC)
This function retrieves the x- and y-extents of the device context's
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies the x- and y-extents (in device units). The
y-extent is in the high-order word; the x-extent is in the low-order word.
DWORD GetViewportOrg(hDC)
This function retrieves the x- and y-coordinates of the origin of the
viewport associated with the specified device context.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies the origin of the viewport (in device
coordinates). The y-coordinate is in the high-order word; the x-coordinate
is in the low-order word.
HWND GetWindow(hWnd, wCmd)
This function searches for a handle to a window from the window manager's
list. The window-manager's list contains entries for all top-level windows,
their associated child windows, and the child windows of any child windows.
The wCmd parameter specifies the relationship between the window identified
by the hWnd parameter and the window whose handle is returned.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the original
wCmd WORD Specifies the
relationship between the
original window and the
returned window. It may be one
of the following values:
Value Meaning
Parameter Type/Description
Value Meaning
GW_CHILD Identifies the window's first
child window.
GW_HWNDFIRST Returns the first sibling
window for a child window.
Otherwise, it returns the
first top-level window in the
GW_HWNDLAST Returns the last sibling
window for a child window.
Otherwise, it returns the last
top-level window in the list.
GW_HWNDNEXT Returns the window that
follows the given window on
the window manager's list.
Parameter Type/Description
the window manager's list.
GW_HWNDPREV Returns the previous window on
the window manager's list.
GW_OWNER Identifies the window's owner.
Return Value
The return value identifies a window. It is NULL if it reaches the end of
the window manager's list or if the wCmd parameter is invalid.
HDC GetWindowDC(hWnd)
This function retrieves the display context for the entire window, including
caption bar, menus, and scroll bars. A window display context permits
painting anywhere in a window, including the caption bar, menus, and scroll
bars, since the origin of the context is the upper-left corner of the window
instead of the client area.
GetWindowDC assigns default attributes to the display context each time it
retrieves the context. Previous attributes are lost.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose
display context is to be retrieved.
Return Value
The return value identifies the display context for the given window if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
The GetWindowDC function is intended to be used for special painting effects
within a window's nonclient area. Painting in nonclient areas of any window
is not recommended.
The GetSystemMetrics function can be used to retrieve the dimensions of
various parts of the nonclient area, such as the caption bar, menu, and
scroll bars.
After painting is complete, the ReleaseDC function must be called to release
the display context. Failure to release a window display context will have
serious effects on painting requested by applications.
DWORD GetWindowExt(hDC)
This function retrieves the x- and y-extents of the window associated with
the specified device context.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies the x- and y-extents (in logical units). The
y-extent is in the high-order word; the x-extent is in the low-order word.
LONG GetWindowLong(hWnd, nIndex)
This function retrieves information about the window identified by the hWnd
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
nIndex int Specifies the byte offset
of the value to be retrieved.
It can also be one of the
Parameter Type/Description
It can also be one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
GWL_EXSTYLE Extended window style.
GWL_STYLE Window style
GWL_WNDPROC Long pointer to the window
Return Value
The return value specifies information about the given window.
To access any extra four-byte values allocated when the window-class
structure was created, use a positive byte offset as the index specified by
the nIndex parameter, starting at zero for the first four-byte value in the
extra space, 4 for the next four-byte value and so on.
DWORD GetWindowOrg(hDC)
This function retrieves the x- and y-coordinates of the origin of the window
associated with the specified device context.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies the origin of the window (in logical
coordinates). The y-coordinate is in the high-order word; the x-coordinate
is in the low-order word.
void GetWindowRect(hWnd, lpRect)
This function copies the dimensions of the bounding rectangle of the
specified window into the structure pointed to by the lpRect parameter. The
dimensions are given in screen coordinates, relative to the upper-left
corner of the display screen, and include the caption, border, and scroll
bars, if present.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the screen coordinates of
the upper-left and lower-right corners
of the window.
Return Value
Version 3.0
WORD GetWindowsDirectory(lpBuffer, nSize)
This function obtains the pathname of the Windows directory. The Windows
directory contains such files as Windows applications, initialization files,
and help files.
Parameter Type/Description
lpBuffer LPSTR Points to the buffer that is to
receive the null-terminated character
string containing the pathname.
nSize int Specifies the maximum size (in
bytes) of the buffer. This value should
be set to at least 144 to allow
sufficient room in the buffer for the
Return Value
The return value is the length of the string copied to lpBuffer, not
including the terminating null character. If the return value is greater
than nSize, the return value is the size of the buffer required to hold the
pathname. The return value is zero if the function failed.
The pathname retrieved by this function does not end with a backslash ( \ ),
unless the Windows directory is the root directory. For example, if the
Windows directory is named WINDOWS on drive C:, the pathname of the Windows
directory retrieved by this function is C:\WINDOWS. If Windows was installed
in the root directory of drive C:, the pathname retrieved by this function
is C:\.
HANDLE GetWindowTask(hWnd)
This function searches for the handle of a task associated with the hWnd
parameter. A task is any program that executes as an independent unit. All
applications are executed as tasks. Each instance of an application is a
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window for which a
task handle is retrieved.
Return Value
The return value identifies the task associated with a particular window.
int GetWindowText(hWnd, lpString, nMaxCount)
This function copies the given window's caption title (if it has one) into
the buffer pointed to by the lpString parameter. If the hWnd parameter
identifies a control, the GetWindowText function copies the text within the
control instead of copying the caption.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window or control
whose caption or text is to be copied.
lpString LPSTR Points to the buffer that is to
receive the copied string.
nMaxCount int Specifies the maximum number of
characters to be copied to the buffer.
If the string is longer than the number
of characters specified in the nMaxCount
parameter, it is truncated.
Return Value
The return value specifies the length of the copied string. It is zero if
the window has no caption or if the caption is empty.
This function causes a WM_GETTEXT message to be sent to the given window or
int GetWindowTextLength(hWnd)
This function returns the length of the given window's caption title. If the
hWnd parameter identifies a control, the GetWindowTextLength function
returns the length of the text within the control instead of the caption.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window or control.
Return Value
The return value specifies the text length. It is zero if no such text
WORD GetWindowWord(hWnd, nIndex)
This function retrieves information about the window identified by hWnd.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
nIndex int Specifies the byte offset
of the value to be retrieved.
It can also be one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
GWW_HINSTANCE Instance handle of the module
that owns the window.
GWW_HWNDPARENT Handle of the parent window,
if any. The SetParent function
changes the parent window of a
child window. An application
should not call the
SetWindowLong function to
change the parent of a child
Parameter Type/Description
change the parent of a child
GWW_ID Control ID of the child window.
Return Value
The return value specifies information about the given window.
To access any extra two-byte values allocated when the window-class
structure was created, use a positive byte offset as the index specified by
the nIndex parameter, starting at zero for the first two-byte value in the
extra space, 2 for the next two-byte value and so on.
Version 3.0
DWORD GetWinFlags( )
This function returns a 32-bit value containing flags which specify the
memory configuration under which Windows is running.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value contains flags specifying the current memory configuration.
These flags may be any of the following values:
Value Meaning
WF_80x87 System contains an Intel math
WF_CPU086 System CPU is an 8086.
WF_CPU186 System CPU is an 80186.
WF_CPU286 System CPU is an 80286.
WF_CPU386 System CPU is an 80386.
WF_CPU486 System CPU is an 80486.
WF_ENHANCED Windows is running in 386 enhanced mode.
The WF_PMODE flag is always set when
Value Meaning
WF_LARGEFRAME Windows is running in EMS large-frame
memory configuration.
WF_PMODE Windows is running in protected mode.
This flag is always set when either
WF_SMALLFRAME Windows is running in EMS small-frame
memory configuration.
WF_STANDARD Windows is running in standard mode. The
WF_PMODE flag is always set when
If neither WF_ENHANCED nor WF_STANDARD is set, Windows is running in real
ATOM GlobalAddAtom(lpString)
This function adds the character string pointed to by the lpString parameter
to the atom table and creates a new global atom that uniquely identifies the
string. A global atom is an atom that is available to all applications. The
atom can be used in a subsequent GlobalGetAtomName function to retrieve the
string from the atom table.
The GlobalAddAtom function stores no more than one copy of a given string in
the atom table. If the string is already in the table, the function returns
the existing atom value and increases the string's reference count by one.
The string's reference count is a number that specifies the number of times
GlobalAddAtom has been called for a particular string.
Parameter Type/Description
lpString LPSTR Points to the character string to
be added to the table. The string must
be a null-terminated character string.
Return Value
The return value identifies the newly created atom if the function is
successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
The atom values returned by GlobalAddAtom are within the range 0xC000 to
HANDLE GlobalAlloc(wFlags, dwBytes)
This function allocates the number of bytes of memory specified by the
dwBytes parameter from the global heap. The memory can be fixed or moveable,
depending on the memory type specified by the wFlags parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
wFlags WORD Specifies one or more
flags that tell the
GlobalAlloc function how to
allocate the memory. It can be
one or more of the following
Parameter Type/Description
one or more of the following
Value Meaning
GMEM_DDESHARE Allocates sharable memory.
This is used for dynamic data
exchange (DDE) only. Note,
however, that Windows
automatically discards memory
allocated with this attribute
when the application that
allocated the memory
GMEM_DISCARDABLE Allocates discardable memory.
Can only be used with
Parameter Type/Description
GMEM_FIXED Allocates fixed memory.
GMEM_MOVEABLE Allocates moveable memory.
Cannot be used with GMEM_FIXED.
GMEM_NOCOMPACT Does not compact or discard to
satisfy the allocation request.
GMEM_NODISCARD Does not discard to satisfy
the allocation request.
GMEM_NOT_BANKED Allocates non-banked memory.
Cannot be used with
GMEM_NOTIFY Calls the notification routine
Parameter Type/Description
GMEM_NOTIFY Calls the notification routine
if the memory object is ever
GMEM_ZEROINIT Initializes memory contents to
Choose GMEM_FIXED or
combine others as needed by
using the bitwise OR operator.
dwBytes DWORD Specifies the number of
bytes to be allocated.
Return Value
The return value identifies the allocated global memory if the function is
successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
If this function is successful, it allocates at least the amount requested.
The actual amount allocated may be greater, and the application can use the
entire amount. To determine the actual amount allocated, call the GlobalSize
The largest block of memory that an application can allocate is 1 MB in
standard mode and 64 MB in 386 enhanced mode.
DWORD GlobalCompact(dwMinFree)
This function generates the number of free bytes of global memory specified
by the dwMinFree parameter by compacting and, if necessary, discarding from
the system's global heap. The function always compacts memory before
checking for free memory. It then checks the global heap for the number of
contiguous free bytes specified by the dwMinFree parameter. If the bytes do
not exist, the GlobalCompact function discards unlocked discardable blocks
until the requested space is generated, whenever possible.
Parameter Type/Description
dwMinFree DWORD Specifies the number of free bytes desired.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of bytes in the largest block of free
global memory.
If dwMinFree is zero, the return value specifies the number of bytes in the
largest free segment that Windows can generate if it removes all discardable
If an application uses the return value as the dwBytes parameter to the
GlobalAlloc function, the GMEM_NOCOMPACT or GMEM_NODISCARD flags should not
be used.
ATOM GlobalDeleteAtom(nAtom)
This function decreases the reference count of a global atom by one. If the
atom's reference count becomes zero, this function removes the associated
string from the atom table. (A global atom is an atom that is available to
all Windows applications.)
An atom's reference count specifies the number of times the atom has been
added to the atom table. The GlobalAddAtom function increases the count on
each call; the GlobalDeleteAtom function decreases the count on each call.
GlobalDeleteAtom removes the string only if the atom's reference count is
Parameter Type/Description
nAtom ATOM Identifies the atom and character string to be deleted.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is NULL if the
function is successful. It is equal to nAtom if the function failed and the
atom has not been deleted.
HANDLE GlobalDiscard(hMem)
This function discards a global memory block specified by the hMem
parameter. The lock count of the memory block must be zero.
The global memory block is removed from memory, but its handle remains
valid. An application can subsequently pass the handle to the GlobalReAlloc
function to allocate another global memory block identified by the same
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the global memory block to be discarded.
Return Value
The return value identifies the discarded block if the function is
successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
The GlobalDiscard function discards only global objects that an application
allocated with the GMEM_DISCARDABLE and GMEM_MOVEABLE flags set. The
function fails if an application attempts to discard a fixed or locked
Version 3.0
DWORD GlobalDosAlloc(dwBytes)
This function allocates global memory which can be accessed by DOS running
in real mode. The memory is guaranteed to exist in the first megabyte of
linear address space.
Parameter Type/Description
dwBytes DWORD Specifies the number of bytes to be allocated.
Return Value
The return value contains a paragraph-segment value in its high-order word
and a selector in its low-order word. An application can use the
paragraph-segment value to access memory in real mode and the selector to
access memory in protected mode. If Windows is running in real mode, the
high-order and low-order words will be equal. If Windows cannot allocate a
block of memory of the requested size, the return value is NULL.
An application should not use this function unless it is absolutely
necessary. The memory pool from which the object is allocated is a scarce
system resource.
Version 3.0
WORD GlobalDosFree(wSelector)
This function frees a block of global memory previously allocated by a call
to the GlobalDosAlloc function.
Parameter Type/Description
wSelector WORD Specifies the memory to be freed.
Return Value
The return value identifies the outcome of the function. It is NULL if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is equal to wSelector.
ATOM GlobalFindAtom(lpString)
This function searches the atom table for the character string pointed to by
the lpString parameter and retrieves the global atom associated with that
string. (A global atom is an atom that is available to all Windows
Parameter Type/Description
lpString LPSTR Points to the character string to
be searched for. The string must be a
null-terminated character string.
Return Value
The return value identifies the global atom associated with the given
string. It is NULL if the string is not in the table.
Version 3.0
void GlobalFix(hMem)
This function prevents the global memory block identified by the hMem
parameter from moving in linear memory. The block is locked into linear
memory at its current address and its lock count is increased by one. Locked
memory is not subject to moving or discarding except when the memory block
is being reallocated by the GlobalReAlloc function. The block remains locked
in memory until its lock count is decreased to zero.
Each time an application calls GlobalFix for a memory object, it must
eventually call GlobalUnfix for the object. The GlobalUnfix function
decreases the lock count for the object. Other functions also can affect the
lock count of a memory object. See the description of the GlobalFlags
function for a list of the functions that affect the lock count.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the global memory block.
Return Value
Calling this function interferes with Windows memory management and results
in linear-address fragmentation. Very few applications need to fix memory in
linear address space.
WORD GlobalFlags(hMem)
This function returns information about the global memory block specified by
the hMem parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the global memory block.
Return Value
The return value specifies a memory-allocation flag in the high byte. The
flag will be one of the following values:
Value Meaning
GMEM_DDESHARE The block can be shared. This is used
for dynamic data exchange (DDE) only.
GMEM_DISCARDABLE The block can be discarded.
GMEM_DISCARDED The block has been discarded.
GMEM_NOT_BANKED The block cannot be banked.
The low byte of the return value contains the lock count of the block. Use
the GMEM_LOCKCOUNT mask to retrieve the lock-count value from the return
To test whether or not an object can be discarded, AND the return value of
GlobalFlags with GMEM_DISCARDABLE.
The following functions can affect the lock count of a global memory block:
Increases Lock Count Decreases Lock Count
GlobalFix GlobalUnfix
GlobalLock GlobalUnlock
GlobalWire GlobalUnWire
LockSegment UnlockSegment
HANDLE GlobalFree(hMem)
This function frees the global memory block identified by the hMem parameter
and invalidates the handle of the memory block.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the global memory block to be freed.
Return Value
The return value identifies the outcome of the function. It is NULL if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is equal to hMem.
The GlobalFree function must not be used to free a locked memory block, that
is, a memory block with a lock count greater than zero. See the description
of the GlobalFlags function for a list of the functions that affect the lock
WORD GlobalGetAtomName(nAtom, lpBuffer, nSize)
This function retrieves a copy of the character string associated with the
nAtom parameter and places it in the buffer pointed to by the lpBuffer
parameter. The nSize parameter specifies the maximum size of the buffer. (A
global atom is an atom that is available to all Windows applications.)
Parameter Type/Description
nAtom ATOM Identifies the character string to
be retrieved.
lpBuffer LPSTR Points to the buffer that is to
receive the character string.
nSize int Specifies the maximum size (in
bytes) of the buffer.
Return Value
The return value specifies the actual number of bytes copied to the buffer.
It is zero if the specified global atom is not valid.
DWORD GlobalHandle(wMem)
This function retrieves the handle of the global memory object whose segment
address or selector is specified by the wMem parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
wMem WORD Specifies an unsigned integer
value that gives the segment address or
selector of a global memory object.
Return Value
The low-order word of the return value specifies the handle of the global
memory object. The high-order word of the return value specifies the segment
address or selector of the memory object. The return value is NULL if no
handle exists for the memory object.
LPSTR GlobalLock(hMem)
This function retrieves a pointer to the global memory block specified by
the hMem parameter.
Except for nondiscardable objects in protected (standard or 386 enhanced)
mode, the block is locked into memory at the given address and its lock
count is increased by one. Locked memory is not subject to moving or
discarding except when the memory block is being reallocated by the
GlobalReAlloc function. The block remains locked in memory until its lock
count is decreased to zero.
In protected mode, GlobalLock increments the lock count of discardable
objects and automatic data segments only.
Each time an application calls GlobalLock for an object, it must eventually
call GlobalUnlock for the object. The GlobalUnlock function decreases the
lock count for the object if GlobalLock increased the lock count for the
object. Other functions also can affect the lock count of a memory object.
See the description of the GlobalFlags function for a list of the functions
that affect the lock count.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the global memory block to be locked.
Return Value
The return value points to the first byte of memory in the global block if
the function is successful. If the object has been discarded or an error
occurs, the return value is NULL.
Discarded objects always have a lock count of zero.
HANDLE GlobalLRUNewest(hMem)
This function moves the global memory object identified by hMem to the
newest least-recently-used (LRU) position in memory. This greatly reduces
the likelihood that the object will be discarded soon, but does not prevent
the object from eventually being discarded.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the global memory object to be moved.
Return Value
The return value is NULL if the hMem parameter does not specify a valid
This function is useful only if hMem is discardable.
HANDLE GlobalLRUOldest(hMem)
This routine moves the global memory object identified by hMem to the oldest
least-recently-used (LRU) position in memory and, in so doing, makes it the
next candidate for discarding.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the global memory object to be moved.
Return Value
The return value is NULL if the hMem parameter does not specify a valid
This function is useful only if hMem is discardable.
void GlobalNotify(lpNotifyProc)
This function installs a notification procedure for the current task.
Windows calls the notification procedure whenever a global memory block
allocated with the GMEM_NOTIFY flag is about to be discarded.
Parameter Type/Description
lpNotifyProc FARPROC Is the procedure instance
address of the current task's
notification procedure.
Return Value
An application must not call GlobalNotify more than once per instance.
Windows does not call the notification procedure when it discards memory
belonging to a DLL.
If the object is discarded, the application must use the GMEM_NOTIFY flag
when it recreates the object by calling the GlobalRealloc function.
Otherwise, the application will not be notified when the object is discarded
If the notification procedure returns a nonzero value, Windows discards the
global memory block. If it returns zero, the block is not discarded.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR. The callback function must reside in a fixed code segment of a
Callback Function
BOOL FAR PASCAL NotifyProc(hMem)
NotifyProc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name.
Export the name by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the DLL's
module-definition statement.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the global memory block being discarded.
Return Value
The function returns a nonzero value if Windows is to discard the memory
block, and zero if it should not.
The callback function is not necessarily called in the context of the
application that owns the routine. For this reason, the callback function
should not assume the stack segment of the application. The callback
function should not call any routine that might move memory.
Version 3.0
WORD GlobalPageLock(wSelector)
This function increments the page-lock count of the memory associated with
the specified global selector. As long as its page-lock count is nonzero,
the data which the selector references is guaranteed to remain in memory at
the same physical address and to remain paged in.
GlobalPageLock increments the page-lock count for the block of memory, and
the GlobalPageUnlock function decrements the page-lock count. Page-locking
operations can be nested, but each page lock must be balanced by a
corresponding unlock.
Parameter Type/Description
wSelector WORD Specifies the selector of the memory to be page-locked.
Return Value
The return value specifies the page-lock count after the function has
incremented it. If the function fails, the return value is zero.
An application should not use this function unless it is absolutely
necessary. Use of this function violates preferred Windows programming
practices. It is intended to be used for dynamically allocated data that
must be accessed at interrupt time. For this reason, it must only be called
from a DLL.
Version 3.0
WORD GlobalPageUnlock(wSelector)
This function decrements the page-lock count for the block of memory
identified by the wSelector parameter and, if the page-lock count reaches
zero, allows the block of memory to move and to be paged to disk.
The GlobalPageLock function increments the page-lock count for the block of
memory, and GlobalPageUnlock decrements the page-lock count. Page-locking
operations can be nested, but each page lock must be balanced by a
corresponding unlock.
Only libraries can call this function.
Parameter Type/Description
wSelector WORD Specifies the selector of the
memory to be page-unlocked.
Return Value
The return value specifies the page-lock count after the function has
decremented it. If the function fails, the return value is zero.
HANDLE GlobalReAlloc(hMem, dwBytes, wFlags)
This function reallocates the global memory block specified by the hMem
parameter by increasing or decreasing its size to the number of bytes
specified by the dwBytes parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the global
memory block to be reallocated.
Parameter Type/Description
dwBytes DWORD Specifies the new size
of the memory block.
wFlags WORD Specifies how to
reallocate the global block.
If the existing memory flags
can be modified, use either
one or both of the following
flags (if both flags are
specified, join them with the
bitwise OR operator):
Value Meaning
GMEM_DISCARDABLE Memory can be discarded. Use
only with GMEM_MODIFY.
Parameter Type/Description
GMEM_MODIFY Memory flags are modified. The
dwBytes parameter is ignored.
Use only if an application
will modify existing memory
flags and not reallocate the
memory block to a new size.
GMEM_MOVEABLE Memory is movable. If dwBytes
is zero, this flag causes an
object previously allocated as
moveable and discardable to be
discarded if the block's lock
count is zero. If the block is
not moveable and discardable,
the GlobalReAlloc will fail.
If dwBytes is nonzero and the
block specified by hMem is
fixed, this flag allows the
Parameter Type/Description
fixed, this flag allows the
reallocated block to be moved
to a new fixed location. If a
moveable object is locked,
this flag allows the object to
be moved. This may occur even
if the object is currently
locked by a previous call to
GlobalLock. (Note that the
handle returned by the
GlobalReAlloc function in this
case may be different from the
handle passed to the function.)
Use this flag with GMEM_MODIFY
to make a fixed memory block
Value Meaning
Parameter Type/Description
GMEM_NOCOMPACT Memory will not be compacted
or discarded in order to
satisfy the allocation request.
This flag is ignored if the
GMEM_MODIFY flag is set.
GMEM_NODISCARD Objects will not be discarded
in order to satisfy the
allocation request. This flag
is ignored if the GMEM_MODIFY
flag is set.
GMEM_ZEROINIT If the block is growing, the
additional memory contents are
initialized to zero. This flag
is ignored if the GMEM_MODIFY
flag is set.
Parameter Type/Description
Return Value
The return value identifies the reallocated global memory if the function is
successful. The return value is NULL if the block cannot be reallocated.
If the function is successful, the return value is always identical to the
hMem parameter, unless any of the following conditions is true:
■ The GMEM_MOVEABLE flag is used to allow movement of a fixed block to a
new fixed location.
■ Windows is running in standard mode and the object is reallocated past
a multiple of 65,519 bytes (17 bytes less than 64K).
■ Windows is running in 386 enhanced mode and the object is reallocated
past a multiple of 64K.
DWORD GlobalSize(hMem)
This function retrieves the current size (in bytes) of the global memory
block specified by the hMem parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the global memory block.
Return Value
The return value specifies the actual size (in bytes) of the specified
memory block. It is zero if the given handle is not valid or if the object
has been discarded.
The actual size of a memory block is sometimes larger than the size
requested when the memory was allocated.
An application should call the GlobalFlags function prior to calling the
GlobalSize function in order to verify that the specified memory block was
not discarded. If the memory block were discarded, the return value for
GlobalSize would be meaningless.
Version 3.0
BOOL GlobalUnfix(hMem)
This function unlocks the global memory block specified by the hMem
GlobalUnfix decreases the block's lock count by one. The block is completely
unlocked and subject to moving or discarding if the lock count is decreased
to zero. Other functions also can affect the lock count of a memory object.
See the description of the GlobalFlags function for a list of the functions
that affect the lock count.
Each time an application calls GlobalFix for an object, it must eventually
call GlobalUnfix for the object.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the global memory block to be unlocked.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is zero if the
block's lock count was decreased to zero. Otherwise, the return value is
BOOL GlobalUnlock(hMem)
This function unlocks the global memory block specified by the hMem
In real mode, or if the block is discardable, GlobalUnlock decreases the
block's lock count by one. In protected mode, GlobalUnock decreases the lock
count of discardable objects and automatic data segments only.
The block is completely unlocked and subject to moving or discarding if the
lock count is decreased to zero. Other functions also can affect the lock
count of a memory object. See the description of the GlobalFlags function
for a list of the functions that affect the lock count.
In all cases, each time an application calls GlobalLock for an object, it
must eventually call GlobalUnlock for the object.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the global memory block to be unlocked.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is zero if the
block's lock count was decreased to zero. Otherwise, the return value is
nonzero. An application should not rely on the return value to determine the
number of times it must subsequently call GlobalUnlock for the memory block.
BOOL GlobalUnWire(hMem)
This function unlocks a memory segment that was locked by the GlobalWire
function and decreases the lock count by one.
The block is completely unlocked and subject to moving or discarding if the
lock count is decreased to zero. Other functions also can affect the lock
count of a memory object. See the description of the GlobalFlags function
for a list of the functions that affect the lock count.
Each time an application calls GlobalWire for an object, it must eventually
call GlobalUnWire for the object.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the segment that will be unlocked.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the
memory segment was unlocked, that is, its lock count was decreased to zero.
Otherwise, it is FALSE.
LPSTR GlobalWire(hMem)
This function moves a segment into low memory and locks it─a procedure that
is extremely useful if an application must lock a segment for a long period
of time. If a segment from the middle portion of memory is locked for a long
period of time, it causes memory-management problems by reducing the size of
the largest, contiguous available block of memory. The GlobalWire function
moves a segment to the lowest possible address in memory and locks it,
thereby freeing the memory area Windows uses most often.
Each time an application calls GlobalWire for an object, it must eventually
call GlobalUnWire for the object. The GlobalUnWire function decreases the
lock count for the object. Other functions also can affect the lock count of
a memory object. See the description of the GlobalFlags function for a list
of the functions that affect the lock count.
An application must not call the GlobalUnlock function to unlock the object.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the segment that will be moved and locked.
Return Value
The return value points to the new segment location. It is NULL if the
function failed.
BOOL GrayString(hDC, hBrush, lpOutputFunc,
lpData, nCount, X, Y, nWidth, nHeight)
This function draws gray text at the given location. The GrayString function
draws gray text by writing the text in a memory bitmap, graying the bitmap,
and then copying the bitmap to the display. The function grays the text
regardless of the selected brush and background. GrayString uses the font
currently selected for the device context specified by the hDC parameter.
If the lpOutputFunc parameter is NULL, GDI uses the TextOut function, and
the lpData parameter is assumed to be a long pointer to the character string
to be output. If the characters to be output cannot be handled by TextOut
(for example, the string is stored as a bitmap), the application must supply
its own output function.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
hBrush HBRUSH Identifies the brush to be used
for graying.
lpOutputFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the application-supplied
function that will draw the string, or,
if the TextOut function is to be used to
draw the string, it is a NULL pointer.
Parameter Type/Description
draw the string, it is a NULL pointer.
See the following "Comments" section for
lpData DWORD Specifies a long pointer to data
to be passed to the output function. If
the lpOutputFunc parameter is NULL,
lpData must be a long pointer to the
string to be output.
nCount int Specifies the number of characters
to be output. If the nCount parameter is
zero, GrayString calculates the length
of the string (assuming that lpData is a
pointer to the string). If nCount is -1
and the function pointed to by
lpOutputFunc returns zero, the image is
shown but not grayed.
Parameter Type/Description
X int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the starting position of the
rectangle that encloses the string.
Y int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the starting position of the
rectangle that encloses the string.
nWidth int Specifies the width (in logical
units) of the rectangle that encloses
the string. If the nWidth parameter is
zero, GrayString calculates the width of
the area, assuming lpData is a pointer
to the string.
nHeight int Specifies the height (in logical
units) of the rectangle that encloses
the string. If the nHeight parameter is
Parameter Type/Description
the string. If the nHeight parameter is
zero, GrayString calculates the height
of the area, assuming lpData is a
pointer to the string.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
string is drawn. A return value of zero means that either the TextOut
function or the application-supplied output function returned zero, or there
was insufficient memory to create a memory bitmap for graying.
An application can draw grayed strings on devices that support a solid gray
color, without calling the GrayString function. The system color
COLOR_GRAYTEXT is the solid-gray system color used to draw disabled text.
The application can call the GetSysColor function to retrieve the color
value of COLOR_GRAYTEXT. If the color is other than zero (black), the
application can call the SetTextColor to set the text color to the color
value and then draw the string directly. If the retrieved color is black,
the application must call GrayString to gray the text.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR.
Callback Function
BOOL FAR PASCAL OutputFunc(hDC, lpData, nCount)
DWORD lpData;
int nCount;
OutputFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied callback function
name. The actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS
statement in the application's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
hDC Identifies a memory device context with
a bitmap of at least the width and
height specified by the nWidth and
nHeight parameters, respectively.
lpData Points to the character string to be
nCount Specifies the number of characters to be
Return Value
The return value must be nonzero to indicate success. Otherwise, it is zero.
This output function (OutputFunc) must draw an image relative to the
coordinates (0,0) rather than (X,Y). The address passed as the lpOutputFunc
parameter must be created by using the MakeProcInstance function, and the
output function name must be exported; it must be explicitly defined in an
EXPORTS statement of the application's module-definition file.
The MM_TEXT mapping mode must be selected before using this function.
This macro retrieves the high-order byte from the integer value specified by
the nInteger parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
nInteger int Specifies the value to be converted.
Return Value
The return value specifies the high-order byte of the given value.
void HideCaret(hWnd)
This function hides the caret by removing it from the display screen.
Although the caret is no longer visible, it can be displayed again by using
the ShowCaret function. Hiding the caret does not destroy its current shape.
The HideCaret function hides the caret only if the given window owns the
caret. If the hWnd parameter is NULL, the function hides the caret only if a
window in the current task owns the caret.
Hiding is cumulative. If HideCaret has been called five times in a row,
ShowCaret must be called five times before the caret will be shown.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window that owns
the caret, or it is NULL to indirectly
specify the window in the current task
that owns the caret.
Return Value
BOOL HiliteMenuItem(hWnd, hMenu, wIDHiliteItem, wHilite)
This function highlights or removes the highlighting from a top-level
(menu-bar) menu item.
Parameter Type/Description
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window
that contains the menu.
hMenu HMENU Identifies the
top-level menu that contains
the item to be highlighted.
wIDHiliteItem WORD Specifies the integer
identifier of the menu item
or the offset of the menu
item in the menu, depending
on the value of the wHilite
wHilite WORD Specifies whether the
menu item is highlighted or
the highlight is removed. It
can be a combination of
Parameter Type/Description
can be combined using the
bitwise OR operator. These
values have the following
Value Meaning
MF_BYCOMMAND Interprets wIDHiliteItem as
the menu-item ID (the
default interpretation).
MF_BYPOSITION Interprets wIDHiliteItem as
an offset.
MF_HILITE Highlights the item. If this
value is not given,
Parameter Type/Description
value is not given,
highlighting is removed from
the item.
MF_UNHILITE Removes highlighting from
the item.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not the menu item is highlighted the
outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the item is highlightedwas set to
the specified highlight state. Otherwise, it is zero FALSE.
The MF_HILITE and MF_UNHILITE flags can be used only with the HiliteMenuItem
function; they cannot be used with the ModifyMenu function.
WORD HIWORD(dwInteger)
This macro retrieves the high-order word from the 32-bit integer value
specified by the dwInteger parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
dwInteger DWORD Specifies the value to be converted.
Return Value
The return value specifies the high-order word of the given 32-bit integer
void InflateRect(lpRect, X, Y)
This function increases or decreases the width and height of the specified
rectangle. The InflateRect function adds X units to the left and right ends
of the rectangle, and adds Y units to the top and bottom. The X and Y
parameters are signed values; positive values increase the width and height,
and negative values decrease them.
Parameter Type/Description
lpRect LPRECT Points to the RECT data
structure to be modified.
X int Specifies the amount to increase or
decrease the rectangle width. It must be
negative to decrease the width.
Y int Specifies the amount to increase or
decrease the rectangle height. It must
be negative to decrease the height.
Return Value
The coordinate values of a rectangle must not be greater than 32,767 units
or less than -32,768 units. The X and Y parameters must be chosen carefully
to prevent invalid rectangles.
BOOL InitAtomTable(nSize)
This function initializes an atom hash table and sets its size to that
specified by the nSize parameter. If this function is not called, the atom
hash table size is set to 37 by default.
If used, this function should be called before any other atom-management
Parameter Type/Description
nSize int Specifies the size (in table
entries) of the atom hash table. This
value should be a prime number.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
If an application uses a large number of atoms, it can reduce the time
required to add an atom to the atom table or to find an atom in the table by
increasing the size of the table. However, this increases the amount of
memory required to maintain the table.
The size of the global atom table cannot be changed from its default size of
BOOL InSendMessage( )
This function specifies whether the current window function is processing a
message that is passed to it through a call to the SendMessage function.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the
window function is processing a message sent to it with SendMessage.
Otherwise, it is FALSE.
Applications use the InSendMessage function to determine how to handle
errors that occur when an inactive window processes messages. For example,
if the active window uses SendMessage to send a request for information to
another window, the other window cannot become active until it returns
control from the SendMessage call. The only method an inactive window has to
inform the user of an error is to create a message box.
Version 3.0
BOOL InsertMenu(hMenu, nPosition, wFlags,
wIDNewItem, lpNewItem)
This function inserts a new menu item at the position specified by the
nPosition parameter, moving other items down the menu. The application can
specify the state of the menu item by setting values in the wFlags
Parameter Type/Description
hMenu HMENU Identifies the menu to
be changed.
nPosition WORD Specifies the menu item
before which the new menu
item is to be inserted. The
interpretation of the
nPosition parameter depends
upon the setting of the
Parameter Type/Description
upon the setting of the
wFlags parameter.
If wFlags is: nPosition:
MF_BYPOSITION Specifies the position of the
existing menu item. The first
item in the menu is at
position zero.
If nPosition is -1, the new
menu item is appended to the
end of the menu.
MF_BYCOMMAND Specifies the command ID of
the existing menu item.
wFlags WORD Specifies how the
nPosition parameter is
Parameter Type/Description
nPosition parameter is
interpreted and information
about the state of the new
menu item when it is added to
the menu. It consists of one
or more values listed in the
following "Comments" section.
wIDNewItem WORD Specifies either the
command ID of the new menu
item or, if wFlags is set to
MF_POPUP, the menu handle of
the pop-up menu.
lpNewItem LPSTR Specifies the content
of the new menu item. If
wFlags is set to MF_STRING
(the default), then lpNewItem
is a long pointer to a
Parameter Type/Description
is a long pointer to a
null-terminated character
string. If wFlags is set to
MF_BITMAP instead, then
lpNewItem contains a bitmap
handle (HBITMAP) in its
low-order word. If wFlags is
lpNewItem specifies an
application-supplied 32-bit
value which the application
can use to maintain
additional data associated
with the menu item. This
32-bit value is available to
the application in the
itemData field of the data
structure pointed to by the
lParam parameter of the
Parameter Type/Description
lParam parameter of the
following messages:
These messages are sent when
the menu item is initially
displayed, or is changed.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
Whenever a menu changes (whether or not the menu resides in a window that is
displayed), the application should call DrawMenuBar.
Each of the following groups lists flags that should not be used together:
The following list describes the flags which may be set in the wFlags
Value Meaning
MF_BITMAP Uses a bitmap as the item. The low-order
word of the lpNewItem parameter contains
the handle of the bitmap.
MF_BYCOMMAND Specifies that the nPosition parameter
gives the menu-item control ID number
MF_BYPOSITION Specifies that the nPosition parameter
gives the position of the menu item to
be changed rather than an ID number.
MF_CHECKED Places a checkmark next to the menu item.
If the application has supplied
checkmark bitmaps (see the
SetMenuItemBitmaps function), setting
this flag displays the "checkmark on"
Value Meaning
this flag displays the "checkmark on"
bitmap next to the menu item.
MF_DISABLED Disables the menu item so that it cannot
be selected, but does not gray it.
MF_ENABLED Enables the menu item so that it can be
selected and restores it from its grayed
MF_GRAYED Disables the menu item so that it cannot
be selected and grays it.
MF_MENUBARBREAK Same as MF_MENUBREAK except that for
pop-up menus, separates the new column
from the old column with a vertical line.
MF_MENUBREAK Places the menu item on a new line for
static menu-bar items. For pop-up menus,
Value Meaning
static menu-bar items. For pop-up menus,
places the menu item in a new column,
with no dividing line between the
MF_OWNERDRAW Specifies that the item is an owner-draw
item. The window that owns the menu
receives a WM_MEASUREITEM message when
the menu is displayed for the first time
to retrieve the height and width of the
menu item. The WM_DRAWITEM message is
then sent to the owner whenever the
owner must update the visual appearance
of the menu item. This option is not
valid for a top-level menu item.
MF_POPUP Specifies that the menu item has a
pop-up menu associated with it. The
wIDNewItem parameter specifies a handle
Value Meaning
wIDNewItem parameter specifies a handle
to a pop-up menu to be associated with
the item. Use the MF_OWNERDRAW flag to
add either a top-level pop-up menu or a
hierarchical pop-up menu to a pop-up
menu item.
MF_SEPARATOR Draws a horizontal dividing line. You
can use this flag in a pop-up menu. This
line cannot be grayed, disabled, or
highlighted. Windows ignores the
lpNewItem and wIDNewItem parameters.
MF_STRING Specifies that the menu item is a
character string; the lpNewItem
parameter points to the string for the
MF_UNCHECKED Does not place a checkmark next to the
Value Meaning
MF_UNCHECKED Does not place a checkmark next to the
item (default). If the application has
supplied checkmark bitmaps (see
SetMenuItemBitmaps), setting this flag
displays the "checkmark off" bitmap next
to the menu item.
int IntersectClipRect(hDC, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
This function creates a new clipping region by forming the intersection of
the current region and the rectangle specified by X1, Y1, X2, and Y2. GDI
clips all subsequent output to fit within the new boundary.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X1 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the
Y1 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the
X2 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the lower-right corner of the
Y2 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the lower-right corner of the
Return Value
The return value specifies the new clipping region's type. It can be any one
of the following values:
Value Meaning
COMPLEXREGION New clipping region has overlapping borders.
ERROR Device context is not valid.
NULLREGION New clipping region is empty.
SIMPLEREGION New clipping region has no overlapping borders.
The width of the rectangle, specified by the absolute value of X2 - X1, must
not exceed 32,767 units. This limit applies to the height of the rectangle
as well.
int IntersectRect(lpDestRect, lpSrc1Rect, lpSrc2Rect)
This function creates the intersection of two existing rectangles. The
intersection is the largest rectangle contained in both rectangles. The
IntersectRect function copies the new rectangle to the RECT data structure
pointed to by the lpDestRect parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
lpDestRect LPRECT Points to the RECT data
structure that is to receive the
lpSrc1Rect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains a source rectangle.
lpSrc2Rect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains a source rectangle.
Return Value
The return value specifies the intersection of two rectangles. It is nonzero
if the intersection of the two rectangles is not empty. It is zero if the
intersection is empty.
void InvalidateRect(hWnd, lpRect, bErase)
This function invalidates the client area within the given rectangle by
adding that rectangle to the window's update region. The invalidated
rectangle, along with all other areas in the update region, is marked for
painting when the next WM_PAINT message occurs. The invalidated areas
accumulate in the update region until the region is processed when the next
WM_PAINT message occurs, or the region is validated by using the
ValidateRect or ValidateRgn function.
The bErase parameter specifies whether the background within the update area
is to be erased when the update region is processed. If bErase is nonzero,
the background is erased when the BeginPaint function is called; if bErase
is zero, the background remains unchanged. If bErase is nonzero for any part
of the update region, the background in the entire region is erased, not
just in the given part.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose update
region is to be modified.
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the rectangle (in client
coordinates) to be added to the update
region. If the lpRect parameter is NULL,
the entire client area is added to the
bErase BOOL Specifies whether the background
within the update region is to be erased.
Return Value
Windows sends a WM_PAINT message to a window whenever its update region is
not empty and there are no other messages in the application queue for that
void InvalidateRgn(hWnd, hRgn, bErase)
This function invalidates the client area within the given region by adding
it to the current update region of the given window. The invalidated region,
along with all other areas in the update region, is marked for painting when
the next WM_PAINT message occurs. The invalidated areas accumulate in the
update region until the region is processed when the next WM_PAINT message
occurs, or the region is validated by using the ValidateRect or ValidateRgn
The bErase parameter specifies whether the background within the update area
is to be erased when the update region is processed. If bErase is nonzero,
the background is erased when the BeginPaint function is called; if bErase
is zero, the background remains unchanged. If bErase is nonzero for any part
of the update region, the background in the entire region is erased, not
just in the given part.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose update
region is to be modified.
hRgn HRGN Identifies the region to be added
to the update region. The region is
assumed to have client coordinates.
bErase BOOL Specifies whether the background
within the update region is to be erased.
Return Value
Windows sends a WM_PAINT message to a window whenever its update region is
not empty and there are no other messages in the application queue for that
The given region must have been previously created by using one of the
region functions (for more information, see Chapter 1, "Window Manager
Interface Functions").
void InvertRect(hDC, lpRect)
This function inverts the contents of the given rectangle. On monochrome
displays, the InvertRect function makes white pixels black, and black pixels
white. On color displays, the inversion depends on how colors are generated
for the display. Calling InvertRect twice with the same rectangle restores
the display to its previous colors.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the logical coordinates of
the rectangle to be inverted.
Return Value
The InvertRect function compares the values of the top, bottom, left, and
right fields of the specified rectangle. If bottom is less than or equal to
top, or if right is less than or equal to left, the rectangle is not drawn.
BOOL InvertRgn(hDC, hRgn)
This function inverts the colors in the region specified by the hRgn
parameter. On monochrome displays, the InvertRgn function makes white pixels
black, and black pixels white. On color displays, the inversion depends on
how the colors are generated for the display.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context for
the region.
hRgn HRGN Identifies the region to be filled.
The coordinates for the region are
specified in device units.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
Version 3.0
BOOL IsCharAlpha(cChar)
This function determines whether a character is an alphabetical character.
This determination is made by the language driver based on the criteria of
the current language selected by the user at setup or with the Control
Parameter Type/Description
cChar char Specifies the character to be tested.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the character is alphabetical. Otherwise, it is
Version 3.0
BOOL IsCharAlphaNumeric(cChar)
This function determines whether a character is an alphabetical or numerical
character. This determination is made by the language driver based on the
criteria of the current language selected by the user at setup or with the
Control Panel.
Parameter Type/Description
cChar char Specifies the character to be tested.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the character is an alphanumeric character.
Otherwise, it is FALSE.
Version 3.0
BOOL IsCharLower(cChar)
This function determines whether a character is a lowercase character. This
determination is made by the language driver based on the criteria of the
current language selected by the user at setup or with the Control Panel.
Parameter Type/Description
cChar char Specifies the character to be tested.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the character is lowercase. Otherwise, it is
Version 3.0
BOOL IsCharUpper(cChar)
This function determines whether a character is an uppercase character. This
determination is made by the language driver based on the criteria of the
current language selected by the user at setup or with the Control Panel.
Parameter Type/Description
cChar char Specifies the character to be tested.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the character is uppercase. Otherwise, it is
BOOL IsChild(hWndParent, hWnd)
This function indicates whether the window specified by the hWnd parameter
is a child window or other direct descendant of the window specified by the
hWndParent parameter. A child window is the direct descendant of a given
parent window if that parent window is in the chain of parent windows that
leads from the original pop-up window to the child window.
Parameter Type/Description
hWndParent HWND Identifies a window.
hWnd HWND Identifies the window to be checked.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the
window identified by the hWnd parameter is a child window of the window
identified by the hWndParent parameter. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
BOOL IsClipboardFormatAvailable(wFormat)
This function specifies whether data of a certain type exist in the
Parameter Type/Description
wFormat WORD Specifies a registered clipboard
format. For information on clipboard
formats, see the description of the
SetClipboardData function, later in this
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if data
having the specified format are present. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
This function is typically called during processing of the WM_INITMENU or
WM_INITMENUPOPUP message to determine whether the clipboard contains data
that the application can paste. If such data are present, the application
typically enables the Paste command (in its Edit menu).
BOOL IsDialogMessage(hDlg, lpMsg)
This function determines whether the given message is intended for the
modeless dialog box specified by the hDlg parameter, and automatically
processes the message if it is. When the IsDialogMessage function processes
a message, it checks for keyboard messages and converts them into selection
commands for the corresponding dialog box. For example, the TAB key selects
the next control or group of controls, and the DOWN key selects the next
control in a group.
If a message is processed by IsDialogMessage, it must not be passed to the
TranslateMessage or DispatchMessage function. This is because
IsDialogMessage performs all necessary translating and dispatching of
IsDialogMessage sends WM_GETDLGCODE messages to the dialog function to
determine which keys should be processed.
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box.
lpMsg LPMSG Points to an MSG data structure
that contains the message to be checked.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not the given message has been
processed. It is nonzero if the message has been processed. Otherwise, it is
Although IsDialogMessage is intended for modeless dialog boxes, it can be
used with any window that contains controls to provide the same keyboard
selection as in a dialog box.
WORD IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, nIDButton)
This function determines whether a button control has a checkmark next to
it, and whether a three-state button control is grayed, checked, or neither.
The IsDlgButtonChecked function sends a BM_GETCHECK message to the button
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box that
contains the button control.
nIDButton int Specifies the integer identifier of
the button control.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
given control has a checkmark next to it. Otherwise, it is zero. For
three-state buttons, the return value is 2 if the button is grayed, 1 if the
button has a checkmark next to it, and zero otherwise.
BOOL IsIconic(hWnd)
This function specifies whether a window is minimized (iconic).
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the window is minimized. It is nonzero if
the window is minimized. Otherwise, it is zero.
BOOL IsRectEmpty(lpRect)
This function determines whether or not the specified rectangle is empty. A
rectangle is empty if the width and/or height are zero.
Parameter Type/Description
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the specified rectangle.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not the given rectangle is empty. It
is nonzero if the rectangle is empty. It is zero if the rectangle is not
BOOL IsWindow(hWnd)
This function determines whether the window identified by the hWnd parameter
is a valid, existing window.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not the given window is valid. It is
nonzero if hWnd is a valid window. Otherwise, it is zero.
BOOL IsWindowEnabled(hWnd)
This function specifies whether the specified window is enabled for mouse
and keyboard input.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not the given window is enabled. It is
nonzero if the window is enabled. Otherwise, it is zero.
A child window receives input only if it is both enabled and visible.
BOOL IsWindowVisible(hWnd)
The IsWindowVisible function returns nonzero anytime an application has made
a window visible by using the ShowWindow function (even if the specified
window is completely covered by another child or pop-up window, the return
value is nonzero).
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not a given window exists on the
screen. It is nonzero if the given window exists on the screen. Otherwise,
it is zero.
BOOL IsZoomed(hWnd)
This function determines whether or not a window has been maximized.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not the given window is maximized. It
is nonzero if the window is maximized. Otherwise, it is zero.
BOOL KillTimer(hWnd, nIDEvent)
This function kills the timer event identified by the hWnd and nIDEvent
parameters. Any pending WM_TIMER messages associated with the timer are
removed from the message queue.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window associated
with the given timer event. This must be
the same value passed as the hWnd
parameter to the SetTimer function call
that created the timer event.
nIDEvent int Specifies the timer event to be
killed. If the application called
SetTimer with the hWnd parameter set to
NULL, this must be the event identifier
returned by SetTimer. If the hWnd
parameter of SetTimer was a valid window
handle, nIDEvent must be the value of
the nIDEvent parameter passed to
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
event was killed. It is zero if the KillTimer function could not find the
specified timer event.
int _lclose(hFile)
This function closes the file specified by the hFile parameter. As a result,
the file is no longer available for reading or writing.
The hFile argument is returned by the call that created or last opened the
Parameter Type/Description
hFile int Specifies the MS-DOS file handle of
the file to be closed.
Return Value
The return value indicates whether the function successfully closed the
file. It is zero if the function closed the file, or -1 if the function
int _lcreat(lpPathName, iAttribute)
This function opens a file with the name specified by the lpPathName
parameter. The iAttribute parameter specifies the attributes of the file
when the function opens it. If the file does not exist, the function creates
a new file and opens it for writing. If the file does exist, the function
truncates the file size to zero and opens it for reading and writing. When
the function opens the file, the pointer is set to the beginning of the
Parameter Type/Description
lpPathName LPSTR Points to a
null-terminated character
string that names the file to
be opened. The string must
consist of characters from
the ANSI character set.
iAttribute int Specifies the file
attributes. The parameter
must be one of these values:
Value Meaning
Parameter Type/Description
0 Normal; can be read or written
without restriction.
1 Read-only; cannot be opened
for write; a file with the
same name cannot be created.
2 Hidden; not found by directory
3 System; not found by directory
Return Value
The return value specifies an MS-DOS file handle if the function was
successful. Otherwise, the return value is -1.
void LimitEmsPages (dwKbytes)
This function limits the amount of expanded memory that Windows will assign
to an application. It does not limit the amount of expanded memory that the
application can get by directly calling INT 67H.
Parameter Type/Description
dwKbytes DWORD Specifies the number of kilobytes
of expanded memory to which the
application is to have access.
Return value
LimitEmsPages has an effect only if expanded memory is installed and being
used by Windows. If Windows is not using expanded memory, then the function
has no effect.
void LineDDA(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, lpLineFunc, lpData)
This function computes all successive points in a line starting at the point
specified by the X1 and Y1 parameters and ending at the point specified by
the X2 and Y2 parameters. The endpoint is not included as part of the line.
For each point on the line, the LineDDA function calls the
application-supplied function pointed to by the lpLineFunc parameter,
passing to the function the coordinates of the current point and the lpData
Parameter Type/Description
X1 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the first point.
Y1 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the first point.
X2 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the endpoint.
Parameter Type/Description
of the endpoint.
Y2 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the endpoint.
lpLineFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the application-supplied
function. See the following "Comments"
section for details.
lpData LPSTR Points to the
application-supplied data.
Return Value
The address passed by the lpLineFunc parameter must be created by using the
MakeProcInstance function.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR.
Callback Function
void FAR PASCAL LineFunc(X, Y, lpData)
int X;
int Y;
LPSTR lpData;
LineFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Parameter Definition
X Specifies the x-coordinate of the current point.
Y Specifies the y-coordinate of the current point.
lpData Points to the application-supplied data.
Return Value
The function can perform any task. It has no return value.
BOOL LineTo(hDC, X, Y)
This function draws a line from the current position up to, but not
including, the point specified by the X and Y parameters. The line is drawn
with the selected pen. If no error occurs, the position is set to (X,Y).
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the endpoint for the line.
Y int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the endpoint for the line.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not the line is drawn. It is nonzero
if the line is drawn. Otherwise, it is zero.
LONG _llseek(hFile, lOffset, iOrigin)
This function repositions the pointer in a previously opened file. The
iOrigin parameter specifies the starting position in the file, and lOffset
specifies how far (in bytes) the function is to move the pointer.
Parameter Type/Description
hFile int Specifies the MS-DOS file
handle of the file.
lOffset LONG Specifies the number of
bytes the pointer is to be
Parameter Type/Description
bytes the pointer is to be
iOrigin int Specifies the starting
position and direction of the
pointer. The parameter must be
one of the following values:
0 Move the file pointer lOffset
bytes from the beginning of
the file.
1 Move the file pointer lOffset
bytes from the current
position of the file.
2 Move the file pointer lOffset
bytes from the end of the file.
Parameter Type/Description
Return Value
The return value specifies the new offset of the pointer (in bytes) from the
beginning of the file. The return value is -1 if the function fails.
When a file is initially opened, the file pointer is positioned at the
beginning of the file. The _llseek function permits random access to a
file's contents by moving the pointer an arbitrary amount without reading
HANDLE LoadAccelerators(hInstance, lpTableName)
This function loads the accelerator table named by the lpTableName parameter
from the executable file associated with the module specified by the
hInstance parameter.
The LoadAccelerators function loads the table only if it has not been
previously loaded. Otherwise, it retrieves a handle to the loaded table.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies an instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the accelerator table.
lpTableName LPSTR Points to a string that names the
accelerator table. The string must be a
null-terminated character string.
Return Value
The return value identifies the loaded accelerator table if the function is
successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
HBITMAP LoadBitmap(hInstance, lpBitmapName)
This function loads the bitmap resource named by the lpBitmapName parameter
from the executable file associated with the module specified by the
hInstance parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies the instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the bitmap.
lpBitmapName LPSTR Points to a character string that
names the bitmap. The string must be a
null-terminated character string.
Return Value
The return value identifies the specified bitmap. It is NULL if no such
bitmap exists.
The application must call the DeleteObject function to delete each bitmap
handle returned by the LoadBitmap function. This also applies to the
predefined bitmaps described in the following paragraph.
The LoadBitmap function can also be used to access the predefined bitmaps
used by Windows. The hInstance parameter must be set to NULL, and the
lpBitmapName parameter must be one of the following values:
Bitmap names that begin OBM_OLD represent bitmaps used by Windows versions
prior to 3.0.
The lpBitmapName parameter can also be a value created by the
MAKEINTRESOURCE macro. If it is, the ID must reside in the low-order word of
lpBitmapName, and the high-order word must contain zeros.
HCURSOR LoadCursor(hInstance, lpCursorName)
This function loads the cursor resource named by the lpCursorName parameter
from the executable file associated with the module specified by the
hInstance parameter. The function loads the cursor into memory only if it
has not been previously loaded. Otherwise, it retrieves a handle to the
existing resource.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies an instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the cursor.
lpCursorName LPSTR Points to a character string that
names the cursor resource. The string
must be a null-terminated character
Return Value
The return value identifies the newly loaded cursor if the function is
successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
The LoadCursor function returns a valid cursor handle only if the
lpCursorName parameter identifies a cursor resource. If lpCursorName
identifies any type of resource other than a cursor (such as an icon), the
return value will not be NULL, even though it is not a valid cursor handle.
Use the LoadCursor function to access the predefined cursors used by
Windows. To do this, the hInstance parameter must be set to NULL, and the
lpCursorName parameter must be one of the following values:
Value Meaning
IDC_ARROW Standard arrow cursor.
IDC_CROSS Crosshair cursor.
IDC_IBEAM Text I-beam cursor.
IDC_ICON Empty icon.
Value Meaning
IDC_SIZE Loads a square with a smaller square
inside its lower-right corner.
IDC_SIZENESW Double-pointed cursor with arrows
pointing northeast and
IDC_SIZENS Double-pointed cursor with arrows
pointing north and south.
IDC_SIZENWSE Double-pointed cursor with arrows
pointing northwest and
IDC_SIZEWE Double-pointed cursor with arrows
pointing west and east.
IDC_UPARROW Vertical arrow cursor.
Value Meaning
IDC_UPARROW Vertical arrow cursor.
IDC_WAIT Hourglass cursor.
The lpCursorName parameter can contain a value created by the
MAKEINTRESOURCE macro. If it does, the ID must reside in the low-order word
of lpCursorName, and the high-order word must be set to zero.
HICON LoadIcon(hInstance, lpIconName)
This function loads the icon resource named by the lpIconName parameter from
the executable file associated with the module specified by the hInstance
parameter. The function loads the icon only if it has not been previously
loaded. Otherwise, it retrieves a handle to the loaded resource.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies an instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the icon.
lpIconName LPSTR Points to a character string that
names the icon resource. The string must
be a null-terminated character string.
Return Value
The return value identifies an icon resource if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
Use the LoadIcon function to access the predefined icons used by Windows. To
do this, the hInstance parameter must be set to NULL, and the lpIconName
parameter must be one of the following values:
Value Meaning
IDI_APPLICATION Default application icon.
IDI_ASTERISK Asterisk (used in informative messages).
IDI_EXCLAMATION Exclamation point (used in warning messages).
IDI_HAND Hand-shaped icon (used in serious warning messages).
IDI_QUESTION Question mark (used in prompting messages).
The lpIconName parameter can also contain a value created by the
MAKEINTRESOURCE macro. If it does, the ID must reside in the low-order word
of lpIconName, and the high-order word must be set to zero.
HANDLE LoadLibrary(lpLibFileName)
This function loads the library module contained in the specified file and
retrieves a handle to the loaded module instance.
Parameter Type/Description
lpLibFileName LPSTR Points to a string that names the
library file. The string must be a
null-terminated character string.
Return Value
The return value identifies the instance of the loaded library module.
Otherwise, it is a value less than 32 that specifies the error. The
following list describes the error values returned by this function:
Value Meaning
0 Out of memory.
2 File not found.
3 Path not found.
5 Attempt to dynamically link to a task.
6 Library requires separate data segments
for each task.
10 Incorrect Windows version.
11 Invalid .EXE file (non-Windows .EXE or
Value Meaning
11 Invalid .EXE file (non-Windows .EXE or
error in .EXE image).
12 OS/2 application.
13 DOS 4.0 application.
14 Unknown .EXE type.
15 Attempt in protected (standard or 386
enhanced) mode to load an .EXE created
for an earlier version of Windows.
16 Attempt to load a second instance of an
.EXE containing multiple, writeable data
17 Attempt in large-frame EMS mode to load
a second instance of an application that
Value Meaning
a second instance of an application that
links to certain nonshareable DLLs
already in use.
18 Attempt in real mode to load an
application marked for protected mode
HMENU LoadMenu(hInstance, lpMenuName)
This function loads the menu resource named by the lpMenuName parameter from
the executable file associated with the module specified by the hInstance
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies an instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the menu.
lpMenuName LPSTR Points to a character string that
names the menu resource. The string must
be a null-terminated character string.
Return Value
The return value identifies a menu resource if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
The lpMenuName parameter can contain a value created by the MAKEINTRESOURCE
macro. If it does, the ID must reside in the low-order word of lpMenuName,
and the high-order word must be set to zero.
HMENU LoadMenuIndirect(lpMenuTemplate)
This function loads into memory the menu named by the lpMenuTemplate
parameter. The template specified by lpMenuTemplate is a header followed by
a collection of one or more MENUITEMTEMPLATE structures, each of which may
contain one or more menu items and pop-up menus.
Parameter Type/Description
lpMenuTemplate LPSTR Points to a menu template (which
is a collection of one or more
Return Value
The return value identifies the menu if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
Version 3.0
HANDLE LoadModule(lpModuleName, lpParameterBlock)
This function loads and executes a Windows program or creates a new instance
of an existing Windows program.
Parameter Type/Description
lpModuleName LPSTR Points to a
null-terminated string that
contains the filename of
the application to be run.
If the lpModuleName string
does not contain a
directory path, Windows
will search for the
executable file in this
1. The current directory
Parameter Type/Description
2. The Windows directory
(the directory containing
WIN.COM); the
function obtains the
pathname of this directory
3. The Windows system
directory (the directory
containing such system
files as KERNEL.EXE); the
GetSystemDirectory function
obtains the pathname of
this directory
4. The directories listed
in the PATH environment
Parameter Type/Description
5. The list of directories
mapped in a network
If the application filename
does not contain an
extension, then .EXE is
lpParameterBlock LPVOID Points to a data
structure consisting of
four fields that defines a
parameter block. This data
structure consists of the
following fields:
Field Type/Description
Parameter Type/Description
wEnvSeg WORD Specifies the segment
address of the environment
under which the module is
to run; 0 indicates that
the Windows environment is
to be copied.
lpCmdLine LPSTR Points to a
null-terminated character
string that contains a
correctly formed command
line. This string must not
exceed 120 bytes in length.
lpCmdShow LPVOID Points to a data
structure containing two
WORD-length values. The
Parameter Type/Description
WORD-length values. The
first value must always be
set to two. The second
value specifies how the
application window is to be
shown. See the description
of the nCmdShow paramter of
the ShowWindow function for
a list of the acceptable
dwReserved DWORD Is reserved and must
be NULL.
All unused fields should be
set to NULL, except for
lpCmdLine, which must point
to a null string if it is
not used.
Parameter Type/Description
not used.
Return Value
The return value identifies the instance of the loaded module if the
function was successful. Otherwise, it is a value less than 32 that
specifies the error. The following list describes the error values returned
by this function:
Value Meaning
0 Out of memory.
2 File not found.
Value Meaning
3 Path not found.
5 Attempt to dynamically link to a task.
6 Library requires separate data segments
for each task.
10 Incorrect Windows version.
11 Invalid .EXE file (non-Windows .EXE or
error in .EXE image).
12 OS/2 application.
13 DOS 4.0 application.
14 Unknown .EXE type.
Value Meaning
15 Attempt in protected (standard or 386
enhanced) mode to load an .EXE created
for an earlier version of Windows.
16 Attempt to load a second instance of an
.EXE containing multiple, writeable data
17 Attempt in large-frame EMS mode to load
a second instance of an application that
links to certain nonshareable DLLs
already in use.
18 Attempt in real mode to load an
application marked for protected mode
The WinExec function provides an alternative method for executing a program.
HANDLE LoadResource(hInstance, hResInfo)
This function loads a resource identified by the hResInfo parameter from the
executable file associated with the module specified by the hInstance
parameter. The function loads the resource into memory only if it has not
been previously loaded. Otherwise, it retrieves a handle to the existing
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies an instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the resource.
hResInfo HANDLE Identifies the desired resource.
This handle is assumed to have been
created by using the FindResource
Return Value
The return value identifies the global memory block to receive the data
associated with the resource. It is NULL if no such resource exists.
The resource is not actually loaded until the LockResource function is
called to translate the handle returned by LoadResource into a far pointer
to the resource data.
int LoadString(hInstance, wID, lpBuffer, nBufferMax)
This function loads a string resource identified by the wID parameter from
the executable file associated with the module specified by the hInstance
parameter. The function copies the string into the buffer pointed to by the
lpBuffer parameter, and appends a terminating null character.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies an instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the string resource.
wID WORD Specifies the integer identifier
of the string to be loaded.
lpBuffer LPSTR Points to the buffer that
receives the string.
nBufferMax int Specifies the maximum number of
characters to be copied to the buffer.
The string is truncated if it is longer
than the number of characters specified.
Return Value
The return value specifies the actual number of characters copied into the
buffer. It is zero if the string resource does not exist.
This macro extracts the low-order byte from the short-integer value
specified by the nInteger parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
nInteger int Specifies the value to be converted.
Return Value
The return value specifies the low-order byte of the value.
HANDLE LocalAlloc(wFlags, wBytes)
This function allocates the number of bytes of memory specified by the
wBytes parameter from the local heap. The memory block can be either fixed
or moveable, as specified by the wFlags parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
wFlags WORD Specifies how to
allocate memory. It can be one
or more of the following
Parameter Type/Description
Value Meaning
LMEM_DISCARDABLE Allocates discardable memory.
Can only be used with
LMEM_FIXED Allocates fixed memory.
flag. Can only be used with
LMEM_MOVEABLE Allocates moveable memory.
Cannot be used with LMEM_FIXED.
LMEM_NOCOMPACT Does not compact or discard
Parameter Type/Description
LMEM_NOCOMPACT Does not compact or discard
memory to satisfy the
Value Meaning
LMEM_NODISCARD Does not discard memory to
satisfy the allocation request.
LMEM_ZEROINIT Initializes memory contents to
Choose LMEM_FIXED or
combine others as needed by
using the bitwise OR operator.
Parameter Type/Description
wBytes WORD Specifies the total
number of bytes to be
Return Value
The return value identifies the newly allocated local memory block if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
If the data segment that contains the heap is moveable, calling this
function will cause the data segment to move if Windows needs to increase
the size of the heap and cannot increase the size of the heap in its current
location. An application can prevent Windows from moving the data segment by
calling the LockData function to lock the data segment.
If this function is successful, it allocates at least the amount requested.
The actual amount allocated may be greater. To determine the actual amount
allocated, call the LocalSize function.
WORD LocalCompact(wMinFree)
This function generates the number of free bytes of memory specified by the
wMinFree parameter by compacting, if necessary, the module's local heap. The
function checks the local heap for the specified number of contiguous free
bytes. If the bytes do not exist, the LocalCompact function compacts local
memory by first moving all unlocked moveable blocks into high memory. If
this does not generate the requested amount of space, the function discards
moveable and discardable blocks that are not locked down, until the
requested amount of space is generated, whenever possible.
Parameter Type/Description
wMinFree WORD Specifies the number of free bytes
desired. If wMinFree is zero, the
function returns a value but does not
compact memory.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of bytes in the largest block of free
local memory.
HANDLE LocalDiscard(hMem)
This function discards the local memory block specified by the hMem
parameter. The lock count of the memory block must be zero.
The local memory block is removed from memory, but its handle remains valid.
An application can subsequently pass the handle to the LocalReAlloc function
to allocate another local memory block identified by the same handle.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the local memory block to be discarded.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is NULL if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is equal to hMem.
WORD LocalFlags(hMem)
This function returns information about the specified local memory block.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the local memory block.
Return Value
The return value contains one of the following memory-allocation flags in
the high byte:
Value Meaning
LMEM_DISCARDABLE Block is marked as discardable.
LMEM_DISCARDED Block has been discarded.
The low byte of the return value contains the reference count of the block.
Use the LMEM_LOCKCOUNT mask to retrieve the lock-count value from the return
HANDLE LocalFree(hMem)
This function frees the local memory block identified by the hMem parameter
and invalidates the handle of the memory block.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the local memory block to be freed.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is NULL if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is equal to hMem.
HANDLE LocalHandle(wMem)
This function retrieves the handle of the local memory object whose address
is specified by the wMem parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
wMem WORD Specifies the address of a local memory object.
Return Value
The return value identifies the local memory object.
BOOL LocalInit(wSegment, pStart, pEnd)
This function initializes a local heap in the segment specified by the
wSegment parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
wSegment WORD Specifies the segment address of
the segment that is to contain the local
pStart PSTR Specifies the address of the start
of the local heap within the segment.
pEnd PSTR Specifies the address of the end
of the local heap within the segment.
Return Value
The return value specifies a Boolean value that is nonzero if the heap is
initialized. Otherwise, it is zero.
If the pStart parameter is zero, the pEnd parameter specifies the offset of
the last byte of the global heap from the end of the segment. For example,
to initialize a 4096-byte heap with the first byte at byte 0, set pStart to
0 and pEnd to 4095.
LocalInit calls the GlobalLock function for the data segment that contains
the local heap. This ensures that the data segment will not be moved in
memory. However, the memory will be moved if both of these conditions are
1. The data segment is moveable.
2. The application calls the LocalAlloc or LocalReAlloc function and, as
a result, Windows must increase the size of the heap. If Windows
cannot increase the size of the data segment that contains the local
heap without moving it, Windows will move the data segment.
An application can explicitly prevent Windows from moving the data segment
by calling the LockData function to lock the data segment.
An application can remove this initial lock count by calling the UnlockData
PSTR LocalLock(hMem)
This function locks the local memory block specified by the hMem parameter.
The block is locked into memory at the given address and its reference count
is increased by one. Locked memory cannot be moved or discarded. The block
remains locked in memory until its reference count is decreased to zero by
using the LocalUnlock function.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the local memory block to be locked.
Return Value
The return value points to the first byte of memory in the local block if
the function is successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
HANDLE LocalReAlloc(hMem, wBytes, wFlags)
This function changes the size of the local memory block specified by the
hMem parameter by increasing or decreasing its size to the number of bytes
specified by the wBytes parameter, or changes the attributes of the
specified memory block.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the local
memory block to be reallocated.
wBytes WORD Specifies the new size
of the memory block.
wFlags WORD Specifies how to
reallocate the local memory
block. It can be one or more
of the following values:
Value Meaning
Parameter Type/Description
LMEM_DISCARDABLE Memory is discardable. This
flag can only be used with
LMEM_MODIFY Memory flags are modified. The
wBytes parameter is ignored.
This flag can only be used
LMEM_MOVEABLE Memory is moveable. If wBytes
is zero, this flag causes a
previously fixed block to be
freed or a previously moveable
object to be discarded (if the
block's reference count is
zero). If wBytes is nonzero
and the block specified by
hMem is fixed, this flag
Parameter Type/Description
hMem is fixed, this flag
allows the reallocated block
to be moved to a new fixed
location. (Note that the
handle returned by the
LocalReAlloc function in this
case may be different from the
handle passed to the function.)
This flag cannot be used with
LMEM_NOCOMPACT Memory will not be compacted
or discarded to satisfy the
allocation request. This flag
cannot be used with
Value Meaning
Parameter Type/Description
LMEM_NODISCARD Objects will not be discarded
to satisfy the allocation
request. This flag cannot be
used with LMEM_MODIFY.
LMEM_ZEROINIT If the block is growing, the
additional memory contents are
initialized to zero. This flag
cannot be used with
Return Value
The return value identifies the reallocated local memory if the function is
successful. It is NULL if the local memory block cannot be reallocated.
The return value is always identical to the hMem parameter, unless the
LMEM_MOVEABLE flag is used to allow movement of a fixed block of memory to a
new fixed location.
If the data segment that contains the heap is moveable, calling this
function will cause the data segment to move if Windows must increase the
size of the heap and cannot increase the size of the heap in its current
location. An application can prevent Windows from moving the data segment by
calling the LockData function to lock the data segment.
WORD LocalShrink(hSeg, wSize)
This function shrinks the specified heap to the size specified by the wSize
parameter. The minimum size for the automatic local heap is defined in the
application's moduledefinition file.
Parameter Type/Description
hSeg HANDLE Identifies the segment that
contains the local heap.
wSize WORD Specifies the size (in bytes)
desired for the local heap after
Return Value
The return value specifies the size of the local heap after shrinkage.
If hSeg is zero, the LocalShrink function reduces the local heap in the
current data segment. Windows will not shrink that portion of the data
segment that contains the stack and the static variables.
Use the GlobalSize function to determine the new size of the data segment.
WORD LocalSize(hMem)
This function retrieves the current size (in bytes) of the local memory
block specified by the hMem parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the local memory block.
Return Value
The return value specifies the size (in bytes) of the specified memory
block. It is NULL if the given handle is not valid.
The actual size of a memory block sometimes is larger than the size
requested when the memory was allocated.
BOOL LocalUnlock(hMem)
This function unlocks the local memory block specified by the hMem parameter
and decreases the block's reference count by one. The block is completely
unlocked, and subject to moving or discarding, if the reference count is
decreased to zero.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the local memory block to be unlocked.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the block's reference count was decreased to
zero. Otherwise, the return value is nonzero.
HANDLE LockData(Dummy)
This macro locks the current data segment in memory. It is intended to be
used in modules that have moveable data segments.
Parameter Type/Description
Dummy int Is not used. It should be set to zero.
Return Value
The return value identifies the locked data segment if the function is
successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.
LPSTR LockResource(hResData)
This function retrieves the absolute memory address of the loaded resource
identified by the hResData parameter. The resource is locked in memory and
the given address and its reference count are increased by one. The locked
resource is not subject to moving or discarding.
The resource remains locked in memory until its reference count is decreased
to zero through calls to the FreeResource function.
If the resource identified by hResData has been discarded, the
resource-handler function (if any) associated with the resource is called
before the LockResource function returns. The resource-handler function can
recalculate and reload the resource if desired. After the resource-handler
function returns, LockResource makes another attempt to lock the resource
and returns with the result.
Parameter Type/Description
hResData HANDLE Identifies the desired resource.
This handle is assumed to have been
created by using the LoadResource
Return Value
The return value points to the first byte of the loaded resource if the
resource was locked. Otherwise, it is NULL.
Using the handle returned by the FindResource function for the hResData
parameter causes an error.
Use the UnlockResource macro to unlock a resource that was locked by using
HANDLE LockSegment(wSegment)
This function locks the segment whose segment address is specified by the
wSegment parameter. If wSegment is -1, the LockSegment function locks the
current data segment.
Except for nondiscardable segments in protected (standard or 386 enhanced)
mode, the segment is locked into memory at the given address and its lock
count is increased by one. Locked memory is not subject to moving or
discarding except when a portion of the segment is being reallocated by the
GlobalReAlloc function. The segment remains locked in memory until its lock
count is decreased to zero.
In protected mode, LockSegment increments the lock count of discardable and
automatic data segments only.
Each time an application calls LockSegment for a segment, it must eventually
call UnlockSegment for the segment. The UnlockSegment function decreases the
lock count for the segment. Other functions also can affect the lock count
of a memory object. See the description of the GlobalFlags function for a
list of the functions that affect the lock count.
Parameter Type/Description
wSegment WORD Specifies the segment address of
the segment to be locked. If wSegment is
-1, the LockSegment function locks the
current data segment.
Return Value
The return value identifies the data segment if the function is successful.
If the object has been discarded or an error occurs, the return value is
int _lopen(lpPathName, iReadWrite)
This function opens the file with the name specified by the lpPathName
parameter. The iReadWrite parameter specifies the access mode of the file
when the function opens it. If the file exists and is opened for writing
only, the function truncates the file size to zero. When the function opens
the file, the pointer is set to the beginning of the file.
Parameter Type/Description
lpPathName LPSTR Points to a
null-terminated character
string that names the file to
be opened. The string must
consist of characters from
the ANSI character set.
iReadWrite int Specifies whether the
function is to open the file
with read access, write
access, or both. The
parameter must be one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
OF_READ Opens the file for reading
Parameter Type/Description
OF_READWRITE Opens the file for reading and
OF_SHARE_COMPAT Opens the file with
compatibility mode, allowing
any process on a given machine
to open the file any number of
times. OpenFile fails if the
file has been opened with any
of the other sharing modes.
OF_SHARE_DENY_NONE Opens the file without denying
other processes read or write
access to the file. OpenFile
fails if the file has been
opened in compatibility mode
by any other process.
Parameter Type/Description
by any other process.
OF_SHARE_DENY_READ Opens the file and denies
other processes read access to
the file. OpenFile fails if
the file has been opened in
compatibility mode or for read
access by any other process.
OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE Opens the file and denies
other processes write access
to the file. OpenFile fails if
the file has been opened in
compatibility or for write
access by any other process.
Value Meaning
OF_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE Opens the file with exclusive
Parameter Type/Description
OF_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE Opens the file with exclusive
mode, denying other processes
both read and write access to
the file. OpenFile fails if
the file has been opened in
any other mode for read or
write access, even by the
current process.
OF_WRITE Opens the file for writing
Return Value
The return value specifies an MS-DOS file handle if the function opened the
file. Otherwise, it is -1.
WORD LOWORD(dwInteger)
This macro extracts the low-order word from the 32-bit integer value
specified by the dwInteger parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
dwInteger DWORD Specifies the value to be converted.
Return Value
The return value specifies the low-order word of the 32-bit integer value.
BOOL LPtoDP(hDC, lpPoints, nCount)
This function converts logical points into device points. The LPtoDP
function maps the coordinates of each point specified by the lpPoints
parameter from GDI's logical coordinate system into a device coordinate
system. The conversion depends on the current mapping mode.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HANDLE Identifies the device context.
lpPoints LPPOINT Points to an array of points.
Each point in the array is a POINT data
nCount int Specifies the number of points in
the array.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not all points are converted. It is
nonzero if all points are converted. Otherwise, it is zero.
int _lread(hFile, lpBuffer, wBytes)
This function reads data from the file identified by the hFile parameter.
The wBytes parameter specifies the number of bytes to read. The function
return value indicates the number of bytes actually read. The return value
is zero if the function attempted to read the file at EOF.
Parameter Type/Description
hFile int Specifies the MS-DOS file handle of
the file to be read.
lpBuffer LPSTR Points to a buffer that is to
receive the data read from the file.
wBytes WORD Specifies the number of bytes to
be read from the file.
Return Value
The return value indicates the number of bytes which the function actually
read from the file, or -1 if the function fails. The return value is less
than wBytes if the function encountered the end of the file (EOF) before
reading the specified number of bytes.
LPSTR lstrcat(lpString1, lpString2)
This function concatenates lpString2 to the string specified by lpString1,
terminates the resulting string with a null character, and returns a far
pointer to the concatenated string (lpString1).
All strings must be less than 64K in size.
Parameter Type/Description
lpString1 LPSTR Points to byte array containing a
null-terminated string to which the
function is to append lpString2. The
byte array containing the string must be
large enough to contain both strings.
lpString2 LPSTR Points to the null-terminated
string which the function is to append
to lpString1.
Return Value
The return value specifies a pointer to lpString1. It is zero if the
function fails.
Version 3.0
int lstrcmp(lpString1, lpString2)
This function compares the two strings identified by lpString1 and lpString2
lexicographically and returns a value indicating their relationship. The
comparison is made based on the current language selected by the user at
setup or with the Control Panel. The comparison is case-sensitive. This
function is not equivalent to the strcmp C run-time library function.
All strings must be less than 64K in size.
Parameter Type/Description
lpString1 LPSTR Points to the first
null-terminated string to be compared.
lpString2 LPSTR Points to the second
null-terminated string to be compared.
Return Value
The return value indicates whether lpString1 is less than, equal to, or
greater than lpString2. This relationship is outlined in the following:
Value Meaning
< 0 lpString1 is less than lpString2.
= 0 lpString1 is identical to lpString2.
> 0 lpString1 is greater than lpString2.
Version 3.0
int lstrcmpi(lpString1, lpString2)
This function compares the two strings identified by lpString1 and lpString2
lexicographically and returns a value indicating their relationship. The
comparison is made based on the current language selected by the user at
setup or with the Control Panel. The comparison is case-sensitive. This
function is not equivalent to the strcmpi C run-time library function.
All strings must be less than 64K in size.
Parameter Type/Description
lpString1 LPSTR Points to the first
null-terminated string to be compared.
lpString2 LPSTR Points to the second
null-terminated string to be compared.
Return Value
The return value indicates whether lpString1 is less than, equal to, or
greater than lpString2. This relationship is outlined in the following
Value Meaning
< 0 lpString1 is less than lpString2.
= 0 lpString1 is identical to lpString2.
> 0 lpString1 is greater than lpString2.
LPSTR lstrcpy(lpString1, lpString2)
This function copies lpString2, including the terminating null character, to
the location specified by lpString1, and returns lpString1.
All strings must be less than 64K in size.
Parameter Type/Description
lpString1 LPSTR Points to a buffer to receive the
contents of lpString2. The buffer must
be large enough to contain lpString2.
lpString2 LPSTR Points to the null-terminated
string to be copied.
Return Value
The return value specifies a pointer to lpString1. It is zero if the
function fails.
int lstrlen(lpString)
This function returns the length, in bytes, of lpString, not including the
terminating null character.
All strings must be less than 64K in size.
Parameter Type/Description
lpString LPSTR Points to a null-terminated string.
Return Value
The return value specifies the length of lpString. There is no error return.
int _lwrite(hFile, lpBuffer, wBytes)
This function writes data into the file specified by the hFile parameter.
The wBytes parameter specifies the number of bytes to write from the buffer
identified by lpBuffer. The function return value indicates the number of
bytes actually written to the file.
Parameter Type/Description
hFile int Specifies the MS-DOS file handle of
the file to be read.
lpBuffer LPSTR Points to a buffer that contains
the data to be written to the file.
wBytes WORD Specifies the number of bytes to
be written to the file.
Return Value
The return value indicates the number of bytes actually written to the file,
or -1 if the function fails.
The buffer specified by lpBuffer cannot extend past the end of a segment.
This macro creates an integer atom that represents a character string of
decimal digits.
Integer atoms created by this macro can be added to the atom table by means
of the AddAtom function.
Parameter Type/Description
wInteger WORD Specifies the numeric value of the
atom's character string.
Return Value
The return value points to the atom created for the given integer.
The DeleteAtom function always succeeds for integer atoms, even though it
does nothing, and the GetAtomName function always returns the string form of
the integer atom.
This macro converts an integer value into a long pointer to a string, with
the high-order word of the long pointer set to zero.
Parameter Type/Description
nInteger int Specifies the integer value to be converted.
Return Value
The return value points to a string.
This macro creates an unsigned long integer by concatenating two integer
values, specified by the wLow and wHigh parameters.
Parameter Type/Description
wLow WORD Specifies the low-order word of the new long value.
wHigh WORD Specifies the high-order word of the new long value.
Return Value
The return value specifies an unsigned long-integer value.
This macro converts a long value that contains the x- and y-coordinates of a
point into a POINT data structure.
Parameter Type/Description
dwInteger DWORD Specifies the x- and y-coordinates of a point.
Return Value
The return value specifies the POINT data structure.
FARPROC MakeProcInstance(lpProc, hInstance)
This function creates a procedure-instance address. A procedure-instance
address points to prolog code that is executed before the function is
executed. The prolog binds the data segment of the instance specified by the
hInstance parameter to the function pointed to by the lpProc parameter. When
the function is executed, it has access to variables and data in that
instance's data segment.
Parameter Type/Description
lpProc FARPROC Is a procedure-instance address.
hInstance HANDLE Identifies the instance
associated with the desired data segment.
Return Value
The return value points to the function if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is NULL.
The MakeProcInstance function must only be used to access functions from
instances of the current module. The function is not required for library
After MakeProcInstance has been called for a particular function, all calls
to that function should be made through the retrieved address.
MakeProcInstance will create more than one procedure instance. An
application should not call MakeProcInstance more than once using the same
function and instance handle to avoid wasting memory.
To bind a data segment to a function, the function must be exported in the
EXPORTS statement of the module-definition file.
void MapDialogRect(hDlg, lpRect)
This function converts the dialog-box units given in the lpRect parameter to
screen units. Dialog-box units are stated in terms of the current dialog
base unit derived from the average width and height of characters in the
system font. One horizontal unit is one-fourth of the dialog base width
unit, and one vertical unit is one-eighth of the dialog base height unit.
The GetDialogBaseUnits function returns the dialog base units in pixels.
The MapDialogRect function replaces the dialog-box units in lpRect with
screen units (pixels), so that the rectangle can be used to create a dialog
box or position a control within a box.
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies a dialog box.
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the dialog-box coordinates
to be converted.
Return Value
The hDlg parameter must be created by using the CreateDialog or DialogBox
Version 3.0
WORD MapVirtualKey(wCode, wMapType)
This function accepts a virtual-key code or scan code for a key and returns
the corresponding scan code, virtual-key code, or ASCII value. The value of
the wMapType parameter determines the type of mapping which this function
Parameter Description
wCode WORD Specifies the
virtual-key code or scan code
for a key. The interpretation
of the wCode parameter depends
on the value of the wMapType
Parameter Description
wMapType WORD Specifies the type of
mapping to be performed. The
wMapType parameter can be any
of the following values:
Value Meaning
0 The wCode parameter specifies a
virtual-key code, and the
function returns the
corresponding scan code.
1 The wCode parameter specifies a
scan code, and the function
returns the corresponding
virtual-key code.
2 The wCode parameter specifies a
Parameter Description
2 The wCode parameter specifies a
virtual-key code, and the
function returns the
corresponding unshifted ASCII
Other values are reserved.
Return Value
The return value depends on the value of the wCode and wMapType parameters.
See the description of the wMapType parameter for more information.
int max(value1, value2)
This macro returns the greater of the values contained in the value1 and
value2 parameters.
Parameter Description
value1 Specifies the first of two values.
value2 Specifies the second of two values.
Return Value
The return value specifies value1 or value2, whichever is greater.
The values identified by the value1 and value2 parameters can be any ordered
void MessageBeep(wType)
This function generates a beep at the system speaker.
Parameter Type/Description
wType WORD Is not used. It should be set to zero.
Return Value
int MessageBox(hWndParent, lpText, lpCaption, wType)
This function creates and displays a window that contains an
application-supplied message and caption, plus any combination of the
predefined icons and push buttons described in the following list.
Parameter Type/Description
hWndParent HWND Identifies the window that owns
the message box.
lpText LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
string containing the message to be
lpCaption LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string to be used for the
dialog-box caption. If the lpCaption
parameter is NULL, the default caption
"Error" is used.
wType WORD Specifies the contents of the
dialog box. It can be any combination of
the values shown in Table .11, "Message
Box Types," joined by the bitwise OR
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is zero if there
is not enough memory to create the message box. Otherwise, it is one of the
following menu-item values returned by the dialog box:
Value Meaning
IDABORT Abort button pressed.
IDCANCEL Cancel button pressed.
IDIGNORE Ignore button pressed.
IDNO No button pressed.
IDOK OK button pressed.
IDRETRY Retry button pressed.
IDYES Yes button pressed.
If a message box has a Cancel button, the IDCANCEL value will be returned if
either the ESCAPE key or Cancel button is pressed. If the message box has no
Cancel button, pressing the ESCAPE key has no effect.
When a system-modal message box is created to indicate that the system is
low on memory, the strings passed as the lpText and lpCaption parameters
should not be taken from a resource file, since an attempt to load the
resource may fail.
When an application calls the MessageBox function and specifies the
MB_ICONHAND and MB_SYSTEMMODAL flags for the wType parameter, Windows will
display the resulting message box regardless of available memory. When these
flags are specified, Windows limits the length of the message-box text to
one line.
If a message box is created while a dialog box is present, use the handle of
the dialog box as the hWndParent parameter. The hWndParent parameter should
not identify a child window, such as a dialog-box control.
Table shows the message box types.
Table Message Box Types
Value Meaning
MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE Message box contains three push buttons:
Abort, Retry, and Ignore.
MB_APPLMODAL The user must respond to the message box
before continuing work in the window
identified by the hWndParent parameter.
However, the user can move to the
windows of other applications and work
in those windows. MB_APPLMODAL is the
default if neither MB_SYSTEMMODAL nor
MB_TASKMODAL are specified.
MB_DEFBUTTON1 First button is the default. Note that
the first button is always the default
MB_DEFBUTTON2 Second button is the default.
Value Meaning
MB_DEFBUTTON3 Third button is the default.
MB_ICONEXCLAMATION An exclamation-point icon appears in the
message box.
MB_ICONINFORMATION An icon consisting of a lowercase i in a
circle appears in the message box.
MB_ICONQUESTION A question-mark icon appears in the
message box.
MB_ICONSTOP A stop sign icon appears in the message
Value Meaning
MB_OK Message box contains one push button: OK.
MB_OKCANCEL Message box contains two push buttons:
OK and Cancel.
MB_RETRYCANCEL Message box contains two push buttons:
Retry and Cancel.
MB_SYSTEMMODAL All applications are suspended until the
user responds to the message box. Unless
the application specifies MB_ICONHAND,
the message box does not become modal
until after it is created; consequently,
the parent window and other windows
continue to receive messages resulting
from its activation. System-modal
message boxes are used to notify the
Value Meaning
message boxes are used to notify the
user of serious, potentially damaging
errors that require immediate attention
(for example, running out of memory).
Table Message Box Types (continued)
Value Meaning
MB_TASKMODAL Same as MB_APPMODAL except that all the
top-level windows belonging to the
current task are disabled if the
hWndOwner parameter is NULL. This flag
should be used when the calling
application or library does not have a
window handle available, but still needs
to prevent input to other windows in the
current application without suspending
other applications.
MB_YESNO Message box contains two push buttons:
Yes and No.
MB_YESNOCANCEL Message box contains three push buttons:
Yes, No, and Cancel.
int min(value1, value2)
This macro returns the lesser of the values specified by the value1 and
value2 parameters, respectively.
Parameter Description
value1 Specifies the first of two values.
value2 Specifies the second of two values.
Return Value
The return value specifies value1 or value2, whichever is less.
The values identified by the value1 and value2 parameters can be any ordered
Version 3.0
BOOL ModifyMenu(hMenu, nPosition, wFlags,
wIDNewItem, lpNewItem)
This function changes an existing menu item at the position specified by the
nPosition parameter. The application specifies the new state of the menu
item by setting values in the wFlags parameter. If this function replaces a
pop-up menu associated with the menu item, it destroys the old pop-up menu
and frees the memory used by the pop-up menu.
Parameter Type/Description
hMenu HMENU Identifies the menu to
be changed.
nPosition WORD Specifies the menu item
to be changed. The
Parameter Type/Description
to be changed. The
interpretation of the
nPosition parameter depends
upon the setting of the
wFlags parameter.
If wFlags is: nPosition
MF_BYPOSITION Specifies the position of the
existing menu item. The first
item in the menu is at
position zero.
MF_BYCOMMAND Specifies the command ID of
the existing menu item.
wFlags WORD Specifies how the
nPosition parameter is
interpreted and information
Parameter Type/Description
interpreted and information
about the changes to be made
to the menu item. It consists
of one or more values listed
in the following "Comments"
wIDNewItem WORD Specifies either the
command ID of the modified
menu item or, if wFlags is
set to MF_POPUP, the menu
handle of the pop-up menu.
lpNewItem LPSTR Specifies the content
of the changed menu item. If
wFlags is set to MF_STRING
(the default), then lpNewItem
is a
Parameter Type/Description
is a
long pointer to a
null-terminated character
string. If wFlags is set to
MF_BITMAP instead, then
lpNewItem contains a bitmap
handle (HBITMAP) in its
low-order word. If wFlags is
lpNewItem specifies an
application-supplied 32-bit
value which the application
can use to maintain
additional data associated
with the menu item. This
32-bit value is available to
the application in the
itemData field of the
structure, pointed to by the
Parameter Type/Description
structure, pointed to by the
lParam parameter of the
following messages:
These messages are sent when
the menu item is initially
displayed, or is changed.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
Whenever a menu changes (whether or not the menu resides in a window that is
displayed), the application should call DrawMenuBar. In order to change the
attributes of existing menu items, it is much faster to use the
CheckMenuItem and EnableMenuItem functions.
Each of the following groups lists flags that should not be used together:
The following list describes the flags which may be set in the wFlags
Value Meaning
MF_BITMAP Uses a bitmap as the menu item. The
low-order word of the lpNewItem
parameter contains the handle of the
MF_BYCOMMAND Specifies that the nPosition parameter
gives the menu item control ID number.
This is the default if neither
MF_BYPOSITION Specifies that the nPosition parameter
gives the position of the menu item to
be changed rather than an ID number.
Value Meaning
MF_CHECKED Places a checkmark next to the menu item.
If the application has supplied
checkmark bitmaps (see SetMenu-
ItemBitmaps), setting this flag displays
the "checkmark on" bitmap next to the
menu item.
MF_DISABLED Disables the menu item so that it cannot
be selected, but does not gray it.
MF_ENABLED Enables the menu item so that it can be
selected and restores it from its grayed
MF_GRAYED Disables the menu item so that it cannot
be selected and grays it.
MF_MENUBARBREAK Same as MF_MENUBREAK except that for
Value Meaning
MF_MENUBARBREAK Same as MF_MENUBREAK except that for
pop-up menus, separates the new column
from the old column with a vertical line.
MF_MENUBREAK Places the menu item on a new line for
static menu-bar items. For pop-up menus,
this flag places the item in a new
column, with no dividing line between
the columns.
MF_OWNERDRAW Specifies that the menu item is an
owner-draw item. The window that owns
the menu receives a WM_MEASUREITEM
message when the menu is displayed for
the first time to retrieve the height
and width of the menu item. The
WM_DRAWITEM message is then sent
whenever the owner must update the
visual appearance of the menu item. This
Value Meaning
visual appearance of the menu item. This
option is not valid for a top-level menu
MF_POPUP Specifies that the item has a pop-up
menu associated with it. The wIDNewItem
parameter specifies a handle to a pop-up
menu to be associated with the menu item.
Use this flag for adding either a
top-level pop-up menu or adding a
hierarchical pop-up menu to a pop-up
menu item.
MF_SEPARATOR Draws a horizontal dividing line. You
can only use this flag in a pop-up menu.
This line cannot be grayed, disabled, or
highlighted. The lpNewItem and
wIDNewItem parameters are ignored.
Value Meaning
MF_STRING Specifies that the menu item is a
character string; the lpNewItem
parameter points to the string for the
menu item.
MF_UNCHECKED Does not place a checkmark next to the
menu item. No checkmark is the default
is set. If the application has supplied
checkmark bitmaps (see
SetMenuItemBitmaps), setting this flag
displays the "checkmark off" bitmap next
to the menu item.
DWORD MoveTo(hDC, X, Y)
This function moves the current position to the point specified by the X and
Y parameters.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the logical x-coordinate of the new position.
Y int Specifies the logical y-coordinate of the new position.
Return Value
The return value specifies the x- and y-coordinates of the previous
position. The y-coordinate is in the high-order word; the x-coordinate is in
the low-order word.
Although the MoveTo function has no output, it affects other output
functions that use the current position.
void MoveWindow(hWnd, X, Y, nWidth,
nHeight, bRepaint)
This function causes a WM_SIZE message to be sent to the given window. The
X, Y, nWidth, and nHeight parameters give the new size of the window.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies a pop-up or child
X int Specifies the new x-coordinate of
the upper-left corner of the window.
Y int Specifies the new y-coordinate of
the upper-left corner of the window. For
pop-up windows, X and Y are in screen
coordinates (relative to the upper-left
corner of the screen). For child windows,
they are in client coordinates (relative
to the upper-left corner of the parent
window's client area).
nWidth int Specifies the new width of the
Parameter Type/Description
nHeight int Specifies the new height of the
bRepaint BOOL Specifies whether or not the
window is repainted after moving. If
bRepaint is zero, the window is not
Return Value
Any child or pop-up window has a minimum width and height. These minimums
depend on the style and content of the window. Any attempt to make the width
and height smaller than the minimum by using the MoveWindow function will
fail. The WM_SIZE message created by this function gives the new width and
height of the client area of the window, not of the full window.
Version 3.0
int MulDiv(nNumber, nNumerator, nDenominator)
This function multiplies two word-length values and then divides the result
by a third word-length value. The return value is the final result, rounded
to the nearest integer.
Parameter Type/Description
nNumber int Specifies the number to be
multiplied by nNumerator.
nNumerator int Specifies the number to be
multiplied by nNumber.
nDenominator int Specifies the number by which the
result of the multiplication is to be
Return Value
The return value is the result of the multipliation and division. The return
value is 32,767 or -32,767 if either an overflow occurred or wDenominator
was zero.
Version 3.0
This function allows an applications to issue the NETBIOS interrupt 5CH. An
application should call this function instead of directly issuing a NETBIOS
5CH interrupt to preserve compatibility with future Microsoft products.
An application can call this function only from an assembly-language
routine. It is exported from KERNEL.EXE and is not defined in any Windows
include files.
To use this function call, an application should declare it in an
assembly-language program as shown:
extrn NETBIOSCALL :far
If the application includes CMACROS.INC, the application declares it as
externFP NetBIOSCall
Before calling NetBIOSCall, all registers must be set as for an actual INT
5CH. All registers at the function's exit are the same as for the
corresponding INT 5CH function.
This function has no parameters and no return value.
The following is an example of how to use the NetBIOSCall function:
extrn NETBIOSCALL : far
;set registers
cCall NetBIOSCall
Version 3.0
DWORD OemKeyScan(wOemChar)
This function maps OEM ASCII codes 0 through 0x0FF into the OEM scan codes
and shift states. It provides information which allows a program to send OEM
text to another program by simulating keyboard input and is used
specifically for this purpose by Windows in 386 enhanced mode.
Parameter Type/Description
wOemChar WORD Specifies the ASCII value of the OEM character.
Return Value
The return value contains in its low-order word the scan code of the OEM
character identified by the wOemChar parameter. The high-order word of the
return value contains flags which indicate the shift state. The following
lists the flag bits and their meanings:
Bit Meaning
2 CTRL key is pressed.
1 Either SHIFT key is pressed.
If the character is not defined in the OEM character tables, both the
low-order and high-order words of the return value contain -1.
This function does not provide translations for characters which require
CTRL-ALT or dead keys. Characters not translated by this function must be
copied by simulating input using the "ALT + keypad" mechanism. The NUMLOCK
key must be off.
This function calls the VkKeyScan function in recent versions of the
keyboard drivers.
int OemToAnsi(lpOemStr, lpAnsiStr)
This function translates the string pointed to by the lpOemStr parameter
from the OEMdefined character set into the ANSI character set. The string
can be greater than 64K in length.
Parameter Type/Description
lpOemStr LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
string of characters from the
OEM-defined character set.
lpAnsiStr LPSTR Points to the location where the
translated string is to be copied. The
lpAnsiStr parameter can be the same as
lpOemStr to translate the string in
Return Value
The return value is always -1.
void OemToAnsiBuff(lpOemStr, lpAnsiStr, nLength)
This function translates the string in the buffer pointed to by the lpOemStr
parameter from the OEM-defined character set into the ANSI character set.
Parameter Type/Description
lpOemStr LPSTR Points to a buffer containing one
or more characters from the OEM-defined
character set.
lpAnsiStr LPSTR Points to the location where the
translated string is to be copied. The
lpAnsiStr parameter can be the same as
lpOemStr to translate the string in
nLength WORD Specifies the number of characters
in the buffer identified by the lpOemStr
parameter. If nLength is zero, the
length is 64K (65,536).
Return Value
int OffsetClipRgn(hDC, X, Y)
This function moves the clipping region of the given device by the specified
offsets. The function moves the region X units along the x-axis and Y units
along the y-axis.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the number of logical
units to move left or right.
Y int Specifies the number of logical
units to move up or down.
Return Value
The return value specifies the new region's type. It can be any one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
COMPLEXREGION Clipping region has overlapping borders.
ERROR Device context is not valid.
NULLREGION Clipping region is empty.
SIMPLEREGION Clipping region has no overlapping borders.
void OffsetRect(lpRect, X, Y)
This function moves the given rectangle by the specified offsets. The
OffsetRect function moves the rectangle X units along the x-axis and Y units
along the y-axis. The X and Y parameters are signed values, so the rectangle
can be moved left or right, and up or down.
Parameter Type/Description
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the rectangle to be moved.
X int Specifies the amount to move left
or right. It must be negative to move
Y int Specifies the amount to move up or
down. It must be negative to move up.
Return Value
The coordinate values of a rectangle must not be greater than 32,767 or less
than -32,768. The X and Y parameters must be chosen carefully to prevent
invalid rectangles.
int OffsetRgn(hRgn, X, Y)
This function moves the given region by the specified offsets. The function
moves the region X units along the x-axis and Y units along the y-axis.
Parameter Type/Description
hRgn HRGN Identifies the region to be moved.
X int Specifies the number of units to move left or right.
Y int Specifies the number of units to move up or down.
Return Value
The return value specifies the new region's type. It can be any one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
COMPLEXREGION Region has overlapping borders.
ERROR Region handle is not valid.
NULLREGION Region is empty.
SIMPLEREGION Region has no overlapping borders.
The coordinate values of a region must not be greater than 32,767 or less
than -32,768. The X and Y parameters must be carefully chosen to prevent
invalid regions.
DWORD OffsetViewportOrg(hDC, X, Y)
This function modifies the viewport origin relative to the current values.
The formulas are written as follows:
xNewVO = xOldVO + X yNewVO = yOldVO + Y
The new origin is the sum of the current origin and the X and Y values.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the number of device
units to add to the current origin's x
Y int Specifies the number of device
units to add to the current origin's y
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous viewport origin (in device
coordinates). The previous y-coordinate is in the high-order word; the
previous x-coordinate is in the low-order word.
DWORD OffsetWindowOrg(hDC, X, Y)
This function modifies the viewport origin relative to the current values.
The formulas are written as follows:
xNewWO = xOldWO + X yNewWO = yOldWO + Y
The new origin is the sum of the current origin and the X and Y values.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the number of logical
units to add to the current origin's x
Y int Specifies the number of logical
units to add to the current origin's y
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous window origin (in logical
coordinates). The previous y-coordinate is in the high-order word; the
previous x-coordinate is in the low-order word.
BOOL OpenClipboard(hWnd)
This function opens the clipboard for examination and prevents other
applications from modifying the clipboard contents.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window to be
associated with the open clipboard.
Return Value
The return value specifies the status of the clipboard. It is nonzero if the
clipboard is opened. If the clipboard has already been opened by another
application, the return value is zero.
An application should call the CloseClipboard function for every successful
call to the OpenClipboard function.
int OpenComm(lpComName, wInQueue, wOutQueue)
This function opens a communication device and assigns an nCid handle to it.
The communication device is initialized to a default configuration. The
SetCommState function should be used to initialize the device to alternate
values. The OpenComm function allocates space for receive and transmit
queues. The queues are used by the interrupt-driven transmit/receive
Parameter Type/Description
lpComName LPSTR Points to a string which contains
COMn or LPTn, where n ranges from 1 to
the number of communication devices
available for the particular type of I/O
wInQueue WORD Specifies the size of the receive
wOutQueue WORD Specifies the size of the transmit
Return Value
The return value specifies the open communication device. If an error
occurs, the return value is one of the following negative error values:
Value Meaning
IE_BADID Invalid or unsupported ID.
IE_BAUDRATE Unsupported baud rate.
IE_BYTESIZE Invalid byte size.
IE_DEFAULT Error in default parameters.
IE_HARDWARE Hardware not present.
IE_MEMORY Unable to allocate queues.
IE_NOPEN Device not open.
IE_OPEN Device already open.
LPT ports are not interrupt driven. For these ports, the nInQueue and
nOutQueue parameters are ignored, and the queue size is set to zero.
int OpenFile(lpFileName, lpReOpenBuff, wStyle)
This function creates, opens, reopens, or deletes a file.
Parameter Type/Description
Parameter Type/Description
lpFileName LPSTR Points to a
character string that
names the file to be
opened. The string must
consist of characters
from the ANSI character
lpReOpenBuff LPOFSTRUCT Points to
the OFSTRUCT data
structure that is to
receive information
about the file when the
file is first opened.
The structure can be
used in subsequent
calls to the OpenFile
function to refer to
Parameter Type/Description
function to refer to
the open file.
The szPathName field of
this data structure
contains characters
from the OEM character
wStyle WORD Specifies the
action to take. These
styles can be combined
by using the bitwise OR
Value Meaning
Parameter Type/Description
OF_CANCEL Adds a Cancel button to the
OF_PROMPT dialog box. Pressing the
Cancel button directs OpenFile to
return a file-not-found error
OF_CREATE Directs OpenFile to create a new
file. If the file already exists,
it is truncated to zero length.
OF_DELETE Deletes the file.
OF_EXIST Opens the file, and then closes it.
Used to test for file existence.
OF_PARSE Fills the OFSTRUCT data structure
but carries out no other action.
Parameter Type/Description
OF_PROMPT Displays a dialog box if the
requested file does not exist. The
dialog box informs the user that
Windows cannot find the file and
prompts the user to insert the
file in drive A.
OF_READ Opens the file for reading only.
OF_READWRITE Opens the file for reading and
OF_REOPEN Opens the file using information
in the re-open buffer.
Parameter Type/Description
Value Meaning
OF_SHARE_COMPAT Opens the file with compatibility
mode, allowing any process on a
given machine to open the file any
number of times. OpenFile fails if
the file has been opened with any
of the other sharing modes.
OF_SHARE_DENY_NONE Opens the file without denying
other processes read or write
access to the file. OpenFile fails
if the file has been opened in
compatibility mode by any other
OF_SHARE_DENY_READ Opens the file and denies other
Parameter Type/Description
OF_SHARE_DENY_READ Opens the file and denies other
processes read access to the file.
OpenFile fails if the file has
been opened in compatibility mode
or for read access by any other
OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE Opens the file and denies other
processes write access to the file.
OpenFile fails if the file has
been opened in compatibility or
for write access by any other
OF_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE Opens the file with exclusive mode,
denying other processes both read
and write access to the file.
OpenFile fails if the file has
been opened in any other mode for
Parameter Type/Description
been opened in any other mode for
read or write access, even by the
current process.
Value Meaning
OF_VERIFY Verifies that the date and time of
the file are the same as when it
was previously opened. Useful as
an extra check for read-only files.
OF_WRITE Opens the file for writing only.
Return Value
The return value specifies a DOS file handle if the function is successful.
Otherwise, it is -1.
If the lpFileName parameter specifies a filename and extension only, this
function searches for a matching file in the following directories:
1. The current directory.
2. The Windows directory (the directory containing WIN.COM); the
GetWindowsDirectory function obtains the pathname of this directory.
3. The Windows system directory (the directory containing such system
files as KERNEL.EXE); the GetSystemDirectory function obtains the
pathname of this directory.
4. Any of the directories listed in the PATH environment variable.
5. Any directory in the list of directories mapped in a network.
Windows searches the directories in the listed order.
The lpFileName parameter cannot contain wildcard characters.
To close the file after use, the application should call the _lclose
BOOL OpenIcon(hWnd)
This function activates and displays an iconic (minimized) window. Windows
restores it to its original size and position.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
int OpenSound( )
This function accesses the play device and prevents it from being opened
subsequently by other applications.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of voices available. The return value
is S_SERDVNA if the play device is in use, and S_SEROFM if insufficient
memory is available.
Version 3.0
void OutputDebugString(lpOutputString)
This function sends a debugging message to the debugger if present, or to
the auxiliary (AUX) device if the debugger is not present.
Parameter Type/Description
lpOutputString LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
Return Value
This function preserves all registers. It is available only in the debugging
version of Windows.
BOOL PaintRgn(hDC, hRgn)
This function fills the region specified by the hRgn parameter with the
selected brush.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context that
contains the region.
hRgn HRGN Identifies the region to be filled.
The coordinates for the given region are
specified in device units.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
Version 3.0
This macro accepts an index to a logical color palette entry and returns a
value consisting of 1 in the high-order byte and the palette entry index in
the low-order bytes. This is called a palette-entry specifier. An
application using a color palette can pass this specifier instead of an
explicit RGB value to functions that expect a color. This allows the
function to use the color in the specified palette entry.
Parameter Type/Description
nPaletteIndex int Specifies an index to the palette
entry containing the color to be used
for a graphics operation.
Return Value
The return value is a logical-palette index specifier. When using a logical
palette, an application can use this specifier in place of an explicit RGB
value for GDI functions that require a color.
Version 3.0
This macro accepts three values representing relative intensities of red,
green, and blue, and returns a value consisting of 2 in the high-order byte
and an RGB value in the three low-order bytes. This is called a
palette-relative RGB specifier. An application using a color palette can
pass this specifier instead of an explicit RGB value to functions that
expect a color.
For output devices that support logical palettes, Windows matches a
palette-relative RGB value to the nearest color in the logical palette of
the device context, as though the application had specified an index to that
palette entry. If an output device does not support a system palette, then
Windows uses the palette-relative RGB as though it were a conventional RGB
DWORD returned by the RGB macro.
Parameter Type/Description
cRed BYTE Specifies the intensity of the red color field.
cGreen BYTE Specifies the intensity of the green color field.
cBlue BYTE Specifies the intensity of the blue color field.
Return Value
The return value specifies a palette-relative RGB value.
BOOL PatBlt(hDC, X, Y, nWidth, nHeight, dwRop)
This function creates a bit pattern on the specified device. The pattern is
a combination of the selected brush and the pattern already on the device.
The raster-operation code specified by the dwRop parameter defines how the
patterns are to be combined.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the
rectangle that is to receive the pattern.
Y int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the
rectangle that is to receive the pattern.
nWidth int Specifies the width (in logical
units) of the rectangle that is to
Parameter Type/Description
units) of the rectangle that is to
receive the pattern.
nHeight int Specifies the height (in logical
units) of the rectangle that is to
receive the pattern.
dwRop DWORD Specifies the raster-operation
code. Raster-operation codes (ROPs)
define how GDI combines colors in output
operations that involve a current brush,
a possible source bitmap, and a
destination bitmap. For a list of the
raster-operation codes, see Table .12,
"Raster Operations."
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
bit pattern is drawn. Otherwise, it is zero.
The values of dwRop for this function are a limited subset of the full 256
ternary raster-operation codes; in particular, an operation code that refers
to a source cannot be used.
Not all devices support the PatBlt function. For more information, see the
RC_BITBLT capability in the GetDeviceCaps function, earlier in this chapter.
Table lists the various raster-operation codes for the dwRop parameter:
Table Raster Operations
Code Description
PATCOPY Copies pattern to destination bitmap.
PATINVERT Combines destination bitmap with pattern
using the Boolean OR operator.
DSTINVERT Inverts the destination bitmap.
BLACKNESS Turns all output black.
WHITENESS Turns all output white.
BOOL PeekMessage(lpMsg, hWnd, wMsgFilterMin,
wMsgFilterMax, wRemoveMsg)
This function checks the application queue for a message and places the
message (if any) in the data structure pointed to by the lpMsg parameter.
Unlike the GetMessage function, the PeekMessage function does not wait for a
message to be placed in the queue before returning. It does, however, yield
control (if the PM_NOYIELD flag isn't set) and does not return control after
the yield until Windows returns control to the application.
PeekMessage retrieves only messages associated with the window specified by
the hWnd parameter, or any of its children as specified by the IsChild
function, and within the range of message values given by the wMsgFilterMin
and wMsgFilterMax parameters. If hWnd is NULL, PeekMessage retrieves
messages for any window that belongs to the application making the call.
(The PeekMessage function does not retrieve messages for windows that belong
to other applications.) If hWnd is -1, PeekMessage returns only messages
with a hWnd of NULL as posted by the PostAppMessage function. If
wMsgFilterMin and wMsgFilterMax are both zero, PeekMessage returns all
available messages (no range filtering is performed).
The WM_KEYFIRST and WM_KEYLAST flags can be used as filter values to
retrieve all key messages; the WM_MOUSEFIRST and WM_MOUSELAST flags can be
used to retrieve all mouse messages.
Parameter Type/Description
lpMsg LPMSG Points to an MSG data
structure that contains
message information from the
Windows application queue.
hWnd HWND Identifies the window
whose messages are to be
wMsgFilterMin WORD Specifies the value of
the lowest message position
to be examined.
wMsgFilterMax WORD Specifies the value of
the highest message position
Parameter Type/Description
the highest message position
to be examined.
wRemoveMsg WORD Specifies a
combination of the flags
described in the following
list. PM_NOYIELD can be
combined with either
Value Meaning
PM_NOREMOVE Messages are not removed
from the queue after
processing by PeekMessage.
PM_NOYIELD Prevents the current task
from halting and yielding
system resources to another
Parameter Type/Description
system resources to another
PM_REMOVE Messages are removed from
the queue after processing
by PeekMessage.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not a message is found. It is nonzero
if a message is available. Otherwise, it is zero.
PeekMessage does not remove WM_PAINT messages from the queue. The messages
remain in the queue until processed. The GetMessage, PeekMessage, and
WaitMessage functions yield control to other applications. These calls are
the only way to let other applications run. If your application does not
call any of these functions for long periods of time, other applications
cannot run.
When GetMessage, PeekMessage, and WaitMessage yield control to other
applications, the stack and data segments of the application calling the
function may move in memory to accommodate the changing memory requirements
of other applications.
If the application has stored long pointers to objects in the data or stack
segment (global or local variables), and if they are unlocked, these
pointers can become invalid after a call to GetMessage, PeekMessage, or
WaitMessage. The lpMsg parameter of the called function remains valid in any
BOOL Pie(hDC, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4)
This function draws a pie-shaped wedge by drawing an elliptical arc whose
center and two endpoints are joined by lines. The center of the arc is the
center of the bounding rectangle specified by the X1, Y1, X2, and Y2
parameters. The starting and ending points of the arc are specified by the
X3, Y3, X4, and Y4 parameters. The arc is drawn with the selected pen,
moving in a counterclockwise direction. Two additional lines are drawn from
each endpoint to the arc's center. The pie-shaped area is filled with the
selected brush.
If X3 equals X4 and Y3 equals Y4, the result is an ellipse with a single
line from the center of the ellipse to the point (X3, Y3), or (X4, Y4).
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X1 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the bounding
Y1 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the bounding
X2 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the lower-right corner of the
bounding rectangle.
Y2 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the lower-right corner of the
bounding rectangle.
X3 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
Parameter Type/Description
X3 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the starting point of the arc. This
point does not have to lie exactly on
the arc.
Y3 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the starting point of the arc. This
point does not have to lie exactly on
the arc.
X4 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the endpoint of the arc. This point
does not have to lie exactly on the arc.
Y4 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the endpoint of the arc. This point
does not have to lie exactly on the arc.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not the pie shape is drawn. It is
nonzero if the pie shape is drawn. Otherwise, it is zero.
The width of the rectangle, specified by the absolute value of X2 - X1, must
not exceed 32,767 units. This limit applies to the height of the rectangle
as well.
The current position is neither used nor updated by this function.
BOOL PlayMetaFile(hDC, hMF)
This function plays the contents of the specified metafile on the given
device. The metafile can be played any number of times.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context of the output device.
hMF HANDLE Identifies the metafile.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
void PlayMetaFileRecord(hDC, lpHandletable,
lpMetaRecord, nHandles)
This function plays a metafile record by executing the GDI function call
contained within the metafile record.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context of
the output device.
lpHandletable LPHANDLETABLE Points to the object
handle table to be used for the metafile
lpMetaRecord LPMETARECORD Points to the metafile to
be played.
nHandles WORD Specifies the number of handles in
the handle table.
Return Value
An application typically uses this function in conjunction with the
EnumMetafile function to modify and then play a metafile.
BOOL Polygon(hDC, lpPoints, nCount)
This function draws a polygon consisting of two or more points (vertices)
connected by lines. The polygons are filled using the current
polygon-filling mode. For a description of the polygon-filling mode, see the
SetPolyFillMode function, later in this chapter. The polygon is
automatically closed, if necessary, by drawing a line from the last vertex
to the first.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
lpPoints LPPOINT Points to an array of points
that specify the vertices of the polygon.
Each point in the array is a POINT data
nCount int Specifies the number of vertices
given in the array.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
The current position is neither used nor updated by this function.
The current polygon-filling mode can be retrieved or set by using the
GetPolyFillMode and SetPolyFillMode functions.
BOOL Polyline(hDC, lpPoints, nCount)
This function draws a set of line segments, connecting the points specified
by the lpPoints parameter. The lines are drawn from the first point through
subsequent points with the result as if the MoveTo and LineTo functions were
used to move to each new point and then connect it to the next. However, the
current position is neither used nor updated by the Polyline function.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
lpPoints LPPOINT Points to an array of points to
be connected. Each point in the array is
a POINT data structure.
nCount int Specifies the number of points in
the array. The nCount parameter must be
at least 2.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not the line segments were drawn. It
is nonzero if the line segments were drawn. Otherwise, it is zero.
This function draws lines with the selected pen.
Version 3.0
BOOL PolyPolygon(hDC, lpPoints, lpPolyCounts, nCount)
This function creates a series of closed polygons. The polygons are filled
using the current polygon-filling mode. For a description of the
polygon-filling mode, see the SetPolyFillMode function, later in this
chapter. The polygons may overlap, but they do not have to overlap.
Parameter Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
lpPoints LPPOINT Points to an array of POINT
data structures that define the vertices
of the polygons. Each polygon must be a
closed polygon. Unlike polygons created
by the Polygon function, the polygons
created by PolyPolygon are not
automatically closed. The polygons are
specified consecutively.
lpPolyCounts LPINT Points to an array of integers,
each of which specifies the number of
points in one of the polygons in the
lpPoints array.
nCount int Specifies the total number of
integers in the lpPolyCounts array.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
polygons were drawn. Otherwise, it is zero.
BOOL PostAppMessage(hTask, wMsg, wParam, lParam)
This function posts a message to an application identified by a task handle,
and then returns without waiting for the application to process the message.
The application receiving the message obtains the message by calling the
GetMessage or PeekMessage function. The hWnd parameter of the returned MSG
structure is NULL.
Parameter Type/Description
hTask HANDLE Identifies the task that is to
receive the message. The GetCurrentTask
function returns this handle.
wMsg WORD Specifies the type of message
wParam WORD Specifies additional message
lParam DWORD Specifies additional message
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not the message is posted. It is
nonzero if the message is posted. Otherwise, it is zero.
BOOL PostMessage(hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam)
This function places a message in a window's application queue, and then
returns without waiting for the corresponding window to process the message.
The posted message can be retrieved by calls to the GetMessage or
PeekMessage function.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window to receive
the message. If the hWnd parameter is
0xFFFF, the message is sent to all
overlapped or pop-up windows in the
system. The message is not sent to child
wMsg WORD Specifies the type of message
wParam WORD Specifies additional message
lParam DWORD Specifies additional message
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not the message is posted. It is
nonzero if the message is posted. Otherwise, it is zero.
An application should never use the PostMessage function to send a message
to a control. If a system running Windows is configured for an
expanded-memory system (EMS) and an application sends a message (by using
the PostMessage function) with related data (that are pointed to by the
lParam parameter) to a second application, the first application must place
the data (that lParam points to) in global memory allocated with the
GlobalAlloc function and the GMEM_LOWER flag. Note that this allocation of
memory is necessary only if lParam contains a pointer.
Unlike other Windows functions, an application may call PostMessage at the
hardwareinterrupt level.
void PostQuitMessage(nExitCode)
This function informs Windows that the application wishes to terminate
execution. It is typically used in response to a WM_DESTROY message.
The PostQuitMessage function posts a WM_QUIT message to the application and
returns immediately; the function merely informs the system that the
application wants to quit sometime in the future.
When the application receives the WM_QUIT message, it should exit the
message loop in the main function and return control to Windows. The exit
code returned to Windows must be the wParam parameter of the WM_QUIT
Parameter Type/Description
nExitCode int Specifies an application exit code.
It is used as the wParam parameter of
the WM_QUIT message.
Return Value
Version 3.0
void ProfClear()
When running the Microsoft Windows Profiler, this function discards all
samples currently in the sampling buffer. See Tools for more information on
using the Profiler.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
Version 3.0
void ProfFinish()
When running the Microsoft Windows Profiler, this function stops sampling
and flushes the output buffer to disk.
When running with Windows in 386 enhanced mode, ProfFinish also frees the
buffer for system use. See Tools for more information on using the Profiler.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
Version 3.0
void ProfFlush()
When running the Microsoft Windows Profiler, this function flushes the
sampling buffer to disk, provided that samples do not exceed predefined
When running with Windows in any mode other than 386 enhanced mode, you must
specify the size of the output buffer and the amount of samples to be
written to disk.
When running with Windows in 386 enhanced mode, an application calls the
ProfSetup function to specify the size of the output buffer and the amount
of samples to be written to disk.
See Tools for more information on using the Profiler.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
Do not call ProfFlush repeatedly because it can seriously impair the
performance of the application. Additionally, do not call the function when
DOS may be unstable, as in interrupt handling.
Version 3.0
int ProfInsChk()
This function determines if the Microsoft Windows Profiler is installed. See
Tools for more information on using the Profiler.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether Profiler is installed and the version
installed. The return value is zero if Profiler is not installed, 1 if the
Windows Profiler is installed for a mode other than 386 enhanced mode, and 2
if the Windows 386 enhanced mode Profiler is installed.
Version 3.0
void ProfSampRate(nRate286, nRate386)
When running the Microsoft Windows Profiler, this function sets the rate of
code sampling. See Tools for more information on using the Profiler.
Parameter Type/Description
nRate286 int Specifies the sampling rate of
Profiler if the application is running
with Windows in any mode other than 386
enhanced mode. The value of nRate286
ranges from 1 to 13, indicating the
following sampling rates:
Value Sampling Rate
1 122.070 microseconds
2 244.141 microseconds
Parameter Type/Description
2 244.141 microseconds
3 488.281 microseconds
4 976.562 microseconds
5 1.953125 milliseconds
6 3.90625 milliseconds
7 7.8125 milliseconds
8 15.625 milliseconds
9 31.25 milliseconds
10 62.5 milliseconds
11 125 milliseconds
Parameter Type/Description
11 125 milliseconds
12 250 milliseconds
13 500 milliseconds
nRate386 int Specifies the sampling rate of
Profiler if the application is running
with Windows in 386 enhanced mode. The
value of nRate386 can range from 1 to
1000, specifying the sampling rate in
Return Value
The default rate is 5 (1.953125 milliseconds) for Windows in any mode other
than 386 enhanced mode. The default rate is 2 milliseconds for Windows in
386 enhanced mode.
Profiler only selects the parameter appropriate for the version of Windows
being used.
Version 3.0
void ProfSetup(nBufferSize, nSamples)
When running the Microsoft Windows Profiler with Windows in 386 enhanced
mode, this function specifies the size of the output buffer and the amount
of samples written to disk.
Profiler ignores the ProfSetup function when running with Windows in any
mode other than 386 enhanced mode. See Tools for more information on using
the Profiler.
Parameter Type/Description
nBufferSize int Specifies the size of the output
buffer in kilobytes. The nBufferSize
parameter can range from 1 to 1064. The
default is 64.
nSamples int Specifies how much sampling data
Profiler writes to disk. A value of zero
specifies unlimited sampling data. The
default is zero.
Version 3.0
void ProfStart()
When running the Microsoft Windows Profiler, this function starts sampling.
See Tools for more information on using the Profiler.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
Version 3.0
void ProfStop()
When running the Microsoft Windows Profiler, this function stops sampling.
See Tools for more information on using the Profiler.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
BOOL PtInRect(lpRect, Point)
This function specifies whether the specified point lies within a given
rectangle. A point is within a rectangle if it lies on the left or top side,
or is within all four sides. A point on the right or bottom side is outside
the rectangle.
Parameter Type/Description
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the specified rectangle.
Point POINT Specifies a POINT data structure
that contains the specified point.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the specified point lies within the given
rectangle. It is nonzero if the point lies within the given rectangle.
Otherwise, it is zero.
BOOL PtInRegion(hRgn, X, Y)
This function specifies whether the point given by the X and Y parameters is
in the given region.
Parameter Type/Description
hRgn HRGN Identifies the region to be examined.
X int Specifies the logical x-coordinate of the point.
Y int Specifies the logical y-coordinate of the point.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the specified point is in the given
region. It is nonzero if the point is in the region. Otherwise, it is zero.
BOOL PtVisible(hDC, X, Y)
This function specifies whether the given point is within the clipping
region of the specified device context.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the logical x-coordinate of the point.
Y int Specifies the logical y-coordinate of the point.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the specified point is within the
clipping region of the given display context. It is nonzero if the point is
within the clipping region. Otherwise, it is zero.
int ReadComm(nCid, lpBuf, nSize)
This function reads the number of characters specified by the nSize
parameter from the communication device specified by the nCid parameter and
copies the characters into the buffer pointed to by the lpBuf parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
nCid int Specifies the communication device
to be read. The OpenComm function
returns this value.
lpBuf LPSTR Points to the buffer that is to
receive the characters read.
nSize int Specifies the number of characters
to be read.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of characters actually read. It is
less than the number specified by nSize only if the number of characters in
the receive queue is less than that specified by nSize. If it is equal to
nSize, additional characters may be queued for the device. If the return
value is zero, no characters are present.
When an error occurs, the return value is set to a value less than zero,
with the absolute value being the actual number of characters read. The
cause of the error can be determined by using the GetCommError function to
retrieve the error code and status. Since errors can occur when no bytes are
present, if the return value is zero, the GetCommError function should be
used to ensure that no error occurred.
For parallel I/O ports, the return value will always be zero.
Version 3.0
int RealizePalette(hDC)
This function maps to the system palette entries in the logical palette
currently selected into a device context.
A logical color palette acts as a buffer between color-intensive
applications and the system, allowing an application to use as many colors
as needed without interfering with its own color display, or with colors
displayed by other windows. When a window has input focus and calls
RealizePalette, Windows ensures that it will display all the colors it
requests, up to the maximum number simultaneously available on the display,
and displays additional colors by matching them to available colors. In
addition, Windows matches the colors requested by inactive windows that call
RealizePalette as closely as possible to the available colors. This
significantly reduces undesirable changes in the colors displayed in
inactive windows.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value specifies how many entries in the logical palette were
mapped to different entries in the system palette. This represents the
number of entries which this function remapped to accommodate changes in the
system palette since the logical palette was last realized.
BOOL Rectangle(hDC, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
This function draws a rectangle. The interior of the rectangle is filled by
using the selected brush, and a border is drawn with the selected pen.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X1 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the
Y1 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the
X2 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the lower-right corner of the
Y2 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the lower-right corner of the
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the rectangle is drawn. It is nonzero if
the rectangle is drawn. Otherwise, it is zero.
The width of the rectangle specified by the X1, Y1, X2, and Y2 parameters
must not exceed 32,767 units. This limit applies to the height of the
rectangle as well.
The current position is neither used nor updated by this function.
Version 3.0
BOOL RectInRegion(hRegion, lpRect)
This function determines whether any part of the rectangle specified by the
lpRect parameter is within the boundaries of the region identified by the
hRegion parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hRegion HRGN Identifies the region.
lpRect LPRECT Identifies the rectangle.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if any part of the specified rectangle lies within
the boundaries of the region. Otherwise, the return value is FALSE.
BOOL RectVisible(hDC, lpRect)
This function determines whether any part of the given rectangle lies within
the clipping region of the specified display context.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the logical coordinates of
the specified rectangle.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the rectangle is within the clipping
region. It is nonzero if some portion of the given rectangle lies within the
clipping region. Otherwise, it is zero.
BOOL RegisterClass(lpWndClass)
This function registers a window class for subsequent use in calls to the
CreateWindow function. The window class has the attributes defined by the
contents of the data structure pointed to by the lpWndClass parameter. If
two classes with the same name are registered, the second attempt fails and
the information for that class is ignored.
Parameter Type/Description
lpWndClass LPWNDCLASS Points to a WNDCLASS data
structure. The structure must be filled
with the appropriate class attributes
before being passed to the function. See
the following "Comments" section for
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the window class is registered. It is
nonzero if the class is registered. Otherwise, it is zero.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling conventions and must be
declared FAR.
Callback Function
BOOL FAR PASCAL WndProc(hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam)
HWND hWnd;
WORD wMsg;
WORD wParam;
DWORD lParam;
WndProc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
hWnd Identifies the window that receives the message.
wMsg Specifies the message number.
wParam Specifies additional message-dependent information.
lParam Specifies additional message-dependent information.
Return Value
The window function returns the result of the message processing. The
possible return values depend on the actual message sent.
WORD RegisterClipboardFormat(lpFormatName)
This function registers a new clipboard format whose name is pointed to by
the lpFormatName parameter. The registered format can be used in subsequent
clipboard functions as a valid format in which to render data, and it will
appear in the clipboard's list of formats.
Parameter Type/Description
lpFormatName LPSTR Points to a character string that
names the new format. The string must be
a null-terminated character string.
Return Value
The return value specifies the newly registered format. If the identical
format name has been registered before, even by a different application, the
format's reference count is increased and the same value is returned as when
the format was originally registered. The return value is zero if the format
cannot be registered.
The format value returned by the RegisterClipboardFormat function is within
the range of 0xC000 to 0xFFFF.
WORD RegisterWindowMessage(lpString)
This function defines a new window message that is guaranteed to be unique
throughout the system. The returned message value can be used when calling
the SendMessage or PostMessage function.
RegisterWindowMessage is typically used for communication between two
cooperating applications.
If the same message string is registered by two different applications, the
same message value is returned. The message remains registered until the
user ends the Windows session.
Parameter Type/Description
lpString LPSTR Points to the message string to be registered.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is an unsigned
short integer within the range 0xC000 to 0xFFFF if the message is
successfully registered. Otherwise, it is zero.
Use the RegisterWindowMessage function only when the same message must be
understood by more than one application. For sending private messages within
an application, an application can use any integer within the range WM_USER
to 0xBFFF.
void ReleaseCapture( )
This function releases the mouse capture and restores normal input
processing. A window with the mouse capture receives all mouse input
regardless of the position of the cursor.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
An application calls this function after calling the SetCapture function.
int ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC)
This function releases a device context, freeing it for use by other
applications. The effect of the ReleaseDC function depends on the
device-context type. It only frees common and window device contexts. It has
no effect on class or private device contexts.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose device
context is to be released.
hDC HDC Identifies the device context to be
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the device context is released. It is 1
if the device context is released. Otherwise, it is zero.
The application must call the ReleaseDC function for each call to the
GetWindowDC function and for each call to the GetDC function that retrieves
a common device context.
BOOL RemoveFontResource(lpFilename)
This function removes an added font resource from the file named by the
lpFilename parameter or from the Windows font table.
Parameter Type/Description
lpFilename LPSTR Points to a string that names the
font-resource file or contains a handle
to a loaded module. If lpFilename points
to the font-resource filename, the
string must be null-terminated and have
the DOS filename format. If lpFilename
contains a handle, the handle must be in
the low-order word; the high-order word
must be zero.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
Any application that adds or removes fonts from the Windows font table
should notify other windows of the change by using the SendMessage function
with the hWnd parameter set to -1 to send a WM_FONTCHANGE message to all
top-level windows in the system.
The RemoveFontResource function may not actually remove the font resource.
If there are outstanding references to the resource, the font resource
remains loaded until the last referencing logical font has been deleted by
using the DeleteObject function.
Version 3.0
BOOL RemoveMenu(hMenu, nPosition, wFlags)
This function deletes an menu item with an associated pop-up menu from the
menu identified by the hMenu parameter but does not destroy the handle for
the pop-up menu, allowing the menu to be reused. Before calling this
function, the application should call GetSubMenu to retrieve the pop-up menu
Parameter Type/Description
Parameter Type/Description
hMenu HMENU Identifies the
menu to be changed.
nPosition WORD Specifies the
menu item to be removed.
The interpretation of
the nPosition parameter
depends upon the
setting of the wFlags
If wFlags is: nPosition
MF_BYCOMMAND Specifies the command ID of the
existing menu item.
Parameter Type/Description
MF_BYPOSITION Specifies the position of the menu
item. The first item in the menu is
at position zero.
wFlags WORD Specifies how the
nPosition parameter is
interpreted. It must be
either MF_BYCOMMAND or
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
Whenever a menu changes (whether or not the menu resides in a window that is
displayed), the application should call DrawMenuBar.
HANDLE RemoveProp(hWnd, lpString)
This function removes an entry from the property list of the specified
window. The character string specified by the lpString parameter identifies
the entry to be removed.
The RemoveProp function returns the data handle associated with the string
so that the application can free the data associated with the handle.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose
property list is to be changed.
lpString LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string or to an atom that
identifies a string. If an atom is given,
it must have been previously created by
means of the AddAtom function. The atom,
a 16-bit value, must be placed in the
low-order word of lpString; the
high-order word must be zero.
Return Value
The return value identifies the given string. It is NULL if the string
cannot be found in the given property list.
An application must free the data handles associated with entries removed
from a property list. The application should only remove those properties
which it added to the property list.
void ReplyMessage(lReply)
This function is used to reply to a message sent through the SendMessage
function without returning control to the function that called SendMessage.
By calling this function, the window function that receives the message
allows the task that called SendMessage to continue to execute as though the
task that received the message had returned control. The task that calls
ReplyMessage also continues to execute.
Normally a task that calls SendMessage to send a message to another task
will not continue executing until the window procedure that Windows calls to
receive the message returns. However, if a task that is called to receive a
message needs to perform some type of operation that might yield control
(such as calling the MessageBox or DialogBox functions), Windows could be
placed in a deadlock situation where the sending task needs to execute and
process messages but cannot because it is waiting for SendMessage to return.
An application can avoid this problem if the task receiving the message
calls ReplyMessage before performing any operation that could cause the task
to yield.
The ReplyMessage function has no effect if the message was not sent through
the SendMessage function or if the message was sent by the same task.
Parameter Type/Description
lReply LONG Specifies the result of the
message processing. The possible values
depend on the actual message sent.
Return Value
Version 3.0
BOOL ResizePalette(hPalette, nNumEntries)
This function changes the size of the logical palette specified by the
hPalette parameter to the number of entries specified by the nNumEntries
parameter. If an application calls ResizePalette to reduce the size of the
palette, the entries remaining in the resized palette are unchanged. If the
application calls ResizePalette to enlarge the palette, the additional
palette entries are set to black (the red, green, and blue values are all 0)
and the flags for all additional entries are set to 0.
Parameter Type/Description
hPalette HPALETTE Identifies the palette to be
nNumEntries int Specifies the number of entries in
the palette after it has been resized.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the
palette was successfully resized. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
BOOL RestoreDC(hDC, nSavedDC)
This function restores the device context specified by the hDC parameter to
the previous state identified by the nSavedDC parameter. The RestoreDC
function restores the device context by copying state information saved on
the context stack by earlier calls to the SaveDC function.
The context stack can contain the state information for several device
contexts. If the context specified by nSavedDC is not at the top of the
stack, RestoreDC deletes any state information between the device context
specified by the nSavedDC parameter and the top of the stack. The deleted
information is lost.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
nSavedDC int Specifies the device context to be
restored. It can be a value returned by
a previous SaveDC function call. If
nSavedDC is -1, the most recent device
context saved is restored.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the
specified context was restored. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
COLORREF RGB(cRed, cGreen, cBlue)
This macro selects an RGB color based on the parameters supplied and the
color capabilities of the output device.
Parameter Type/Description
cRed BYTE Specifies the intensity of the red color field.
cGreen BYTE Specifies the intensity of the green color field.
cBlue BYTE Specifies the intensity of the blue color field.
Return Value
The return value specifies the resultant RGB color.
The intensity for each argument can range from 0 to 255. If all three
intensities are specified as 0, the result is black. If all three
intensities are specified as 255, the result is white.
For information on using color values in a color palette, see the
descriptions of the PALETTEINDEX and PALETTERGB macros, earlier in this
BOOL RoundRect(hDC, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3)
This function draws a rectangle with rounded corners. The interior of the
rectangle is filled by using the selected brush, and a border is drawn with
the selected pen.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X1 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the
Y1 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the
X2 int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the lower-right corner of the
Y2 int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the lower-right corner of the
Parameter Type/Description
X3 int Specifies the width of the ellipse
used to draw the rounded corners.
Y3 int Specifies the height of the ellipse
used to draw the rounded corners.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the rectangle is drawn. It is nonzero if
the rectangle is drawn. Otherwise, it is zero.
The width of the rectangle specified by the X1, Y1, X2, and Y2 parameters
must not exceed 32,767 units. This limit applies to the height of the
rectangle as well.
The current position is neither used nor updated by this function.
int SaveDC(hDC)
This function saves the current state of the device context specified by the
hDC parameter by copying state information (such as clipping region,
selected objects, and mapping mode) to a context stack. The saved device
context can later be restored by using the RestoreDC function.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context to be saved.
Return Value
The return value specifies the saved device context. It is zero if an error
The SaveDC function can be used any number of times to save any number of
devicecontext states.
DWORD ScaleViewportExt(hDC, Xnum, Xdenom,
Ynum, Ydenom)
This function modifies the viewport extents relative to the current values.
The formulas are written as follows:
xNewVE = (xOldVE x Xnum)/ X denom yNewVE = (yOldVE x Ynum) / Ydenom
The new extent is calculated by multiplying the current extents by the given
numerator and then dividing by the given denominator.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Xnum int Specifies the amount by which to
multiply the current x-extent.
Xdenom int Specifies the amount by which to
divide the current x-extent.
Ynum int Specifies the amount by which to
multiply the current y-extent.
Ydenom int Specifies the amount by which to
divide the current y-extent.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous viewport extents (in device units).
The previous y-extent is in the high-order word; the previous x-extent is in
the low-order word.
DWORD ScaleWindowExt(hDC, Xnum, Xdenom,
Ynum, Ydenom)
This function modifies the window extents relative to the current values.
The formulas are written as follows:
xNewWE = (xOldWE x Xnum) / Xdenom yNewWE = (yOldWE x Ynum) / Ydenom
The new extent is calculated by multiplying the current extents by the given
numerator and then dividing by the given denominator.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Xnum int Specifies the amount by which to
multiply the current x-extent.
Xdenom int Specifies the amount by which to
divide the current x-extent.
Ynum int Specifies the amount by which to
multiply the current y-extent.
Ydenom int Specifies the amount by which to
divide the current y-extent.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous window extents (in logical units).
The previous y-extent is in the high-order word; the previous x-extent is in
the low-order word.
void ScreenToClient(hWnd, lpPoint)
This function converts the screen coordinates of a given point on the
display to client coordinates. The ScreenToClient function uses the window
given by the hWnd parameter and the screen coordinates given in the POINT
data structure pointed to by the lpPoint parameter to compute client
coordinates, and then replaces the screen coordinates with the client
coordinates. The new coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of
the given window's client area.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose client
area will be used for the conversion.
lpPoint LPPOINT Points to a POINT data
structure that contains the screen
coordinates to be converted.
Return Value
The ScreenToClient formula assumes the given point is in screen coordinates.
BOOL ScrollDC(hDC, dx, dy, lprcScroll,
lprcClip, hrgnUpdate, lprcUpdate)
This function scrolls a rectangle of bits horizontally and vertically. The
lprcScroll parameter points to the rectangle to be scrolled, the dx
parameter specifies the number of units to be scrolled horizontally, and the
dy parameter specifies the number of units to be scrolled vertically.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context that
contains the bits to be scrolled.
dx int Specifies the number of horizontal
scroll units.
dy int Specifies the number of vertical
scroll units.
lprcScroll LPRECT Points to the RECT data
Parameter Type/Description
lprcScroll LPRECT Points to the RECT data
structure that contains the coordinates
of the scrolling rectangle.
lprcClip LPRECT Points to the RECT data
structure that contains the coordinates
of the clipping rectangle. When this
rectangle is smaller than the original
pointed to by lprcScroll, scrolling
occurs only in the smaller rectangle.
hrgnUpdate HRGN Identifies the region uncovered by
the scrolling process. The ScrollDC
function defines this region; it is not
necessarily a rectangle.
lprcUpdate LPRECT Points to the RECT data
structure that, upon return, contains
the coordinates of the rectangle that
Parameter Type/Description
the coordinates of the rectangle that
bounds the scrolling update region. This
is the largest rectangular area that
requires repainting.
Return Value
This value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if scrolling
is executed. Otherwise, it is zero.
If the lprcUpdate parameter is NULL, Windows does not compute the update
rectangle. If both the hrgnUpdate and lprcUpdate parameters are NULL,
Windows does not compute the update region. If hrgnUpdate is not NULL,
Windows assumes that it contains a valid region handle to the region
uncovered by the scrolling process (defined by the ScrollDC function).
An application should use the ScrollWindow function when it is necessary to
scroll the entire client area of a window. Otherwise, it should use
void ScrollWindow(hWnd, XAmount, YAmount,
lpRect, lpClipRect)
This function scrolls a window by moving the contents of the window's client
area the number of units specified by the XAmount parameter along the
screen's x-axis and the number of units specified by the YAmount parameter
along the y-axis. The scroll moves right if XAmount is positive and left if
it is negative. The scroll moves down if YAmount is positive and up if it is
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose client
area is to be scrolled.
XAmount int Specifies the amount (in device
units) to scroll in the x direction.
YAmount int Specifies the amount (in device
units) to scroll in the y direction.
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that specifies the portion of the client
area to be scrolled. If lpRect is NULL,
the entire client area is scrolled.
lpClipRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that specifies the clipping rectangle to
be scrolled. Only bits inside this
rectangle are scrolled. If lpClipRect is
NULL, the entire window is scrolled.
Return Value
If the caret is in the window being scrolled, ScrollWindow automatically
hides the caret to prevent it from being erased, then restores the caret
after the scroll is finished. The caret position is adjusted accordingly.
The area uncovered by the ScrollWindow function is not repainted, but is
combined into the window's update region. The application will eventually
receive a WM_PAINT message notifying it that the region needs repainting. To
repaint the uncovered area at the same time the scrolling is done, call the
UpdateWindow function immediately after calling ScrollWindow.
If the lpRect parameter is NULL, the positions of any child windows in the
window are offset by the amount specified by XAmount and YAmount, and any
invalid (unpainted) areas in the window are also offset. ScrollWindow is
faster when lpRect is NULL.
If the lpRect parameter is not NULL, the positions of child windows are not
changed, and invalid areas in the window are not offset. To prevent updating
problems when lpRect is not NULL, call the UpdateWindow function to repaint
the window before calling ScrollWindow.
int SelectClipRgn(hDC, hRgn)
This function selects the given region as the current clipping region for
the specified device context. Only a copy of the selected region is used.
The region itself can be selected for any number of other device contexts,
or it can be deleted.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
hRgn HRGN Identifies the region to be selected.
Return Value
The return value specifies the region's type. It can be any one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
COMPLEXREGION New clipping region has overlapping borders.
ERROR Device context or region handle is not valid.
NULLREGION New clipping region is empty.
SIMPLEREGION New clipping region has no overlapping borders.
The SelectClipRgn function assumes that the coordinates for the given region
are specified in device units.
Some printer devices support graphics at lower resolutions than text output
to increase speed, but at the expense of quality. These devices scale
coordinates for graphics so that one graphics device point corresponds to
two or four true device points. This scaling factor affects clipping. If a
region will be used to clip graphics, its coordinates must be divided down
by the scaling factor. If the region will be used to clip text, no scaling
adjustment is needed. The scaling factor is determined by using the
GETSCALINGFACTOR printer escape.
HANDLE SelectObject(hDC, hObject)
This function selects the logical object specified by the hObject parameter
as the selected object of the specified device context. The new object
replaces the previous object of the same type. For example, if hObject is
the handle to a logical pen, the SelectObject function replaces the selected
pen with the pen specified by hObject.
Selected objects are the default objects used by the GDI output functions to
draw lines, fill interiors, write text, and clip output to specific areas of
the device surface. Although a device context can have six selected objects
(pen, brush, font, bitmap, region, and logical palette), no more than one
object of any given type can be selected at one time. SelectObject does not
select a logical palette; to select a logical palette, the application must
use SelectPalette.
Parameter Type/Description
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device
hObject HANDLE Identifies the object
to be selected. It may be any
one of the following, and must
have been created by using one
of the following functions:
Object Function
Bitmap (Bitmaps can be CreateBitmap
selected for memory device CreateBitmapIndirect
contexts only, and for only CreateCompatibleBitmap
one device context at a time.) CreateDIBitmap
Brush CreateBrushIndirect
Parameter Type/Description
Font CreateFont
Pen CreatePen
Region CombineRgn
Return Value
The return value identifies the object being replaced by the object
specified by the hObject parameter. It is NULL if there is an error.
If the hDC parameter specifies a metafile, the return value is nonzero if
the function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
If a region is being selected, the return is the same as for SelectClipRgn.
When you select a font, pen, or brush by using the SelectObject function,
GDI allocates space for that object in its data segment. Because
data-segment space is limited, you should use the DeleteObject function to
delete each drawing object that you no longer need.
Before deleting the last of the unneeded drawing objects, an application
should select the original (default) object back into the device context.
An application cannot select a bitmap into more than one device context at
any time.
Version 3.0
HPALETTE SelectPalette(hDC, hPalette, bForceBackground)
This function selects the logical palette specified by the hPalette
parameter as the selected palette object of the device context identified by
the hDC parameter. The new palette becomes the palette object used by GDI to
control colors displayed in the device context and replaces the previous
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
hPalette HPALETTE Identifies the logical palette
to be selected. CreatePalette creates a
logical palette.
bForceBackground BOOL Specifies whether the logical
palette is forced to be a background
palette. If bForceBackground is nonzero,
the selected palette is always a
background palette, regardless of
whether the window has input focus. If
bForceBackground is zero, the logical
palette is a foreground palette when the
window has input focus.
Return Value
The return value identifies the logical palette being replaced by the
palette specified by the hPalette parameter. It is NULL if there is an
An application can select a logical palette into more than one device
context. However, changes to a logical palette will affect all device
contexts for which it is selected. If an application selects a palette
object into more than one device context, the device contexts must all
belong to the same physical device (such as a display or printer).
DWORD SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, nIDDlgItem,
wMsg, wParam, lParam)
This function sends a message to the control specified by the nIDDlgItem
parameter within the dialog box specified by the hDlg parameter. The
SendDlgItemMessage function does not return until the message has been
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box that
contains the control.
nIDDlgItem int Specifies the integer identifier of
the dialog item that is to receive the
wMsg WORD Specifies the message value.
wParam WORD Specifies additional message
lParam DWORD Specifies additional message
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is the value
returned by the control's window function, or zero if the control identifier
is not valid.
Using SendDlgItemMessage is identical to obtaining a handle to the given
control and calling the SendMessage function.
DWORD SendMessage(hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam)
This function sends a message to a window or windows. The SendMessage
function does not return until the message has been processed. If the window
that receives the message is part of the same application, the window
function is called immediately as a subroutine. If the window is part of
another task, Windows switches to the appropriate task and calls the
appropriate window function, and then passes the message to the window
function. The message is not placed in the destination application's queue.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window that is to
receive the message. If the hWnd
parameter is 0xFFFF, the message is sent
to all pop-up windows in the system. The
message is not sent to child windows.
wMsg WORD Specifies the message to be sent.
wParam WORD Specifies additional message
lParam DWORD Specifies additional message
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is the value
returned by the window function that received the message; its value depends
on the message being sent.
If a system running Windows is configured for expanded memory (EMS) and an
application sends a message (by using the SendMessage function) with related
data (that is pointed to by the lParam parameter) to a second application,
the first application must place the data (that lParam points to) in global
memory allocated by the GlobalAlloc function and the GMEM_LOWER flag. Note
that this allocation of memory is only necessary if lParam contains a
HWND SetActiveWindow(hWnd)
This function makes a top-level window the active window.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the top-level window to be activated.
Return Value
The return value identifies the window that was previously active. The
SetActiveWindow function should be used with care since it allows an
application to arbitrarily take over the active window and input focus.
Normally, Windows takes care of all activation.
LONG SetBitmapBits(hBitmap, dwCount, lpBits)
This function sets the bits of a bitmap to the bit values given by the
lpBits parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hBitmap HBITMAP Identifies the bitmap to be set.
dwCount DWORD Specifies the number of bytes
pointed to by lpBits.
lpBits LPSTR Points to the bitmap bits that
are stored as a long pointer to a byte
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of bytes used in setting the bitmap
bits. It is zero if the function fails.
DWORD SetBitmapDimension(hBitmap, X, Y)
This function assigns a width and height to a bitmap in 0.1-millimeter
units. These values are not used internally by GDI; the GetBitmapDimension
function can be used to retrieve them.
Parameter Type/Description
hBitmap HANDLE Identifies the bitmap.
X int Specifies the width of the bitmap
(in 0.1-millimeter units).
Y int Specifies the height of the bitmap
(in 0.1-millimeter units).
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous bitmap dimensions. Height is in the
high-order word, and width is in the low-order word.
DWORD SetBkColor(hDC, crColor)
This function sets the current background color to the color specified by
the crColor parameter, or to the nearest physical color if the device cannot
represent an RGB color value specified by crColor.
If the background mode is OPAQUE, GDI uses the background color to fill the
gaps between styled lines, gaps between hatched lines in brushes, and
character cells. GDI also uses the background color when converting bitmaps
from color to monochrome and vice versa.
The background mode is set by the SetBkMode function. See the BitBlt and
StretchBlt functions, in this chapter, for color-bitmap conversions.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
crColor COLORREF Specifies the new background color.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous background color as an RGB color
value. If an error occurs, the return value is 0x80000000.
int SetBkMode(hDC, nBkMode)
This function sets the background mode used with text and line styles. The
background mode defines whether or not GDI should remove existing background
colors on the device surface before drawing text, hatched brushes, or any
pen style that is not a solid line.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device
nBkMode int Specifies the background
mode. It can be either one of
the following modes:
Value Meaning
OPAQUE Background is filled with the
current background color
before the text, hatched brush,
or pen is drawn.
TRANSPARENT Background remains untouched.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous background mode. It can be either
DWORD SetBrushOrg(hDC, X, Y)
This function sets the origin of the brush currently selected into the given
device context.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the x-coordinate (in
device units) of the new origin. This
value must be in the range 0-7.
Y int Specifies the y-coordinate (in
device units) of the new origin. This
value must be in the range 0-7.
Return Value
The return value specifies the origin of the brush. The previous
x-coordinate is in the low-order word, and the previous y-coordinate is in
the high-order word.
The original brush origin is at the coordinate (0,0).
The SetBrushOrg function should not be used with stock objects.
HWND SetCapture(hWnd)
This function causes all subsequent mouse input to be sent to the window
specified by the hWnd parameter, regardless of the position of the cursor.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window that is to
receive the mouse input.
Return Value
The return value identifies the window that previously received all mouse
input. It is NULL if there is no such window.
When the window no longer requires all mouse input, the application should
call the ReleaseCapture function so that other windows can receive mouse
void SetCaretBlinkTime(wMSeconds)
This function sets the caret blink rate (elapsed time between caret flashes)
to the number of milliseconds specified by the wMSeconds parameter. The
caret flashes on or off each wMSeconds milliseconds. This means one complete
flash (on-off-on) takes 2 x wMSeconds milliseconds.
Parameter Type/Description
wMSeconds WORD Specifies the new blink rate (in milliseconds).
Return Value
The caret is a shared resource. A window should set the caret blink rate
only if it owns the caret. It should restore the previous rate before it
loses the input focus or becomes inactive.
void SetCaretPos(X, Y)
This function moves the caret to the position given by logical coordinates
specified by the X and Y parameters. Logical coordinates are relative to the
client area of the window that owns them and are affected by the window's
mapping mode, so the exact position in pixels depends on this mapping mode.
The SetCaretPos function moves the caret only if it is owned by a window in
the current task. SetCaretPos moves the caret whether or not the caret is
Parameter Type/Description
X int Specifies the new x-coordinate (in
logical coordinates) of the caret.
Y int Specifies the new y-coordinate (in
logical coordinates) of the caret.
Return Value
The caret is a shared resource. A window should not move the caret if it
does not own the caret.
LONG SetClassLong(hWnd, nIndex, dwNewLong)
This function replaces the long value specified by the nIndex parameter in
the WNDCLASS data structure of the window specified by the hWnd parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
nIndex int Specifies the byte offset
of the word to be changed. It
can also be one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
GCL_MENUNAME Sets a new long pointer to the
menu name.
GCL_WNDPROC Sets a new long pointer to the
window function.
dwNewLong DWORD Specifies the
replacement value.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous value of the specified long integer.
If the SetClassLong function and GCL_WNDPROC index are used to set a window
function, the given function must have the window-function form and be
exported in the module-definition file. See the RegisterClass function
earlier in this chapter for details.
Calling SetClassLong with the GCL_WNDPROC index creates a subclass of the
window class that affects all windows subsequently created with the class.
See Chapter 1, "Window Manager Interface Functions," for more information on
window subclassing. An application should not attempt to create a window
subclass for standard Windows controls such as combo boxes and buttons.
To access any extra two-byte values allocated when the window-class
structure was created, use a positive byte offset as the index specified by
the nIndex parameter, starting at zero for the first two-byte value in the
extra space, 2 for the next two-byte value and so on.
WORD SetClassWord(hWnd, nIndex, wNewWord)
This function replaces the word specified by the nIndex parameter in the
WNDCLASS structure of the window specified by the hWnd parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
nIndex int Specifies the byte offset
of the word to be changed. It
can also be one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
GCW_CBCLSEXTRA Sets two new bytes of
additional window-class data.
GCW_CBWNDEXTRA Sets two new bytes of
additional window-class data.
GCW_HBRBACKGROUND Sets a new handle to a
background brush.
GCW_HCURSOR Sets a new handle to a cursor.
Parameter Type/Description
GCW_HCURSOR Sets a new handle to a cursor.
GCW_HICON Sets a new handle to an icon.
GCW_STYLE Sets a new style bit for the
window class.
wNewWord WORD Specifies the
replacement value.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous value of the specified word.
The SetClassWord function should be used with care. For example, it is
possible to change the background color for a class by using SetClassWord,
but this change does not cause all windows belonging to the class to be
repainted immediately.
To access any extra four-byte values allocated when the window-class
structure was created, use a positive byte offset as the index specified by
the nIndex parameter, starting at zero for the first four-byte value in the
extra space, 4 for the next four-byte value and so on.
HANDLE SetClipboardData(wFormat, hMem)
This function sets a data handle to the clipboard for the data specified by
the hMem parameter. The data are assumed to have the format specified by the
wFormat parameter. After setting a clipboard data handle, the
SetClipboardData function frees the block of memory identified by hMem.
Parameter Type/Description
wFormat WORD Specifies a data format. It can be
any one of the predefined formats given
in Table .13, "Predefined Data Formats."
In addition to the predefined formats,
any format value registered through the
RegisterClipboardFormat function can be
used as the wFormat parameter.
hMem HANDLE Identifies the global memory
block that contains the data in the
specified format. The hMem parameter can
be NULL. When hMem is NULL the
application does not have to format the
data and provide a handle to it until
requested to do so through a
Return Value
The return value identifies the data and is assigned by the clipboard.
Once the hMem parameter has been passed to SetClipboardData, the block of
data becomes the property of the clipboard. The application may read the
data, but should not free the block or leave it locked.
Table shows the various predefined data-format values for the wFormat
Table Predefined Data Formats
Value Meaning
CF_BITMAP A handle to a bitmap (HBITMAP).
CF_DIB A memory block containing a BITMAPINFO
data structure followed by the bitmap
CF_DIF Software Arts' Data Interchange Format.
CF_DSPBITMAP Bitmap display format associated with
private format. The hMem parameter must
be a handle to data that can be
displayed in bitmap format in lieu of
the privately formatted data.
CF_DSPMETAFILEPICT Metafile-picture display format
associated with private format. The hMem
parameter must be a handle to data that
Value Meaning
parameter must be a handle to data that
can be displayed in metafile-picture
format in lieu of the privately
formatted data.
CF_DSPTEXT Text display format associated with
private format. The hMem parameter must
be a handle to data that can be
displayed in text format in lieu of the
privately formatted data.
CF_METAFILEPICT Metafile picture format as defined by
the METAFILEPICT data structure.
Table Predefined Data Formats (continued)
Value Meaning
CF_OEMTEXT Text format contining characters in the OEM character
set. Each line ends with a carriage return/linefeed
(CR-LF) combination. A null character signals the end
of the data.
CF_OWNERDISPLAY Owner display format. The clipboard owner must
display and update the clipboard application window,
and will receive WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME,
parameter must be NULL.
CF_PALETTE Handle to a color palette. Whenever an application
places data in the clipboard that depends on or
assumes a color palette, it should also place the
palette in the clipboard as well.
If the clipboard contains data in the CF_PALETTE
(logical color palette) format, the application
Value Meaning
(logical color palette) format, the application
should assume that any other data in the clipboard is
realized against that logical palette.
The clipboard-viewer application (CLIPBRD.EXE) always
uses as its current palette any object in CF_PALETTE
format that is in the clipboard when it displays the
other formats in the clipboard.
CF_PRIVATEFIRST to Range of integer values used for private formats.
CF_PRIVATELAST Data handles associated with formats in this range
will not be freed automatically; any data handles
must be freed by the application before the
application terminates or when a WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD
message is received.
CF_SYLK Microsoft Symbolic Link (SYLK) format.
CF_TEXT Text format. Each line ends with a carriage
Value Meaning
CF_TEXT Text format. Each line ends with a carriage
(CR-LF) combination. A null character signals the end
of the data.
CF_TIFF Tag Image File Format.
Windows supports two formats for text, CF_TEXT and CF_OEMTEXT. CF_TEXT is
the default Windows text clipboard format, while Windows uses the CF_OEMTEXT
format for text in non-Windows applications. If you call GetClipboardData to
retrieve data in one text format and the other text format is the only
available text format, Windows automatically converts the text to the
requested format before supplying it to your application.
An application registers other standard formats, such as Rich Text Format
(RTF), by name using the RegisterClipboardFormat function rather than by a
symbolic constant. For information on these external formats, see the
HWND SetClipboardViewer(hWnd)
This function adds the window specified by the hWnd parameter to the chain
of windows that are notified (via the WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message) whenever the
contents of the clipboard are changed.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window to receive
clipboard-viewer chain messages.
Return Value
The return value identifies the next window in the clipboard-viewer chain.
This handle should be saved in static memory and used in responding to
clipboard-viewer chain messages.
Windows that are part of the clipboard-viewer chain must respond to
If an application wishes to remove itself from the clipboard-viewer chain,
it must call the ChangeClipboardChain function.
int SetCommBreak(nCid)
This function suspends character transmission and places the transmission
line in a break state until the ClearCommBreak function is called.
Parameter Type/Description
nCid int Specifies the communication device
to be suspended. The OpenComm function
returns this value.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is zero if the
function is successful. It is negative if nCid does not specify a valid
WORD FAR * SetCommEventMask(nCid, nEvtMask)
This function enables and retrieves the event mask of the communication
device specified by the nCid parameter. The bits of the nEvtMask parameter
define which events are to be enabled. The return value points to the
current state of the event mask.
Parameter Type/Description
nCid int Specifies the communication device
to be enabled. The OpenComm function
returns this value.
nEvtMask int Specifies which events are to be
enabled. It can be any combination of
the values shown in Table .14, "Event
Return Value
The return value points to an integer event mask. Each bit in the event mask
specifies whether or not a given event has occurred. A bit is 1 if the event
has occurred.
Table lists the event values for the nEvtMask parameter:
Table Event Values
Value Meaning
Value Meaning
EV_BREAK Sets when a break is detected on input.
EV_CTS Sets when the clear-to-send (CTS) signal
changes state.
EV_DSR Sets when the data-set-ready (DSR)
signal changes state.
EV_ERR Sets when a line-status error occurs.
Line-status errors are CE_FRAME,
EV_PERR Sets when a printer error is detected on
a parallel device. Errors are CE_DNS,
EV_RING Sets when a ring indicator is detected.
EV_RLSD Sets when the receive-line-signal-detect
Value Meaning
EV_RLSD Sets when the receive-line-signal-detect
(RLSD) signal changes state.
EV_RXCHAR Sets when any character is received and
placed in the receive queue.
EV_RXFLAG Sets when the event character is
received and placed in the receive queue.
The event character is specified in the
device's control block.
EV_TXEMPTY Sets when the last character in the
transmit queue is sent.
int SetCommState(lpDCB)
This function sets a communication device to the state specified by the
device control block pointed to by the lpDCB parameter. The device to be set
must be identified by the Id field of the control block.
This function reinitializes all hardware and controls as defined by lpDCB,
but does not empty transmit or receive queues.
Parameter Type/Description
lpDCB DCB FAR * Points to a DCB data
structure that contains the desired
communications setting for the device.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is zero if the
function is successful. It is negative if an error occurs.
HCURSOR SetCursor(hCursor)
This function sets the cursor shape to the shape specified by the hCursor
parameter. The cursor is set only if the new shape is different from the
current shape. Otherwise, the function returns immediately. The SetCursor
function is quite fast if the cursor identified by the hCursor parameter is
the same as the current cursor.
If hCursor is NULL, the cursor is removed from the screen.
Parameter Type/Description
hCursor HCURSOR Identifies the cursor resource.
The resource must have been loaded
previously by using the LoadCursor
Return Value
The return value identifies the cursor resource that defines the previous
cursor shape. It is NULL if there is no previous shape.
The cursor is a shared resource. A window that uses the cursor should set
the shape only when the cursor is in its client area or when it is capturing
all mouse input. In systems without a mouse, the window should restore the
previous cursor shape before the cursor leaves the client area or before the
window relinquishes control to another window.
Any application that needs to change the shape of the cursor while it is in
a window must make sure the class cursor for the given window's class is set
to NULL. If the class cursor is not NULL, Windows restores the previous
shape each time the mouse is moved.
The cursor is not shown on the screen if the cursor display count is less
than zero. This results from the HideCursor function being called more times
than the ShowCursor function.
void SetCursorPos(X, Y)
This function moves the cursor to the screen coordinates given by the X and
Y parameters. If the new coordinates are not within the screen rectangle set
by the most recent ClipCursor function, Windows automatically adjusts the
coordinates so that the cursor stays within the rectangle.
Parameter Type/Description
X int Specifies the new x-coordinate (in
screen coordinates) of the cursor.
Y int Specifies the new y-coordinate (in
screen coordinates) of the cursor.
Return Value
The cursor is a shared resource. A window should move the cursor only when
the cursor is in its client area.
Version 3.0
int SetDIBits(hDC, hBitmap, nStartScan,
nNumScans, lpBits, lpBitsInfo, wUsage)
This function sets the bits of a bitmap to the values given in a
device-independent bitmap (DIB) specification.
Parameter Type/Description
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device
hBitmap HBITMAP Identifies the
nStartScan WORD Specifies the scan
number of the first scan line
in the lpBits buffer.
nNumScans WORD Specifies the number of
scan lines in the lpBits
buffer and the number of
lines to set in the bitmap
identified by the
hBitmap parameter.
lpBits LPSTR Points to the
device-independent bitmap
Parameter Type/Description
device-independent bitmap
bits that are stored as an
array of bytes. The format of
the bitmap values depends on
the biBitCount field of the
BITMAPINFO structure
identified by lpBitsInfo. See
the description of the
BITMAPINFO data structure in
Chapter 7, "Data Types and
Structures," in Reference,
Volume 2, for more
lpBitsInfo LPBITMAPINFO Points to a
BITMAPINFO data structure
that contains information
about the device-independent
Parameter Type/Description
wUsage WORD Specifies whether the
bmiColors[ ] fields of the
lpBitsInfo parameter contain
explicit RGB values or
indexes into the currently
realized logical palette. The
wUsage parameter must be one
of the following values:
Value Meaning
DIB_PAL_COLORS The color table consists of an
array of 16-bit indexes into
the currently realized logical
DIB_RGB_COLORS The color table contains
Parameter Type/Description
DIB_RGB_COLORS The color table contains
literal RGB values.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of scan lines successfully copied. It
is zero if the function fails.
The bitmap identified by the hBitmap parameter must not be selected into a
device context when the application calls this function.
The origin for device-independent bitmaps is the bottom-left corner of the
bitmap, not the top-left corner, which is the origin when the mapping mode
This function also accepts a bitmap specification formatted for Microsoft
OS/2 Presentation Manager versions 1.1 and 1.2 if the lpBitsInfo parameter
points to a BITMAPCOREINFO data structure.
Version 3.0
WORD SetDIBitsToDevice(hDC, DestX, DestY,
nWidth, nHeight, SrcX, SrcY, nStartScan,
nNumScans, lpBits, lpBitsInfo, wUsage)
This function sets bits from a device-independent bitmap (DIB) directly on a
device surface. The SrcX, SrcY, nWidth, and nHeight parameters define a
rectangle within the total DIB. SetDIBitsToDevice sets the bits in this
rectangle directly on the display surface of the output device identified by
the hDC parameter, at the location described by the DestX and DestY
To reduce the amount of memory required to set bits from a large DIB on a
device surface, an application can band the output by repeatedly calling
SetDIBitsToDevice, placing a different portion of the entire DIB into the
lpBits buffer each time. The values of the nStartScan and nNumScans
parameters identify the portion of the entire DIB which is contained in the
lpBits buffer.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device
DestX WORD Specifies the x
-coordinate of the origin of
the destination rectangle.
Parameter Type/Description
DestY WORD Specifies the y
-coordinate of the origin of
the destination rectangle.
nWidth WORD Specifies the x-extent
of the rectangle in the DIB.
nHeight WORD Specifies the y-extent
of the rectangle in the DIB.
SrcX WORD Specifies the x
-coordinate of the source in
the DIB.
SrcY WORD Specifies the y
-coordinate of the source in
the DIB.
Parameter Type/Description
nStartScan WORD Specifies the scan-line
number of the DIB which is
contained in the first scan
line of the lpBits buffer.
nNumScans WORD Specifies the number of
scan lines of the DIB which
are contained in the lpBits
lpBits LPSTR Points to the DIB bits
that are stored as an array
of bytes.
lpBitsInfo LPBITMAPINFO Points to a
BITMAPINFO data structure
that contains information
about the DIB.
Parameter Type/Description
about the DIB.
wUsage WORD Specifies whether the
bmiColors[ ] fields of the
lpBitsInfo parameter contain
explicit RGB values or
indexes into the currently
realized logical palette. The
wUsage parameter must be one
of the following values:
Value Meaning
DIB_PAL_COLORS The color table consists of an
array of 16-bit indexes into
the currently realized logical
DIB_RGB_COLORS The color table contains
Parameter Type/Description
DIB_RGB_COLORS The color table contains
literal RGB values.
Return Value
The return value is the number of scan lines set.
All coordinates are device coordinates (that is, the coordinates of the DIB)
except destX and destY, which are logical coordinates.
The origin for device-independent bitmaps is the bottom-left corner of the
DIB, not the top-left corner, which is the origin when the mapping mode is
This function also accepts a device-independent bitmap specification
formatted for Microsoft OS/2 Presentation Manager versions 1.1 and 1.2 if
the lpBitsInfo parameter points to a BITMAPCOREINFO data structure.
void SetDlgItemInt(hDlg, nIDDlgItem, wValue, bSigned)
This function sets the text of a control in the given dialog box to the
string that represents the integer value given by the wValue parameter. The
SetDlgItemInt function converts wValue to a string that consists of decimal
digits, and then copies the string to the control. If the bSigned parameter
is nonzero, wValue is assumed to be signed. If wValue is signed and less
than zero, the function places a minus sign before the first digit in the
SetDlgItemInt sends a WM_SETTEXT message to the given control.
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box that contains the control.
nIDDlgItem int Specifies the control to be modified.
wValue WORD Specifies the value to be set.
bSigned BOOL Specifies whether or not the integer value is signed.
Return Value
void SetDlgItemText(hDlg, nIDDlgItem, lpString)
This function sets the caption or text of a control in the dialog box
specified by the hDlg parameter. The SetDlgItemText function sends a
WM_SETTEXT message to the given control.
Parameter Type/Description
hDlg HWND Identifies the dialog box that
contains the control.
nIDDlgItem int Specifies the control whose text is
to be set.
lpString LPSTR Points to the null-terminated
character string that is to be copied to
the control.
Return Value
void SetDoubleClickTime(wCount)
This function sets the double-click time for the mouse. A double-click is a
series of two clicks of the mouse button, the second occurring within a
specified time after the first. The double-click time is the maximum number
of milliseconds that may occur between the first and second clicks of a
Parameter Type/Description
wCount WORD Specifies the number of
milliseconds that can occur between
Return Value
If the wCount parameter is set to zero, Windows will use the default
double-click time of 500 milliseconds.
The SetDoubleClickTime function alters the double-click time for all windows
in the system.
int SetEnvironment(lpPortName, lpEnviron, nCount)
This function copies the contents of the buffer specified by the lpEnviron
parameter into the environment associated with the device attached to the
system port specified by the lpPortName parameter. The SetEnvironment
function deletes any existing environment. If there is no environment for
the given port, SetEnvironment creates one. If the nCount parameter is zero,
the existing environment is deleted and not replaced.
Parameter Type/Description
lpPortName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that specifies the name
of the desired port.
lpEnviron LPSTR Points to the buffer that
contains the new environment.
nCount WORD Specifies the number of bytes to
be copied.
Return Value
The return value specifies the actual number of bytes copied to the
environment. It is zero if there is an error. It is -1 if the environment is
The first field in the buffer pointed to by the lpEnviron parameter must be
the same as that passed in the lpDeviceName parameter of the CreateDC
function. If lpPortName specifies a null port (as defined in the WIN.INI
file), the device name pointed to by lpEnviron is used to locate the desired
WORD SetErrorMode (wMode)
This function controls whether Windows handles DOS Function 24H errors or
allows the calling application to handle them.
Windows intercepts all INT 24H errors. If the application calls SetErrorMode
with the wMode parameter set to zero and an INT 24H error subsequently
occurs, Windows displays an error message box. If the application calls
SetErrorMode with wMode set to 1 and an INT 24H occurs, Windows does not
display the standard INT 24H error message box, but rather fails the
original INT 21H call back to the application. This allows the application
to handle disk errors using INT 21H, AH=59H (Get Extended Error) as
Parameter Type/Description
wMode WORD Specifies the error mode flag. If
bit 0 is set to zero, Windows displays
an error message box when an INT 24H
error occurs. If bit 0 is set to 1,
Windows fails the INT 21H call to the
calling application and does not display
a message box.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous of the error mode flag.
HWND SetFocus(hWnd)
This function assigns the input focus to the window specified by the hWnd
parameter. The input focus directs all subsequent keyboard input to the
given window. The window, if any, that previously had the input focus loses
it. If hWnd is NULL, key strokes are ignored.
The SetFocus function sends a WM_KILLFOCUS message to the window that loses
the input focus and a WM_SETFOCUS message to the window that receives the
input focus. It also activates either the window that receives the focus or
the parent of the window that receives the focus.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window to receive the keyboard input.
Return Value
The return value identifies the window that previously had the input focus.
It is NULL if there is no such window.
If a window is active but doesn't have the focus (that is, no window has the
focus), any key pressed will produce the WM_SYSCHAR, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, or
WM_SYSKEYUP message. If the VK_MENU key is also pressed, the lParam
parameter of the message will have bit 30 set. Otherwise, the messages that
are produced do not have this bit set.
Version 3.0
WORD SetHandleCount(wNumber)
This function changes the number of file handles available to a task. By
default, the maximum number of file handles available to a task is 20.
Parameter Type/Description
wNumber WORD Specifies the number of file
handles needed by the application. The
maximum is 255.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of file handles actually available to
the application. It may be less than the number specified by the wNumber
void SetKeyboardState(lpKeyState)
This function copies the 256 bytes pointed to by the lpKeyState parameter
into the Windows keyboard-state table.
Parameter Type/Description
lpKeyState BYTE FAR * Points to an array of 256
bytes that contains keyboard key states.
Return Value
In many cases, an application should call the GetKeyboardState function
first to initialize the 256-byte array. The application should then change
the desired bytes.
SetKeyboardState sets the LEDs and BIOS flags for the NUMLOCK, CAPSLOCK, and
SCROLL LOCK keys according to the toggle state of the VK_NUMLOCK,
VK_CAPITAL, and VK_OEM_SCROLL entries of the array.
For more information, see the description of GetKeyboardState, earlier in
this chapter.
int SetMapMode(hDC, nMapMode)
This function sets the mapping mode of the specified device context. The
mapping mode defines the unit of measure used to transform logical units
into device units, and also defines the orientation of the device's x- and
y-axes. GDI uses the mapping mode to convert logical coordinates into the
appropriate device coordinates.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
nMapMode int Specifies the new mapping mode. It
can be any one of the values shown in
Table .15, "Mapping Modes."
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous mapping mode.
The MM_TEXT mode allows applications to work in device pixels, whose size
varies from device to device.
are useful for applications that need to draw in physically meaningful units
(such as inches or millimeters).
The MM_ISOTROPIC mode ensures a 1:1 aspect ratio, which is useful when
preserving the exact shape of an image is important.
The MM_ANISOTROPIC mode allows the x- and y-coordinates to be adjusted
Table shows the value and meaning of the various mapping modes:
Table Mapping Modes
Value Meaning
MM_ANISOTROPIC Logical units are mapped to arbitrary
units with arbitrarily scaled axes. The
SetWindowExt and SetViewportExt
functions must be used to specify the
desired units, orientation, and scaling.
MM_HIENGLISH Each logical unit is mapped to 0.001
inch. Positive x is to the right;
positive y is up.
MM_HIMETRIC Each logical unit is mapped to 0.01
millimeter. Positive x is to the right;
positive y is up.
Table Mapping Modes (continued)
Value Meaning
MM_ISOTROPIC Logical units are mapped to arbitrary
units with equally scaled axes; that is,
one unit along the x-axis is equal to
one unit along the y-axis. The
SetWindowExt and SetViewportExt
functions must be used to specify the
desired units and the orientation of the
axes. GDI makes adjustments as necessary
to ensure that the x and y units remain
the same size.
MM_LOENGLISH Each logical unit is mapped to 0.01 inch.
Positive x is to the right; positive y
is up.
MM_LOMETRIC Each logical unit is mapped to 0.1
millimeter. Positive x is to the right;
positive y is up.
MM_TEXT Each logical unit is mapped to one
device pixel. Positive x is to the
right; positive y is down.
MM_TWIPS Each logical unit is mapped to one
twentieth of a printer's point (1/1440
inch). Positive x is to the right;
positive y is up.
DWORD SetMapperFlags(hDC, dwFlag)
This function alters the algorithm that the font mapper uses when it maps
logical fonts to physical fonts. When the first bit of the wFlag parameter
is set to 1, the mapper will only select fonts whose x-aspect and y-aspect
exactly match those of the specified device. If no fonts exist with a
matching aspect height and width, GDI chooses an aspect height and width and
selects fonts with aspect heights and widths that match the one chosen by
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context that
contains the font-mapper flag.
dwFlag DWORD Specifies whether the font mapper
attempts to match a font's aspect height
and width to the device. When the first
bit is set to 1, the mapper will only
select fonts whose x-aspect and y-aspect
exactly match those of the specified
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous value of the font-mapper flag.
The remaining bits of the dwFlag parameter must be zero.
BOOL SetMenu(hWnd, hMenu)
This function sets the given window's menu to the menu specified by the
hMenu parameter. If hMenu is NULL, the window's current menu is removed. The
SetMenu function causes the window to be redrawn to reflect the menu change.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose menu is to be changed.
hMenu HMENU Identifies the new menu.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the menu is changed. It is nonzero if the
menu is changed. Otherwise, it is zero.
SetMenu will not destroy a previous menu. An application should call the
DestroyMenu function to accomplish this task.
Version 3.0
BOOL SetMenuItemBitmaps(hMenu, nPosition, wFlags,
hBitmapUnchecked, hBitmapChecked)
This function associates the specified bitmaps with a menu item. Whether the
menu item is checked or unchecked, Windows displays the appropriate bitmap
next to the menu item.
Parameter Type/Description
hMenu HMENU Identifies the menu to be changed.
nPosition WORD Specifies the menu item to be
changed. If wFlags is set to
MF_BYPOSITION, nPosition specifies the
position of the menu item; the first
item in the menu is at position 0. If
wFlags is set to MF_BYCOMMAND, then
nPosition specifies the command ID of
the menu item.
wFlags WORD Specifies how the nPosition
parameter is interpreted. It may be set
to MF_BYCOMMAND (the default) or
hBitmapUnchecked HBITMAP Identifies the bitmap to be
displayed when the menu item is not
hBitmapChecked HBITMAP Identifies the bitmap to be
displayed when the menu item is checked.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
If either the hBitmapUnchecked or the hBitmapChecked parameters is NULL,
then Windows displays nothing next to the menu item for the corresponding
attribute. If both parameters are NULL, Windows uses the default checkmark
when the item is checked and removes the checkmark when the item is
When the menu is destroyed, these bitmaps are not destroyed; it is the
responsibility of the application to destroy them.
The GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions function retrieves the dimensions of the
default checkmark used for menu items. The application should use these
values to determine the appropriate size for the bitmaps supplied with this
BOOL SetMessageQueue(cMsg)
This function creates a new message queue. It is particularly useful in
applications that require a queue that contains more than eight messages
(the maximum size of the default queue). The cMsg parameter specifies the
size of the new queue; the function must be called from an application's
WinMain function before any windows are created and before any messages are
sent. The SetMessageQueue function destroys the old queue, along with
messages it might contain.
Parameter Type/Description
cMsg int Specifies the maximum number of
messages that the new queue may contain.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether a new message queue is created. It is
nonzero if the function creates a new queue. Otherwise, it is zero.
If the return value is zero, the application has no queue because the
SetMessageQueue function deletes the original queue before attempting to
create a new one. The application must continue calling SetMessageQueue with
a smaller queue size until the function returns a nonzero value.
HANDLE SetMetaFileBits(hMem)
This function creates a memory metafile from the data in the global memory
block specified by the hMem parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hMem HANDLE Identifies the global memory
block that contains the metafile data.
It is assumed that the data were
previously created by using the
GetMetaFileBits function.
Return Value
The return value identifies a memory metafile if the function is successful.
Otherwise, the return value is NULL.
After the SetMetaFileBits function returns, the metafile handle returned by
the function should be used instead of the handle identified by the hMem
parameter to refer to the metafile.
Version 3.0
WORD SetPaletteEntries(hPalette, wStartIndex,
wNumEntries, lpPaletteEntries)
This function sets RGB color values and flags in a range of entries in a
logical palette.
Parameter Type/Description
hPalette HPALETTE Identifies the logical palette.
wStartIndex WORD Specifies the first entry in the
logical palette to be set.
wNumEntries WORD Specifies the number of entries in
the logical palette to be set.
lpPaletteEntries LPPALETTEENTRY Points to the first
member of an array of PALETTEENTRY data
structures containing the RGB values and
Return Value
The return value is the number of entries set in the logical palette. It is
zero if the function failed.
If the logical palette is selected into a device context when the
application calls SetPaletteEntries, the changes will not take effect until
the application calls RealizePalette.
HWND SetParent(hWndChild, hWndNewParent)
This function changes the parent window of a child window. If the window
identified by the hWndChild parameter is visible, Windows performs the
appropriate redrawing and repainting.
Parameter Type/Description
hWndChild HWND Identifies the child window.
hWndNewParent HWND Identifies the new parent window.
Return Value
The return value identifies the previous parent window.
DWORD SetPixel(hDC, X, Y, crColor)
This function sets the pixel at the point specified by the X and Y
parameters to the closest approximation of the color specified by the
crColor parameter. The point must be in the clipping region. If the point is
not in the clipping region, the function is ignored.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the point to be set.
Y int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the point to be set.
crColor COLORREF Specifies the color used to
paint the point.
Return Value
The return value specifies an RGB color value for the color that the point
is actually painted. This value can be different than that specified by the
crColor parameter if an approximation of that color is used. If the function
fails (if the point is outside the clipping region) the return value is -1.
Not all devices support the SetPixel function. For more information, see the
RC_BITBLT capability in the GetDeviceCaps function, earlier in this chapter.
int SetPolyFillMode(hDC, nPolyFillMode)
This function sets the polygon-filling mode for the GDI functions that use
the polygon algorithm to compute interior points.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device
nPolyFillMode int Specifies the new
filling mode. The
nPolyFillMode parameter may
be either of the following
Value Meaning
ALTERNATE Selects alternate mode.
WINDING Selects winding number mode.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous filling mode. It is zero if there is
an error.
In general, the modes differ only in cases where a complex, overlapping
polygon must be filled (for example, a five-sided polygon that forms a
five-pointed star with a pentagon in the center). In such cases, ALTERNATE
mode fills every other enclosed region within the polygon (that is, the
points of the star), but WINDING mode fills all regions (that is, the points
and the pentagon).
When the filling mode is ALTERNATE, GDI fills the area between odd-numbered
and even-numbered polygon sides on each scan line. That is, GDI fills the
area between the first and second side, between the third and fourth side,
and so on.
To fill all regions, WINDING mode causes GDI to compute and draw a border
that encloses the polygon but does not overlap. For example, in WINDING
mode, the five-sided polygon that forms the star is drawn as a ten-sided
polygon with no overlapping sides; the resulting star is filled.
BOOL SetProp(hWnd, lpString, hData)
This function adds a new entry or changes an existing entry in the property
list of the specified window. The SetProp function adds a new entry to the
list if the character string specified by the lpString parameter does not
already exist in the list. The new entry contains the string and the handle.
Otherwise, the function replaces the string's current handle with the one
specified by the hData parameter.
The hData parameter can contain any 16-bit value useful to the application.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose
property list is to receive the new
lpString LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string or an atom that
identifies a string. If an atom is given,
it must have been previously created by
using the AddAtom function. The atom, a
16-bit value, must be placed in the
low-order word of lpString; the
high-order word must be zero.
hData HANDLE Identifies a data handle to be
copied to the property list.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
data handle and string are added to the property list. Otherwise, it is
The application is responsible for removing all entries it has added to the
property list before destroying the window (that is, before the application
processes the WM_DESTROY message). The RemoveProp function must be used to
remove entries from a property list.
void SetRect(lpRect, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
This function creates a new rectangle by filling the RECT data structure
pointed to by the lpRect parameter with the coordinates given by the X1, Y1,
X2, and Y2 parameters.
Parameter Type/Description
lpRect LPRECT Points to the RECT data
structure that is to receive the new
rectangle coordinates.
X1 int Specifies the x-coordinate of the
upper-left corner.
Y1 int Specifies the y-coordinate of the
upper-left corner.
X2 int Specifies the x-coordinate of the
lower-right corner.
Y2 int Specifies the y-coordinate of the
lower-right corner.
Return Value
The width of the rectangle, specified by the absolute value of X2 - X1, must
not exceed 32,767 units. This limit applies to the height of the rectangle
as well.
void SetRectEmpty(lpRect)
This function creates an empty rectangle (all coordinates equal to zero).
Parameter Type/Description
lpRect LPRECT Points to the RECT data
structure that is to receive the empty
Return Value
void SetRectRgn(hRgn, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
This function creates a rectangular region. Unlike CreateRectRegion,
however, it does not call the local memory manager; instead, it uses the
space allocated for the region associated with the hRgn parameter. The
points given by the X1, Y1, X2, and Y2 parameters specify the minimum size
of the allocated space.
Parameter Type/Description
hRgn HANDLE Identifies the region.
X1 int Specifies the x-coordinate of the
upper-left corner of the rectangular
Y1 int Specifies the y-coordinate of the
upper-left corner of the rectangular
X2 int Specifies the x-coordinate of the
lower-right corner of the rectangular
Y2 int Specifies the y-coordinate of the
lower-right corner of the rectangular
Return Value
Use this function instead of the CreateRectRgn function to avoid calls to
the local memory manager.
FARPROC SetResourceHandler(hInstance, lpType, lpLoadFunc)
This function sets up a function to load resources. It is used internally by
Windows to implement calculated resources. Applications may find this
function useful for handling their own resource types, but its use is not
required. The lpLoadFunc parameter points to an application-supplied
callback function. The function pointed to by the lpLoadFunc parameter
receives information about the resource to be locked and can process that
information as desired. After the function pointed to by lpLoadFunc returns,
LockResource attempts to lock the resource once more.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies the instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the resource.
lpType LPSTR Points to a short integer that
specifies a resource type.
lpLoadFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the application-supplied
callback function. See the following
"Comments" section for details.
Return Value
The return value points to the application-supplied function.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR.
Callback Function
FARPROC FAR PASCAL LoadFunc(hMem, hInstance, hResInfo)
HANDLE hInstance;
HANDLE hResInfo;
LoadFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
hMem Identifies a stored resource.
hInstance Identifies the instance of the module
whose executable file contains the
hResInfo Identifies the resource. It is assumed
that the resource was created previously
by using the FindResource function.
The hMem parameter is NULL if the resource has not yet been loaded. If an
attempt to lock a block specified by hMem fails, this means the resource has
been discarded and must be reloaded.
The dialog-function address, passed as the lpLoadFunc parameter, must be
created by using the MakeProcInstance function.
int SetROP2(hDC, nDrawMode)
This function sets the current drawing mode. GDI uses the drawing mode to
combine pens and interiors of filled objects with the colors already on the
display surface. The mode specifies how the color of the pen or interior and
the color already on the display surface yield a new color.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
nDrawMode int Specifies the new drawing mode. It
can be any one of the values given in
Table .16, "Drawing Modes."
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous drawing mode. It can be any one of
the values given in Chapter 11, "Binary and Ternary Raster-Operation Codes,"
in Reference, Volume 2.
Drawing modes define how GDI combines source and destination colors when
drawing with the current pen. The drawing modes are actually binary
raster-operation codes, representing all possible Boolean functions of two
variables, using the binary operations AND, OR, and XOR (exclusive OR), and
the unary operation NOT. The drawing mode is for raster devices only; it is
not available on vector devices. For more information, see the RC_BITBLT
capability in the GetDeviceCaps function, earlier in this chapter. Table
shows the value of various drawing modes for the nDrawMode parameter:
Table Drawing Modes
Value Meaning
R2_BLACK Pixel is always black.
R2_WHITE Pixel is always white.
R2_NOP Pixel remains unchanged.
R2_NOT Pixel is the inverse of the display
R2_COPYPEN Pixel is the pen color.
R2_NOTCOPYPEN Pixel is the inverse of the pen color.
R2_MERGEPENNOT Pixel is a combination of the pen color
and the inverse of the display color.
R2_MASKPENNOT Pixel is a combination of the colors
Value Meaning
R2_MASKPENNOT Pixel is a combination of the colors
common to both the pen and the inverse
of the display.
R2_MERGENOTPEN Pixel is a combination of the display
color and the inverse of the pen color.
R2_MASKNOTPEN Pixel is a combination of the colors
common to both the display and the
inverse of the pen.
R2_MERGEPEN Pixel is a combination of the pen color
and the display color.
R2_NOTMERGEPEN Pixel is the inverse of the R2_MERGEPEN
R2_MASKPEN Pixel is a combination of the colors
common to both the pen and the display.
Value Meaning
common to both the pen and the display.
R2_NOTMASKPEN Pixel is the inverse of the R2_MASKPEN
R2_XORPEN Pixel is a combination of the colors in
the pen and in the display, but not in
R2_NOTXORPEN Pixel is the inverse of the R2_XORPEN
For more information about the drawing modes, see Chapter 11, "Binary and
Ternary Raster-Operation Codes," in Reference, Volume 2.
int SetScrollPos(hWnd, nBar, nPos, bRedraw)
This function sets the current position of a scroll-bar thumb to that
specified by the nPos parameter and, if specified, redraws the scroll bar to
reflect the new position.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window
whose scroll bar is to be set.
nBar int Specifies the scroll bar
to be set. It can be one of
Parameter Type/Description
to be set. It can be one of
the following values:
Value Meaning
SB_CTL Sets the position of a
scroll-bar control. In this
case, the hWnd parameter must
be the handle of a scroll-bar
SB_HORZ Sets a window's horizontal
scroll-bar position.
SB_VERT Sets a window's vertical
scroll-bar position.
nPos int Specifies the new
position. It must be within
Parameter Type/Description
position. It must be within
the scrolling range.
bRedraw BOOL Specifies whether the
scroll bar should be redrawn
to reflect the new position.
If the bRedraw parameter is
nonzero, the scroll bar is
redrawn. If it is zero, it is
not redrawn.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous position of the scroll-bar thumb.
Setting the bRedraw parameter to zero is useful whenever the scroll bar will
be redrawn by a subsequent call to another function.
void SetScrollRange(hWnd, nBar, nMinPos,
nMaxPos, bRedraw)
This function sets minimum and maximum position values for the given scroll
bar. It can also be used to hide or show standard scroll bars by setting the
nMinPos and nMaxPos parameters to zero.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies a window or a
scroll-bar control, depending
on the value of the nBar
nBar int Specifies the scroll bar
to be set. It can be one of
the following values:
Value Meaning
SB_CTL Sets the range of a scroll-bar
control. In this case, the
hWnd parameter must be the
handle of a scroll-bar control.
Parameter Type/Description
SB_HORZ Sets a window's horizontal
scroll-bar range.
SB_VERT Sets a window's vertical
scroll-bar range.
nMinPos int Specifies the minimum
scrolling position.
nMaxPos int Specifies the maximum
scrolling position.
bRedraw BOOL Specifies whether or not
the scroll bar should be
redrawn to reflect the change.
If the bRedraw parameter is
nonzero, the scroll bar is
redrawn. If it is zero, it is
Parameter Type/Description
redrawn. If it is zero, it is
not redrawn.
Return Value
An application should not call this function to hide a scroll bar while
processing a scroll-bar notification message.
If SetScrollRange immediately follows the SetScrollPos function, the bRedraw
parameter in SetScrollPos should be set to zero to prevent the scroll bar
from being drawn twice.
The difference between the values specified by the nMinPos and nMaxPos
parameters must not be greater than 32,767.
int SetSoundNoise(nSource, nDuration)
This function sets the source and duration of a noise in the noise hardware
of the play device.
Parameter Type/Description
nSource int Specifies the noise
source. It can be any one of
Parameter Type/Description
source. It can be any one of
the following values, where N
is a value used to derive a
target frequency:
Value Meaning
S_PERIOD512 Source frequency is N/512
(high pitch); hiss is less
S_PERIOD1024 Source frequency is N/1024.
S_PERIOD2048 Source frequency is N/2048
(low pitch); hiss is coarser.
S_PERIODVOICE Source frequency from voice
channel 3.
Parameter Type/Description
S_WHITE512 Source frequency is N/512
(high pitch); hiss is less
S_WHITE1024 Source frequency is N/1024.
S_WHITE2048 Source frequency is N/2048
(low pitch); hiss is coarser.
S_WHITEVOICE Source frequency from voice
channel 3.
nDuration int Specifies the duration of
the noise (in clock ticks).
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is zero if the
function is successful. If the source is invalid, the return value is
int SetStretchBltMode(hDC, nStretchMode)
This function sets the stretching mode for the StretchBlt function. The
stretching mode defines which scan lines and/or columns StretchBlt
eliminates when contracting a bitmap.
Parameter Type/Description
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device
nStretchMode int Specifies the new
stretching mode. It can be
one of the following values:
Value Meaning
BLACKONWHITE AND in the eliminated lines.
This mode preserves black
pixels at the expense of
white pixels by using the AND
operator on the eliminated
lines and those remaining.
COLORONCOLOR Deletes the eliminated lines.
This mode deletes all
eliminated lines without
Parameter Type/Description
eliminated lines without
trying to preserve their
WHITEONBLACK OR in the eliminated lines.
This mode preserves white
pixels at the expense of
black pixels by using the OR
operator on the lines to be
eliminated and the remaining
typically used to preserve
foreground pixels in
monochrome bitmaps. The
typically used to preserve
Parameter Type/Description
typically used to preserve
color in color bitmaps.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous stretching mode. It can be
LONG SetSwapAreaSize(rsSize)
This function increases the amount of memory that an application uses for
its code segments. The maximum amount of memory available is one-half of the
space remaining after Windows is loaded.
Parameter Type/Description
rsSize WORD Specifies the number of 16-byte
paragraphs requested by the application
for use as a code segment.
Return Value
The low-order word of the return value specifies the number of paragraphs
obtained for use as a code segment space (or the current size if rsSize is
zero); the high-order word specifies the maximum size available.
If rsSize specifies a size larger than is available, this function sets the
size to the available amount.
Once memory has been dedicated for use as code segment space, an application
cannot use it as a data segment by calling the GlobalAlloc function.
Calling this function improves an application's performance by helping
prevent thrashing. However, it reduces the amount of memory available for
data objects and can reduce the performance of other applications. Before
calling SetSwapAreaSize, an application should call GetNumTasks to determine
how many other tasks are running.
void SetSysColors(nChanges, lpSysColor, lpColorValues)
This function sets the system colors for one or more display elements.
Display elements are the various parts of a window and the Windows display
that appear on the system display screen. The SetSysColors function changes
the number of elements specified by the nChanges parameter, using the color
and system-color index contained in the arrays pointed to by the lpSysColor
and lpColorValues parameters.
SetSysColors sends a WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE message to all windows to inform them
of the change in color. It also directs Windows to repaint the affected
portions of all currently visible windows.
Parameter Type/Description
nChanges int Specifies the number of system
colors to be changed.
lpSysColor LPINT Points to an array of integer
indexes that specify the elements to be
changed. The index values that can be
used are listed in Table .17, "System
Color Indexes."
lpColorValues DWORD FAR * Points to an array of
unsigned long integers that contains the
new RGB color values for each element.
Return Value
SetSysColors changes the internal system list only. It does not change the
[COLORS] section of the Windows initialization file, WIN.INI. Changes apply
to the current Windows session only. System colors are a shared resource. An
application should not change a color if it does not wish to change colors
for all windows in all currently running applications. System colors for
monochrome displays are usually interpreted as various shades of gray. Table
lists the values for the lpSysColor parameter:
Table System Color Indexes
Value Meaning
COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER Active window border.
COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION Active window caption.
COLOR_APPWORKSPACE Background color of multiple document
interface (MDI) applications.
COLOR_BTNFACE Face shading on push buttons.
COLOR_BTNSHADOW Edge shading on push buttons.
COLOR_BTNTEXT Text on push buttons.
Value Meaning
COLOR_BTNTEXT Text on push buttons.
COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT Text in caption, size box, scroll-bar
arrow box.
COLOR_GRAYTEXT Grayed (disabled) text. This color is
set to 0 if the current display driver
does not support a solid gray color.
COLOR_HIGHLIGHT Items selected item in a control.
COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT Text of item selected in a control.
COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER Inactive window border.
COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION Inactive window caption.
COLOR_MENU Menu background.
Value Meaning
COLOR_MENUTEXT Text in menus.
COLOR_SCROLLBAR Scroll-bar gray area.
COLOR_WINDOW Window background.
COLOR_WINDOWTEXT Text in windows.
HWND SetSysModalWindow(hWnd)
This function makes the specified window a system-modal window.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window to be made system modal.
Return Value
The return value identifies the window that was previously the system-modal
If another window is made the active window (for example, the system-modal
window creates a dialog box that becomes the active window), the active
window becomes the system-modal window. When the original window becomes
active again, it is system modal. To end the system-modal state, destroy the
system-modal window.
Version 3.0
WORD SetSystemPaletteUse(hDC, wUsage)
This function allows an application to use the full system palette. By
default, the system palette contains 20 static colors which are not changed
when an application realizes its logical palette.
The device context identified by the hDC parameter must refer to a device
that supports color palettes.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device
wUsage WORD Specifies the new use of
the system palette. It can be
either of these values:
Value Meaning
SYSPAL_NOSTATIC System palette contains no
static colors except black and
SYSPAL_STATIC System palette contains static
colors which will not change
when an application realizes
its logical palette.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous usage of the system palette. It is
An application must call this function only when its window has input focus.
If an application calls SetSystemPaletteUse with wUsage set to
SYSPAL_NOSTATIC, Windows continues to set aside two entries in the system
palette for pure white and pure black, respectively.
After calling this function with wUsage set to SYSPAL_NOSTATIC, an
application must follow these steps:
1. Call UnrealizeObject to force GDI to remap the logical palette
completely when it is realized.
2. Realize the logical palette.
3. Call GetSysColors to save the current system-color settings.
4. Call SetSysColors to set the system colors to reasonable values using
black and white. For example, adjacent or overlapping items (such as
window frames and borders) should be set to black and white,
5. Broadcast the WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE message to allow other windows to be
redrawn with the new system colors.
When the application's window loses focus or closes, the application must
perform the following steps:
1. Call SetSystemPaletteUse with the wUsage parameter set to
2. Call UnrealizeObject to force GDI to remap the logical palette
completely when it is realized.
3. Realize the logical palette.
4. Restore the system colors to their previous values.
5. Broadcast the WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE message.
WORD SetTextAlign(hDC, wFlags)
This function sets the text-alignment flags for the given device context.
The TextOut and ExtTextOut functions use these flags when positioning a
string of text on a display or device. The flags specify the relationship
between a specific point and a rectangle that bounds the text. The
coordinates of this point are passed as parameters to the TextOut function.
The rectangle that bounds the text is formed by the adjacent character cells
in the text string.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device or
display selected for text
wFlags WORD Specifies a mask of the
values in the following list.
Only one flag may be chosen
from those that affect
horizontal and vertical
alignment. In addition, only
one of the two flags that
alter the current position can
Parameter Type/Description
alter the current position can
be chosen:
Value Meaning
TA_BASELINE Specifies alignment of the
point and the baseline of the
chosen font.
TA_BOTTOM Specifies alignment of the
point and the bottom of the
bounding rectangle.
TA_CENTER Specifies alignment of the
point and the horizontal
center of the bounding
TA_LEFT Specifies alignment of the
Parameter Type/Description
TA_LEFT Specifies alignment of the
point and the left side of the
bounding rectangle.
TA_NOUPDATECP Specifies that the current
position is not updated after
each TextOut or ExtTextOut
function call.
TA_RIGHT Specifies alignment of the
point and the right side of
the bounding rectangle.
TA_TOP Specifies alignment of the
point and the top of the
bounding rectangle.
TA_UPDATECP Specifies that the current
position is updated after each
Parameter Type/Description
position is updated after each
TextOut or ExtTextOut function
The defaults are TA_LEFT,
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous text alignment setting; the
low-order word contains the horizontal alignment, and the high-order word
contains the vertical alignment.
int SetTextCharacterExtra(hDC, nCharExtra)
This function sets the amount of intercharacter spacing. GDI adds this
spacing to each character, including break characters, when it writes a line
of text to the device context.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
nCharExtra int Specifies the amount of extra space
(in logical units) to be added to each
character. If the current mapping mode
is not MM_TEXT, the nCharExtra parameter
is transformed and rounded to the
nearest pixel.
Return Value
The return value specifies the amount of the previous intercharacter
DWORD SetTextColor(hDC, crColor)
This function sets the text color to the color specified by the crColor
parameter, or to the nearest physical color if the device cannot represent
the color specified by crColor. GDI uses the text color to draw the face of
each character written by the TextOut and ExtTextOut functions. GDI also
uses the text color when converting bitmaps from color to monochrome and
vice versa.
The background color for a character is specified by the SetBkColor and
SetBkMode functions. For color-bitmap conversions, see the BitBlt and
StretchBlt functions, earlier in this chapter.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
crColor COLORREF Specifies the color of the text.
Return Value
The return value specifies an RGB color value for the previous text color.
int SetTextJustification(hDC, nBreakExtra, nBreakCount)
This function prepares GDI to justify a line of text using the justification
parameters specified by the nBreakExtra and nBreakCount parameters. To
justify text, GDI distributes extra pixels among break characters in a text
line written by the TextOut function. The break character, used to delimit
words, is usually the space character (ASCII 32), but may be defined by a
font as some other character. The GetTextMetrics function can be used to
retrieve a font's break character.
The SetTextJustification function prepares the justification by defining the
amount of space to be added. The nBreakExtra parameter specifies the total
amount of space (in logical units) to be added to the line. The nBreakCount
parameter specifies how many break characters are in the line. The
subsequent TextOut function distributes the extra space evenly between each
break character in the line.
GetTextExtent is always used with the SetTextJustification function. The
GetTextExtent function computes the width of a given line before
justification. This width must be known before an appropriate nBreakExtra
value can be computed.
SetTextJustification can be used to justify a line that contains multiple
runs in different fonts. In this case, the line must be created piecemeal by
justifying and writing each run separately.
Because rounding errors can occur during justification, GDI keeps a running
error term that defines the current error. When justifying a line that
contains multiple runs, GetTextExtent automatically uses this error term
when it computes the extent of the next run, allowing TextOut to blend the
error into the new run. After each line has been justified, this error term
must be cleared to prevent it from being incorporated into the next line.
The term can be cleared by calling SetTextJustification with nBreakExtra set
to zero.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
nBreakExtra int Specifies the total extra space (in
logical units) to be added to the line
of text. If the current mapping mode is
not MM_TEXT, the value identified by the
nBreakExtra parameter is transformed and
rounded to the nearest pixel.
nBreakCount int Specifies the number of break
characters in the line.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is 1 if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
WORD SetTimer(hWnd, nIDEvent, wElapse, lpTimerFunc)
This function creates a system timer event. When a timer event occurs,
Windows passes a WM_TIMER message to the application-supplied function
specified by the lpTimerFunc parameter. The function can then process the
event. A NULL value for lpTimerFunc causes WM_TIMER messages to be placed in
the application queue.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window to be
associated with the timer. If hWnd is
NULL, no window is associated with the
nIDEvent int Specifies a nonzero timer-event
identifier if the hWnd parameter is not
wElapse WORD Specifies the elapsed time (in
milliseconds) between timer events.
lpTimerFunc FARPROC Is the procedure-instance
address of the function to be notified
when the timer event takes place. If
lpTimerFunc is NULL, the WM_TIMER
message is placed in the application
queue, and the hwnd member of the MSG
structure contains the hWnd parameter
given in the SetTimer function call. See
the following "Comments" section for
Return Value
The return value specifies the integer identifier for the new timer event.
If the hWnd parameter is NULL, an application passes this value to the
KillTimer function to kill the timer event. The return value is zero if the
timer was not created.
Timers are a limited global resource; therefore, it is important that an
application check the value returned by the SetTimer function to verify that
a timer is actually available.
To install a timer function, SetTimer must receive a procedure-instance
address of the function, and the function must be exported in the
application's module-definition file. A procedure-instance address can be
created using the MakeProcInstance function.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR.
Callback Function
WORD FAR PASCAL TimerFunc(hWnd, wMsg, nIDEvent, dwTime)
HWND hWnd;
WORD wMsg;
int nIDEvent;
DWORD dwTime;
TimerFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
application's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
hWnd Identifies the window associated with the timer event.
wMsg Specifies the WM_TIMER message.
nIDEvent Specifies the timer's ID.
dwTime Specifies the current system time.
DWORD SetViewportExt(hDC, X, Y)
This function sets the x- and y-extents of the viewport of the specified
device context. The viewport, along with the device-context window, defines
how GDI maps points in the logical coordinate system to points in the
coordinate system of the actual device. In other words, they define how GDI
converts logical coordinates into device coordinates.
The x- and y-extents of the viewport define how much GDI must stretch or
compress units in the logical coordinate system to fit units in the device
coordinate system. For example, if the x-extent of the window is 2 and the
x-extent of the viewport is 4, GDI maps two logical units (measured from the
x-axis) into four device units. Similarly, if the y-extent of the window is
2 and the y-extent of the viewport is -1, GDI maps two logical units
(measured from the y-axis) into one device unit.
The extents also define the relative orientation of the x- and y-axes in
both coordinate systems. If the signs of matching window and viewport
extents are the same, the axes have the same orientation. If the signs are
different, the orientation is reversed. For example, if the y-extent of the
window is 2 and the y-extent of the viewport is -1, GDI maps the positive
y-axis in the logical coordinate system to the negative y-axis in the device
coordinate system. If the x-extents are 2 and 4, GDI maps the positive
x-axis in the logical coordinate system to the positive x-axis in the
device-coordinate system.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the x-extent of the
viewport (in device units).
Y int Specifies the y-extent of the
viewport (in device units).
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous extents of the viewport. The
previous y-extent is in the high-order word; the previous x-extent is in the
low-order word. When an error occurs, the return value is zero.
When the following mapping modes are set, calls to the SetWindowExt and
SetViewportExt functions are ignored:
When MM_ISOTROPIC mode is set, an application must call the SetWindowExt
function before it calls SetViewportExt.
DWORD SetViewportOrg(hDC, X, Y)
This function sets the viewport origin of the specified device context. The
viewport, along with the device-context window, defines how GDI maps points
in the logical coordinate system to points in the coordinate system of the
actual device. In other words, they define how GDI converts logical
coordinates into device coordinates.
The viewport origin marks the point in the device coordinate system to which
GDI maps the window origin, a point in the logical coordinate system
specified by the SetWindowOrg function. GDI maps all other points by
following the same process required to map the window origin to the viewport
origin. For example, all points in a circle around the point at the window
origin will be in a circle around the point at the viewport origin.
Similarly, all points in a line that passes through the window origin will
be in a line that passes through the viewport origin.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the x-coordinate (in
device units) of the origin of the
viewport. The value must be within the
range of the device coordinate system.
Y int Specifies the y-coordinate (in
device units) of the origin of the
viewport. The value must be within the
range of the device coordinate system.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous origin of the viewport (in device
coordinates). The y-coordinate is in the high-order word; the x-coordinate
is in the low-order word.
int SetVoiceAccent(nVoice, nTempo, nVolume,
nMode, nPitch)
This function places an accent (tempo, volume, mode, and pitch) in the voice
queue specified by the nVoice parameter. The new accent replaces the
previous accent and remains in effect until another accent is queued. An
accent is not counted as a note.
An error occurs if there is insufficient room in the queue; the
SetVoiceAccent function always leaves space for a single sync mark in the
queue. If nVoice is out of range, the SetVoiceAccent function is ignored.
Parameter Type/Description
nVoice int Specifies a voice queue.
The first voice queue is
numbered 1.
nTempo int Specifies the number of
quarter notes played per
minute. It can be any value
from 32 to 255. The default is
Parameter Type/Description
nVolume int Specifies the volume
level. It can be any value
from 0 (lowest volume) to 255
nMode int Specifies how the notes
are to be played. It can be
any one of the following
Value Meaning
S_LEGATO Note is held for the full
duration and blended with the
beginning of the next note.
S_NORMAL Note is held for the full
duration, coming to a full
Parameter Type/Description
duration, coming to a full
stop before the next note
S_STACCATO Note is held for only part of
the duration, creating a
pronounced stop between it and
the next note.
nPitch int Specifies the pitch of
the notes to be played. It can
be any value from 0 to 83. The
pitch value is added to the
note value, using modulo 84
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is zero if the
function is successful. If an error occurs, the return value is one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
S_SERDMD Invalid mode
S_SERDTP Invalid tempo
S_SERDVL Invalid volume
S_SERQFUL Queue full
int SetVoiceEnvelope(nVoice, nShape, nRepeat)
This function queues the envelope (wave shape and repeat count) in the voice
queue specified by the nVoice parameter. The new envelope replaces the
previous one and remains in effect until the next SetVoiceEnvelope function
call. An envelope is not counted as a note.
An error occurs if there is insufficient room in the queue; the
SetVoiceEnvelope function always leaves space for a single sync mark in the
queue. If nVoice is out of range, SetVoiceEnvelope is ignored.
Parameter Type/Description
nVoice int Specifies the voice queue to
receive the envelope.
nShape int Specifies an index to an OEM
wave-shape table.
nRepeat int Specifies the number of repetitions
of the wave shape during the duration of
one note.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is zero if the
function is successful. If an error occurs, the return value is one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
S_SERDRC Invalid repeat count
S_SERDSH Invalid shape
S_SERQFUL Queue full
int SetVoiceNote(nVoice, nValue, nLength, nCdots)
This function queues a note that has the qualities given by the nValue,
nLength, and nCdots parameters in the voice queue specified by the nVoice
parameter. An error occurs if there is insufficient room in the queue. The
function always leaves space in the queue for a single sync mark.
Parameter Type/Description
nVoice int Specifies the voice queue to
receive the note. If nVoice is out of
range, the SetVoiceNote function is
nValue int Specifies 1 of 84 possible notes
(seven octaves). If nValue is zero, a
rest is assumed.
nLength int Specifies the reciprocal of the
duration of the note. For example, 1
specifies a whole note, 2 a half note, 4
a quarter note, and so on.
nCdots int Specifies the duration of the note
in dots. The duration is equal to
nLength x (nCdots x 3/2).
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is zero if the
function is successful. If an error occurs, the return value is one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
S_SERDCC Invalid dot count
S_SERDLN Invalid note length
S_SERDNT Invalid note
S_SERQFUL Queue full
int SetVoiceQueueSize(nVoice, nBytes)
This function allocates the number of bytes specified by the nBytes
parameter for the voice queue specified by the nVoice parameter. If the
queue size is not set, the default is 192 bytes, which is room for about 32
notes. All voice queues are locked in memory. The queues cannot be set while
music is playing.
Parameter Type/Description
nVoice int Specifies a voice queue.
nBytes int Specifies the number of bytes in the voice queue.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is zero if the
function is successful. If an error occurs, the return value is one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
S_SERMACT Music active
S_SEROFM Out of memory
int SetVoiceSound(nVoice, lFrequency, nDuration)
This function queues the sound frequency and duration in the voice queue
specified by the nVoice parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
nVoice int Specifies a voice queue. The first
voice queue is numbered 1.
lFrequency long Specifies the frequency. The
high-order word contains the frequency
in hertz, and the low-order word
contains the fractional frequency.
nDuration int Specifies the duration of the sound
(in clock ticks).
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is zero if the
function is successful. If an error occurs, the return value is one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
S_SERDDR Invalid duration
S_SERDFQ Invalid frequency
S_SERDVL Invalid volume
S_SERQFUL Queue full
int SetVoiceThreshold(nVoice, nNotes)
This function sets the threshold level for the given voice. When the number
of notes remaining in the voice queue goes below that specified in the
nNotes parameter, the threshold flag is set. If the queue level is below
that specified in nNotes when the SetVoiceThreshold function is called, the
flag is not set. The GetThresholdStatus function should be called to verify
the current threshold status.
Parameter Type/Description
nVoice int Specifies the voice queue to be set.
nNotes int Specifies the number of notes in the threshold level.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is zero if the
function is successful. It is 1 if the number of notes specified in nNotes
is out of range.
DWORD SetWindowExt(hDC, X, Y)
This function sets the x- and y-extents of the window associated with the
specified device context. The window, along with the device-context
viewport, defines how GDI maps points in the logical coordinate system to
points in the device coordinate system.
The x- and y-extents of the window define how much GDI must stretch or
compress units in the logical coordinate system to fit units in the device
coordinate system. For example, if the x-extent of the window is 2 and the
x-extent of the viewport is 4, GDI maps two logical units (measured from the
x-axis) into four device units. Similarly, if the y-extent of the window is
2 and the y-extent of the viewport is -1, GDI maps two logical units
(measured from the y-axis) into one device unit.
The extents also define the relative orientation of the x- and y-axes in
both coordinate systems. If the signs of matching window and viewport
extents are the same, the axes have the same orientation. If the signs are
different, the orientation is reversed. For example, if the y-extent of the
window is 2 and the y-extent of the viewport is -1, GDI maps the positive
y-axis in the logical coordinate system to the negative y-axis in the device
coordinate system. If the x-extents are 2 and 4, GDI maps the positive
x-axis in the logical coordinate system to the positive x-axis in the device
coordinate system.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the x-extent (in logical units) of the window.
Y int Specifies the y-extent (in logical units) of the window.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous extents of the window (in logical
units). The y-extent is in the high-order word; the x-extent is in the
low-order word. If an error occurs, the return value is zero.
When the following mapping modes are set, calls to the SetWindowExt and
SetViewportExt functions are ignored:
When MM_ISOTROPIC mode is set, an application must call the SetWindowExt
function before calling SetViewportExt.
LONG SetWindowLong(hWnd, nIndex, dwNewLong)
This function changes an attribute of the window specified by the hWnd
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
nIndex int Specifies the byte offset
of the attribute to be changed.
It may also be one of the
Parameter Type/Description
It may also be one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
GWL_EXSTYLE Sets a new extended window
GWL_STYLE Sets a new window style.
GWL_WNDPROC Sets a new long pointer to the
window procedure.
dwNewLong DWORD Specifies the
replacement value.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous value of the specified long integer.
If the SetWindowLong function and the GWL_WNDPROC index are used to set a
new window function, that function must have the window-function form and be
exported in the module-definition file of the application. For more
information, see the RegisterClass function, earlier in this chapter.
Calling SetWindowLong with the GCL_WNDPROC index creates a subclass of the
window class used to create the window. See Chapter 1, "Window Manager
Interface Functions," for more information on window subclassing. An
application should not attempt to create a window subclass for standard
Windows controls such as combo boxes and buttons.
To access any extra four-byte values allocated when the window-class
structure was created, use a positive byte offset as the index specified by
the nIndex parameter, starting at zero for the first four-byte value in the
extra space, 4 for the next four-byte value and so on.
DWORD SetWindowOrg(hDC, X, Y)
This function sets the window origin of the specified device context. The
window, along with the device-context viewport, defines how GDI maps points
in the logical coordinate system to points in the device coordinate system.
The window origin marks the point in the logical coordinate system from
which GDI maps the viewport origin, a point in the device coordinate system
specified by the SetWindowOrg function. GDI maps all other points by
following the same process required to map the window origin to the viewport
origin. For example, all points in a circle around the point at the window
origin will be in a circle around the point at the viewport origin.
Similarly, all points in a line that passes through the window origin will
be in a line that passes through the viewport origin.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the new origin of the window.
Y int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the new origin of the window.
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous origin of the window. The previous
y-coordinate is in the high-order word; the previous x-coordinate is in the
low-order word.
void SetWindowPos(hWnd, hWndInsertAfter, X,
Y, cx, cy, wFlags)
This function changes the size, position, and ordering of child, pop-up, and
top-level windows. Child, pop-up, and top-level windows are ordered
according to their appearance on the screen; the topmost window receives the
highest rank, and it is the first window in the list. This ordering is
recorded in a window list.
Parameter Type/Description
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window
that will be positioned.
hWndInsertAfter HWND Identifies a window
in the window-manager's
list that will precede the
positioned window.
X int Specifies the x-
coordinate of the window's
upper-left corner.
Y int Specifies the y-
coordinate of the window's
upper-left corner.
cx int Specifies the new
window's width.
Parameter Type/Description
cy int Specifies the new
window's height.
wFlags WORD Specifies one of
eight possible 16-bit
values that affect the
sizing and positioning of
the window. It must be one
of the following values:
Value Meaning
SWP_DRAWFRAME Draws a frame (defined in
the window's class
description) around the
SWP_HIDEWINDOW Hides the window.
Parameter Type/Description
SWP_HIDEWINDOW Hides the window.
SWP_NOACTIVATE Does not activate the
SWP_NOMOVE Retains current position
(ignores the x and y
SWP_NOSIZE Retains current size
(ignores the cx and cy
SWP_NOREDRAW Does not redraw changes.
SWP_NOZORDER Retains current ordering
(ignores the
hWndInsertAfter parameter).
Parameter Type/Description
SWP_SHOWWINDOW Displays the window.
Return Value
If the SWP_NOZORDER flag is not specified, Windows places the window
identified by the hWnd parameter in the position following the window
identified by the hWndInsertAfter parameter. If hWndInsertAfter is NULL,
Windows places the window identified by hWnd at the top of the list. If
hWndInsertAfter is set to 1, Windows places the window identified by hWnd at
the bottom of the list.
If the SWP_SHOWWINDOW or the SWP_HIDEWINDOW flags are set, scrolling and
moving cannot be done simultaneously.
All coordinates for child windows are relative to the upper-left corner of
the parent window's client area.
FARPROC SetWindowsHook(nFilterType, lpFilterFunc)
This function installs a filter function in a chain. A filter function
processes events before they are sent to an application's message loop in
the WinMain function. A chain is a linked list of filter functions of the
same type.
Parameter Type/Description
nFilterType int Specifies the system
hook to be installed. It can
be any one of the following
Value Meaning
WH_CALLWNDPROC Installs a window-function
WH_GETMESSAGE Installs a message filter.
WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK Installs a journaling
playback filter.
WH_JOURNALRECORD Installs a journaling record
Parameter Type/Description
WH_KEYBOARD Installs a keyboard filter.
WH_MSGFILTER Installs a message filter.
WH_SYSMSGFILTER Installs a system-wide
message filter.
lpFilterFunc FARPROC Is the
procedure-instance address
of the filter function to be
installed. See the following
"Comments" section for
Return Value
The return value points to the procedure-instance address of the previously
installed filter (if any). It is NULL if there is no previous filter. The
application or library that calls the SetWindowsHook function should save
this return value in the library's data segment. The fourth argument of the
DefHookProc function points to the location in memory where the library
saves this return value.
The WH_CALLWNDPROC hook will affect system performance. It is supplied for
debugging purposes only.
The system hooks are a shared resource. Installing a hook affects all
applications. Most hook functions must be in libraries. The only exception
is WH_MSGFILTER, which is task-specific. System hooks should be restricted
to special-purpose applications or as a development aid during debugging of
an application. Libraries that no longer need the hook should remove the
filter function.
To install a filter function, the SetWindowsHook function must receive a
procedure-instance address of the function, and the function must be
exported in the library's module-definition file. Libraries can pass the
procedure address directly. Tasks must use MakeProcInstance to get a
procedure-instance address. Dynamic-link libraries must use GetProcAddress
to get a procedure-instance address.
The following section describes how to support the individual hook
Windows calls the WH_CALLWNDPROC filter function whenever the SendMessage
function is called. Windows does not call the filter function when the
PostMessage function is called.
The filter function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR. The filter function must have the following form:
Filter Function
void FAR PASCAL FilterFunc(nCode, wParam, lParam)
int nCode;
WORD wParam;
DWORD lParam;
FilterFunc is a placeholder for the application- or library-supplied
function name. The actual name must be exported by including it in an
EXPORTS statement in the library's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
nCode Specifies whether the
filter function should
process the message or
call the DefHookProc
function. If the nCode
parameter is less than
Parameter Description
parameter is less than
zero, the filter
function should pass
the message to
DefHookProc without
further processing.
wParam Specifies whether the
message is sent by the
current task. It is
nonzero if the message
is sent; otherwise, it
is NULL.
lParam Points to a data
structure that contains
details about the
message intercepted by
the filter. The
Parameter Description
the filter. The
following shows the
order, type, and
description of each
field of the data
Field Type/Description
hlParam WORD Contains the high-order word of
the lParam parameter of the message
received by the filter.
llParam WORD Contains the low-order word of
the lParam parameter of the message
received by the filter.
Parameter Description
wParam WORD Contains the wParam parameter
of the message received by the filter.
wMsg WORD Contains the message received
by the filter.
hWnd WORD Contains the window handle of
the window that is to receive the
The WH_CALLWNDPROC filter function can examine or modify the message as
desired. Once it returns control to Windows, the message, with any
modifications, is passed on to the window function. The filter function does
not require a return value.
Windows calls the WH_GETMESSAGE filter function whenever the GetMessage
function is called. Windows calls the filter function immediately after
GetMessage has retrieved a message from an application queue. The filter
function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be declared FAR.
The filter function must have the following form:
Filter Function
void FAR PASCAL FilterFunc(nCode, wParam, lParam)
int nCode;
WORD wParam;
DWORD lParam;
FilterFunc is a placeholder for the library-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
library's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
nCode Specifies whether the filter function
should process the message or call the
DefHookProc function. If the nCode
parameter is less than zero, the filter
function should pass the message to
DefHookProc without further processing.
wParam Specifies a NULL value.
lParam Points to a message structure.
The WH_GETMESSAGE filter function can examine or modify the message as
desired. Once it returns control to Windows, the GetMessage function returns
the message, with any modifications, to the application that originally
called it. The filter function does not require a return value.
Windows calls the WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK filter function whenever a request for
an event message is made. The function is intended to be used to supply a
previously recorded event message.
The filter function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR. The filter function must have the following form:
Filter Function
DWORD FAR PASCAL FilterFunc(nCode, wParam, lParam);
int nCode;
WORD wParam;
DWORD lParam;
FilterFunc is a placeholder for the library-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
library's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
nCode Specifies whether the filter function
should process the message or call the
DefHookProc function. If the nCode
parameter is less then zero, the filter
function should pass the message to
DefHookProc without further processing.
wParam Specifies a NULL value.
lParam Points to the message being processed by
the filter function.
The WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK function should copy an event message to the lParam
parameter. The message must have been previously recorded by using the
WH_JOURNALRECORD filter. It should not modify the message. The return value
should be the amount of time (in clock ticks) Windows should wait before
processing the message. This time can be computed by calculating the
difference between the time fields in the current and previous event
messages. If the function returns zero, the message is processed
immediately. Once it returns control to Windows, the message continues to be
processed. If the nCode parameter is HC_SKIP, the filter function should
prepare to return the next recorded event message on its next call.
While the WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK function is in effect, Windows ignores all
mouse and keyboard input.
Windows calls the WH_JOURNALRECORD filter function whenever it processes a
message from the event queue. The filter can be used to record the event for
later playback.
The filter function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR. The filter function must have the following form:
Filter Function
void FAR PASCAL FilterFunc(nCode, wParam, lParam);
int nCode;
WORD wParam;
DWORD lParam;
FilterFunc is a placeholder for the library-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
library's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
nCode Specifies whether the filter function
should process the message or call the
DefHookProc function. If the nCode
parameter is less than zero, the filter
function should pass the message to
DefHookProc without further processing.
wParam Specifies a NULL value.
lParam Points to a message structure.
The WH_JOURNALRECORD function should save a copy of the event message for
later playback. It should not modify the message. Once it returns control to
Windows, the message continues to be processed. The filter function does not
require a return value.
Windows calls the WH_KEYBOARD filter function whenever the application calls
the GetMessage or PeekMessage function and there is a keyboard event
(WM_KEYUP or WM_KEYDOWN) to process.
The filter function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR. The filter function must have the following form:
Filter Function
int FAR PASCAL FilterFunc(nCode, wParam, lParam)
int nCode;
WORD wParam;
DWORD lParam;
FilterFunc is a placeholder for the library-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
library's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
nCode Specifies whether the filter
function should process the
message or call the
DefHookProc function. If this
value is HC_NOREMOVE, the
application is using the
PeekMessage function with the
REMOVE option and the message
will not be removed from the
system queue. If this value is
less than zero, the filter
function should pass the
message to DefHookProc without
further processing.
wParam Specifies the virtual-key code
of the given key.
Parameter Description
lParam Specifies the repeat count,
scan code, key-transition code,
previous key state, and
context code, as shown in the
following list. Bit 1 is the
low-order bit:
Bit Value
0-15 (low-order word) Repeat count (the number of
times the keystroke is repeated
as a result of the user holding
down the key).
16-23 (low byte of high-order Scan code (OEM-dependent value).
24 Extended key (1 if it is an
Parameter Description
24 Extended key (1 if it is an
extended key).
25-26 Not used.
27-28 (Context code (1 if the Used internally by Windows.
ALT key was held down while
the key was pressed, 0
30 Previous key state (1 if the
key was held down before the
message was sent, 0 if the key
was up).
31 Transition state (1 if the key
is being released, 0 if the key
is being pressed).
Parameter Description
Return Value
The return value specifies what should happen to the message. It is zero if
the message should be processed by Windows; it is 1 if the message should be
Windows calls the WH_MSGFILTER filter function whenever a dialog box,
message box, or menu has retrieved a message, and before it has processed
that message. The filter allows an application to process or modify the
This is the only task-specific filter. A task may install this filter.
The WH_MSGFILTER filter function must use the Pascal calling convention and
must be declared FAR. The filter function must have the following form:
Filter Function
int FAR PASCAL FilterFunc(nCode, wParam, lParam)
int nCode;
WORD wParam;
DWORD lParam;
FilterFunc is a placeholder for the library- or application-supplied
function name. The actual name must be exported by including it in an
EXPORTS statement in the application's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
nCode Specifies the type of message
being processed. It must be
one of the following values:
Value Meaning
MSGF_DIALOGBOX Processing messages inside a
dialog-box or message-box
MSGF_MENU Processing keyboard and mouse
messages in a menu.
If this value is less than
zero, the filter function
should pass this message to
DefHookProc without further
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies a NULL value.
lParam Points to the message
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
hook function processes the message. Otherwise, it is zero.
Windows calls the WH_SYSMSGFILTER filter function whenever a dialog box,
message box, or menu has retrieved a message and before it has processed
that message. The filter allows an application to process or modify messages
for any application in the system.
The filter function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR. The filter function must have the following form:
Filter Function
int FAR PASCAL FilterFunc(nCode, wParam, lParam)
int nCode;
WORD wParam;
DWORD lParam;
FilterFunc is a placeholder for the library-supplied function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
library's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
nCode Specifies the type of message
being processed. It must be
one of the following values:
Value Meaning
MSGF_DIALOGBOX Processing messages inside the
DialogBox function.
MSGF_MENU Processing keyboard and mouse
messages in menu.
MSGF_MESSAGEBOX Processing messages inside the
MessageBox function.
If this value is less than
zero, the filter function
Parameter Description
zero, the filter function
should pass the message to
DefHookProc without further
wParam Specifies a NULL value.
lParam Points to the message
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
hook function processes the message. Otherwise, it is zero.
void SetWindowText(hWnd, lpString)
This function sets the given window's caption title (if one exists) to the
string pointed to by the lpString parameter. If the hWnd parameter is a
handle to a control, the SetWindowText function sets the text within the
control instead of within the caption.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window or control
whose text is to be changed.
lpString LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string.
Return Value
WORD SetWindowWord(hWnd, nIndex, wNewWord)
This function changes an attribute of the window specified by the hWnd
Parameter Type/Description
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window to
be modified.
nIndex int Specifies the byte offset
of the word to be changed. It
can also be one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
GWW_HINSTANCE Instance handle of the module
that owns the window.
GWW_ID Control ID of the child window.
wNewWord WORD Specifies the
replacement value.
Parameter Type/Description
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous value of the specified word.
To access any extra two-byte values allocated when the window-class
structure was created, use a positive byte offset as the index specified by
the nIndex parameter, starting at zero for the first two-byte value in the
extra space, 2 for the next two-byte value and so on.
void ShowCaret(hWnd)
This function shows the caret on the display at the caret's current
position. Once shown, the caret begins flashing automatically.
The ShowCaret function shows the caret only if it has a current shape and
has not been hidden two or more times in a row. If the caret is not owned by
the given window, the caret is not shown. If the hWnd parameter is NULL, the
SetCaret function shows the caret only if it is owned by a window in the
current task.
Hiding the caret is accumulative. If the HideCaret function has been called
five times in a row, ShowCaret must be called five times to show the caret.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window that owns
the caret, or is NULL to specify
indirectly the owner window in the
current task.
Return Value
The caret is a shared resource. A window should show the caret only when it
has the input focus or is active.
int ShowCursor(bShow)
This function shows or hides the cursor. The ShowCursor function actually
sets an internal display counter that determines whether the cursor should
be displayed. If the bShow parameter is nonzero, ShowCursor adds one to the
display count. If bShow is zero, the display count is decreased by one. The
cursor is displayed only if the display count is greater than or equal to
zero. Initially, the display count is zero if a mouse is installed.
Otherwise, it is -1.
Parameter Type/Description
bShow BOOL Specifies whether the display
count is to be increased or decreased.
The display count is increased if bShow
is nonzero. Otherwise, it is decreased.
Return Value
The return value specifies the new display count.
The cursor is a shared resource. A window that hides the cursor should show
the cursor before the cursor leaves its client area, or before the window
relinquishes control to another window.
void ShowOwnedPopups(hWnd, fShow)
This function shows or hides all pop-up windows that are associated with the
hWnd parameter. If the fShow parameter is nonzero, all hidden pop-up windows
are shown; if fShow is zero, all visible pop-up windows are hidden.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window that owns
the pop-up windows that are to be shown
or hidden.
fShow BOOL Specifies whether or not pop-up
windows are hidden. It is nonzero if all
hidden pop-up windows should be shown;
it is zero if all visible pop-up windows
should be hidden.
Return Value
void ShowScrollBar(hWnd, wBar, bShow)
This function displays or hides a scroll bar, depending on the value of the
bShow parameter. If bShow is nonzero, the scroll bar is displayed; if bShow
is zero, the scroll bar is hidden.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies a window that
contains a scroll bar in its
nonclient area if the wBar
parameter is SB_HORZ, SB_VERT,
Parameter Type/Description
parameter is SB_HORZ, SB_VERT,
or SB_BOTH. If wBar is SB_CTL,
hWnd identifies a scroll-bar
wBar WORD Specifies whether the
scroll bar is a control or
part of a window's nonclient
area. If it is part of the
nonclient area, wBar also
indicates whether the scroll
bar is positioned horizontally,
vertically, or both. It must
be one of the following
Value Meaning
SB_BOTH Specifies the window's
Parameter Type/Description
SB_BOTH Specifies the window's
horizontal and vertical scroll
SB_CTL Specifies that the scroll bar
is a control.
SB_HORZ Specifies the window's
horizontal scroll bar.
SB_VERT Specifies the window's
vertical scroll bar.
bShow BOOL Specifies whether or not
Windows hides the scroll bar.
If bShow is zero, the scroll
bar is hidden. Otherwise, the
scroll bar is displayed.
Parameter Type/Description
Return Value
An application should not call this function to hide a scroll bar while
processing a scroll-bar notification message.
BOOL ShowWindow(hWnd, nCmdShow)
This function displays or removes the given window, as specified by the
nCmdShow parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window.
nCmdShow int Specifies how the window is to be
shown. It must be one of the values
shown in Table 4.18, "Window States."
Return Value
The return value specifies the previous state of the window. It is nonzero
if the window was previously visible. It is zero if the window was
previously hidden.
The ShowWindow function must be called only once per program with the
nCmdShow parameter from the WinMain function. Subsequent calls to ShowWindow
must use one of the values listed above, instead of one specified by the
nCmdShow parameter from the WinMain function. Table lists the values for
the nCmdShow parameter:
Table Window States
Value Meaning
SW_HIDE Hides the window and passes activation
to another window.
SW_MINIMIZE Minimizes the specified window and
activates the top-level window in the
Value Meaning
activates the top-level window in the
window-manager's list.
SW_SHOW Activates a window and displays it in
its current size and position.
SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED Activates the window and displays it as
a maximized window.
SW_SHOWMINIMIZED Activates the window and displays it as
SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE Displays the window as iconic. The
window that is currently active remains
SW_SHOWNA Displays the window in its current state.
Value Meaning
SW_SHOWNA Displays the window in its current state.
The window that is currently active
remains active.
SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE Displays a window in its most recent
size and position. The window that is
currently active remains active.
SW_SHOWNORMAL Activates and displays a window. If the
window is minimized or maximized,
Windows restores it to its original size
and position.
WORD SizeofResource(hInstance, hResInfo)
This function supplies the size (in bytes) of the specified resource. It is
typically used with the AccessResource function to prepare memory to receive
a resource from the file.
Parameter Type/Description
hInstance HANDLE Identifies the instance of the
module whose executable file contains
the resource.
hResInfo HANDLE Identifies the desired resource.
This handle is assumed to have been
created by using the FindResource
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of bytes in the resource. It is zero
if the resource cannot be found.
The value returned may be larger than the actual resource due to alignment.
An application should not rely upon this value for the exact size of a
int StartSound( )
This function starts play in each voice queue. The StartSound function is
not destructive, so it may be called any number of times to replay the
current queues.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
Although the return-value type is integer, its contents should be ignored.
int StopSound( )
This function stops playing all voice queues, then flushes the contents of
the queues. The sound driver for each voice is turned off.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
Although the return-value type is integer, its contents should be ignored.
BOOL StretchBlt(hDestDC, X, Y, nWidth, nHeight, hSrcDC, XSrc, YSrc,
nSrcWidth, nSrcHeight, dwRop)
This function moves a bitmap from a source rectangle into a destination
rectangle, stretching or compressing the bitmap if necessary to fit the
dimensions of the destination rectangle. The StretchBlt function uses the
stretching mode of the destination device context (set by the
SetStretchBltMode function) to determine how to stretch or compress the
StretchBlt moves the bitmap from the source device given by the hSrcDC
parameter to the destination device given by the hDestDC parameter. The
XSrc, YSrc, nSrcWidth, and nSrcHeight parameters define the origin and
dimensions of the source rectangle. The X, Y, nWidth, and nHeight parameters
give the origin and dimensions of the destination rectangle. The raster
operation specified by the dwRop parameter defines how the source bitmap and
the bits already on the destination device are combined.
StretchBlt creates a mirror image of a bitmap if the signs of the nSrcWidth
and nWidth or nSrcHeight and nHeight parameters differ. If nSrcWidth and
nWidth have different signs, the function creates a mirror image of the
bitmap along the x-axis. If nSrcHeight and nHeight have different signs, the
function creates a mirror image of the bitmap along the y-axis.
Parameter Type/Description
hDestDC HDC Identifies the device context to
receive the bitmap.
X int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the
destination rectangle.
Y int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the
destination rectangle.
nWidth int Specifies the width (in logical
units) of the destination rectangle.
nHeight int Specifies the height (in logical
units) of the destination rectangle.
hSrcDC HDC Identifies the device context that
contains the source bitmap.
Parameter Type/Description
contains the source bitmap.
XSrc int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the source
YSrc int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the upper-left corner of the source
nSrcWidth int Specifies the width (in logical
units) of the source rectangle.
nSrcHeight int Specifies the height (in logical
units) of the source rectangle.
dwRop DWORD Specifies the raster operation to
be performed. Raster operation codes
define how GDI combines colors in output
Parameter Type/Description
define how GDI combines colors in output
operations that involve a current brush,
a possible source bitmap, and a
destination bitmap. For a list of
raster-operation codes, see the BitBlt
function, earlier in this chapter. For a
complete list of the operations, see
Chapter 11, "Binary and Ternary
Raster-Operation Codes," in
Reference, Volume 2.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the bitmap is drawn. It is nonzero if the
bitmap is drawn. Otherwise, it is zero.
StretchBlt stretches or compresses the source bitmap in memory, then copies
the result to the destination. If a pattern is to be merged with the result,
it is not merged until the stretched source bitmap is copied to the
If a brush is used, it is the selected brush in the destination device
The destination coordinates are transformed according to the destination
device context; the source coordinates are transformed according to the
source device context.
If destination, source, and pattern bitmaps do not have the same color
format, StretchBlt converts the source and pattern bitmaps to match the
destination bitmaps. The foreground and background colors of the destination
are used in the conversion.
If StretchBlt must convert a monochrome bitmap to color, it sets white bits
(1) to background color and black bits (0) to foreground color. To convert
color to monochrome, it sets pixels that match the background color to white
(1), and sets all other pixels to black (0). The foreground and background
colors of the device context with color are used.
Not all devices support the StretchBlt function. For more information, see
the RC_BITBLT capability in the GetDeviceCaps function, earlier in this
Version 3.0
WORD StretchDIBits(hDC, DestX, DestY,
wDestWidth, wDestHeight, SrcX, SrcY, wSrcWidth,
wSrcHeight, lpBits, lpBitsInfo, wUsage, dwRop)
This function moves a device-independent bitmap (DIB) from a source
rectangle into a destination rectangle, stretching or compressing the bitmap
if necessary to fit the dimensions of the destination rectangle. The
StretchDIBits function uses the stretching mode of the destination device
context (set by the SetStretchBltMode function) to determine how to stretch
or compress the bitmap.
StretchDIBits moves the bitmap from the device-independent bitmap specified
by the lpBits, lpBitsInfo, and wUsage parameters to the destination device
specified by the hDC parameter. The XSrc, YSrc, wSrcWidth, and wSrcHeight
parameters define the origin and dimensions of the source rectangle. The
origin of coordinate system of the device-independent bitmap is the
lower-left corner. The DestX, DestY, wDestWidth, and wDestHeight parameters
give the origin and dimensions of the destination rectangle. The origin of
the coordinates of the destination depends on the current mapping mode of
the device context. See the SetMapMode function earlier in this chapter for
more information on mapping modes.
The raster operation specified by the dwRop parameter defines how the source
bitmap and the bits already on the destination device are combined.
StretchDIBits creates a mirror image of a bitmap if the signs of the
wSrcWidth and wDestWidth or wSrcHeight and wDestHeight parameters differ. If
wSrcWidth and nWidth have different signs, the function creates a mirror
image of the bitmap along the x-axis. If wSrcHeight and nHeight have
different signs, the function creates a mirror image of the bitmap along the
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the
destination device context
for a display surface or
memory bitmap.
DestX WORD Specifies the x
-coordinate (in logical units)
of the origin of the
destination rectangle.
DestY WORD Specifies the y
Parameter Type/Description
DestY WORD Specifies the y
-coordinate (in logical units)
of the origin of the
destination rectangle.
wDestWidth WORD Specifies the x-extent
(in logical units) of the
destination rectangle.
wDestHeight WORD Specifies the y-extent
(in logical units) of the
destination rectangle.
SrcX WORD Specifies the x
-coordinate (in pixels) of
the source in the DIB.
SrcY WORD Specifies the y
-coordinate (in pixels) of
Parameter Type/Description
-coordinate (in pixels) of
the source in the DIB.
wSrcWidth WORD Specifies the width (in
pixels) of the source
rectangle in the DIB.
wSrcHeight WORD Specifies the height
(in pixels) of the source
rectangle in the DIB.
lpBits LPSTR Points to the DIB bits
that are stored as an array
of bytes.
lpBitsInfo LPBITMAPINFO Points to a
BITMAPINFO data structure
that contains information
about the DIB.
Parameter Type/Description
about the DIB.
wUsage WORD Specifies whether the
bmiColors[ ] fields of the
lpBitsInfo parameter contain
explicit RGB values or
indexes into the currently
realized logical palette. The
wUsage parameter must be one
of the following values:
Value Meaning
DIB_PAL_COLORS The color table consists of
an array of 16-bit indexes
into the currently realized
logical palette.
DIB_RGB_COLORS The color table contains
Parameter Type/Description
DIB_RGB_COLORS The color table contains
literal RGB values.
dwRop DWORD Specifies the raster
operation to be performed.
Raster operation codes define
how GDI combines colors in
output operations that
involve a current brush, a
possible source bitmap, and a
destination bitmap. For a
list of raster-operation
codes, see the BitBlt
function, earlier in this
chapter. For a complete list
of the operations, see
Chapter 11, "Binary and
Ternary Raster-Operation
Codes," in Reference, Volume
Parameter Type/Description
Codes," in Reference, Volume
Return Value
The return value is the number of scan lines copied.
This function also accepts a device-independent bitmap specification
formatted for Microsoft OS/2 Presentation Manager versions 1.1 and 1.2 if
the lpBitsInfo parameter points to a BITMAPCOREINFO data structure.
BOOL SwapMouseButton(bSwap)
This function reverses the meaning of left and right mouse buttons. If the
bSwap parameter is TRUE, the left button generates right-button mouse
messages and the right button generates left-button messages. If bSwap is
FALSE, the buttons are restored to their original meaning.
Parameter Type/Description
bSwap BOOL Specifies whether the button
meanings are reversed or restored.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the
fuction reversed the meaning of the mouse buttons. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
Button swapping is provided as a convenience to people who use the mouse
with their left hands. The SwapMouseButton function is usually called by the
control panel only. Although applications are free to call the function, the
mouse is a shared resource and reversing the meaning of the mouse button
affects all applications.
Version 3.0
void SwapRecording(wFlag)
When running Microsoft Windows Swap, this function begins or ends analyzing
swapping behavior. For more information on Swap, see Tools.
Parameter Type/Description
wFlag WORD Specifies whether Swap
is to start or stop analyzing
swapping behavior. The
following are acceptable
Value Meaning
0 Specifies that Swap stop
1 Record swap calls, discard
swap returns.
2 Same as 1, plus calls through
thunks. This option records a
large amount of data.
Return Value
Version 3.0
void SwitchStackBack()
This function returns the stack of the current task to the task's data
segment after it had been previously redirected by the SwitchTasksBack
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
This function preserves the contents of the AX:DX register when it returns.
Version 3.0
void SwitchStackTo(wStackSegment, wStackPointer, wStackTop)
This function changes the stack of the current task to the segment
identified by the wStackSegment parameter.
Dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) do not have a stack; instead, a DLL uses the
stack of the task which calls the library. As a result, DLL functions that
assume that the contents of the code-segment (CS) and stack-segment (SS)
registers are the same will fail. The SwitchStackTo function redirects the
stack of the task to the data segment of a DLL, permitting the DLL to call
these functions. SwitchStackTo copies the arguments on the stack of the task
to the new stack location.
Parameter Type/Description
wStackSegment WORD Specifies the data segment which
is to contain the stack.
wStackPointer WORD Specifies the offset of the
beginning of the stack in the data
wStackTop WORD Specifies the offset of the top of
the stack from the beginning of the
Return Value
A task can call SwitchStackTo before calling a function in a DLL that
assumes the CS and DS registeres are equal. When the DLL function returns,
the task must then call SwitchStackBack to redirect its stack to its own
data segment.
A DLL can also call SwitchStackTo before calling a routine that assumes CS
and DS are equal and then call SwitchStackBack before returning to the task
that called the DLL function.
Calls to SwitchStackTo and SwitchStackBack cannot be nested. That is, after
calling SwitchStackTo, a program must call SwitchStackBack before calling
SwitchStackTo again.
int SyncAllVoices( )
This function queues a sync mark in each queue. Upon encountering a sync
mark in a voice queue, the voice is turned off until sync marks are
encountered in all other queues. This forces synchronization among all
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is zero if the
function is successful. If a voice queue is full, the return value is
Version 3.0
long TabbedTextOut(hDC, X, Y, lpString, nCount, nTabPositions,
lpnTabStopPositions, nTabOrigin)
This function writes a character string on the specified display, using the
currently selected font and expanding tabs to the columns specified in the
lpnTabStopPositions field.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the starting point of the string.
Y int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the starting point of the string.
lpString LPSTR Points to the character string
that is to be drawn.
Parameter Type/Description
nCount int Specifies the number of characters
in the string.
nTabPositions int Specifies the number of tab-stop
positions in the array to which the
lpnTabStopPositions points.
lpnTabStopPositions LPINT Points to an array of integers
containing the tab-stop positions in
pixels. The tab stops must be sorted in
increasing order; back tabs are not
nTabOrigin int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the starting position from which tabs
are expanded.
Return Value
The return value specifies the dimensions of the string. The height is in
the high-order word; the width is in the low-order word.
If the nTabPositions parameter is zero the the lpnTabStopPositions parameter
is NULL, tabs are expanded to eight average character widths.
If nTabPositions is 1, the tab stops will be separated by the distance
specified by the first value in the array to which lpnTabStopPositions
If lpnTabStopPositions points to more than a single value, then a tab stop
is set for each value in the array, up to the number specified by
The nTabOrigin parameter allows an application to call the TabbedTextOut
function several times for a single line. If the application calls
TabbedTextOut more than once with the nTabOrigin set to the same value each
time, the function expands all tabs relative to the position specified by
BOOL TextOut(hDC, X, Y, lpString, nCount)
This function writes a character string on the specified display, using the
currently selected font. The starting position of the string is given by the
X and Y parameters.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
X int Specifies the logical x-coordinate
of the starting point of the string.
Y int Specifies the logical y-coordinate
of the starting point of the string.
lpString LPSTR Points to the character string
that is to be drawn.
nCount int Specifies the number of characters
in the string.
Return Value
The return value specifies whether or not the string is drawn. It is nonzero
if the string is drawn. Otherwise, it is zero.
Character origins are defined to be at the upper-left corner of the
character cell.
By default, the current position is not used or updated by this function.
However, an application can call the SetTextAlign function with the wFlags
parameter set to TA_UPDATECP to permit Windows to use and update the current
position each time the application calls TextOut for a given device context.
When this flag is set, Windows ignores the X and Y parameters on subsequent
TextOut calls.
void Throw(lpCatchBuf, nThrowBack)
This function restores the execution environment to the values saved in the
buffer pointed to by the lpCatchBuf parameter. The execution environment is
the state of all system registers and the instruction counter. Execution
continues at the Catch function that copied the environment pointed to by
lpCatchBuf. The nThrowBack parameter is passed as the return value to the
Catch function. It can be a nonzero value.
Parameter Type/Description
lpCatchBuf LPCATCHBUF Points to an array that
contains the execution environment.
nThrowBack int Specifies the value to be returned
to the Catch function.
Return Value
The Throw function is similar to the C run-time LongJmp function (which is
incompatible with the Windows environment).
Version 3.0
int ToAscii(wVirtKey, wScanCode, lpKeyState,
lpChar, wFlags)
This function translates the virtual-key code specified by the wVirtKey
parameter and the current keyboard state specified by the lpKeyState
parameter to the corresponding ANSI character or characters.
Parameter Type/Description
wVirtKey WORD Specifies the virtual-key code to
be translated.
wScanCode WORD Specifies the "hardware" raw scan
code of the key to be translated. The
high-order bit of this value is set if
the key is up.
lpKeyState LPSTR Points to an array of 256 bytes,
each of which contains the state of one
key. If the high-order bit of the byte
is set the key is up.
lpChar LPVOID Points to a 32-bit buffer which
receives the translated ANSI character
or characters.
wFlags WORD The bit 0 flag's menu display.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of characters copied to the buffer
identified by the lpChar parameter. The return value is negative if the key
was a dead key. Otherwise, it is one of the following values:
Value Meaning
2 Two characters were copied to the buffer.
This is usually an accent and a dead-key
character, when the dead key cannot be
translated otherwise.
1 One ANSI character was copied to the
0 The specified virtual key has no
translation for the current state of the
The parameters supplied to the ToAscii function might not be sufficient to
translate the virtual-key code because a previous dead key is stored in the
keyboard driver.
Typically, ToAscii performs the translation based on the virtual-key code.
In some cases, however, the wScanCode parameter may be used to distinguish
between a key depression or a key release. The scan code is used for
translating ALT+NUMBER key combinations.
Version 3.0
BOOL TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, wFlags, x,
y, nReserved, hWnd, lpReserved)
This function displays a "floating" pop-up menu at the specified location
and tracks the selection of items on the pop-up menu. A floating pop-up menu
can appear anywhere on the screen. The hMenu parameter specifies the handle
of the menu to be displayed; the application obtains this handle by calling
CreatePopupMenu to create a new pop-up menu or by calling GetSubMenu to
retrieve the handle of a pop-up menu associated with an existing menu item.
Windows sends messages generated by the menu to the window identified by the
hWnd parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
hMenu HMENU Identifies the pop-up menu to be
Parameter Type/Description
wFlags WORD Not used. This parameter must be
set to zero.
x int Specifies the horizontal position
in screen coordinates of the left side
of the menu on the screen.
y int Specifies the vertical position in
screen coordinates of the top of the
menu on the screen.
nReserved int Is reserved and must be set to zero.
hWnd HWND Identifies the window which owns
the pop-up menu. This window receives
all WM_COMMAND messages from the menu.
Parameter Type/Description
lpReserved LPVOID Is reserved and must be set to
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
int TranslateAccelerator(hWnd, hAccTable, lpMsg)
This function processes keyboard accelerators for menu commands. The
TranslateAccelerator function translates WM_KEYUP and WM_KEYDOWN messages to
WM_COMMAND or WM_SYSCOMMAND messages, if there is an entry for the key in
the application's accelerator table. The high-order word of the lParam
parameter of the WM_COMMAND or WM_SYSCOMMAND message contains the value 1 to
differentiate the message from messages sent by menus or controls.
WM_COMMAND or WM_SYSCOMMAND messages are sent directly to the window, rather
than being posted to the application queue. The TranslateAccelerator
function does not return until the message is processed.
Accelerator key strokes that are defined to select items from the system
menu are translated into WM_SYSCOMMAND messages; all other accelerators are
translated into WM_COMMAND messages.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose
messages are to be translated.
hAccTable HANDLE Identifies an accelerator table
(loaded by using the LoadAccelerators
lpMsg LPMSG Points to a message retrieved by
using the GetMessage or PeekMessage
function. The message must be an MSG
data structure and contain message
information from the Windows application
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if
translation occurs. Otherwise, it is zero.
When TranslateAccelerator returns nonzero (meaning that the message is
translated), the application should not process the message again by using
the TranslateMessage function.
Commands in accelerator tables do not have to correspond to menu items.
If the accelerator command does correspond to a menu item, the application
is sent WM_INITMENU and WM_INITMENUPOPUP messages, just as if the user were
trying to display the menu. However, these messages are not sent if any of
the following conditions are present:
■ The window is disabled.
■ The menu item is disabled.
■ The command is not in the System menu and the window is minimized.
■ A mouse capture is in effect (for more information, see the SetCapture
function, earlier in this chapter).
If the window is the active window and there is no keyboard focus (generally
true if the window is minimized), then WM_SYSKEYUP and WM_SYSKEYDOWN
messages are translated instead of WM_KEYUP and WM_KEYDOWN messages.
If an accelerator key stroke that corresponds to a menu item occurs when the
window that owns the menu is iconic, no WM_COMMAND message is sent. However,
if an accelerator key stroke that does not match any of the items on the
window's menu or the System menu occurs, a WM_COMMAND message is sent, even
if the window is iconic.
Version 3.0
BOOL TranslateMDISysAccel(hWndClient, lpMsg)
This function processes keyboard accelerators for multiple document
interface (MDI) child window System-menu commands. The TranslateMDISysAccel
function translates WM_KEYUP and WM_KEYDOWN messages to WM_SYSCOMMAND
messages. The high-order word of the lParam parameter of the WM_SYSCOMMAND
message contains the value 1 to differentiate the message from messages sent
by menus or controls.
Parameter Type/Description
hWndClient HWND Identifies the parent MDI client
lpMsg LPMSG Points to a message retrieved by
using the GetMessage or PeekMessage
function. The message must be an MSG
data structure and contain message
information from the Windows application
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the function translated a message into a system
command. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
BOOL TranslateMessage(lpMsg)
This function translates virtual-key messages into character messages, as
■ WM_KEYDOWN/WM_KEYUP combinations produce a WM_CHAR or a WM_DEADCHAR
■ WM_SYSKEYDOWN/WM_SYSKEYUP combinations produce a WM_SYSCHAR or a
The character messages are posted to the application queue, to be read the
next time the application calls the GetMessage or PeekMessage function.
Parameter Type/Description
lpMsg LPMSG Points to an MSG data structure
retrieved through the GetMessage or
PeekMessage function. The structure
contains message information from the
Windows application queue.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
message is translated (that is, character messages are posted to the
application queue). Otherwise, it is zero.
The TranslateMessage function does not modify the message given by the lpMsg
TranslateMessage produces WM_CHAR messages only for keys which are mapped to
ASCII characters by the keyboard driver.
An application should not call TranslateMessage if the application processes
virtual-key messages for some other purpose. For instance, an application
should not call the TranslateMessage function if the TranslateAccelerator
function returns nonzero.
int TransmitCommChar(nCid, cChar)
This function marks the character specified by the cChar parameter for
immediate transmission, by placing it at the head of the transmit queue.
Parameter Type/Description
nCid int Specifies the communication device
to receive the character. The OpenComm
function returns this value.
cChar char Specifies the character to be
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is zero if the
function is successful. It is negative if the character cannot be
transmitted. A character cannot be transmitted if the character specified by
the previous TransmitCommChar function has not yet been sent.
int UngetCommChar(nCid, cChar)
This function places the character specified by the cChar parameter back
into the receive queue, making this character the first to be read on a
subsequent read from the queue.
Consecutive calls to the UngetCommChar function are not allowed. The
character placed back into the queue must be read before attempting to place
Parameter Type/Description
nCid int Specifies the communication device
to receive the character.
cChar char Specifies the character to be
placed in the receive queue.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is zero if the
function is successful. It is negative if an error occurs.
BOOL UnhookWindowsHook(nHook, lpfnHook)
This function removes the Windows hook function pointed to by the lpfnHook
parameter from a chain of hook functions. A Windows hook function processes
events before they are sent to an application's message loop in the WinMain
Parameter Type/Description
nHook int Specifies the type of
hook function removed. It may
be one of the following
Value Meaning
Parameter Type/Description
Value Meaning
WH_CALLWNDPROC Installs a window-function
WH_GETMESSAGE Installs a message filter.
WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK Installs a journaling playback
WH_JOURNALRECORD Installs a journaling record
WH_KEYBOARD Install a keyboard filter.
Value Meaning
WH_MSGFILTER Installs a message filter.
Parameter Type/Description
lpfnHook FARPROC Is the
procedure-instance address of
the hook function.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
hook function is successfully removed. Otherwise, it is zero.
int UnionRect(lpDestRect, lpSrc1Rect, lpSrc2Rect)
This function creates the union of two rectangles. The union is the smallest
rectangle that contains both source rectangles.
Parameter Type/Description
lpDestRect LPRECT Points to the RECT data
structure that is to receive the new
lpSrc1Rect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains a source rectangle.
lpSrc2Rect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains a source rectangle.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
union is not empty. It is zero if the union is empty.
Windows ignores the dimensions of an "empty" rectangle, that is, a rectangle
that has no height or has no width.
HANDLE UnlockData(Dummy)
This macro unlocks the current data segment. It is intended to be used by
modules that have moveable data segments.
Parameter Type/Description
Dummy int Is not used; can be set to zero.
Return Value
BOOL UnlockResource(hResData)
This macro unlocks the resource specified by the hResData parameter and
decreases the resource's reference count by one.
Parameter Type/Description
hResData HANDLE Identifies the global memory block to be unlocked.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the macro. It is zero if the
block's reference count is decreased to zero. Otherwise, it is nonzero.
BOOL UnlockSegment(wSegment)
This function unlocks the segment whose segment address is specified by the
wSegment parameter. If wSegment is -1, the UnlockSegment function unlocks
the current data segment.
In real mode, or if the segment is discardable, UnlockSegment decreases the
segment's lock count by one. In protected mode, UnlockSegment decreases the
lock count of discardable objects and automatic data segments only. The
segment is completely unlocked and subject to moving or discarding if the
lock count is decreased to zero. Other functions also can affect the lock
count of a memory object. See the description of the GlobalFlags function
for a list of the functions that affect the lock count.
In all cases, each time an application calls LockSegment for a segment, it
must eventually call UnlockSegment for the segment.
Parameter Type/Description
wSegment WORD Specifies the segment address of
the segment to be unlocked. If wSegment
is -1, the UnlockSegment function
unlocks the current data segment.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is zero if the
segment's lock count was decreased to zero. Otherwise, the return value is
nonzero. An application should not rely on the return value to determine the
number of times it must subsequently call UnlockSegment for the segment.
BOOL UnrealizeObject(hObject)
If the hObject parameter specifies a brush, this function directs GDI to
reset the origin of the given brush the next time it is selected.
If hObject specifies a logical palette, this function directs GDI to realize
the palette as though it had not previously been realized. The next time the
application calls the RealizePalette function for the specified palette, GDI
completely remaps the logical palette to the system palette.
Parameter Type/Description
hObject HANDLE Identifies the object to be reset.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
The UnrealizeObject function should not be used with stock objects.
This function must be called whenever a new brush origin is set (by means of
the SetBrushOrigin function).
A brush specified by the hObject parameter must not be the currently
selected brush of any display context.
A palette specified by hObject can be the currently selected palette of a
display context.
Version 3.0
BOOL UnregisterClass(lpClassName, hInstance)
This function removes the window class specified by lpClassName from the
window-class table, freeing the storage required for the class.
Parameter Type/Description
lpClassName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
string containing the class name. This
class name must have been previously
registered by calling the RegisterClass
function with a valid hInstance field in
the WNDCLASS structure parameter.
Predefined classes, such as dialog-box
controls, may not be unregistered.
hInstance HANDLE Identifies the instance of the
module that created the class.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the function successfully removed the window
class from the window-class table. It is FALSE if the class could not be
found or if a window exists that was created with the class.
Before using this function, destroy all windows created with the specified
Version 3.0
int UpdateColors(hDC)
This function updates the client area of the device context identified by
the hDC parameter by matching the current colors in the client area to the
system palette on a pixel-by-pixel basis. An inactive window with a realized
logical palette may call UpdateColors as an alternative to redrawing its
client area when the system palette changes. For more information on using
color palettes, see Guide to Programming.
Parameter Type/Description
hDC HDC Identifies the device context.
Return Value
The return value is not used.
UpdateColors typically updates a client area faster than redrawing the area.
However, because UpdateColors performs the color translation based on the
color of each pixel before the system palette changed, each call to this
function results in the loss of some color accuracy.
void UpdateWindow(hWnd)
This function updates the client area of the given window by sending a
WM_PAINT message to the window if the update region for the window is not
empty. The UpdateWindow function sends a WM_PAINT message directly to the
window function of the given window, bypassing the application queue. If the
update region is empty, no message is sent.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window to be updated.
Return Value
Version 3.0
void ValidateCodeSegments( )
This function outputs debugging information to a terminal if any code
segments have been altered by random memory overwrites. It is only available
in the debugging version of Windows and is enabled by default. To disable
the function, set the EnableSegmentChecksum flag in the [kernel] section of
WIN.INI to 0. Windows does not validate code segments in protected (standard
or 386 enhanced) mode.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
LPSTR ValidateFreeSpaces( )
This function (available only in the debugging version of Windows) checks
free segments in memory for valid contents. In the debugging version of
Windows, the kernel fills all the bytes in free segments with the
hexadecimal value CC. This function begins checking for valid contents in
the free segment with the lowest address, and continues checking until it
finds an invalid byte or until it has determined that all free space
contains valid contents. Before calling this function, put the following
lines in the WIN.INI file:
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
Windows sends debugging information to the debugging terminal if an invalid
byte is encountered and performs a fatal exit.
The [kernel] entries in WIN.INI will cause automatic checking of free
memory. Before returning a memory block to the application in response to a
GlobalAlloc call, Windows checks that memory to make sure it is filled with
0CCH. Before a GlobalCompact call, all free memory is checked. Note that
using this function slows Windows down system-wide by about 20%.
void ValidateRect(hWnd, lpRect)
This function validates the client area within the given rectangle by
removing the rectangle from the update region of the given window. If the
lpRect parameter is NULL, the entire window is validated.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose update
region is to be modified.
lpRect LPRECT Points to a RECT data structure
that contains the rectangle (in client
coordinates) to be removed from the
update region.
Return Value
The BeginPaint function automatically validates the entire client area.
Neither the ValidateRect nor ValidateRgn function should be called if a
portion of the update region needs to be validated before the next WM_PAINT
message is generated.
Windows continues to generate WM_PAINT messages until the current update
region is validated.
void ValidateRgn(hWnd, hRgn)
This function validates the client area within the given region by removing
the region from the current update region of the given window. If the hRgn
parameter is NULL, the entire window is validated.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window whose update
region is to be modified.
hRgn HRGN Identifies a region that defines
the area to be removed from the update
Return Value
The given region must have been created previously by means of a region
function (for more information, see Chapter 1, "Window Manager Interface
Functions"). The region coordinates are assumed to be client coordinates.
int VkKeyScan (cChar)
This function translates an ANSI character to the corresponding virtual-key
code and shift state for the current keyboard. Applications which send
character by means of WM_KEYUP and WM_KEYDOWN messages use this function.
Parameter Type/Description
cChar char Specifies the character for which
the corresponding virtual-key code is to
be found.
Return Value
The VK_ code is returned in the low-order byte and the shift state in the
high-order byte. The shift states are:
Value Meaning
0 No shift.
1 Character is shifted.
2 Character is control character.
6 Charcter is CONTROL+ALT.
7 Character is SHIFT+CONTROL+ALT.
3, 4, 5 A shift key combination that is not used for characters.
If no key is found that translates to the passed ANSI code, a -1 is returned
in both the low-order and high-order bytes.
Translations for the numeric keypad (VK_NUMPAD0 through VK_DIVIDE) are
ignored. This function is intended to force a translation for the main
keyboard only.
void WaitMessage( )
This function yields control to other applications when an application has
no other tasks to perform. The WaitMessage function suspends the application
and does not return until a new message is placed in the application's
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
The GetMessage, PeekMessage, and WaitMessage functions yield control to
other applications. These calls are the only way to let other applications
run. If your application does not call any of these functions for long
periods of time, other applications cannot run.
When GetMessage, PeekMessage, and WaitMessage yield control to other
applications, the stack and data segments of the application calling the
function may move in memory to accommodate the changing memory requirements
of other applications. If the application has stored long pointers to
objects in the data or stack segment (that is, global or local variables),
these pointers can become invalid after a call to GetMessage, PeekMessage,
or WaitMessage.
int WaitSoundState(nState)
This function waits until the play driver enters the specified state.
Parameter Type/Description
nState int Specifies the state of
the voice queues. It can be
any one of the following
Value Meaning
S_ALLTHRESHOLD All voices have reached
S_QUEUEEMPTY All voice queues are empty and
sound drivers turned off.
S_THRESHOLD A voice queue has reached
threshold, and returns voice.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is zero if the
function is successful. If the state is not valid, the return value is
HWND WindowFromPoint(Point)
This function identifies the window that contains the given point; Point
must specify the screen coordinates of a point on the screen.
Parameter Type/Description
Point POINT Specifies a POINT data structure
that defines the point to be checked.
Return Value
The return value identifies the window in which the point lies. It is NULL
if no window exists at the given point.
Version 3.0
WORD WinExec(lpCmdLine, nCmdShow)
This function executes the Windows or non-Windows application identified by
the lpCmdLine parameter. The nCmdShow parameter specifies the initial state
of the application's main window when it is created.
Parameter Type/Description
lpCmdLine LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that contains the
command line (filename plus optional
parameters) for the application to be
executed. If the lpCmdLine string does
Parameter Type/Description
executed. If the lpCmdLine string does
not contain a directory path, Windows
will search for the executable file in
this order:
1. The current directory
2. The Windows directory (the directory
containing WIN.COM); the
GetWindowsDirectory function obtains the
pathname of this directory
3. The Windows system directory (the
directory containing such system files
as KERNEL.EXE); the GetSystemDirectory
function obtains the pathname of this
4. The directories listed in the PATH
Parameter Type/Description
4. The directories listed in the PATH
environment variable
5. The list of directories mapped in a
If the application filename does not
contain an extension, then .EXE is
nCmdShow int Specifies how a Windows application
window is to be shown. See the
description of the ShowWindow function
for a list of the
acceptable values for the nCmdShow
parameter. For a non-Windows application,
the PIF file, if any, for the
application determines the window state.
Parameter Type/Description
Return Value
The return value specifies whether the function was successful. If the
function was successful, the return value is greater than 32. Otherwise, it
is a value less than 32 that specifies the error. The following list
describes the error values returned by this function:
Value Meaning
0 Out of memory.
2 File not found.
3 Path not found.
Value Meaning
3 Path not found.
5 Attempt to dynamically link to a task.
6 Library requires separate data segments
for each task.
10 Incorrect Windows version.
11 Invalid .EXE file (non-Windows .EXE or
error in .EXE image).
12 OS/2 application.
13 DOS 4.0 application.
14 Unknown .EXE type.
15 Attempt in protected (standard or 386
Value Meaning
15 Attempt in protected (standard or 386
enhanced) mode to load an .EXE created
for an earlier version of Windows.
16 Attempt to load a second instance of an
.EXE containing multiple, writeable data
17 Attempt in large-frame EMS mode to load
a second instance of an application that
links to certain nonshareable DLLs
already in use.
18 Attempt in real mode to load an
application marked for protected mode
The LoadModule function provides an alternative method for executing a
Version 3.0
BOOL WinHelp(hWnd, lpHelpFile, wCommand, dwData)
This function invokes the Windows Help application and passes optional data
indicating the nature of the help requested by the application. The
application specifies the name and, where required, the directory path of
the help file which the Help application is to display. See Tools for
information on creating and using help files.
Parameter Type/Description
hWnd HWND Identifies the window
requesting help.
lpHelpFile LPSTR Points to a
null-terminated string
containing the directory path,
if needed, and the name of
the help file which the Help
application is to display.
wCommand WORD Specifies the type of
help requested. It may be any
one of the following values:
Value Meaning
HELP_CONTEXT Displays help for a particular
Parameter Type/Description
HELP_CONTEXT Displays help for a particular
context identified by a 32-bit
unsigned integer value in
HELP_HELPONHELP Displays help for using the
help application itself. If
the wCommand parameter is set
ONHELP, WinHelp ignores the
lpHelpFile and dwData
HELP_INDEX Displays the index of the
specified help file. An
application should use this
value only for help files with
a single index. It should not
use this value with
Parameter Type/Description
use this value with
Value Meaning
HELP_KEY Displays help for a particular
key word identified by a
string pointed to by dwData.
HELP_MULTIKEY Displays help for a key word
in an alternate keyword table.
HELP_QUIT Notifies the help application
that the specified help file
is no longer in use.
HELP_SETINDEX Sets the context specified by
the dwData parameter as the
current index for the help
Parameter Type/Description
current index for the help
file specified by the
lpHelpFile parameter. This
index remains current until
the user accesses a different
help file. To help ensure that
the correct index remains set,
the application should call
WinHelp with wCommand set to
HELP_SETINDEX (with dwData
specifying the corresponding
context identifier) following
each call to WinHelp with
wCommand set to HELP_CONTEXT.
An application should use this
value only for help files with
more than one index. It should
not use this value with
Parameter Type/Description
dwData DWORD Specifies the context
or key word of the help
requested. If wCommand is
HELP_CONTEXT, dwData is a
32-bit unsigned integer
containing a
context-identifier number. If
wCommand is HELP_KEY, dwData
is a long pointer to a
null-terminated string that
contains a key word
identifying the help topic.
If wCommand is HELP_MULTIKEY,
dwData is a long pointer to a
MULTIKEYHELP data structure.
Otherwise, dwData is ignored
and should be set to NULL.
Parameter Type/Description
and should be set to NULL.
Return Value
The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the
function was successful. Otherwise it is FALSE.
The application must call WinHelp with wCommand set to HELP_QUIT before
closing the window that requested the help. The Help application will not
actually terminate until all applications that have requested help have
called WinHelp with wCommand set to HELP_QUIT.
int WriteComm(nCid, lpBuf, nSize)
This function writes the number of characters specified by the nSize
parameter to the communication device specified by the nCid parameter from
the buffer pointed to by the lpBuf parameter.
Parameter Type/Description
nCid int Specifies the device to receive the
characters. The OpenComm function
returns this value.
lpBuf LPSTR Points to the buffer that
contains the characters to be written.
nSize int Specifies the number of characters
to write.
Return Value
The return value specifies the number of characters actually written. When
an error occurs, the return value is set to a value less than zero, making
the absolute value of the return value the actual number of characters
written. The cause of the error can be determined by using the GetCommError
function to retrieve the error code and status.
The WriteComm function will delete data in the transmit queue if there is
not enough room in the queue for the additional characters. Applications
should check the available space in the transmit queue with the GetCommError
function before calling WriteComm. Also, applications should use the
OpenComm function to set the size of the transmit queue to an amount no
smaller than the size of the largest expected output string.
Version 3.0
BOOL WritePrivateProfileString(lpApplicationName,
lpKeyName, lpString, lpFileName)
This function copies the character string pointed to by the lpString
parameter into the specified initialization file. It searches the file for
the key named by the lpKeyName parameter under the application heading
specified by the lpApplicationName parameter. If there is no match, it adds
to the user profile a new string entry containing the key name and the key
value specified by the lpString parameter. If there is a matching key, the
function replaces that key's value with lpString.
Parameter Type/Description
lpApplicationName LPSTR Points to an application heading
in the initialization file.
lpKeyName LPSTR Points to a key name that appears
under the application heading in the
initialization file.
lpString LPSTR Points to the string that
contains the new key value.
lpFileName LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that names the
initialization file. If lpFileName does
not contain a fully qualified pathname
for the file, this function searches the
Windows directory for the file. If the
file does not exist and lpFileName does
not contain a fully qualified pathname,
this function creates the file in the
Windows directory. The
WritePrivateProfileString does not
create a file if lpFileName contains the
fully qualified pathname of a file that
does not exist.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
An application should use a private (application-specific) initialization
file to record information which affects only that application. This
improves both the performance of the application and Windows itself by
reducing the amount of information that Windows must read when it accesses
the initialization file.
If there is no application field for lpApplicationName, this function
creates a new application field and places an appropriate key-value line in
that field of the initialization file.
A string entry in the initialization file has the following form:
[application name]
keyname = string
An application can also call WritePrivateProfileString to delete lines from
its private initialization file. If lpString is NULL, the function deletes
the entire line identified by the lpKeyName parameter. If lpString points to
a null string, the function deletes only the value; the key name remains in
the file. If lpKeyName is NULL, the function deletes the entire section
identified by the lpApplicationName parameter; however, the function does
not delete any lines beginning with the semicolon (;) comment character.
BOOL WriteProfileString(lpApplicationName, lpKeyName, lpString)
This function copies the character string pointed to by the lpString
parameter into the Windows initialization file, WIN.INI. It searches WIN.INI
for the key named by the lpKeyName parameter under the application heading
specified by the lpApplicationName parameter. If there is no match, it adds
to the user profile a new string entry containing the key name and the key
value specified by the lpString parameter. If there is a matching key, the
function replaces that key's value with lpString.
Parameter Type/Description
lpApplicationName LPSTR Points to an application heading
lpKeyName LPSTR Points to a key name that appears
under the application heading WIN.INI.
lpString LPSTR Points to the string that
contains the new key value.
Return Value
The return value specifies the result of the function. It is nonzero if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
If there is no match for lpApplicationName, this function creates a new
application field and adds the string pointed to by lpString.
A string entry in WIN.INI has the following form:
[application name]
keyname = string
An application can also call WriteProfileString to delete lines from
WIN.INI. If lpString is NULL, the function deletes the entire line
identified by the lpKeyName parameter. If lpString points to a null string,
the function deletes only the value; the key name remains in the file. If
lpKeyName is NULL, the function deletes the entire section identified by the
lpApplicationName parameter; however, the function does not delete any lines
beginning with the semicolon (;) comment character.
Version 3.0
int wsprintf(lpOutput, lpFormat«, argument»...)
This function formats and stores a series of characters and values in a
buffer. Each argument (if any) is converted and output according to the
corresponding format specification in the format string. The function
appends a NULL to the end of the characters written, but the return value
does not include the terminating null character in its character count.
Parameter Type/Description
lpOutput LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string to receive the
formatted output.
lpFormat LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that contains the
format-control string. In addition to
ordinary ASCII characters, a format
specification for each argument appears
in this string. See the following
"Comments" section for more information
on the format specification.
argument Is one or more optional arguments. The
number and type of argument parameters
depends on the corresponding
format-control character sequences in
Return Value
The return value is the number of characters stored in lpOutput, not
counting the terminating NULL. If an error occurs, the function returns a
value less than the length of lpFormat.
The format-control string contains format specifications that determine the
output format for the arguments which follow the lpFormat parameter. Format
specifications, discussed below, always begin with a percent sign (%). If a
percent sign is followed by a character that has no meaning, such as a
format field, the character is output as is. For example, %% produces a
single percent-sign character.
The format-control string is read from left to right. When the first format
specification (if any) is encountered, it causes the value of the first
argument after the format-control string to be converted and output
according to the format specification. The second format specification
causes the second argument to be converted and output, and so on. If there
are more arguments than there are format specifications, the extra arguments
are ignored. The results are undefined if there are not enough arguments for
all of the format specifications.
A format specification has the following form:
Each field of the format specification is a single character or a number
signifying a particular format option. The type characters, which appear
after the last optional format field, determine whether the associated
argument is interpreted as a character, a string, or a number. The simplest
format specification contains only the percent sign and a type character
(for example, %s). The optional fields control other aspects of the
formatting. The following shows the optional and required fields and their
Field Description
- Pad the output with blanks or
zeroes to the right to fill
the field width, justifying
the output to the left. If
this field is omitted, the
output is padded to the left,
justifying the output to the
# Prefix hexadecimal values with
Field Description
# Prefix hexadecimal values with
0x (lowercase) or OX
0 Pad the output value with
zeroes to fill the field width.
If this field is omitted, the
output value is padded with
blank spaces.
width Output the specified minimum
number of characters. The
width field is a nonnegative
integer. The width
specification never causes a
value to be truncated; if the
number of characters in the
output value is greater than
the specified width, or if the
Field Description
the specified width, or if the
width field is not present,
all characters of the value
are printed, subject to the
precision specification.
precision Output the specified minimum
number of digits. If the
number of digits in the
argument is less than the
specified precision, the
output value is padded on the
left with zeroes. The value is
not truncated when the number
of digits exceeds the
specified precision. If the
specified precision is 0,
omitted entirely, or if the
period ( . ) appears without a
Field Description
period ( . ) appears without a
number following it, the
precision is set to 1.
For strings, output the
specified maximum number of
type Output the corresponding
argument as a character,
string, or a number. This
field may be any of the
following character sequences:
Sequence Meaning
s Insert a string argument
referenced by a long pointer.
The argument corresponding to
Field Description
The argument corresponding to
this sequence must be passed as
a long pointer (LPSTR).
c Insert a single character
d, i Insert a signed decimal integer
ld, li Insert a long signed decimal
integer argument.
u Insert an unsigned integer
lu Insert a long unsigned integer
Field Description
Sequence Meaning
x, X Insert an unsigned hexadecimal
integer argument in lowercase
or uppercase.
lx, lX Insert a long unsigned
hexadecimal integer argument in
lowercase or uppercase.
Unlike all other Windows functions, wsprintf uses the C calling convention
(cdecl), rather than the Pascal calling convention. As a result, it is the
caller's responsibility to pop arguments off the stack, and arguments are
pushed in reverse order (that is, the lpOutput parameter is pushed last, to
the lowest address). In C-language modules, the C compiler performs this
Version 3.0
int wvsprintf(lpOutput, lpFormat, lpArglist)
This function formats and stores a series of characters and values in a
buffer. The items pointed to by the argument list are converted and output
according to the corresponding format specification in the format string.
The function appends a NULL to the end of the characters written, but the
return value does not include the terminating null character in its
character count.
Parameter Type/Description
lpOutput LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string to receive the
formatted output.
lpFormat LPSTR Points to a null-terminated
character string that contains the
format-control string. In addition to
ordinary ASCII characters, a format
specification for each argument appears
in this string. See the description of
the wsprintf function, earlier in this
chapter, for more information on the
format specification.
lpArglist LPSTR Points to an array of words, each
of which specifies an arguement for the
format-control string. The number, type
and interpretation of the arguments
depend on the corresponding
format-control character sequences in
lpFormat. Each character or word-sized
integer (%c, %d, %x, %i) requires one
word in lpArglist. Long integers (%ld,
%li, %lx) require two words, the
low-order word of the integer followed
by the high-order word. A string (%s)
requires two words, the offset followed
by the segment (which together make up a
far pointer).
Return Value
The return value is the number of characters stored in lpOutput, not
counting the terminating NULL. If an error occurs, the function returns a
value less than the length of lpFormat.
void Yield( )
This function halts the current task and starts any waiting task.
This function has no parameters.
Return Value
Applications that contain windows should use a DispatchMessage, PeekMessage,
or TranslateMessage loop rather than calling the Yield function directly.
The PeekMessage loop handles message synchronization properly and yields at
the appropriate times.
PART II Windows Messages
Part 2 provides reference information on Windows messages. Windows messages
allow Windows applications to communicate with each other and with the
Windows system within a nonpreemptive multitasking environment.
Chapter 5 Messages Overview
This chapter describes groups of related Microsoft Windows messages. Each
section states the purpose of the message group, lists the messages in the
group, and describes each message. Some of the sections contain additional
information. See Chapter 1, "Window Manager Interface Functions," for an
explanation of sending and receiving messages.
This chapter lists the following categories of Windows messages:
■ Window-management messages
■ Initialization messages
■ Input messages
■ System messages
■ Clipboard messages
■ System-information messages
■ Control messages
■ Notification messages
■ Scroll-bar messages
■ Nonclient-area messages
■ Multiple document interface messages
5.1 Window-Management Messages
Window-management messages are sent by Windows to an application when the
state of a window changes. The following list briefly describes each
window-management message:
Message Description
WM_ACTIVATE Sent when a window becomes active or
WM_ACTIVATEAPP Sent when the window being activated
belongs to a different application than
the window that was previously active.
WM_CANCELMODE Cancels any mode the system is in, such
as one that tracks the mouse in a scroll
bar or moves a window. Windows sends the
WM_CANCELMODE message when an
application displays a message box.
WM_CHILDACTIVATE Notifies a child window's parent window
when the SetWindowPos function moves a
child window.
WM_CLOSE Sent whenever the window is closed.
WM_CREATE Sent when the CreateWindow function is
WM_CTLCOLOR Sent to the parent window of a
predefined control or message box when
the control or message box is about to
be drawn.
WM_DESTROY Sent when the DestroyWindow function is
called, after the window has been
removed from the screen.
WM_ENABLE Sent after a window has been enabled or
WM_ENDSESSION Tells an application that has responded
nonzero to a WM_QUERYENDSESSION message
whether the session is actually being
WM_ENTERIDLE Informs a window that a dialog box or
menu is displayed and waiting for user
WM_ERASEBKGND Sent when the window background needs to
be erased.
WM_GETDLGCODE Sent to an input procedure associated
with a control.
Message Description
WM_GETMINMAXINFO Retrieves the maximized size of the
window, the minimum or maximum tracking
size of the window, and the maximized
position of the window.
WM_GETTEXT Copies the text that corresponds to a
WM_GETTEXTLENGTH Retrieves the length (in bytes) of the
text associated with a window.
WM_ICONERASEBKGND Sent to an iconic window with a class
icon when the background of the icon
needs to be erased.
WM_KILLFOCUS Sent immediately before a window loses
the input focus.
WM_MENUCHAR Notifies the window that owns the menu
when the user presses a menu mnemonic
character that doesn't match any of the
predefined mnemonics in the current menu.
WM_MENUSELECT Notifies a window that the user has
selected a menu item.
WM_MOVE Sent when a window is moved.
WM_PAINT Sent whenever Windows or an application
makes a request to repaint a portion of
an application's window.
WM_PAINTICON Sent whenever Windows or an application
makes a request to repaint a portion of
an application's minimized (iconic)
WM_PARENTNOTIFY Sent to the parent of a child window
when the child window is created or
WM_QUERYDRAGICON Sent when the user is about to drag a
minimized (iconic) window.
WM_QUERYENDSESSION Sent when the user chooses the End
Session command.
WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE Sent when a window is about to receive
the input focus to allow it to realize
its logical color palette.
Message Description
WM_QUERYOPEN Sent to an icon when the user requests
that the icon be opened into a window.
WM_QUIT Indicates a request to terminate an
WM_SETFOCUS Sent after a window receives the input
WM_SETFONT Changes the font used by a control for
drawing text.
WM_SETREDRAW Sets or clears the redraw flag, which
determines whether or not updates to a
control are displayed.
WM_SETTEXT Sets the text of a window.
WM_SHOWWINDOW Sent whenever a window is to be hidden
or shown.
WM_SIZE Sent after the size of a window has been
5.2 Initialization Messages
Initialization messages are sent by Windows when an application creates a
menu or dialog box. The following list briefly describes each initialization
Message Description
WM_INITDIALOG Sent immediately before a dialog box is
WM_INITMENU Requests that a menu be initialized.
WM_INITMENUPOPUP Sent immediately before a pop-up menu is
5.3 Input Messages
Input messages are sent by Windows when an application receives input
through the mouse, keyboard, scroll bars, or system timer. The following
list briefly describes each input message:
Message Description
WM_CHAR Results when a WM_KEYUP and a WM_KEYDOWN
message are translated.
WM_CHARTOITEM Sent by a list box with the
LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT style to its owner
in response to a WM_CHAR message.
WM_COMMAND Sent when the user selects an item from
a menu, when a control passes a message
to its parent window, or when an
accelerator key stroke is translated.
message are translated.
WM_HSCROLL Sent when the user clicks the horizontal
scroll bar with the mouse.
WM_KEYDOWN Sent when a nonsystem key is pressed.
WM_KEYUP Sent when a nonsystem key is released.
WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK Sent when the user double-clicks the
left mouse button.
WM_LBUTTONDOWN Sent when the user presses the left
mouse button.
WM_LBUTTONUP Sent when the user releases the left
mouse button.
WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK Sent when the user double-clicks the
middle mouse button.
WM_MBUTTONDOWN Sent when the user presses the middle
mouse button.
WM_MBUTTONUP Sent when the user releases the middle
mouse button.
WM_MOUSEACTIVATE Sent when the cursor is in an inactive
window and any mouse button is pressed.
WM_MOUSEMOVE Sent when the user moves the mouse.
Message Description
WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK Sent when the user double-clicks the
right mouse button.
WM_RBUTTONDOWN Sent when the user presses the right
mouse button.
WM_RBUTTONUP Sent when the user releases the right
mouse button.
WM_SETCURSOR Sent when mouse input is not captured
and the mouse causes cursor movement
within a window.
WM_TIMER Sent when the time limit set for a given
timer has elapsed.
WM_VKEYTOITEM Sent by a list box with the
LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT style to its owner
in response to a WM_CHAR message.
WM_VSCROLL Sent when the user clicks the vertical
scroll bar with the mouse.
5.4 System Messages
System messages are sent by Windows to an application when a user accesses a
window's System menu, scroll bars, or size box. Although an application can
process these messages, most applications pass them on to the DefWindowProc
function for default processing. The following list briefly describes each
system message:
Message Description
WM_SYSCHAR Results when a WM_SYSKEYUP and a
WM_SYSKEYDOWN message are translated.
WM_SYSCOMMAND Sent when the user selects a command
from the System menu.
WM_SYSKEYDOWN message are translated.
WM_SYSKEYDOWN Sent when the user holds down the ALT
key and then presses another key.
Message Description
WM_SYSKEYUP Sent when the user releases a key that
was pressed while the ALT key was held
5.5 Clipboard Messages
Clipboard messages are sent by Windows to an application when other
applications try to access a window's clipboard. The following list briefly
describes each clipboard message:
Message Description
WM_CHANGECBCHAIN Notifies viewing-chain members of a
change in the chain.
WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD Signals that the contents of the
clipboard are being destroyed.
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD Signals an application to notify the
next application in the chain of a
clipboard change.
WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD Requests horizontal scrolling for the
WM_RENDERALLFORMATS Notifies the clipboard owner that it
must render the clipboard data in all
possible formats.
WM_RENDERFORMAT Notifies the clipboard owner that it
must format the last data copied to the
WM_SIZECLIPBOARD Notifies the clipboard owner that the
clipboard application's window size has
WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD Requests vertical scrolling for the
5.6 System-Information Messages
System-information messages are sent by Windows when an application or a
user makes a system-wide change that affects other applications. The
following list briefly describes each system-information message:
Message Description
WM_COMPACTING Sent to all top-level windows when
Windows requires too much system time
compacting memory, indicating that
system memory is low.
WM_DEVMODECHANGE Sent to all top-level windows when the
user changes device-mode settings.
WM_FONTCHANGE Sent when the pool of font resources
WM_PALETTECHANGED Notifies all windows that the system
color palette has changed.
WM_SPOOLERSTATUS Sent from Print Manager whenever a job
is added to or removed from the Print
Manager queue.
WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE Sent to all top-level windows when a
change is made in the system color
WM_TIMECHANGE Sent when an application makes a change
or set of changes to the system time.
WM_WININICHANGE Sent when the Windows initialization
file, WIN.INI, changes.
5.7 Control Messages
Control messages are predefined window messages that direct a control to
carry out a specified task. Applications send control messages to a control
by using the SendMessage function. The control carries out the specified
task and returns a value that indicates the result.
The following messages apply to all controls:
Message Description
WM_NEXTDLGCTL Sent to a dialog box's window function,
to alter the control focus.
WM_GETFONT Retrieves the current font used by a
control for drawing text.
WM_SETFONT Changes the font used by a control for
drawing text.
Sections 5.7.1 through 5.7.5 briefly describe the control messages for each
control class.
5.7.1 Button-Control Messages
Button-control messages are sent by an application to a button control. The
following list briefly describes each button-control message:
Message Description
BM_GETCHECK Determines whether a radio button or
check box is checked.
BM_GETSTATE Returns nonzero if the cursor is over
the button and the user presses the
mouse button or the SPACEBAR.
BM_SETCHECK Checks or removes the checkmark from a
radio button or check box.
BM_SETSTATE Highlights a button or check box.
BM_SETSTYLE Alters the style of a button.
DM_GETDEFID Retrieves the ID of the default
pushbutton control for a dialog box.
DM_SETDEFID Changes the default push-button
control ID for a dialog box.
5.7.2 Edit-Control Messages
Edit-control messages are sent by an application to an edit control. In
addition to the messages described below, the WM_ENABLE, WM_GETTEXT,
window messages can be used. The following list briefly describes each
edit-control message:
Message Description
EM_CANUNDO Determines whether or not an edit
control can respond correctly to an
EM_UNDO message.
EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER Disables an edit control's ability to
undo the last edit.
EM_FMTLINES Directs the edit control to add or
remove the end-of-line character from
wordwrapped text lines.
EM_GETHANDLE Returns the data handle of the buffer
used to hold the contents of the control
EM_GETLINE Copies a line from the edit control.
EM_GETLINECOUNT Returns the number of lines of text in
the edit control.
EM_GETMODIFY Returns the current value of the modify
flag for a given edit control. The flag
is set by the control if the user enters
or modifies text within the control.
EM_GETRECT Returns the formatting rectangle of the
edit control.
EM_GETSEL Returns the starting and ending
character positions of the current
EM_LIMITTEXT Limits the length of the text (in bytes)
the user may enter.
EM_LINEFROMCHAR Returns the line number of the line that
contains the character whose position
(indexed from the beginning of the text)
is specified by the
wParam parameter.
EM_LINEINDEX Returns the number of character
positions that occur before the first
character in a given line.
EM_LINELENGTH Returns the length of a line (in bytes)
in the edit control's text buffer.
EM_LINESCROLL Scrolls the contents of the edit control
by the given number of lines.
Message Description
EM_REPLACESEL Replaces the current selection with new
EM_SETHANDLE Establishes the text buffer used to hold
the contents of the edit-control window.
EM_SETMODIFY Sets the modify flag for a given edit
EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR Changes the password character for an
edit control created with the
EM_SETRECT Sets the formatting rectangle for an
edit control.
EM_SETRECTNP Identical to EM_SETRECT, except that the
control is not repainted.
EM_SETSEL Selects all characters in the current
text that are within the starting and
ending character positions given by the
lParam parameter.
EM_SETTABSTOPS Sets tab-stop positions in a multiline
edit control.
EM_SETWORDBREAK Informs a multiline edit control that
Windows has replaced the default
word-break function with an
application-supplied word-break function.
EM_UNDO Undoes the last edit in an edit control.
WM_CLEAR Deletes the current selection.
WM_COPY Sends the current selection to the
clipboard in CF_TEXT format.
WM_CUT Sends the current selection to the
clipboard in CF_TEXT format, and then
deletes the selection from the control
WM_PASTE Inserts the data from the clipboard into
the control window at the current cursor
WM_UNDO Undoes the previous action.
5.7.3 List-Box Messages
List-box messages are sent by an application to a list box. The following
list briefly describes each list-box message:
Message Description
LB_ADDSTRING Adds a string to the list box.
LB_DELETESTRING Deletes a string from the list box.
LB_DIR Adds a list of the files from the
current directory to the list box.
LB_FINDSTRING Finds the first string in the list box
which matches prefix text.
LB_GETCOUNT Returns a count of the number of items
in the list box.
LB_GETCURSEL Returns the index of the currently
selected item, if any.
LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT Retrieves the width by which a list box
can be scrolled horizontally.
LB_GETITEMDATA Retrieves a 32-bit value associated with
an item in an owner-draw list box.
LB_GETITEMRECT Retrieves the coordinates of the
rectangle that bounds a list-box item.
LB_GETSEL Returns the selection state of an item.
LB_GETSELCOUNT Returns the total number of selected
items in a multiselection list box.
LB_GETSELITEMS Retrieves the indexes of the selected
items in a multiselection list box.
LB_GETTEXT Copies a string from the list box into a
LB_GETTEXTLEN Returns the length of a string in the
list box.
LB_GETTOPINDEX Returns the index of the first visible
item in a list box.
LB_INSERTSTRING Inserts a string in the list box.
Message Description
LB_RESETCONTENT Removes all strings from a list box
and frees any memory allocated for
those strings.
LB_SELECTSTRING Changes the current selection to the
first string that has the specified
LB_SELITEMRANGE Selects one or more consecutive items in
a multiple-selection list box.
LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH Sets the width in pixels of all columns
in a multicolumn list box.
LB_SETCURSEL Selects a string and scrolls it into
view, if necessary.
LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT Sets the width by which a list box can
be scrolled horizontally.
LB_SETITEMDATA Sets a 32-bit value associated with an
item in an owner-draw list box.
LB_SETSEL Sets the selection state of a string.
LB_SETTABSTOPS Sets tab-stop positions in a list box.
LB_SETTOPINDEX Sets the first visible item in a list
box to the item identified by an index.
5.7.4 Combo-Box Messages
Combo-box messages are sent by an application to a combo box. The following
list briefly describes each combo-box message:
Message Description
CB_ADDSTRING Adds a string to the list box of a combo
CB_DELETESTRING Deletes a string from the list box of a
combo box.
CB_DIR Adds a list of the files from the
current directory to the combo box.
CB_FINDSTRING Finds the first string in the combo-box
list box which matches a prefix.
Message Description
CB_GETCOUNT Returns a count of the number of items
in the combo box.
CB_GETCURSEL Returns the index of the currently
selected item, if any.
CB_GETEDITSEL Returns the starting and ending
positions of the selected text in the
edit control of a combo box.
CB_GETITEMDATA Retrieves a 32-bit value associated with
an item in an owner-draw combo box.
CB_GETLBTEXT Copies a string from the list box of a
combo box into a buffer.
CB_GETLBTEXTLEN Returns the length of a string in the
list box of a combo box.
CB_INSERTSTRING Inserts a string in the combo box.
CB_LIMITTEXT Limits the length of the text that the
user may enter into the edit control of
a combo box.
CB_RESETCONTENT Removes all strings from a combo box and
frees any memory allocated for those
CB_SELECTSTRING Changes the current selection to the
first string that has the specified
prefix. The text in the edit control is
changed to reflect the new selection.
CB_SETCURSEL Selects a string and scrolls it into
view, if necessary.
CB_SETEDITSEL Selects all characters in the edit
control that are within specified
starting and ending positions.
CB_SETITEMDATA Sets a 32-bit value associated with an
item in an owner-draw combo box.
CB_SHOWDROPDOWN Shows or hides a drop-down list box in a
combo box.
5.7.5 Owner Draw-Control Messages
Owner draw-control messages notify the owner of a control created with the
OWNERDRAW style that the control needs to be drawn and to provide
information about the drawing required. The following list briefly describes
these messages:
Message Description
WM_COMPAREITEM Determines which of two items sorts
above the other in a sorted owner-draw
list box or combo box.
WM_DELETEITEM Indicates that an item in an owner-draw
list box or combo box has been deleted.
WM_DRAWITEM Indicates that an owner-draw control
needs to be redrawn.
WM_MEASUREITEM Requests the dimensions of an owner-draw
combo box, list box, or menu item.
5.8 Notification Messages
Notification messages notify a control's parent window of actions that occur
within a control. Sections 5.8.1 through 5.8.4 briefly describe the
notification messages for each notification class.
Controls use the WM_COMMAND message to notify the parent window of actions
that occur within the control. The wParam parameter of the WM_COMMAND
message contains the control ID; the low-order word of the lParam parameter
contains the control-window handle; and the high-order word of lParam
contains the control notification code.
5.8.1 Button Notification Codes
The following notification codes apply to buttons:
Message Description
BN_CLICKED Indicates that the button has been
BN_DOUBLECLICKED Indicates that the user has
double-clicked an owner-draw or radio
5.8.2 Edit-Control Notification Codes
The following notification codes apply to edit controls:
Message Description
EN_CHANGE Indicates that the user has taken some
action that may have changed the content
of the text.
EN_ERRSPACE Indicates that the edit control is out
of space.
EN_HSCROLL Indicates that the user has clicked the
edit control's horizontal scroll bar
with the mouse; the parent window is
notified before the screen is updated.
EN_KILLFOCUS Indicates that the edit control has lost
the input focus.
EN_MAXTEXT Specifies that the current insertion has
exceeded a specified number of
characters for the edit control.
EN_SETFOCUS Indicates that the edit control has
obtained the input focus.
EN_UPDATE Specifies that the edit control will
display altered text.
EN_VSCROLL Indicates that the user has clicked the
edit control's vertical scroll bar with
the mouse; the parent window is notified
before the screen is updated.
5.8.3 List-Box Notification Codes
The following notification codes apply only to list-box controls that have
Message Description
LBN_DBLCLK Sent when the user double-clicks a
string with the mouse.
LBN_ERRSPACE Sent when the system is out of memory.
LBN_KILLFOCUS Indicates that a list box has lost input
LBN_SELCHANGE Sent when the selection has been changed.
LBN_SETFOCUS Indicates that the list box has received
input focus.
5.8.4 Combo-Box Notification Codes
The following notification codes apply to combo boxes:
Message Description
CBN_DBLCLK Sent when the user double-clicks a
string with the mouse.
CBN_DROPDOWN Informs the owner of the combo box that
its list box is about to be dropped down.
CBN_EDITCHANGE Indicates that the user has altered text
in the edit control.
CBN_EDITUPDATE Indicates that the edit control will
display altered text.
CBN_ERRSPACE Sent when the system is out of memory.
CBN_KILLFOCUS Indicates that a combo box has lost
input focus.
CBN_SELCHANGE Sent when the selection has been changed.
CBN_SETFOCUS Indicates that the combo box has
received input focus.
5.9 Scroll-Bar Messages
There are two messages in the scroll-bar group: WM_HSCROLL and WM_VSCROLL.
Scroll-bar controls send these messages to their parent windows whenever the
user clicks in the control. The wParam parameter contains the same values as
those defined for the scrolling messages of a standard window. The
high-order word of the lParam parameter contains the window handle of the
scroll-bar control.
5.10 Nonclient-Area Messages
Nonclient-area messages are sent by Windows to create and maintain the
nonclient area of an application's window. Normally, applications do not
process these messages, but send them on to the DefWindowProc function for
processing. The following list briefly describes each nonclient-area
Message Description
WM_NCACTIVATE Sent to a window when its caption bar or
icon needs to be changed to indicate an
active or inactive state.
WM_NCCALCSIZE Sent when the size of a window's client
area needs to be calculated.
WM_NCCREATE Sent prior to the WM_CREATE message when
a window is first created.
WM_NCDESTROY Sent after the WM_DESTROY message.
WM_NCHITTEST Sent to the window that contains the
cursor (unless a window has captured the
WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK Sent to a window when the left mouse
button is double-clicked while the
cursor is in a nonclient area of the
WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN Sent to a window when the left mouse
button is pressed while the cursor is in
a nonclient area of the window.
WM_NCLBUTTONUP Sent to a window when the left mouse
button is released while the cursor is
in a nonclient area of the window.
WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK Sent to a window when the middle mouse
button is double-clicked while the
cursor is in a nonclient area of the
WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN Sent to a window when the middle mouse
button is pressed while the cursor is in
a nonclient area of the window.
WM_NCMBUTTONUP Sent to a window when the left mouse
button is released while the cursor is
in a nonclient area of the window.
Message Description
WM_NCMOUSEMOVE Sent to a window when the cursor is
moved in a nonclient area of the window.
WM_NCPAINT Sent to a window when its border needs
WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK Sent to a window when the right mouse
button is double-clicked while the
cursor is in a nonclient area of the
WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN Sent to a window when the right mouse
button is pressed while the cursor is in
a nonclient area of the window.
WM_NCRBUTTONUP Sent to a window when the right mouse
button is released while the cursor is
in a nonclient area of the window.
5.11 Multiple Document Interface Messages
Windows multiple document interface (MDI) provides applications with a
standard interface for displaying multiple documents within the same
instance of an application. An MDI application creates a frame window which
contains a client window in place of its client area. The application
creates an MDI client window by calling CreateWindow with the MDICLIENT
class and passing a CLIENTCREATESTRUCT data structure as the function's
lpParam parameter. This client window in turn can own multiple child
windows, each of which displays a separate document. An MDI application
controls these child windows by sending messages to its client window. The
following briefly describes these MDI messages:
Message Description
WM_MDIACTIVATE Activates a child window.
WM_MDICASCADE Arranges child windows in a cascade
WM_MDICREATE Creates a child window.
WM_MDIDESTROY Closes a child window.
WM_MDIGETACTIVE Returns the current active MDI child
Message Description
WM_MDIICONARRANGE Arranges all minimized child windows.
WM_MDIMAXIMIZE Maximizes an MDI child window.
WM_MDINEXT Activates the next child window.
WM_MDIRESTORE Restores a child window from a maximized
or minimized state.
WM_MDISETMENU Replaces the menu of an MDI frame window,
the Window pop-up menu, or both.
WM_MDITILE Arranges all child windows in a tiled
5.12 Summary
Windows messages provide the means of communication between the Windows
system and applications, as well as among applications, in a nonpreemptive
multitasking environment. For more information on topics related to Windows
messages, see the following:
Topic Reference
Message-processing Reference, Volume 1: Chapter 1,
functions "Window Manager Interface Functions"
Function descriptions Reference, Volume 1: Chapter 4,
"Functions Directory"
Message descriptions Reference, Volume 1: Chapter 6,
Topic Reference
Message descriptions Reference, Volume 1: Chapter 6,
"Messages Directory"
Windows data types and structures Reference, Volume 2: Chapter 7,
"Data Types and Structures"
Dynamic data exchange Reference, Volume 2: Chapter 15,
"Windows DDE Protocol Definition"
Guide to Programming: Chapter 22,
"Dynamic Data Exchange"
General information on Windows Guide to Programming: Chapter 1, "An
programming Overview of the Windows Environment"
Chapter 6 Messages Directory
Microsoft Windows communicates with applications through formatted window
messages. These messages are sent to an application's window function for
Some messages return values that contain information about the success of
the message or other data needed by an application. To obtain the return
value, the application must call SendMessage to send the message to a
window. This function does not return until the message has been processed.
If the application does not require the return value of the message, it may
call PostMessage to send the message. This function places a message in a
window's application queue and then returns immediately. If a message does
not have a return value, then the application may use either function to
send the message, unless indicated otherwise in the message description.
A message consists of three parts: a message number, a word parameter, and a
long parameter. Message numbers are identified by predefined message names.
The message names begin with letters that suggest the meaning or origin of
the message. The word and long parameters, named wParam and lParam
respectively, contain values that depend on the message number.
The lParam parameter often contains more than one type of information. For
example, the high-order word may contain a handle to a window and the
low-order word may contain an integer value. The HIWORD and LOWORD utility
macros can be used to extract the high- and low-order words of the lParam
parameter. The HIBYTE and LOBYTE utility macros can also be used with HIWORD
and LOWORD to access any of the bytes. Casting can also be used.
There are four ranges of message numbers, as shown in the following list:
Range Meaning
0 to WM_USER - 1 Reserved for use by Windows.
WM_USER to 0x7FFF Integer messages for use by applications.
0x8000 to 0xBFFF Reserved for use by Windows.
0xC000 to 0xFFFF String messages for use by applications.
Message numbers in the first range (0 to WM_USER - 1) are defined by
Windows. Values in this range that are not explicitly defined are reserved
for future use by Windows. This chapter describes messages in this range.
Message numbers in the second range (WM_USER to 7FFF) can be defined and
used by an application to send messages within the application. These
messages should not be sent to other applications unless the applications
have been designed to exchange messages and to attach the same meaning to
the message numbers.
Message numbers in the third range (8000 to BFFF) are reserved for future
use by Windows.
Message numbers in the fourth range (C000 to FFFF) are defined at run time
when an application calls the RegisterWindowMessage function to obtain a
message number for a string. All applications that register the identical
string can use the associated message number for exchanging messages with
each other. The actual message number, however, is not a constant and cannot
be assumed to be the same in different window sessions.
This chapter lists messages in alphabetical order. For more information
about messages, see Chapter 5, "Messages Overview."
This message determines whether a radio button or check box is checked.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is nonzero if the radio button or check box is checked.
Otherwise, it is zero. The BM_GETCHECK message always returns zero for a
push button.
This message determines the state of a button control when the user presses
a mouse button or the SPACEBAR.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The BM_GETSTATE message returns a nonzero value if one of the following
■ A push button is highlighted.
■ The user presses a mouse button or the SPACEBAR when a button has the
input focus.
■ The user presses a mouse button when the cursor is over a button.
Otherwise, BM_GETSTATE returns zero.
This message checks or removes the checkmark from a radio button or check
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies whether to place or remove a
checkmark inside the button or box. If
the wParam parameter is nonzero, a
checkmark is placed; if it is zero, the
checkmark (if any) is removed. For
three-state buttons, if wParam is 1, a
checkmark is placed beside the button.
If wParam is 2, the button is grayed. If
wParam is zero, the button is returned
to its normal state (no checkmark or
lParam Is not used.
The BM_SETCHECK message has no effect on push buttons.
This message displays a button or check box.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the highlighting action to be
taken. If the wParam parameter is
nonzero, the button is highlighted (the
interior is drawn using inverse video).
If wParam is zero, the button is drawn
in its regular state.
lParam Is not used.
Push buttons cannot be highlighted.
This message alters the style of buttons. If the style contained in the
wParam parameter differs from the existing style, the button is redrawn in
the new style.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the style value. For a
complete description of possible button
styles, see Table .1, "Button Styles."
lParam Specifies whether or not the buttons are
to be redrawn. If lParam is zero, the
buttons will not be redrawn. If lParam
is nonzero, they will be redrawn.
Table describes the available button styles:
Table Button Styles
Value Meaning
BS_AUTOCHECKBOX Identical to BS_CHECKBOX, except that
the button automatically toggles its
state whenever the user clicks it.
the button is checked, the application
is notified by BN_CLICKED, and the
Value Meaning
is notified by BN_CLICKED, and the
checkmarks are removed from all other
radio buttons in the group.
BS_AUTO3STATE Identical to BS_3STATE, except that the
button automatically toggles its state
when the user clicks it.
BS_CHECKBOX Designates a box that may be checked;
its border is bold when the user clicks
the button. Any text appears to the
right of the box.
BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON Designates a button with a bold border.
This button represents the default user
response. Any text is displayed within
the button. Windows sends a message to
the parent window when the user clicks
the button.
Value Meaning
the button.
BS_GROUPBOX Designates a rectangle into which other
buttons are grouped. Any text is
displayed in the rectangle's upper-left
BS_LEFTTEXT Causes text to appear on the left side
of the radio button or check-box button.
Use this style with the BS_CHECKBOX,
BS_OWNERDRAW Designates an owner-draw button. The
parent window is notified when the
button is clicked. Notification includes
a request to paint, invert, and disable
the button.
BS_PUSHBUTTON Designates a button that contains the
Value Meaning
BS_PUSHBUTTON Designates a button that contains the
given text. The control sends a message
to its parent window whenever the user
clicks the button.
BS_RADIOBUTTON Designates a small circular button that
can be checked; its border is bold when
the user clicks the button. Any text
appears to the right of the button.
Typically, two or more radio buttons are
grouped together to represent mutually
exclusive choices, so no more than one
button in the group is checked at any
BS_3STATE Identical to BS_CHECKBOX, except that
the box can be grayed as well as checked.
The grayed state typically is used to
show that a check box has been disabled.
Value Meaning
show that a check box has been disabled.
This code specifies that the user has clicked a button. The parent window
receives the code through a WM_COMMAND message from a button control.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the control ID.
lParam Contains a handle that identifies the
button control in its low-order word and
the BN_CLICKED notification code in its
high-order word.
Disabled buttons will not send a BN_CLICKED notification message to a parent
This code specifies that the user has double-clicked a button. The control's
parent window receives this code through a WM_COMMAND message from a button
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the control ID.
lParam Contains a handle that identifies the
button control in its low-order word and
the BN_DOUBLECLICKED notification code
in its high-order word.
This code applies to buttons with the BS_RADIOBUTTON and BS_OWNERDRAW styles
Version 3.0
This message adds a string to the list box of a combo box. If the list box
is not sorted, the string is added to the end of the list. If the list box
is sorted, the string is inserted into the list after sorting.
This message removes any existing list-box selections.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Points to the null-terminated string
that is to be added. If the combo box
was created with an owner-draw style but
without the CBS_HASSTRINGS style, the
lParam parameter is an
application-supplied 32-bit value that
is stored by the combo box instead of
the pointer to the string.
Return Value
The return value is the index to the string in the list box. The return
value is CB_ERR if an error occurs; the return value is CB_ERRSPACE if
insufficient space is available to store the new string.
If an owner-draw combo box was created with the CBS_SORT style but not the
CBS_HASSTRINGS style, the WM_COMPAREITEM message is sent one or more times
to the owner of the combo box so that the new item can be properly placed in
the list box.
Version 3.0
This message deletes a string from the list box.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains an index to the string that is to be deleted.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is a count of the strings remaining in the list. The return
value is CB_ERR if wParam does not specify a valid index.
If the combo box was created with an owner-draw style but without the
CBS_HASSTRINGS style, a WM_DELETEITEM message is sent to the owner of the
combo box so the application can free additional data associated with the
item (through the lParam parameter of the CB_ADDSTRING or CB_INSERTSTRING
Version 3.0
This message adds a list of the files from the current directory to the list
box. Only files with the attributes specified by the wParam parameter and
that match the file specification given by the lParam parameter are added.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a DOS attribute value. For a
list of the DOS attributes, see the
DlgDirList function in Chapter 4,
"Functions Directory."
lParam Points to a file-specification string.
The string can contain wildcard
characters (for example, *.*).
Return Value
The return value is a count of items displayed. The return value is CB_ERR
if an error occurs; the return value is CB_ERRSPACE if insufficient space is
available to store the new strings.
The return value of the CB_DIR message is one less than the return value of
the CB_GETCOUNT message.
Version 3.0
This message finds the first string in the list box of a combo box which
matches the given prefix text.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the index of the item before
the first item to be searched. When the
search reaches the bottom of the list
box it continues from the top of the
list box back to the item specified by
wParam. If the wParam parameter is -1,
the entire list box is searched from the
lParam Points to the prefix string. The string
must be null-terminated.
Return Value
The return value is the index of the matching item or CB_ERR if the search
was unsuccessful.
If the combo box was created with an owner-draw style but without the
CBS_HASSTRINGS style, this message returns the index of the item whose long
value (supplied as the lParam parameter of the CB_ADDSTRING or
CB_INSERTSTRING message) matches the value supplied as the lParam parameter
Version 3.0
This message returns a count of the items in a list box of a combo box.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is a count of the items in the list box of a combo box.
Version 3.0
This message returns the index of the currently selected item, if any, in
the list box of a combo box.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is the index of the currently selected item. It is CB_ERR
if no item is selected.
Version 3.0
This message returns the starting and ending positions of the selected text
in the edit control of a combo box.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is a long integer containing the starting position in the
low-order word and the ending position in the high-order word. If this
message is sent to a combo box without an edit control, the return value is
Version 3.0
This message retrieves the application-supplied 32-bit value associated with
the specified combo-box item. If the item is in an owner-draw combo box
created without the CBS_HASSTRINGS style, this 32-bit value was contained in
the lParam parameter of the CB_ADDSTRING or CB_INSERTSTRING message that
added the item to the combo box. Otherwise, it was the value in the lParam
parameter of a CB_SETITEMDATA message.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains an index to the item.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is the 32-bit value associated with the item, or CB_ERR if
an error occurs.
Version 3.0
This message copies a string from the list box of a combo box into a buffer.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the index of the string to be
lParam Points to a buffer that is to receive
the string. The buffer must have
sufficient space for the string and a
terminating null character.
Return Value
The return value is the length of the string in bytes, excluding the
terminating null character. If wParam does not specify a valid index, the
return value is CB_ERR.
If the combo box was created with an owner-draw style but without the
CBS_HASSTRINGS style, the buffer pointed to by the lParam parameter of the
message receives the 32-bit value associated with the item through the
lParam parameter of the CB_ADDSTRING or CB_INSERTSTRING message.
Version 3.0
This message returns the length of a string in the list box of a combo box.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the index of the string.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is the length of the string in bytes, excluding the
terminating null character. If wParam does not specify a valid index, the
return value is CB_ERR.
Version 3.0
This message inserts a string into the list box of a combo box. No sorting
is performed.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains an index to the position that
will receive the string. If the wParam
parameter is -1, the string is added to
the end of the list.
lParam Points to the null-terminated string
that is to be inserted. If the combo box
was created with an owner-draw style but
without the CBS_HASSTRINGS style, the
lParam parameter is an
application-supplied 32-bit value that
is stored by the combo box instead of
the pointer to the string.
Return Value
The return value is the index of the position at which the string was
inserted. The return value is CB_ERR if an error occurs; the return value is
CB_ERRSPACE if insufficient space is available to store the new string.
Version 3.0
This message limits the length (in bytes) of the text that the user may
enter into the edit control of a combo box.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the maximum number of bytes
which the user can enter.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the message is successful; otherwise, it is
FALSE. If this message is sent to a combo box without an edit control, the
return value is CB_ERR.
Version 3.0
This message removes all strings from the list box of a combo box and frees
any memory allocated for those strings.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
If the combo box was created with an owner-draw style but without the
CBS_HASSTRINGS style, the owner of the combo box receives a WM_DELETEITEM
message for each item in the combo box.
Version 3.0
This message selects the first string in the list box of a combo box that
matches the specified prefix. The text in the edit control of the combo box
is changed to reflect the new selection.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the index of the item before
the first item to be searched. When the
search reaches the bottom of the list
box it continues from the top of the
list box back to the item specified by
wParam. If the wParam parameter is -1,
the entire list box is searched from the
lParam Points to the prefix string. The string
must have a null-terminating character.
Return Value
The return value is the index of the newly selected item. If the search was
unsuccessful, the return value is CB_ERR and the current selection is not
A string is selected only if its initial characters (from the starting
point) match the characters in the prefix string.
If the combo box was created with an owner-draw style but without the
CBS_HASSTRINGS style, this message returns the index of the item whose long
value (supplied as the lParam parameter of the CB_ADDSTRING or
CB_INSERTSTRING message) matches the value supplied as the lParam parameter
Version 3.0
This message selects a string in the list box of a combo box and scrolls it
into view if the list box is visible, and the text in the combo-box edit
control or static-text control is changed to reflect the new selection. When
the new string is selected, the list box removes the highlight from the
previously selected string.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the index of the string that is
to be selected. If wParam is
-1, the list box is set to have no
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
If the index specified by wParam is not valid, the return value is CB_ERR
and the current selection is not changed.
Version 3.0
This message selects all characters in the edit control of a combo box that
are within the starting and ending character positions specified by the
lParam parameter.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Specifies the starting position in the
low-order word and the ending position
in the high-order word.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the message is successful; otherwise, it is
FALSE. If this message is sent to a combo box without an edit control, the
return value is CB_ERR.
Version 3.0
This message sets the 32-bit value associated with the specified item in a
combo box. If the item is in an owner-draw combo box created without the
CBS_HASSTRINGS style, this message replaces the 32-bit value that was
contained in the lParam parameter of the CB_ADDSTRING or CB_INSERTSTRING
message that added the item to the combo box.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains an index to the item.
lParam Contains the new value to be associated with the item.
Return Value
The return value is CB_ERR if an error occurs.
Version 3.0
This message shows or hides the drop-down list box on a combo box created
Parameter Description
wParam If TRUE, displays the list box if it is
not already visible. If FALSE, hides the
list box if it is visible.
lParam Not used.
Version 3.0
This code specifies that the user has double-clicked a string in the list
box of a combo box. The control's parent window receives this code through a
WM_COMMAND message from the control.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the control ID of the combo
lParam Contains the combo-box window handle in
its low-order word and the CBN_DBLCLK
code in its high-order word.
This message can only occur for a combo box with a list box that is always
visible. For combo boxes with drop-down list boxes, a single closes the list
box and so a double-click cannot occur.
Version 3.0
This code specifies that the list box of a combo box will be dropped down.
It is sent just before the combo-box list box is made visible. The control's
parent window receives this code through a WM_COMMAND message from the
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the control ID of the combo
lParam Contains the combo-box window handle in
its low-order word and the CBN_DROPDOWN
code in the high-order word.
This message does not occur if the combo box does not contain a drop-down
list box.
Version 3.0
This code indicates that the user has taken an action that may have altered
the text in the edit control of a combo box. It is sent after Windows
updates the display (unlike the CBN_EDITUPDATE code). The control's parent
window receives this code through a WM_COMMAND message from the control.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the control ID of the combo
lParam Contains the combo-box window handle in
its low-order word and the
CBN_EDITCHANGE code in its high-order
This message does not occur if the combo box does not contain an edit
Version 3.0
This code specifies that a combo box containing an edit control will display
altered text. The control's parent window receives this code through a
WM_COMMAND message from the control.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the control ID of the combo
lParam Contains the combo-box window handle in
its low-order word and the
CBN_EDITUPDATE code in its high-order
This message does not occur if the combo box does not contain an edit
Version 3.0
This code specifies that the combo-box list-box control cannot allocate
enough memory to meet a specific request. The control's parent window
receives this code through a WM_COMMAND message from the control.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the control ID of the combo
lParam Contains the combo-box window handle in
its low-order word and the CBN_ERRSPACE
code in its high-order word.
Version 3.0
This code is sent when a combo box loses input focus. The control's parent
window receives this code through a WM_COMMAND message from the control.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the control ID of the combo
lParam Contains the combo-box window handle in
its low-order word and the CBN_KILLFOCUS
code in its high-order word.
Version 3.0
This code indicates that the selection in the list box of a combo box has
changed either as a result of the user clicking in the list box or entering
text in the edit control. The control's parent window receives this code
through a WM_COMMAND message from the control.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the control ID of the combo
lParam Contains the combo-box window handle in
its low-order word and the CBN_SELCHANGE
code in its high-order word.
Version 3.0
This code is sent when the combo box receives input focus. The control's
parent window receives this code through a WM_COMMAND message from the
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the control ID of the combo
lParam Contains the combo-box window handle in
its low-order word and the CBN_SETFOCUS
code in its high-order word.
This message retrieves the ID of the default push-button control for a
dialog box.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is a 32-bit value. The high-order word contains DC_HASDEFID
if the default button exists; otherwise, it is NULL. The low-order word
contains the ID of the default button if the high-order word contains
DC_HASDEFID; otherwise, it is zero.
This message is used by an application to change the default push-button
control ID for a dialog box.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the ID of the new default push-button control.
lParam Is not used.
This message determines whether an edit control can respond correctly to an
EM_UNDO message.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is nonzero if the edit control can process the EM_UNDO
message correctly. Otherwise, it is zero.
Version 3.0
This message directs an edit control to clear its undo buffer. This disables
the edit control's ability to undo the last edit.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
The undo buffer is automatically emptied whenever the edit control receives
This message directs a multiline edit control to add or remove the
end-of-line character from word wrapped text lines.
Parameter Description
wParam Indicates the disposition of end-of-line
characters. If the wParam parameter is
nonzero, the characters CR CR LF
(0D 0D 0A hexadecimal) are placed at the
end of wordwrapped lines. If wParam is
zero, the end-of-line characters are
removed from the text.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is nonzero if any formatting occurs. Otherwise, it is zero.
Lines that end with a hard return (a carriage return entered by the user)
contain the characters CR LF at the end of the line. These lines are not
affected by the EM_FMTLINES message.
Notice that the size of the text changes when this message is processed.
This message returns the data handle of the buffer that holds the contents
of the control window. The handle is always a local handle to a location in
the application's data segment.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is a data handle that identifies the buffer that holds the
contents of the edit control.
An application may send this message to a control only if it has created the
dialog box containing the control with the DS_LOCALEDIT style flag set.
This message copies a line from the edit control.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the line number of the line in
the control, where the line number of
the first line is zero.
lParam Points to the buffer where the line will
be stored. The first word of the buffer
specifies the maximum number of bytes to
be copied to the buffer. The copied line
is not null-terminated.
Return Value
The return value is the number of bytes actually copied. This message is not
processed by single-line edit controls.
This message returns the number of lines of text in the edit control.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is the number of lines of text in the control.
This message is not processed by single-line edit controls.
This message returns the current value of the modify flag for a given edit
control. The flag is set by the control if the user enters or modifies text
within the control.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is the value of the current modify flag for a given edit
This message retrieves the formatting rectangle of the control.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Points to a RECT data structure. The
control copies the dimensions of the
This message returns the starting and ending character positions of the
current selection.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is a long value that contains the starting position in the
low-order word. It contains the position of the first nonselected character
after the end of the selection in the high-order word.
This message limits the length (in bytes) of the text the user may enter.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the maximum number of bytes
that can be entered. If the user
attempts to enter more characters, the
edit control beeps and does not accept
the characters. If the wParam parameter
is zero, no limit is imposed on the size
of the text (until no more memory is
lParam Is not used.
The EM_LIMITTEXT message does not affect text set by the WM_SETTEXT message
or the buffer set by the EM_SETHANDLE message.
This message returns the line number of the line that contains the character
whose position (indexed from the beginning of the text) is specified by the
wParam parameter.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the index value for the desired
character in the text of the edit
control (these index values are
zero-based), or contains -1.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is a line number. If wParam is -1, the number of the line
that contains the first character of the selection is returned; otherwise,
wParam contains the index (or position) of the desired character in the
edit-control text, and the number of the line that contains that character
is returned.
This message returns the number of character positions that occur preceding
the first character in a given line.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the desired line number, where
the line number of the first line is
zero. If the wParam parameter is -1, the
current line number (the line that
contains the caret) is used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is the number of character positions that precede the first
character in the line.
This message will not be processed by single-line edit controls.
This message returns the length of a line (in bytes) in the edit control's
text buffer.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the character index of a
character in the specified line, where
the line number of the first line is
zero. If the wParam parameter is -1, the
length of the current line (the line
that contains the caret) is returned,
not including the length of any selected
text. If the current selection spans
more than one line, the total length of
the lines, minus the length of the
selected text, is returned.
lParam Is not used.
Use the EM_LINEINDEX message to retrieve a character index for a given line
number. This index can be used with the EM_LINELENGTH message.
This message scrolls the content of the control by the given number of
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Contains the number of lines and
character positions to scroll. The
low-order word of the lParam parameter
contains the number of lines to scroll
vertically; the high-order word contains
the number of character positions to
scroll horizontally.
This message will not be processed by single-line edit controls.
This message replaces the current selection with new text.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Points to a null-terminated string of replacement text.
This message establishes the text buffer used to hold the contents of the
control window.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a handle to the buffer. The
handle must be a local handle to a
location in the application's data
segment. The edit control uses this
buffer to store the currently displayed
text, instead of allocating its own
buffer. If necessary, the control
reallocates this buffer.
lParam Is not used.
This message will not be processed by single-line edit controls.
If the EM_SETHANDLE message is used to change the text buffer used by an
edit control, the previous text buffer is not destroyed. The application
must retrieve the previous buffer handle before setting the new handle, and
must free the old handle by using the LocalFree function.
An edit control automatically reallocates the given buffer whenever it needs
additional space for text, or it removes enough text so that additional
space is no longer needed. An application may send this message to a control
only if it has created the dialog box containing the control with the
DS_LOCALEDIT style flag set.
This message sets the modify flag for a given edit control.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the new value for the modify flag.
lParam Is not used.
Version 3.0
This message sets the character displayed in an edit control created with
the ES_PASSWORD style. The default display character is an asterisk (*).
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the character to be displayed
in place of the character typed by the
user. If wParam is NULL, the actual
characters typed by the user are
lParam Is not used.
This message sets the formatting rectangle for a control. The text is
reformatted and redisplayed to reflect the changed rectangle.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Points to a RECT data structure that
specifies the new dimensions of the
This message will not be processed by single-line edit controls.
This message sets the formatting rectangle for a control. The text is
reformatted and redisplayed to reflect the changed rectangle. The
EM_SETRECTNP message is the same as the EM_SETRECT message, except that the
control is not repainted. Any subsequent alterations cause the control to be
repainted to reflect the changed formatting rectangle. This message is used
when the field is to be repainted later.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Points to a RECT data structure that
specifies the new dimensions of the
This message will not be processed by single-line edit controls.
This message selects all characters in the current text that are within the
starting and ending character positions given by the lParam parameter.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Specifies the starting position in the
low-order word and the ending position
in the high-order word. The position
values 0 to 32,767 select the entire
Version 3.0
This message sets the tab-stop positions in a multiline edit control.
Parameter Description
wParam Is an integer that specifies the number
of tab stops in the edit control.
lParam Is a long pointer to the first member of
an array of integers containing the tab
stop positions in dialog units. (A
dialog unit is a horizontal or vertical
distance. One horizontal dialog unit is
equal to 1/4 of the current dialog base
width unit. The dialog base units are
computed based on the height and width
of the current system font. The
GetDialogBaseUnits function returns the
current dialog base units in pixels.)
The tab stops must be sorted in
increasing order; back tabs are not
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if all the tabs were set. Otherwise, the return
value is FALSE.
If wParam is zero and lParam is NULL, the default tab stops are set at every
32 dialog units.
If wParam is 1, the edit control will have tab stops separated by the
distance specified by lParam.
If lParam points to more than a single value, then a tab stop will be set
for each value in lParam, up to the number specified by wParam.
This message is sent to the multiline edit control, informing the edit
control that Windows has replaced the default word-break function with an
application-supplied word-break function. A word-break function scans a text
buffer (which contains text to be sent to the display), looking for the
first word that will not fit on the current display line. The word-break
function places this word at the beginning of the next line on the display.
A word-break function defines at what point Windows should break a line of
text for multiline edit controls, usually at a blank character that
separates two words. The default word-break function breaks a line of text
at a blank character. The application-supplied function may define a word
break to be a hyphen or character other than the blank character.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is a procedure-instance address.
The callback-function address, passed as the lParam parameter, must be
created by using the MakeProcInstance function.
The callback function must use the Pascal calling convention and must be
declared FAR.
Callback Function
LPSTR FAR PASCAL WordBreakFunc(lpchEditText,
ichCurrentWord, cchEditText)
LPSTR lpchEditText;
short ichCurrentWord;
short cchEditText;
WordBreakFunc is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name.
The actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in
the application's module-definition file.
Parameter Description
lpchEditText Points to the text of the edit control.
ichCurrentWord Specifies an index to a word in the
buffer of text that identifies at what
point the function should begin checking
for a word break.
cchEditText Specifies the number of bytes of edit
Return Value
The return value points to the first byte of the next word in the
edit-control text. If the current word is the last word in the text, the
return value points to the first byte that follows the last word.
This message undoes the last edit to the edit control. When the user
modifies the edit control, the last change is stored in an undo buffer,
which grows dynamically as required. If insufficient space is available for
the buffer, the undo attempt fails and the edit control is unchanged.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is nonzero if the undo operation is successful. It is zero
if the undo operation fails.
This code specifies that the user has taken an action that may have altered
text. It is sent after Windows updates a display (unlike the EN_UPDATE
code). The control's parent window receives this code through a WM_COMMAND
message from the control.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the wParam parameter of the
WM_COMMAND message, and specifies the
control ID.
lParam Contains an edit-control window handle
in its low-order word and the EN_CHANGE
code in its high-order word.
This code specifies that the edit control cannot allocate additional memory
space. The control's parent window receives this code through a WM_COMMAND
message from the control.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the wParam parameter of the
WM_COMMAND message, and specifies the
control ID.
lParam Contains an edit-control window handle
in its low-order word and the
EN_ERRSPACE code in its high-order word.
This code specifies that the user has clicked the edit control's horizontal
scroll bar. The control's parent window receives this code through a
WM_COMMAND message from the control. The parent window is notified before
the screen is updated.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the wParam parameter of the
WM_COMMAND message, and specifies the
control ID.
lParam Contains an edit-control window handle
in its low-order word and the EN_HSCROLL
code in its high-order word.
This code specifies that the edit control has lost the input focus. The
control's parent window receives this code through a WM_COMMAND message from
the control.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the wParam parameter of the
WM_COMMAND message, and specifies the
control ID.
lParam Contains an edit-control window handle
in its low-order word and the
EN_KILLFOCUS code in its high-order word.
Version 3.0
This code specifies that the current insertion has exceeded the specified
number of characters for the edit control. The insertion has been truncated.
This message is also sent when an edit control does not have the
ES_AUTOHSCROLL style and the number of characters to be inserted would
exceed the width of the edit control. The control's parent window receives
this code through a WM_COMMAND message from the control.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the wParam parameter of the
WM_COMMAND message, and specifies the
control ID.
lParam Contains an edit-control window handle
in its low-order word and the EN_MAXTEXT
code in its high-order word.
This code specifies that the edit control has obtained the input focus. The
control's parent window receives this code through a WM_COMMAND message from
the control.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the wParam parameter of the
WM_COMMAND message, and specifies the
control ID.
lParam Contains an edit-control window handle
in its low-order word and the
EN_SETFOCUS code in its high-order word.
The code specifies that the edit control will display altered text. The
control's parent window receives this code through a WM_COMMAND message from
the control; notification occurs after the control has formatted the text,
but before it displays the text. This makes it possible to alter the window
size, if necessary.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the control ID.
lParam Contains an edit-control window handle
in its low-order word and the EN_UPDATE
code in its high-order word.
This code specifies that the user has clicked the edit control's vertical
scroll bar. The control's parent window receives this code through a
WM_COMMAND message from the control; notification occurs before the screen
is updated.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the wParam parameter of the
WM_COMMAND message, and specifies the
control ID.
lParam Contains an edit-control window handle
in its low-order word and the EN_VSCROLL
code in its high-order word.
This message adds a string to the list box. If the list box is not sorted,
the string is added to the end of the list. If the list box is sorted, the
string is inserted into the list after sorting.
This message removes any existing list-box selections.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Points to the null-terminated string
that is to be added. If the list box was
created with an owner-draw style but
without the LBS_HASSTRINGS style, the
lParam parameter is an
application-supplied 32-bit value that
is stored by the list
box instead of the pointer to the
Return Value
The return value is the index to the string in the list box. The return
value is LB_ERR if an error occurs; the return value is LB_ERRSPACE if
insufficient space is available to store the new string.
If an owner-draw list box was created with the LBS_SORT style but not the
LBS_HASSTRINGS style, the WM_COMPAREITEM message is sent one or more times
to the owner of the list box so the new item can be properly placed in the
list box.
This message deletes a string from the list box.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains an index to the string that is to be deleted.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is a count of the strings remaining in the list. The return
value is LB_ERR if an error occurs.
If the list box was created with an owner-draw style but without the
LBS_HASSTRINGS style, a WM_DELETEITEM message is sent to the owner of the
list box so the application can free additional data associated with the
item (through the lParam parameter of the LB_ADDSTRING or LB_INSERTSTRING
This message adds a list of the files from the current directory to the list
box. Only files with the attributes specified by the wParam parameter and
that match the file specification given by the lParam parameter are added.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a DOS attribute value. For a
list of the DOS attributes, see the
DlgDirList function in Chapter 4,
"Functions Directory."
lParam Points to a file-specification string.
The string can contain wildcard
characters (for example, *.*).
Return Value
The return value is a count of items displayed. The return value is LB_ERR
if an error occurs; the return value is LB_ERRSPACE if insufficient space is
available to store the new strings.
The return value of the LB_DIR message is one less than the return value of
the LB_GETCOUNT message.
Version 3.0
This message finds the first string in the list box which matches the given
prefix text.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the index of the item before
the first item to be searched. When the
search reaches the bottom of the list
box it continues from the top of the
list box back to the item specified by
wParam. If the wParam parameter is -1,
the entire list box is searched from the
lParam Points to the prefix string. The string
must be null-terminated.
Return Value
The return value is the index of the matching item or LB_ERR if the search
was unsuccessful.
If the list box was created with an owner-draw style but without the
LBS_HASSTRINGS style, this message returns the index of the item whose long
value (supplied as the lParam parameter of the LB_ADDSTRING or
LB_INSERTSTRING message) matches the value supplied as the lParam parameter
This message returns a count of the items in the list box.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is a count of the items in the list box. The return value
is LB_ERR if an error occurs.
This message returns the index of the currently selected item, if any.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is the index of the currently selected item. It is LB_ERR
if no item is selected or if the list-box type is multiple selection.
Version 3.0
This message retrieves from a list box the width in pixels by which the list
box can be scrolled horizontally if the list box has horizontal scroll bars.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is the scrollable width of the list box, in pixels.
To respond to the LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT message, the list box must have
been defined with the WS_HSCROLL style.
Version 3.0
This message retrieves the application-supplied 32-bit value associated with
the specified list-box item. If the item is in an owner-draw list box
created without the LBS_HASSTRINGS style, this 32-bit value was contained in
the lParam parameter of the LB_ADDSTRING or LB_INSERTSTRING message that
added the item to the list box. Otherwise, it was the value in the lParam
parameter of a LB_SETITEMDATA message.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains an index to the item.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is the 32-bit value associated with the item, or LB_ERR if
an error occurs.
Version 3.0
This message retrieves the dimensions of the rectangle that bounds a
list-box item as it is currently displayed in the list-box window.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains an index to the item.
lParam Contains a long pointer to a RECT data
structure that receives the list-box
client coordinates of the item.
Return Value
The return value is LB_ERR if an error occurs.
This message returns the selection state of an item.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains an index to the item.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is a positive number if an item is selected. Otherwise, it
is zero. The return value is LB_ERR if an error occurs.
Version 3.0
This message returns the total number of selected items in a multiselection
list box.
Parameter Description
wParam Not used.
lParam Not used.
Return Value
The return value is the count of selected items in a list box. If the list
box is a single-selection list box, the return value is LB_ERR.
Version 3.0
This message fills a buffer with an array of integers specifying the item
numbers of selected items in a multiselection list box.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the maximum number of selected
items whose item numbers are to be
placed in the buffer.
lParam Contains a long pointer to a buffer
large enough for the number of integers
specified by the wParam parameter.
Return Value
The return value is the actual number of items placed in the buffer. If the
list box is a single-selection list box, the return value is LB_ERR.
This message copies a string from the list into a buffer.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the index of the string to be
lParam Points to the buffer that is to receive
the string. The buffer must have both
sufficient space for the string and a
terminating null character.
Return Value
The return value is the length of the string (in bytes), excluding the
terminating null character. The return value is LB_ERR if the wParam
parameter is not a valid index.
If the list box was created with an owner-draw style but without the
LBS_HASSTRINGS style, the buffer pointed to by the lParam parameter of the
message receives the 32-bit value associated with the item through the
lParam parameter of the LB_ADDSTRING or LB_INSERTSTRING message.
This message returns the length of a string in the list box.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains an index to the string.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is the length of the string (in bytes), excluding the
terminating null character. The return value is LB_ERR if an error occurs.
Version 3.0
This message returns the index of the first visible item in a list box.
Initially, item 0 is at the top of the list box, but if the list box is
scrolled, another item may be at the top.
Parameter Description
wParam Not used.
lParam Not used.
Return Value
The index of the first visible item in a list box.
This message inserts a string into the list box. No sorting is performed.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains an index to the position that
will receive the string. If the wParam
parameter is -1, the string is added to
the end of the list.
lParam Points to the null-terminated string
that is to be inserted. If the list box
was created with an owner-draw style but
without the LBS_HASSTRINGS style, the
lParam parameter is an
application-supplied 32-bit value that
is stored by the list box instead of the
pointer to the string.
Return Value
The return value is the index of the position at which the string was
inserted. The return value is LB_ERR if an error occurs; the return value is
LB_ERRSPACE if insufficient space is available to store the new string.
This message removes all strings from a list box and frees any memory
allocated for those strings.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
If the list box was created with an owner-draw style but without the
LBS_HASSTRINGS style, the owner of the list box receives a WM_DELETEITEM
message for each item in the list box.
This message changes the current selection to the first string that has the
specified prefix.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the index of the item before
the first item to be searched. When the
search reaches the bottom of the list
box it continues from the top of the
list box back to the item specified by
wParam. If the wParam parameter is -1,
the entire list box is searched from the
lParam Points to the prefix string. The string
must have a null-terminating character.
Return Value
The return value is the index of the selected item. The return value is
LB_ERR if an error occurs.
This message must not be used with list boxes that are multiple-selection
A string is selected only if its initial characters (from the starting
point) match the characters in the prefix string.
If the list box was created with an owner-draw style but without the
LBS_HASSTRINGS style, this message returns the index of the item whose long
value (supplied as the lParam parameter of the LB_ADDSTRING or
LB_INSERTSTRING message) matches the value supplied as the lParam parameter
Version 3.0
This message selects one or more consecutive items in a multiple-selection
list box.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies how to set the selection. If
the wParam parameter is nonzero, the
string is selected and highlighted; if
wParam is zero, the highlight is removed
and the string is no longer selected.
lParam The low-order word of the lParam
parameter is an index that specifies the
first item to set, and the high-order
word is an index that specifies the last
item to set.
Return Value
The return value is LB_ERR if an error occurs.
This message should be used only with multiple-selection list boxes.
Version 3.0
This message is sent to a multicolumn list box created with the
LBS_MULTICOLUMN style to set the width in pixels of all columns in the list
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the width in pixels of all columns.
lParam Is not used.
This message selects a string and scrolls it into view, if necessary. When
the new string is selected, the list box removes the highlight from the
previously selected string.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the index of the string that is
selected. If wParam is -1, the list box
is set to have no selection.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is LB_ERR if an error occurs.
This message should be used only with single-selection list boxes. It cannot
be used to set or remove a selection in a multiple-selection list box.
Version 3.0
This message sets the width in pixels by which a list box can be scrolled
horizontally. If the size of the list box is smaller than this value, the
horizontal scroll bar will horizontally scroll items in the list box. If the
list box is as large or larger than this value, the horizontal scroll bar is
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the number of pixels by which
the list box can be scrolled.
lParam Is not used.
To respond to the LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT message, the list box must have
been defined with the WS_HSCROLL style.
Version 3.0
This message sets a 32-bit value associated with the specified item in a
list box. If the item is in an owner-draw list box created without the
LBS_HASSTRINGS style, this message replaces the 32-bit value that was
contained in the lParam parameter of the LB_ADDSTRING or LB_INSERTSTRING
message that added the item to the list box.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains an index to the item.
lParam Contains the new value to be associated with the item.
Return Value
The return value is LB_ERR if an error occurs.
This message selects a string in a multiple-selection list box.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies how to set the selection. If
the wParam parameter is nonzero, the
string is selected and highlighted; if
wParam is zero, the highlight is removed
and the string is no longer selected.
lParam The low-order word of the lParam
parameter is an index that specifies
which string to set. If lParam is -1,
the selection is added to or removed
from all strings, depending on the value
of wParam.
Return Value
The return value is LB_ERR if an error occurs.
This message should be used only with multiple-selection list boxes.
Version 3.0
This message sets the tab-stop positions in a list box.
Parameter Description
wParam Is an integer that specifies the number
of tab stops in the list box.
lParam Is a long pointer to the first member of
an array of integers containing the tab
stop positions in dialog units. (A
dialog unit is a horizontal or vertical
distance. One horizontal dialog unit is
equal to 1/4 of the the current dialog
base width unit. The dialog base units
are computed based on the height and
width of the current system font. The
GetDialogBaseUnits function returns the
current dialog base units in pixels.)
The tab stops must be sorted in
increasing order; back tabs are not
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if all the tabs were set. Otherwise, the return
value is FALSE.
If wParam is zero and lParam is NULL, the default tab stop is two dialog
If wParam is 1, the edit control will have tab stops separated by the
distance specified by lParam.
If lParam points to more than a single value, then a tab stop will be set
for each value in lParam, up to the number specified by wParam.
To respond to the LB_SETTABSTOPS message, the list box must have been
created with the LBS_USETABSTOPS style.
Version 3.0
This message sets the first visible item in a list box to the item
identified by the index.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the index of the list-box item.
lParam Not used.
Return Value
The return value is LB_ERR if an error occurs.
This code specifies that the user has double-clicked a string. The control's
parent window receives this code through a WM_COMMAND message from the
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the wParam parameter of the
WM_COMMAND message, and specifies the
control ID.
lParam Contains an edit-control window handle
in its low-order word and the LBN_DBLCLK
code in its high-order word.
This code applies only to list-box controls that have LBS_NOTIFY style.
This code specifies that the list-box control cannot allocate enough memory
to meet a specific request. The control's parent window receives this code
through a WM_COMMAND message from the control.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the wParam parameter of the
WM_COMMAND message, and specifies the
control ID.
lParam Contains a list-box window handle in its
low-order word and the LBN_ERRSPACE code
in its high-order word.
This code applies only to list-box controls that have LBS_NOTIFY style.
Version 3.0
This code is sent when a list box loses input focus. The control's parent
window receives this code through a WM_COMMAND message from the control.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the control ID of the list box.
lParam Contains the list-box window handle in
its low-order word and the LBN_KILLFOCUS
code in its high-order word.
This code specifies that the selection in a list box has changed. The
control's parent window receives this code through a WM_COMMAND message from
the control.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the wParam parameter of the
WM_COMMAND message, and specifies the
control ID.
lParam Contains a list-box window handle in its
low-order word and the LBN_SELCHANGE
code in its high-order word.
This code applies only to list-box controls that have LBS_NOTIFY style.
Version 3.0
This code is sent when the list box receives input focus. The control's
parent window receives this code through a WM_COMMAND message from the
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the control ID of the list box.
lParam Contains the list-box window handle in
its low-order word and the LBN_SETFOCUS
code in its high-order word.
This message is sent when a window becomes active or inactive.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the new state of the
window. The wParam parameter
is zero if the window is
inactive; it is one of the
following nonzero values if
the window is being activated:
Value Meaning
1 The window is being activated
through some method other than
a mouse click (for example,
through a call to the
SetActiveWindow function or
selection of the window by the
user through the keyboard
2 The window is being activated
by a mouse click by the user.
Any mouse button can be
clicked: right, left, or middle.
lParam Identifies a window and
specifies its state. The
high-order word of the lParam
parameter is nonzero if the
window is minimized. Otherwise,
it is zero. The value of the
low-order word of lParam
depends on the value of the
wParam parameter. If wParam is
zero, the low-order word of
lParam is a handle to the
window being activated. If
wParam is nonzero, the
low-order word of lParam is
the handle of the window being
inactivated (this handle may
be NULL).
Default Action
If the window is being activated and is not minimized, the DefWindowProc
function sets the input focus to the window.
This message is sent when a window being activated belongs to a different
application than the currently active window. The message is sent to the
application whose window will be activated and the application whose window
will be deactivated.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies whether a window is being
activated or deactivated. A nonzero
value indicates that Windows will
activate a window; zero indicates that
Windows will deactivate a window.
lParam Contains the task handle of the
application. If the wParam parameter is
zero, the low-order word of the lParam
parameter contains the task handle of
the application that owns the window
that is being deactivated. If wParam is
nonzero, the low-order word of lParam
contains the task handle of the
application that owns the window that is
being activated. The high-order word is
not used.
This message is sent when the clipboard contains a data handle for the
CF_OWNERDISPLAY format (that is, the clipboard owner should display the
clipboard contents), and requests a copy of the format name.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the maximum number of bytes to
lParam Points to the buffer where the copy of
the format name is to be stored.
The clipboard owner should copy the name of the CF_OWNERDISPLAY format into
the specified buffer, not exceeding the maximum number of bytes.
This message cancels any mode the system is in, such as one that tracks the
mouse in a scroll bar or moves a window. Windows sends the WM_CANCELMODE
message when an application displays a message box.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
This message notifies the first window in the clipboard-viewer chain that a
window is being removed from the chain.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the handle to the window that
is being removed from the
clipboard-viewer chain.
lParam Contains in its low-order word the
handle to the window that follows the
window being removed from the
clipboard-viewer chain.
Each window that receives the WM_CHANGECBCHAIN message should call the
SendMessage function to pass on the message to the next window in the
clipboard-viewer chain. If the window being removed is the next window in
the chain, the window specified by the low-order word of the lParam
parameter becomes the next window, and clipboard messages are passed on to
This message results when a WM_KEYUP and a WM_KEYDOWN message are
translated. It contains the value of the keyboard key being pressed or
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the value of the key.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the value of the key.
lParam Contains the repeat count,
scan code, key-transition code,
previous key state, and
context code, as shown in the
following list:
Bit Value
0-15 (low-order word) Repeat count (the number of
times the key stroke is
repeated as a result of the
user holding down the key).
16-23 (low byte of high-order Scan code (OEM-dependent
word) value).
24 Extended key, such as a
Parameter Description
24 Extended key, such as a
function key or a key on the
numeric keypad (1 if it is an
extended key).
Bit Value
25-26 Not used.
27-28 Used internally by Windows.
29 Context code (1 if the ALT key
is held down while the key is
pressed, 0 otherwise).
30 Previous key state (1 if the
key is down before the message
is sent, 0 if the key is up).
Parameter Description
31 Transition state (1 if the key
is being released, 0 if the
key is being pressed).
Since there is not necessarily a one-to-one correspondence between keys
pressed and character messages generated, the information in the high-order
word of the lParam parameter is generally not useful to applications. The
information in the high-order word applies only to the most recent WM_KEYUP
or WM_KEYDOWN message that precedes the posting of the character message.
For IBM(R) Enhanced 101- and 102-key keyboards, enhanced keys are the right
ALT and the right CONTROL keys on the main section of the keyboard; the
clusters to the left of the numeric key pad; and the divide (/) and ENTER
keys in the numeric key pad. Some other keyboards may support the
extended-key bit in the lParam parameter.
Version 3.0
This message is sent by a list box with the LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT style to
its owner in response to a WM_CHAR message.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the value of the key which the
user pressed.
lParam Contains the current caret position in
its high-order word and the window
handle of the list box in its low-order
Return Value
The return value specifies the action which the application performed in
response to the message. A return value of -2 indicates that the application
handled all apsects of selecting the item and wants no further action by the
list box. A return value of -1 indicates that the list box should perform
the default action in response to the key stroke. A return value of zero or
greater specifies the index of an item in the list box and indicates that
the list box should perform the default action for the key stroke on the
given item.
This message is sent to a child window's parent window when the SetWindowPos
function moves a child window.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
This message deletes the current selection.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
This message occurs when a window is closed.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Default Action
The DefWindowProc function calls the DestroyWindow function to destroy the
An application can prompt the user for confirmation, prior to destroying a
window, by processing the WM_CLOSE message and calling the DestroyWindow
function only if the user confirms the choice.
This message occurs when the user selects an item from a menu, when a
control passes a message to its parent window, or when an accelerator key
stroke is translated.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the menu item, the control ID,
or the accelerator ID.
lParam Specifies whether the message is from a
menu, an accelerator, or a control. The
low-order word contains zero if the
message is from a menu. The high-order
word contains 1 if the message is an
accelerator message. If the message is
from a control, the high-order word of
the lParam parameter contains the
notification code. The low-order word is
the window handle of the control sending
the message.
Accelerator key strokes that are defined to select items from the System
menu are translated into WM_SYSCOMMAND messages.
If an accelerator key stroke that corresponds to a menu item occurs when the
window that owns the menu is minimized, no WM_COMMAND message is sent.
However, if an accelerator key stroke that does not match any of the items
on the window's menu or on the System menu occurs, a WM_COMMAND message is
sent, even if the window is minimized.
Version 3.0
This message is sent to all top-level windows when Windows detects that more
than 12.5 percent of system time over a 30- to 60-second interval is being
spent compacting memory. This indicates that system memory is low.
When an application receives this message, it should free as much memory as
possible, taking into account the current level of activity of the
application and the total number of applications running in Windows. The
application can call the GetNumTasks function to determine how many
applications are running.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the ratio of CPU time
currently spent by Windows compacting
memory. For example, 8000h represents
50% of CPU time.
lParam Is not used.
Version 3.0
This message determines the relative position of a new item in a sorted
owner-draw combo or list box.
Whenever the application adds a new item, Windows sends this message to the
owner of a combo or list box created with the CBS_SORT or LBS_SORT style.
The lParam parameter of the message is a long pointer to a COMPAREITEMSTRUCT
data structure that contains the identifiers and application-supplied data
for two items in the combo or list box. When the owner receives the message,
the owner returns a value indicating which of the items should appear before
the other. Typically, Windows sends this message several times until it
determines the exact position for the new item.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Contains a long pointer to a
COMPAREITEMSTRUCT data structure that
contains the identifiers and
application-supplied data for two items
in the combo or list box.
Return Value
The return value indicates the relative position of the two items. It may be
any of the following values:
Value Meaning
-1 Item 1 sorts before item 2.
0 Item 1 and item 2 sort the same.
1 Item 1 sorts after item 2.
This message sends the current selection to the clipboard in CF_TEXT format.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
This message informs the window procedure that it can perform any
initialization. The CreateWindow function sends this message before it
returns and before the window is opened.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Points to a CREATESTRUCT data structure that contains copies of
parameters passed to the CreateWindow function.
This message is sent to the parent window of a predefined control or message
box when the control or message box is about to be drawn. By responding to
this message, the parent window can set the text and background colors of
the child window by using the display-context handle given in the wParam
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a handle to the display context
for the child window.
lParam The low-order word of the lParam
parameter contains the handle to the
child window. The high-order word is one
Parameter Description
child window. The high-order word is one
of the following values, specifying the
type of control:
Value Control Type
CTLCOLOR_BTN Button control
Value Control Type
CTLCOLOR_EDIT Edit control
CTLCOLOR_LISTBOX List-box control
CTLCOLOR_SCROLLBAR Scroll-bar control
Parameter Description
CTLCOLOR_SCROLLBAR Scroll-bar control
CTLCOLOR_STATIC Static control
Default Action
The DefWindowProc function selects the default system colors.
When processing the WM_CTLCOLOR message, the application must align the
origin of the intended brush with the window coordinates by first calling
the UnrealizeObject function for the brush, and then setting the brush
origin to the upper-left corner of the window.
If an application processes the WM_CTLCOLOR message, it must return a handle
to the brush that is to be used for painting the control background. Note
that failure to return a valid brush handle will place the system in an
unstable state.
This message sends the current selection to the clipboard in CF_TEXT format,
and then deletes the selection from the control window.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
This message results when a WM_KEYUP and a WM_KEYDOWN message are
translated. It specifies the character value of a dead key. A dead key is a
key, such as the umlaut (double-dot) character, that is combined with other
characters to form a composite character. For example, the umlaut-O
character consists of the dead key, umlaut, and the O key.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the dead-key
character value.
lParam Contains the repeat count,
scan code, key-transition code,
previous key state, and
context code, as shown in the
following list:
Bit Value
0-15 (low-order word) Repeat count (the number of
Parameter Description
0-15 (low-order word) Repeat count (the number of
times the key stroke is
repeated as a result of the
user holding down the key).
16-23 (low byte of high-order Scan code (OEM-dependent
word) value).
24 Extended key, such as a
function key or a key on the
numeric keypad (1 if it is an
extended key, 0 otherwise).
25-26 Not used.
27-28 Used internally by Windows.
29 Context code (1 if the ALT key
is held down while the key is
Parameter Description
is held down while the key is
pressed, 0 otherwise).
30 Previous key state (1 if the
key is down before the message
is sent, 0 if the key is up).
31 Transition state (1 if the key
is being released, 0 if the
key is being pressed).
The WM_DEADCHAR message typically is used by applications to give the user
feedback about each key pressed. For example, an application can display the
accent in the current character position without moving the caret.
Since there is not necessarily a one-to-one correspondence between keys
pressed and character messages generated, the information in the high-order
word of the lParam parameter is generally not useful to applications. The
information in the high-order word applies only to the most recent WM_KEYUP
or WM_KEYDOWN message that precedes the posting of the character message.
For IBM Enhanced 101- and 102-key keyboards, enhanced keys are the right ALT
and the right CONTROL keys on the main section of the keyboard; the INSERT,
DELETE, HOME, END, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN and DIRECTION keys in the clusters to
the left of the numeric key pad; and the divide (/) and ENTER keys in the
numeric key pad. Some other keyboards may support the extended-key bit in
the lParam parameter.
Version 3.0
This message informs the owner of an owner-draw list box or combo box that a
list-box item has been removed. This message is sent when the list box or
combo box is destroyed or the item is removed by the LB_DELETESTRING,
Parameter Description
wParam Not used.
lParam Contains a long pointer to a
DELETEITEMSTRUCT data structure that
contains information about the deleted
list-box item.
This message informs the window that it is being destroyed. The
DestroyWindow function sends the WM_DESTROY message to the window after
removing the window from the screen. The WM_DESTROY message is sent to a
parent window before any of its child windows are destroyed.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
If the window being destroyed is part of the clipboard-viewer chain (set by
using the SetClipboardViewer function), the window must remove itself from
the clipboard viewer chain by processing the ChangeClipboardChain function
before returning from the WM_DESTROY message.
This message is sent to the clipboard owner when the clipboard is emptied
through a call to the EmptyClipboard function.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
This message is sent to all top-level windows when the user changes
device-mode settings.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Points to the device name specified in
the Windows initialization file, WIN.INI.
This message is sent to the first window in the clipboard-viewer chain when
the contents of the clipboard change. Only applications that have joined the
clipboard-viewer chain by calling the SetClipboardViewer function need to
process this message.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Each window that receives the WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message should call the
SendMessage function to pass the message on to the next window in the
clipboard-viewer chain. The handle of the next window is returned by the
SetClipboardViewer function; it may be modified in response to a
Version 3.0
This message informs the owner-draw button, combo box, list box, or menu
that a visual aspect of the control has changed. The itemAction field in the
DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure defines the drawing operation that is to be
performed. The data in this field allows the control owner to determine what
drawing action is required.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Contains a long pointer to a
DRAWITEMSTRUCT data structure that
contains information about the item to
be drawn and the type of drawing
Before returning from processing this message, an application should restore
all objects selected for the display context supplied in the hDC field of
the DRAWITEMSTRUCT data structure.
This message is sent after a window has been enabled or disabled.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies whether the window has been
enabled or disabled. The wParam
parameter is nonzero if the window has
been enabled; it is zero if the window
has been disabled.
lParam Is not used.
This message is sent to tell an application that has responded nonzero to a
WM_QUERYENDSESSION message whether the session is actually being ended.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies whether or not the session is
being ended. It is nonzero if the
session is being ended. Otherwise, it is
lParam Is not used.
If the wParam parameter is nonzero, Windows can terminate any time after all
applications have returned from processing this message. Consequently, an
application should perform all tasks required for termination before
returning from this message.
The application does not need to call the DestroyWindow or PostQuitMessage
function when the session is being ended.
This message informs an application's main windows procedure that a modal
dialog box or a menu is entering an idle state. A modal dialog box or menu
enters an idle state when no messages are waiting in its queue after it has
processed one or more previous messages.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies whether the message
is the result of a dialog box
or a menu being displayed. It
is one of these values:
Value Meaning
MSGF_DIALOGBOX The system is idle because a
dialog box is being displayed.
MSGF_MENU The system is idle because a
menu is being displayed.
lParam Contains in its low-order word
the handle of the dialog box
(if wParam is MSGF_DIALOGBOX)
or of the window containing
the displayed menu (if wParam
is MSGF_MENU). The high-order
word is not used.
Default Action
The DefWindowProc function returns zero.
This message is sent when the window background needs erasing (for example,
when a window is resized). It is sent to prepare an invalidated region for
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the device-context handle.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is nonzero if the background is erased. Otherwise, it is
zero. If the application processes the WM_ERASEBKGND message, it should
return the appropriate value.
Default Action
The background is erased, using the class background brush specified by the
hbrbackground field in the class structure.
If hbrbackground is NULL, the application should process the WM_ERASEBKGND
message and erase the background color. When processing the WM_ERASEBKGND
message, the application must align the origin of the intended brush with
the window coordinates by first calling the UnrealizeObject function for the
brush, and then selecting the brush.
Windows assumes the background should be computed by using the MM_TEXT
mapping mode. If the device context is using any other mapping mode, the
area erased may not be within the visible part of the client area.
This message occurs when the pool of font resources changes. Any application
that adds or removes fonts from the system (for example, through the
AddFontResource or RemoveFontResource function) should send this message to
all top-level windows.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
To send the WM_FONTCHANGE message to all top-level windows, an application
can call the SendMessage function with the hWnd parameter set to 0xFFFF.
This message is sent by Windows to an input procedure associated with a
control. Normally, Windows handles all DIRECTION-key and TAB-key input to
the control. By responding to the WM_GETDLGCODE message, an application can
take control of a particular type of input and process the input itself.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is one or more of the following values, indicating which
type of input the application processes:
Value Meaning
DLGC_DEFPUSHBUTTON Default push button.
DLGC_WANTALLKEYS All keyboard input.
DLGC_WANTMESSAGE All keyboard input (the application
Value Meaning
DLGC_WANTMESSAGE All keyboard input (the application
passes this message on to control).
Default Action
The DefWindowProc function returns zero.
Although the DefWindowProc function always returns zero in response to the
WM_GETDLGCODE message, the window functions for the predefined control
classes return a code appropriate for each class.
The WM_GETDLGCODE message and the returned values are useful only with
user-defined dialog controls or standard controls modified by subclassing.
Version 3.0
This message retrieves from a control the font with which the control is
currently drawing its text.
Parameter Description
wParam Not used.
lParam Not used.
Return Value
The return value is the handle of the font used by the control, or NULL if
it is using the system font.
This message is sent to a window whenever Windows needs to know the
maximized size of the window, the minimum or maximum tracking size of the
window, or the maximized position of the window. The maximized size of a
window is the size of a window when its borders are fully extended. The
maximum tracking size of a window is the largest window size that can be
achieved by using the borders to size the window. The minimum tracking size
of a window is the smallest window size that can be achieved by using the
borders to size the window.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Points to an array of five
points that contains the
Parameter Description
points that contains the
following information:
Point Description
rgpt[0] Used internally by Windows.
rgpt[1] The maximized size, which is
the screen size by default.
The width is (SM_CXSCREEN + (2
x SM_CXFRAME)). The height is
rgpt[2] The maximized position of the
upper-left corner of the
window (in screen coordinates).
The default x value is
SM_CXFRAME. The default y
Parameter Description
SM_CXFRAME. The default y
value is SM_CYFRAME.
rgpt[3] The minimum tracking size,
which is the iconic size by
default. The width is
SM_CXMINTRACK. The height is
rgpt[4] The maximum tracking size,
which is less than the screen
size by default. The width is
SM_CXFRAME)). The height is
The array contains default values for each point before Windows sends the
WM_GETMINMAXINFO message. This message gives the application the opportunity
to alter the default values.
This message is used to copy the text that corresponds to a window. For edit
controls and combo-box edit controls, the text to be copied is the content
of the edit control. For button controls, the text is the button name. For
lixt boxes, the text is the currently selected item. For other windows, the
text is the window caption.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the maximum number of bytes to
be copied, including the
null-terminating character.
lParam Points to the buffer that is to receive
the text.
Return Value
The return value is the number of bytes copied. It is LB_ERR if no item is
selected or CB_ERR if the combo box has no edit control.
This message is used to find the length (in bytes) of the text associated
with a window. The length does not include the null-terminating character.
For edit controls and combo-box edit controls, the text is the content of
the control. For lixt boxes, the text is the currently selected item. For
button controls, the text is the button name. For other windows, the text is
the window caption.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
The return value is the length of the given text.
This message is sent when the user clicks the horizontal scroll bar.
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a scroll-bar code
that specifies the user's
scrolling request. It can be
any one of the following
Value Meaning
SB_BOTTOM Scroll to lower right.
SB_ENDSCROLL End scroll.
SB_LINEDOWN Scroll one line down.
SB_LINEUP Scroll one line up.
SB_PAGEDOWN Scroll one page down.
SB_PAGEUP Scroll one page up.
Parameter Description
SB_PAGEUP Scroll one page up.
SB_THUMBPOSITION Scroll to absolute position.
The current position is
provided in the low-order word
of lParam.
SB_THUMBTRACK Drag thumb to specified
position. The current position
is provided in the low-order
word of lParam.
SB_TOP Scroll to upper left.
lParam Specifies the window handle of
the control. If the message is
sent by a scroll-bar control,
the high-order word of the
lParam parameter contains the
Parameter Description
lParam parameter contains the
window handle of the control.
If the message is sent as a
result of the user clicking a
pop-up window's scroll bar,
the high-order word is not
The SB_THUMBTRACK message typically is used by applications that give some
feedback while the thumb is being dragged.
If an application scrolls the document in the window, it must also reset the
position of the thumb by using the SetScrollPos function.
This message is sent when the clipboard contains a data handle for the
CF_OWNERDISPLAY format (specifically the clipboard owner should display the
clipboard contents) and an event occurs in the clipboard application's
horizontal scroll bar.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a handle to the
clipboard application window.
lParam Contains one of the following
scroll-bar codes in the
low-order word:
Value Meaning
Parameter Description
SB_BOTTOM Scroll to lower right.
SB_ENDSCROLL End scroll.
SB_LINEDOWN Scroll one line down.
SB_LINEUP Scroll one line up.
SB_PAGEDOWN Scroll one page down.
SB_PAGEUP Scroll one page up.
SB_THUMBPOSITION Scroll to absolute position.
SB_TOP Scroll to upper left.
The high-order word of the
lParam parameter contains the
Parameter Description
lParam parameter contains the
thumb position if the
scroll-bar code is
the high-order word is not
The clipboard owner should use the InvalidateRect function or repaint as
desired. The scroll-bar position should also be reset.
Version 3.0
This message is sent to a minimized (iconic) window when the background of
the icon must be filled before painting the icon. A window receives this
message only if a class icon is defined for the window. Otherwise,
WM_ERASEBKGND is sent instead. Passing this message to the DefWindowProc
function permits Windows to fill the icon background with the background
brush of the parent window.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the device-context handle of the icon.
lParam Is not used.
This message is sent immediately before a dialog box is displayed. By
processing this message, an application can perform any initialization
before the dialog box is made visible.
Parameter Description
wParam Identifies the first control item in the
dialog box that can be given the input
focus. Generally, this is the first item
in the dialog box with WS_TABSTOP style.
lParam Is the value passed as the dwInitParam
parameter of the function if the dialog
box was created by any of the following
Parameter Description
Otherwise, lParam is not used.
If the application returns a nonzero value in response to the WM_INITDIALOG
message, Windows sets the input focus to the item identified by the handle
in the wParam parameter. The application can return FALSE only if it has set
the input focus to one of the controls of the dialog box.
This message is a request to initialize a menu. It occurs when a user moves
the mouse into a menu bar and clicks, or presses a menu key. Windows sends
this message before displaying the menu. This allows the application to
change the state of menu items before the menu is shown.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the menu handle of the menu
that is to be initialized.
lParam Is not used.
A WM_INITMENU message is sent only when a menu is first accessed; only one
WM_INITMENU message is generated for each access. This means, for example,
that moving the mouse across several menu items while holding down the
button does not generate new messages. This message does not provide
information about menu items.
This message is sent immediately before a pop-up menu is displayed.
Processing this message allows an application to change the state of items
on the pop-up menu before the menu is shown, without changing the state of
the entire menu.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the menu handle of the pop-up
lParam Specifies the index of the pop-up menu.
The low-order word contains the index of
the pop-up menu in the main menu. The
high-order word is nonzero if the pop-up
menu is the system menu. Otherwise, it
is zero.
This message is sent when a nonsystem key is pressed. A nonsystem key is a
keyboard key that is pressed when the ALT key is not pressed, or a keyboard
key that is pressed when a window has the input focus.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the
virtual-key code of the
given key.
lParam Contains the repeat
count, scan code,
key-transition code,
previous key state, and
context code, as shown
in the following list:
Parameter Description
in the following list:
Bit Value
0-15 (low-order word) Repeat count (the number of times the
key stroke is repeated as a result of
the user holding down the key).
16-23 (low byte of Scan code (OEM-dependent value).
high-order word)
24 Extended key, such as a function key
or a key on the numeric key pad (1 if
it is an extended key).
25-26 Not used.
Parameter Description
27-28 Used internally by Windows.
29 Context code (1 if the ALT key is
held down while the key is pressed, 0
30 Previous key state (1 if the key is
down before the message is sent, 0 if
the key is up).
31 Transition state (1 if the key is
being released, 0 if the key is being
For WM_KEYDOWN messages,
the key-transition bit
(bit 31) is 0 and the
context-code bit (bit
Parameter Description
context-code bit (bit
29) is 0.
Because of auto-repeat, more than one WM_KEYDOWN message may occur before a
WM_KEYUP message is sent. The previous key state (bit 30) can be used to
determine whether the WM_KEYDOWN message indicates the first down transition
or a repeated down transition.
For IBM Enhanced 101- and 102-key keyboards, enhanced keys are the right ALT
and the right CONTROL keys on the main section of the keyboard; the INSERT,
DELETE, HOME, END, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN and DIRECTION keys in the clusters to
the left of the numeric key pad; and the divide (/) and ENTER keys in the
numeric key pad. Some other keyboards may support the extended-key bit in
the lParam parameter.
This message is sent when a nonsystem key is released. A nonsystem key is a
keyboard key that is pressed when the ALT key is not pressed, or a keyboard
key that is pressed when a window has the input focus.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the virtual-key code
of the given key.
lParam Contains the repeat count,
scan code, key-transition code,
previous key state, and
context code, as shown in the
following list:
Parameter Description
Bit Value
0-15 (low-order word) Repeat count (the number of
times the key stroke is
repeated as a result of the
user holding down the key).
16-23 (low byte of high-order Scan code (OEM-dependent
word) value).
24 Extended key, such as a
function key or a key on the
numeric key pad (1 if it is an
extended key).
25-26 Not used.
27-28 Used internally by Windows.
Parameter Description
27-28 Used internally by Windows.
29 Context code (1 if the ALT key
is held down while the key is
pressed, 0 otherwise).
30 Previous key state (1 if the
key is down before the message
is sent, 0 if the key is up).
31 Transition state (1 if the key
is being released, 0 if the
key is being pressed).
For WM_KEYUP messages, the
key-transition bit (bit 31) is
1 and the context-code bit
(bit 29) is 0.
Parameter Description
For IBM Enhanced 101- and 102-key keyboards, enhanced keys are the right ALT
and the right CONTROL keys on the main section of the keyboard; the INSERT,
DELETE, HOME, END, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN and DIRECTION keys in the clusters to
the left of the numeric key pad; and the divide (/) and ENTER keys in the
numeric key pad. Some other keyboards may support the extended-key bit in
the lParam parameter.
This message is sent immediately before a window loses the input focus.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the handle of the window that
receives the input focus (may be NULL).
lParam Is not used.
If an application is displaying a caret, the caret should be destroyed at
this point.
This message occurs when the user double-clicks the left mouse button.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a value that
indicates whether various
virtual keys are down. It can
be any combination of the
following values:
Value Meaning
MK_CONTROL Set if CONTROL key is down.
MK_LBUTTON Set if left button is down.
MK_MBUTTON Set if middle button is down.
MK_RBUTTON Set if right button is down.
MK_SHIFT Set if SHIFT key is down.
Parameter Description
lParam Contains the x- and y
-coordinates of the cursor.
The x-coordinate is in the
low-order word; the y
-coordinate is in the
high-order word. These
coordinates are always
relative to the upper-left
corner of the window.
Only windows whose window class has CS_DBLCLKS style can receive
double-click messages. Windows generates a double-click message when the
user presses, releases, and then presses a mouse button again within the
system's double-click time limit. Double-clicking actually generates four
messages: a down-click message, an up-click message, the double-click
message, and another up-click message.
This message occurs when the user presses the left mouse button.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a value that
indicates whether various
virtual keys are down. It can
be any combination of the
following values:
Value Meaning
Parameter Description
MK_CONTROL Set if CONTROL key is down.
MK_MBUTTON Set if middle button is down.
MK_RBUTTON Set if right button is down.
MK_SHIFT Set if SHIFT key is down.
lParam Contains the x- and y
-coordinates of the cursor.
The x-coordinate is in the
low-order word; the y
-coordinate is in the
high-order word. These
coordinates are always
relative to the upper-left
corner of the window.
Parameter Description
corner of the window.
This message occurs when the user releases the left mouse button.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a value that
indicates whether various
virtual keys are down. It can
be any combination of the
following values:
Parameter Description
Value Meaning
MK_CONTROL Set if CONTROL key is down.
MK_MBUTTON Set if middle button is down.
MK_RBUTTON Set if right button is down.
Value Meaning
MK_SHIFT Set if SHIFT key is down.
lParam Contains the x- and y
-coordinates of the cursor.
The x-coordinate is in the
low-order word; the y
-coordinate is in the
Parameter Description
-coordinate is in the
high-order word. These
coordinates are always
relative to the upper-left
corner of the window.
This message occurs when the user double-clicks the middle mouse button.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a value that
indicates whether various
Parameter Description
indicates whether various
virtual keys are down. It can
be any combination of the
following values:
Value Meaning
MK_CONTROL Set if CONTROL key is down.
MK_LBUTTON Set if left button is down.
MK_MBUTTON Set if middle button is down.
MK_RBUTTON Set if right button is down.
MK_SHIFT Set if SHIFT key is down.
lParam Contains the x- and y
Parameter Description
lParam Contains the x- and y
-coordinates of the cursor.
The x-coordinate is in the
low-order word; the y
-coordinate is in the
high-order word. These
coordinates are always
relative to the upper-left
corner of the window.
Only windows whose window class has CS_DBLCLKS style can receive
double-click messages. Windows generates a double-click message when the
user presses, releases, and then presses a mouse button again within the
system's double-click time limit. Double-clicking actually generates four
messages: a down-click message, an up-click message, the double-click
message, and another up-click message.
This message occurs when the user presses the middle mouse button.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a value that
indicates whether various
virtual keys are down. It can
be any combination of the
following values:
Value Meaning
MK_CONTROL Set if CONTROL key is down.
Parameter Description
MK_CONTROL Set if CONTROL key is down.
MK_LBUTTON Set if left button is down.
MK_RBUTTON Set if right button is down.
MK_SHIFT Set if SHIFT key is down.
lParam Contains the x- and y
-coordinates of the cursor.
The x-coordinate is in the
low-order word; the y
-coordinate is in the
high-order word. These
coordinates are always
relative to the upper-left
corner of the window.
This message occurs when the user releases the middle mouse button.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a value that
indicates whether various
virtual keys are down. It can
be any combination of the
following values:
Value Meaning
MK_CONTROL Set if CONTROL key is down.
MK_LBUTTON Set if left button is down.
Parameter Description
MK_LBUTTON Set if left button is down.
MK_RBUTTON Set if right button is down.
MK_SHIFT Set if SHIFT key is down.
lParam Contains the x- and y
-coordinates of the cursor.
The x-coordinate is in the
low-order word; the y
-coordinate is in the
high-order word. These
coordinates are always
relative to the upper-left
corner of the window.
Version 3.0
An application sends this message to a multiple document interface (MDI)
client window to instruct the client window to activate a different MDI
child window. As the client window processes this message, it sends
WM_MDIACTIVATE to the child window being deactivated and to the child window
being activated.
Parameter Description
wParam When the application sends the
WM_MDIACTIVATE message to its MDI client
window, the wParam parameter contains
the window handle of the MDI child
window to be activated. When the client
window sends the message to a child
window, wParam is TRUE if the child is
being activated and FALSE if it is being
lParam When received by an MDI child window,
the lParam parameter contains in its
high-order word the window handle of the
child window being deactivated and in
its low-order word the window handle of
the child window being activated. When
this message is sent to the client
window, lParam should be set to NULL.
MDI child windows are activated independently of the MDI frame window. When
the frame becomes active, the child window that was last activated with the
WM_MDIACTIVE message receives the WM_NCACTIVATE message to draw an active
window frame and caption bar, but it does not receive another WM_MDIACTIVATE
Version 3.0
This message arranges the child windows of a multiple document interface
(MDI) client window in a "cascade" format.
Parameter Description
wParam Not used.
lParam Not used.
Version 3.0
This message causes a multiple document interface (MDI) client window to
create a child window.
Parameter Description
wParam Not used.
lParam Contains a long pointer to an MDICREATESTRUCT data structure.
Return Value
The return value contains the identifier of the new window in the low word
and zero in the high word.
The window is created with the style bits WS_CHILD, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS,
WS_MAXIMIZEBOX, plus additional style bits specified in the MDICREATESTRUCT
data structure to which lParam points. Windows adds the title of the new
child window to the window menu of the frame window. An application should
create all child windows of the client window with this message.
If a client window receives any message that changes the activation of child
windows and the currently active MDI child window is maximized, Windows
restores the currently active child and maximizes the newly activated child.
When the MDI child window is created, Windows sends the WM_CREATE message to
the window. The lParam parameter of the WM_CREATE message contains a pointer
to a CREATESTRUCT data structure. The lpCreateParams field of the
CREATESTRUCT structure contains a pointer to the MDICREATESTRUCT data
structure passed with the WM_MDICREATE message that created the MDI child
An application should not send a second WM_MDICREATE message while a
WM_MDICREATE message is still being processed. For example, it should not
send a WM_MDICREATE message while an MDI child window is processing its
WM_CREATE message.
Version 3.0
When sent to a multiple document interface (MDI) client window, this message
causes a child window to be closed.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the window handle of the child window.
lParam Not used.
This message removes the title of the child window from the frame window and
deactivates the child window. An application should close all MDI child
windows with this message.
If a client window receives any message that changes the activation of child
windows and the currently active MDI child window is maximized, Windows
restores the currently active child and maximizes the newly activated child.
Version 3.0
This message returns the current active multiple document interface (MDI)
child window, along with a flag indicating whether the child is maximized or
Parameter Description
wParam Not used.
lParam Not used.
Return Value
The return value contains the handle of the active MDI child window in its
low word. If the window is maximized, the high word contains 1; otherwise,
the high word is zero.
Version 3.0
This message is sent to a multiple document interface (MDI) client window to
arrange all minimized document child windows. It does not affect child
windows that are not minimized.
Parameter Description
wParam Not used.
lParam Not used.
Version 3.0
This message causes a multiple document interface (MDI) client window to
maximize an MDI child window. When a child window is maximized, Windows
resizes it to make its client area fill the client window. Windows places
the child window's System menu in the frame's menu bar so that the user can
restore or close the child window and adds the title of the child window to
the frame window title.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the window identifier of the child window.
lParam Not used.
If an MDI client window receives any message that changes the activation of
its child windows, and if the currently active MDI child window is
maximized, Windows restores the currently active child and maximizes the
newly activated child.
Version 3.0
This message activates the next multiple document interface (MDI) child
window immediately behind the currently active child window and places the
currently active window behind all other child windows.
Parameter Description
wParam Not used.
lParam Not used.
If an MDI client window receives any message that changes the activation of
its child windows, and if the currently active MDI child window is
maximized, Windows restores the currently active child and maximizes the
newly activated child.
Version 3.0
This message restores a multiple document interface (MDI) child window from
maximized or minimized size.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the window identifier of the child window.
lParam Not used.
Version 3.0
This message replaces the menu of a multiple document interface (MDI) frame
window, the Window pop-up menu, or both.
Parameter Description
wParam Not used.
lParam Contains in its low-order word the menu
handle (HMENU) of the new frame-window
menu, and contains in its high-order
word the menu handle of the new Window
pop-up menu. If either word is zero, the
corresponding menu is not changed.
Return Value
The return value is the handle of the frame-window menu replaced by this
After sending this message, an application must call the DrawMenuBar
function to update the menu bar.
If this message replaces the Window pop-up menu, MDI child-window menu items
are removed from the previous Window menu and added to the new Window pop-up
If an MDI child window is maximized and this message replaces the MDI
frame-window menu, the System menu and restore controls are removed from the
previous frame-window menu and added to the new menu.
Version 3.0
This message causes a multiple document interface (MDI) client window to
arrange all its child windows in a tiled format.
Parameter Description
wParam Not used.
lParam Not used.
Version 3.0
This message is sent to the owner of an owner-draw button, combo box, list
box, or menu item when the control is created. When the owner receives the
message, the owner fills in the MEASUREITEM data structure pointed to by the
lParam message parameter and returns; this informs Windows of the dimensions
of the control. If a list box or combo box is created with the
to the owner for each item in the control. Otherwise, this message is sent
Parameter Description
wParam Not used.
lParam Contains a long pointer to a
MEASUREITEMSTRUCT data structure that
contains the dimensions of the
owner-draw control.
Windows sends the WM_MEASUREITEM message to the owner of combo boxes and
list boxes created with the OWNERDRAWFIXED style before sending
This message is sent when the user presses a menu mnemonic character that
doesn't match any of the predefined mnemonics in the current menu. It is
sent to the window that owns the menu.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the ASCII character that the
user pressed.
lParam The high-order word contains a handle to
the selected menu. The low-order word
contains the MF_POPUP flag if the menu
is a pop-up menu. It contains the
MF_SYSMENU flag if the menu is a System
Return Value
The high-order word of the return value contains one of the following
command codes:
Code Meaning
0 Informs Windows that it should discard
the character that the user pressed, and
creates a short beep on the system
1 Informs Windows that it should close the
current menu.
2 Informs Windows that the low-order word
of the return value contains the menu
item-number for a specific item. This
item is selected by Windows.
The low-order word is ignored if the high-order word contains zero or 1.
Applications should process this message when accelerators are used to
select bitmaps placed in a menu.
This message occurs when the user selects a menu item.
Parameter Description
wParam Identifies the item selected.
If the selected item is a menu
item, wParam contains the
menu-item ID. If the selected
item contains a pop-up menu,
wParam contains the handle of
the pop-up menu.
lParam The low-order word contains a
combination of the following
menu flags:
Value Meaning
MF_BITMAP Item is a bitmap.
MF_CHECKED Item is checked.
Parameter Description
MF_DISABLED Item is disabled.
MF_GRAYED Item is grayed.
MF_MOUSESELECT Item was selected with a mouse.
MF_OWNERDRAW Item is an owner-draw item.
MF_POPUP Item contains a pop-up menu.
MF_SYSMENU Item is contained in the
System menu. The high-order
word identifies the menu
associated with the message.
If the low-order word of the lParam parameter contains -1 and the high-order
word of the wParam parameter contains 0, Windows has closed the menu because
the user pressed ESC or clicked outside the menu.
This message occurs when the cursor is in an inactive window and any mouse
button is pressed. The parent receives this message only if the child passes
it to the DefWindowProc function.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a handle to the topmost parent
window of the window being activated.
lParam Contains the hit-test area code in the
low-order word and the mouse message
number in the high-order word. A hit
test is a test that determines the
location of the cursor.
If the child window passes the message to the DefWindowProc function,
DefWindowProc passes this message to a window's parent window before any
processing occurs. If the parent window returns TRUE, processing is halted.
For a description of the individual hit-test area codes, see Table ,
"Hit-Test Codes."
This message occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a value that
indicates whether various
virtual keys are down. It can
be any combination of the
following values:
Value Meaning
MK_CONTROL Set if CONTROL key is down.
MK_LBUTTON Set if left button is down.
MK_MBUTTON Set if middle button is down.
MK_RBUTTON Set if right button is down.
Parameter Description
MK_RBUTTON Set if right button is down.
MK_SHIFT Set if SHIFT key is down.
lParam Contains the x- and y
-coordinates of the cursor.
The x-coordinate is in the
low-order word; the y
-coordinate is in the
high-order word. These
coordinates are always
relative to the upper-left
corner of the window.
The MAKEPOINT macro can be used to convert the lParam parameter to a POINT
This message is sent after a window has been moved.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Contains the new location of the
upper-left corner of the client area of
the window. This new location is given
in screen coordinates for overlapped and
pop-up windows and parent-client
coordinates for child windows. The x
-coordinate is in the low-order word;
the y-coordinate is in the high-order
This message is sent to a window when its nonclient area needs to be changed
to indicate an active or inactive state.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies when a caption bar or icon
needs to be changed to indicate an
active or inactive state. The wParam
parameter is nonzero if an active
caption or icon is to be drawn. It is
zero for an inactive caption or icon.
lParam Is not used.
Default Action
The DefWindowProc function draws a gray caption bar for an inactive window
and a black caption bar for an active window.
This message is sent when the size of a window's client area needs to be
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Points to a RECT data structure that
contains the screen coordinates of the
window rectangle (including client area,
borders, caption, scroll bars, and so
Default Action
The DefWindowProc function calculates the size of the client area, based on
the window characteristics (presence of scroll bars, menu, and so on), and
places the result in the RECT data structure.
This message is sent prior to the WM_CREATE message when a window is first
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a handle to the window that is being created.
lParam Points to the CREATESTRUCT data structure for the window.
Return Value
The return value is nonzero if the nonclient area is created. It is zero if
an error occurs; the CreateWindow function will return NULL in this case.
Default Action
Scroll bars are initialized (the scroll-bar position and range are set) and
the window text is set. Memory used internally to create and maintain the
window is allocated.
This message informs a window that its nonclient area is being destroyed.
The DestroyWindow function sends the WM_NCDESTROY message to the window
following the WM_DESTROY message. This message is used to free the allocated
memory block associated with the window.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Default Action
This message frees any memory internally allocated for the window.
This message is sent to the window that contains the cursor (or the window
that used the GetCapture function to capture the mouse input) every time the
mouse is moved.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Contains the x- and y-coordinates of the
cursor. The x-coordinate is in the
low-order word; the y-coordinate is in
the high-order word. These coordinates
are always screen coordinates.
Return Value
The return value of the DefWindowProc function is one of the values given in
Table , indicating the position of the cursor:
Table Hit-Test Codes
Code Meaning
Code Meaning
HTBOTTOM In the lower horizontal border of window.
HTBOTTOMLEFT In the lower-left corner of window
HTBOTTOMRIGHT In the lower-right corner of window
HTCAPTION In a caption area.
HTCLIENT In a client area.
HTERROR Same as HTNOWHERE except that the
DefWindowProc function produces a system
beep to indicate an error.
HTGROWBOX In a size box.
Code Meaning
HTHSCROLL In the horizontal scroll bar.
HTLEFT In the left border of window.
HTMENU In a menu area.
HTNOWHERE On the screen background or on a
dividing line between windows.
HTREDUCE In a minimize box.
HTRIGHT In the right border of window.
HTSYSMENU In a control-menu box (close box in
child windows).
Code Meaning
HTTOP In the upper horizontal border of window.
HTTOPLEFT In the upper-left corner of window
Table Hit-Test Codes (continued)
Code Meaning
HTTOPRIGHT In the upper-right corner of window border.
HTTRANSPARENT In a window currently covered by another window.
HTVSCROLL In the vertical scroll bar.
HTZOOM In a maximize box.
The MAKEPOINT macro can be used to convert the lParam parameter to a POINT
This message is sent to a window when the user double-clicks the left mouse
button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of the window.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the code returned by
WM_NCHITTEST (for more information, see
the WM_NCHITTEST message, earlier in
this chapter).
lParam Contains a POINT data structure that
contains the x- and y-screen coordinates
of the cursor position. These
coordinates are always relative to the
upper-left corner of the screen.
Default Action
If appropriate, WM_SYSCOMMAND messages are sent.
This message is sent to a window when the user presses the left mouse button
while the cursor is within a nonclient area of the window.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the code returned by
WM_NCHITTEST (for more information, see
the WM_NCHITTEST message, earlier in
this chapter).
lParam Contains a POINT data structure that
contains the x- and y-screen coordinates
of the cursor position. These
coordinates are always relative to the
upper-left corner of the screen.
Default Action
If appropriate, WM_SYSCOMMAND messages are sent.
This message is sent to a window when the user releases the left mouse
button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of the window.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the code returned by
WM_NCHITTEST (for more information, see
the WM_NCHITTEST message, earlier in
this chapter).
lParam Contains a POINT data structure that
contains the x- and y-screen coordinates
of the cursor position. These
coordinates are always relative to the
upper-left corner of the screen.
Default Action
If appropriate, WM_SYSCOMMAND messages are sent.
This message is sent to a window when the user double-clicks the middle
mouse button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of the window.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the code returned by
WM_NCHITTEST (for more information, see
the WM_NCHITTEST message, earlier in
this chapter).
lParam Contains a POINT data structure that
contains the x- and y-screen coordinates
of the cursor position. These
coordinates are always relative to the
upper-left corner of the screen.
This message is sent to a window when the user presses the middle mouse
button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of the window.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the code returned by
WM_NCHITTEST (for more information, see
the WM_NCHITTEST message, earlier in
this chapter).
lParam Contains a POINT data structure that
contains the x- and y-screen coordinates
of the cursor position. These
coordinates are always relative to the
upper-left corner of the screen.
This message is sent to a window when the user releases the left mouse
button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of the window.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the code returned by
WM_NCHITTEST (for more information, see
the WM_NCHITTEST message, earlier in
this chapter).
lParam Contains a POINT data structure that
contains the x- and y-screen coordinates
of the cursor position. These
coordinates are always relative to the
upper-left corner of the screen.
This message is sent to a window when the cursor is moved within a nonclient
area of the window.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the code returned by
WM_NCHITTEST (for more information, see
the WM_NCHITTEST message, earlier in
this chapter).
lParam Contains a POINT data structure that
contains the x- and y-screen coordinates
of the cursor position. These
coordinates are always relative to the
upper-left corner of the screen.
Default Action
If appropriate, WM_SYSCOMMAND messages are sent.
This message is sent to a window when its frame needs painting.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Default Action
The DefWindowProc function paints the window frame.
An application can intercept this message and paint its own custom window
frame. Remember that the clipping region for a window is always rectangular,
even if the shape of the frame is altered.
This message is sent to a window when the user double-clicks the right mouse
button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of the window.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the code returned by
WM_NCHITTEST (for more information, see
the WM_NCHITTEST message, earlier in
this chapter).
lParam Contains a POINT data structure that
contains the x- and y-screen coordinates
of the cursor position. These
coordinates are always relative to the
upper-left corner of the screen.
This message is sent to a window when the user presses the right mouse
button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of the window.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the code returned by
WM_NCHITTEST (for more information, see
the WM_NCHITTEST message, earlier in
this chapter).
lParam Contains a POINT data structure that
contains the x- and y-screen coordinates
of the cursor position. These
coordinates are always relative to the
upper-left corner of the screen.
This message is sent to a window when the user releases the right mouse
button while the cursor is within a nonclient area of the window.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the code returned by
WM_NCHITTEST (for more information, see
the WM_NCHITTEST message, earlier in
this chapter).
lParam Contains a POINT data structure that
contains the x- and y-screen coordinates
of the cursor position. These
coordinates are always relative to the
upper-left corner of the screen.
This message is sent to a dialog box's window function, to alter the control
focus. The effect of this message is different than that of the SetFocus
function because WM_NEXTDLGCTL modifies the border around the default
Parameter Description
wParam If the lParam parameter is nonzero, the
wParam parameter identifies the control
that receives the focus. If lParam is
zero, wParam is a flag that indicates
whether the next or previous control
with tab-stop style receives the focus.
If wParam is zero, the next control
receives the focus; otherwise, the
previous control with tab-stop style
receives the focus.
lParam Contains a flag that indicates how
Windows uses the wParam parameter. If
the lParam parameter is nonzero, wParam
is a handle associated with the control
that receives the focus; otherwise,
wParam is a flag that indicates whether
the next or previous control with
tab-stop style receives the focus.
Do not use the SendMessage function to send a WM_NEXTDLGCTL message if your
application will concurrently process other messages that set the control
focus. Use the PostMessage function instead.
This message is sent when Windows or an application makes a request to
repaint a portion of an application's window. The message is sent either
when the UpdateWindow function is called or by the DispatchMessage function
when the application obtains a WM_PAINT message by using the GetMessage or
PeekMessage function.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
This message is sent when the clipboard contains a data handle for the
CF_OWNERDISPLAY format (specifically the clipboard owner should display the
clipboard contents) and the Clipboard application's client area needs
repainting. The WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD message is sent to the clipboard owner to
request repainting of all or part of the Clipboard application's client
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a handle to the
Clipboard-application window.
lParam The low-order word of the lParam
parameter identifies a PAINTSTRUCT data
structure that defines what part of the
client area to paint. The high-order
word is not used.
To determine whether the entire client area or just a portion of it needs
repainting, the clipboard owner must compare the dimensions of the drawing
area given in the rcpaint field of the PAINTSTRUCT data structure to the
dimensions given in the most recent WM_SIZECLIPBOARD message.
An application must use the GlobalLock function to lock the memory that
contains the PAINTSTRUCT data structure. The application should unlock that
memory by using the GlobalUnlock function before it yields or returns
Version 3.0
This message is sent to a minimized (iconic) window when the icon is to be
painted. A window receives this message only if a class icon is defined for
the window. Otherwise, WM_PAINT is sent instead. Passing this message to the
DefWindowProc function permits Windows to paint the icon with the class
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Version 3.0
This message informs all windows that the window with input focus has
realized its logical palette, thereby changing the system palette. This
message allows windows without input focus that use a color palette to
realize their logical palettes and update their client areas.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the handle of the window that
caused the system palette to change.
lParam Is not used.
To avoid creating a loop, a window that receives this message should not
realize its palette unless it determines that wParam does not contain its
window handle.
Version 3.0
This message is sent to the parent of a child window when the child window
is created or destroyed, or when the user has pressed a mouse button while
the cursor is over the child window. When the child window is being created,
Windows sends WM_PARENTNOTIFY just before the CreateWindow or CreateWindowEx
function that creates the window returns. When the child window is being
destroyed, Windows sends the message before any processing to destroy the
window takes place.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the event for which
the parent is being notified.
It can be any of these values:
Value Meaning
WM_CREATE The child window is being
WM_DESTROY The child window is being
WM_LBUTTONDOWN The user has clicked on a child
Parameter Description
lParam Contains the window handle of
the child window in its
low-order word and the ID of
the child window in its
high-order word.
This message is also sent to all ancestor windows of the child window,
including the top-level window.
This message is sent to the parent of all child windows unless the child has
the extended window style WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY; CreateWindowEx creates a
window with extended window styles. By default, child windows in a dialog
box have the WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY style unless the child window was created
by calling the CreateWindowEx function.
This message inserts the data from the clipboard into the control window at
the current cursor position. Data are inserted only if the clipboard
contains data in CF_TEXT format.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Version 3.0
This message is sent to a minimized (iconic) window which is about to be
dragged by the user but which does not have an icon defined for its class.
When the user drags the icon of a window without a class icon, Windows
replaces the icon with a default icon cursor. If the application needs a
different cursor to be displayed during dragging, it must return the handle
of a monochrome cursor compatible with the display driver's resolution. The
application can call the LoadCursor function to load a cursor from the
resources in its executable file and to obtain this handle.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value contains in its low-order word the handle of the cursor
which Windows is to display while the user drags the icon. The return value
is NULL if Windows is to display the default icon cursor. The default return
value is NULL.
This message is sent when the user chooses the End Session command. If any
application returns zero, the session is not ended. Windows stops sending
WM_QUERYENDSESSION messages as soon as one application returns zero, and
sends WM_ENDSESSION messages, with the wParam parameter set to zero, to any
applications that have already returned nonzero.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is nonzero if the application can be conveniently shut
down. Otherwise, it is zero.
Default Action
The DefWindowProc function returns nonzero.
Version 3.0
This message informs a window that it is about to receive input focus. If
the window realizes its logical palette when it receives input focus, the
window should return TRUE; otherwise, it should return FALSE.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the window realizes its logical palette.
Otherwise, it is FALSE.
This message is sent to an icon when the user requests that it be opened
into a window.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Return Value
The return value is zero when the application prevents the icon from being
opened. It is nonzero when the icon can be opened.
Default Action
The DefWindowProc function returns nonzero.
This message indicates a request to terminate an application and is
generated when the application calls the PostQuitMessage function. It causes
the GetMessage function to return zero.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the exit code given in the PostQuitMessage call.
lParam Is not used.
This message occurs when the user double-clicks the right mouse button.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a value that
indicates whether various
virtual keys are down. It can
be any combination of the
following values:
Value Meaning
MK_CONTROL Set if CONTROL key is down.
MK_LBUTTON Set if left button is down.
Parameter Description
MK_LBUTTON Set if left button is down.
MK_MBUTTON Set if middle button is down.
MK_RBUTTON Set if right button is down.
MK_SHIFT Set if SHIFT key is down.
lParam Contains the x- and y
-coordinates of the cursor.
The x-coordinate is in the
low-order word; the y
-coordinate is in the
high-order word. These
coordinates are always
relative to the upper-left
corner of the window.
Parameter Description
Only windows whose window class has CS_DBLCLKS style can receive
double-click messages. Windows generates a double-click message when the
user presses, releases, and then presses a mouse button again within the
system's double-click time limit. Double-clicking actually generates four
messages: a down-click message, an up-click message, the double-click
message, and another up-click message.
This message occurs when the user presses the right mouse button.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a value that
indicates whether various
virtual keys are down. It can
be any combination of the
following values:
Value Meaning
MK_CONTROL Set if CONTROL key is down.
MK_LBUTTON Set if left button is down.
MK_MBUTTON Set if middle button is down.
MK_SHIFT Set if SHIFT key is down.
lParam Contains the x- and y
Parameter Description
lParam Contains the x- and y
-coordinates of the cursor.
The x-coordinate is in the
low-order word; the y
-coordinate is in the
high-order word. These
coordinates are always
relative to the upper-left
corner of the window.
This message occurs when the user releases the right mouse button.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a value that
indicates whether various
virtual keys are down. It can
be any combination of the
following values:
Value Meaning
MK_CONTROL Set if CONTROL key is down.
MK_LBUTTON Set if left button is down.
MK_MBUTTON Set if middle button is down.
MK_SHIFT Set if SHIFT key is down.
lParam Contains the x- and y
-coordinates of the cursor.
Parameter Description
-coordinates of the cursor.
The x-coordinate is in the
low-order word; the y
-coordinate is in the
high-order word. These
coordinates are always
relative to the upper-left
corner of the window.
This message is sent to the application that owns the clipboard when that
application is being destroyed.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
The application should render the clipboard data in all the formats it is
capable of generating and pass a handle to each format to the
SetClipboardData function. This ensures that the data in the clipboard can
be rendered even though the application has been destroyed.
This message requests that the clipboard owner format the data last copied
to the clipboard in the specified format, and then pass a handle to the
formatted data to the clipboard.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the data format. It can be any
one of the formats described with the
SetClipboardData function.
lParam Is not used.
This message occurs if mouse input is not captured and the mouse causes
cursor movement within a window.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a handle to the window that
contains the cursor.
lParam Contains the hit-test area code in the
low-order word and the mouse message
number in the high-order word.
The DefWindowProc function passes the WM_SETCURSOR message to a parent
window before processing. If the parent window returns TRUE, further
processing is halted. Passing the message to a window's parent window gives
the parent window control over the cursor's setting in a child window. The
DefWindowProc function also uses this message to set the cursor to an arrow
if it is not in the client area, or to the registered-class cursor if it is.
If the low-order word of the lParam parameter is HTERROR and the high-order
word of lParam is a mouse button-down message, the MessageBeep function is
The high-order word of lParam is zero when the window enters menu mode.
This message is sent after a window gains the input focus.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the handle of the window that
loses the input focus (may be NULL).
lParam Is not used.
To display a caret, an application should call the appropriate caret
functions at this point.
Version 3.0
This message specifies the font that a dialog box control is to use when
drawing text. The best time for the owner of a dialog box control to set the
font of the control is when it receives the WM_INITDIALOG message. The
application should call the DeleteObject function to delete the font when it
is no longer needed, such as after the control is destroyed.
The size of the control is not changed as a result of receiving this
message. To prevent Windows from clipping text that does not fit within the
boundaries of the control, the application should correct the size of the
control window before changing the font.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the handle of the font. If this
parameter is NULL, the control will draw
text using the default system font.
lParam Specifies whether the control should be
redrawn immediately upon setting the
font. Setting lparam to TRUE causes the
control to redraw itself; otherwise, it
will not.
Before Windows creates a dialog box with the DS_SETFONT style, Windows sends
the WM_SETFONT message to the dialog-box window before creating the
controls. An application creates a dialog box with the DS_SETFONT style by
calling any of the following functions:
■ CreateDialogIndirect
■ CreateDialogIndirectParam
■ DialogBoxIndirect
■ DialogBoxIndirectParam
The DLGTEMPLATE data structure which the application passes to these
functions must have the DS_SETFONT style set and must contain a FONTINFO
data structure that defines the font with which the dialog box will draw
This message is sent by an application to a window in order to allow changes
in that window to be redrawn, or to prevent changes in that window from
being redrawn.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the state of the redraw flag.
If the wParam parameter is nonzero, the
redraw flag is set. If wParam is zero,
the flag is cleared.
lParam Is not used.
This message sets or clears the redraw flag. However, it does not direct a
list box to update its display. When the redraw flag is set, a control can
be redrawn immediately after each change. When the redraw flag is cleared,
no redrawing is done. Applications that need to add several names to a list
without redrawing until the final name is added should set the redraw flag
before adding the final name to the list.
This message is used to set the text of a window. For edit controls and
combo-box edit controls, the text to be set is the content of the edit
control. For button controls, the text is the button name. For other
windows, the text is the window caption.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Points to a null-terminated string that is the window text.
Return Value
The return value is LB_ERRSPACE (for a list box) or CB_ERRSPACE (for a combo
box) if insufficient space is available to set the text in the edit control.
It is CB_ERR if this message is sent to a combo box without an edit control.
This message does not change the current selection in the list box of a
combo box. An application should use the CB_SELECTSTRING message to select
the list-box item which matches the text in the edit control.
This message is sent when a window is to be hidden or shown. A window is
hidden or shown when the ShowWindow function is called; when an overlapped
window is maximized or restored; or when an overlapped or pop-up window is
closed (made iconic) or opened (displayed on the screen). When an overlapped
window is closed, all pop-up windows associated with that window are hidden.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies whether a window is
being shown. It is nonzero if
the window is being shown. It
is zero if the window is being
lParam Specifies the status of the
window being shown. It is zero
if the message is sent because
of a ShowWindow function call.
Otherwise, the lParam
parameter is one of the
following values:
Value Meaning
SW_PARENTCLOSING Parent window is closing
(being made iconic) or a
pop-up window is being hidden.
SW_PARENTOPENING Parent window is opening
(being displayed) or a pop-up
window is being shown.
Default Action
The DefWindowProc function hides or shows the window as specified by the
This message is sent after the size of a window has changed.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a value that defines
the type of resizing requested.
It can be one of the following
Value Meaning
SIZEFULLSCREEN Window has been maximized.
Parameter Description
SIZEFULLSCREEN Window has been maximized.
SIZEICONIC Window has been minimized.
SIZENORMAL Window has been resized, but
neither SIZEICONIC nor
SIZEZOOMHIDE Message is sent to all pop-up
windows when some other window
is maximized.
SIZEZOOMSHOW Message is sent to all pop-up
windows when some other window
has been restored to its
former size.
lParam Contains the new width and
height of the client area of
Parameter Description
height of the client area of
the window. The width is in
the low-order word; the height
is in the high-order word.
If the SetScrollPos or MoveWindow function is called for a child window as a
result of the WM_SIZE message, the bRedraw parameter should be nonzero to
cause the window to be repainted.
This message is sent when the clipboard contains a data handle for the
CF_OWNERDISPLAY format (that is, the clipboard owner should display the
clipboard contents) and the clipboard-application window has changed size.
Parameter Description
wParam Identifies the clipboard-application
lParam The low-order word of the lParam
parameter identifies a RECT data
structure that specifies the area the
clipboard owner should paint. The
high-order word is not used.
A WM_SIZECLIPBOARD message is sent with a null rectangle (0,0,0,0) as the
new size when the clipboard application is about to be destroyed or
minimized. This permits the clipboard owner to free its display resources.
An application must use the GlobalLock function to lock the memory that
contains the PAINTSTRUCT data structure. The application should unlock that
memory by using the GlobalUnlock function before it yields or returns
Version 3.0
This message is sent from Print Manager whenever a job is added to or
removed from the Print Manager queue.
Parameter Description
wParam Is set to SP_JOBSTATUS.
lparam Specifies in its low-order word the
number of jobs remaining in the Print
Manager queue. The high-order word is
not used.
This message is for informational purposes only.
This message results when a WM_SYSKEYUP and WM_SYSKEYDOWN message are
translated. It specifies the virtual-key code of the System-menu key.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the ASCII-character
key code of a System-menu key.
Parameter Description
lParam Contains the repeat count,
scan code, key-transition code,
previous key state, and
context code, as shown in the
following list:
Bit Value
0-15 (low-order word) Repeat count (the number of
times the key stroke is
repeated as a result of the
user holding down the key).
16-23 (low byte of high-order Scan code (OEM-dependent
word) value).
24 Extended key, such as a
function key or a key on the
Parameter Description
function key or a key on the
numeric key pad (1 if it is an
extended key, 0 otherwise).
25-26 Not used.
27-28 Used internally by Windows.
29 Context code (1 if the ALT key
is held down while the key is
pressed, 0 otherwise).
30 Previous key state (1 if the
key is down before the message
is sent, 0 if the key is up).
31 Transition state (1 if the key
is being released, 0 if the
key is being pressed).
Parameter Description
key is being pressed).
Default Action
When the context code is zero, the message can be passed to the
TranslateAccelerator function, which will handle it as though it were a
normal key message instead of a system-key message. This allows accelerator
keys to be used with the active window even if the active window does not
have the input focus.
For IBM Enhanced 101- and 102-key keyboards, enhanced keys are the right ALT
and the right CONTROL keys on the main section of the keyboard; the INSERT,
DELETE, HOME, END, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN and DIRECTION keys in the clusters to
the left of the numeric key pad; and the divide (/) and ENTER keys in the
numeric key pad. Some other keyboards may support the extended-key bit in
the lParam parameter.
This message specifies a change in one or more system colors. Windows sends
the message to all top-level windows when a change is made in the system
color setting.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
Default Action
Windows sends a WM_PAINT message to any window that is affected by a system
color change.
Applications that have brushes that use the existing system colors should
delete those brushes and re-create them by using the new system colors.
This message is sent when the user selects a command from the System menu or
when the user selects the maximize or minimize box.
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the type of system
Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the type of system
command requested. It can be
any one of the following
Value Meaning
SC_CLOSE Close the window.
SC_HSCROLL Scroll horizontally.
SC_KEYMENU Retrieve a menu through a key
SC_MAXIMIZE Maximize the window.
(or SC_ZOOM)
SC_MINIMIZE Minimize the window.
(or SC_ICON)
Parameter Description
(or SC_ICON)
SC_MOUSEMENU Retrieve a menu through a
mouse click.
Value Meaning
SC_MOVE Move the window.
SC_NEXTWINDOW Move to the next window.
SC_PREVWINDOW Move to the previous window.
SC_RESTORE Checkpoint (save the previous
SC_SIZE Size the window.
SC_VSCROLL Scroll vertically.
Parameter Description
SC_VSCROLL Scroll vertically.
lParam Contains the cursor
coordinates if a System-menu
command is chosen with the
mouse. The low-order word
contains the x-coordinate, and
the high-order word contains
the y-coordinate. Otherwise,
this parameter is not used.
Default Action
The DefWindowProc function carries out the System-menu request for the
predefined actions specified above.
In WM_SYSCOMMAND messages, the four low-order bits of the wParam parameter
are used internally by Windows. When an application tests the value of
wParam, it must combine the value 0xFFF0 with the wParam value by using the
bitwise AND operator to obtain the correct result.
The menu items in a System menu can be modified by using the GetSystemMenu,
AppendMenu, InsertMenu, and ModifyMenu functions. Applications that modify
the System menu must process WM_SYSCOMMAND messages. Any WM_SYSCOMMAND
messages not handled by the application must be passed to the DefWindowProc
function. Any command values added by an application must be processed by
the application and cannot be passed to DefWindowProc.
An application can carry out any system command at any time by passing a
WM_SYSCOMMAND message to the DefWindowProc function.
Accelerator key strokes that are defined to select items from the System
menu are translated into WM_SYSCOMMAND messages; all other accelerator key
strokes are translated into WM_COMMAND messages.
This message results when a WM_SYSKEYUP and WM_SYSKEYDOWN message are
translated. It specifies the character value of a dead key.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the dead-key character value.
lParam Contains a repeat count and an
auto-repeat count. The low-order word
contains the repeat count; the
high-order word contains the auto-repeat
This message is sent when the user holds down the ALT key and then presses
another key. It also occurs when no window currently has the input focus; in
this case, the WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is sent to the active window. The
window that receives the message can distinguish between these two contexts
by checking the context code in the lParam parameter.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the virtual-key code
of the key being pressed.
lParam Contains the repeat count,
scan code, key-transition code,
previous key state, and
context code, as shown in the
following list:
Bit Value
Parameter Description
Bit Value
0-15 (low-order word) Repeat count (the number of
times the key stroke is
repeated as a result of the
user holding down the key).
16-23 (low byte of high-order Scan code (OEM-dependent
word) value).
24 Extended key, such as a
function key or a key on the
numeric key pad (1 if it is an
extended key).
25-26 Not used.
27-28 Used internally by Windows.
Parameter Description
Bit Value
29 Context code (1 if the ALT key
is held down while the key is
pressed, 0 otherwise).
30 Previous key state (1 if the
key is down before the message
is sent, 0 if the key is up).
31 Transition state (1 if the key
is being released, 0 if the
key is being pressed).
For WM_SYSKEYDOWN messages,
the key-transition bit (bit 31)
is 0. The context-code bit
(bit 29) is 1 if the ALT key
Parameter Description
(bit 29) is 1 if the ALT key
is down while the key is
pressed; it is 0 if the
message is sent to the active
window because no window has
the input focus.
When the context code is zero, the message can be passed to the
TranslateAccelerator function, which will handle it as though it were a
normal key message instead of a system-key message. This allows accelerator
keys to be used with the active window even if the active window does not
have the input focus.
Because of auto-repeat, more than one WM_SYSKEYDOWN message may occur before
a WM_SYSKEYUP message is sent. The previous key state (bit 30) can be used
to determine whether the WM_SYSKEYDOWN message indicates the first down
transition or a repeated down transition.
For IBM Enhanced 101- and 102-key keyboards, enhanced keys are the right ALT
and the right CONTROL keys on the main section of the keyboard; the INSERT,
DELETE, HOME, END, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN and DIRECTION keys in the clusters to
the left of the numeric key pad; and the divide (/) and ENTER keys in the
numeric key pad. Some other keyboards may support the extended-key bit in
the lParam parameter.
This message is sent when the user releases a key that was pressed while the
ALT key was held down. It also occurs when no window currently has the input
focus; in this case, the WM_SYSKEYUP message is sent to the active window.
The window that receives the message can distinguish between these two
contexts by checking the context code in the lParam parameter.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the virtual-key code
of the key being released.
lParam Contains the repeat count,
scan code, key-transition code,
previous key state, and
context code, as shown in the
following list:
Bit Value
0-15 (low-order word) Repeat count (the number of
times the key stroke is
repeated as a result of the
user holding down the key).
16-23 (low byte of high-order Scan code (OEM-dependent
word) value).
Parameter Description
word) value).
24 Extended key, such as a
function key or a key on the
numeric key pad (1 if it is an
extended key).
25-26 Not used.
27-28 Used internally by Windows.
29 Context code (1 if the ALT key
is held down while the key is
pressed, 0 otherwise).
30 Previous key state (1 if the
key is down before the message
is sent, 0 if the key is up).
Parameter Description
31 Transition state (1 if the key
is being released, 0 if the
key is being pressed).
For WM_SYSKEYUP messages, the
key-transition bit (bit 31) is
1. The context-code bit (bit
29) is 1 if the ALT key is
down while the key is pressed;
it is 0 if the message is sent
to the active window because
no window has the input focus.
When the context code is zero, the message can be passed to the
TranslateAccelerator function, which will handle it as though it were a
normal key message instead of a system-key message. This allows accelerator
keys to be used with the active window even if the active window does not
have the input focus.
For IBM Enhanced 101- and 102-key keyboards, enhanced keys are the right ALT
and the right CONTROL keys on the main section of the keyboard; the INSERT,
DELETE, HOME, END, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN and DIRECTION keys in the clusters to
the left of the numeric key pad; and the divide (/) and ENTER keys in the
numeric key pad. Some other keyboards may support the extended-key bit in
the lParam parameter.
For non-USA Enhanced 102-key keyboards, the right ALT key is handled as a
CONTROL-ALT key. The following shows the sequence of messages which result
when the user presses and releases this key:
Order Message Virtual-key code (lParam)
This message occurs when an application makes a change (or set of changes)
to the system time. Any application that changes the system time should send
this message to all top-level windows.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
To send the WM_TIMECHANGE message to all top-level windows, an application
can use the SendMessage function with the hWnd parameter set to 0xFFFF.
This message occurs when the time limit set for a given timer has elapsed.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the timer ID, an integer value
that identifies the timer.
lParam Points to a function that was passed to
the SetTimer function when the timer was
created. If the lParam parameter is not
NULL, Windows calls the specified
function directly, instead of sending
the WM_TIMER message to the window
This message undoes the last operation. When sent to an edit control, the
previously deleted text is restored or the previously added text is deleted.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Is not used.
This message is sent by a list box with the LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT style to
its owner in response to a WM_KEYDOWN message.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains the virtual-key code of the key
which the user pressed.
lParam Contains the current caret position in
its high-order word and the window
handle of the list box in its low-order
Return Value
The return value specifies the action which the application performed in
response to the message. A return value of -2 indicates that the application
handled all aspects of selecting the item and wants no further action by the
list box. A return value of -1 indicates that the list box should perform
the default action in response to the key stroke. A return value of zero or
greater specifies the index of an item in the list box and indicates that
the list box should perform the default action for the key stroke on the
given item.
This message is sent when the user clicks the vertical scroll bar.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a scroll-bar code
that specifies the user's
scrolling request. It can be
any one of the following
Value Meaning
SB_BOTTOM Scroll to bottom.
SB_ENDSCROLL End scroll.
Parameter Description
SB_ENDSCROLL End scroll.
SB_LINEDOWN Scroll one line down.
SB_LINEUP Scroll one line up.
SB_PAGEDOWN Scroll one page down.
SB_PAGEUP Scroll one page up.
SB_THUMBPOSITION Scroll to absolute position.
The current position is
provided in the low-order word
of lParam.
SB_THUMBTRACK Drag thumb to specified
position. The current position
is provided in the low-order
word of lParam.
Parameter Description
word of lParam.
SB_TOP Scroll to top.
lParam If the message is sent by a
scroll-bar control, the
high-order word of the lParam
parameter identifies the
control. If the message is
sent as a result of the user
clicking a pop-up window's
scroll bar, the high-order
word is not used.
The SB_THUMBTRACK message typically is used by applications that give some
feedback while the thumb is being dragged.
If an application scrolls the document in the window, it must also reset the
position of the thumb by using the SetScrollPos function.
This message is sent when the clipboard contains a data handle for the
CF_OWNERDISPLAY format (that is, the clipboard owner should display the
clipboard contents) and an event occurs in the clipboard-application's
vertical scroll bar.
Parameter Description
wParam Contains a handle to the
clipboard-application window.
Parameter Description
lParam Contains one of the following
scroll-bar codes in the
low-order word:
Value Meaning
SB_BOTTOM Scroll to lower right.
SB_ENDSCROLL End scroll.
SB_LINEDOWN Scroll one line down.
SB_LINEUP Scroll one line up.
SB_PAGEDOWN Scroll one page down.
SB_PAGEUP Scroll one page up.
Parameter Description
SB_THUMBPOSITION Scroll to absolute position.
SB_TOP Scroll to upper left.
The high-order word of the
lParam parameter contains the
thumb position if the
scroll-bar code is
the high-order word is not
The clipboard owner should use the InvalidateRect function or repaint as
desired. The scroll bar position should also be reset.
This message is sent when the Windows initialization file, WIN.INI, changes.
Any application that makes a change to WIN.INI should send this message to
all top-level windows.
Parameter Description
wParam Is not used.
lParam Points to a string that specifies the
name of the section that has changed
(the string does not include the square
To send the WM_WININICHANGE message to all top-level windows, an application
can use the SendMessage function with the hWnd parameter set to 0xFFFF.
Although it is incorrect to do so, some applications send this message with
lParam set to NULL. If an application receives this message with a NULL
lParam, it should check all sections in WIN.INI that affect the application.
loading or translating
with dialog boxes
AccessResource function
AddAtom function
AddFontResource function
AdjustWindowRect function
AdjustWindowRectEx function
Aligning brushes
AllocDStoCSAlias function
AllocResource function
AllocSelector function
ALTERNATE filling mode
ALTERNATE polygon-filling mode
AnimatePalette function
AnsiLower function
AnsiLowerBuff function
AnsiNext function
AnsiPrev function
AnsiToOem function
AnsiToOemBuff function
AnsiUpper function
AnsiUpperBuff function
ANSI_FIXED_FONT stock object
ANSI_VAR_FONT stock object
AnyPopup function
AppendMenu function
Arc function
ArrangeIconicWindows function
ASPECTX device capability
ASPECTXY device capability
ASPECTY device capability
BeginDeferWindowPos function
BeginPaint function
BitBlt function
and color palettes
Bitmap functions
device independent
Bitmap, device-dependent
getting device-independent bits from
Bitmap, device-independent
retrieving bits
setting on display surface
Bitmap, memory
setting bits in
BITMAPINFO data structure
BITSPIXEL device capability
BLACKNESS raster-operation code
BLACKONWHITE stretching mode
BLACK_BRUSH stock object
BLACK_PEN stock object
BN_CLICKED message
BringWindowToTop function
Brush, origin, default
BS_3STATE control style
BS_AUTO3STATE control style
BS_AUTOCHECKBOX control style
BS_CHECKBOX control style
BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON control style
BS_GROUPBOX control style
BS_LEFTTEXT control style
BS_OWNERDRAW control style
BS_PUSHBUTTON control style
BS_RADIOBUTTON control style
BuildCommDCB function
BUTTON control class
Button notification codes
Button, owner-draw
Cache, display-context
CallMsgFilter function
CallWindowProc function
creating and displaying
Catch function
CBN_DBLCLK message
CBS_HASSTRINGS control style
CBS_OEMCONVERT control style
CB_DIR message
CE_BREAK communication error code
CE_CTSTO communication error code
CE_DNS communication error code
CE_DSRTO communication error code
CE_FRAME communication error code
CE_IOE communication error code
CE_MODE communication error code
CE_OOP communication error code
CE_OVERRUN communication error code
CE_PTO communication error code
CE_RLSDTO communication error code
CE_RXOVER communication error code
CE_RXPARITY communication error code
CE_TXFULL communication error code
CF_BITMAP clipboard format
CF_DIB clipboard format
CF_DIF clipboard format
CF_DSPBITMAP clipboard format
CF_DSPMETAFILEPICT clipboard format
CF_DSPTEXT clipboard format
CF_METAFILEPICT clipboard format
CF_OEMTEXT clipboard format
CF_OWNERDISPLAY clipboard format
CF_PALETTE clipboard format
CF_SYLK clipboard format
CF_TEXT clipboard format
CF_TIFF clipboard format
ChangeClipboardChain function
ChangeMenu function
ChangeSelector function
Character cell
determining if alphabetic
determining if alphanumeric
determining if lowercase
determining if uppercase
CheckDlgButton function
getting size of
CheckMenuItem function
CheckRadioButton function
Child window
ChildWindowFromPoint function
Chord function
Class background brush
Class icon
Class menu
Class, window
default messages
Application Global
Application Local
class background brush
class name
global uniqueness
defining and registering
determining ownership
display contexts
class names
instance handle
redrawing client area
System Global
ClearCommBreak function
Client area
child window
update region
ClientToScreen function
Clipboard formats
Clipboard, getting prioritized format
CLIPCAPS device capability
ClipCursor function
Clipping functions
Clipping region, default
CloseClipboard function
CloseComm function
CloseMetaFile function
CloseSound function
CloseWindow function
CLRDTR communication function code
CLRRTS communication function code
Color palette, default
Color palettes
updating client area
logical-palette index
using color in logical palette
COLORONCOLOR stretching mode
COLORREF data type
COLOR_BTNFACE system color
COLOR_BTNSHADOW system color
COLOR_BTNTEXT system color
COLOR_GRAYTEXT system color
COLOR_HIGHLIGHT system color
COLOR_MENU system color
COLOR_MENUTEXT system color
COLOR_SCROLLBAR system color
COLOR_WINDOW system color
CombineRgn function
Combo box
COMBOBOX control class
control styles
class and private
classes, displaying
displaying cache
displaying common defaults
painting changes
private display
window display
WM_PAINT message
Control class
control styles
Control styles
Control, owner-draw
current font
setting current font
Coordinate functions
CopyMetaFile function
CopyRect function
CountClipboardFormats function
CountVoiceNotes function
CreateBitmap function
CreateBitmapIndirect function
CreateBrushIndirect function
CreateCaret function
CreateCompatibleBitmap function
CreateCompatibleDC function
CreateCursor function
CreateDC function
CreateDialog function
CreateDialogIndirect function
CreateDialogIndirectParam function
CreateDialogParam function
CreateDIBitmap function
CreateDIBPatternBrush function
CreateDiscardableBitmap function
CreateEllipticRgn function
CreateEllipticRgnIndirect function
CreateFont function
CreateFontIndirect function
CreateHatchBrush function
CreateIC function
CreateIcon function
CreateMenu function
CreateMetaFile function
CreatePalette function
CreatePatternBrush function
CreatePen function
CreatePenIndirect function
CreatePolygonRgn function
CreatePolyPolygonRgn function
CreatePopupMenu function
CreateRectRgn function
CreateRectRgnIndirect function
CreateRoundRectRgn function
CreateSolidBrush function
CreateWindow function
creating a child window
creating an overlapped window
CreateWindowEx function
CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT window class style
CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW window class style
CS_CLASSDC window class style
CS_DBLCLKS window class style
CS_GLOBALCLASS window class style
CS_HREDRAW window class style
CS_NOCLOSE window class style
CS_OWNDC window class style
CS_PARENTDC window class style
CS_SAVEBITS window class style
CS_VREDRAW window class style
CTLCOLOR_BTN control type for setting color
CTLCOLOR_DLG control type for setting color
CTLCOLOR_EDIT control type for setting color
CTLCOLOR_LISTBOX control type for setting color
CTLCOLOR_MSGBOX control type for setting color
CTLCOLOR_SCROLLBAR control type for setting color
CTLCOLOR_STATIC control type for setting color
with pointing devices
creating custom
displaying and hiding
CURVECAPS device capability
DC_BINS device capability
DC_DRIVER device capability
DC_DUPLEX device capability
DC_EXTRA device capability
DC_FIELDS device capability
DC_MAXEXTENT device capability
DC_MINEXTENT device capability
DC_PAPERS device capability
DC_PAPERSIZE device capability
DC_SIZE device capability
DC_VERSION device capability
DebugBreak function
DEFAULT_PALETTE stock object
DefDlgProc function
DeferWindowPos function
DefFrameProc function
DefHookProc function
DefineHandleTable function
DefMDIChildProc function
DefWindowProc function
DeleteAtom function
DeleteDC function
as parameter of WM_DELETEITEM message
DeleteMenu function
DeleteMetaFile function
DeleteObject function
DestroyCaret function
DestroyCursor function
DestroyMenu function
DestroyWindow function
destroying modeless dialog boxes
Device context
creating, saving and deleting
attributes and functions
Device driver
device capabilities
DeviceCapabilities function
DeviceMode function
DEVMODE data structure
Dialog box
control identifiers
control styles
controls, control messages
edit controls
input function
keyboard input
keyboard interface
filtering, measurements
private window class default function
return values
Dialog boxes
keyboard interface
owner draw
Dialog functions
DialogBox function
DialogBoxIndirect function
DialogBoxIndirectParam function
DialogBoxParam function
device-independent bitmap color table option
device-independent bitmap color table option
Digitized aspect, fonts
DispatchMessage function
Display context default characteristics
Display, updating
DKGRAY_BRUSH stock object
DLGC_WANTTAB input type
DlgDirList function
DlgDirListComboBox function
DlgDirSelect function
DlgDirSelectComboBox function
DLGTEMPLATE data structure
DM_COPY option
DM_MODIFY option
DM_PROMPT option
DM_UPDATE option
DOS interrupt function request (21H)
DOS3Call function
DPtoLP function
DrawFocusRect function
DrawIcon function
formatted text
gray text
mode, default
as parameter of WM_DRAWITEM message
DrawMenuBar function
DrawText function
DRIVERVERSION device capability
DSTINVERT raster operation
DS_LOCALEDIT dialog-box style
DS_MODALFRAME dialog-box style
DS_NOIDLEMSG dialog-box style
DS_SETFONT dialog-box style
DS_SYSMODAL dialog-box style
DT_BOTTOM format for DrawText function
DT_CALCRECT format for DrawText function
DT_EXPANDTABS format for DrawText function
DT_EXTERNALLEADING format for DrawText function
DT_NOCLIP format for DrawText function
DT_NOPREFIX format for DrawText function
DT_SINGLELINE format for DrawText function
DT_TABSTOP format for DrawText function
DT_TOP format for DrawText function
DT_VCENTER format for DrawText function
DT_WORDBREAK format for DrawText function
EDIT control class
Edit control
tab stops in
Edit-control notification codes
Ellipse and polygon functions
Ellipse function
EmptyClipboard function
EMS memory, determining available
EM_CANUNDO message
EM_GETLINE message
EM_GETRECT message
EM_GETSEL message
EM_SETRECT message
EM_SETSEL message
EM_UNDO message
EnableHardwareInput function
EnableMenuItem function
EnableWindow function
EndDeferWindowPos function
EndDialog function
EndPaint function
EnumChildWindows function
EnumClipboardFormats function
EnumFonts function
EnumMetaFile function
EnumObjects function
ENUMPAPERBINS printer escape
EnumProps function
EnumTaskWindows function
EnumWindows function
EN_CHANGE message
EN_HSCROLL message
EN_MAXTEXT message
EN_UPDATE message
EN_VSCROLL message
EqualRect function
EqualRgn function
ERROR region type
Escape function
EscapeCommFunction function
ES_AUTOHSCROLL control style
ES_AUTOVSCROLL control style
ES_CENTER control style
ES_LEFT control style
ES_LOWERCASE control style
ES_MULTILINE control style
ES_NOHIDESEL control style
ES_OEMCONVERT control style
ES_PASSWORD control style
ES_RIGHT control style
ES_UPPERCASE control style
EV_BREAK event-mask value
EV_CTS event-mask value
EV_DSR event-mask value
EV_ERR event-mask value
EV_PERR event-mask value
EV_RING event-mask value
EV_RLSD event-mask value
EV_RXCHAR event-mask value
EV_RXFLAG event-mask value
EV_TXEMPTY event-mask value
ExcludeClipRect function
ExcludeUpdateRgn function
ExitWindows function
ExtDeviceMode function
viewport and window default
ExtFloodFill function
ExtTextOut function
FatalAppExit function
FatalExit function
positioning the pointer
Filling mode
FillRect function
FillRgn function
Filters, installing
FindAtom function
FindResource function
FindWindow function
Fixed-pitch font attribute
FlashWindow function
FloodFill function
FlushComm function
Font functions
Font mapping
Font Selection
Font, family
average character width
control, current
logical, creating
maximum character width
setting in control
FONTINFO data structure
character sets
character sets, vendor specific
character sets
digitized aspect
Formats, clipboard
Formatted text, styles
FrameRect function
FrameRgn function
FreeLibrary function
FreeModule function
FreeProcInstance function
FreeResource function
FreeSelector function
main loop
Functions, clipping
Functions, coordinates
Functions, device context attributes
Functions, device contexts
Functions, environment
Functions, font
Functions, metafile
Functions, printer control
Functions, text
bounding rectangles
drawing tools
mapping drawing attributes
obtaining device information
property lists
GCW_HICON option
GCW_STYLE option
GDI Functions
color palettes
drawing attribute functions
background mode and color
mapping funtions
stretch mode and text color
drawing tool functions
drawing-attribute functions
mapping functions
mapping modes, constraining
mapping modes, transformation equations
obtaining device information
pens, predefined
selecting fonts
using drawing tools
working with color palettes
GetActiveWindow function
GetAspectRatioFilter function
GetAsyncKeyState function
GetAtomHandle function
GetAtomName function
GetBitmapBits function
GetBitmapDimension function
GetBkColor function
GetBkMode function
GetBrushOrg function
GetBValue function
GetCapture function
GetCaretBlinkTime function
GetCaretPos function
GetCharWidth function
GetClassInfo function
GetClassLong function
GetClassName function
GetClassWord function
GetClientRect function
GetClipboardData function
GetClipboardFormatName function
GetClipboardOwner function
GetClipboardViewer function
GetClipBox function
GetCodeHandle function
GetCodeInfo function
GetCommError function
GetCommEventMask function
GetCommState function
GetCurrentPDB function
GetCurrentPosition function
GetCurrentTask function
GetCurrentTime function
GetCursorPos function
GetDC function
GetDCOrg function
GetDesktopWindow function
GetDeviceCaps function
GetDialogBaseUnits function
GetDIBits function
GetDlgCtrlID function
GetDlgItem function
GetDlgItemInt function
GetDlgItemText function
GetDOSEnvironment function
GetDoubleClickTime function
GetDriveType function
GetEnvironment function
GetFocus function
GetFreeSpace function
GetGValue function
GetInputState function
GetInstanceData function
GetKBCodePage function
GetKeyboardState function
GetKeyboardType function
GetKeyNameText function
GetKeyState function
GetLastActivePopup function
GetMapMode function
GetMenu function
GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions function
GetMenuItemCount function
GetMenuItemID function
GetMenuState function
GetMenuString function
GetMessage function
GetMessagePos function
GetMessageTime function
GetMetaFile function
GetMetaFileBits function
GetModuleFileName function
GetModuleHandle function
GetModuleUsage function
GetNearestColor function
GetNearestPaletteIndex function
GetNextDlgGroupItem function
GetNextDlgTabItem function
GetNextWindow function
GetNumTasks function
GetObject function
GetPaletteEntries function
GetParent function
GetPixel function
GetPolyFillMode function
GetPriorityClipboardFormat function
GetPrivateProfileInt function
GetPrivateProfileString function
GetProcAddress function
GetProfileInt function
GetProfileString function
GetProp function
GetRgnBox function
GetROP2 function
GetRValue function
GetScrollPos function
GetScrollRange function
GetStockObject function
GetStretchBltMode function
GetSubMenu function
GetSysColor function
GetSysModalWindow function
GetSystemDirectory function
GetSystemMenu function
GetSystemMetrics function
GetSystemPaletteEntries function
GetSystemPaletteUse function
GetTabbedTextExtent function
GetTempDrive function
GetTempFileName function
GetTextAlign function
GetTextCharacterExtra function
GetTextColor function
GetTextExtent function
GetTextFace function
GetTextMetrics function
GetThresholdEvent function
GetThresholdStatus function
GetTickCount function
GetTopWindow function
GetUpdateRect function
GetUpdateRgn function
GetVersion function
GetViewportExt function
GetViewportOrg function
GetWindow function
GetWindowDC function
GetWindowExt function
GetWindowLong function
GetWindowOrg function
GetWindowRect function
GetWindowsDirectory function
GetWindowTask function
GetWindowText function
GetWindowTextLength function
GetWindowWord function
GetWinFlags function
GlobalAddAtom function
GlobalAlloc function
GlobalCompact function
GlobalDeleteAtom function
GlobalDiscard function
GlobalDosAlloc function
GlobalDosFree function
GlobalFindAtom function
GlobalFix function
GlobalFlags function
GlobalFree function
GlobalGetAtomName function
GlobalHandle function
GlobalLock function
GlobalLRUNewest function
GlobalLRUOldest function
GlobalNotify function
GlobalPageLock function
GlobalPageUnlock function
GlobalReAlloc function
GlobalSize function
GlobalUnfix function
GlobalUnlock function
GlobalUnwire function
GlobalUnWire function
GlobalWire function
Graphics device interface, defined
GrayString function
GRAY_BRUSH stock object
GWL_STYLE option
GWW_ID option
GW_CHILD option
GW_OWNER option
Handle, task
Handles, instance
Help application
HELP_KEY option
HELP_QUIT option
HIBYTE utility macro
HideCaret function
HiliteMenuItem function
HIWORD utility macro
HOLLOW_BRUSH stock object
Hook chain
Hook function
HORZRES device capability
HORZSIZE device capability
HS_BDIAGONAL brush hatch style
HS_CROSS brush hatch style
HS_DIAGCROSS brush hatch style
HS_FDIAGONAL brush hatch style
HS_HORIZONTAL brush hatch style
HS_VERTICAL brush hatch style
HTBOTTOM mouse-position code
HTBOTTOMLEFT mouse-position code
HTBOTTOMRIGHT mouse-position code
HTCAPTION mouse-position code
HTCLIENT mouse-position code
HTERROR mouse-position code
HTGROWBOX mouse-position code
HTHSCROLL mouse-position code
HTLEFT mouse-position code
HTMENU mouse-position code
HTNOWHERE mouse-position code
HTREDUCE mouse-position code
HTRIGHT mouse-position code
HTSIZE mouse-position code
HTSYSMENU mouse-position code
HTTOP mouse-position code
HTTOPLEFT mouse-position code
HTTOPRIGHT mouse-position code
HTTRANSPARENT mouse-position code
HTVSCROLL mouse-position code
HTZOOM mouse-position code
IDABORT menu-item value
IDCANCEL menu-item value
IDC_ARROW cursor type
IDC_CROSS cursor type
IDC_IBEAM cursor type
IDC_ICON cursor type
IDC_SIZENESW cursor type
IDC_SIZENS cursor type
IDC_SIZENWSE cursor type
IDC_SIZEWE cursor type
IDC_UPARROW cursor type
IDC_WAIT cursor type
IDIGNORE menu-item value
IDI_ASTERISK icon type
IDI_HAND icon type
IDI_QUESTION icon type
IDNO menu-item value
IDOK menu-item value
IDRETRY menu-item value
IDYES menu-item value
IE_BADID error return value for OpenComm function
IE_BAUDRATE error return value for OpenComm function
IE_BYTESIZE error return value for OpenComm function
IE_DEFAULT error return value for OpenComm function
IE_HARDWARE error return value for OpenComm function
IE_MEMORY error return value for OpenComm function
IE_NOPEN error return value for OpenComm function
IE_OPEN error return value for OpenComm function
InflateRect function
InitAtomTable function
Initialization file, application-specific
getting integer from
getting string from
writing to
InSendMessage function
InsertMenu function
Integer messages
Intercharacter spacing, default
Internal data structures
function request (21H)
function request (5CH)
IntersectClipRect function
IntersectRect function
InvalidateRect function
InvalidateRgn function
InvertRect function
InvertRgn function
IsCharAlpha function
IsCharAlphaNumeric function
IsCharLower function
IsCharUpper function
IsChild function
IsClipboardFormatAvailable function
IsDialogMessage function
IsDlgButtonChecked function
IsIconic function
IsRectEmpty function
IsWindow function
IsWindowEnabled function
IsWindowVisible function
IsZoomed function
getting name
Keyboard, using with dialog boxes
KillTimer function
LBN_DBLCLK message
LBS_EXTENDEDSEL control style
LBS_HASSTRINGS control style
LBS_MULTICOLUMN control style
LBS_MULTIPLESEL control style
LBS_NOREDRAW control style
LBS_NOTIFY control style
LBS_SORT control style
LBS_STANDARD control style
LB_DIR message
LB_GETSEL message
LB_GETTEXT message
LB_SETSEL message
_lclose function
_lcreat function
LimitEMSPages function
LimitEmsPages function
Line output functions
pen styles, colors and widths
Line-output functions
LINECAPS device capability
LineDDA function
LineTo function
List box
directory listings
horizontal scrolling
deleted item
tab stops in
LISTBOX control class
_llseek function
LoadAccelerators function
LoadBitmap function
LoadCursor function
LoadIcon function
LoadLibrary function
LoadMenu function
LoadMenuIndirect function
LoadModule function
LoadResource function
LoadString function
LOBYTE utility macro
LocalAlloc function
LocalCompact function
LocalDiscard function
LocalFlags function
LocalFree function
LocalHandle function
LocalInit function
LocalLock function
LocalReAlloc function
LocalShrink function
LocalSize function
LocalUnlock function
LockData function
LockResource function
LockSegment function
Logical palette
and input focus
changing entries in
finding color in
index specifier (direct)
index specifier (indirect)
LOGPALETTE data structure
LOGPIXELSX device capability
LOGPIXELSY device capability
_lopen function
LOWORD utility macro
LPtoDP function
_lread function
lstrcat function
lstrcmp function
lstrcmpi function
lstrcpy function
lstrlen function
LTGRAY_BRUSH stock object
_lwrite function
MAKEINTATOM utility macro
MAKELONG utility macro
MAKEPOINT utility macro
MakeProcInstance function
MapDialogRect function
Mapping mode, default
MapVirtualKey function
max macro
MB_OK option
MB_YESNO option
as parameter of WM_MDICREATE message
Memory, least-recently used
Menu bar, described
Menu checkmark
getting size of
Menu functions
Menu item, removing
Menu, pop-up, described
MERGECOPY raster operation
MERGEPAINT raster operation
Message functions
posting to task windows
MessageBeep function
MessageBox function
Messages, window
default processing
application queue
bypassing the queue
checking the queue
destroy message
checking queues, passing, posting
formatted and transmitting
generated by applications
generating or processing
input events and application queue
queuing and virtual-key
input events
keyboard input
without pulling
special actions
accelerator keys
virtual keys
window functions
Metafile functions
additional escapes
information escapes
printer escapes, banding
printer escapes, starting and ending
printer escapes, terminating
Metafiles, changing
Metafiles, creating and using
Metafiles, creating
Metafiles, deleting
Metafiles, storing
MF_BITMAP menu flag
MF_BYCOMMAND menu flag
MF_CHECKED menu flag
MF_DISABLED menu flag
MF_ENABLED menu flag
MF_GRAYED menu flag
MF_HILITE menu flag
MF_MENUBREAK menu flag
MF_OWNERDRAW menu flag
MF_POPUP menu flag
MF_SEPARATOR menu flag
MF_STRING menu flag
MF_SYSMENU menu flag
MF_UNCHECKED menu flag
MF_UNHILITE menu flag
min macro
MK_CONTROL mouse-key code
MK_LBUTTON mouse-key code
MK_MBUTTON mouse-key code
MK_RBUTTON mouse-key code
MK_SHIFT mouse-key code
MM_ANISOTROPIC mapping mode
MM_HIENGLISH mapping mode
MM_HIMETRIC mapping mode
MM_ISOTROPIC mapping mode
MM_LOENGLISH mapping mode
MM_LOENGLISH, mapping mode
MM_LOMETRIC mapping mode
MM_TEXT mapping mode
MM_TWIPS mapping mode
ModifyMenu function
MoveTo function
MoveWindow function
MSGF_DIALOGBOX filter-function message type
MSGF_MENU filter-function message type
MSGF_MESSAGEBOX filter-function message type
MulDiv function
Multiple Document Interface (MDI)
child window
default function
system accelerator
client window
frame window default function
system accelerator
Multiple document interface
Multitasking, defined
NETBIOS interrupt, function request (5CH)
NetBIOSCall function
Notification codes
edit control
NULLREGION region type
NULL_BRUSH stock object
NULL_PEN stock object
NUMBRUSHES device capability
NUMCOLORS device capability
NUMFONTS device capability
NUMPENS device capability
OemKeyScan function
OemToAnsi function
OemToAnsiBuff function
OEM_FIXED_FONT stock object
OffsetClipRgn function
OffsetRect function
OffsetRgn function
OffsetViewportOrg function
OffsetWindowOrg function
OF_CANCEL option
OF_CREATE option
OF_DELETE option
OF_EXIST option
OF_PARSE option
OF_PROMPT option
OF_READ option
OF_REOPEN option
OF_VERIFY option
OF_WRITE option
OPAQUE background mode
OpenClipboard function
OpenComm function
OpenFile function
OpenIcon function
OpenSound function
brush, default
viewport, default
window, default
OutputDebugString function
Overlapped window
Owner-draw control
Owner-draw dialog box controls
OWNERDRAWFIXED resource option
inverting, drawing, filling
systems display
updating background
updating displays
updating nonclient area
validating rectangle
validating region
PaintRgn function
Palette, system
retrieving entries
PALETTEINDEX utility macro
PALETTERGB utility macro
PatBlt function
PATCOPY raster operation
PATINVERT raster operation
PATPAINT raster operation
PC_RESERVED palette-entry option
PDEVICESIZE device capability
PeekMessage function
position, default
Pie function
PLANES device capability
PlayMetaFile function
PlayMetaFileRecord function
PM_REMOVE option
POINT data structure
Polygon function
Polygon-filling mode, default
POLYGONALCAPS device capability
Polyline function
PolyPolygon function
Pop-up menu
PostAppMessage function
PostMessage function
PostQuitMessage function
Printer device driver capabilities
Printer functions
creating output
Printer-control functions
ProfClear function
ProfFinish function
ProfFlush function
ProfInsChk function
ProfSampRate function
ProfSetup function
ProfStart function
ProfStop function
Property list functions
adding entries
dumping contents
PtInRect function
PtInRegion function
PtVisible function
R2_MASKNOTPEN raster drawing mode
R2_MASKPEN raster drawing mode
R2_MASKPENNOT raster drawing mode
R2_MERGENOTPEN raster drawing mode
R2_MERGEPEN raster drawing mode
R2_MERGEPENNOT raster drawing mode
R2_NOT raster drawing mode
R2_NOTCOPYPEN raster drawing mode
R2_NOTMASKPEN raster drawing mode
R2_NOTMERGEPEN raster drawing mode
R2_NOTXORPEN raster drawing mode
R2_XORPEN raster drawing mode
Raster fonts
digitized aspect
RASTERCAPS device capability
RC_BANDING device capability
RC_BITBLT device capability
RC_BITMAP64 device capability
RC_DIBTODEV device capability
RC_DI_BITMAP device capability
RC_FLOODFILL device capability
RC_GDI20_OUTPUT device capability
RC_PALETTE device capability
RC_SCALING device capability
RC_STRETCHBLT device capability
RC_STRETCHDIB defice capability
ReadComm function
RealizePalette function
Rectangle function
Rectangle functions
additional functions
in Windows
Rectangle, validating
RectInRegion function
RectVisible function
Region functions
rounded rectangle, creating
RegisterClass function
RegisterClipboardFormat function
RegisterWindowMessage function
Relative-absolute flag, default setting
ReleaseCapture function
ReleaseDC function
RemoveFontResource function
RemoveMenu function
RemoveProp function
ReplyMessage function
Reserved messages
RESETDEV communication function code
managing hooks
RestoreDC function
RGB utility macro
RGN_AND region-combining mode
RGN_COPY region-combining mode
RGN_DIFF region-combining mode
RGN_OR region-combining mode
RGN_XOR region-combining mode
RoundRect function
RT_ACCELERATOR resource type
RT_BITMAP resource type
RT_DIALOG resource type
RT_FONT resource type
RT_MENU resource type
RT_RCDATA resource type
SaveDC function
SBS_BOTTOMALIGN control style
SBS_HORZ control style
SBS_LEFTALIGN control style
SBS_RIGHTALIGN control style
SBS_SIZEBOX control style
SBS_TOPALIGN control style
SBS_VERT control style
SB_BOTH scroll-bar type
SB_BOTTOM scrolling request
SB_CTL scroll-bar type
SB_ENDSCROLL scrolling request
SB_HORZ scroll-bar type
SB_LINEDOWN scrolling request
SB_LINEUP scrolling request
SB_PAGEDOWN scrolling request
SB_PAGEUP scrolling request
SB_THUMBPOSITION scrolling request
SB_THUMBTRACK scrolling request
SB_TOP scrolling request
SB_VERT scroll-bar type
ScaleViewportExt function
ScaleWindowExt function
ScreenToClient function
Scroll bars
SCROLLBAR control class
ScrollDC function
using thumb
ScrollWindow function
SC_CLOSE system command
SC_HSCROLL system command
SC_KEYMENU system command
SC_MAXIMIZE system command
SC_MINIMIZE system command
SC_MOUSEMENU system command
SC_MOVE system command
SC_NEXTWINDOW system command
SC_PREVWINDOW system command
SC_RESTORE system command
SC_SIZE system command
SC_VSCROLL system command
SelectClipRgn function
SelectObject function
SelectPalette function
SendDlgItemMessage function
SendMessage function
Message deadlock caused by
SetActiveWindow function
SetBitmapBits function
SetBitmapDimension function
SetBkColor function
SetBkMode function
SetBrushOrg function
SetCapture function
SetCaretBlinkTime function
SetCaretPos function
SetClassLong function
SetClassWord function
SetClipboardData function
SetClipboardViewer function
SetCommBreak function
SetCommEventMask function
SetCommState function
SetCursor function
SetCursorPos function
SetDIBits function
SetDIBitsToDevice function
SetDlgItemInt function
SetDlgItemText function
SetDoubleClickTime function
SETDTR communication function code
SetEnvironment function
SetErrorMode function
SetFocus function
SetHandleCount function
SetKeyboardState function
SetMapMode function
SetMapperFlags function
SetMenu function
SetMenuItemBitmaps function
SetMessageQueue function
SetMetaFileBits function
SetPaletteEntries function
SetParent function
SetPixel function
SetPolyFillMode function
SetProp function
SetRect function
SetRectEmpty function
SetRectRgn function
SetResourceHandler function
SetROP2 function
SETRTS communication function code
SetScrollPos function
SetScrollRange function
SetSoundNoise function
SetStretchBltMode function
SetSwapAreaSize function
SetSysColors function
SetSysModalWindow function
SetSystemPaletteUse function
SetTextAlign fu1nction
SetTextAlign function
SetTextCharacterExtra function
SetTextColor function
SetTextJustification function
SetTimer function
SetViewportExt function
SetViewportOrg function
SetVoiceAccent function
SetVoiceEnvelope function
SetVoiceNote function
SetVoiceQueueSize function
SetVoiceSound function
SetVoiceThreshold function
SetWindowExt function
SetWindowLong function
SetWindowOrg function
SetWindowPos function
SetWindowsHook function
SetWindowText function
SetWindowWord function
SETXOFF communication function code
SETXON communication function code
ShowCaret function
ShowCursor function
ShowOwnedPopups function
ShowScrollBar function
ShowWindow function
SIMPLEREGION region type
SIZEFULLSCREEN window-sizing request
SIZEICONIC window-sizing request
SIZENORMAL window-sizing request
SizeofResource function
SIZEZOOMHIDE window-sizing request
SIZEZOOMSHOW window-sizing request
SM_CXBORDER system-metric value
SM_CXDLGFRAME system-metric value
SM_CXFRAME system-metric value
SM_CXFULLSCREEN system-metric value
SM_CXHSCROLL system-metric value
SM_CXHTHUMB system-metric value
SM_CXMINTRACK system-metric value
SM_CXSIZE system-metric value
SM_CXVSCROLL system-metric value
SM_CYBORDER system-metric value
SM_CYDLGFRAME system-metric value
SM_CYFRAME system-metric value
SM_CYFULLSCREEN system-metric value
SM_CYHSCROLL system-metric value
SM_CYSIZE system-metric value
SM_CYVSCROLL system-metric value
SM_CYVTHUMB system-metric value
SM_DEBUG system-metric value
SM_MOUSEPRESENT system-metric value
SM_SWAPBUTTON system-metric value
SP_ERROR escape error code
SP_OUTOFDISK escape error code
SP_OUTOFMEMORY escape error code
SP_USERABORT escape error code
SRCAND raster operation
SRCCOPY raster operation
SRCERASE raster operation
SRCINVERT raster operation
SRCPAINT raster operation
SS_BLACKFRAME control style
SS_BLACKRECT control style
SS_CENTER control style
SS_GRAYFRAME control style
SS_GRAYRECT control style
SS_ICON control style
SS_LEFT control style
SS_NOPREFIX control style
SS_RIGHT control style
SS_SIMPLE control style
SS_USERITEM control style
SS_WHITEFRAME control style
SS_WHITERECT control style
StartSound function
STATIC control class
StopSound function
StretchBlt function
and color palettes
StretchDIBits function
Stretching mode, default
String messages
determining length of
dialog box controls
formatted text
Subclassing windows
SwapMouseButton function
SwapRecording function
SwitchStackBack function
SwitchStackTo function
SWP_DRAWFRAME window-position flag
SWP_HIDEWINDOW window-position flag
SWP_NOACTIVATE window-position flag
SWP_NOMOVE window-position flag
SWP_NOREDRAW window-position flag
SWP_NOSIZE window-position flag
SWP_NOZORDER window-position flag
SWP_SHOWWINDOW window-position flag
SW_HIDE window state
SW_MINIMIZE window state
SW_RESTORE window state
SW_SHOW window state
SW_SHOWNA window state
SW_SHOWNORMAL window state
SyncAllVoices function
System accelerator (MDI)
System menu box
System palette
retrieving entries
System services interface, defined
System, functions
Systems display, painting, functions
SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT stock object
SYSTEM_FONT stock object
S_ALLTHRESHOLD voice-queue state
S_LEGATO voice note style
S_NORMAL voice note style
S_PERIOD1024 voice frequency
S_PERIOD2048 voice frequency
S_PERIOD512 voice frequency
S_PERIODVOICE voice frequency
S_QUEUEEMPTY voice-queue state
S_SERDCC voice error code
S_SERDDR voice error code
S_SERDFQ voice error code
S_SERDLN voice error code
S_SERDMD voice error code
S_SERDNT voice error code
S_SERDRC voice error code
S_SERDSH voice error code
S_SERDTP voice error code
S_SERDVL voice error code
S_SERMACT voice error code
S_SEROFM voice error code
S_SERQFUL voice error code
S_STACCATO voice note style
S_THRESHOLD voice queue status
S_WHITE1024 voice frequency
S_WHITE2048 voice frequency
S_WHITE512 voice frequency
S_WHITEVOICE voice frequency
TabbedTextOut function
Task windows
posting messages to
handle, obtaining
Tasks, yielding control
yielding control
TA_BASELINE text-alignment flag
TA_BOTTOM text-alignment flag
TA_CENTER text-alignment flag
TA_LEFT text-alignment flag
TA_NOUPDATECP text-alignment flag
TA_RIGHT text-alignment flag
TA_TOP text-alignment flag
TA_UPDATECP text-alignment flag
TECHNOLOGY device capability
Text color, default
Text functions
TEXTCAPS device capability
TextOut function
Throw function
Timer, killing
Title bar
ToAscii function
TrackPopupMenu function
TranslateAccelerator function
TranslateMDISysAccel function
TranslateMessage function
TransmitCommChar function
TRANSPARENT background mode
UngetCommChar function
UnhookWindowsHook function
UnionRect function
UnlockData function
UnlockResource function
UnLockSegment function
UnlockSegment function
UnrealizeObject function
UnregisterClass function
UpdateColors function
UpdateWindow function
Updating region, client area
ValidateCodeSegments function
ValidateFreeSpaces function
ValidateRect function
ValidateRgn function
Variable-pitch font attribute
VERTRES device capability
VERTSIZE device capability
Viewport extents, default
Viewport origin, default
Virtual keys
VkKeyScan function
WaitMessage function
WaitSoundState function
WHITENESS raster-operation code
WHITEONBLACK stretching mode
WHITE_BRUSH stock object
WHITE_PEN stock object
WH_CALLWNDPROC windows-hook type
WH_GETMESSAGE windows-hook type
WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK windows-hook type
WH_JOURNALRECORD windows-hook type
WH_KEYBOARD windows-hook type
WH_MSGFILTER windows-hook type
WH_SYSMSGFILTER windows-hook type
WINDING filling mode
WINDING polygon-filling mode
Window applications
application queue
dispatching messages
pulling messages
pushing messages
reading messages
yielding control
Window bar menu
Window class
background brush
Window extents, default
Window function
receiving messages
Window manager interface, defined
Window origin, default
background brush
brush alignment
close box
owner window
background brush
cursor, icon, attributes
instance handle
menu, styles
dialog box
function role
main, creating
owner, describing
painting rectangles
creating and showing
scroll bars
System menu box
title bar
WindowFromPoint function
Windows Classes
class menu
Window-Function address
displaying functions
enumerating for a task
posting messages to a task
WinExec function
WinHelp function
WinMain function, main loop
WM_CHAR message
WM_CLEAR message
WM_CLOSE message message
WM_CLOSE message
WM_COMMAND message
WM_CREATE message
WM_CUT message
WM_DESTROY message
WM_ENABLE message
WM_GETFONT message
WM_GETTEXT message
WM_HSCROLL message
WM_KEYDOWN message
WM_KEYUP message
WM_MDINEXT message
WM_MDITILE message
WM_MOVE message
WM_NCPAINT message
WM_PAINT message
WM_PASTE message
WM_QUIT message
WM_SETFONT message
WM_SETTEXT message
WM_SIZE message
WM_SYSCHAR message
WM_TIMER message
WM_UNDO message
WM_USER message
WM_VSCROLL message
WNDCLASS data structure
WriteComm function
WritePrivateProfileString function
WriteProfileString function
wsprintf function
WS_BORDER window style
WS_CAPTION window style
WS_CHILD window style
WS_CHILDWINDOW window style
WS_CLIPCHILDREN window style
WS_CLIPSIBLINGS window style
WS_DISABLED window style
WS_DLGFRAME window style
WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME extended window style
WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY extended window style
WS_GROUP control style
WS_HSCROLL window style
WS_ICONIC window style
WS_MAXIMIZE window style
WS_MAXIMIZEBOX window style
WS_MINIMIZE window style
WS_MINIMIZEBOX window style
WS_OVERLAPPED window style
WS_POPUP window style
WS_POPUPWINDOW window style
WS_SYSMENU window style
WS_TABSTOP window style
WS_THICKFRAME window style
WS_VISIBLE window style
WS_VSCROLL window style
wvsprintf function
Yield function