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This section of The MS-DOS Encyclopedia describes the Microsoft
utilities, documentation aids, and debuggers that can be used with the
Microsoft C, FORTRAN, Pascal, and BASIC compilers and with the
Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM). Included are operating instructions
for MASM, the Macro Assembler; LIB, the Library Manager; LINK, the
Microsoft Object Linker; the DEBUG, SYMDEB, and CodeView program
debuggers; MAKE, which automates maintenance of programs; CREF, which
produces a cross-reference listing of symbols; and EXE2BIN, EXEMOD,
and EXEPACK, which modify executable files.
Entries (except for the program debuggers) are arranged alphabetically
by the name of the programming utility. The three Microsoft debuggers
are listed at the end of the section in the following order: DEBUG,
SYMDEB, CodeView. Individual DEBUG and SYMDEB commands appear
alphabetically under the headings DEBUG and SYMDEB.
Each utility entry includes
■ Utility name
■ Utility purpose
■ Prototype command line and summary of options
■ Detailed description of utility
■ One or more examples of utility use
■ Return codes (where applicable)
■ Error messages and warnings (where applicable)
The experienced user can find information with a quick glance at the
first part of a utility entry; a less experienced user can refer to
the detailed explanation and examples in a more leisurely fashion. The
next two pages contain an example of a typical entry from the
Programming Utilities section, with explanations of each
Compress .EXE File
Compresses an executable .EXE program file so that it requires less
space on the disk. The EXEPACK utility is supplied with the Microsoft
Macro Assembler (MASM), C Compiler, FORTRAN Compiler, and Pascal
Compiler. This documentation describes EXEPACK version 4.04.
EXEPACK exe file packed file
exe file is the name of the executable .EXE program file to be
packed file is the name of the compressed program file.
The EXEPACK utility compresses an executable .EXE program by packing
sequences of identical bytes and optimizing the relocation table. The
EXEPACK utility is not compatible with versions of MS-DOS earlier than
The exe file parameter specifies the name of the program file
produced by the Microsoft Object Linker (LINK) and must contain the
extension .EXE. The packed file parameter specifies the name and
extension of the resulting compressed file. EXEPACK has no default
The name for packed file must be different from the exe file
filename. Although it is possible to fool EXEPACK into creating a
packed file with the same name by specifying a different but
equivalent pathname for the output file, the resulting packed file
will probably be damaged. If the packed file is to replace the
original .EXE file, a different name should be specified for the
packed file; then the input file should be deleted and the packed file
renamed with the name of the original file.
When EXEPACK is used to compress an executable overlay file or a
program that calls overlays, the packed file should be renamed with
its original name before use to avoid interruption by the overlay-
manager prompt.
The effects of EXEPACK depend on program characteristics. Most
programs can be processed with EXEPACK to occupy significantly less
disk space. Programs thus compressed also load for execution more
quickly. Occasionally programs (particularly small ones) actually
become larger after processing with EXEPACK; in such cases the file
produced by EXEPACK should be discarded. Microsoft Windows programs or
programs to be debugged under DEBUG, SYMDEB, or CodeView should not be
compressed with EXEPACK.
Using EXEPACK on a previously linked program is equivalent to
specifying LINK's /EXEPACK switch while linking that program.
Note: When using the EXEMOD utility with packed .EXE files created
with EXEPACK or the /EXEPACK linker switch, use the EXEMOD version
shipped with LINK or with the EXEPACK utility to ensure
Return Codes
0 No error; the EXEPACK operation was successful.
1 An error was encountered that terminated execution of the EXEPACK
To compress the file BUILD.EXE into a file named BUILDX.EXE,
fatal error U1100: out of space on output file
The destination disk has insufficient space for the output file, or
the root directory is full.
fatal error U1101: filename: file not found
The .EXE file specified in the command line cannot be found.
fatal error U1102: filename: permission denied
A file with the same name as the specified output file already exists
and is read-only.
fatal error U1103: cannot pack file onto itself
The file cannot be compressed because the name specified for the
packed file is the same as the name of the source .EXE file.
fatal error U1104: usage : exepack <infile> <outfile>
The command line contained a syntax error, or the output filename was
not specified.
fatal error U1105: invalid .EXE file; bad header
The file is not an executable file or has an invalid file
fatal error U1106: cannot change load-high program
The file cannot be compressed because the minimum allocation value and
the maximum allocation value are both zero. See also PROGRAMMING
fatal error U1107: cannot pack already-packed file
The file specified has already been packed with EXEPACK.
fatal error U1108: invalid .EXE file; actual length less than
The file size indicated in the .EXE file header does not match the
size recorded in the disk directory.
fatal error U1109: out of memory
The EXEPACK utility did not have enough memory to operate.
Generate Cross-Reference Listing
Produces a cross-reference listing of all symbols in an assembly
language program. The CREF utility is supplied with the Microsoft
Macro Assembler (MASM). This documentation describes CREF version
CREF crf_file[;]
CREF crf_file,ref_file
crf_file is the input file previously produced by MASM (default
extension = .CRF).
ref_file is the output ASCII text file to be created (default
extension = .REF).
The CREF utility processes a file produced by MASM and generates an
ASCII cross-reference listing in a file on disk or directly on a
character device (such as a printer). The output file contains an
alphabetic list of the symbols in the assembled program, including the
line number of each reference to the symbol and the total number of
symbols in the program. A pound sign (#) follows the line number of
the reference that defines the symbol.
The crf_file has the default extension .CRF. It is produced by
providing MASM with a filename other than NUL in the cross-reference
position in the command line, by responding to the Cross-reference:
prompt, or by including the /C switch in the MASM command line or at
any MASM prompt. An assembly source listing file (.LST) must also be
requested in the MASM command line or in response to the MASM prompts
in order to generate a valid .CRF file.
If a semicolon follows the crf_file parameter in the CREF command,
the resulting ref_file containing the cross-reference listing is given
the same drive and pathname as crf_file, with a .REF extension. If the
optional ref_file parameter is present, it can consist of any
pathname with an optional extension (default is .REF). The cross-
reference listing can be sent directly to a character device, rather
than to a file, by specifying a valid character device name (such as
PRN) in the ref_file position.
If the CREF utility is run without any parameters or with some
parameters missing, the CREF utility prompts the operator for the
necessary information.
Return Codes
0 No error; the CREF operation was successful.
1 An error was encountered that terminated execution of the CREF
To process the file MENUMGR.CRF (created during assembly of
MENUMGR.ASM) into the cross-reference file MENUMGR.REF, type
To process the file MENUMGR.CRF and assign the name MENU.REF to the
resulting cross-reference file, type
To process the file MENUMGR.CRF and send the cross-reference listing
directly to the printer, type
To run the CREF program in interactive mode, type
C>CREF <Enter>
The following is an example of an interactive CREF session:
C>CREF <Enter>
Microsoft (R) Cross Reference Utility Version 4.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985. All rights reserved.
Cross-reference [.CRF]: MENUMGR <Enter>
Listing [MENUMGR.REF]: <Enter>
9 Symbols
The following sequence of commands produces the cross-reference
listing HELLO.REF from the assembly-language source file
Contents of the file HELLO.ASM:
name hello
page 55,132
title HELLO.ASM - print Hello on terminal
; HELLO.COM utility to demonstrate CREF listing
cr equ 0dh ;ASCII carriage return
lf equ 0ah ;ASCII linefeed
cseg segment para public "CODE"
org 100h
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg,es:cseg,ss:cseg
print proc near
mov dx,offset message
mov ah,9 ;print the string "Hello"
int 21h
mov ax,4c00h ;exit to MS-DOS
int 21h ;with "return code" of zero
print endp
message db cr,lf,'Hello!',cr,lf,'$
cseg ends
end print
Contents of the file HELLO.REF:
Microsoft Cross-Reference Version 4.00 Mon Sep 07 23:31:21 1987
HELLO.ASM - print Hello on terminal
Symbol Cross-Reference (# is definition) Cref-1
CODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
CR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7# 24 25
CSEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 10# 14 14 14 14 27
LF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 8# 24 25
MESSAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 24 24#
PRINT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 16# 29
6 Symbols
can't open cross-reference file for reading
The pathname or drive specified for the input .CRF file is invalid or
does not exist.
can't open listing file for writing
A write error has halted the creation of the .REF listing file. This
indicates that the disk is full or write-protected, that the specified
output file is read-only, or that the specified device is not
cref has no switches
A switch was specified in the command line; CREF has no optional
DOS 2.0 or later required
CREF does not work with versions of MS-DOS earlier than 2.0.
extra file name ignored
More than two filenames were specified in the command line. The CREF
utility generates the cross-reference listing using the first two
filenames specified.
line invalid, start again
No .CRF file was specified in the command line or at the prompt.
Specify a valid .CRF file at the prompt following this message.
out of heap space
Memory is insufficient to process the .CRF file. Remove memory
resident programs and shells or add more memory.
premature eof
The input file specified is damaged or is not a valid .CRFfile.
read error on stdin
A Control-Z was received from the keyboard or a redirected file and
has halted CREF.
Convert .EXE File to Binary-Image File
Converts an executable file in the .EXE format to a memory-image file
in binary format. The EXE2BIN utility is supplied with the MS-DOS
distribution disks.
EXE2BIN exe_file [bin_file]
exe_file is the .EXE-format file to be converted (default
extension = .EXE).
bin_file is the name to be given to the converted file
(default extension = .BIN).
The .EXE executable program files produced by the Microsoft Object
Linker (LINK) contain a special header and a relocation table as well
as the program code and data. The EXE2BIN utility can be used to
convert a .EXE file to a .COM executable file, which is an absolute
memory image of the program to be executed and does not contain a
special header or relocation table. The EXE2BIN utility can also be
used to convert .EXE files with an origin of zero (such as installable
MS-DOS device drivers) to pure memory-image files. Files in memory-
image format (a common format for device drivers and for programs to
be placed in ROM for execution) usually have a .BIN or .SYS
To convert a .EXE program to a binary-image file, the following are
■ The program must be a valid .EXE file produced by LINK.
■ The program can contain only one segment and cannot contain a
declared stack segment.
■ The program code and data portion of the .EXE file must be less
than 64 KB.
To convert a .EXE program to an executable .COM file, the following
are required:
■ The origin of the program must be 0100H, which must also be
specified as the entry point.
■ The program code and data portion of the .EXE file must be less
than 65227 bytes (64 KB minus 256 bytes used by the program segment
prefix minus 2 bytes initially placed on the stack).
■ The program must not include any FAR references.
Note: Many compilers cannot create programs that can be converted to
.COM files. Check the compiler documentation for specific information
concerning executable .COM files.
The exe_file parameter in the command line can have any filename and
can include a drive and path; the default extension is .EXE. The
optional bin_file parameter can also contain any filename and a drive
and path; the default extension is .BIN. If no path is specified with
the bin_file parameter, the output file is given the same drive and
path as the exe_file. If no bin_file parameter is supplied, the
output file is given the same name as the exe_file, with the
extension .BIN.
If the program in the .EXE file requires segment fixups (that is, if
the program contains instructions requiring segment relocation, which
would ordinarily be done by the MS-DOS loader using the .EXE file's
relocation table), EXE2BIN prompts for a base segment address. When
segment fixups are necessary, the resulting program is not relocatable
and must be loaded at the given location to be executed; the MS-DOS
loader cannot load the program.
To convert the file HELLO.EXE to the file HELLO.BIN, type
To convert the file CLEAN.EXE, which has an origin of 0100H and meets
the requirements for an executable .COM file, to the file CLEAN.COM,
To convert the file ASYNCH.EXE, produced by assembling and linking the
device-driver source file ASYNCH.ASM, to the installable device-driver
file ASYNCH.SYS, type
File cannot be converted
The program to be converted has one of the following problems: The
program has an origin of 0100H but a different entry point; the
program requires segment fixups; the program code and data are larger
than 64 KB; the program has more than one declared segment; or the
file is not a valid .EXE-format file.
File creation error
EXE2BIN cannot create the output file because a read-only file with
the same name already exists, because the specified directory is full,
or because the specified disk is full, write-protected, or
File not found
The file does not exist or the incorrect path was given.
Fixups needed - base segment (hex):
The .EXE-format file contains segment references that would ordinarily
be relocated by the .EXE file loader. Specify the absolute segment
address at which the converted module will be executed.
Incorrect DOS version
The version of EXE2BIN is not compatible with the version of MS-DOS
that is running.
Insufficient disk space
The destination disk has insufficent space to create the memory-image
output file.
Insufficient memory
Not enough memory is available to run EXE2BIN.
WARNING - Read error in EXE file.
Amount read less than size in header.
The file size given in the .EXE header is inconsistent with the actual
size of the file.
Modify .EXE File Header
Allows inspection or modification of the fields in a .EXE file header.
The EXEMOD utility is supplied with the Microsoft Macro Assembler
(MASM), C Compiler, FORTRAN Compiler, and Pascal Compiler. This
documentation describes EXEMOD version 4.02.
EXEMOD exe_file [/H]
EXEMOD exe_file [/STACK n] [/MAX n] [/MIN n]
exe_file is the name of an executable program in .EXE format
(the extension .EXE is assumed).
/H displays the values in the file's header.
/STACK n modifies the size of the program's stack segment to n
(hexadecimal) bytes.
/MAX n sets the maximum memory allocation for the program to
n (hexadecimal) paragraphs.
/MIN n sets the minimum memory allocation for the program to
n (hexadecimal) paragraphs.
Note: Switches can be either uppercase or lowercase and can be
preceded by a dash (-) instead of a forward slash (/).
Programs that are executable under MS-DOS can be in one of two file
formats: .COM, which is an absolute image of the file to be executed
and limits the program size to 65227 bytes (64 KB minus 256 bytes used
by the program segment prefix minus 2 bytes initially placed on the
stack); or .EXE, which allows a program of any size to be loaded and
has a special header containing information about the program's entry
point, stack size, and memory requirements, plus a relocation
The EXEMOD utility can be used to display or modify those fields of a
.EXE program header that control the size of the stack segment and the
amount of memory allocated to the program when MS-DOS loads the
program into the transient program area for execution.
The /STACKn switch controls the number of bytes in the program's
STACK segment by setting the initial SP to the hexadecimal value
specified. The minimum paragraph allocation value is adjusted if
necessary. The EXEMOD /STACKn switch should be used only with
programs compiled by Microsoft C version 3.0 or later, Microsoft
Pascal version 3.3 or later, or Microsoft FORTRAN version 3.0 or
later. Use of the /STACKn switch with a program developed with
another compiler can cause the program to fail or cause EXEMOD to
return an error message.
The /MAXn switch specifies the maximum number of additional
paragraphs of memory to allocate for use by the program. The /MINn
switch specifies the minimum number of paragraphs of memory, in
addition to the size of the program itself and its stack and data
segments, that are required for the program to execute. If enough
memory exists to satisfy the minimum additional paragraphs requested
but not enough exists to satisfy the maximum, MS-DOS allocates all
available memory to the program.
To display the current memory allocation and stack size values from a
.EXE file's header, the /H switch can be used or the file's name can
be entered as the only parameter in the command line.
When EXEMOD is used on a previously packed .EXE file (a file that was
processed by EXEPACK or linked with the /EXEPACK switch), the values
set or displayed in the file's header are the values that will apply
after the file is expanded at load time. EXEMOD displays a message
advising the user that the file being modified was previously
The EXEMOD switches /MAXn and /STACKn correspond to the Microsoft
Object Linker's /CPARMAXALLOC:n and /STACK:n switches, respectively.
Return Codes
0 No error; EXEMOD operation was successful.
1 An error was encountered that terminated execution of the EXEMOD
To display the values in the file header of the DUMP.EXE program,
The EXEMOD utility displays the following:
Microsoft (R) EXE File Header Utility Version 4.02
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1985. All rights reserved.
DUMP.EXE (hex) (dec)
.EXE size (bytes) 580 1408
Minimum load size (bytes) 383 899
Overlay number 0 0
Initial CS:IP 0000:0000
Initial SS:SP 0034:0040 64
Minimum allocation (para) 5 5
Maximum allocation (para) FFFF 65535
Header size (para) 20 32
Relocation table offset 20 32
Relocation entries 1 1
To change the size of the STACK segment for the DUMP.EXE program to
400H (1024) bytes, type
EXEMOD displays the message
EXEMOD : warning U4051: minimum allocation less than stack; correcting
error U1050: usage : exemod file [-/h] [-/stack n] [-/max n] [-/min n]
An error was detected in the EXEMOD command line.
error U1051: invalid .EXE file : bad header
The file is not an executable file or has an invalid file header.
error U1052: invalid .EXE file : actual length less than reported
The file size indicated in the .EXE file header does not match the
size recorded in the disk directory.
error U1053: cannot change load-high program
The header of the file cannot be modified because the minimum
allocation value and the maximum allocation value are both zero.
error U1054: file not .EXE
The file specified does not have a .EXE extension.
error U1055: filename : cannot find file
The .EXE file specified in the command line cannot be found.
error U1056: filename : permission denied
The .EXE file specified in the command line is read-only.
warning U4050: packed file
The specified file is a packed file; that is, it was previously
processed with the EXEPACK utility or was linked with the /EXEPACK
switch. This is an informational message only; EXEMOD still modifies
the file. The header values displayed are the values that will apply
after the packed value is expanded at load time.
warning U4051: minimum allocation less than stack; correcting
The minimum allocation value is not large enough to accommodate the
stack; the minimum allocation value is adjusted. This is an
informational message only.
warning U4052: minimum allocation greater than maximum; correcting
If the minimum allocation value is greater than the maximum allocation
value, the maximum value is adjusted. This is an informational message
Compress .EXE File
Compresses an executable .EXE program file so that it requires less
space on the disk. The EXEPACK utility is supplied with the Microsoft
Macro Assembler (MASM), C Compiler, FORTRAN Compiler, and Pascal
Compiler. This documentation describes EXEPACK version 4.04.
EXEPACK exe_file packed_file
exe_file is the name of the executable .EXE program file to be
packed_file is the name of the compressed program file.
The EXEPACK utility compresses an executable .EXE program by packing
sequences of identical bytes and optimizing the relocation table. The
EXEPACK utility is not compatible with versions of MS-DOS earlier than
The exe_file parameter specifies the name of the program file
produced by the Microsoft Object Linker (LINK) and must contain the
extension .EXE. The packed_file parameter specifies the name and
extension of the resulting compressed file. EXEPACK has no default
The name for packed_file must be different from the exe_file
filename. Although it is possible to fool EXEPACK into creating a
packed file with the same name by specifying a different but
equivalent pathname for the output file, the resulting packed file
will probably be damaged. If the packed file is to replace the
original .EXE file, a different name should be specified for the
packed file; then the input file should be deleted and the packed file
renamed with the name of the original file.
When EXEPACK is used to compress an executable overlay file or a
program that calls overlays, the packed file should be renamed with
its original name before use to avoid interruption by the overlay-
manager prompt.
The effects of EXEPACK depend on program characteristics. Most
programs can be processed with EXEPACK to occupy significantly less
disk space. Programs thus compressed also load for execution more
quickly. Occasionally programs (particularly small ones) actually
become larger after processing with EXEPACK; in such cases the file
produced by EXEPACK should be discarded. Microsoft Windows programs or
programs to be debugged under DEBUG, SYMDEB, or CodeView should not be
compressed with EXEPACK.
Using EXEPACK on a previously linked program is equivalent to
specifying LINK's /EXEPACK switch while linking that program.
Note: When using the EXEMOD utility with packed .EXE files created
with EXEPACK or the /EXEPACK linker switch, use the EXEMOD version
shipped with LINK or with the EXEPACK utility to ensure
Return Codes
0 No error; the EXEPACK operation was successful.
1 An error was encountered that terminated execution of the EXEPACK
To compress the file BUILD.EXE into a file named BUILDX.EXE,
fatal error U1100: out of space on output file
The destination disk has insufficient space for the output file, or
the root directory is full.
fatal error U1101: filename: file not found
The .EXE file specified in the command line cannot be found.
fatal error U1102: filename: permission denied
A file with the same name as the specified output file already exists
and is read-only.
fatal error U1103: cannot pack file onto itself
The file cannot be compressed because the name specified for the
packed file is the same as the name of the source .EXE file.
fatal error U1104: usage : exepack <infile> <outfile>
The command line contained a syntax error, or the output filename was
not specified.
fatal error U1105: invalid .EXE file; bad header
The file is not an executable file or has an invalid file
fatal error U1106: cannot change load-high program
The file cannot be compressed because the minimum allocation value and
the maximum allocation value are both zero. See also PROGRAMMING
fatal error U1107: cannot pack already-packed file
The file specified has already been packed with EXEPACK.
fatal error U1108: invalid .EXE file; actual length less than
The file size indicated in the .EXE file header does not match the
size recorded in the disk directory.
fatal error U1109: out of memory
The EXEPACK utility did not have enough memory to operate.
fatal error U1110: error reading relocation table
The file cannot be compressed because the relocation table cannot be
found or is invalid.
fatal error U1111: file not suitable for packing
The file could not be packed because the packed load image of the
specified file was larger than the unpacked load image.
fatal error U1112: filename: unknown error
An unknown system error occurred while the specified file was being
warning U4100: omitting debug data from output file
EXEPACK has stripped all symbolic debug information from the output
Library Manager
Creates or modifies an object module library file. The LIB utility is
supplied with the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM), C Compiler,
FORTRAN Compiler, and Pascal Compiler. This documentation describes
LIB version 3.06.
LIB library_file [/PAGESIZE:n] [operation][,[list_file]
[,[new_library_file]]] [;]
LIB @response_file
library_file is the name of the object module library file
to be created or modified (default extension
= .LIB).
/PAGESIZE:n is the page size of the library file and must
immediately follow library_file if used; n
is a power of 2 between 16 and 32768,
inclusive (default = 16). Can be abbreviated
operation is one or more library manipulations to be
performed. Each operation is specified as a
code followed by an object module name (case
is not significant):
+name Add object module or another library to
-name Delete object module from library.
-+name Replace object module in library.
*name Copy object module from library to
object file.
-*name Copy object module to object file and
then delete object module from library.
list_file is the name of the file or character device to
receive the cross-reference listing for the
library file (default = NUL device).
new_library_file is the name to be assigned to the modified
object module library file. (The default name
is the same as library_file; if the default is
used, the original library_file is renamed
with the extension .BAK.)
response_file is the name of a text file containing LIB
parameters in the same order in which they are
supplied if entered interactively. The name of
the response file must be preceded by the @
The Microsoft Library Manager (LIB) creates and modifies library
files, checks existing library files for consistency, and prints
listings of the contents of library files. The LIB utility does not
work with versions of MS-DOS earlier than 2.0.
A library file consists of relocatable object modules that are indexed
by their names and public symbols. The Microsoft Object Linker (LINK)
uses these files during the creation of an executable (.EXE) program
to resolve external references to routines and variables contained in
other object modules.
The library_file parameter specifies the name of the object module
library file to be created or modified. This parameter is required; if
it is not included, LIB prompts for it. The default extension for a
library file is .LIB.
The /PAGESIZE:n switch (abbreviated /P:n) sets the page size (in
bytes) for a new library file or changes the page size of an existing
library file. The value of n must be a power of 2 between 16 and
32768, inclusive. The default is 16 for a new library file; for an
existing library file, the default is the current page size. Because
the index to a library file is contained in a fixed number of pages,
setting a larger page size increases the number of index entries (and
thus the number of object modules) that a library file can contain but
results in more wasted disk space (an average of half a library page
per object module).
The operation parameter specifies one or more relocatable object
modules to add to, replace in, copy from, move from, or delete from
library_file. Each operation is represented by a code specifying the
type of operation, followed by the object module name. When an object
module is copied or moved from the library file, the drive and
pathname of the object module are set to the default drive, current
directory, and specified module name, and the extension of the object
module defaults to .OBJ. When an object module is added or replaced,
LIB assumes a default extension of .OBJ.
The operation +name adds the object module in the file name.OBJ to
the library file. This operation can also be used to add the contents
of another entire object module library file to the library file being
updated, in which case the extension .LIB must be included in name.
The operation -name deletes the object module name from the library.
The operation -+name deletes the object module name from the library
file and replaces it with the contents of the file name.OBJ. The
operation *name copies the object module name from the library file
into the file name.OBJ, which LIB creates in the current directory.
The operation -*name also copies the object module name from the
library file into a .OBJ file but then deletes the module from the
library file. (Although name must have exactly the same spelling as
the name in the library's reference listing, case is not
Note: LIB does not actually delete object modules from the specified
library file. Instead, it marks the selected object modules for
deletion, creates a new library file, and copies only the modules not
marked for deletion into the new file. Thus, if LIB is terminated for
any reason, the original file is not lost. Enough space must be
available on the disk for both the original library file and the
The list_file parameter specifies the file or character device to
receive a reference listing for the library file. Any valid drive,
pathname, and extension or any valid character device, such as PRN, is
permitted (default = NUL). If this parameter is omitted, no listing is
The reference listing consists of two tables. The first table contains
all the public symbols in the object modules in the library, listed
alphabetically, with each symbol followed by the name of the object
module in which it is referenced. The second table contains the names
of all the object modules, listed alphabetically, with each name
followed by the offset from the start of the library file, the code
and data size, and an alphabetic listing of the public symbols in that
object module.
The new_library_file parameter specifies the name for the modified
library file that is created. If this parameter is omitted, LIB gives
the modified library file the same name as the original library file,
and the original library file is renamed with a .BAK extension. When a
new library file is being created, this parameter is not
When the command line is used to supply LIB with filenames and
switches, typing a semicolon character (;) after any parameter (except
library_file) causes LIB to use the default values for the remaining
parameters. If a semicolon is entered after library_file, LIB simply
checks the file for consistency and usability. (This is seldom
necessary, because LIB checks each object module for consistency
before adding it to the library.)
If the LIB command is entered without any parameters, LIB prompts the
user for each parameter needed. If there are too many operations to
fit on one line, the line can be ended with the ampersand character
(&), causing LIB to repeat the Operations: prompt. If any response
except library_file is terminated with a semicolon character, LIB
uses the default values for the remaining filenames. When the library_
file parameter is followed by a semicolon or a semicolon is entered at
the Operations: prompt, LIB takes no action except to verify that the
contents of the specified file are consistent and usable.
The response_file parameter allows the automation of complex LIB
sessions involving many files. A response file contains ASCII text
that corresponds line for line to the responses that are entered in a
normal interactive LIB session, in the form
library_file [/P:n]
[new_library_file] [;]
The response file name must be preceded in the command line by the at
symbol (@) and can also be preceded by a path and/or drive letter. If
library_file is a new file, the letter Y must appear by itself on
the second line of the response file to approve the creation of a
library file. The last line of the response file must end with a
semicolon or a carriage return. (LIB ignores any lines following a
semicolon.) If all the parameters required by LIB are not present in
the response file or the response file does not end with a semicolon,
LIB prompts the user for the missing information.
Return Codes
0 No error; LIB operation was successful.
1 An error that terminated execution of the LIB utility was
To create a library file named MYLIB.LIB and insert the object files
To print a listing of the object modules in the library file
If the LIB command is entered without parameters, the user is prompted
for the necessary information. For example, if the user wanted to add
the module VIDEO.OBJ to the library file SLIBC.LIB, produce a
reference listing in the file SLIBC.LST, and produce a new output
library file named SLIBC2.LIB, the following dialogue would take
C>LIB <Enter>
Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 3.06
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986. All rights reserved
Library name: SLIBC <Enter>
Operations: +VIDEO <Enter>
List file: SLIBC.LST <Enter>
Output library: SLIBC2 <Enter>
filename: cannot access file.
LIB is unable to access an object module specified in a response file,
in the command line, or at the Operations: prompt.
filename: cannot create extract file
The object module cannot be copied or moved from the library file into
a separate disk file called filename because the root directory or
disk is full or because filename already exists and is read-only.
filename: cannot create listing
The list file specified in the response file, in the command line, or
at the List file: prompt cannot be created because the root directory
or disk is full or because filename already exists and is read-only.
filename: invalid format (xxxx); file ignored.
The hexadecimal signature byte or word xxxx of the specified file was
not one of the following recognized types: Microsoft library, Intel
library, Microsoft object, or XENIX archive.
filename: invalid library header.
The input library file either is not a library file or is damaged.
filename: invalid library header; file ignored.
The input library file is in the wrong format.
modulename: invalid object module near location
The specified object module has an invalid format near the hexadecimal
offset indicated.
modulename: module not in library; ignored
The object module specified in the response file, in the command line,
or at the Operations: prompt is not in the specified input library
modulename: module redefinition ignored
An object module was specified to be added to a library file but an
object module with the same name was already in the library file, or
the same object module was specified twice in an add operation in the
command line.
number: page size too small; ignored
The size specified with a /P:n switch must be a power of 2 between 16
and 32768 bytes, inclusive.
symbol (modulename): symbol redefinition ignored
The specified symbol was defined in more than one module. Only the
first definition of a symbol is accepted. All redefinitions are
cannot create new library
The root directory is full, or a library file with the same name
already exists and is read-only.
cannot open response file
The specified response file cannot be found or does not exist.
cannot rename old library
The old library file cannot be renamed with a .BAK extension because
such a file already exists and is read-only.
cannot reopen library
The old library file could not be reopened after it was renamed with
the .BAK extension. This error usually indicates damage to the
operating system or to the disk directory structure.
comma or new line missing
A comma or carriage return was expected in the command line but was
not found.
Do not change diskette in drive X:
LIB may have placed important temporary files on the specified disk.
Do not remove the disk until the LIB operation is complete or these
files may be lost.
error writing to cross-reference file
The disk or root directory is full.
error writing to new library
The new library file cannot be created because the disk is full.
free: not allocated
This is a serious problem. Note the circumstances of the failure and
notify Microsoft Corporation.
insufficient memory
Not enough memory is available in the transient program area for LIB
to successfully perform the requested operations.
internal failure
This is a serious problem. Note the circumstances of the failure and
notify Microsoft Corporation.
Library does not exist. Create?
The specified library_file does not exist on disk. Respond with Y to
create the library file; respond with N to terminate the LIB
mark: not allocated
This is a serious problem. Note the circumstances of the failure and
notify Microsoft Corporation.
option unknown
The command line included a switch other than /P:n.
output-library specification ignored
An output library file was specified in addition to a new library
file. This is only a warning. The output library file specification
will be disregarded.
page size too small
The page size of an input library file was less than 16 bytes,
indicating a damaged or otherwise invalid .LIB file. See LIB message
number: page size too small; ignored.
syntax error
The command line included an invalid parameter or switch.
syntax error: illegal file specification
A command operator (such as *, -, or +) was given without an object
module name.
syntax error: illegal input
The command line included an invalid parameter or switch.
syntax error: option name missing
The command line included a forward slash (/) that was not followed by
syntax error: option value missing
The /P switch was not followed by the page size value in bytes.
terminator missing
Either a control character (such as Control-Z) was specified at the
Output library: prompt or the response file line that corresponds to
LIB's Output library: prompt was not terminated by a carriage return
or semicolon.
too many symbols
The maximum number of public symbols allowed in a library file has
been exceeded. The limit for all object modules (combined) is
unexpected end-of-file on command input
The response file did not include all the necessary LIB parameters.
write to extract file failed
The destination disk has insufficient space for the complete object
module, or the root directory is full.
write to library file failed
The destination disk has insufficient space to create the new library
file, or the root directory is full.
Create .EXE File
Combines relocatable object modules into an executable (.EXE) file.
The Microsoft Object Linker (LINK) is supplied with the Microsoft
Macro Assembler (MASM), C Compiler, Pascal Compiler, and FORTRAN
Compiler. This documentation describes LINK version 3.50.
LINK obj_file[+obj_file...][,[exe_file]][,[map_file]][,[library
[+library...]]] [options] [;]
LINK @response_file
obj_file is the name of a file containing a relocatable object
module produced by MASM or by a high-level-language
compiler (default extension = .OBJ).
exe_file is the name of the executable file to be produced by
LINK (default extension = .EXE).
map_file is the name of the file or character device to
receive a listing of the names, load addresses, and
lengths of the segments in exe_file (default = NUL
device; default extension = .MAP).
library is the name of an object module library to be
searched to resolve external references in the
object file(s) (default extension = .LIB).
response_file is the name of a text file containing LINK parameters
in the order in which they are supplied during an
interactive LINK session.
options specifies one or more of the following switches.
Switches can be either uppercase or lowercase.
/CP:n (/CPARMAXALLOC:n) Sets the maximum number
of extra memory paragraphs required by
exe_file (default = 65535).
/DS (/DSALLOCATE) Loads the data in DGROUP at
the high end of the data segment.
/DO (/DOSSEG) Arranges segments according to
the Microsoft language segment-ordering
/E (/EXEPACK) Compresses repetitive sequences
of bytes and optimizes exe_file's
relocation table.
/HI (/HIGH) Causes exe_file to be loaded as
high as possible in memory when exe_file
is executed.
/HE (/HELP) Lists LINK options on the screen.
No other switches or filenames should be
used with this switch.
/LI (/LINENUMBERS) Copies line-number
information (if available) from obj_file
to map_file. If a map file was not
specified, this switch creates one.
/M (/MAP) Copies a list of all public symbols
declared in obj_file to map_file. If a
map file was not specified, this switch
creates one.
ignore any library names inserted in the
object file by the language compiler.
ignore GROUP associations when assigning
/NOI (/NOIGNORECASE) Causes LINK to be case
sensitive when resolving external names.
/O:n (/OVERLAYINTERRUPT:n) Overrides the
interrupt number used by the overlay
manager (0-255, default = 63, or 3FH).
This switch should be used only when
linking with a run-time module from a
language compiler that supports overlays.
/P (/PAUSE) Causes LINK to pause and prompt
the user to change disks before writing
the exe_file.
/SE:n (/SEGMENTS:n) Sets the maximum number of
segments that can be processed (1-1024,
default = 128).
/ST:n (/STACK:n) Sets the size of the exe_file's
stack segment to n bytes (1-65535).
LINK combines relocatable object modules into an executable file in
the .EXE format. LINK can be used with object files produced by any
high-level-language compiler or assembler that supports the Microsoft
PROGRAMMING TOOLS: Object Modules; The Microsoft Object Linker.
The obj_file parameter, which is required, specifies one or more
files containing relocatable object modules. If multiple object files
are linked, their names should be separated by a plus operator (+) or
a space. If an extension is not specified for an object file, LINK
supplies the extension .OBJ. Some high-level-language compilers
support partitioning of the executable program into a root segment and
one or more overlay segments and include a special overlay manager in
their libraries; when these compilers are used, the object modules
that compose each overlay segment should be surrounded with
parentheses in the LINK command line.
The exe_file parameter specifies the name of the executable file that
is created by LINK. The default is the same filename as the first
object file, but with the extension .EXE.
The map_file parameter designates the file or character device to
receive LINK's listing of the name, load address, and length of each
of exe_file's segments. The map file also includes the names and load
addresses of any groups in the program, the program entry point, and,
if the /M switch is used, all public symbols and their addresses. If
the /LI switch is used and if line numbers were inserted into obj_file
by the compiler, the starting address of each obj_file program line
is also copied to map_file. The default extension for a map file is
.MAP. If the /M or /LI switch is used, a map file is created using the
name of the specified .EXE file even if map_file is not specified. If
neither the /M nor the /LI switch is used and map_file is not
specified, no listing is created.
The library parameter specifies the object module library or
libraries that will be searched to resolve external references after
all the object files are processed. The default extension for library
files is .LIB. Multiple library names should be separated by plus
operators (+) or spaces. A maximum of 16 search paths can be specified
in the LINK command line. If a library name is preceded by a drive
and/or path, LINK searches only the specified location. If no drive or
path precedes a library name, LINK searches for library files in the
following order:
1. Current drive and directory
2. Any other library search paths specified in the command line, in
the order they were entered
3. Directories specified in the LIB= environment variable, if one
In the following example, LINK searches only the \ALTLIB directory on
drive A to find the library MATH.LIB. To find the library COMMON.LIB,
LINK searches the current directory on the current drive, then the
current directory on drive B, then directory \LIB on drive D, and
finally, any directories named in the LIB environment variable.
If default libraries are specified within the object files through
special records inserted by certain high-level-language compilers,
those libraries will be searched after the libraries named in the
command line or response file.
If the LINK command is entered without parameters, LINK prompts the
user for each filename needed. The default response for each prompt
(except the obj_file prompt) is displayed in square brackets and can
be selected by pressing the Enter key. If there are too many obj_file
or library names to fit on one line, the line can be terminated by
entering a plus operator (+) and pressing the Enter key; LINK then
repeats the prompt. If the user ends any response with a semicolon
character (;), LINK uses the default values for the remaining fields.
When the command line contains filenames and switches, commas must be
used to separate the obj_file, exe_file, map_file, and library
parameters. If a filename is not supplied, a comma must be used to
mark its place. If the user places a semicolon after any parameter in
the command line, LINK terminates the command line at the semicolon
and uses the default values for any remaining parameters.
The user can automate complex LINK sessions involving multiple files
by creating a response file. The response_file parameter must be the
name of an ASCII file that corresponds line for line to the responses
that are entered in a normal interactive LINK session. The last line
of the response file must end with a semicolon character (;) or a
carriage return. If all parameters required by LINK are not present in
the response file and the response file does not end with a semicolon
or carriage return, LINK prompts the user for the missing information.
LINK supports many options that can be invoked by including a switch
in the command line, as part of the response to a LINK prompt, or in a
response file. To simplify this description, these switches are
grouped according to their functions.
The /E, /HE, /NOD, /NOI, /P, and /SE:n switches affect LINK's general
operation. The /E switch compresses repetitive sequences of bytes in
exe_file and optimizes certain parts of the relocation table in
exe_file's header. The /E switch functions exactly like the
EXEPACK utility.
Note: The /E switch does not always save a significant amount of disk
space and may even increase file size when used with small programs
that have few load-time relocations or repeated characters. The
Microsoft Symbolic Debugger (SYMDEB) utility cannot be used with
packed files.
The /HE switch displays the available options on the screen. No other
switches or filenames should be specified if the /HE switch is used.
The /NOD switch causes LINK to ignore any default libraries that have
been added to the object modules by the high-level-language compiler
that produced the modules, thus restricting searches to those
libraries specified in the command line or response file. The /NOI
switch causes LINK to be case sensitive when resolving external
references to symbols between object modules. The /NOI switch is
typically used with object files created by high-level-language
compilers that differentiate between uppercase and lowercase
The /P switch causes LINK to pause and prompt the user before writing
exe_file to disk, thus allowing the user to exchange the disk used
during the linking operation for another that has more space
available. The /SE:n switch controls the number of program segments
processed by LINK. The n must be a decimal, octal, or hexadecimal
number from 1 through 1024, inclusive (default = 128). Octal numbers
must have a leading zero; hexadecimal numbers must begin with 0x.
The /M and /LI switches affect the production and contents of the
optional map file. The /M switch creates a map file with the same name
as exe_file or, if exe_file is not specified, with the same name as
the first object file and the extension .MAP. The resulting map file
includes a list of all public symbols and their addresses. The /LI
switch also creates a map file and includes line-number information if
available in the object file. (MASM and some high-level-language
compilers do not insert line-number information into object files.)
The /D, /DO, /NOG, and /O:n switches affect the structure of the code
in exe_file. Use of the /D switch places the data in DGROUP at the top
(highest address) of the memory segment pointed to by the DS register,
rather than at the bottom (the default). The /DO switch arranges the
program segments according to a convention expected by all Microsoft
language compilers: All segments with the class name CODE are placed
first in the executable file; any other segments that do not belong to
DGROUP are placed immediately after the CODE segments; all segments
belonging to DGROUP are placed at the end of the file. The /NOG switch
causes LINK to ignore group associations specified in the object
modules when assigning addresses to data and code items; that is,
segments that would ordinarily have been collected into the same
physical memory segment because of their association within a GROUP
are decoupled. The /NOG switch provides compatibility with LINK
versions 2.02 and earlier and with early versions of Microsoft
language compilers. The /O:n switch controls the interrupt number
used by the resident overlay manager if the linked program includes
overlays. The number n can be any decimal, octal, or hexadecimal
number in the range 0 through 255 (default = 63, or 3FH). Octal
numbers must have a leading zero; hexadecimal numbers must begin with
Note: MASM and many high-level-language compilers do not include
overlay managers in their libraries. Users should check their compiler
documentation to determine if the /O:n switch can be used.
Warning: Interrupt numbers that conflict with the software interrupts
used to obtain MS-DOS or ROM BIOS services or with hardware interrupts
assigned to peripheral device controllers should not be used in the
/O:n switch.
The /C:n, /H, and /ST:n switches control the information in exe_
file's header that affects the behavior of the MS-DOS system loader
when the file is read from the disk into RAM for execution. The /C:n
switch sets the maximum number of 16-byte paragraphs of memory to be
made available to the program when it is loaded into memory, in
addition to the memory required to hold the program's code, data, and
stacks; the default is 65535, which causes the program to be allocated
all available memory. The /H switch causes the program to be loaded as
high as possible in the transient program area (free memory), rather
than as low as possible (the default). The /ST:n switch sets the
stack size (in bytes) to be allocated for the program when it is
loaded and overrides any stack segment size declarations in the
original source code. The number n can be any decimal, octal, or
hexadecimal number from 1 through 65535; however n must be large
enough to accommodate any initialized data in the stack segment. Octal
numbers must have a leading zero; hexadecimal numbers must begin with
0x. If the /ST:n switch is not used, LINK calculates a program's
stack size, basing the size on the size of any stack segments given in
the object files. The /C:n and /ST:n values in the exe_file header
can be altered after linking by using the EXEMOD utility.
If LINK is unable to hold in RAM all the data it is processing, it
creates a temporary disk file named VM.TMP (Virtual Memory) in the
current directory of the default disk drive. If a floppy disk is in
the default drive, LINK issues a warning message to prevent the user
from changing disks until the LINK session is completed. After LINK
finishes processing, it deletes the temporary file.
Warning: Any file named VM.TMP that is already on the disk will be
destroyed if LINK creates the temporary disk file.
Return Codes
0 No errors or unresolved references were encountered during
creation of exe_file.
1 A miscellaneous LINK error occurred that was not covered by
the other return codes.
16 A data record was too large to process.
32 No object files were specified in the command line or response
33 The map file could not be created.
66 A COMMON area was declared that is larger than 65535 (one
96 Too many libraries were specified.
144 An invalid object module (obj_file) was detected.
145 Too many TYPDEFs were found in the specified object modules.
146 Too many group, segment, or class names were found in one
object module.
147 Too many segments were found in all the object modules
combined, or too many segments were found in one
object module.
148 Too many overlays were specified.
149 The size of a segment exceeded 65535.
150 Too many groups or GRPDEFs were found in one object module.
151 Too many external symbols were found in one object module.
177 The size of a group exceeded 65535.
The simplest use of LINK is to process a single object file to produce
an executable file, using all the default values. For example, to
process the file SHELL.OBJ, create an executable file named SHELL.EXE,
and search only the default libraries, type
The semicolon after the filename causes LINK to use the default values
for all other parameters.
To link three object files named SHELL.OBJ, VIDEO.OBJ, and DOSINT.OBJ
into an executable file named SHELL.EXE and search the library
DEVLIB.LIB on drive B before searching any default libraries,
If the LINK command is entered without parameters, LINK prompts the
user for the necessary information. For example, the following
interactive session links the file MENUMGR.OBJ into the executable
file MENUMGR.EXE, creates a map file named MENUMGR.MAP, and searches
the math floating-point emulator library EM.LIB before any default
C>LINK <Enter>
Microsoft (R) 8086 Object Linker Version 3.05
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1983,1984,1985. All rights reserved.
Object Modules [.OBJ]: MENUMGR <Enter>
Run File [MENUMGR.EXE]: <Enter>
List File [NUL.MAP]: MENUMGR <Enter>
Libraries [.LIB]: EM <Enter>
filename is not a valid library
The file specified as an object module library either is corrupt or is
not a library in the format created by the Microsoft LIB
About to generate .EXE file
Change diskette in drive X and press <ENTER>
The /P switch was used in the command line. LINK is prompting the user
to change disks before LINK creates the file containing the executable
Ambiguous switch error: "option"
A valid switch was not entered after a forward slash (/) in the
command line.
Array element size mismatch
A FAR communal array was declared with two or more different array-
element sizes (for example, once as an array of characters and once as
an array of real numbers). This error occurs only with programs
produced by the Microsoft C Compiler or other compilers that support
FAR communal arrays; it does not occur with object files produced by
Attempt to access data outside segment bounds
A data record in an object module specified data extending beyond the
end of a segment. This is a translator error. Note which compiler or
assembler produced the invalid object module and notify Microsoft
Attempt to put segment name in more than one group in file filename
A segment was declared to be a member of two groups. Correct the
source code and recreate the object modules.
Bad value for cparMaxAlloc
The value specified using the /C:n option is not in the range 1
through 65535.
Cannot create temporary file
The destination disk has insufficient space for the temporary file, or
the root directory is full.
Cannot find file filename
Change diskette and press <ENTER>
The specified object file cannot be found in the current drive.
Cannot find library: filename
Enter new file spec:
The specified library file cannot be found or does not exist. Enter
the correct drive letter, check the spelling of the filename and path,
or make sure that the LIB environment variable has been set up
Cannot nest response files
A response file was named within a response file. Revise the response
file to eliminate the nested file.
Cannot open list file
The destination disk has insufficient space for the listing, or the
root directory is full.
Cannot open response file: filename
LINK cannot find the specified response file.
Cannot open run file
The destination disk has insufficient space for the .EXE file, or the
root directory is full.
Cannot open temporary file
The destination disk has insufficient space for the temporary file, or
the root directory is full.
Cannot reopen list file
The original disk was not replaced when requested. Restart LINK.
Common area longer than 65536 bytes
The program has more than 64 KB of communal variables. This error
occurs only with programs produced by the Microsoft C Compiler or
other compilers that support communal variables.
Data record too large
An LEDATA record (in an object module) contains more than 1024 bytes
of data. This is a symptom of an error in the compiler used to
generate the object module. Document the circumstances and contact
Microsoft Corporation.
Dup record too large
An LIDATA record (in an object module) contains more than 512 bytes of
data. This error may be caused by a complex structure definition or by
a series of deeply nested DUP operators.
File not suitable for /EXEPACK, relink without
The file linked with the /E switch would have been smaller if it had
not been compressed. Relink without the /E switch.
Fixup overflow near number in segment name in filename offset number
A group is larger than 64 KB, the original source file contains an
intersegment short jump or intersegment short call, the name of a data
item conflicts with that of a library subroutine, or an EXTRN
declaration is placed inside the wrong segment.
Incorrect DOS version, use DOS 2.0 or later
LINK uses the extended file management calls to provide path support
and, thus, does not work with versions of MS-DOS earlier than 2.0.
Insufficient stack space
Not enough memory is available to run LINK.
Interrupt number exceeds 255
The number specified in the /O:n switch is not in the range 0 through
Invalid numeric switch specification
An incorrect value was entered with one of the LINK options.
Invalid object module
One of the object modules is invalid. Recompile the source file. If
the error persists after recompiling, document the circumstances and
contact Microsoft Corporation.
NEAR/HUGE conflict
Conflicting NEAR and HUGE definitions were given for a communal
variable. This error occurs only with programs produced by the
Microsoft C Compiler or other compilers that support communal
Nested left parentheses
An opening (left) parenthesis is needed on the left side of an overlay
Nested right parentheses
A closing (right) parenthesis is needed on the right side of an
overlay module.
No object modules specified
No object file names were specified in the command line or response
Object not found
One of the object files specified in the command line was not
Out of space on list file
The destination disk has insufficient space for the listing.
Out of space on run file
The destination disk has insufficient space for the .EXE file.
Out of space on scratch file
The disk in the default drive has insufficient space for temporary
Overlay manager symbol already defined: name
A symbol name was defined that conflicts with one of the special
overlay manager names. Use another symbol name.
Please replace original diskette
in drive X and press <ENTER>
The /P switch was specified in the command line and the disk to
receive the .EXE file produced by LINK has already been inserted. This
message indicates that the .EXE file was successfully created and that
the original disk should again be placed in the drive.
Relocation table overflow
More than 32768 long calls, long jumps, or other long pointers were
found in the program. The program may need to be restructured to
reduce the number of FAR references. (Pascal and FORTRAN users should
try turning off the debugging option before restructuring the
Response line too long
A line in a response file had more than 127 characters.
Segment limit set too high
The number specified in the /SE:n switch was not in the range 1
through 1024.
Segment limit too high
Not enough memory is available for LINK to allocate tables to describe
the number of segments requested (default = 128 or the number
specified in the /SE:n switch). Use the /SE:n switch to specify a
smaller number of segments, or alter the system configuration to
increase the amount of free memory.
Segment size exceeds 64K
The program is a small-model program with more than 64 KB of code or
data, a compact-model program with more than 64 KB of code, or a
medium-model program with more than 64 KB of data. Selection of a
different model or alteration of the program code may be required to
successfully complete the LINK process.
Stack size exceeds 65536 bytes
The size specified for the stack in the /ST:n switch was too large,
or the combined length of multiple declared stack segments exceeded
64 KB.
Symbol already defined: "symbol"
One of the special overlay symbols required for overlay support was
previously defined.
Symbol defined more than once: "symbol" in file
A symbol has been defined more than once in the object module. Remove
the extra symbol definition.
Symbol table overflow
The program has more than 256 KB of symbolic information (publics,
externals, segments, groups, classes, files, and so on). Eliminate as
many public symbols as possible, combine modules and/or segments, and
recreate the object files.
Terminated by user
Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break was pressed, causing the LINK session to be
terminated prematurely.
Too many external symbols in one module
An object module contains more than the limit of 1023 external
Too many group-, segment-, and class-names in one module
One of the object modules for the program contains too many group,
segment, and class names. The source file for the object module may
need to be divided or restructured.
Too many groups
The program defines more than nine groups (including DGROUP). Groups
must be combined or eliminated.
Too many GRPDEFs in one module
LINK encountered more than nine group definitions (GRPDEFs) in a
single object module. Reduce the number of GRPDEFs or split the object
Too many libraries
More than 16 libraries were specified. Combine libraries or use object
modules that require fewer libraries.
Too many overlays
The program defines more than 63 overlays. Reduce the number of
Too many segments
The program has more than the maximum number of segments as specified
by the default of 128 or with the /SE:n switch. Use the /SE:n switch
to specify a greater number of segments.
Too many segments in one module
An object module has more than 255 segments. Split the module or
combine segments.
Too many TYPDEFs
An object module contains too many TYPDEF records (these records
describe communal variables). This error occurs only with programs
produced with the Microsoft C Compiler or other compilers that support
communal variables.
Unexpected end-of-file on library
This message may indicate that the disk containing the library in use
was removed prematurely.
Unexpected end-of-file on scratch file
The disk containing VM.TMP was removed.
Unmatched left parenthesis
A syntax error was detected in the specification of an overlay
structure. Refer to the language compiler manual for instructions on
specifying overlays to LINK.
Unmatched right parenthesis
A syntax error was detected in the specification of an overlay
structure. Refer to the language compiler manual for instructions on
specifying overlays to LINK.
Unrecognized switch error: "option"
An unrecognized character was entered after a forward slash (/) in the
command line.
Unresolved COMDEF; Microsoft internal error
This is a serious problem. Note the circumstances of the failure and
contact Microsoft Corporation.
Unresolved externals: list
A symbol was declared external (EXTRN) in one object module but was
not declared PUBLIC in the object module in which it was defined, or a
necessary library specification was omitted from the command line or
response file.
VM.TMP is an illegal file name
and has been ignored
VM.TMP was specified as an object file name. If an object file named
VM.TMP exists, rename it.
Warning: load-high disables exepack
The /H and /E switches cannot be used at the same time.
Warning: no stack segment
The program contains no segment with the STACK combine type. This
message can be ignored if there is a specific reason for not defining
a stack (for example, if the .EXE file will subsequently be converted
to a .COM file) or for defining one without the STACK combine
WARNING: Segment longer than reliable size
Although code segments can be as long as 65536 bytes, code segments
longer than 65500 bytes can be unreliable on the Intel 80286
microprocessor. Reduce all code segments to 65500 bytes or less.
Warning: too many public symbols
The /M switch was used to request a sorted listing of public symbols
in the map file, but there are too many symbols to sort. LINK will
produce an unsorted listing instead.
Maintain Programs
Interprets a text file of commands to compare dates of files and carry
out other operations on the basis of the comparison. MAKE is
customarily used to update the executable version of a program after a
change to one or more of its source files. The MAKE utility is
supplied with the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM), C Compiler, and
FORTRAN Compiler. This documentation describes MAKE version 4.05.
MAKE [/D] [/I] [/N] [/S] [name=value ...] filename
filename is an ASCII text file that contains MAKE dependency
statements, commands, macro definitions, and
inference rules.
name=value declares a MAKE macro, associating a specific value
with the dummy parameter name.
/D displays the last modification date of each file as
it is scanned.
/I causes MAKE to ignore exit codes returned by programs
called by filename.
/N displays but does not execute the commands in
/S selects "silent" mode (commands are not displayed as
they are executed).
Note: Switches can be either uppercase or lowercase and can be
preceded by a dash (-) instead of a forward slash (/). Versions of
MAKE earlier than 4.0 have no switches.
The MAKE utility allows maintenance of complex programs to be
automated. Its basic operation is to compare the dates of files and to
carry out, or not carry out, an associated list of commands on the
basis of the comparison.
The filename parameter specifies an ASCII text file often referred to
as a make file. By convention, filename is the same as the name of
the executable program being maintained, but without an extension. A
make file can contain the following types of entries:
■ Dependency statements
■ Commands
■ Macro definitions
■ Inference rules
■ Comments
The basic form of a make file is a dependency statement followed by
one or more valid MS-DOS command lines:
targetfile: dependentfile1 [dependentfile2...]
where targetfile designates the file that may need updating,
dependentfile is a source file or files on which targetfile depends,
and command1, command2, and so forth are any valid MS-DOS internal
commands or external programs. These commands or programs are executed
only if the date and time stamps of any dependent file are more recent
than those of the target file or if the target file does not exist.
Only one target file can be specified. Any number of dependent files
can be included; each dependent filename must be separated from the
next by at least one space. If too many dependent files are included
to fit on a single line, the line can be terminated with a backslash
character (\) and the list continued on the next line.
Any number of MS-DOS command lines can follow a dependency statement.
The last command line should be followed by a blank line to set it off
from the next MAKE entry. It is recommended that each command line
include a leading space or tab character for compatibility with future
versions of MAKE and existing versions of XENIX MAKE.
A macro definition takes the form
where both name and value are any string. Whenever name is referenced
in the make file in the form $(name), name is replaced by the string
value before the statement that contains it is evaluated or executed.
Macro definitions can be nested, although very complex macro
definitions can result in the premature termination of the MAKE
process because of lack of memory. If name is not defined in the file
but is defined in the system environment block by a previous SET
command, $(name) is replaced by the string following the equal sign
(=) in the environment block. If the command line contains a parameter
of the form name=value, the command line overrides any definition of
name in the make file or in the environment block. Thus, the
precedence for macro definitions with the same name is
1. Command line
2. Make file
3. Environment block
MAKE contains several special macros that make it more convenient to
form commands:
Macro Action
$* Substitutes as the base portion of targetfile (the
filename without the extension).
$@ Substitutes as the complete targetfile name.
$** Substitutes as the complete dependentfile list.
An inference rule specifies a series of commands to be carried out for
a matching dependency statement that is not followed by its own list
of commands. Inference rules allow a set of commands to be applied to
more than one targetfile: dependentfile description, eliminating
repetition of the same set of commands for several descriptions. An
inference rule takes the form
Whenever MAKE finds a dependency statement not followed by any
commands, the utility first searches the make file for an inference
rule. If MAKE doesn't find an inference rule in the make file, the
utility then searches the current drive and directory (or any
directories specified with the MS-DOS PATH command) for the tools
initialization file (TOOLS.INI) and searches the [make] section of
TOOLS.INI for an inference rule that matches the extensions of the
target file and dependent files in the dependency statement.
A make file can contain any number of comment lines. If a comment is
placed where MAKE expects to find a command, the comment must be on a
separate line and must have the pound character (#) as the first
character of the line. Elsewhere, a pound character and following
comment text can be placed either on a line alone or after the last
dependent file or command listed on a line. Characters appearing on a
line after the pound character are ignored during execution.
The /D, /N, and /S switches affect MAKE's output to the display while
MAKE is executing. The /D switch causes the last modification date of
each file to be displayed as the file is scanned. The /N switch causes
the commands in the make file to be expanded and displayed, but not
executed; this is useful for determining the result of a specific MAKE
process without first examining the file dates and without recompiling
or relinking files. The /S switch selects "silent" mode, in which
commands are not displayed as they are executed.
The /I switch causes MAKE to ignore error codes returned by the
compilers, assemblers, linkers, or other programs called by the make
file. When the /I switch is used, the MAKE process proceeds to
completion regardless of errors instead of terminating immediately as
it ordinarily would, but the resulting files may not be
Return Codes
0 No error; the MAKE process was successful.
1 Processing was terminated because of a fatal error by MAKE or by
one of the programs called by MAKE.
Assume that the file SHELL contains the following MAKE dependency
statements and commands:
video.obj: video.asm
masm video;
shell.obj: shell.c
msc shell;
shell.exe: shell.obj video.obj
link /map shell+video,shell,shell,slibc2
The SHELL file asserts that the executable program SHELL.EXE is
composed of the files SHELL.OBJ and VIDEO.OBJ, which are in turn
compiled or assembled from the source files SHELL.C and VIDEO.ASM. To
update the file SHELL.EXE if either of the source files for its
constituent modules has been changed, type
fatal error U1001: macro definition larger than 512
A single macro was defined to have a value string longer than the 512-
byte maximum. Rewrite the make file to use two or more short lines
instead of one long line.
fatal error U1002: infinitely recursive macro
The macros defined in the make file form a circular chain.
fatal error U1003: out of memory
The make file cannot be processed because insufficent memory is
available in the transient program area. Split the make file into two
make files or reconfigure the system to increase available memory.
fatal error U1004: syntax error : macro name missing
A macro name is missing from the left side of the equal sign (=).
fatal error U1005: syntax error : colon missing
A line that should be a dependency statement lacks the colon that
separates a target file from its dependent files. MAKE expects any
line that follows a blank line to be a dependency statement.
fatal error U1006: targetname : macro expansion larger than 512
A single macro expansion, plus the length of any string to which it
may be concatenated, is longer than 512 bytes. Rewrite the make file
to use two or more short lines instead of one long line.
fatal error U1007: multiple sources
An inference rule has been defined more than once in the make
fatal error U1008: filename : cannot find file
The specified file does not exist.
fatal error U1009: command : argument list too long
A command line in the make file is longer than 128 characters (the
maximum MS-DOS allows).
fatal error U1010: filename : permission denied
The specified file is read-only.
fatal error U1011: not enough memory
Memory is insufficient in the transient program area to execute a
program listed in the make file. Reconfigure the system to increase
available memory, if necessary.
fatal error U1012: filename : unknown error
This is a serious problem. Note the circumstances of the failure and
notify Microsoft Corporation.
fatal error U1013: command : error returncode
One of the programs or commands called by MAKE was not able to execute
correctly. MAKE terminates and displays the error code from the
program that failed.
warning U4000: filename : target does not exist
The target file does not already exist. The dependency statement is
evaluated as though the target file exists and has a date earlier than
that of any of the dependent files.
warning U4001: dependent filename does not exist;
target filename not built
One of the dependent files does not exist or could not be found, so
MAKE terminated without creating a new target file.
warning U4013: command : error returncode (ignored)
One of the programs or commands called by MAKE did not execute
successfully and has returned the specified return code. Because MAKE
was run with the /I switch, MAKE ignores the error and continues
processing the make file.
warning U4014: usage : make [/n] [/d] [/i] [/s] [name=value ...] file
An error was detected in the MAKE command line.
Create Symbol File for SYMDEB
Processes a map file generated by the Microsoft Object Linker (LINK)
to create a special symbol file for use with SYMDEB, the symbolic
debugging program. The MAPSYM utility is supplied with the Microsoft
Macro Assembler (MASM). This documentation describes MAPSYM version
MAPSYM [/L] map_file
map_file is a map file produced by LINK (default extension = .MAP).
/L causes information about the symbol file to be
displayed as it is created.
Note: The /L switch can be either uppercase or lowercase and can be
preceded by a dash (-) instead of a forward slash (/).
LINK combines relocatable object records (produced by MASM or a high-
level-language compiler) into an executable program, which is stored
in a specially formatted file with a .EXE extension. LINK can also
produce an optional map file that contains information about public
symbols and addresses in the linked program. The map file is an
ordinary ASCII text file and has a default extension of .MAP.
To create a map file to use with MAPSYM, the LINK command line should
include the /MAP switch, which creates the file, and the /LINENUMBERS
switch, which includes line numbers. See PROGRAMMING UTILITIES:
The MAPSYM utility processes a map file into a special symbol file
that can be used by SYMDEB. A drive and pathname can be specified if
the map file is not in the current directory. If a file extension is
not specified, .MAP is assumed.
The symbol file created by MAPSYM is placed in the current directory
and has the same name as the map file but has the extension .SYM. It
can contain a maximum of 1024 segments (or as many segments as can fit
into available memory) and 10,000 symbols per segment. See
When the /L switch precedes map_file in the command line, MAPSYM
displays the names of groups defined in the program described by the
map and symbol files, plus the program's starting address. The /L
switch does not affect the format of the symbol file that is
Return Codes
0 No error; the MAPSYM process was successful.
1 Processing was terminated because of a write failure, because the
map file specified does not exist, or because the symbol file could
not be created.
4 Processing was terminated because an unexpected end-of-file mark
was detected, because too many segments exist in the map file,
because no public symbols exist in the map file, or because not
enough memory is available to create the symbol file.
To convert the file HELLO.MAP, which was produced by assembling and
linking the file HELLO.ASM, to a symbol file that can be used by
SYMDEB, type
MAPSYM displays the following:
Microsoft (R) Symbol File Generator Version 4.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984, 1985. All rights reserved.
Building: HELLO.SYM
Program entry point at 0000:0100
HELLO 0 segment
The symbol file produced by MAPSYM symbol has the name
Can't create: <filename>
The drive specified does not exist, the current disk or directory is
full, or the output file already exists and is read-only.
Can't open MAP file: <filename>
The file named in the command line does not exist.
DOS 2.0 or later required
MAPSYM does not work with versions of MS-DOS earlier than 2.0.
mapsym: out of memory
System memory is insufficient to process the map file.
mapsym: segment table (n) exceeded.
More than 1024 segments have been used in the map file. The number
displayed is the total number of segments in the map file.
No public symbols
Re-link file with the /M switch!
The map file created by LINK does not include a list of public names.
The .EXE file must be relinked using the /MAP switch to generate a map
file that can be used with MAPSYM.
Unexpected eof reading: <filename>
The map file contains no symbols, is corrupt, or is otherwise invalid.
The .EXE file must be relinked and a new map file generated.
usage: MAPSYM [/l] maplist
A syntax error was detected in the command line.
Write fail on: <filename>
An error occurred during the creation of the output file.
Microsoft Macro Assembler
Translates an assembly-language source program into a relocatable
object module. MASM is part of the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM)
retail package. This documentation describes MASM version 4.0.
MASM source_file [,[object_file][,[list_file][,[cref_file]]]]
[options] [;]
source_file is the name of the file containing the assembly-
language source code (default extension = .ASM).
object_file is the name of the file to receive the assembled
object module (default extension = .OBJ).
list_file is the name of the file or device to receive the
assembly listing (default = NUL). (If destination =
file, default extension = .LST.)
cref_file is the name of the cross-reference file to receive
information for later processing by the CREF utility
(default = NUL). (If destination = file, default
extension = .CRF.)
options is one or more switches from the list below.
/A Writes the program segments in alphabetic
/Bn Sets the size of the source-file buffer in
kilobytes (1-63, default = 32).
/C Creates a cross-reference (.CRF) file.
/D Adds a first-pass program listing to
list_file if a list file was specified
(default = second-pass listing only).
/Dsymbol Defines symbol as a null text string.
/E Assembles code for an 8087/80287 emulator.
/Ipath Defines a directory to be searched for
include files.
/L Creates a list (.LST) file with line-
number information.
/ML Preserves case sensitivity in all symbol
/MU Converts all lowercase names to uppercase
/MX Preserves lowercase in public and external
names only.
/N Suppresses generation of tables of macros,
structures, records, groups, segments,
and symbols at the end of the list file.
/P Checks for impure code in 80286 protected
mode; has no effect unless the .286P
directive is included in the source file.
/R Assembles code for an 8087/80287 math
/S Arranges program segments in order of
/T Selects terse mode, suppressing all
messages generated during assembly except
error messages.
/V Selects verbose mode, displaying the
number of lines and symbols at the end of
/X Includes false conditionals in the list
/Z Displays source lines with errors during
Note: Switches can be either uppercase or lowercase and can be
preceded by a dash (-) instead of a forward slash (/).
MASM translates assembly-language source code into relocatable object
modules. The object modules can then be placed in a library file or
processed by the Microsoft Object Linker (LINK) to create an
executable program.
The source_file parameter is the only required filename. It specifies
a file containing the assembly-language source code in ASCII text. If
no extension is specified, MASM uses .ASM. If no source file is
entered in the command line, MASM prompts for a source file name.
The object_file parameter specifies the file that will contain the
assembled relocatable object code. If this parameter is not supplied,
MASM uses the same filename as source_file but substitutes the
extension .OBJ.
The list_file parameter specifies a destination file or device for
the optional program listing. The listing contains the original source
code, the assembled machine code, macro definitions and expansions,
and other useful information, formatted into pages with titles, dates,
and page numbers. If the destination of the listing is a file, the
file's default extension is .LST. If the list_file parameter is not
included in the command line, MASM sends the listing to NUL (that is,
a listing is not produced).
The cref_file parameter specifies the name of a cross-reference file
to receive information to be processed by the CREF utility. If a file
extension is not specified, MASM uses .CRF. If the cref_file
parameter is not included in the command line, MASM sends the file to
NUL (that is, no cross-reference file is generated).
If the MASM command is entered without parameters, MASM prompts the
user for each filename. The default response for each prompt (except
the source file prompt) is displayed in square brackets and can be
selected by pressing the Enter key.
After the source file is specified, if MASM encounters a semicolon
character (;) in the command line or at any prompt, it uses default
values for the remaining parameters. MASM ignores any parameters
specified after the semicolon.
MASM does two passes to translate the assembly-language code in the
source file into relocatable object code. Any errors detected during
translation are displayed on standard output and included in the
program listing (if one is requested). Two types of errors may be
detected: warning errors and severe errors. If MASM encounters a
warning error, it still creates the object file, although the
resulting file may be unusable. If MASM encounters a severe error, it
does not create the object file. After a file has been successfully
assembled without errors, the LINK utility can be used to convert the
resulting object file into an executable program file.
MASM supports a wide variety of options that can be selected by
including switches in the command line or by responding to any
The /A and /S switches determine the order of segments in the
resulting object module file. The /A switch places the segments into
the object file in alphabetic order. The /S switch (the default)
arranges the segments in the same order they occur in the source
The /Bn, /Dsymbol, and /Ipath switches have rather general effects on
the behavior of MASM. The /Bn switch sets the size (in kilobytes) of
the source file's RAM buffer; the value of n must be between 1 and
63, inclusive (default = 32). If the RAM buffer is large enough, the
entire source file can be kept resident in memory, reducing disk
activity during passes. The /Dsymbol switch defines a null text-
string symbol from the command line. This symbol can be referenced
inside the program with the IFDEF directive to control the conditional
assembly of portions of the program. The /Ipath switch specifies a
directory that will be searched for files named in assembler INCLUDE
statements if those statements do not include an explicit directory.
As many as 10 such search paths can be specified with individual
/Ipath switches.
The /E and /R switches affect the generation of code for the
8087/80287 emulator or 8087/80287 math coprocessor. (Support for the
80287 is included with MASM versions 3.0 and later.) The /E switch
generates software interrupts to floating-point-processor emulator
routines. A subprogram assembled with the /E switch can be linked to
C, Pascal, and FORTRAN programs and can use the emulator libraries.
The /R switch produces in-line machine instructions for the math
coprocessor when floating-point mnemonics are used.
The /ML, /MU, and /MX switches control MASM's handling of uppercase
and lowercase names. The /ML switch makes MASM case sensitive; that
is, it makes MASM differentiate a name in uppercase letters from the
same name in lowercase letters. (The /ML switch should not be used if
the source file contains 8087 WAIT instructions and MASM 4.0 is being
used to translate the file.) The /MU switch (the default) makes MASM
case insensitive; all lowercase letters are converted to uppercase for
purposes of assembly. The /MX switch makes MASM case sensitive for
public and external names only (names defined with PUBLIC or EXTRN
directives). The /MX switch is often used to process assembly-language
functions for C programs.
The /P switch checks for impure code segments that will cause problems
if the assembled program is run in 80286 protected mode. The switch
checks by flagging any instruction that will change a memory location
addressed through the processor's CS register. The /P switch has no
effect unless the assembly-language source file includes the .286P
The /C, /D, /L, /N, and /X switches control the contents of the
program listing and other optional files that are generated as a
result of assembly. The /C switch causes the creation of a cross-
reference (.CRF) file and the addition of line numbers to the list
(.LST) file (if one exists). The /C switch should be included in the
command line if the cross-reference file will be used later with the
CREF utility to produce a cross-reference listing. The /D switch
includes a listing from the first pass as well as a listing from the
second pass in the list file if a list file was specified (default =
second-pass listing only). By comparing the two listings, the user can
isolate an instruction causing a phase error. (A phase error occurs
when MASM makes assumptions about addresses, values, or data types on
the first pass that are not valid in the second pass.) The /L switch
creates a list file with line-number information and gives it the same
name as the source file, with the extension .LST. The /N switch
suppresses generation of tables--symbols, segments, groups,
structures, records, and macros--at the end of a program listing. The
/X switch includes statements inside false conditional statements in
the list file, allowing conditionals that do not generate code to be
displayed. /X has no effect if the .SFCOND or the .LFCOND directive is
used in the source file; if the .TFCOND directive is used, the effects
of /X are reversed.
Note: The effects of /X are also reversed in MASM version 1.2. In
that version, statements within a false conditional are included in
the list file by default, and /X will suppress them.
The /T, /V, and /Z switches affect MASM's display on standard output.
The /T (terse) switch suppresses messages to standard output, except
for messages indicating warning errors or severe errors. The /V
(verbose) switch displays information about the number of source lines
and symbols at the end of the assembly, in addition to displaying the
normal error and symbol space information. The /Z switch displays the
actual source lines producing assembly errors (rather than displaying
just the error type and line number).
Note: Versions of MASM earlier than 4.0 always show both the source
line and the error message.
Return Codes
0 No errors were found during assembly.
1 An error was detected in one of the command-line parameters.
2 The assembly-language source file could not be opened.
3 The list file could not be created.
4 The object file could not be created.
5 The cross-reference file could not be created.
6 An include file could not be opened.
7 At least one severe error was detected during assembly. (MASM
deletes the invalid object file.)
8 The assembly was terminated because a memory allocation error
10 An error occurred in defining a symbol (with the /Dsymbol switch)
from the command line.
11 Assembly was interrupted by the user's pressing Ctrl-C or Ctrl-
To assemble the source file CLEAN.ASM in the current drive and
directory and place the resulting relocatable object module in the
file CLEAN.OBJ without producing a listing or a cross-reference file,
The semicolon after the first parameter causes MASM to use the default
values for the rest of the parameters.
To assemble the source file CLEAN.ASM, put the object code in a file
named CLEAN.OBJ, create a list file named CLEAN.LST, and place
information for later processing by the CREF utility in the cross-
reference file CLEAN.CRF, type
To use MASM interactively, enter its name without parameters:
C>MASM <Enter>
MASM then prompts for all the necessary information. For example, the
interactive session on the next page assembles the file HELLO.ASM into
the file HELLO.OBJ, producing no listing or .CRF file.
C>MASM <Enter>
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 4.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985. All rights reserved
Source filename: [.ASM]: HELLO <Enter>
Object filename: [HELLO.OBJ]: <Enter>
Source listing [NUL.LST]: <Enter>
Cross-reference [NUL.CRF]: <Enter>
51004 Bytes symbol space free
0 Warning Errors
0 Severe Errors
8087 opcode can't be emulated
An 8087 opcode or the operands used with it produced an instruction
the emulator cannot support.
Already defined locally
An attempt was made to define a symbol as EXTRN that had already been
defined locally.
Already had ELSE clause
An attempt was made to define an ELSE clause within an existing ELSE
clause. (ELSE cannot be nested without nesting IF...ENDIF.)
Already have base register
More than one base register was specified within an operand.
Already have index register
More than one index register was specified within an operand.
Block nesting error
A segment, structure, macro, IRC, IRP, REPT, or nested procedure was
not terminated properly.
Byte register is illegal
A byte register was used incorrectly in an instruction.
Can't override ES segment
An attempt was made to override the ES segment in an instruction in
which this override is invalid.
Can't reach with segment reg
No ASSUME directive was given to make the variable reachable.
Can't use EVEN on BYTE segment
An EVEN directive was used on a segment declared to be a byte
Circular chain of EQU aliases
An alias EQU ultimately points to itself.
Constant was expected
A constant was expected, but an item was received that does not
evaluate to a constant.
CS register illegal usage
The CS register was used incorrectly in one of the instructions.
Data emitted with no segment
Code that is not located within a segment attempted to generate
Directive illegal in STRUC
All statements within STRUC blocks must be either comments preceded by
a semicolon character (;) or one of the define directives (DB, DW, and
so on).
Division by 0 or overflow
An expression was encountered that resulted in either a division by 0
or a number too large to be represented.
DUP is too large for linker
Nesting of DUP operators was such that a record too large for LINK was
End of file, no END directive
No END statement was encountered, or a nesting error occurred.
Extra characters on line
Superfluous characters were detected on a line after sufficient
information to define an instruction was interpreted.
extra file name ignored
The command line contained more than four filename parameters.
Field cannot be overridden
An attempt was made to give a value to a field that cannot be
overridden with a STRUC initialization statement.
Forced error
An error was forced with the .ERR directive.
Forced error - expression equals 0
An error was forced with the .ERRE directive.
Forced error - expression not equal 0
An error was forced with the .ERRNZ directive.
Forced error - pass1
An error was forced with the .ERR1 directive.
Forced error - pass2
An error was forced with the .ERR2 directive.
Forced error - string blank
An error was forced with the .ERRB directive.
Forced error - string not blank
An error was forced with the .ERRNB directive.
Forced error - strings different
An error was forced with the .ERRDIF directive.
Forced error - strings identical
An error was forced with the .ERRIDN directive.
Forced error - symbol defined
An error was forced with the .ERRDEF directive.
Forced error - symbol not defined
An error was forced with the .ERRNDEF directive.
Forward reference is illegal
An item was referenced in the operand of an EQU or equal-sign (=)
directive before it was defined.
Illegal register value
A specified register value does not fit into the reg field (that is,
the value is greater than 7).
Illegal size for item
The size of the referenced item is invalid. This error also frequently
occurs when an attempt is made to assemble source code written for
assemblers with less strict type-checking than that of the Microsoft
Macro Assembler (such as early versions of the IBM assembler). The
problem can usually be solved by overriding the type of the operand
with the PTR operator.
Illegal use of external
A variable that was declared external was used incorrectly.
Illegal use of register
An attempt was made to use a register with an instruction in which a
register cannot be used.
Illegal value for DUP count
The DUP count was not a constant that evaluates to a positive integer
greater than zero.
Improper operand type
An operand was used in a way that prevents opcode generation.
Improper use of segment register
An attempt was made to use a segment register in an instruction in
which use of a segment register is not permitted.
Impure memory reference
An attempt was made to store data in the code segment when the .286P
directive and the /P switch were in effect.
Index displ. must be constant
An index displacement was used incorrectly or did not evaluate to an
absolute number or memory address.
Internal error
An internal logic error was detected in the assembler. Document the
circumstances and contact Microsoft Corporation.
Label can't have seg. override
A segment override was used incorrectly.
Left operand must have segment
The content of the right operand requires that a segment be specified
in the left operand.
Line too long expanding symbol
A symbol defined by an EQU or equal-sign (=) directive is so long that
expanding it will cause the assembler's internal buffers to overflow.
This message may indicate a recursive text macro.
Missing data; zero assumed
An operand is missing from a statement and MASM assumes its value is
zero. This is a warning error; the object file is not deleted as it is
with severe errors.
More values than defined with
Too many initial values were given when defining a variable using a
REC or STRUC type.
Must be associated with code
A data-related item was used where a code-related item was
Must be associated with data
A code-related item was used where a data-related item was
Must be AX or AL
A register other than AX or AL was specified where only these are
Must be in segment block
An attempt was made to generate code by instructions that were not
contained within a segment.
Must be index or base register
An instruction requires a base or index register, and some other
register was specified within square brackets ([]).
Must be record field name
A record field name was expected, but something else was
Must be record or fieldname
A record name or field name was expected, but something else was
Must be register
A register was expected as the operand, but something else was
Must be segment or group
A segment or group was expected, but something else was
Must be structure field name
A structure field name was expected, but something else was
Must be symbol type
A BYTE, WORD, DWORD, or similar designation was expected, but
something else was encountered.
Must be var, label or constant
A variable, label, or constant was expected, but something else was
Must have opcode after prefix
A REP, REPE, REPNE, REPZ, or REPNZ instruction was not followed by the
mnemonic for a string operation.
Near JMP/CALL to different CS
An attempt was made to do a NEAR jump or call to a location in a code
segment defined with a different ASSUME:CS.
No immediate mode
Immediate data was supplied as an operand for an instruction that
cannot use immediate data. For example, immediate data cannot be moved
directly with a MOV instruction to a segment register; it must first
be moved into a general register and then copied to the segment
No or unreachable CS
An attempt was made to jump to a label that is unreachable.
Normal type operand expected
A STRUC, BYTE, WORD, or some other invalid operand was encountered
when a variable label was expected.
Not in conditional block
An ENDIF or ELSE statement was encountered, and no previous
conditional-assembly directive was active.
Not proper align/combine type
The SEGMENT parameters are incorrect. Check the align and combine
types to be sure they are valid.
One operand must be const
The addition operator was used incorrectly.
Only initialize list legal
An attempt was made to use a STRUC name without angle brackets (<>).
Operand combination illegal
A two-operand instruction was specified and the combination specified
was invalid.
Operand must have segment
A SEG directive was used incorrectly.
Operand must have size
An operand was encountered that needed a specified size, but none had
been provided. Often this error can be remedied by using the PTR
operator to specify a size type.
Operand not in IP segment
An operand cannot be accessed because it is not in the segment last
assigned to CS with an ASSUME directive.
Operand types must match
MASM encountered different kinds or sizes of arguments in a case where
they must match.
Operand was expected
MASM expected an operand, but an operator was encountered.
Operands must be same or 1 abs
The subtraction operator was used incorrectly.
Operator was expected
MASM expected an operator, but an operand was encountered.
Out of memory
System memory is insufficient to complete the assembly. If a listing
(.LST) or cross-reference (.CRF) file was being generated, retry the
assembly, generating only an object file. It may also be necessary to
modify the source program to reduce the load on the symbol table (by
shortening names or reducing the number of EQU statements or macros,
for example).
Override is of wrong type
An attempt was made to use a data item of incorrect size in a STRUC
initialization statement.
Override value is wrong length
The override value for a structure field is too large to fit in the
Override with DUP is illegal
An attempt was made to use DUP to override in a STRUC initialization
Phase error between passes
The program has ambiguous instruction directives that caused the
location of a label in the program to change in value between the
first and second passes of MASM. A common cause is a forward reference
to a typed data item in the instructions preceding the label that
generated the phase error message. Use the /D switch to produce a
first-pass listing to aid in resolving phase errors between passes.
Redefinition of symbol
This message is displayed during first pass upon the second
declaration of a symbol that has been defined in more than one place.
Reference to mult defined
The instruction references a symbol that has been defined more than
Register already defined
An internal error was detected. Note the circumstances of the failure
and contact Microsoft Corporation.
Relative jump out of range
A conditional jump references a label that is out of the allowed range
of -128 to +127 bytes relative to the current instruction. The problem
usually can be corrected by reversing the condition of the jump and
using an unconditional jump (JMP) to the out-of-range label.
Segment parameters are changed
The list of parameters encountered for a SEGMENT was not identical to
the list specified the first time the segment was used.
Shift count is negative
A shift expression was generated that resulted in a negative shift
Should have been group name
A group name was expected, but something else was encountered.
Symbol already different kind
An attempt was made to redefine an already defined symbol.
Symbol has no segment
An attempt was made to use a variable with SEG that has no known
Symbol is already external
An attempt was made to redefine a symbol as local that has already
been defined as external.
Symbol is multi-defined
This message is displayed during the second pass upon each declaration
of a symbol that has been defined in more than one place.
Symbol is reserved word
An attempt was made to use a reserved MASM word as a symbol.
Symbol not defined
A symbol that had not been defined was used.
Symbol type usage illegal
A PUBLIC symbol was used incorrectly.
Syntax error
The syntax of the statement does not match any recognizable syntax.
Type illegal in context
The type specified is of an unacceptable size.
Unable to open input file filename
The specified source file cannot be found.
unknown switch letter
The command line included an invalid switch.
Unknown symbol type
MASM does not recognize the size type specified in a label or external
declaration. Rewrite with a valid type such as BYTE, WORD, or NEAR.
Value is out of range
A value is too large for its expected use.
Wrong type of register
A directive or instruction expected one type of register, but another
type was encountered.
Program Debugger
Allows the controlled execution of a program for debugging purposes or
the alteration of the binary contents of any file. The DEBUG utility
is supplied with the MS-DOS distribution disks.
DEBUG filename [parameter ...]
filename is the name of the file that contains data to be
modified or a program to be debugged. If filename
includes an extension, it must be specified.
parameter ... is one or more filenames or switches required by a
program being debugged.
The DEBUG program allows a file to be loaded, examined, and altered.
If the file is not a .EXE file or a .HEX file, it may also be written
back to disk. If the file contains a program, the program can be
disassembled, modified, traced one instruction at a time, or executed
at full speed with preset breakpoints. DEBUG can also be used to read
from and write to input/output (I/O) ports and to read, modify, and
write absolute disk sectors.
The command line typically includes the filename parameter, which is
the name of an executable program (with the extension .COM or .EXE) to
be loaded into DEBUG's memory buffer. Files with the extension .EXE
are loaded in a manner compatible with the MS-DOS loader; if
necessary, the contents of the file are relocated so that the program
is ready to execute. Files with the extension .HEX are converted to
binary images and loaded at the internally specified address. All
other files are assumed to be direct memory images and are read
directly into memory starting at offset 100H.
An appropriate program segment prefix (PSP) is synthesized at the head
of DEBUG's buffer for use by the target program (the program being
debugged). The PSP includes a command tail at offset 80H and default
file control blocks (FCBs) at offsets 5CH and 6CH, constructed from
the optional parameters following filename.
After DEBUG is loaded and the first file named in the command line is
also located and loaded, DEBUG displays its special prompt character,
a hyphen (-), and awaits a command. DEBUG commands consist of a single
letter, usually followed by one or more parameters. Uppercase and
lowercase characters are treated the same except when they are
contained in strings enclosed within single or double quotation marks.
All commands are executed by pressing the Enter key.
The DEBUG commands are
Command Action
A Assemble machine instructions (versions 2.0 and later).
C Compare memory areas.
D Display memory.
E Enter data.
F Fill memory.
G Go execute program.
H Perform hexadecimal arithmetic.
I Input from port.
L Load file or sectors.
M Move (copy) data.
N Name file or command-tail parameters.
O Output to port.
P Proceed through loop or subroutine (versions 3.0 and
Q Quit debugger.
R Display or modify registers.
S Search memory.
T Trace program execution.
U Disassemble (unassemble) program.
W Write file or sectors.
The parameters for a DEBUG command include addresses, ranges, 8-bit or
16-bit hexadecimal values, and lists. Multiple parameters can be
separated by spaces, tabs, or commas, but separators are required
only between hexadecimal values.
An address can be a simple offset or a complete address in the form
segment:offset. The offset is always a hexadecimal number in the range
00H through FFFFH; the segment can be either a hexadecimal value in
the same range or a two-character segment register name (CS, DS, ES,
or SS). If the segment portion of an address is absent, DEBUG uses DS
unless an A, G, L, T, U, or W command is used, in which case DEBUG
uses CS.
A range specifies an area of memory and can be expressed as either two
addresses or a starting address and a length. A segment can be
included only in the first element of a range; an error message is
displayed if a segment is found in the second address. A length is
represented by the letter L, followed by a hexadecimal value between
00H and FFFFH that indicates the number of bytes following the
starting address that the command should operate on.
Note: Any length that causes an address to exceed 16 bits will
generate an error.
A byte, or 8-bit, value is entered as one or two hexadecimal digits,
whereas a word, or 16-bit, value is entered as one to four hexadecimal
digits. Leading zeros can be omitted.
A list is composed of one or more byte values or strings, separated by
spaces, commas, or tabs. A string is one or more ASCII characters
enclosed within single or double quotation marks. Case is significant
within a string. If the same type of quote character that is used to
delimit the string occurs inside the string itself, the character must
be doubled inside the string in order to be interpreted correctly. For
"This ""string"" is OK."
When used, a list must be the last parameter in the command
DEBUG responds to an invalid command by pointing to the approximate
location of the error with a caret character (^) and displaying the
word Error. For example:
-D CS:0100,CS:0200 <Enter>
^ Error
DEBUG maintains a set of virtual CPU registers for a program being
debugged. These registers can be examined and modified with DEBUG
commands. When a program is first loaded for debugging, the virtual
registers are initialized with the following values:
Register .COM Program .EXE Program
AX Valid drive error code Valid drive error code
BX Upper half of program size Upper half of program size
CX Lower half of program size Lower half of program size
DX Zero Zero
SI Zero Zero
DI Zero Zero
BP Zero Zero
SP FFFEH or top of available Size of stack segment
memory minus 2
IP 100H Offset of entry point within
target program's code segment
CS PSP Base of target program's code
SS PSP Base of target program's stack
Note: DEBUG checks the first three parameters in the command line. If
the second and third parameters are filenames, DEBUG checks any drive
specifications with those filenames to verify that they designate
valid drives. Register AX contains one of the following codes:
Code Meaning
0000H The drives specified with the second and third filenames are
both valid, or only one filename was specified in the
command line.
00FFH The drive specified with the second filename is invalid.
FF00H The drive specified with the third filename is invalid.
FFFFH The drives specified with the second and third filenames are
both invalid.
DEBUG also maintains a set of virtual flags, which may be set or
cleared. The flags are
Flag Name Value If Set (1) Value If Clear (0)
Overflow OV (Overflow) NV (No Overflow)B
Direction DN (Down) UP (Up)
Interrupt EI (Enabled) DI (Disabled)
Sign NG (Minus) PL (Plus)
Zero ZR (Zero) NZ (Not Zero)
Aux Carry AC (Aux Carry) NA (No Aux Carry)
Parity PE (Even) PO (Odd)
Carry CY (Carry) NC (No Carry)
Before DEBUG transfers control to the target program, it saves
the actual CPU registers and then loads them with the current values
of the virtual registers. Conversely, when control reverts to DEBUG
from the target program, the returned register contents are stored
back in the virtual register set for inspection and alteration by the
To load the file SHELL.EXE in the current directory for execution
under the control of DEBUG, type
To use the DEBUG program to inspect or modify memory or to read,
modify, and write absolute disk sectors, simply type
C>DEBUG <Enter>
File not found
The filename supplied as the first parameter in the DEBUG command line
cannot be found.
Assemble Machine Instructions
Allows entry of assembler mnemonics and translates them into
executable machine code.
A [address]
address is the starting location for the assembled machine code.
The Assemble Machine Instructions (A) command accepts assembly-
language statements, rather than hexadecimal values, for the Intel
8086/8088 microprocessors and the Intel 8087 math coprocessor and then
assembles each statement into executable machine code.
The address parameter specifies the location where entry of assembly-
language mnemonics will begin. If address is omitted, DEBUG uses the
address following the last instruction generated the last time the A
command was used. If the A command has not been used, DEBUG uses the
current value of the target program's CS:IP registers.
After an A command is entered, DEBUG prompts for each assembly-
language statement by displaying the address, in the form of a segment
and an offset, in which the assembled code will be stored. When the
Enter key is pressed, the assembly-language statement is translated,
and each byte of the resulting machine instruction is stored
sequentially in memory (overwriting existing information), beginning
at the displayed address. The address following the last byte of the
machine instruction is then displayed so that the user can enter the
next assembly-language statement. Pressing the Enter key alone in
response to the address prompt terminates the A command.
The syntax of assembly-language statements accepted by the DEBUG A
command differs slightly from that of the usual Microsoft Macro
Assembler programming statements. The differences can be summarized as
■ All numbers are assumed to be hexadecimal integers and should be
entered without a trailing H character.
■ Segment overrides must be specified by preceding the entire
instruction with CS:, DS:, ES:, or SS:.
■ File control directives (NAME, PAGE, TITLE, and so forth), macro
definitions, record structures, and conditional assembly directives
are not supported by DEBUG.
■ Specific hexadecimal values, rather than program labels, must be
■ When the data type (word or byte) is not implicit in the
instruction, the type must be specified by preceding the operand
with BYTE PTR (or BY) or WORD PTR (or WO).
■ The size of the string in a string operation must be specified by
adding a B (byte) or W (word) to the string instruction mnemonic
(for example, LODSB or LODSW).
■ The DB and DW instructions accept a parameter of the type list and
assemble byte and word values directly.
■ The WAIT or FWAIT opcodes for 8087 assembler statements are not
generated by default, so they must be coded explicitly.
■ Memory locations are differentiated from immediate operands by
enclosing memory addresses in square brackets.
■ Repeat prefixes, such as REP, REPZ, or REPNZ, can be entered either
alone on the line preceding the statement they affect or
immediately preceding the statement on the same line.
■ Although the assembler generates the optimal form (SHORT, NEAR, or
FAR) for jumps or calls, depending on the destination address,
these designations can be overridden by preceding the operand with
a NEAR (or NE) or FAR (no abbreviation) prefix.
■ The mnemonic for a FAR RETURN is RETF.
To begin assembling code at address CS:0100H, type
-A 100 <Enter>
To assemble the instruction sequence
beginning at address CS:0100H, the following dialogue would take
-A 100 <Enter>
1983:0100 LODSW <Enter>
1983:0101 XCHG BX,AX <Enter>
1983:0103 JMP [BX] <Enter>
1983:0105 <Enter>
To continue assembling at the location following the last instruction
generated by a previous A command, type
-A <Enter>
Compare Memory Areas
Compares two areas of memory and reports any differences.
C range address
range is the starting and ending addresses or the starting
address and length of the first area of memory to be
address is the starting address of the second area of memory to be
The Compare Memory Areas (C) command compares the contents of two
areas of memory. The location and contents of any differing bytes are
displayed in the following format:
address1 byte1 byte2 address2
If no differences are found, the DEBUG prompt returns.
The range parameter specifies the starting and ending addresses or
the starting address and length in bytes of the first area of memory
to be compared. The address parameter specifies the beginning address
of the second area of memory to be compared. If a segment is not
included in range or address, DEBUG uses DS.
To compare the 64 bytes beginning at CS:CE00H with the 64 bytes
beginning at CS:CF0AH, type
-C CS:CE00 CE3F CS:CF0A <Enter>
-C CS:CE00 L40 CS:CF0A <Enter>
If any differences are found, DEBUG displays them in the following
2124:CE06 00 FF 2124:CF10
Display Memory
Displays the contents of an area of memory in hexadecimal and ASCII
D [range]
range is the starting and ending addresses or the starting
address and length of the area to be displayed.
The Display Memory (D), or Dump, command displays the contents of a
specified range of memory addresses in hexadecimal and ASCII format.
The range parameter gives the starting and ending addresses or the
starting address and length in bytes of the memory to be displayed. If
range does not include a segment, DEBUG uses DS.
If range is omitted the first time the D command is used, the display
starts at the target program's CS:IP registers. If range was
specified in a preceding D command, the memory address following the
last address displayed by that command is used. If a length is not
explicitly stated in a D command, 128 bytes are displayed.
Each line displays a segment and offset, followed by the contents of
16 bytes of memory represented as hexadecimal values and separated by
spaces (except the eighth and ninth values, which are separated by a
dash), followed by the ASCII character equivalents (if any) of the
same 16 bytes. In the ASCII portion, nonprinting characters are
displayed as periods.
To display the contents of the 128 bytes of memory beginning at
7F00:0100H, type
-D 7F00:0100 <Enter>
The contents of the memory addresses are displayed in the following
7F00:0100 20 64 65 76 69 63 65 0D-0A 00 60 39 0D 0A 00 7C device...'9...|
7F00:0110 39 08 20 08 00 81 39 04-1B 5B 32 4A 42 BD 11 44 9. ...9..[2JB=.D
7F00:0120 2E 26 45 AF 11 47 B3 11-48 A5 11 4C B8 11 4E D3 .&E/.G3.H%.L8.NS
7F00:0130 11 50 DF 11 51 AB 11 54-DF 1E 56 37 11 5F 9F 16 .P_.Q+.T_.V7._..
7F00:0140 24 C0 11 00 03 4E 4F 54-C1 07 0A 45 52 52 4F 52 $@...NOTA..ERROR
7F00:0150 4C 45 56 45 4C 85 08 05-45 58 49 53 54 18 08 00 LEVEL...EXIST...
7F00:0160 03 44 49 52 03 91 0C 06-52 45 4E 41 4D 45 01 C0 .DIR....RENAME.@
7F00:0170 0F 03 52 45 4E 01 C0 0F-05 45 52 41 53 45 01 68 ..REN.@..ERASE.h
To view the next 128 bytes of memory, type
-D <Enter>
In this case, the contents of memory addresses 7F00:0180H through
7F00:01FFH are displayed.
Enter Data
Enters data into memory.
E address [list]
address is the first memory location for data entry.
list specifies the data to be entered into successive bytes of
memory, starting at address.
The Enter Data (E) command allows data to be entered into successive
memory locations. The data can be entered in either hexadecimal or
ASCII format. Data previously stored in the specified locations is
The address parameter specifies the first byte to be modified. If
address does not include a segment, DEBUG uses DS. The address is
incremented for each byte of data stored.
The list parameter is one or more hexadecimal byte values and/or
strings, separated by spaces, commas, or tab characters. Strings must
be enclosed within single or double quotation marks, and case is
significant within a string.
If list is included in the command line, the changes to memory are
made unless an error is detected in the command line, in which case an
error message is displayed and the E command is terminated. If list
is omitted from the command line, the user is prompted byte by byte
for data to be entered into memory, starting at address. The current
contents of a byte are displayed, followed by a period. A new value
for that byte can be entered as one or two hexadecimal digits (extra
characters are ignored) or the contents can be left unchanged.
Pressing the spacebar displays the contents of the next byte. Entering
a minus sign or hyphen character (-) instead of pressing the spacebar
displays the contents of the previous byte. A maximum of 8 bytes can
be entered on each input line; a new line is begun each time an 8-byte
boundary is crossed. Pressing the Enter key without pressing the
spacebar or entering any data terminates data entry.
Text strings can be entered only by using the list parameter; they
cannot be entered in response to an address prompt.
To store the byte values 00H, 0DH, and 0AH in the three bytes
beginning at DS:1FB3H, type
-E 1FB3 00 0D 0A <Enter>
To store the string MAIN MENU into memory beginning at address
ES:0C14H, type
-E ES:C14 "MAIN MENU" <Enter>
Fill Memory
Stores a repetitive data pattern in an area of memory.
F range list
range is the starting and ending addresses or starting address
and length of the memory to be filled.
list is the data to be entered.
The Fill Memory (F) command fills an area of memory with the data from
a list. The data can be entered in either hexadecimal or ASCII format.
Any data previously stored at the specified locations is lost. If an
error message is displayed, the original values in memory remain
The range parameter specifies the starting and ending addresses or
the starting address and hexadecimal length in bytes of the area of
memory to be filled. If range does not specify a segment, DEBUG uses
The list parameter specifies one or more hexadecimal byte values
and/or strings, separated by spaces, commas, or tab characters.
Strings must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks, and case
is significant within a string.
If the area to be filled is larger than the data list, the list is
repeated as often as necessary to fill the area. If the data list is
longer than the area of memory to be filled, it is truncated to fit
into the area.
To fill the area of memory from DS:0B10H through DS:0B4FH with the
value 0E8H, type
-F B10 B4F E8 <Enter>
-F B10 L40 E8 <Enter>
To fill the 16 bytes of memory beginning at address CS:1FA0H by
replicating the 2-byte sequence 0DH 0AH, type
-F CS:1FA0 1FAF 0D 0A <Enter>
-F CS:1FA0 L10 0D 0A <Enter>
To fill the area of memory from ES:0B00H through ES:0BFFH by
replicating the text string BUFFER, type
-F ES:B00 BFF "BUFFER" <Enter>
-F ES:B00 L100 "BUFFER" <Enter>
Transfers control from DEBUG to the program being debugged.
G [=address] [break0 [... break9]]
address is the location DEBUG begins execution.
break0...break9 specify from 1 to 10 temporary breakpoints.
The Go (G) command transfers control from DEBUG to the program being
debugged. If no breakpoints are set, the program executes until it
crashes or finishes, in which latter case the message Program
terminated normally is displayed and control returns to DEBUG. (After
this message is displayed, the program may need to be reloaded before
it can be executed again.)
The address parameter can specify any location in memory. If no
segment is specified, DEBUG uses the target program's CS register. If
address is omitted, DEBUG transfers to the current address in the
target program's CS:IP registers. An equal sign (=) must precede
address to distinguish it from the breakpoints break0...break9.
The parameters break0...break9 are addresses that represent from 1 to
10 temporary breakpoints that can be set as part of the G command. A
breakpoint is an address at which execution stops. Breakpoints can be
placed in any order, because execution stops at the first breakpoint
address encountered, regardless of the position of that breakpoint in
the list. Each breakpoint address must contain the first byte of an
8086 opcode. DEBUG installs breakpoints by replacing the first byte of
the machine instruction at each breakpoint address with an INT 03H
instruction (opcode 0CCH). If the program encounters a breakpoint,
execution is suspended and control returns to DEBUG. DEBUG then
restores the original machine code to the breakpoint addresses;
displays the contents of the registers, the status of the flags, and
the instruction pointed to by CS:IP; and displays the DEBUG prompt. If
the program executes to completion without encountering any of the
breakpoints or stops for any reason other than because it encountered
a breakpoint, DEBUG does not replace the INT 03H instructions with the
original machine code, and the Load File or Sectors (L) command must
be used to reload the original program.
The G command requires that the target program's SS:SP registers point
to a valid stack that has at least 6 bytes of stack space available.
When the G command is executed, it pushes the target program's flags
and CS and IP registers onto the stack and then transfers control to
the target program with an IRET instruction. Thus, if the target
program's stack is not valid or is too small, the system may
To begin execution of the program in DEBUG's buffer at location
CS:110AH and set breakpoints at CS:12FCH and CS:1303H, type
-G =110A 12FC 1303 <Enter>
To resume execution of the program after a breakpoint has been
encountered and control has been returned to DEBUG, type
-G <Enter>
bp Error
More than 10 breakpoints were specified in a G command. The command
must be entered again with 10 or fewer breakpoints.
Program terminated normally
No breakpoints were encountered and the target program executed to
completion. If breakpoints were set, the original program should be
restored with the L command.
Perform Hexadecimal Arithmetic
Displays the sum and difference of two hexadecimal numbers.
H value1 value2
value1 and value2 are any two hexadecimal numbers from
0 through FFFFH.
The Perform Hexadecimal Arithmetic (H) command displays the sum and
the difference of two 16-bit hexadecimal numbers--that is, the result
of the operations value1+value2 and value1-value2. If value2 is
greater than value1, the difference of the two values is displayed as
a two's complement number. This command is convenient for quickly
calculating addresses and other values during an interactive debugging
To display the sum and the difference of the values 4B03H and 104H,
-H 4B03 104 <Enter>
This produces the following display:
4C07 49FF
If the addition produces an overflow, the four least significant
digits are displayed. For example, the command line
-H FFFF 2 <Enter>
produces the following display:
0001 FFFD
If the second number is bigger than the first, the difference is
displayed in two's complement form. For example, the command
-H 1 2 <Enter>
produces the following display:
0003 FFFF
Input from Port
Reads and displays 1 byte from an input/output (I/O) port.
I port
port is an I/O port address from 0 through FFFFH.
The Input from Port (I) command reads the specified I/O port address
and displays the data as a two-digit hexadecimal number.
Warning: The I command should be used with caution because it
directly accesses the computer hardware and no error checking is
performed. Input operations directed to the ports assigned to some
peripheral device controllers may interfere with the proper operation
of the system. If no device has been assigned to the specified I/O
port or if the port is write-only, the value displayed by an I command
is unreliable.
To read and display the contents of I/O port 10AH, type
-I 10A <Enter>
An example of the output of this command is
Load File or Sectors
Loads a file or individual sectors from a disk into DEBUG's
L [address]
L address drive start number
address is the memory location for the data to be read from the
drive is the number of the disk drive to read (0 = drive A, 1 =
drive B, 2 = drive C, and so on).
start is the hexadecimal number of the first logical sector to
load (0-FFFFH).
number is the hexadecimal number of consecutive sectors to load
The Load File or Sectors (L) command loads a file or individual
sectors from a disk. When the L command is entered without parameters
or with only an address, the file specified in the DEBUG command line
or the one in the most recent Name File or Command-Tail Parameters (N)
command line is loaded from the disk into memory. If no segment is
specified in address, DEBUG uses CS. If the file's extension is .EXE,
the file is placed in DEBUG's target program buffer at the load
address specified in the .EXE file's header. If the file's extension
is .COM, the file is loaded at offset 100H. (If for some reason an
address other than 100H is entered for a .EXE or .COM file, an error
message is displayed; if the address is 100H, the specification is
ignored.) The length of the file or, in the case of a .EXE file, the
actual length of the program (the length of the file minus the header)
is placed in the target program's BX and CX registers, with the most
significant 16 bits in register BX.
The L command can also be used to bypass the MS-DOS file system and
directly access logical sectors on the disk. The memory address
(address), disk drive number (drive), starting logical sector number
(start), and number of sectors to load (number) must all be specified
in the command line.
Note: The L command should not be used to access logical sectors on
network drives.
To load the file specified in the DEBUG command line or in the most
recent N command into DEBUG's target program buffer, type
-L <Enter>
To load eight sectors from drive B, starting at logical sector 0, to
memory location CS:0100H, type
-L 100 1 0 8 <Enter>
Disk error reading drive <FI>X
The specified drive does not exist or the disk in the specified drive
is defective.
File not found
The file specified in the most recent N command cannot be found.
Move (Copy) Data
Copies the contents of one area of memory to another.
M range address
range specifies the starting and ending addresses or the
starting address and length of the area of memory to be
address is the first byte in which the copied data will be placed.
The Move (Copy) Data (M) command copies data from one memory location
to another without altering the data in the original location. If the
source and destination areas overlap, the data is copied so that the
resulting copy is correct; the data in the original location is
changed where the two areas overlap.
The range parameter specifies either the starting and ending
addresses or the starting address and length of the memory to be
copied. The address parameter is the first byte in which the copy
will be placed. If range does not contain an explicit segment, DEBUG
uses DS; if address does not contain a segment, DEBUG uses the
segment used for range.
To copy the data in locations DS:0800H through DS:08FFH to locations
DS:0900H through DS:09FFH, type
-M 800 8FF 900 <Enter>
-M 800 L100 900 <Enter>
Name File or Command-Tail Parameters
Inserts filenames and/or switches into the simulated program segment
prefix (PSP).
N parameter [parameter...]
parameter is one or more filenames or switches to be placed in
the simulated PSP.
The Name File or Command-Tail Parameters (N) command is used to enter
one or more parameters into the simulated PSP that is built at the
base of the buffer holding the program to be debugged. The N command
can also be used before the Load File or Sectors (L) and Write File or
Sectors (W) commands to name the file to be read from or written to a
The count of the characters following the N command is placed at
DS:0080H in the simulated PSP, and the characters themselves are
copied into the PSP starting at offset 81H. The string is terminated
by a carriage return (0DH), which is not included in the count. If the
first and second parameters follow the naming conventions for MS-DOS
files, they are parsed into the default file control blocks (FCBs) in
the simulated PSP at offsets 5CH and 6CH, respectively. (Switches
specified as parameters are stored in the PSP starting at offset 81H
along with the rest of the command line but are not included in the
If the N command line contains only one filename, any parameters
placed in the default FCBs by a previous N command are destroyed. If
the drive specified with the first filename parameter is invalid, the
AL register is set to 0FFH. If the drive specified with the second
filename parameter is invalid, the AH register is set to 0FFH. The
existence of a file specified with the N command is not verified until
it is loaded with the L command.
Assume that DEBUG was started without specifying the name of a target
program in the command line. To load the program CLEAN.COM for
execution under the control of DEBUG, use the N and L commands
together as follows:
-N CLEAN.COM <Enter>
-L <Enter>
Then, to place the parameter MYFILE.DAT in the simulated PSP's command
tail and parse MYFILE.DAT into the first default FCB, type
Finally, to execute the program CLEAN.COM, type
-G <Enter>
The result is the same as if the CLEAN.COM program had been run from
the MS-DOS command level with the entry
except that the program is executing under the control of DEBUG and
within DEBUG's memory buffer.
Output to Port
Writes 1 byte to an input/output (I/O) port.
O port byte
port is an I/O port address from 0 through FFFFH.
byte is a value from 0 through 0FFH to be written to the I/O
The Output to Port (O) command writes 1 byte of data to the specified
I/O port address. The data value must be in the range 00H through
Warning: The O command should be used with caution because it
directly accesses the computer hardware and no error checking is
performed. Attempts to write to some port addresses, such as those for
ports connected to peripheral device controllers, timers, or the
system's interrupt controller, may cause the system to crash or damage
data stored on disk.
To write the value C8H to I/O port 10AH, type
-O 10A C8 <Enter>
Proceed Through Loop or Subroutine
Executes a loop, repeated string instruction, software interrupt, or
subroutine call to completion.
P [=address] [number]
address is the location of the first instruction to be executed.
number is the number of instructions to execute.
The Proceed Through Loop or Subroutine (P) command transfers control
from DEBUG to the target program. The program executes without
interruption until the loop, repeated string instruction, software
interrupt, or subroutine call at address is completed or until the
specified number of machine instructions have been executed. Control
then returns to DEBUG, and the contents of the target program's
registers and the status of the flags are displayed.
If the address parameter does not include an explicit segment, DEBUG
uses the target program's CS register; if address is omitted
entirely, execution begins at the address specified by the target's
CS:IP registers. The address parameter must be preceded by an equal
sign (=) to distinguish it from number.
If the instruction at address is not a loop, repeated string
instruction, software interrupt, or subroutine call, the P command
functions just like the Trace Program Execution (T) command. The
optional number parameter specifies the number of instructions to be
executed before control returns to DEBUG. If number is omitted, DEBUG
executes only one instruction. After each instruction is executed,
DEBUG displays the contents of the target program's registers, the
status of the flags, and the next instruction to be executed.
Warning: The P command cannot be used to trace through ROM.
Assume that the target program's location CS:143FH contains a CALL
instruction. To execute the subroutine that is the destination of CALL
and then return control to DEBUG, type
-P =143F <Enter>
Ends a DEBUG session.
The Quit (Q) command terminates the DEBUG program and returns control
to MS-DOS or the command shell that invoked DEBUG. Any changes to a
program or other file that were not saved on disk with the Write File
or Sectors (W) command are lost.
To exit DEBUG, type
-Q <Enter>
Display or Modify Registers
Displays the contents of one or all registers and the status of the
CPU flags and allows them to be modified.
R [register]
register is the two-character name of an Intel 8086/8088 register
from the following list:
or the character F, which specifies the CPU flags.
The Display or Modify Registers (R) command displays the target
program's register contents and the status of the CPU flags and allows
them to be modified.
If R is entered without a register parameter, the contents of all
registers and the status of the CPU flags are displayed, followed by a
disassembly of the machine instruction currently pointed to by the
target program's CS:IP registers.
If register is included in the R command line, the contents of the
specified register are displayed; then DEBUG prompts with a colon
character (:) for a new value. The value is entered by typing one to
four hexadecimal digits and then pressing the Enter key. Pressing the
Enter key without entering any values leaves the register contents
Note: The register name PC is not fully supported in some versions of
DEBUG, so the register name IP should be used instead.
Specifying the character F instead of a register name causes DEBUG to
display the status of the program's CPU flags as two-character codes
from the following list:
Flag Name Value If Set (1) Value If Clear (0)
Overflow OV (Overflow) NV (No Overflow)
Direction DN (Down) UP (Up)
Interrupt EI (Enabled) DI (Disabled)
Sign NG (Minus) PL (Plus)
Zero ZR (Zero) NZ (Not Zero)
Aux Carry AC (Aux Carry) NA (No Aux Carry)
Parity PE (Even) PO (Odd)
Carry CY (Carry) NC (No Carry)
After displaying the flag values, DEBUG displays a hyphen (-)
prompt on the same line. Any or all flags can then be altered by
typing one or more codes (in any order and optionally separated by
spaces) from the list above and pressing the Enter key. Pressing the
Enter key without entering any codes leaves the status of the flags
To display the contents of the target program's CPU registers and the
status of the CPU flags, followed by the disassembled mnemonic for the
next instruction to be executed (pointed to by CS:IP), type
-R <Enter>
This produces a display in the following format:
AX=0000 BX=0000 CX=00A1 DX=0000 SP=FFFE BP=0000 SI=0000 DI=0000
DS=19A5 ES=19A5 SS=19A5 CS=19A5 IP=0100 NV UP EI PL NZ NA PO NC
19A5:0100 BF8000 MOV DI,0080
To display the value of the target program's BX register, type
-R BX <Enter>
If BX contains 0200H, for example, DEBUG displays that value and then
issues a prompt in the form of a colon:
BX 0200
The contents of BX can then be altered by typing a new value and
pressing the Enter key or left unchanged by pressing the Enter key
To set the direction and carry flags, first type
-R F <Enter>
DEBUG displays the flag values, followed by a hyphen (-) prompt:
The direction and carry flags can then be set by entering
-DN CY <Enter>
bf Error
Bad flag: An invalid code for a CPU flag was entered.
br Error
Bad register: An invalid register name was entered.
df Error
Double flag: Two values for the same CPU flag were entered in the same
Search Memory
Searches memory for a pattern of 1 or more bytes.
S range list
range specifies the starting and ending addresses or the
starting address and length of the area to be searched.
list is 1 or more consecutive byte values and/or a string to be
searched for.
The Search Memory (S) command searches a designated range of memory
for a specified list of consecutive byte values and/or a text string.
The starting address of each set of matching bytes is displayed. The
contents of the searched area are not altered.
The range parameter specifies the starting and ending addresses or
the starting address and length in bytes of the area to be searched.
If a segment is not included in range, DEBUG uses DS. If a segment is
specified for the starting address, DEBUG uses the same segment for
the ending address. If a starting address and length in bytes is
specified, the starting address plus the length minus 1 cannot exceed
The list parameter specifies one or more consecutive hexadecimal byte
values and/or a string to be searched for, separated by spaces,
commas, or tab characters. Strings must be enclosed within single or
double quotation marks, and case is significant within a string.
To search for the string Copyright in the area of memory from
DS:0000H through DS:1FFFH, type
-S 0 1FFF 'Copyright' <Enter>
-S 0 L2000 "Copyright" <Enter>
If matches are found, DEBUG displays the starting address of
To search for the byte sequence 3BH 06H in the area of memory from
CS:0100H through CS:12A0H, type
-S CS:100 12A0 3B 06 <Enter>
-S CS:100 L11A1 3B 06 <Enter>
Trace Program Execution
Executes one or more instructions, displaying the CPU status after
each instruction.
T [=address] [number]
address is the location of the first instruction to be executed.
number is the number of machine instructions to be executed.
The Trace Program Execution (T) command executes one or more
instructions, starting at the specified address, and after each
instruction displays the contents of the CPU registers, the status of
the flags, and the instruction pointed to by CS:IP.
Warning: The T command should not be used to execute any instructions
that change the contents of the Intel 8259 interrupt mask (ports 20H
and 21H on the IBM PC and compatibles) or to trace calls made to MS-
DOS through Interrupt 21H. The Go (G) command should be used
The address parameter points to the first instruction to be executed.
If address does not include a segment, DEBUG uses the target
program's CS register; if address is omitted entirely, execution
begins at the address specified by the target program's CS:IP
registers. If address is included, it must be preceded by an equal
sign (=) to distinguish it from number.
The number parameter specifies the hexadecimal number of instructions
to be executed before the DEBUG prompt is redisplayed (default = 1).
Pressing Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break interrupts execution of a sequence of T
instructions. Consecutive instructions can then be executed
individually by entering T commands with no parameters. Pressing Ctrl-
S suspends execution and pressing any key then resumes the trace.
Note: The T command can be used to trace through ROM.
To execute one instruction at location CS:1A00H and then return
control to DEBUG, displaying the contents of the CPU registers and the
status of the flags, type
-T =1A00 <Enter>
Disassemble (Unassemble) Program
Disassembles machine instructions into assembly-language mnemonics.
U [range]
range specifies the starting and ending addresses or the
starting address and length of the machine code to be
The Disassemble (Unassemble) Program (U) command translates machine
instructions into assembly-language mnemonics.
The range parameter specifies the starting and ending addresses or
starting address and length in bytes of the machine instructions to be
disassembled. If range does not specify a segment, DEBUG uses CS.
Note that if the starting address does not fall on an 8086 instruction
boundary, the disassembly will be incorrect.
If range does not include a length or ending address, 32 (20H) bytes
of memory are disassembled beginning at the specified starting
address. If range is omitted, 32 bytes of memory are disassembled,
starting at the address following the last instruction disassembled by
the previous U command. If a U command has not been used before and
range is omitted, disassembly begins at the address specified by the
target program's CS:IP registers.
Note: The actual number of bytes displayed may vary slightly from the
amount specified in range or from the default of 32 bytes because the
length of instructions may vary. Also, the U command does not
understand instructions specific to the 80186, 80286, and 80386
microprocessors. It displays such instructions as DBs.
Successive 32-byte fragments of code can be disassembled by entering
additional U commands without parameters.
To disassemble 8 bytes of machine instructions starting at CS:0100H,
-U 100 107 <Enter>
-U 100 L8 <Enter>
Write File or Sectors
Writes a file or individual sectors to disk.
W [address]
W address drive start number
address is the first memory location of the data to be written.
drive is the number of the destination disk drive (0 = drive A,
1 = drive B, 2 = drive C, and so on).
start is the number of the first logical sector to write
number is the number of consecutive sectors to be written
The Write File or Sectors (W) command transfers a file or individual
sectors from memory to the disk.
When the W command is entered without parameters or with only an
address, the number of bytes specified by the contents of registers
BX:CX is written from memory into the file named in the most recently
used Name File or Command-Tail Parameters (N) command or the first
file specified in the DEBUG command line if the N command has not been
used. Files with a .EXE or .HEX extension cannot be written with the
DEBUG W command.
Note: If a Trace Program Execution (T), Go (G), or Proceed Through
Loop or Subroutine (P) command has been used or the contents of the BX
or CX registers have been changed, the contents of BX:CX must be
restored before the W command is used.
When address is not included in the command line, the target
program's CS:0100H is assumed.
The W command can also be used to bypass the MS-DOS file system and
directly access logical sectors on the disk. The memory address
(address), disk drive number (drive), starting logical sector number
(start), and number of sectors to be written (number) must all be
provided in the command line in hexadecimal format. The W command
should not be used to write sectors on network drives.
Warning: Extreme caution must be used with the W command. The disk's
file structure can easily be damaged if the wrong parameters are
Assume that the interactive Assemble Machine Instructions (A) command
was used to create a program in DEBUG's memory buffer that is 32 (20H)
bytes long, beginning at offset 0100H. This program can be written to
the file QUICK.COM by using the DEBUG Name File or Command-Tail
Parameters (N), Display or Modify Registers (R), and Write File or
Sectors (W) commands sequentially. First, use the N command to specify
the name of the file to be written:
-N QUICK.COM <Enter>
Next, use the R command to set registers BX and CX to the length to be
written. Register BX contains the upper, or most significant half, of
the length, whereas register CX contains the lower, or least
significant half. Type
-R CX <Enter>
DEBUG displays the contents of register CX and prompts with a colon
(:). Enter the length after the prompt:
:20 <Enter>
To use the R command again to set register BX to zero, type
-R BX <Enter>
followed by
:0 <Enter>
Finally, to create the disk file QUICK.COM and write the program into
it, type
-W <Enter>
DEBUG responds:
Writing 0020 bytes
EXE and HEX files cannot be written
Files with a .EXE or .HEX extension cannot be written to disk with the
W command.
Writing nnnn bytes
After a successful write operation, DEBUG displays in hexadecimal
format the number of bytes written to disk.
Symbolic Debugger
The Symbolic Debugger (SYMDEB) allows a file to be loaded, examined,
altered, and written back to disk. If the file contains a program, the
program can be disassembled, modified, traced one instruction at a
time, or executed at full speed with breakpoints. SYMDEB can also be
used to read, modify, and write absolute disk sectors.
The SYMDEB utility is supplied with the Microsoft Macro Assembler
(MASM) versions 4.0 and earlier. This documentation describes SYMDEB
version 4.0.
SYMDEB [options] [symfile [symfile...]] [filename [parameter...]]
symfile is the name of a symbol file created with the MAPSYM
utility (extension = .SYM).
filename is the name of the binary or executable program file
to be debugged.
parameter is a command-line parameter required by the program
being debugged.
options is one or more of the following switches. Switches
can be either upper-case or lowercase and can be
preceded by a dash (-) instead of a forward
slash (/).
/I (IBM) specifies that the computer is IBM
/K enables the interactive breakpoint key
(Scroll Lock).
/N enables the use of nonmaskable interrupt
break systems on IBM-compatible
computers (requires special hardware).
/S enables the Screen Swap (\) command on
IBM-compatible computers (the /I
switch is also required).
/"commands" specifies one or more SYMDEB commands,
separated by semicolons and enclosed in
quotation marks.
The SYMDEB commands and capabilities are a superset of those in DEBUG.
SYMDEB is also able to load and interpret special symbol files that
correlate line numbers, symbols, and memory addresses. With the aid of
such files, SYMDEB enables the user to specify addresses with labels,
variable names, and expressions, rather than only with absolute
hexadecimal addresses. SYMDEB's command repertoire also includes I/O
redirection commands, floating-point number entry and display
commands, and source-code display capabilities that are not present in
The SYMDEB command line typically includes the filename parameter,
which is the name of an executable program (with the extension .COM or
.EXE) to be loaded into SYMDEB's memory buffer. Files with the
extension .EXE are loaded in a manner compatible with the MS-DOS
loader. Files with the extension .HEX are converted to binary images
and loaded at the internally specified address. All other files are
assumed to be direct memory images and are read directly into memory
starting at offset 100H. If SYMDEB is entered by itself, no file
information is read into memory. An appropriate program segment prefix
(PSP) is synthesized at the head of SYMDEB's buffer for use by the
target program; the PSP includes a command tail at offset 80H and
default file control blocks (FCBs) at offsets 5CH and 6CH, constructed
from the optional parameters following filename. If necessary,
contents of the file are relocated so that the file is ready to
The command line can also contain the names of one or more symfiles,
symbol files that contain symbol and line-number information for the
object modules that constitute the program being debugged. A symbol
file is created with the MAPSYM utility from a map file produced by
the Microsoft Object Linker (LINK). A symbol file always has the
The four command-line switches /I, /K, /N, and /S provide SYMDEB with
information about the computer on which the utility is running. The /I
switch is used when the computer is IBM compatible; this causes SYMDEB
to take full advantage of special hardware features such as the 8259
Programmable Interrupt Controller or the memory-mapped video display.
The /K switch enables the interactive breakpoint key (Scroll Lock),
which can then be pressed at any time to interrupt a program that is
being traced under the control of SYMDEB.
Note: The /K switch is not necessary on an IBM PC/AT, because the Sys
Req key is always active as an interactive break key.
The /N switch enables the use of the nonmaskable interrupt as a
breakpoint signal on IBM-compatible computers; this interrupt is
triggered by hardware-assisted debugging packages such as Periscope
and Atron Corporation's Software Probe. The /S switch enables the
Screen Swap (\) command, which allows the output from the program
being traced to be maintained and displayed on demand on a virtual
screen separate from the SYMDEB commands and messages.
Note: The /I, /N, and /S switches are unnecessary on personal
computers built by IBM Corporation; SYMDEB automatically enables the
capabilities provided by those switches when SYMDEB finds the IBM
copyright notice in the machine's ROM.
After SYMDEB and any files named in the command line are loaded,
SYMDEB displays its special prompt character, a hyphen (-), and awaits
a command. SYMDEB commands consist of one or two letters, usually
followed by one or more parameters. SYMDEB treats uppercase and
lowercase characters equivalently except when they are contained in
strings enclosed within single or double quotation marks. SYMDEB does
not execute commands until the Enter key is pressed.
The SYMDEB commands discussed in this section are
Command Action
A Assemble machine instructions.
BC Clear breakpoints.
BD Disable breakpoints.
BE Enable breakpoints.
BL List breakpoints.
BP Set breakpoints.
C Compare memory areas.
D Display memory.
DA Display ASCII.
DB Display bytes.
DD Display doublewords.
DL Display long reals.
DS Display short reals.
DT Display 10-byte reals.
DW Display words.
E Enter data.
EA Enter ASCII string.
EB Enter bytes.
ED Enter doublewords.
EL Enter long reals.
ES Enter short reals.
ET Enter 10-byte reals.
EW Enter words.
F Fill memory.
G Go execute program.
H Perform hexadecimal arithmetic.
I Input from port.
K Perform stack trace.
L Load file or sectors.
M Move (copy) data.
N Name file or command-tail parameters.
O Output to port.
P Proceed through loop or subroutine.
Q Quit debugger.
R Display or modify registers.
S Search memory.
S+ Enable source display mode.
S- Disable source display mode.
S& Enable source and machine code display mode.
T Trace program execution.
U Disassemble (unassemble) program.
V View source code.
W Write file or sectors.
X Examine symbol map.
XO Open symbol map.
Z Set symbol value.
< Redirect SYMDEB input.
> Redirect SYMDEB output.
= Redirect SYMDEB input and output.
{ Redirect target program input.
} Redirect target program output.
~ Redirect target program input and output.
\ Swap screen.
. Display source line.
? Help or evaluate expression.
! Escape to shell.
* Enter comment.
One or more SYMDEB commands, separated by semicolons and enclosed in
double quotation marks, can be included in the original SYMDEB command
line in the form /"commands" (for example, /"r;d;q"). These commands,
which must precede the filename of the program being debugged, are
carried out immediately when SYMDEB is loaded. (This is a convenient
way to invoke SYMDEB and execute a series of batch commands.)
The parameters for a SYMDEB command include symbols; line numbers;
addresses; ranges; and 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, or floating-point
values, expressions, and lists. Multiple parameters can be separated
by spaces, tabs, or commas.
A symbol is a name that represents a register, an absolute value, a
segment address, or a segment offset. A symbol consists of one or more
characters but always begins with a letter, an underscore (_), a
question mark (?), an at sign (@), or a dollar sign ($). The names of
the various 8086/8088/80286 registers and CPU flags are built into
SYMDEB and can be used at any time. Other symbols can be used only
when one or more symbol files have been loaded in conjunction with the
program to be debugged.
Note: SYMDEB regards symbols whose spellings differ only in case as
the same symbol. A unique symbol name that does not conflict with
programming instructions, register names, or hexadecimal numbers
should always be used.
In MASM programs, symbols must be declared PUBLIC in the source code
in order to be accessible during debugging (except for segment and
group names, which are PUBLIC by default). In programs compiled with
the current versions of Microsoft C, FORTRAN, and Pascal, all symbols
are passed through for debugging if the proper compilation switch is
used; however, familiarity with the compiler's particular naming
conventions is necessary (for example, the Microsoft C Compiler adds
an underscore character to the beginning of every symbol).
A line number is a combination of decimal numbers, filenames, and
symbols that specifies a unique line of text in a program source file.
Line numbers always start with a dot character (.) and take one of the
following forms:
The second and third variations specify a line relative to the current
line number; the fourth and fifth specify a line number relative to a
designated symbol. Line numbers can be used only with programs
developed with compilers that generate line-number information.
Programs developed with MASM or an incompatible compiler cannot
generate line numbers.
An address identifies a unique location in memory. An address can be a
simple offset or a complete address consisting of two 16-bit values in
the form segment:offset. Each component can be a valid symbol
(including CS, DS, ES, or SS, in the case of segments), a 16-bit
hexadecimal number in the range 0 through FFFFH, or a symbol plus or
minus a displacement. When the segment portion of an address is
absent, the segment specified in the previous instance of the same
command is used; if no segment was previously specified, SYMDEB uses
DS unless an A, G, L, P, T, U, or W command is used, in which case
A range specifies an area of memory or a number of data items and can
be expressed as either two addresses or a starting address and a
length. A length is represented by the letter L followed by a
hexadecimal value in the range 0 through FFFFH. The meaning of the
length varies with the SYMDEB command used: The length can signify a
number of bytes, words, doublewords, real numbers, machine
instructions, or source-code lines. If a command requires a range and
the ending address is not supplied, SYMDEB usually assumes 128
A value represents an integral number and is a combination of one or
more digits. The default base for values is hexadecimal, except in the
case of floating-point numbers, but other bases can be used by
appending a radix character (Y for binary, O or Q for octal, T for
decimal, H for hexadecimal) in either uppercase or lowercase. For
example, the following values are equivalent:
0040 0100Q
0040H 0100O
0064t 1000000Y
Doubleword (32-bit) values are entered as two hexadecimal
integers separated by a colon character (:). Real numbers are always
entered in decimal radix, with or without a decimal point or exponent.
Leading zeros can be omitted.
An expression is a combination of symbols, numeric constants, and
operators that evaluates to an 8-, 16-, or 32-bit value. An expression
can be used in place of a simple value in any command. Unary address
operators use DS as the default segment for addresses. Expressions are
evaluated in order of operator precedence; operators with equal
precedence are evaluated from left to right. Parentheses can be used
to override the normal operator precedence.
The available unary operators, listed in order of precedence from
highest to lowest, are
Operator Meaning
+ Unary plus
- Unary minus
NOT One's (bitwise) complement
SEG Segment address of operand
OFF Offset of operand
BY Low-order byte from specified address
WO Low-order word from specified address
DW Doubleword from specified address
POI Pointer from specified address (same as DW)
PORT Byte input from specified port
WPORT Word input from specified port
The available binary operators, listed in order of precedence from
highest to lowest, are
Operator Meaning
* Multiplication
/ Integer division
MOD Modulus
: Segment override
+ Addition
- Subtraction
AND Bitwise Boolean AND
XOR Bitwise Boolean Exclusive OR
OR Bitwise Boolean Inclusive OR
A list is composed of one or more values, expressions, or strings,
separated by spaces or commas. A string is one or more ASCII
characters, enclosed within single or double quotation marks. Case is
significant within a string. If the same type of quote character that
is used to delimit the string occurs inside the string, the character
must be doubled inside the string in order to be interpreted correctly
(for example,"A ""quoted"" word").
In a few cases, SYMDEB displays a specific and informative error
message in response to an invalid command. In general, though, SYMDEB
responds in a generic fashion, pointing to the approximate location of
the error with a caret character (^), followed by the word Error. For
-D CS:100,CS:80 <Enter>
^ Error
SYMDEB maintains a set of virtual CPU registers and flags for a
program being debugged. These registers can be examined and modified
with SYMDEB commands. When a program is first loaded for debugging,
the virtual registers are initialized with the following values:
Register .COM Program .EXE Program
AX Valid drive code Valid drive code
BX Upper half of program size Upper half of program size
CX Lower half of program size Lower half of program size
DX Zero Zero
SI Zero Zero
DI Zero Zero
BP Zero Zero
SP FFFEH or top of available Size of stack segment
memory minus 2
IP 100H Offset of entry point within
target program's code segment
CS PSP Base of target program's code
SS PSP Base of target program's stack
Note: SYMDEB checks the first three parameters in the command line.
If the second and third parameters are filenames, SYMDEB checks any
drive specifications with those filenames to verify that they
designate valid drives. Register AX contains one of the following
Code Meaning
0000H The drives specified with the second and third filenames are
both valid, or only one filename was specified in the
command line.
00FFH The drive specified with the second filename is invalid.
FF00H The drive specified with the third filename is invalid.
FFFFH The drives specified with the second and third filenames are
both invalid.
Before SYMDEB transfers control to the target program, it saves the
actual CPU registers and then loads them with the current values of
the virtual registers; conversely, when control reverts to SYMDEB from
the target program, the returned register contents are stored back
into the virtual register set for inspection and alteration by the
SYMDEB user.
To prepare the program CLEAN.ASM for debugging with SYMDEB, declare
all vital labels, procedures, and variable names in the source program
PUBLIC. To assemble the program, type
This produces the relocatable object module CLEAN.OBJ. Then, to link
the object module, type
This results in the executable program file CLEAN.EXE and the map file
Note: The /MAP switch must be used even if a map file is specified in
the command line. Finally, to create the symbol information file
required by SYMDEB, type
At this point, begin symbolic debugging by typing
Any run-time command-line parameters required by the CLEAN program may
be placed in the SYMDEB command line after the filename CLEAN.EXE.
To prepare the program SHELL.C for debugging with SYMDEB, first
compile the program with the switches that disable optimization and
cause line-number information to be written to the relocatable object
C>MSC /Zd /Od SHELL; <Enter>
Next, to convert the object module to an executable program and create
a map file with line-number information, type
To create the symbol information file required by SYMDEB for symbolic
debugging, type
To begin debugging, type
To use the SYMDEB utility to inspect or modify memory or to read,
modify, and write absolute disk sectors, type
C>SYMDEB <Enter>
File not found
The filename supplied as the first parameter in the SYMDEB command
line cannot be found.
Assemble Machine Instructions
Allows entry of assembler mnemonics and translates them into
executable machine code.
A [address]
address is the starting location for the assembled machine code.
The Assemble Machine Instructions (A) command accepts assembly-
language statements, rather than hexadecimal values, for the Intel
8086/8088, 80186, and 80286 (running in real mode) microprocessors and
the Intel 8087 and 80287 math coprocessors and assembles each
statement into executable machine language.
The address parameter specifies the location where entry of assembly-
language mnemonics will begin. If address is omitted, SYMDEB uses the
last address generated by the previous A command; if there was no
previous A command, SYMDEB uses the current value of the target
program's CS:IP registers.
After the user enters an A command, SYMDEB prompts for each assembly-
language statement by displaying the address (a segment and an offset)
in which the assembled code will be stored. When the user presses the
Enter key, SYMDEB translates the assembly-language statement and
stores each byte of the resulting machine instruction sequentially in
memory (overwriting any existing information), beginning at the
displayed address. SYMDEB then displays the address following the last
byte of the machine instruction to prompt the user to enter the next
assembled instruction. The user can terminate assembly mode by
pressing the Enter key in response to the address prompt.
The assembly-language statements accepted by the SYMDEB A command have
some slight syntactic differences and restrictions compared with the
Microsoft Macro Assembler programming statements. These differences
can be summarized as follows:
■ All numbers are assumed to be hexadecimal integers unless otherwise
specified with a radix character suffix.
■ Segment overrides must be specified by preceding the entire
instruction with CS:, DS:, ES:, or SS:.
■ File control directives (NAME, PAGE, TITLE, and so forth), macro
definitions, record structures, and conditional assembly directives
are not supported by SYMDEB.
■ When the data type (word or byte) is not implicit in the
instruction, the type must be specified by preceding the operand
PTR (or QW), or TBYTE PTR (or TB).
■ In a string operation, the size of the string must be specified
with a B (byte) or W (word) added to the string instruction
mnemonic (for example, LODSB or LODSW).
■ The DB and DW instructions accept a parameter of the type list and
assemble byte and word values directly into memory.
■ The WAIT or FWAIT opcodes for 8087/80287 assembler statements are
not generated by the system and must be coded explicitly. (Note:
8087/80287 instructions can be assembled if the system is not
equipped with a math coprocessor, but the system will crash if an
attempt is made to execute them.)
■ Addresses must be enclosed in square brackets to be differentiated
from immediate operands.
■ Repeat prefixes such as REP, REPZ, and REPNZ can be entered either
alone on a line preceding the statement they affect or on the same
line immediately preceding the statement.
■ The assembler will generate the optimal form (SHORT, NEAR, or FAR)
for jumps or calls, depending on the destination address, but these
can be overridden if the operand is preceded with a NEAR (or NE) or
FAR prefix.
■ The mnemonic for a FAR RETURN is RETF.
To begin assembling code at address CS:0100H, type
-A 100 <Enter>
To assemble the instruction sequence
beginning at address CS:0100H, the following dialogue would take
-A 100 <Enter>
1983:0100 LODSW <Enter>
1983:0101 XCHG BX,AX <Enter>
1983:0103 JMP [BX] <Enter>
1983:0105 <Enter>
To continue assembling at the last address generated by a previous A
command (1983:0105H in the preceding example), type
-A <Enter>
Clear Breakpoints
Permanently removes sticky breakpoints.
BC *
BC list
* represents all sticky breakpoints.
list is one or more integers (sticky breakpoint numbers) in the
range 0 through 9.
The Clear Breakpoints (BC) command permanently clears the sticky
breakpoints previously set with the Set Breakpoints (BP) command. A
sticky breakpoint remains in memory throughout a SYMDEB session,
unlike a breakpoint set with the Go (G) command, which remains in
effect only while the G command executes.
If an asterisk character (*) follows the BC command, SYMDEB deletes
all sticky breakpoints. If a list parameter containing one or more
sticky breakpoint numbers in the range 0 through 9 follows the BC
command, SYMDEB selectively deletes sticky breakpoints. Each sticky
breakpoint is assigned a number when the breakpoint is created with
the BP command. The List Breakpoints (BL) command can be used to
display all current sticky breakpoint locations and numbers.
Breakpoint numbers should be separated by spaces.
Sticky breakpoints can be temporarily disabled with the Disable
Breakpoints (BD) command and subsequently re-enabled with the Enable
Breakpoints (BE) command.
To clear sticky breakpoints 0, 4, and 8, type
-BC 0 4 8 <Enter>
To clear all sticky breakpoints, type
-BC * <Enter>
Bad breakpoint number! (0-9)
A sticky breakpoint number in the command line was not an integer in
the range 0 through 9.
Breakpoint list or '*' expected!
The BC command was entered without parameters.
Disable Breakpoints
Temporarily disables sticky breakpoints.
BD *
BD list
* represents all sticky breakpoints.
list is one or more integers (sticky breakpoint numbers) in the
range 0 through 9.
The Disable Breakpoints (BD) command temporarily disables the sticky
breakpoints previously set with the Set Breakpoints (BP) command. A
sticky breakpoint remains in memory throughout a SYMDEB session,
unlike a breakpoint set with the Go (G) command, which remains in
effect only while the G command executes.
If an asterisk character (*) follows the BD command, SYMDEB disables
all sticky breakpoints. If a list parameter containing one or more
sticky breakpoint numbers in the range 0 through 9 follows the BD
command, SYMDEB selectively disables sticky breakpoints. Each sticky
breakpoint is assigned a number when the breakpoint is created with
the BP command. The List Breakpoints (BL) command can be used to
display all current sticky breakpoint locations and numbers.
Breakpoint numbers should be separated by spaces.
Sticky breakpoints disabled with the BD command can be re-enabled with
the Enable Breakpoints (BE) command. The Clear Breakpoints (BC)
command can be used to permanently delete a sticky breakpoint.
To disable sticky breakpoints 0, 4, and 8, type
-BD 0 4 8 <Enter>
To disable all sticky breakpoints, type
-BD * <Enter>
Bad breakpoint number! (0-9)
A sticky breakpoint number in the command line was not an integer in
the range 0 through 9.
Breakpoint list or '*' expected!
The BD command was entered without parameters.
Enable Breakpoints
Enables disabled sticky breakpoints.
BE *
BE list
* represents all sticky breakpoints.
list is one or more integers (sticky breakpoint numbers) in the
range 0 through 9.
The Enable Breakpoints (BE) command enables the sticky breakpoints
disabled with the Disable Breakpoints (BD) command. A sticky
breakpoint remains in memory throughout a SYMDEB session, unlike a
breakpoint set with the Go (G) command, which remains in effect only
while the G command executes.
If an asterisk (*) character follows the BE command, SYMDEB enables
all sticky breakpoints. If a list parameter containing one or more
sticky breakpoint numbers in the range 0 through 9 follows the BE
command, SYMDEB selectively enables sticky breakpoints. Each sticky
breakpoint is assigned a number when the breakpoint is created with
the Set Breakpoints (BP) command. The List Breakpoints (BL) command
can be used to display all current sticky breakpoint locations and
numbers. Breakpoint numbers should be separated by spaces.
To enable sticky breakpoints 0, 4, and 8, type
-BE 0 4 8 <Enter>
To enable all sticky breakpoints, type
-BE * <Enter>
Bad breakpoint number! (0-9)
A sticky breakpoint number in the command line was not an integer in
the range 0 through 9.
Breakpoint list or '*' expected!
The BE command was entered without parameters.
List Breakpoints
Displays information about all sticky breakpoints.
The List Breakpoints (BL) command lists the current status of each
sticky breakpoint created with the Set Breakpoints (BP) command. A
sticky breakpoint remains in memory throughout a SYMDEB session,
unlike a breakpoint set with the Go (G) command, which remains in
effect only while the G command executes.
The BL command lists each sticky breakpoint number, its status code,
its address in the target program, the number of passes remaining, and
the initial number of passes specified with the BP command (in
parentheses). If source display mode was selected with the Enable
Source Display Mode (S+) command, SYMDEB also displays the source-file
name and the line number that corresponds to each breakpoint location.
Breakpoint status codes are
e Enabled
d Disabled
v Virtual
(A virtual breakpoint is a sticky breakpoint set at a symbol contained
in a .EXE file that has not yet been loaded into SYMDEB.)
To view the current status of all breakpoints, type
-BL <Enter>
If the BP commands
-BP0 _TEXT:_main <Enter>
-BP1 _TEXT:_printf <Enter>
were previously entered, the BL command displays
0 e 456E:0010 [_TEXT:_main] dump.C:32
1 e 456E:0612 [_TEXT:_printf]
Set Breakpoints
Sets sticky breakpoint locations within the program being
BP[n] address [passcount] ["commands"]
n is the sticky breakpoint number (0-9).
address is the location of the breakpoint in the target
passcount is the number of times the instruction at address
should be executed before the breakpoint is taken.
"commands" is one or more SYMDEB commands, separated by
semicolons. The entire list must be enclosed in double
quotation marks. (Limit = 30 characters.)
The Set Breakpoints (BP) command sets a sticky breakpoint in the
program being debugged. A sticky breakpoint remains in memory
throughout a SYMDEB session, unlike a breakpoint set with the Go (G)
command, which remains in effect only while the G command executes.
When the target program reaches the breakpoint, execution of the
program is suspended and control returns to SYMDEB. SYMDEB displays
the contents of the registers and flags, followed by a prompt so that
the user can enter more commands.
The optional n parameter associates an integer in the range 0 through
9, called the breakpoint number, with the sticky breakpoint location.
If n is omitted, the next available breakpoint number is used. No
space is allowed between BP and n.
The address parameter must point to the first byte of a machine
instruction in the program. This parameter may be a symbol, a literal
address, or a source-code line number. If a segment is not included,
SYMDEB uses the target program's CS register.
The optional passcount parameter is the number of times execution
should pass through the specified location before the break is taken
and control is returned to SYMDEB. The value of passcount must be a
hexadecimal number in the range 0 through FFFFH (default = 0).
The optional "commands" parameter is one or more SYMDEB commands with
their associated parameters. Each command must be separated from the
others by a semicolon character (;) and the entire list enclosed in
double quotation marks ("). A maximum of 30 characters can be
specified within the quotation marks. The commands are executed
whenever the break is taken.
To set a sticky breakpoint at location next_file in the target
program and dump the contents of memory locations DS:0000H through
DS:00FFH when the breakpoint is reached, type
-BP NEXT_FILE "DB DS:0 L100" <Enter>
To associate the breakpoint number 4 with the location CS:4230H in the
program being debugged and pass the breakpoint 16 (10H) times before
suspending execution of the program, type
-BP4 CS:4230 10 <Enter>
Bad breakpoint number! (0-9)
A sticky breakpoint number in the command line was not an integer in
the range 0 through 9.
Breakpoint command too long!
The "commands" parameter exceeded 30 characters.
Breakpoint error!
The BP command was entered without an address parameter.
Breakpoint redefined!
A new address was assigned to an existing breakpoint number, or an
attempt was made to create a breakpoint with the same address as an
existing breakpoint.
Duplicate breakpoint ignored!
An attempt was made to change an existing breakpoint to a breakpoint
already specified in the breakpoint list.
Too many breakpoints!
No more sticky breakpoints are available.
Compare Memory Areas
Compares two areas of memory and reports any differences.
C range address
range specifies the starting and ending addresses or the
starting address and length of the first area of memory
to be compared.
address points to the beginning of the second area of memory to be
The Compare Memory Areas (C) command compares the contents of two
areas of memory. The location and contents of any differing bytes are
listed in the following form:
address1 byte1 byte2 address2
If no differences are found, the SYMDEB prompt returns.
The range parameter specifies the first through last addresses or the
starting address and length in bytes of the first area of memory to be
The address parameter points to the beginning of the second area of
memory to be compared, which is the same size as range. If a segment
is not included in either range or address, SYMDEB uses DS.
To compare the 64 bytes beginning at CS:CE00H with the 64 bytes
beginning at CS:CF0AH, type
-C CS:CE00,CE3F CS:CF0A <Enter>
-C CS:CE00 L40 CS:CF0A <Enter>
If any differences are found, SYMDEB displays them in the following
2124:CE06 00 FF 2124:CF10
Display Memory
Displays the contents of an area of memory.
D [range]
range specifies the starting and ending addresses or the
starting address and length of the area of memory to be
The Display Memory (D) command displays the contents of a specified
range of memory addresses in the same format used in the most recent
Display command (DA, DB, DD, DL, DS, DT, or DW). If no Display command
has previously been entered, the memory is displayed in hexadecimal
bytes and their ASCII equivalents (the DB format).
The range parameter specifies the starting and ending addresses of
the memory area to be displayed or the starting address followed by
the length of the area, expressed by an L and the hexadecimal number
of data items to be displayed. When range does not include a segment,
The size in bytes of each item and the default value for the length
depend on the type of Display command used: the Display Byte (DB),
Display Doubleword (DD), and Display Word (DW) commands default to a
length of 128 (80H) bytes; Display ASCII (DA) displays 128 bytes or up
to a null byte, whichever is smaller; Display Short Reals (DS),
Display Long Reals (DL), and Display 10-Byte Reals (DT) default to the
display of one floating-point number.
If a Display command has not previously been used and range is
omitted from a D command, the display starts at the address specified
in the target program's CS:IP registers. If a Display command has
previously been used and range is omitted from a D command, the
display starts at the memory address following the last address
displayed by the most recent Display command.
Assume that the only Display commands used during this SYMDEB session
are D and DB. To display the contents of the 128 bytes of memory
beginning at offset 100H in the program's DGROUP, type
-D DGROUP:0100 <Enter>
SYMDEB displays the contents of the range of memory addresses in the
following format:
7F00:0100 20 64 65 76 69 63 65 0D-0A 00 60 39 0D 0A 00 7C device...'9...|
7F00:0110 39 08 20 08 00 81 39 04-1B 5B 32 4A 42 BD 11 44 9....9..[2JB=.D
7F00:0120 2E 26 45 AF 11 47 B3 11-48 A5 11 4C B8 11 4E D3 .&E/.G3.H%.L8.NS
7F00:0130 11 50 DF 11 51 AB 11 54-DF 1E 56 37 11 5F 9F 16 .P_.Q+.T_.V7._..
7F00:0140 24 C0 11 00 03 4E 4F 54-C1 07 0A 45 52 52 4F 52 $@...NOTA..ERROR
7F00:0150 4C 45 56 45 4C 85 08 05-45 58 49 53 54 18 08 00 LEVEL...EXIST...
7F00:0160 03 44 49 52 03 91 0C 06-52 45 4E 41 4D 45 01 C0 .DIR....RENAME.@
7F00:0170 0F 03 52 45 4E 01 C0 0F-05 45 52 41 53 45 01 68 ..REN.@..ERASE.h
To view the next 128 bytes of memory, type
-D <Enter>
SYMDEB displays the contents of memory addresses 7F00:0180H through
Display ASCII
Displays the contents of memory in ASCII format.
DA [range]
range specifies the starting and ending addresses or the
starting address and length of the area of memory to be
The Display ASCII (DA) command displays the contents of a specified
range of memory addresses in ASCII format.
The range parameter specifies the starting and ending addresses of
the memory area to be displayed in ASCII format or the starting
address followed by the length of the area, expressed by an L and a
hexadecimal number of bytes. When range does not include a segment,
If a Display command has not previously been used and range is
omitted from a DA command, the display starts at the address specified
in the target program's CS:IP registers. If a Display command has
previously been used and range is omitted from a DA command, the
display starts at the memory address following the last address
displayed by the most recent Display command.
When a range is not explicit in a DA command, the display terminates
after 128 bytes or when a null (zero) byte is encountered. If a range
is specified, the entire range is displayed, including any null bytes,
with nonprinting characters displayed as period (.) characters.
Each line of the display is formatted as a segment and offset,
followed by the contents of 16 bytes of memory (or less if a null byte
was encountered) represented as an ASCII string.
If memory beginning at location 7F00:0100H contains the characters
This is a test string followed by a null (zero) byte, the
-DA 7F00:0100 <Enter>
produces the following display:
7F00:0100 This is a test string
To view additional memory in the same format, type
-D <Enter>
Display Bytes
Displays the contents of memory as hexadecimal bytes and their
equivalent ASCII characters.
DB [range]
range specifies the starting and ending addresses or the
starting address and length of the area of memory to be
The Display Bytes (DB) command displays the contents of a specified
range of memory addresses as hexadecimal bytes and their ASCII
character equivalents. This is the default format for the Display
Memory (D) command.
The range parameter specifies the starting and ending addresses of
the memory area to be displayed or the starting address followed by
the length of the area, expressed by an L and a hexadecimal number of
bytes. When range does not include a segment, SYMDEB uses DS.
If a Display command has not previously been used and range is
omitted from a DB command, the display starts at the address specified
in the target program's CS:IP registers. If a Display command has
previously been used and range is omitted from a DB command, the
display starts at the memory address following the last address
displayed by the most recent Display command. When a range is not
explicit in a DB command, the display terminates after 128
Each line of the display is formatted as a segment and offset,
followed by the contents of 16 bytes of memory represented as
hexadecimal values separated by spaces (except the eighth and ninth
values, which are separated by a dash), followed by their ASCII
character equivalents (if any). In the ASCII section, nonprinting
characters are displayed as periods.
To display the contents of the 128 bytes of memory beginning at
7F00:0100H, type
-DB 7F00:0100 <Enter>
The contents of the range of memory addresses are displayed in the
following format:
7F00:0100 20 64 65 76 69 63 65 0D-0A 00 60 39 0D 0A 00 7C device...'9...|
7F00:0110 39 08 20 08 00 81 39 04-1B 5B 32 4A 42 BD 11 44 9....9..[2JB=.D
7F00:0120 2E 26 45 AF 11 47 B3 11-48 A5 11 4C B8 11 4E D3 .&E/.G3.H%.L8.NS
7F00:0130 11 50 DF 11 51 AB 11 54-DF 1E 56 37 11 5F 9F 16 .P_.Q+.T_.V7._..
7F00:0140 24 C0 11 00 03 4E 4F 54-C1 07 0A 45 52 52 4F 52 $@...NOTA..ERROR
7F00:0150 4C 45 56 45 4C 85 08 05-45 58 49 53 54 18 08 00 LEVEL...EXIST...
7F00:0160 03 44 49 52 03 91 0C 06-52 45 4E 41 4D 45 01 C0 .DIR....RENAME.@
7F00:0170 0F 03 52 45 4E 01 C0 0F-05 45 52 41 53 45 01 68 ..REN.@..ERASE.h
To view the next 128 bytes of memory, type
-D <Enter>
SYMDEB displays the contents of memory addresses 7F00:0180H through
Display Doublewords
Displays the contents of memory in hexadecimal doubleword
DD [range]
range specifies the starting and ending addresses or the
starting address and length of the area of memory to be
The Display Doublewords (DD) command displays the contents of a
specified range of memory addresses 4 bytes at a time, as if they were
FAR memory pointers (offset followed by segment in reverse byte
The range parameter specifies the starting and ending addresses of
the memory to be displayed or the starting address followed by the
length of the area, expressed by an L and a hexadecimal number of
doublewords. When range does not include a segment, SYMDEB uses DS.
If a Display command has not previously been used and range is
omitted from a DD command, the display starts at the address specified
in the target program's CS:IP registers. If a Display command has
previously been used and range is omitted from a DD command, the
display starts at the memory address following the last address
displayed by the most recent Display command. When a range is not
explicit in a DD command, 32 doublewords (128 bytes) are
Each line of the display is formatted as a segment and offset,
followed by the contents of 16 bytes of memory represented as 4 paired
16-bit segments and offsets. The 4 bytes that make up the segment and
offset of each doubleword pointer are displayed in reverse order from
their actual storage in memory.
To see how DD represents the 4 bytes that make up a doubleword,
first type
-DB 100 <ENTER>
This produces the following output:
3929:0100 CF 0B 9D 0D 33 0E C3 0E-F2 0E 06 0F 39 0F 49 0F 0...3.C.r...9.I.
Then type
-DD 100 <Enter>
This produces the following output:
3929:0100 0D9D:0BCF 0EC3:0E33 0F06:0EF2 0F49:0F39
Notice that DD switches the order of the first 2 bytes in a 4-byte set
and designates them as the offset; then it switches the order of the
second 2 bytes in the 4-byte set and designates them as the segment
To display the contents of the first 128 (80H) bytes of the system
interrupt vector table, which is based at address 0000:0000H, type
-DD 0:0 <Enter>
This produces the following output:
0000:0000 2075:03D2 0070:01F0 16F3:2C1B 0070:01F0
0000:0010 0070:01F0 F000:FF54 F000:9805 F000:9805
0000:0020 0AE3:0395 16F3:2BAD F000:9805 F000:9805
0000:0030 0972:0B40 F000:9805 F000:EF57 0070:01F0
0000:0040 0AE3:03D6 F000:F84D F000:F841 0070:0D43
0000:0050 F000:E739 F000:F859 F000:E82E F000:EFD2
0000:0060 F000:E76C 0070:0ADD F000:FE6E 1078:3BEC
0000:0070 F000:FF53 F000:F0E4 0000:0522 F000:0000
To view the next 128 bytes of memory in the same format, type
-D <Enter>
SYMDEB displays the contents of memory addresses 0000:0080H through
Display Long Reals
Displays the contents of memory as long (64-bit) floating-point
DL [range]
range specifies the starting and ending addresses or the
starting address and length of the area of memory to be
The Display Long Reals (DL) command displays the contents of a
specified range of memory addresses 8 bytes at a time, as hexadecimal
values and their decimal equivalents. The hexadecimal values are
formatted as 64-bit floating-point numbers. The decimal values have
the form
The sign of the number (+ or -) is followed by a zero, a decimal
point, and a maximum of 16 decimaldigits; this, in turn, is followed
by the designator of the mantissa (E) and the mantissa's sign (+ or -)
and digits.
The range parameter specifies the starting and ending addresses of
the memory to be displayed or the starting address followed by the
length of the area, expressed by an L and a hexadecimal number of 8-
byte values. When range does not include a segment, SYMDEB uses DS.
If a Display command has not previously been used and range is
omitted from a DL command, the display starts at the address specified
in the target program's CS:IP registers. If a Display command has
previously been used and range is omitted from a DL command, the
display starts at the memory address following the last address
displayed by the most recent Display command. When a range is not
explicit in a DL command, one 64-bit floating-point number is
Each line of the display is formatted as a segment and offset,
followed by the contents of 8 bytes of memory represented as a
hexadecimal value, followed by its decimal floating-point
Assume that the memory beginning at location DS:0100H contains the
value 6.624 * 10^-27 (Planck's constant, in erg-seconds) as a 64-
bit floating-point number. The command
-DL 100 <Enter>
produces the following output:
43E8:0100 5F A2 20 73 75 66 80 3A +0.6624E-26
To view the next 8 bytes of memory in the same format, type
-D <Enter>
Display Short Reals
Displays the contents of memory as short (32-bit) floating-point
DS [range]
range specifies the starting and ending addresses or the
starting address and length of the area of memory to be
The Display Short Reals (DS) command displays the contents of a
specified range of memory addresses 4 bytes at a time, as hexadecimal
values and their decimal equivalents. The hexadecimal values are
formatted as 32-bit floating-point numbers. The decimal values have
the form
The sign of the number (+ or -) is followed by a zero, a decimal
point, and a maximum of 16 decimaldigits (only the first 7 digits are
significant); this, in turn, is followed by the designator of the
mantissa (E) and the mantissa's sign (+ or -) and digits.
The range parameter specifies the starting and ending addresses of
the area of memory to be displayed or the starting address followed by
the length of the area, expressed by an L and a hexadecimal number of
4-byte values. When range does not include a segment, SYMDEB uses DS.
If a Display command has not previously been used and range is
omitted from a DS command, the display starts at the address specified
in the target program's CS:IP registers. If a Display command has
previously been used and range is omitted from a DS command, the
display starts at the memory address following the last address
displayed by the most recent Display command. When a range is not
explicit in a DS command, one 32-bit floating-point number is
Each line of the display is formatted as a segment and offset,
followed by the contents of 4 bytes of memory represented as a
hexadecimal value, followed by its decimal floating-point
Assume that the memory beginning at location 43E8:0100H contains the
value 6.02 * 10^+23 (Avogadro's number) as a 32-bit floating-point
number. The command
-DS 43E8:100 <Enter>
produces the following output:
43E8:0100 F9 F4 FE 66 +0.6020000172718952E+24
To view the next 4 bytes of memory in the same format, type
-D <Enter>
Display 10-Byte Reals
Displays the contents of memory as 10-byte (80-bit) floating-point
DT [range]
range specifies the starting and ending addresses or the
starting address and length of the area of memory to be
The Display 10-Byte Reals (DT) command displays the contents of a
specified range of memory addresses 10 bytes at a time, as hexadecimal
values and their decimal equivalents. The hexadecimal values are
formatted as 80-bit floating-point numbers. (This format is ordinarily
used by the Intel 8087 math coprocessor only for intermediate results
during chained floating-point calculations.) The decimal value has
the form
The sign of the number (+ or -) is followed by a zero, a decimal
point, and a maximum of 16 decimaldigits; this, in turn, is followed
by the designator of the mantissa (E) and the mantissa's sign (+ or -)
and digits.
The range parameter specifies the starting and ending addresses of
the area of memory to be displayed or the starting address followed by
the length of the area, expressed by an L and a hexadecimal number of
10-byte values. When range does not include a segment, SYMDEB uses
If a Display command has not previously been used and range is
omitted from a DT command, the display starts at the address specified
in the target program's CS:IP registers. If a Display command has
previously been used and range is omitted from a DT command, the
display starts at the memory address following the last address
displayed by the most recent Display command. When a range is not
explicit in a DT command, one 10-byte floating-point number is
Each line of the display is formatted as a segment and offset,
followed by the contents of 10 bytes of memory represented as a
hexadecimal value, followed by its decimal floating-point
Assume that the memory beginning at location DS:0100H contains the
value 2.99 * 10^+10 (the speed of light in centimeters per second)
as an 80-bit floating-point number. The command
-DT 100 <Enter>
produces the following output:
43E8:0100 00 00 00 00 60 B9 C5 DE 21 40 +0.299E+11
To view the next 10 bytes of memory in the same format, type
-D <Enter>
Display Words
Displays the contents of memory as 2-byte (16-bit) words.
DW [range]
range specifies the starting and ending addresses or the
starting address and length of the area of memory to be
The Display Word (DW) command displays the contents of a specified
range of memory addresses 2 bytes at a time, as 16-bit hexadecimal
The range parameter specifies the starting and ending addresses of
the area of memory to be displayed or the starting address followed by
the length of the area, expressed by an L and a hexadecimal number of
words of memory to be displayed. When range does not include a
segment, SYMDEB uses DS.
If a Display command has not previously been used and range is
omitted from a DW command, the display starts at the address specified
in the target program's CS:IP registers. If a Display command has
previously been used and range is omitted from a DW command, the
display starts at the memory address following the last address
displayed by the most recent Display command. When a range is not
explicit in a DW command, 64 words are displayed.
Each line of the display is formatted as a segment and offset,
followed by the contents of 16 bytes of memory represented as eight 4-
digit hexadecimal numbers. The 2 bytes that make up each word are
displayed in reverse order from their actual storage in memory. That
is, the first byte in a 2-byte word is displayed after the second
To display the contents of the 64 words of memory beginning at
DS:0080H in word format, type
-DW 80 <Enter>
This produces the following output:
1FEE:0080 6977 646E 776F 5C73 696C 0062 494C 3D42
1FEE:0090 3A63 6D5C 6373 6C5C 6269 633B 5C3A 6977
1FEE:00A0 646E 776F 5C73 696C 0062 4D54 3D50 3A63
1FEE:00B0 745C 6D65 0070 4554 504D 633D 5C3A 6574
1FEE:00C0 706D 4400 4149 3D4C 3A63 645C 6169 006C
1FEE:00D0 4350 3346 3D32 3A63 665C 726F 6874 705C
1FEE:00E0 3363 0032 4350 3350 3D32 3A63 665C 726F
1FEE:00F0 6874 705C 756C 3373 0032 5255 3146 3D30
To view the next 64 words of memory in the same format, type
-D <Enter>
SYMDEB displays the contents of memory addresses 1FEE:0100H through
Enter Data
Enters data into memory.
E address [list]
address is the first memory location for storage.
list is the data to be placed into successive bytes of memory,
starting at address.
The Enter Data (E) command enters into memory one or more data items,
using the same format as the most recent Enter command (EA, EB, ED,
EL, ES, ET, or EW). If no Enter command has previously been used, the
data can be entered as either hexadecimal values or ASCII strings (the
EA or EB format). Any data previously stored at the specified
locations is lost. If SYMDEB displays an error message, no changes are
The address parameter specifies the first byte to be modified. If
address does not include a segment, SYMDEB uses DS. SYMDEB increments
the address for each byte of data stored.
The list parameter must meet the requirements of the last Enter
command used. All SYMDEB Enter commands are described in alphabetic
order on the following pages. If list is included in the command line,
the changes are made unless an error is detected in the command line.
If list is omitted from the command line, the current contents of
address are displayed, followed by a period (.), and the user is
prompted for new data. If no value is entered and the Enter key is
pressed, the original value remains unchanged and the Enter command is
The following two examples assume that no previous Enter commands have
been used or that the most recent Enter command was EA or EB.
To store the byte values 00H, 0DH, and 0AH into the 3 bytes beginning
at DS:1FB3H, type
-E 1FB3 00 0D 0A <Enter>
If the command
-E 2C3 ABC <Enter>
is entered and the last Enter command used was EA or EB, the value BCH
is stored at DS:2C3H, and the leading `A' character on the hexadecimal
number `ABC' is ignored.
Enter ASCII String
Enters an ASCII string or hexadecimal byte values into memory.
EA address [list]
address is the first memory location for storage.
list is one or more ASCII strings or hexadecimal byte values.
The Enter ASCII String (EA) command enters data into successive memory
bytes. The data can be entered as either hexadecimal byte values or
ASCII strings. Any data previously stored at the specified locations
is lost. If SYMDEB displays an error message, no changes are made. The
EA command functions exactly like the Enter Bytes (EB) command.
The address parameter specifies the first byte to be modified. If
address does not include a segment, SYMDEB uses DS. SYMDEB increments
the address for each byte of data stored.
The list parameter is one or more ASCII strings and/or hexadecimal
byte values, separated by spaces, commas, or tab characters. Extra or
trailing characters are ignored. Strings must be enclosed within
single or double quotation marks, and case is significant within a
If list is included in the command line, the changes are made unless
an error is detected in the command line. If list is omitted from the
command line, the user is prompted byte by byte for new data, starting
at address. The current contents of a byte are displayed, followed by
a period. A new value for that byte can be entered as one or two
hexadecimal digits (extra characters are ignored), or the contents can
be left unchanged. To display the next byte, the user presses the
spacebar. If the user enters a minus sign, or hyphen character (-),
instead of pressing the spacebar, SYMDEB backs up to the previous
byte. A maximum of 8 bytes can be entered on each input line; a new
line is begun each time an 8-byte boundary is crossed. Data entry is
terminated by pressing the Enter key without pressing the spacebar or
entering any data.
Text strings can be used only as part of the list parameter in an EA
command line; they cannot be entered in response to an address prompt.
To store the string MAIN MENU into memory beginning at address
ES:0C14H, type
-EA ES:C14 "MAIN MENU" <Enter>
Enter Bytes
Enters hexadecimal byte values or ASCII strings into memory.
EB address [list]
address is the first memory location for storage.
list is one or more hexadecimal byte values or ASCII strings.
The Enter Bytes (EB) command enters data into successive memory bytes.
The data can be entered as either hexadecimal byte values or ASCII
strings. Any data previously stored at the specified locations is
lost. If SYMDEB displays an error message, no changes are made. The EB
command functions exactly like the Enter ASCII String (EA) command.
The address parameter specifies the first byte to be modified. If
address does not include a segment, SYMDEB uses DS. SYMDEB increments
the address for each byte of data stored.
The list parameter is one or more hexadecimal byte values and/or
ASCII strings, separated by spaces, commas, or tab characters. Extra
or trailing characters are ignored. Strings must be enclosed within
single or double quotation marks, and case is significant within a
If list is included in the command line, the changes are made unless
an error is detected in the command line. If list is omitted from the
command line, the user is prompted byte by byte for new data, starting
at address. The current contents of a byte are displayed, followed by
a period. A new value for the byte can be entered as one or two
hexadecimal digits (extra characters are ignored), or the contents can
be left unchanged. To display the next byte, the user presses the
spacebar. If the user enters a minus sign, or hyphen character (-),
instead of pressing the spacebar, SYMDEB backs up to the previous
byte. A maximum of 8 bytes can be entered on each input line; a new
line is begun each time an 8-byte boundary is crossed. Data entry is
terminated by pressing the Enter key without pressing the spacebar or
entering any data.
Text strings can be used only as part of the list parameter in an EB
command line; they cannot be entered in response to an address prompt.
To store the byte values 00H, 0DH, and 0AH into the 3 bytes beginning
at DS:1FB3H, type
-EB 1FB3 00 0D 0A <Enter>
To store the string MAIN MENU into memory beginning at address
ES:0C14H, type
-EB ES:C14 "MAIN MENU" <Enter>
Enter Doublewords
Enters hexadecimal doubleword values into memory.
ED address [value]
address is the first memory location for storage.
value is a doubleword (32-bit) hexadecimal value.
The Enter Doublewords (ED) command enters into memory 32-bit
hexadecimal doubleword values in the form of FAR memory pointers
(offset followed by segments in reverse byte order). Any data
previously stored at the specified locations is lost. If SYMDEB
displays an error message, no changes are made.
The address parameter specifies the first memory location to be
modified. If address does not include a segment, SYMDEB uses DS.
The value parameter is one doubleword value, entered as two 16-bit
hexadecimal words separated by a colon character (:). Each value is
entered in the form segment:offset. The offset portion is stored at
address, and the segment portion is stored at address+2, both in
reverse byte order. For example, a value of AABB:CCDDH would be stored
in memory as DDH, CCH, BBH, and AAH, starting at address. Multiple
values cannot be used in an ED command line; SYMDEB ignores any values
after the first value.
If value is omitted from the command line, SYMDEB prompts the user
for new data, starting at address. The current contents of the
location are displayed, followed by a period. The user can then enter
a new doubleword value and press the Enter key or leave the contents
unchanged by pressing the Enter key alone, which also terminates the
ED command. If a new value is entered, SYMDEB increments address and
displays the next doubleword value.
To store the doubleword value F000:1392H at the address DS:0200H,
-ED 200 F000:1392 <Enter>
Enter Long Reals
Enters 64-bit floating-point numbers into memory.
EL address [value]
address is the first memory location for storage.
value is a 64-bit floating-point decimal number.
The Enter Long Reals (EL) command enters into memory 64-bit floating-
point numbers in decimal format. Any data previously stored at the
specified memory locations is lost. If SYMDEB displays an error
message, no changes are made.
The address parameter specifies the first byte to be modified. If
address does not include a segment, SYMDEB uses DS.
The value parameter is a floating-point number entered in decimal
radix, with or without a decimal point and/or exponent. Multiple
values cannot be used in an EL command line; SYMDEB ignores any
values after the first value.
The 64-bit floating-point decimal value must be entered in the
+|- is the sign of the long floating-point value or the
decimaldigits is a decimal number. A maximum of 16 digits is
allowed, including digits before and after a decimal
E denotes the beginning of the mantissa.
mantissa is the decimal mantissa value.
If value is omitted from the command line, SYMDEB prompts the user
for new data, starting at address. The current contents of the
location are displayed. The user can enter a new value and press the
Enter key or leave the contents unchanged by pressing the Enter key
alone, which also terminates the EL command. If a new value is entered
and the Enter key is pressed, SYMDEB increments address and displays
the next long real number.
To store an approximation of the value pi in the form of a 64-
bit floating-point number at address DS:0020H, type
-EL 20 +0.3141592653589793E+1 <Enter>
-EL 20 3.141592653589793 <Enter>
Enter Short Reals
Enters 32-bit floating-point numbers into memory.
ES address [value]
address is the first memory location for storage.
value is a 32-bit floating-point decimal number.
The Enter Short Reals (ES) command enters into memory 32-bit floating-
point numbers in decimal format. Any data previously stored at the
specified locations is lost. If SYMDEB displays an error message, no
changes are made.
The address parameter specifies the first byte to be modified. If
address does not include a segment, SYMDEB uses DS.
The value parameter is a floating-point number entered in decimal
radix, with or without a decimal point and/or exponent. Multiple
values cannot be used in an ES command line; SYMDEB ignores any values
after the first value.
The 32-bit floating-point decimal value must be entered in the
+|- is the sign of the short floating-point value or the
decimaldigits is a decimal number. A maximum of 16 digits is
allowed, including digits before and after a decimal
E denotes the beginning of the mantissa.
mantissa is the decimal mantissa value.
Note: For short floating-point values, the last nine decimaldigits
are not significant. This can be demonstrated by using the Display
Short Reals (DS) command to check the new value in memory.
If value is omitted from the command line, SYMDEB prompts the user
for new data, starting at address. The current contents of the
location are displayed. The user can then enter a new value and press
the Enter key or leave the contents unchanged by pressing the Enter
key alone, which also terminates the ES command. If a new value is
entered and the Enter key is pressed, SYMDEB increments address and
displays the next short floating-point number.
To store an approximation of the value pi in the form of a 32-bit
floating-point number at address DS:0020H, type
-ES 20 +0.31415927E+1 <Enter>
-ES 20 3.1415927 <Enter>
Enter 10-Byte Reals
Enters 10-byte (80-bit) floating-point numbers into memory.
ET address [value]
address is the first memory location for storage.
value is an 80-bit floating-point decimal number.
The Enter 10-Byte Reals (ET) command enters into memory 10-byte (80-
bit) floating-point numbers in decimal format. Any data previously
stored at the specified locations is lost. If SYMDEB displays an error
message, no changes are made. (This 10-byte format is ordinarily used
by the Intel 8087 math coprocessor only for intermediate results
during chained floating-point calculations.)
The address parameter specifies the first memory location to be
modified. If address does not include a segment, SYMDEB uses DS.
The value parameter is a floating-point number entered in decimal
radix, with or without a decimal point and/or exponent. Multiple
values cannot be used in an ET command line; SYMDEB ignores any values
after the first value.
The 10-byte floating-point decimal value must be entered in the form
+|- is the sign of the 10-byte floating-point value or
the mantissa.
decimaldigits is a decimal number. A maximum of 16 digits is
allowed, including digits before and after a decimal
E denotes the beginning of the mantissa.
mantissa is the decimal mantissa value.
If value is omitted from the command, SYMDEB prompts the user for new
data, starting at address. The current contents are displayed. The
user can enter a new value and press the Enter key or leave the
contents unchanged by pressing the Enter key alone, which also
terminates the ET command. If a new value is entered and the Enter key
is pressed, SYMDEB increments address and displays the next 10-byte
floating-point number.
To store an approximation of the value pi in the form of an 80-
bit floating-point number at address DS:0020H, type
-ET 20 +0.31415926535897932384E+1 <Enter>
-ET 20 3.1415926535897932384 <Enter>
Enter Words
Enters word values into memory.
EW address [value]
address is the first memory location for storage.
value is a word (16-bit) hexadecimal value.
The Enter Words (EW) command enters into memory 16-bit hexadecimal
word values. Any data previously stored at the specified locations is
lost. If SYMDEB displays an error message, no changes are made.
The address parameter specifies the first memory location to be
modified. If address does not include a segment, SYMDEB uses DS.
The value parameter is one word value in the range 0 through FFFFH.
The value is stored in reverse byte order. For example, a value of
AABBH would be stored in memory as BBH and AAH, starting at address.
Multiple values cannot be used in an EW command line; SYMDEB ignores
any values after the first value.
If value is omitted from the command line, SYMDEB prompts the user
word by word for new data, starting at address. The current contents
are displayed, followed by a period. The user can enter a new word
value as one to four hexadecimal digits and press the Enter key or
leave the contents unchanged by pressing the Enter key alone, which
also terminates the EW command. If a new value is entered, SYMDEB
increments address and displays the next word value.
To store the word value 1355H at the address DS:1C00H, type
-EW 1C00 1355 <Enter>
Fill Memory
Stores a repetitive data pattern into an area of memory.
F range list
range specifies the starting and ending addresses or the
starting address and length of memory to be filled.
list is the data to be used to fill memory.
The Fill Memory (F) command fills an area of memory with the data from
a list. The data can be entered in either hexadecimal or ASCII format.
Any data previously stored at the specified locations is lost. If
SYMDEB displays an error message, no changes are made.
The range parameter specifies the starting and ending addresses or
the starting address and hexadecimal length in bytes of the area of
memory to be filled. If range does not include an explicit segment,
The list parameter is one or more hexadecimal byte values and/or
strings, separated by spaces, commas, or tab characters. Strings must
be enclosed in single or double quotation marks, and case is
significant within a string.
If the area to be filled is larger than the data list, the list is
repeated as often as necessary to fill the area. If the data list is
longer than the area of memory to be filled, the list is truncated to
To fill the area of memory from DS:0B10H through DS:0B4FH with the
value 0E8H, type
-F B10 B4F E8 <Enter>
-F B10 L40 E8 <Enter>
To fill the 16 bytes of memory beginning at address CS:1FA0H by
replicating the 2-byte sequence 0DH 0AH, type
-F CS:1FA0 1FAF 0D 0A <Enter>
-F CS:1FA0 L10 0D 0A <Enter>
To fill the area of memory from ES:0B00H through ES:0BFFH by
replicating the text string BUFFER, type
-F ES:B00 BFF "BUFFER" <Enter>
-F ES:B00 L100 "BUFFER" <Enter>
Transfers execution control from SYMDEB to the target program being
G[=address] [break0[... break9]]
address is the location at which to begin execution.
break0 ... break9 specify from 1 to 10 breakpoints.
The Go (G) command transfers control from SYMDEB to the target
program. If no breakpoints are set, the program will execute until it
crashes or until it reaches a normal termination, in which case the
message Program terminated normally is displayed and control returns
to SYMDEB. (After this message has been displayed, it may be necessary
to reload the program before it can be executed again.)
The address parameter can be any location in memory. If no segment is
specified, SYMDEB uses the target program's CS register. If address
is omitted, SYMDEB transfers to the current address in the target
program's CS:IP registers. An equal sign (=) must precede address to
distinguish it from the breakpoints break0 ... break9.
The parameters break0 ... break9 specify from 1 to 10 breakpoints
that can be set as part of the G command. Breakpoints can be placed in
any order, because execution stops at the first breakpoint address
encountered, regardless of the position of that breakpoint in the
list. Each of the breakpoint addresses must contain the first byte of
an 8086 opcode. SYMDEB installs breakpoints by replacing the first
byte of the machine instruction at each breakpoint address with an
Interrupt 03H instruction (opcode 0CCH). If the program encounters a
breakpoint, program execution is suspended and control returns to
SYMDEB. SYMDEB then restores the original machine code in the
breakpoint locations, displays the contents of the current registers
and flags and the instruction pointed to by CS:IP, and issues the
standard SYMDEB prompt. If the target program executes to completion
and terminates without encountering any of the breakpoints or is
halted by some means other than a breakpoint, the Interrupt 03H
instructions are not replaced with the original machine code and the
Load File or Sectors (L) command must be used to reload the original
The G command requires that the target program's SS:SP registers point
to a valid stack that has at least 6 bytes of stack space available.
When the G command is executed, it pushes the target program's flags
and CS and IP registers onto the stack and then transfers control to
the program with an IRET instruction. Thus, if the target program's
stack is not valid or is too small, the system may crash.
The G command also recognizes any sticky breakpoints set with the Set
Breakpoint (BP) command. These sticky breakpoints are not counted as
part of the transient breakpoints specified in the G command line and
are not removed after a breakpoint has been encountered.
To begin execution of the program in SYMDEB's buffer at location
CS:110AH, setting breakpoints at CS:12FCH and CS:1303H, type
-G =110A 12FC 1303 <Enter>
To resume execution of the program following a breakpoint, type
-G <Enter>
To begin execution at the label main, setting breakpoints at the
procedures fopen() and printf(), type
-G =_main _fopen _printf <Enter>
Program terminated normally
The program being debugged executed successfully without encountering
any breakpoints and performed a normal termination with Interrupt 20H,
Interrupt 21H Function 00H, or Interrupt 21H Function 4CH. If any
breakpoints were set, the original program should be reloaded with the
Load File or Sectors (L) command.
Too many breakpoints!
More than 10 breakpoints were specified in a Go (G) command. Enter the
command again with 10 or fewer breakpoints.
Perform Hexadecimal Arithmetic
Displays the sum and difference of two hexadecimal numbers.
H value1 value2
value1 and value2 are any two hexadecimal numbers in the range 0
through FFFFH.
The Perform Hexadecimal Arithmetic (H) command displays the sum and
difference of two 16-bit hexadecimal numbers--that is, the result of
the operations value1+value2 and value1-value2. If value2 is
greater than value1, SYMDEB displays their difference as a two's
complement hexadecimal number. This command is convenient for
performing quick calculations of addresses and other values during an
interactive debugging session.
To display the sum and difference of the values 4B03H and 104H,
-H 4B03 104 <Enter>
This produces the following display:
4C07 49FF
If the addition produces an overflow, the four least significant
digits are displayed. For example, the command line
-H FFFF 2 <Enter>
produces the following display:
0001 FFFD
If value2 is greater than value1, the difference is displayed in
two's complement form. For example, the command line
-H 1 2 <Enter>
produces the following display:
0003 FFFF
Input from Port
Reads and displays 1 byte from an input/output (I/O) port.
I port
port is a 16-bit I/O port address in the range 0 through FFFFH.
The Input from Port (I) command performs a read operation on the
specified I/O port address and displays the data as a two-digit
hexadecimal number.
Warning: This command must be used with caution because it involves
direct access to the computer hardware and no error checking is
performed. Input operations directed to the ports assigned to some
peripheral device controllers may interfere with the proper operation
of the system. If no device has been assigned to the specified I/O
port or if the port is write-only, the value that will be displayed by
an I command is unpredictable.
To read and display the contents of I/O port 10AH, type
-I 10A <Enter>
An example of the result of this command is
Perform Stack Trace
Displays the current stack frame.
K [number]
number is the number of parameters supplied to the current
The Perform Stack Trace (K) command displays the contents of the
current stack frame. The first line of the display shows the name of
the current procedure, parameters to the procedure, and the filename
and line number of the call to the procedure. The subsequent lines
trace the flow of execution that led to the current procedure.
In cases where SYMDEB cannot determine the number of parameters for a
procedure by inspection of the stack frame (for example, if the number
of parameters sent to a procedure varies), the number option can be
used in the command to force the display of one or more
The K command can be used only on procedures that follow the calling
conventions used by Microsoft high-level-language compilers.
Assume that a breakpoint has been set within the C library printf()
routine, that the breakpoint has been reached, and that the SYMDEB
prompt has reappeared. The command
-K <Enter>
produces the following output:
_TEXT:_printf(00D4,0000,0000) from .dump.C:108
_TEXT:_dump_para(0000,0000,0FB8) from .dump.C:92
_TEXT:_dump_rec(0FB8,0001,0000,0000) from .dump.C:61
In this example, the breakpointed procedure printf() was called by
the routine dump_para() with three parameters. Dump_para() was
called by dump_rec(), which in turn was called by main(). Because
SYMDEB cannot determine the depth of the stack frame for the routine
main(), it displays no parameters for it. The display of at least two
parameters for every procedure can be forced by the command
-K 2 <Enter>
which produces the following example display:
_TEXT:_printf(00D4,0000,0000) from .dump.C:108
_TEXT:_dump_para(0000,0000,0FB8) from .dump.C:92
_TEXT:_dump_rec(0FB8,0001,0000,0000) from .dump.C:61
From a knowledge of C conventions, it follows that the first parameter
for main() is argc, or the number of tokens in the command line that
invoked the program being debugged; the second parameter is the offset
within DGROUP of argv, or an array of pointers to each token.
Load File or Sectors
Loads a file or individual sectors from a disk.
L [address]
L address drive start number
address is the starting address in memory that data read from a
disk is placed into.
drive is the decimal number (0-3) of the disk to read
(0 = drive A, 1 = drive B, 2 = drive C, 3= drive D).
start is the hexadecimal number of the first sector to load
number is the hexadecimal number of consecutive sectors to load
The Load File or Sectors (L) command loads a file or individual
sectors from a disk.
When the L command is entered without parameters or with an address
alone, the file specified in the SYMDEB command line or with the most
recent Name File or Command-Tail Parameters (N) command is loaded from
the disk into memory. If no segment is specified in address, SYMDEB
uses CS. If the file's extension is .EXE, the file is placed in
SYMDEB's target program buffer at the load address specified in the
.EXE file's header; if the file's extension is .COM, the file is
loaded at offset 100H. (If for some reason an address is entered for a
.EXE or .COM file and the address is anything but 100H, an error
message is displayed; if the address is 100H, it will be ignored.) If
the file has a .HEX extension, the .HEX file's starting address is
added to address before loading the file. If address is not
specified, the .HEX file is placed at its own starting address. The
length of the file or, in the case of a .EXE file, the actual length
of the program (the length of the file minus the header) is placed in
the target program's BX and CX registers, with the most significant 16
bits in register BX.
The L command can also be used to bypass the MS-DOS file system and
obtain direct access to logical sectors on the disk. The memory
address (address), disk drive number (drive), starting logical sector
number (start), and number of sectors to read (number) must all be
specified in the command line.
Note: The L command should not be used to access logical sectors on
network drives.
To load the file specified in the SYMDEB command line or in the most
recent N command into SYMDEB's target program buffer, type
-L <Enter>
To load eight sectors from drive B, starting at logical sector 0, to
memory location CS:0100H in SYMDEB's memory buffer, type
-L 100 1 0 8 <Enter>
Disk error reading disk <FI>X<FS>
A hardware-related disk error, such as a checksum error or seek
incomplete, was encountered during the execution of an L command.
File not found
The file specified in the most recent N command cannot be found.
Move (Copy) Data
Copies the contents of one area of memory to another.
M range address
range specifies the starting and ending addresses or the
starting address and length of the area of memory to be
address is the first byte of the destination of the copy
The Move (Copy) Data (M) command copies data from one location in
memory to another without altering the data in the original location.
If the source and destination areas overlap, the data is copied in the
correct order so that the resulting copy is correct; the data in the
original location is changed only when the two areas overlap.
The range parameter specifies the starting and ending addresses or
the starting address and length of the memory to be copied. The
address parameter is the first byte in which the copy will be placed.
If range does not contain an explicit segment, SYMDEB uses DS; if
address does not contain a segment, SYMDEB uses the same segment used
for range.
To copy the data in locations DS:0800H through DS:08FFH to locations
DS:0900H through DS:09FFH, type
-M 800 8FF 900 <Enter>
-M 800 L100 900 <Enter>
Name File or Command-Tail Parameters
Inserts parameters into the simulated program segment prefix
N parameter [parameter...]
parameter is a filename or switch to be placed into the
simulated PSP.
The Name File or Command-Tail Parameters (N) command is used to enter
one or more parameters into the simulated PSP that is built at the
base of the buffer holding the program to be debugged. The N command
can also be used before the Load File or Sectors (L) and Write File or
Sectors (W) commands to name a file to be read from a disk or written
to a disk.
The count of the characters following the N command is placed at
DS:0080H in the simulated PSP and the characters themselves are copied
into the PSP starting at DS:0081H. The string is terminated by a
carriage return (0DH), which is not included in the count. If the
second and third parameters follow the naming conventions for MS-DOS
files, they are parsed into the default file control blocks (FCBs) in
the simulated PSP, at offset 5CH and offset 6CH, respectively. Note
that this is different from the N command in DEBUG, which loads the
first and second parameters into the default FCBs. (Switches and other
filenames specified as parameters are stored in the PSP starting at
offset 81H along with the rest of the command line but are not parsed
into the default FCBs.)
If the N command line contains only one filename, any parameters
placed in the default FCBs by a previous N command are destroyed. If
the drive included with the second filename parameter is invalid, the
AL register is set to 0FFH. If the drive included with the third
filename parameter is invalid, the AH register is set to 0FFH. The
existence of a file specified with the N command is not verified until
it is loaded with the L command.
The filename at DS:0081H specifies the file that is read or written by
a subsequent L or W command.
Assume that SYMDEB was started without specifying the name of a target
program in the command line. To load the program CLEAN.COM for
execution under the control of SYMDEB and include the parameter
MYFILE.DAT in the simulated PSP's command tail and FCB, use the N and
L commands together as follows:
-L <Enter>
To execute the program CLEAN.COM, type
-G <Enter>
The net effect is the same as if the CLEAN.COM program had been run
from the MS-DOS command level with the command line
except that the program is executing under the control of SYMDEB and
within SYMDEB's memory buffer.
Output to Port
Writes 1 byte to an input/output (I/O) port.
O port byte
port is a 16-bit I/O port address in the range 0 through FFFFH.
byte is a value to be written to the I/O port (0-0FFH).
The Output to Port (O) command writes 1 byte of data to the specified
I/O port address. The data value must be in the range 00H through
Warning: This command must be used with caution because it involves
direct access to the computer hardware and no error checking is
performed. Attempts to write to some port addresses, such as those for
ports connected to peripheral device controllers, timers, or the
system's interrupt controller, may cause the system to crash or may
even result in damage to data stored on disk.
To write the value C8H to I/O port 10AH, type
-O 10A C8 <Enter>
Proceed Through Loop or Subroutine
Executes a loop, string instruction, software interrupt, or subroutine
to completion.
P[=address] [number]
address is the location of the first instruction to be executed.
number is the number of instructions to execute.
The Proceed Through Loop or Subroutine (P) command transfers control
to the target program. The program executes without interruption until
the loop, repeated string instruction, software interrupt, or
subroutine call at address is completed or until the specified number
of machine instructions have been executed. Control then returns to
SYMDEB and the current contents of the target program's registers and
flags are displayed.
Warning: The P command should not be used to execute any instruction
that changes the contents of the Intel 8259 interrupt mask (ports 20H
and 21H on the IBM PC and compatibles) and cannot be used to trace
through ROM. Use the Go (G) command instead.
If the address parameter does not contain a segment, SYMDEB uses the
target program's CS register; if address is omitted, execution begins
at the current address specified by the target's CS:IP registers. The
address parameter must be preceded by an equal sign (=) to
distinguish it from number.
The number parameter specifies the number of instructions to be
executed before control returns to SYMDEB. If number is omitted, one
instruction is executed.
When the Enable Source Display Mode (S+) command is selected, the P
command operates directly on source-code lines, passing over function
or procedure calls. (The S+ command can be used only with programs
created by high-level-language compilers that insert line-number
information into object modules.)
When source display mode is disabled with the S- command or when the
program being debugged does not have a .SYM file or has been created
with the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) or with a compiler that does
not support line numbers in relocatable object modules, the P command
behaves like the Trace Program Execution (T) command except that when
P encounters a loop, repeated string instruction, software interrupt,
or subroutine call, it executes it to completion and then returns to
the instruction following the call. For example, if the user wants to
trace the first three instructions in a program and if the second
instruction is a subroutine call, a P3 command executes the first
instruction, goes to the second instruction, identifies it as a CALL
instruction, jumps to the subroutine and executes the entire
subroutine, comes back and executes the third instruction, and then
stops. A T3 command, on the other hand, executes the first
instruction, executes the second, executes the first instruction of
the subroutine as its third instruction, and then stops. If the
instruction at address is not a loop, repeated string instruction,
software interrupt, or subroutine call, the P command functions just
like the T command. After each instruction is executed, SYMDEB
displays the current contents of the target program's registers and
flags and the next instruction to be executed.
Assume that the program being debugged was compiled with Microsoft C,
a .SYM file was loaded with the executable program to provide line-
number information, and source-code display has been enabled with the
S+ command. To execute the machine instructions corresponding to the
next four lines of source code, type
-P 4 <Enter>
Assume that the target program was created with MASM and location
CS:143FH contains a CALL instruction. To execute the subroutine that
is the destination of CALL at full speed and then return control to
SYMDEB, type
-P =143F <Enter>
Ends a SYMDEB session.
The Quit (Q) command terminates the SYMDEB program and returns control
to MS-DOS or the command shell that invoked SYMDEB. Any changes made
to a program or other file that were not previously saved to disk with
the Write File or Sectors (W) command are lost when the Q command is
To exit SYMDEB, type
-Q <Enter>
Display or Modify Registers
Displays one or all registers and allows a register to be
R register [[=] value]
register is the two-character name of an Intel 8086/8088 register
from the following list:
or the character F, to indicate the CPU flags.
= is an optional equal sign preceding value.
value is a 16-bit integer (0-FFFFH) that will be assigned to
the specified register.
The Display or Modify Registers (R) command allows the target
program's register contents and CPU flags to be displayed and
If R is entered without a register parameter, the current contents of
all registers and CPU flags are displayed, followed by a disassembly
of the machine instruction currently pointed to by the target
program's CS:IP registers.
A register can be assigned a new value in a single command by entering
both register and value parameters, optionally separated by an equal
sign (=). If a register is named but no value is supplied, SYMDEB
displays the current contents of the specified register and then
prompts with a colon character (:) for a new value to be placed in the
register. The user can enter the value in any valid radix or as an
expression and then press the Enter key. If no radix is appended to
the new value, hexadecimal is assumed. If the user presses the Enter
key alone in response to the prompt, no changes are made to the
register contents.
Note: The PC register name is not supported properly in some versions
of SYMDEB, so the IP register name should always be used
Use of the character F instead of a register name causes SYMDEB to
display the current status of the traced program's CPU flags as a set
of two-character codes from the following list:
Flag Name Value If Set (1) Value If Clear (0)
Overflow OV (Overflow) NV (No Overflow)
Direction DN (Down) UP (Up)
Interrupt EI (Enabled) DI (Disabled)
Sign NG (Minus) PL (Plus)
Zero ZR (Zero) NZ (Not Zero)
Aux Carry AC (Aux Carry) NA (No Aux Carry)
Parity PE (Even) PO (Odd)
Carry CY (Carry) NC (No Carry)
After displaying the current flag values, SYMDEB again displays its
prompt (-). Any or all of the individual flags can then be altered by
typing one or more two-character flag codes (in any order and
optionally separated by spaces) from the list above and then pressing
the Enter key. If the user responds to the prompt by pressing the
Enter key without entering any codes, no changes are made to the
status of the flags.
To display the current contents of the target program's CPU registers
and flags, followed by the disassembled mnemonic for the next
instruction to be executed (pointed to by CS:IP), type
-R <Enter>
This produces the following display:
AX=0000 BX=0000 CX=00A1 DX=0000 SP=FFFE BP=0000 SI=0000 DI=0000
DS=19A5 ES=19A5 SS=19A5 CS=19A5 IP=0100 NV UP EI PL NZ NA PO NC
19A5:0100 BF8000 MOV DI,0080
If the source display mode is enabled, the R command displays the
AX=0000 BX=1044 CX=0000 DX=0102 SP=103C BP=0000 SI=00EA DI=115E
DS=2143 ES=2143 SS=2143 CS=1F6E IP=0010 NV UP EI PL ZR NA PE NC
32: int argc;
1F6E:0010 55 PUSH BP ;BR0
This format includes the source code that corresponds to the next
instruction to be executed.
To set the contents of register AX to FFFFH without displaying its
current value, type
-R AX=FFFF <Enter>
-R AX -1 <Enter>
To display the current value of the target program's BX register, type
-R BX <Enter>
If BX contains 200H, for example, SYMDEB displays that value and then
issues a prompt in the form of a colon:
BX 0200
The contents of BX can then be altered by typing a new value and
pressing the Enter key, or the contents can be left unchanged by
pressing the Enter key alone.
To set the direction and carry flags, first type
-R F <Enter>
SYMDEB displays the current flag values, followed by a prompt in the
form of a hyphen character (-). For example:
The direction and carry flags can then be set by entering
-DN CY <Enter>
on the same line as the prompt.
Bad Flag!
An invalid code for a CPU flag was entered.
Bad Register!
An invalid register name was entered.
Double Flag!
Two values for the same CPU flag were entered in the same
Search Memory
Searches memory for a pattern of one or more bytes.
S range list
range is the starting and ending address or the starting address
and length in bytes of the area to be searched.
list is one or more byte values or a string to be searched for.
The Search Memory (S) command searches a designated range of memory
for a sequence of byte values or text strings and displays the
starting address of each set of matching bytes. The contents of the
searched area are not altered.
The range parameter specifies the starting and ending address or the
starting address and length in bytes of the area to be searched. If a
segment is not included in range, SYMDEB uses DS. If a segment is
specified only for the starting address, SYMDEB uses the same segment
for the ending address. If a starting address and length in bytes are
specified, the starting address plus the length less 1 cannot exceed
The list parameter is one or more hexadecimal byte values and/or
strings separated by spaces, commas, or tab characters. Strings must
be enclosed in single or double quotation marks, and case is
significant within a string.
To search for the string Copyright in the area of memory from
DS:0000H through DS:1FFFH, type
-S 0 1FFF 'Copyright' <Enter>
-S 0 L2000 "Copyright" <Enter>
If a match is found, SYMDEB displays the address of each
To search for the byte sequence 3BH 06H in the area of memory from
CS:0100H through CS:12A0H, type
-S CS:100 12A0 3B 06 <Enter>
-S CS:100 L11A1 3B 06 <Enter>
Enable Source Display Mode
Displays source-code lines, rather than machine instructions.
The Enable Source Display Mode (S+) command affects the display format
of certain SYMDEB commands: Proceed Through Loop or Subroutine (P),
Trace Program Execution (T), and Display or Modify Registers (R). The
S+ command causes source code, rather than disassembled machine
instructions, to be displayed by those commands.
The S+ command is useful only if the program being debugged was
created with a high-level-language compiler capable of placing line-
number information into the relocatable object modules processed by
the Microsoft Object Linker (LINK). When debugging Microsoft Macro
Assembler (MASM) programs or programs generated by language compilers
that do not pass line-number information to LINK, the S+ command has
no effect.
To enable the display of source-code statements during debugging,
-S+ <Enter>
Disable Source Display Mode
Displays disassembled machine instructions, rather than source-code
The Disable Source Display Mode (S-) command affects the display
format of certain SYMDEB commands: Proceed Through Loop or Subroutine
(P), Trace Program Execution (T), and Display or Modify Registers (R).
The S- command causes disassembled machine instructions, rather than
source code, to be displayed by those commands. By default, SYMDEB
displays disassembled machine instructions when debugging Microsoft
Macro Assembler (MASM) programs or programs generated by language
compilers that do not pass line-number information to the Microsoft
Object Linker (LINK).
To disable the display of source-code statements during debugging,
-S- <Enter>
Enable Source and Machine Code Display Mode
Displays both source-code lines and disassembled machine
The Enable Source and Machine Code Display Mode (S&) command affects
the display format of certain SYMDEB commands: Proceed Through Loop or
Subroutine (P), Trace Program Execution (T), and Display or Modify
Registers (R). The S& command causes both the disassembled machine
instructions and the corresponding source-code lines to be displayed
by those commands.
The S& command is useful only if the program being debugged was
created with a high-level-language compiler capable of placing line-
number information into the relocatable object modules processed by
the Microsoft Object Linker (LINK). When debugging Microsoft Macro
Assembler (MASM) programs or programs generated by language compilers
that do not pass line-number information to LINK, the S& command has
no effect.
To enable the display of both source-code statements and disassembled
machine-code statements during debugging, type
-S& <Enter>
Trace Program Execution
Executes one or more machine instructions in single-step mode.
T[=address] [number]
address is the location of the first instruction to be executed.
number is the number of machine instructions to be executed.
The Trace Program Execution (T) command executes one or more machine
instructions, starting at the specified address. If source display
mode has been enabled with the S+ command, each trace operation
executes the machine code corresponding to one source statement and
displays the lines from the source code. If source display mode has
been disabled with the S- command, each trace operation executes an
individual machine instruction and displays the contents of the CPU
registers and flags after execution.
Warning: The T command should not be used to execute any instruction
that changes the contents of the Intel 8259 interrupt mask (ports 20H
and 21H on the IBM PC and compatibles). Use the Go (G) command
The address parameter points to the first instruction to be executed.
If address does not include a segment, SYMDEB uses the target
program's CS register; if address is omitted entirely, execution is
begun at the current address specified by the target program's CS:IP
registers. The address parameter must be preceded by an equal sign (=)
to distinguish it from number.
The number parameter specifies the hexadecimal number of source-code
statements or machine instructions to be executed before the SYMDEB
prompt is displayed again (default = 1). If source display mode is
enabled, the number parameter is required. Execution of a sequence of
instructions using the T command can be interrupted at any time by
pressing Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break and can be paused by pressing Ctrl-S
(pressing any key resumes the trace).
To execute one instruction at location CS:1A00H and then return
control to SYMDEB, displaying the contents of the CPU registers and
flags, type
-T =1A00 <Enter>
Consecutive instructions can then be executed by entering repeated T
commands with no parameters.
If source display mode has been enabled with a previous S+ command, to
begin execution at the label main and continue through the machine
code corresponding to four source- code statements, type
-T =main 4 <Enter>
Disassemble (Unassemble) Program
Disassembles machine instructions into assembly-language
U [range]
range specifies the starting and ending addresses or the
starting address and the number of instructions of the
machine code to be disassembled.
The Disassemble (Unassemble) Program (U) command translates machine
instructions into their assembly-language mnemonics.
The range parameter specifies the starting and ending addresses or
the starting address and number of machine instructions to be
disassembled. If range does not include an explicit segment, SYMDEB
uses CS. Note that the resulting disassembly will be incorrect if the
starting address does not fall on an 8086 instruction boundary.
If range does not include the number of machine instructions to be
executed or an ending address, eight instructions are disassembled. If
range is omitted completely, eight instructions are disassembled
starting at the address following the last instruction disassembled by
the previous U command, if a U command has been used; if no U command
has been used, eight instructions are disassembled starting at the
address specified by the current value of the target program's CS:IP
The display format for the U command depends on the current source
display mode setting and on whether the program was developed with a
compatible high-level-language compiler. If the source display mode
setting is S- or the program was developed with the Microsoft Macro
Assembler (MASM) or a noncompatible high-level-language compiler, the
display contains only the address and the disassembled equivalent of
each instruction within range. (For 8-bit immediate operands, SYMDEB
also displays the ASCII equivalent as a comment following a
semicolon.) If the setting is S+ or S& and a compatible symbol file
containing line-number information was loaded with the program being
debugged, the display contains both the source-code lines and their
corresponding disassembled machine instructions.
Note: The 80286 instructions that are considered privileged when the
microprocessor is running in protected mode are not supported by
SYMDEB's disassembler.
To disassemble four machine instructions starting at CS:0100H,
-U 100 L4 <Enter>
This produces the following display:
44DC:0100 EC IN AL,DX
44DC:0101 B80200 MOV AX,0002
44DC:0104 E86102 CALL 0368
44DC:0107 57 PUSH DI
Successive eight-instruction fragments of machine code can be
disassembled by entering additional U commands without
When a program is being debugged with a symbol file that contains
line-number information and source display mode has been enabled,
disassembled machine code is accompanied by the corresponding source
43: if (argc != 2)
28A5:0031 837E0402 CMP Word Ptr [BP+04],+02
28A5:0035 7503 JNZ _main+2A (003A)
28A5:0037 E91400 JMP _main+3E (004E)
44: { fprintf(stderr,"\ndump: wrong number of parameters\n");
28A5:003A B83600 MOV AX,0036
28A5:003D 50 PUSH AX
28A5:003E B8F600 MOV AX,00F6
28A5:0041 50 PUSH AX
28A5:0042 E8AC04 CALL _fprintf
28A5:0045 83C404 ADD SP,+04
45: return(1);
28A5:0048 B80100 MOV AX,0001
28A5:004B E9AA00 JMP _main+E8 (00F8)
View Source Code
Displays lines from the source-code file for the program being
V address [length]
V [.sourcefile:linenumber]
address is the location of an executable instruction in the
target program.
length is an ending address or the number of source-code
.sourcefile is the base name of the source file of the program
being debugged, preceded by a period (.).
linenumber is the first literal line number of .sourcefile to
be displayed.
The View Source Code (V) command displays lines of source code for the
program being debugged, beginning at the location specified by
address. If address does not include a segment, SYMDEB uses the
target program's CS register.
The optional length parameter can be an ending address or an L
followed by a hexadecimal number of source-code lines. If length is
not specified, eight lines of source code are displayed.
If the .sourcefile parameter is specified, followed by a colon
character (:) and a line number, eight lines of source code are
displayed, starting at linenumber. If the V command is entered
without parameters after the .sourcefile:linenumber parameter has
been specified, eight lines are displayed from the current source
file, beginning with the line after the last line displayed with the V
command. The .sourcefile parameter must be the name of a high-level-
language source file in the current directory. Pathnames and
extensions are not supported. The length option cannot be used with
the .sourcefile parameter.
Warning: Specifying a file that does not exist in the current
directory may cause the system to crash.
The V command can be used only with programs created by a high-level-
language compiler that is capable of placing line-number information
into the relocatable object modules processed by the Microsoft Object
Linker (LINK). The current source display mode setting (S-, S+, or S&)
has no effect on the V command.
Assume that the program DUMP.EXE is being debugged with the aid of the
symbol file DUMP.SYM and that the source file DUMP.C is available in
the current directory. To display eight lines of source code beginning
at the label main, type
-V _main <Enter>
This produces the following output:
32: int argc;
33: char *argv[];
35: { FILE *dfile; /* control block for input file */
36: int status = 0; /* status returned from file read */
37: int file rec = 0; /* file record number being dumped */
38: long file ptr = 0L; /* file byte offset for current rec */
39: char file buf[REC SIZE]; /* data block from file */
To view eight lines of source code from the file DUMP.C, beginning
with line 20, type
-V .DUMP:20 <Enter>
Source file for filename (cr for none)?
The current directory does not contain the source file specified with
the .sourcefile parameter. Enter the correct filename or press Enter
to indicate no source file.
Write File or Sectors
Writes a file or individual sectors to disk.
W [address]
W address drive start number
address is the first location in memory of the data to be written.
drive is the number of the destination disk drive (0 = drive A,
1 = drive B, 2 = drive C, 3 = drive D).
start is the number of the first logical sector to be written
number is the number of consecutive sectors to be written (0-
The Write File or Sectors (W) command transfers a file or individual
sectors from memory to disk.
When the W command is entered without parameters or with an address
alone, the number of bytes specified by the contents of registers
BX:CX are written from memory to the file named by the most recent
Name File or Command-Tail Parameters (N) command or to the first file
specified in the SYMDEB command line if the N command has not been
Note: If a Go (G), Proceed Through Loop or Subroutine (P), or Trace
Program Execution (T) command was previously used or the contents of
the BX or CX registers were changed, BX:CX must be restored before the
W command is used.
When address is not included in the command line, SYMDEB uses the
target program's CS:0100H. Files with a .EXE or .HEX extension cannot
be written with the W command.
The W command can also be used to bypass the MS-DOS file system and
obtain direct access to logical sectors on the disk. To use the W
command in this way, the memory address (address), disk unit number
(drive), starting logical sector number (start), and number of sectors
to be written (number) must all be provided in the command line in
hexadecimal format.
Warning: Extreme caution should be used with the W command. The
disk's file structure can easily be damaged if the command is entered
incorrectly. The W command should not be used to write logical sectors
to network drives.
Assume that the interactive Assemble Machine Instructions (A) command
was used to create a program in SYMDEB's memory buffer that is 32
(20H) bytes long, beginning at offset 100H. This program can be
written into the file QUICK.COM by sequential use of the Name File or
Command-Tail Parameters (N), Display or Modify Registers (R), and
Write File or Sectors (W) commands. First, use the N command to
specify the name of the file to be written:
-N QUICK.COM <Enter>
Next, use the R command to set registers BX and CX to the length to be
written. Register BX contains the upper half or most significant part
of the length; register CX contains the lower half or least
significant part. Type
-R CX <Enter>
SYMDEB displays the current contents of register CX and issues a colon
character (:) prompt . Enter the length after the prompt:
:20 <Enter>
To use the R command again to set the BX register to zero, type
-R BX <Enter>
Then type
:0 <Enter>
To create the disk file QUICK.COM and write the program into it,
-W <Enter>
SYMDEB responds:
Writing 0020 bytes
EXE and HEX files cannot be written
Files with a .EXE or .HEX extension cannot be written to disk with the
W command.
Writing nnnn bytes
After a successful write operation, SYMDEB displays in hexadecimal
format the number of bytes written to disk.
Examine Symbol Map
Displays names and addresses in the symbol maps.
X? [map!] [segment:] [symbol]
map! is the name of a symbol file, without the .SYM extension,
followed by an exclamation point (!).
segment: is the name of a segment within the currently open or
specified map, followed by a colon character (:).
symbol is a symbol name within the specified segment.
The Examine Symbol Map (X) command displays the addresses and names of
symbols in the currently open symbol maps. (SYMDEB maintains a symbol
map for each symbol file specified in the SYMDEB command line.)
If the X command is followed by the asterisk wildcard character (*),
the map names, segment names, and segment addresses for all currently
loaded symbol maps are displayed. If X is entered alone, the
information is displayed only for the active symbol map.
Information from the symbol maps can be displayed selectively by
following the X? command with the map!, segment:, and symbol
parameters. The three parameters may be used individually or in
combination, but at least one parameter must be specified.
The map! parameter must be terminated by an exclamation point and
consists of the name, without the extension, of a previously loaded
symbol file. If map! is omitted, SYMDEB uses the currently open symbol
map. If more than one .SYM file is specified in the command line, the
one with the same name as the program being debugged is opened first.
The segment: parameter must be terminated with a colon; it is the name
of a segment declared within the specified or currently open symbol
The symbol parameter is the name of a label, variable, or other
object within the specified segment.
Any or all parameters can consist of or include the asterisk wildcard
character. For example, X?* displays everything in the current map.
Assume that the program DUMP.EXE is being debugged with the symbol
file DUMP.SYM. If the following is typed
-X <Enter>
SYMDEB displays:
[456E DUMP]
[456E _TEXT]
This indicates that the program contains one executable code segment
(named _TEXT), which is loaded at segment 456EH, and one NEAR DATA
group and segment (named DGROUP), which is loaded at segment 4743H.
To display the addresses of all procedures in the same example program
whose names begin with the character f, type
-X? _TEXT:_F* <Enter>
This produces the following listing:
_TEXT: (456E)
0428 _fclose 04CB _fopen 04F1 _fprintf
0528 _fread 0ACB _fflush 0BC2 _free
19AD _flushall
Note: Unlike the Microsoft C Compiler, SYMDEB is not case
Open Symbol Map
Selects the active symbol map and/or segment.
XO [map!] [segment]
map! is the name of a symbol file, without the .SYM extension,
followed by an exclamation point (!).
segment is the name of the segment that will become the active
segment in the current symbol map.
The Open Symbol Map (XO) command selects the active symbol map and/or
the active segment within the current symbol map to be used during
The optional map! parameter must be terminated by an exclamation point
and must be the name, without the extension, of a symbol file
specified in the original SYMDEB command line. If map! is omitted, no
changes are made to the active symbol map.
The optional segment parameter must be the name of a segment within
the current or specified symbol map. All segments in the active symbol
map are accessible; the active segment is searched first for symbols
specified in other SYMDEB commands. If segment is omitted and a new
active symbol map is specified, the segment with the smallest address
in the new active symbol map will become the active segment.
Assume that the program SHELL.EXE has been loaded with the two symbol
files SHELL.SYM and VIDEO.SYM. To use the information loaded from
VIDEO.SYM as the active symbol map for debugging, type
-XO VIDEO! <Enter>
Subsequent entry of the command
-XO _TEXT <Enter>
causes the segment _TEXT within the symbol map VIDEO to be searched
first for symbol names.
Symbol not found
The specified symbol map or segment does not exist.
Set Symbol Value
Assigns a value to a symbol.
Z [map!] symbol value
map! is the name of a symbol file, without the .SYM extension,
followed by an exclamation point (!).
symbol is an existing symbol name in the active symbol map or in
the symbol map specified by map!.
value is the new address of symbol (0-FFFFH).
The Set Symbol Value (Z) command allows the address associated with a
name in one of the loaded symbol maps to be overridden by a new
Note that altering the address of a symbol at debugging time will not
affect other addresses or values that were derived from the value of
the same symbol at compilation or assembly time.
The optional map! parameter must be terminated by an exclamation point
and must be the name, without the extension, of a symbol file
specified in the original SYMDEB command line. If map! is omitted,
SYMDEB uses the active symbol map.
The symbol parameter specifies the name of a label, variable, or
other object in map! or the active symbol map.
The value parameter specifies a new address to be associated with
To debug programs created with older versions of FORTRAN and Pascal
(Microsoft versions earlier than 3.3 or IBM versions earlier than
2.0), the user must start SYMDEB, locate the first procedure of the
program being debugged, and then use the Z command to set the address
of DGROUP to the current value of the DS register. (Later versions of
FORTRAN and Pascal do this by default.)
To change the segment address for the symbol DGROUP to 5000H, type
-Z DGROUP 5000 <Enter>
The actual data associated with the label DGROUP must be moved to the
new address before debugging can continue.
To change the segment address for the symbol CODE in the inactive
symbol map COUNT to 0F00H, type
-Z COUNT! CODE F00 <Enter>
Redirect SYMDEB Input
Redirects input to SYMDEB.
< device
device is the name of any MS-DOS device or file.
The Redirect SYMDEB Input (<) command causes SYMDEB to read its
commands from the specified text file or character device, rather than
from the keyboard (CON).
The device parameter specifies the name of any MS-DOS device or file
from which commands will be read. If the device parameter is a
filename, the file must be an ASCII text file and each command in the
file must be on a separate line.
If input will be taken from a terminal attached to one of the serial
communications ports (AUX, COM1, or COM2), the port must be properly
configured with the MODE command before the SYMDEB session is
When SYMDEB commands are redirected from a file, the last entry in the
file must be either the < CON command, which restores the keyboard as
the input device, or the Quit (Q) command. Otherwise, SYMDEB will
lock and the system will have to be restarted.
Assume that the text file FILL.TXT contains the following SYMDEB
F CS:0100 L100 00
D CS:0100 L100
To process FILL.TXT during a SYMDEB session (which in turn exits
SYMDEB with the Quit [Q] command), type
-< FILL.TXT <Enter>
Assume that the text file SEARCH.TXT contains the following SYMDEB
S BUFFER L2000 "error"
To process SEARCH.TXT during a SYMDEB session and return control to
the console, type
-< SEARCH.TXT <Enter>
Redirect SYMDEB Output
Redirects SYMDEB's output to a device or file.
> device
device is the name of any MS-DOS device or file.
The Redirect SYMDEB Output (>) command causes SYMDEB to send all its
messages to the specified device or file, rather than to the video
display (CON). This is useful for creating a record of a debugging
session that can be viewed later with an editor or listed on a
After SYMDEB output is redirected, commands typed on the keyboard are
not echoed to the video display. Therefore, the user must know in
advance which commands to use and which parameters to supply.
The device parameter specifies the name of an MS-DOS device or file
to receive SYMDEB's output. If output will be redirected to one of the
serial communications ports (AUX, COM1, or COM2), the port must be
properly configured with the MODE command before the SYMDEB session is
Output can be restored to the video display by entering the > CON
command or by terminating SYMDEB with the Quit (Q) command.
To cause SYMDEB to send all prompts and messages to the file
-> SESSION.TXT <Enter>
After this command, new commands are still accepted by SYMDEB, but the
keypresses are not echoed to the screen until the command
-> CON <Enter>
is entered or SYMDEB is terminated with the Quit (Q) command.
To cause SYMDEB to send all its prompts and messages to the standard
printing device, PRN, type
-> PRN <Enter>
Redirect SYMDEB Input and Output
Redirects both input and output for SYMDEB.
= device
device is the name of any MS-DOS device.
The Redirect SYMDEB Input and Output (=) command causes SYMDEB to read
its commands from and send its output to the specified device, rather
than reading from the keyboard and sending output to the video display
(CON). This command is especially useful for debugging programs that
run in graphics mode; the SYMDEB commands can be entered on a terminal
attached to the computer's serial port while the graphics program has
the full use of the system's video display.
The device parameter specifies the name of any MS-DOS device. If
input and output will be redirected to one of the serial
communications ports (AUX, COM1, or COM2), the port must be properly
configured with the MODE command before the SYMDEB session is started.
Input and output can be restored to the standard settings with the =
CON command.
To redirect SYMDEB's input and output to the first serial
communications port (COM1), type
-= COM1 <Enter>
Redirect Target Program Input
Redirects input to the program being debugged.
{ device
device is the name of any MS-DOS device or file.
The Redirect Target Program Input ({) command causes read operations
by the program being debugged to be taken from the specified file or
device when the program is executed, rather than from the keyboard
The device parameter specifies the name of an MS-DOS device or file
from which the target program will read. If the device parameter is a
filename, the file must be an ASCII text file and each command in the
file must be on a separate line.
If input will be taken from a terminal attached to one of the serial
communications ports (AUX, COM1, or COM2), the port must be properly
configured with the MODE command before the SYMDEB session is
To cause input for the program being debugged to be taken from the
file TEST.TXT, type
-{ TEST.TXT <Enter>
Redirect Target Program Output
Redirects the output of the program being debugged.
} device
device is the name of any MS-DOS device or file.
The Redirect Target Program Output (}) command causes write operations
by the program being debugged to be redirected to the specified device
or file when the program is executed, rather than to the video display
(CON). This is useful for capturing the output of a program in a file
for later listing on a printer.
The device parameter specifies the name of an MS-DOS device or file
to receive the target program's output. If output will be redirected
to one of the serial communications ports (AUX, COM1, or COM2), the
port must be properly configured with the MODE command before the
SYMDEB session is started.
To send the output from the program being debugged to the file
-} SESSION.TXT <Enter>
Redirect Target Program Input and Output
Redirects both input and output for the program being debugged.
~ device
device is the name of any MS-DOS device.
The Redirect Target Program Input and Output (~) command causes all
read and write operations by the program being debugged to be
redirected to the specified character device.
The device parameter specifies the name of an MS-DOS device that the
target program will read from and write to. If input and output are
redirected to one of the serial communications ports (AUX, COM1, or
COM2), the port must be properly configured with the MODE command
before the SYMDEB session is started.
To redirect input and output for the program being debugged to the
first serial communications port (COM1), type
-~ COM1 <Enter>
Swap Screen
Exchanges the SYMDEB display for the target program's display.
The Swap Screen (\) command causes the SYMDEB status display to be
exchanged for the virtual screen used by the program being debugged.
After the program's output has been inspected on the virtual screen,
the SYMDEB display can be restored by pressing any key. This command
is useful for debugging programs that perform direct screen access or
run in graphics mode.
Note: Any information on the display when SYMDEB was invoked will
also appear on the virtual screen. When SYMDEB is terminated, the
current display is set to match the virtual screen.
The Swap Screen command is available only if the /S switch (or the /I
switch, if the computer is IBM compatible) preceded the names of the
symbol and program files in the original SYMDEB command line.
To exchange the SYMDEB status display for the virtual screen of the
program being debugged, type
-\ <Enter>
To restore the SYMDEB display, press any key.
Display Source Line
Displays the current source-code line.
The Display Source Line (.) command displays the line from the source-
code file that corresponds to the machine instruction currently
pointed to by the target program's CS:IP registers.
The . command is independent of the current Source Display Mode status
(S+, S-, or S&). However, if the program being debugged was not
created with a high-level-language compiler that inserts line numbers
into the object modules, the . command has no effect.
To display the source-code line corresponding to the next instruction
to be executed, type
-. <Enter>
This produces output in the following form:
56: printf( '\nDump of file: %s ', argv[1] );
Help or Evaluate Expression
Displays the help screen or the value of an expression.
? [expression]
expression is any valid combination of symbols, addresses,
numbers, and operators.
When ? is entered alone, a help screen summarizing all valid SYMDEB
commands, operators, and types is displayed.
When ? is followed by the expression parameter, expression is
evaluated and the value is displayed. The expression parameter can
include any valid combination of symbols, addresses, numbers, and
The form and content of the resulting display depends on the type of
expression entered. If expression is a symbol or an address
(optionally including operators), the value is shown first as a FAR
address pointer in the form segment:offset, then as a 32-bit
hexadecimal number representing the value's physical location in
memory (followed by its decimal equivalent in parentheses), and
finally as the physical location's ASCII character equivalents
displayed as a string enclosed in quotation marks (which have no
practical value if expression is an address or symbol).
If expression includes numbers (interpreted as signed hexadecimal
values unless a radix is specified) and operators, the resulting value
is shown first as a 16-bit hexadecimal value, then as a 32-bit
hexadecimal value (followed by its decimal equivalent in parentheses),
and finally as the value's ASCII character equivalents displayed as a
string enclosed in quotation marks.
(The ASCII characters within the string are displayed as dots if their
value is less than 20H [32] or greater than 7EH [126].)
Assume that the pointer array argv in the program DUMP.C is located
at address 4743:029CH. The command
-? _argv+4 <Enter>
produces the following display:
4743:02A0h 000476D0 (292560)
To display the result of an exclusive OR operation between the values
0FCH and 14H, type
-? FC XOR 14 <Enter>
SYMDEB displays
00E8h 000000E8 (232)
Escape to Shell
Invokes the MS-DOS command processor.
! [command]
command is the name of any MS-DOS command, program, or batch
file and its required parameters.
The Escape to Shell (!) command loads a copy of the system's command
processor (COMMAND.COM), optionally passing it the name of a program
or batch file to be executed. This allows MS-DOS functions such as
listing or copying files to be carried out without losing the context
of the debugging session.
If the ! command is entered alone, an additional copy of COMMAND.COM
gains control and displays the system prompt. Control can be returned
to SYMDEB by leaving the new shell with the EXIT command.
If the ! character is followed by a command parameter that specifies
any valid MS-DOS command, program name, or batch-file name, the
specified command is executed immediately and control returns directly
The SYMDEB statement connector (;) cannot be used on the same line as
the ! command; all text encountered after this command is passed to
COMMAND.COM and is interpreted as an MS-DOS command line.
To list the files in the current directory, type
-! DIR /W <Enter>
COMMAND.COM not found!
SYMDEB could not find COMMAND.COM because it was not present in the
directory location specified in the environment block's COMSPEC
Not enough memory!
Free memory in the transient program area (TPA) is insufficient to
execute the requested command or program. This is a common occurrence
when debugging a large program with symbol files.
Enter Comment
Allows insertion of a comment that will be ignored by SYMDEB's command
text is any ASCII text up to and including a carriage return.
The Enter Comment (*) command causes the remainder of the text on that
line to be ignored, thereby providing a means of commenting a SYMDEB
debugging session. SYMDEB echoes any text following the asterisk to
the screen or redirected output device, providing the user with a
convenient way to comment program output redirected to a file or a
printer. A maximum of 78 characters can be included on each comment
line. Comment lines are also useful for documenting lines within a
text file that SYMDEB will use as redirected input for the program
being debugged.
To echo the reminder Errors in program output start here: to the
screen or redirected output device, type
-*Errors in program output start here: <Enter>
A line in a text file that will be used by SYMDEB for redirected input
to the program being debugged may be "commented out" by inserting an
asterisk at the beginning of the line. For example:
*EB CS:1200 90
Window-Oriented Debugger
Allows the controlled execution of an assembly-language program or
high-level-language program for debugging purposes. Both source code
and the corresponding unassembled machine code can be displayed as
program execution is traced. In addition, watch variables, CPU
registers and flags, and program output can be examined in separate
debugging windows. CodeView is supplied with the Microsoft Macro
Assembler (MASM), C Compiler, Pascal Compiler, and FORTRAN Compiler.
This documentation describes CodeView version 2.0.
CV [options] exe_file [parameters]
exe_file is the name of the executable file containing the
program to be debugged (default extension = .EXE).
parameters is one or more filenames or switches required by the
program being debugged.
options is one or more switches from the following list.
Switches can be either uppercase or lowercase and
can be preceded by a dash (-) instead of a forward
slash (/).
/2 Allows the use of two video displays for
/43 Enables 43-line display mode. (An IBM-
compatible computer with an enhanced
graphics adapter [EGA] and an enhanced
color display is required for this
/B Forces the attached monitor to use two
shades of color when displaying
/Ccommands Executes the specified list of startup
commands when CodeView is invoked. If
the list of startup commands contains
any spaces, the entire list must be
enclosed in double quotation marks (").
Commands in the list must be separated
by a semicolon character (;).
/D Turns off nonmaskable interrupt trapping
and Intel 8259 interrupt trapping.
(This switch prevents system crashes on
some IBM-compatible machines that do
not support certain IBM-specific
interrupt trapping functions.)
/E Stores the symbolic information of the
program in expanded memory.
/F Enables the screen-flipping method of
switching between the debugging display
and the virtual output display. Screen
flipping is the default method for IBM-
compatible computers with color/graphics
/I Enables nonmaskable interrupt trapping
and Intel 8259 interrupt trapping on
computers that are not IBM-compatible.
/M Disables mouse support within CodeView.
/P Enables palette register restore mode,
which allows non-IBM EGAs to restore
the proper colors upon return from the
virtual output screen.
/R Enables Intel 80386 debugging registers.
/S Enables the screen-swapping method of
switching between the debugging display
and the virtual output display. Screen
swapping is the default method for IBM-
compatible computers with monochrome
/T Disables window mode. This switch is
necessary for some non-IBM computers or
when a sequential debugging session is
/W Enables window mode. This switch allows
CodeView to operate in multiple windows
on the same screen. (This option is not
the default for some computers.)
CodeView is a window-oriented menu-driven debugger that allows tracing
and debugging of high-level-language programs and assembly-language
programs. In general, any valid C, FORTRAN, BASIC, Pascal, or MASM
source code can be debugged with CodeView.
To prepare a program for debugging under CodeView, the program must be
compiled and linked so that the resulting executable file has the
extension .EXE and contains line-number information, a symbol table,
and executable code. (To a limited extent, text files and .COM files
can also be examined under CodeView.) During the debugging session,
the program source file must remain in the current directory if
source-code display is desired.
The CodeView screen contains four windows that display information
about the pro- gram being debugged: the display window, which contains
program source code and (if requested) the unassembled machine code
corresponding to the source code; the dialog window, where line-
oriented commands similar (and in some cases identical) to SYMDEB can
be entered and viewed (see PROGRAMMING UTILITIES: SYMDEB);
the register window (optional), which contains the current status of
the microprocessor's registers and flags; and the watch window
(optional), which contains program variables or memory locations to be
examined during program execution. CodeView also provides a virtual
output screen (stored internally) that contains all display output
generated during the CodeView session.
A typical CodeView debugging screen looks like this:
║ ║
║ The CodeView display is found on page ║
║ 1159 in the printed version of the book. ║
║ ║
The CodeView display.
Display window commands
Commands that control the display window are available in nine pull-
down menus whose names appear in a menu bar near the top of the
screen. Commands can be selected with the keyboard or the mouse.
Commands are selected with the keyboard by pressing the Alt key,
pressing the first letter in the menu name, and then pressing the
first letter of the command. Commands are selected with the mouse by
pulling down the menu with the mouse pointer, highlighting the
command, and then releasing the mouse button. Commands with small
double arrows to the left of the command name are currently active.
The CodeView menus and commands are described below.
File menu
The File menu includes commands that manipulate the current source or
program file. To select the File menu with the keyboard, press Alt-F.
Command Action
Open... Opens the specified source file, include file, or text
file in the display window.
DOS Shell Exits to the shell temporarily. Type exit to return to
Exit Ends the current CodeView session.
View menu
The View menu includes commands that select source or assembly modes
and commands that select the debugging screen or the virtual output
screen. To select the View menu with the keyboard, press Alt-V.
Command Action
Source Displays only the high-level-language or assembly-
language source code corresponding to the program being
Mixed Displays both the unassembled machine code and the source
code corresponding to the program being debugged.
Assembly Displays only the unassembled machine code corresponding
to the program being debugged.
Registers Displays or removes the optional register window.
Output Replaces the debugging screen with the virtual output
screen. Press any key to return to the debugging screen.
Search menu
The Search menu includes commands that search through text files for
text strings and through executable code for labels. To select the
Search menu with the keyboard, press Alt-S.
Command Action
Find... Searches the current source file or other text file
for the specified expression.
Next Searches forward through the file for the next
match of the last expression specified with the
Find... command.
Previous Searches backward through the file for the next
match of the last expression specified with the
Find... command.
Label... Searches the executable code for the specified
procedure name or program label.
Run menu
The Run menu includes commands that run the program being debugged. To
select the Run menu with the keyboard, press Alt-R.
Command Action
Start Runs the program at full speed from the first
Restart Reloads the program and moves to the first
Execute Runs the program at reduced speed from the current
Clear Breakpoints Clears all breakpoints.
Watch menu
The Watch menu includes commands that add watch statements to and
delete watch statements from the watch window. Watch statements
describe expressions or areas of memory to be examined during program
execution. To select the Watch menu with the keyboard, press Alt-W.
Command Action
Add Watch... Adds the specified watch-expression statement to
the watch window.
Watchpoint... Adds the specified watchpoint statement to the
watch window. A watchpoint is a conditional
breakpoint that is taken when the expression
becomes nonzero (true).
Tracepoint... Adds the specified tracepoint statement to the
watch window. A tracepoint is a conditional
breakpoint that is taken when a given expression
or range of memory changes.
Delete Watch... Deletes the specified statement from the watch
Delete All Watch Deletes all statements from the watch window.
Options menu
The Options menu contains commands that affect the general behavior of
CodeView. To select the Options menu with the keyboard, press Alt-O.
Command Action
Flip/Swap When on (the default), enables screen swapping or screen
flipping (whichever option CodeView was started with);
when off, disables swapping or flipping. Either method
can be used to display the CodeView virtual output
Bytes Coded When on (the default), displays the instructions,
instruction addresses, and the bytes for each
instruction; when off, displays only the instructions.
Case Sense When on, causes CodeView to assume that symbol names are
case sensitive; when off, causes CodeView to assume that
symbol names are not case sensitive. This option is on
by default for C programs and off by default for
FORTRAN, BASIC, and assembly programs.
386 When on, allows instructions that reference 32-bit
instructions to be assembled and executed and the
register window to display 32-bit values. When off, does
not allow Intel 80386 instructions and registers to be
Language menu
The Language menu contains commands that select the language-dependent
expression evaluator or instruct CodeView to select it for you. To
select the Language menu with the keyboard, press Alt-L.
Command Action
Auto Forces CodeView to select the expression evaluator of the
source file being loaded, based on the extension of the
source file.
Basic Uses a BASIC expression evaluator to determine the value
of source-level expressions.
C Uses a C expression evaluator to determine the value of
source-level expressions.
Fortran Uses a FORTRAN expression evaluator to determine the
value of source-level expressions.
Calls menu
The Calls menu is different from other menus in that its contents vary
depending on the status of the program. The Calls menu lists the names
of specific routines that will be displayed on the screen when that
routine name is selected. Routine names in the Calls menu can be
selected by typing the number displayed immediately to the left of a
routine name. The cursor will move to the line at which the selected
routine was last executing.
The current value of each parameter, if any, is shown in parentheses
following the name of the routine in the Calls menu. The menu expands
to accommodate the parameters of the widest line. Parameters are shown
in the current radix (default = decimal). If the program contains more
active routines than will fit on the screen or if the routine
parameters are too wide, the menu expands to the left and right.
To select the Calls menu with the keyboard, press Alt-C.
Help menu
The Help menu lists the major topics in the CodeView "linked-list"
help system. For help, pull down the Help menu and then select the
topic of interest. To select the Help menu with the keyboard, press
Command Action
Intro to Help Displays information about the "linked-list" help
Keyboard/Mouse Displays information about keyboard and mouse
Run commands Displays information about Run commands.
Display cmds. Displays information about Display commands.
Watch/Break Displays information about setting, listing, and
deleting watchpoints and breakpoints.
Memory Ops Displays information about viewing and modifying
System cmds. Displays information about system and environment
About CodeView Displays information about the current CodeView
version, time, and date.
Key commands
CodeView supports a variety of function keys and key combinations that
modify the active window.
Key Action
F1 Displays the introductory help screen.
F2 Displays or removes the register window.
F3 Changes the display in the display window to source,
mixed, or assembly mode.
F4 Displays the virtual output screen (press any key to
F5 Executes to the next breakpoint or to the end of the
program if no breakpoint is encountered.
F6 Toggles between the display window and the dialog window.
F7 Sets a temporary breakpoint on the line containing the
cursor and executes to that line (or the next
F8 Executes a trace command, stepping through program calls
if present.
F9 Sets or clears a breakpoint on the line containing the
F10 Executes the next source line (in source mode) or the
next instruction (in assembly mode), stepping over
program calls if present.
Ctrl+G Increases the size of the display window or the dialog
window, whichever is active.
Ctrl+T Decreases the size of the display window or the dialog
window, whichever is active.
Dialog window commands
After CodeView and the specified executable file are loaded, CodeView
displays its special prompt character (>) at the bottom of the dialog
window and awaits a dialog command. CodeView dialog commands consist
of one, two, or three characters, usually followed by one or more
parameters. CodeView treats uppercase and lowercase characters the
same except when they are contained in strings enclosed within single
or double quotation marks. The default radix for dialog command
parameters is 10 (decimal). Dialog commands are executed when the
Enter key is pressed.
A detailed explanation of CodeView dialog commands and parameters is
not presented in this entry. CodeView dialog commands and parameters
are similar to SYMDEB commands and parameters. See PROGRAMMING
UTILITIES: SYMDEB. Additional information about using CodeView
dialog commands and parameters can be found in the CodeView
documentation supplied with the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM), C
Compiler, Pascal Compiler, and FORTRAN Compiler. A sample debugging
session using CodeView dialog commands and window commands is
documented in this book. See PROGRAMMING IN THE MS-DOS ENVIRONMENT:
PROGRAMMING TOOLS: Debugging in the MS-DOS Environment.
The dialog commands available with CodeView are as follows:
Command Syntax Action
! ! [command] Escape to shell.
" " Pause redirected file
# #number Set display window tabs.
* *comment Echo comment to output device.
. . Display current source line.
/ /[searchtext] Search for regular expression.
7 7 Display 8087 registers.
: :[:]...[:] Delay redirected file
< < device Redirect dialog window input.
= = device Redirect dialog window input
and output.
> [T] > [>] device Redirect dialog window output.
? ? expression[,format] Evaluate expression.
@ @ Redraw screen.
A A [address] Assemble machine instructions.
BC BC [*] [list] Clear breakpoints.
BD BD [*] [list] Disable breakpoints.
BE BE [*] [list] Enable breakpoints.
BL BL List breakpoints.
BP BP [address [passcount] Set breakpoints.
C C range address Compare memory areas.
D D [range] Display (dump) memory.
DA DA [range] Display ASCII.
DB DB [range] Display bytes.
DD DD [range] Display doublewords.
DI DI [range] Display integers.
DL DL [range] Display long reals.
DS DS [range] Display short reals.
DT DT [range] Display 10-byte reals.
DU DU [range] Display unsigned integers.
DW DW [range] Display words.
E E address [list] Enter data.
EA EA address [list] Enter ASCII string.
EB EB address [list] Enter bytes.
ED ED address [value] Enter doublewords.
EI EI address [list] Enter integers.
EL EL address [value] Enter long reals.
ES ES address [value] Enter short reals.
ET ET address [value] Enter 10-byte reals.
EU EU address [value] Enter unsigned integers.
EW EW address [value] Enter words.
F F range list Fill memory.
G G [breakpoint] Go execute program.
H H Display help screen.
I I port Input from port.
K K [number] Perform stack trace.
L L [parameters] Reload program.
M M range address Move (copy) data.
N N [radix] Change current radix.
O O port byte Output to port.
O O Display all options.
O3 O3[+|-] Toggle Intel 80386 option.
OB OB[+|-] Toggle bytes coded option.
OC OC[+|-] Toggle case-sense option.
OF OF[+|-] Toggle flip/swap option.
P P [count] Step through program (over
Q Q Quit debugger.
R R [register [value]] Display or modify registers.
RF RF [flags] Display or modify flags.
S S range list Search memory.
S S Display current display mode.
S+ S+ Display source code.
S- S- Display assembly language.
S& S& Display source code and
assembly language.
T T [count] Trace program execution
(through calls).
TP TP [type] range Set memory-tracepoint
TP? TP? expression[,format] Set tracepoint-expression
U U [range] Disassemble (unassemble)
USE USE [language] Switch expression evaluators.
V V [.[filename:]linenumber View source code.
W W List watchpoints and
W W [type] range Set memory-watch statement.
W? W? expression[,format] Set watch-expression statement.
WP? WP? expression[,format] Set watchpoint.
X X[?[module!] Examine program symbols.
Y Y [*] [list] Delete watch statements.
\ \ Display virtual output screen.
To prepare the source file SHELL.C for debugging with CodeView, first
compile the source file with the switches that disable optimization
and cause symbol-table and line-number information to be written to
the relocatable object module:
C>MSC /Zi /Od SHELL; <Enter>
Next, to convert the object module to an executable program and
prepare it for CodeView, type
To begin debugging, type
C>CV SHELL <Enter>
To start CodeView in 43-line mode with TEST.EXE as the executable file
and INFO.DAT as the command-tail parameter, type
C>CV /43 TEST INFO.DAT <Enter>
In both examples the source file corresponding to the specified
executable file must be in the current directory if source-code
display is desired.
Argument to IMAG/DIMAG must be simple type
An invalid parameter to an IMAG or DIMAG function, such as an array
with no subscripts, was specified.
Array must have subscript
An array without any subscripts was specified in an expression, such
as IARRAY + 2. A correct example is IARRAY[1] + 2.
Bad address
An invalid address was specified. For example, an address containing
hexadecimal characters might have been specified when the radix is
Bad breakpoint command
An invalid breakpoint number was specified with the BC, BD, or BE
dialog command. The breakpoint number must be in the range 0 through
Bad flag
An invalid flag mnemonic was specified with the RF dialog command.
Bad format string
An invalid format specifier was used following an expression.
Expressions used with the ?, W?, WP?, and TP? dialog commands can have
format specifiers set off from the expression by a comma. The valid
format specifiers are c, d, e, E, f, g, G, i, o, s, u, x, and X. Some
format specifiers can be preceded by the prefix h (to specify a 2-byte
integer) or l (to specify a 4-byte integer).
Bad integer or real constant
An invalid numeric constant was specified in an expression.
Bad intrinsic function
An invalid intrinsic function name was specified in an expression.
Badly formed type
The type information in the symbol table of the file being debugged is
incorrect. This is a serious problem. Note the circumstances of the
failure and notify Microsoft Corporation.
Bad radix (use 8, 10, or 16)
An invalid radix was specified with the N dialog command. Use an
octal, decimal, or hexadecimal radix.
Bad register
An invalid register name was specified with the R dialog command. Use
AX, BX, CX, DX, SP, BP, SI, DI, DS, ES, SS, CS, or IP. If your machine
is equipped with an Intel 80386 microprocessor, use EAX, EBX, ECX,
Bad subscript
An invalid subscript expression was specified for an array, such as
IARRAY (3.3) or IARRAY ((3,3)). The correct expression for this
example (in BASIC or FORTRAN) is IARRAY (3,3).
Bad type cast
Incompatible types of operands were specified in an expression.
Bad type (use one of 'ABDILSTUW')
An invalid type was used in a Display (D, DA, DB, DF, DU, DW, DD, DS,
DL, or DT) dialog command. The valid types are ASCII (A), byte (B),
integer (I), unsigned (U), word (W), doubleword (D), short real (S),
long real (L), and 10-byte real (T).
Breakpoint # or '*' expected
The BC, BD, or BE dialog command was entered without a parameter.
Cannot cast complex constant component into REAL
An incompatible real or imaginary component was specified in a COMPLEX
constant. Both real and imaginary components must be compatible with
type REAL.
Cannot cast IMAG/DIMAG argument to COMPLEX
An invalid parameter was specified with an IMAG or DIMAG function.
IMAG and DIMAG parameters must be simple numeric types.
Cannot use struct or union as scalar
A struct or union variable was used as a scalar value in a C
expression. Such variables must be followed by a file specifier or
preceded by the address-of (&) operator.
Can't find filename
CodeView could not find the executable file specified in the command
Character constant too long
A character constant that is too long for the FORTRAN expression
evaluator was specified. The limit is 126 bytes.
Character too big for current radix
A radix that is larger than the current CodeView radix was specified
in a constant. Use the N dialog command to change the radix.
Constant too big
An unsigned constant number larger than 4,294,967,295 (FFFFFFFFH) was
CPU not an 80386
The 386 option was selected but a machine without an Intel 80386
microprocessor is being used.
Divide by zero
An expression in a parameter of a dialog command attempted to divide
by zero.
EMM error
CodeView failed to use the Expanded Memory Manager (EMM) correctly.
This is a serious problem. Note the circumstances of the failure and
notify Microsoft Corporation.
EMM hardware error
The Expanded Memory Manager (EMM) routines reported a hardware error.
Check your expanded memory board for defects.
EMM memory not found
The /E option was used but expanded memory has not been installed.
Install software that accesses the memory according to the
Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification (LIM EMS).
EMM software error
The Expanded Memory Manager (EMM) routines reported a software error.
Reinstall the EMM software.
Expression too complex
An expression given as a dialog-command parameter is too complex.
Extra input ignored
Too many parameters were specified with a command. CodeView evaluates
the valid parameters and ignores the rest. In this situation, CodeView
often does not evaluate the parameters as intended.
Flip/Swap option off--application output lost
The program being debugged is writing to the screen, but the output
cannot be displayed because the flip/swap option has been disabled.
Floating point error
This is a serious problem. Note the circumstances of the failure and
notify Microsoft Corporation.
Illegal instruction
This message usually indicates that a machine instruction attempted to
divide by zero.
Index out of bound
A subscript value was specified that is outside the bounds declared
for the array.
Insufficient EMM memory
Expanded memory is insufficient to hold the program's symbol table.
Internal debugger error
This is a serious problem. Note the circumstances of the failure and
notify Microsoft Corporation.
Invalid argument
An invalid CodeView expression was specified as a parameter.
Invalid executable file format--please relink
The executable file was not linked with the version of LINK released
with this version of the CodeView debugger. Relink with the
appropriate version of LINK.
Invalid option
An invalid switch was specified with the O command.
Missing ' " '
A string specified as a parameter to a dialog command did not have a
closing double quotation mark.
Missing '('
A parameter to a dialog command was specified as an expression
containing a right parenthesis but no left parenthesis.
Missing ')'
A parameter to a dialog command was specified as an expression
containing a left parenthesis but no right parenthesis.
Missing ']'
A parameter to a dialog command was specified as an expression
containing a left bracket but no right bracket, or a regular
expression was specified with a right bracket but no left
Missing '(' in complex constant
An opening parenthesis of a complex constant in an expression was
expected but was not found.
Missing ')' in complex constant
A closing parenthesis of a complex constant in an expression was
expected but was not found.
Missing ')' in substring
A closing parenthesis of a substring expression was expected but was
not found.
Missing '(' to intrinsic
An opening parenthesis for an intrinsic function was expected but was
not found.
Missing ')' to intrinsic
A closing parenthesis for an intrinsic function was expected but was
not found.
No closing single quote
A character was specified in an expression used as a dialog-command
parameter, but the closing single quotation mark is missing.
No code at this line number
A breakpoint was set on a source line that does not correspond to
machine code. (In other words, the source line does not contain an
executable statement.) For example, the line might be a data
declaration or a comment.
No free EMM memory handles
CodeView could not find an available EMM handle. Expanded Memory
Manager (EMM) software allocates a fixed number of memory handles
(usually 256) to be used for specific tasks.
No match of regular expression
No match was found for the regular expression specified with the
Search (S) dialog command or with the Find... command from the Search
No previous regular expression
The Previous command was selected from the Search menu, but CodeView
found no previous match for the last regular expression specified.
No source lines at this address
The address specified as a parameter for the V dialog command does not
have any source lines. For example, it could be an address in a
library routine or an assembly-language module.
No such file/directory
The specified file or directory does not exist.
No symbolic information
The executable file specified is not in the CodeView format. The
program cannot be debugged in source mode unless the file is created
in the CodeView format. The program can be debugged in assembly
Not an executable file
The file specified to be debugged when CodeView started is not an
executable file with a .EXE or .COM extension.
Not a text file
An attempt was made to load a file with the Open... command from the
File menu or with the V dialog command, but the file is not a text
file. CodeView determines if a file is a text file by checking the
first 128 bytes for characters that are not in the ASCII ranges 9
through 13 and 20 through 126.
Not enough space
The ! dialog command or the DOS Shell command from the File menu was
chosen, but free memory is insufficient to execute COMMAND.COM.
Because memory is released by code in the FORTRAN startup routines,
this error always occurs if the ! command is used before executing any
code. Use any of the code-execution dialog commands (T, P, or G) to
execute the FORTRAN startup code; then try the ! command again. This
message also occurs with assembly-language programs that do not
specifically release memory.
Object too big
A TP? dialog command was entered with a data object (such as an array)
that is larger than 128 bytes.
Operand types incorrect for this operation
An operand in a FORTRAN expression had a type incompatible with the
operation applied to it. For example, if P is declared as CHARACTER P
(10), then ? P+5 would produce this error, because a character array
cannot be an operand of an arithmetic operator.
Operator must have a struct/union type
One of the C member-selection operators (-, >, or .) was used in an
expression that does not reference an element of a structure or
Operator needs lvalue
An expression was specified that does not evaluate to a memory
location in an operation that requires one. (An lvalue is an
expression that refers to a memory location.) For example,
buffer (count) is correct; it represents a symbol in memory.
However, I .EQV. 10 is invalid because it evaluates to TRUE or
FALSE instead of to a single memory location.
Overlay not resident
An attempt was made to unassemble machine code from a function that is
currently not in memory.
Program terminated normally (exitcode)
The program terminated execution normally. The number displayed in
parentheses is the exit code returned to MS-DOS by the program.
Radix must be between 2 and 36 inclusive
A radix that is outside the allowable range was specified.
Register variable out of scope
An attempt was made to specify a register variable by using the period
(.) operator and a routine name.
Regular expression too complex
The regular expression specified is too complex for CodeView to
Regular expression too long
The regular expression specified is too long for CodeView to
Restart program to debug
The program being debugged has executed to the end.
Simple variable cannot have argument
A parameter to a simple variable was specified in an expression. For
example, given the declaration INTEGER NUM, the expression NUM(I) is
not allowed.
Substring range out of bound
A character expression exceeded the length specified in the CHARACTER
Syntax error
An invalid command line was specified for a dialog command, or an
invalid assembly-language instruction was entered with the A dialog
Too few array bounds given
The bounds specified in an array subscript do not match the array
declaration. For example, given the array declaration INTEGER
IARRAY(3,4), the expression IARRAY(I) would produce this error
Too many array bounds given
The bounds specified in an array subscript do not match the array
declaration. For example, given the array declaration INTEGER
IARRAY(3,4), the expression IARRAY(I,3,J) would produce this error
Too many breakpoints
An attempt was made to specify more than 20 breakpoints; CodeView
permits only 20.
Too many files
Too few file handles were specified for CodeView to operate correctly.
Specify more files in your CONFIG.SYS file.
Type clash in function argument
The type of an actual parameter does not match the corresponding
formal parameter, or a subroutine that uses alternate returns was
called and the values of the return labels in the actual parameter
list are not 0.
Type conversion too complex
An attempt was made to typecast an element of an expression in a type
other than the simple types or with more than one level of
indirection. An example of a complex type would be typecasting to a
struct or union type. An example of two levels of indirection is
char **.
Unable to open file
A file specified in a command parameter or in response to a prompt
cannot be opened.
Unknown symbol
An identifier that is not in CodeView's symbol table was specified, or
a local variable was used in a parameter when not in the routine where
the variable is defined, or a subroutine that uses alternate returns
was called and the values of the return labels in the parameter list
are not 0.
Unrecognized option option
Valid options: /B /C<command> /D /E /F /I /M /P /R /S /T /W /43 /2
An invalid switch was entered when starting CodeView.
Usage: cv [options] file [arguments]
An executable file was not specified when starting CodeView.
Video mode changed without /S option
The program changed video modes (either to or from graphics modes)
when screen swapping was not specified. Use the /S option to specify
screen swapping when debugging graphics programs. Debugging can be
continued after receiving this message, but the output screen of the
debugged program may be damaged.
Warning: packed file
CodeView was started with a packed file as the executable file. The
program cannot be debugged in source mode because all symbolic
information is stripped from a file when it is packed with LINK's
/EXEPACK option or the EXEPACK utility. Try to debug the program in
assembly mode. (The packing routines at the start of the program might
make this difficult.)
Wrong number of function arguments
An incorrect number of parameters was specified when evaluating a
function in a CodeView expression.
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