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Document No. LN18161-0990
OEM D/0711-1Z
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
PART I File Formats
Chapter 1 Object Module Format for Symbolic Debugging
1.1 Type Representation
1.1.1 Type Index
1.1.2 TYPES Segment Definition
1.2 Imported Symbols
1.2.1 $$lmport Segment Definition
1.2.2 $$Import Representation
1.3 Symbol Representation
1.3.1 $$SYMBOLS Segment Definition
1.3.2 Description of SYMBOLS Records
1.4 Types Definition Segment (TYPES)
1.4.1 Type Definition
1.4.2 Type String
1.4.3 Start Leaves
1.4.4 Pointers
1.4.5 Based Pointer
1.4.6 Scalars
1.4.7 Structures
1.4.8 Bitfields
1.4.9 Procedures
1.4.10 Component Leaves
1.5 Examples of TYPES Records for C Types
1.5.1 C 5.0/C 6.0 Structures
1.6 Predefined Primitive Types
1.7 Codes for Register Variables
Chapter 2 Object Module Format Extensions
2.1 BAKPAT Record (QC 1.0)─B2h, B3h
2.2 Local Symbols (C 5.0)─B4h, B6h, B7h, B8h
2.3 New OMF Comment─Class A1h
2.4 IMPDEF (OS/2, Windows)─Comment Class A0h, Subtype 1
2.5 EXPDEF (C 5.1)─Comment Class A0h, Subtype 2
2.6 Link-Pass-2 Comment Record (C 5.0)─ Class A2h
2.7 Incremental Compilation─INCDEF (QC 2.0)
2.8 LIBMOD Comment Record─Class A3h (LIB 3.07 in MASM 5.00)
2.9 EXESTR Comment Record─ Class A4h (C 5.2)
2.10 Incremental Compilation Error─ INCERR (QC 2.0)
2.11 Weak Extern ─WKEXT
2.12 COMENT Classes
Chapter 3 Extended .EXE Format for Debug Information
3.1 Glossary
3.2 Principles
3.2.1 SubSections
3.2.2 Linker
3.3 Header Linkage
3.4 SubSection Directory
3.5 SubSection Data
3.6 SubSection Types (sst)
3.6.1 sstModules (101H)
3.6.2 sstPublics (102H)
3.6.3 sstType (103H)
3.6.4 sstSymbols (104H)
3.6.5 sstSrcLines (105H)
3.6.6 sstLibraries (106H)
3.6.7 sstCompacted (108H)
3.6.8 sstSrcLnSeg (109H)
3.7 A CodeView Sample Header File
Chapter 4 .ILK and .SYM Binary File Formats
Chapter 5 Library Format
5.1 Library Header Record
5.2 Object Modules
5.3 Dictionary Blocks
5.3.1 Symbol Collisions
5.3.2 Symbol Entries
5.4 Extended Dictionary
PART II Browser Information
Chapter 6 Browser Library Tutorial
6.1 Overview of BSCDUMP.C
6.2 BSCDUMP Arguments
6.2.1 List Commands
6.2.2 Calltree Commands
6.2.3 Browser Statistics
6.2.4 List Symbol Commands
Chapter 7 Browser API Definitions
7.1 Using the Browser Library
7.2 Browser Database Functions
7.2.1 Callback Functions
7.2.2 Opening and Closing the Browser Database
7.2.3 Querying the Database File
7.2.4 Definitions and References (IDEF and IREF Variables)
7.2.5 Uses/Used-by Information (IUSE and IUBY Variables)
7.3 Miscellaneous Functions
7.4 Browser Objects
7.4.1 Creating and Manipulating BOB Variables
7.4.2 Performing Database Queries
7.5 Generating Calltrees
7.6 Listing Database References
7.7 File Outline Functions
7.8 String Processing Functions
PART III Programmer's Workbench Extensions
Chapter 8 PWB State File Specification
8.1 Current State File
8.2 State File Structure
8.2.1 Globally Shared Information
8.2.2 Generic Tool Information
8.2.3 Tool-Specific Information
Chapter 9 Creating PWB Extensions
9.1 Extending PWB Functionality
9.2 Major Components
9.3 Arguments for PWB Functions
9.4 Creating New Menus
9.5 Adding Menu Options
9.6 Modifying a Menu
9.7 Windows
9.8 File Buffers
9.9 Miscellaneous API
9.10 An Example Extension
9.11 Building the Extension
9.12 Tips and Hints
9.13 The Argument Structure
9.15 Summary
The Microsoft(R) C Developer's Toolkit Reference describes how to get the
most out of the Microsoft C Professional Development System.
This manual is divided into three parts. Part 1 defines many of the file
formats necessary to the compilation process. This includes the information
necessary to correctly interface with the Microsoft Object Module Format
(OMF) in both the CodeView(R) debugger and the C Compiler. It also defines
the formats for both extended executable files and the symbol files created
during compilation.
Part 2 both defines and demonstrates the use of the browser library. This
library makes it possible for you to produce call graphs from a C program
and more fully understand the structure of a program. A sample program
(BSCDUMP.C) is included to further demonstrate the use of the browser
Finally, Part 3 describes how to create extensions for the Programmer's
WorkBench (PWB). One of the chapters is an article written by a developer of
a PWB extension. This will give prospective PWB extension developers a
real-life example of what is possible with the PWB integrated development
The Developer's Toolkit Reference outlines the information necessary to
create seamless applications with the Microsoft C Professional Development
The pages that follow use the term "OS/2" to refer to the OS/2
systems─Microsoft Operating System/2 (MS(R) OS/2) and IBM(R) OS/2.
Similarly, the term "DOS" refers to both the MS-DOS(R) and IBM Personal
Computer DOS operating systems. The name of a specific operating system is
used when it is necessary to note features that are unique to the system.
PART I File Formats
This is some text for the part openings. This is some text for the part
openings. This is some text for the part openings. This is some text for the
part openings.
This is some text for the part openings. This is some text for the part
openings. This is some text for the part openings. This is some text for the
part openings. This is some text for the part openings. This is some text
for the part openings.
Got the idea yet?
Chapter 1 Object Module Format for Symbolic Debugging
Microsoft C version 6.0 provides support in the 16-bit Debug OMF and Debug
.EXE format that goes beyond what was defined for C 5.x. This chapter
describes the specific changes affecting individual records within the
format. Be aware that, although this information is correct for C version
6.0, Microsoft makes no guarantee of backward compatibility. The changes can
be summarized as follows:
■ The .EXE signature has changed from "NB00" to "NB02" for all the
records described in this chapter. Additionally, the signature "NB01"
indicates output from LINK version 5.05, and "NB02" indicates output
from LINK version 5.10, which was shipped with C 6.0. For
interpretation purposes, NB01 and NB02 are currently identical.
■ Support for the _based pointer type.
■ Additions for _fastcall (register parameter passing) procedures. This
is done through an addition to the Type leaves.
1.1 Type Representation
The following section gives informtion about the use of Type Index fields
and the TYPES Segment Definition.
1.1.1 Type Index
All OMF records for which a Type Index field is part of the specification
(including EXTDEF, PUBDEF, COMDEF, and SYMBOLS records) will have a valid
type index. Since many types are common, type index values in the range of
0-511 (0-1FFH) are reserved for a set of predefined primitive types.
Indexes in the range of 512-32,767 (200H-7FFFH) index into the set of type
definitions in the module's TYPES segment, relative to 512. Thus 512 is the
first new type, 513 the second, and so on. Type indexes greater than 32,767
(7FFFH) are invalid.
This information only applies to new-format objects; old-format objects
cannot have any valid type information.
1.1.2 TYPES Segment Definition
Type information appears in OMF-286 TYPDEF format in LEDATA records that are
part of a special TYPES debug segment. A SEGDEF record for this segment
produced in each module contains debug type information and has these
Name: $$TYPES
Combine type: private
For a description of the format of $$TYPE definitions, see Section 1.4,
"Types Definition Segment (TYPES)."
For examples of how some of the predefined types are defined according to
the format, see Section 1.5, "Examples of TYPES Records for C Types."
1.2 Imported Symbols
$$Import Segment Definition and Representation are the topics discussed in
the following two subsections.
1.2.1 $$lmport Segment Definition
Under OS/2, much of the user program resides in DLLs. Since fix-ups to DLL
imports are done at program load time, neither the compiler nor the linker
can resolve the physical location of a DLL symbol. Thus any symbols found in
the DLL must be fixed up by the loader. So that the loader knows what to fix
up, the .EXE header contains pointers to the Module Reference Table and the
Import Name Table. The $$Import segment contains references to these tables,
but the location of the tables must be found from the .EXE header.
The loader does a symbol fix-up on the $$Import segment. It is up to the
debugger to search the $$Import segment for potential symbol references in a
DLL. The symbols in the $$Import table might be thought of as an extension
to the Publics table, except there is only one $$Import segment.
1.2.2 $$Import Representation
In this diagram of $$Import Representation the numbers above the fields
indicate the length in bytes.
2 2 2 2
| iMod | iName | offset | selector |
iMod Index into the Module Reference Table to
dynamic library name
iName Index into the Import Name Table
indexing the
symbol's name
offset Offset into the segment of the symbol
selector Selector of the DLL symbol
The number of entries in the $$Import segment is determined by the segment
size divided by the record length (8 bytes per record in the 16-bit OMF
Note that the $$Import segment format is new to the OMF and is not stable.
The 32-bit format is not completely defined. Also, iMod may be changed to
iModName, where iModName points into the Import Name Table instead of the
Module Reference Table.
1.3 Symbol Representation
Two topics are discussed below: $$SYMBOLS Segment Definition and Symbols
1.3.1 $$SYMBOLS Segment Definition
Information about stack, local, procedure, block start, constant, and
register symbols and code labels goes in LEDATA records that are part of a
special SYMBOLS debug segment. A SEGDEF record for this segment is produced
that has these attributes:
Combine type: private
Data in the SYMBOLS segment is a series of symbol records in a format
loosely based on OMF-286. Each record has the following form:
1 1 *
| len | typ | data ... |
len Length of record, excluding first byte
typ Type of record
The record types are described in this chapter without the length byte.
Numbers above fields indicate length in bytes, and '*' means variable
This chapter describes the 16-bit OMF. The 16-bit OMF will have offsets of 2
bytes. This is denoted by the 2 above the offset field.
1.3.2 Description of SYMBOLS Records
This section describes SYMBOLS records.
Block Start
1 2 2 *
| 0 | offset | block length | block name |
offset Offset of the start of the block in the
code segment
block length Length in bytes of the scope of this
block name Optional name of the block
Block, Procedure, or With End
| 2 |
Closes the scope of the nearest preceding Block Start, Procedure Start, or
With Start definition.
BP-Relative Symbol
1 2 2 *
| 4 | offset | type index | name |
offset Signed, relative to BP
type index Index into the TYPES section indicating
the type of this symbol
name Length-prefixed ASCII name of the symbol
Includes frame variables and parameters.
Local (Data) Symbols
Called static externals or file statics in C. While any type of local symbol
may have one of these records, there is no need for non-data symbols to use
1 2 2 2 *
| 5 | offset | seg | type index | symbol name |
offset Offset of the symbol
seg Segment address of the symbol
Code Label
1 2 1 *
| 0BH(ll) | offset | NEAR/FAR | name |
offset Offset from code segment
NEAR/FAR Near label = 0, far label = 4
With Start Symbol
1 2 2 *
| 0CH(12) | offset | length | "value" |
offset Offset of the start of the with block in
the code
length Length in bytes of the scope of the with
value ASCII string, evaluated at run time, of
the value used in the with statement
Register Symbol
1 2 1 *
| 0DH(13) | type index | register | symbol name |
type index Type of the symbol
register Register the symbol is stored in. (For
values of the register field, see
Section 1.7, "Codes for Register
symbol name Name of the symbol
Constant Symbol
1 2 * *
| 0EH(14) | type index | value | name |
type index Type of symbol
value Constant value of symbol
name Name of symbol
This has the same format as Procedure Start except its record ID is 0FH
Procedure Start
1 2 2 2 2 2
| 1 | offset | type | proc. | debug | debug | ->
| | | index | length | start | end | ->
2 1 *
| reserved | NEAR/FAR | name |
offset Offset of the start of the procedure in
the code
type index Type of the procedure
proc. length Length in bytes of this procedure
debug start Offset in bytes from the start of the
procedure where the stack frame has been
set up
debug end Offset in bytes from the start of the
procedure where the procedure is ready
to return and has calculated its return
value, if any, but frame and register
variables can still be viewed
reserved Field reserved for use by the debugger
NEAR/FAR Type of return the procedure makes:
0 16-bit near
4 32-bit far
name Name of the procedure
Skip Record
Reserves space for incremental builds. The compiler can reserve a dead space
in the OMF for future expansions due to an incremental build.
1 *
| l0H(16) | Skip Data |
Skip Data Unused data; use the len field that
precedes every Symbol record to skip
this record
Change Default Segment
This record was added for the alloc_ text option in C. This option allows
more than one segment per module. If the alloc_text pragma is used, the
$$Symbols table will contain the Change Default Segment record each time the
module's segment changes. Note that the first record in the $$Symbols table
must be a Change Default Segment record indicating the initial default
1 2 2
| 11H(17) | Segment | reserved |
Segment Used by following Symbol information as
the default segment
reserved Reserved for use by the debugger
1.4 Types Definition Segment (TYPES)
The format of the TYPES segment is a subset of the OMF-286 TYPDEF
A TYPES segment may appear in linkable modules. It provides descriptions of
the types of symbols found in the PUBLICS and SYMBOLS debug section. Type
internal names are keyed to the order of type definitions in TYPES. The
format of the TYPES segment is as follows:
| type definition | ...
1.4.1 Type Definition
A type definition has a linkage field, the length of the type definition (in
bytes), and the type definition itself. It is defined as follows:
1 2 *
| linkage | length | type string |
linkage Linkage = TRUE indicates that the
following type definition is needed for
public-external linkage.
Linkage = FALSE indicates that the type
is only defined for debug symbols.
Initially, all TYPDEFs will have linkage
= FALSE, since the linker does not do
type checking.
1 TRUE (or any nonzero value)
length Length in bytes of the following type
1.4.2 Type String
A type string is a series of consecutive leaves.
* * *
+------+------+ +------+
| leaf | leaf | . . . | leaf |
+------+------+ +------+
1.4.3 Start Leaves
1 *
| 60H(96) | length |
length Length of string in bits
1 *
| 7FH(127) | data |
data List of leaves whose format is defined
by the leaf which indexes the list
Code Label
1 1 1
| 72H(144) | nil | NEAR/FAR |
1 3 *
| 5DH(93) | @type | name |
Assigns another name to a previously defined type (for example, a simple
typedef in C).
This is used by incremental compilers to reserve space for future indexes.
1 2 *
| 90H(144) | new index | pad |
new index In searching $$Types, the index counter
should be set to this index count,
skipping all intermediate indexes. This
is the next valid index.
pad Space reserved for incremental compiles.
1.4.4 Pointers
1 1 3 *
| 7AH(122) | model | @type| name |
model Size of the pointer; must be NEAR, FAR,
type Type index of object pointed to
name (Optional) name of this type
1.4.5 Based Pointer
Based variables may be based on another variable or a segment, or may
require an explicit base (:> operator). And in some cases, the base of the
variable may not be known (the compiler knows segment names, but not segment
numbers; the debugger knows segment numbers but not names; the linker knows
both but doesn't pass segment names onto the debugger). The base field
describes the base of the based variable.
1 3 *
| 91H(145) | @type | base |
type Type index of the declared based
base Leaf that describes the base pointer
The valid component leaves are described in the next four sections.
When a base pointer is based on a segment (or segment name), the segment is
needed. This leaf describes which segment the base pointer is based on.
1 2
| 92H(146) | seg |
seg Segment at which to base the base
pointer; this is the paragraph address
of the segment as opposed to an OMF
segment index
When a base pointer is based on the value of another variable, the location
of the base is needed. This leaf points to that base in the $$Symbol
segment. For example, the following declaration would generate a BASEDVAL
base pointer:
char _based(lpch) *lp;
1 2 *
| 93H(147) | offset |
offset Given the same module as the BASED leaf,
the base can be found at offset in the
$$Symbol segment.
This case is similar to BASEDVAL with one exception. Only the segment
portion of the symbol pointed to will be used. For example, the following
declaration would generate a BASEDSEGVAL base pointer:
char_based( (_segment) lpch ) *lp;
Only the segment portion of lpch will be used in calculating the actual
address of lp; that is,
lp -> FP_ SEG(lpch):FP_OFF(lp)
1 2
| 94H(148) | offset |
offset Given the same module as the BASED leaf,
the base can be found at offset in the
$$Symbol segment.
In this case, only the segment portion of the symbol pointed to will be
used. For example, the following declaration would generate a BASEDSEGADDR
base pointer:
char _based( (_segment) &lpch ) *lp;
Only the segment portion of the address lpch will be used in calculating the
actual address of lp; that is,
lp -> FP_SEG(&lpch):FP_OFF(lp)
1 2 *
| 98H(152) | offset |
offset Given the same module as the BASED leaf,
the base can be found at offset in the
$$Symbol segment.
Based on Type - This is used when the pointer is based on type; that is,
char _based(void) *lp;
1 2
| 83H(131) | @type|
@type Type index of base
Based on Self - This is used for the based-on-self construct; that is,
char _based( (_segment)_self) *lp;
| 80H(128) |
1.4.6 Scalars
The full form of a scalar type is
1 * 1 * * * *
| 7BH(123) | length | type | name | style | lbnd | ubnd |
length Length in bits of object
type Usually a type leaf, such as SGNINT,
UNSINT, or REAL; or an index to another
type definition
name (Optional) name given to this type
style Method of representation in memory of
values of this type
lbnd, ubnd Minimum and maximum values that the
scalar is allowed to take; may be useful
to describe array bounds or ranges
The simplest form of the scalar type will include only the first three
leaves. This represents the C character type:
| 7BH | 8 | SGNINT |
Some languages allow types which are primitive but have restrictions imposed
on them. For example, the Pascal type
type index = 1..10
can be described by
| 7BH | 16 | SGNINT | "index" | nil | 1 | 10 |
Enumeration types can also be described by this method. As an example, the
Ada type
type stoplight is (red, amber, green);
can be described by
| 7BH | 16 | SGNINT | "stoplight" | @eLIST | 0 | 2 |
where eList is an index to the enumList:
| enumLIST | "red" | O | "amber" | 1 | "green" | 2 |
1.4.7 Structures
This section describes the format for structures in C 4.x, C 5.x, and C 6.0.
1 * * 3 3 * 1
| 79H(121) | len | count | @tLIST | @nLIST | name | p |
len Size in bits of structure
count Number of fields
_@tLIST Index to list of field types
_@nLIST Index to list of field names and offsets
name (Optional) name or tag of this type
p (Optional) basic type leaf telling
whether or not the structure is packed
1 3
| LIST | INDEX | ...
| |
INDEX Leaf index
1 * *
| LIST | name | offset | ...
| |
offset In bytes from start of structure
name Length-prefixed name of structure member
1.4.8 Bitfields
Bitfields will be represented by an entry in the tLlST index which indexes a
BITFIELD type definition:
1 * 1 1
| 5CH(92) | length | basic_type | position |
length Length in bits of the object
basic_type Type of the object; must be SGNINT or
position Starting position (from bit 0) of the
object in the word
1.4.9 Procedures
1 1 3 1 * 3
| 75H(117) | nil | @rvtype | calling | #parms | @list |
1 3 3
+------+-------+ +-------+
| LIST | @type | ... | @type |
+------+-------+ +-------+
rvtype Type index of the value returned by the
calling Calling convention of the procedure:
63H C (args pushed right to left,
caller pops args) short
64H C long
parms Number of parameters
list Type index of list of type indexes for
1 * 3 3 *
| 78H(120) | length | @elem_type | @idx_type | name |
length Size in bits of array
elem_type Type index of array element
idx_type (Optional) type index of indexing
method; default is
name (Optional) name or tag of this type
Basic Arrays
1 3
| 8CH(140) | @ele_type |
ele_type Type index of array element type
1 1 *
| 8DH(141) | tag | information |
Describes a FORTRAN string. There are two variants to this type string:
1 1 *
| 8DH | 0H | length |
length Length of a fixed-length FORTRAN string
1 1 *
| 8DH | IH | offset |
offset BP-relative offset which at run time
contains the length of a string
FORTRAN Array Indexes
1 1 *
| 8EH(142) | tag | information |
Describes a FORTRAN array index. It takes on the variants described below.
Note that all names are string leaves.
1 1 *
| 8EH | lH | low_bound |
low_bound Lower bound of the index
Used when the index for a dimension of the array takes the form of a(1:*).
This is not currently generated by the Microsoft FORTRAN Compiler version
1 1 * *
| 8EH | 2H | low_bound | hi_bound |
low_bound Lower bound of the index
hi _bound Upper bound of the index
This is the case for regular FORTRAN array indices, i.e., a(l:10), or when
abbreviated, a(10). This is not currently generated by the Microsoft FORTRAN
Compiler version 4.0.
1 1 * *
| 8EH | 3H | low_bound | hi_name |
low_bound Lower bound of the index
hi_name Name of a BP-relative symbol which at
run time will contain the upper bound of
the index
This is for the case where the upper bound of an index is an expression,
i.e., a(1:m). This is not currently generated by the Microsoft FORTRAN
Compiler version 4.0.
1 1 * *
| 8EH | 4H | low_name | hi_bound |
low_name Name of a BP-relative symbol which at
run time will contain the lower bound or
the index
hi_bound Upper bound of the index
This is for the case where the lower bound of an index is an expression,
i.e., a(m:10). This is not currently generated by the Microsoft FORTRAN
Compiler version 4.0.
1 1 * *
| 8EH | 5H | low_name | hi_name |
low_name Name of a BP-relative symbol which at
run time will contain the lower bound of
the index
hi_name Name of a BP-relative symbol which at
run time will contain the lower bound of
the index
This is for the case where both the upper and lower bound of an index are
expressions, i.e., a(m:n). This is not currently generated by the Microsoft
FORTRAN Compiler version 4.0.
1 1 *
| 8EH | 6H | value |
value Value used in the index calculation of
This is currently generated by the Microsoft FORTRAN Compiler version 4.0.
1 1 *
| 8EH | 7H | name |
name Name of a BP-relative symbol which
contains a value to be used in array
index calculation at run time
This is currently generated by the Microsoft FORTRAN Compiler version 4.0.
1.4.10 Component Leaves
This section contains the full set of component leaves in the symbolic
debugging OMF.
Null (nil/easy) Leaf
A null leaf is assumed to be an "easy" null leaf; that is, it will match any
other leaf.
| 80H(128) |
Index Leaf
1 *
| 83H(131) | index |
index Type index; leaves beginning with "@"
are index leaves
String Leaf
1 *
| 82H(130) | name |
name Length-prefixed string; fields below
with the description "name" are
understood to be string leaves
Unsigned Numeric Leaves
| m |
1 2
| 85H(133) | n |
1 4
| 86H(134) | n |
1 8
| 87H(135) | n |
m Number from 0-127
n Any unsigned number which fits in the
indicated space
Signed Numeric Leaves
1 1
| 88H(136) | s |
1 2
| 89H(137) | s |
1 4
| 8AH(138) | s |
1 8
| 8BH(139) | s |
s Any signed number which fits in the
indicated space
Table 1.1 gives an alphabetical listing of type leaves. Notice that the
index is presented in both hexadecimal and decimal formats.
Table 1.1 Alphabetical List of Type Leaves
Leaf Name Index Leaf Name Index
ARRAY 78H (120) NEAR FASTCALL 95H (149)
BASEDADDR 97H (151) Nil 80H (128)
BASEDSEG 92H (146) PACKED 68H (104)
BASEDVAL 93H (147) PROCEDURE 75H (117)
BITFIELD 5CH (92) REAL 7EH (126)
BOOLEAN 6CH (108) SCALAR 7BH (123)
Leaf Name Index Leaf Name Index
C FAR 64H (100) SKIP 90H (144)
CHARACTER 6FH (111) STRING 82H (130)
CONST 71H (113) STRINGS 60H (96)
FAR 73H (115) STRUCTURE 79H (121)
FAR FASTCALL 96H (150) TAG 5AH (90)
FSTRING 8DH (141) UNPACKED 69H (105)
HUGE 5EH (94) VARIANT 5BH (91)
INDEX 83H (131) 16-bit unsigned 85H (133)
Leaf Name Index Leaf Name Index
INDEX 83H (131) 16-bit unsigned 85H (133)
INTEGER 70H (112) 32-bit unsigned 86H (134)
LABEL 72H (114) 8-bit signed number 88H (136)
LIST 7FH (127) 16-bit signed number 89H (137)
NEAR 74H (116) 32-bit signed number 8AH (138)
1.5 Examples of TYPES Records for C Types
These are examples of how the typing mechanism can be used for some common
and uncommon types in the C language. Since many of the common types have
been predefined (see Section 1.6, "Predefined Primitive Types"), these types
will indicate the predefined type corresponding to the example type
char (predefined type T_CHAR)
int, short (predefined type T_ SHORT)
| SCALAR | 16 | SGNINT |
long (predefined type T_ LONG)
| SCALAR | 32 | SGNINT |
unsigned char (predefined type T_ UCHAR)
unsigned int, short, unsigned (predefined type T_ USHORT)
| SCALAR | 16 | UNSINT |
unsigned long (predefined type T_ ULONG)
| SCALAR | 32 | UNSINT |
float (predefined type T_ REAL32)
| SCALAR | 32 | REAL |
double (predefined type T_ REAL64)
| SCALAR | 64 | REAL |
char [10]
| ARRAY | 80 | @char_type |
struct event {
int rank;
long date;
1.5.1 C 5.0/C 6.0 Structures
New structures introduced with C5.0/C6.0 have the following form:
| STRUCTURE | 48 | 2 | @tLIST | @sLIST | "event" |
| tLIST | @int_type | @long_type |
| sLIST | "rank" | 0 | "date" | 2 |
enum {club, spade, heart, diamond} suit;
| SCALAR | 16 | SGNINT | "suit" | @eLIST | 4 |
| eLIST | "club" | O | "spade" | 1 | "heart" | 2 |
char * (predefined type T_ PCHAR)
| POINTER | @char_type |
char _based(_segname("foo")) *pbased;
| BASED | @type | BASEDSEG | segment ptr for foo |
char *pb;
char _based(pb) *pbased;
| BASED | @TYPE | BASEDVAL | SYM offset for pb |
1.6 Predefined Primitive Types
Types 0-511 are reserved. Types 0-255 (high byte = 0) have meaning according
to the decoding of the following bits:
xxxx xxxx x xx xxx xx
xxxx xxxx i md typ sz
The format of Type Index (and Reserved Types) is illustrated in the next
four tables.
Table 1.2, Format of i
i Action
i0 Special type, not interpreted as follows
(see "Special Types" below
1 Low 7 bits are interpreted as follows:
Table 1.3, Format of md
md Mode
00 Direct
01 Near Pointer
10 Far pointer
11 Huge pointer
Table 1.4, Format of typ
typ Basic type
000 Signed
001 Unsigned
010 Real
011 Complex
100 Boolean
110 Currency
111 Reserved
Table 1.5 Format of sz
sz Size (Real) (Complex) (Currency)
00 8-bit 4-byte 8-byte Reserved
01 16-bit 8-byte 16-byte 8-byte
10 32-bit 10-byte 20-byte Reserved
11 Reserved
Tables 1.6 and 1.7 list the predefined primitive types of the symbolic
debugging OMF.
Table 1.6 Special Types (8th bit = 0)
Name Value Description
T_NOTYPE 0 Uncharacterized type (no type)
T_ABS 1 Absolute symbol
Table 1.7 Primitive Type Listing (8th bit = 1)
Name Value Description
T_CHAR 80H 8-bit signed
T_SHORT 8lH 16-bit signed
T_LONG 82H 32-bit signed
T_UCHAR 84H 8-bit unsigned
T_USHORT 85H 16-bit unsigned
T_ULONG 86H 32-bit unsigned
T_REAL2 88H 32-bit real
T_REAL64 89H 64-bit real
T_REAL80 8AH (10) 80-bit real
T_CPLX64 8CH (12) 64-bit complex
T_CPLX128 8DH (13) 128-bit complex
T_CPLX160 8EH (14) 160-bit complex
T_BOOL08 90H (16) 8-bit Boolean
Table 1.7 Primitive Type Listing (8th bit = 1) (continued)
Name Value Description
T_BOOL16 91H (17) 16-bit Boolean
T_BOOL32 9H (18) 32-bit Boolean
T_ ASCII 94H (20) 8-bit character
T_ASCII16 95H (21) 16-bit characters
T_ASCII32 96H (22) 32-bit characters
T_BSTRING 97H (23) Basic string type
T_PCHAR A0H (32) Near pointer to 8-bit signed
T_PSHORT A1H (33) Near pointer to 16-bit signed
T_PLONG A2H (34) Near pointer to 32-bit signed
T_PUCHAR A4H (36) Near pointer to 8-bit unsigned
T_PUSHORT A5H (37) Near pointer to 16-bit unsigned
T_PULONG A6H (38) Near pointer to 32-bit unsigned
T_PREAL32 A8H (40) Near pointer to 32-bit real
T_ PREAL64 A9H (41) Near pointer to 64-bit real
T_ PREAL80 AAH (42) Near pointer to 80-bit real
T_PCPLX64 ACH (44) Near pointer to 64-bit complex
T_PCPLX128 ADH (45) Near pointer to 128-bit complex
T_ PCPLX160 AEH (46) Near pointer to 160-bit complex
T_PBOOL08 B0H (48) Near pointer to 8-bit Boolean
Name Value Description
T_PBOOL08 B0H (48) Near pointer to 8-bit Boolean
T_PBOOL16 B1H (49) Near pointer to 16-bit Boolean
T_PBOOL32 B2H (50) Near pointer to 32-bit Boolean
T_PASCII B4H (52) Near pointer to 8-bit character
T_PASCII16 B5H (53) Near pointer to 16-bit character
T_PASC1132 B6H (54) Near pointer to 32-bit character
T_PBSTRING B7H (55) Near pointer to Basic string
T_PFCHAR C0H (64) Far pointer to 8-bit signed
T_PFSHORT C1H (65) Far pointer to 16-bit signed
T_PFLONG C2H (66) Far pointer to 32-bit signed
T_PFUCHAR C4H (68) Far pointer to 8-bit unsigned
T_PFUSHORT C5H (69) Far pointer to 16-bit unsigned
T_PFULONG C6H (70) Far pointer to 32-bit unsigned
T_PFREAL32 C8H (72) Far pointer to 32-bit real
Table 1.7 Primitive Type Listing (8th bit = 1) (continued)
Name Value Description
T_PFREAL64 C9H (73) Far pointer to 64-bit real
T_PFREAL80 CAH (74) Far pointer to 80-bit real
T_PFCPLX64 CCH (76) Far pointer to 64-bit complex
T_PFCPLX128 CDH (77) Far pointer to 128-bit complex
T_PFCPLX160 CEH (78) Far pointer to 160-bit complex
T_PFBOOL08 D0H (80) Far pointer to 8-bit Boolean
T_PFBOOL16 D1H (81) Far pointer to 16-bit Boolean
T_PFBOO132 D2H (82) Far pointer to 32-bit Boolean
T_PFASCII D4H (84) Far pointer to 8-bit character
T_PFASCII16 D5H (85) Far pointer to 16-bit character
T_PFASCII32 D6H (86) Far pointer to 32-bit character
T_PFBSTRING D7H (87) Far pointer to Basic string
T_PHCHAR E0H (96) Huge pointer to 8-bit signed
T_PHSHORT E1H (97) Huge pointer to 16-bit signed
T_PHLONG E2H (98) Huge pointer to 32-bit signed
T_PHUCHAR E4H (100) Huge pointer to 8-bit unsigned
T_PHUSHORT E5H (101) Huge pointer to 16-bit unsigned
T_PHULONG E6H (102) Huge pointer to 32-bit unsigned
T_PHREAL32 E8H (104) Huge pointer to 32-bit real
Name Value Description
T_PHREAL32 E8H (104) Huge pointer to 32-bit real
T_PHREAL64 E9H (105) Huge pointer to 64-bit real
T_PHREAL80 EAH (106) Huge pointer to 80-bit real
T_PHCPLX64 ECH (108) Huge pointer to 64-bit complex
T_PHCPLX128 EDH (109) Huge pointer to 128-bit complex
T_PHCPLX160 EEH (110) Huge pointer to 160-bit complex
T_PHBOOL08 F0H (112) Huge pointer to 8-bit Boolean
T_PHBOOL16 F1H (113) Huge pointer to 16-bit Boolean
T_PHBOOL32 F2H (114) Huge pointer to 32-bit Boolean
T_PHASCII F4H (116) Huge pointer to 8-bit character
T_PHASC1116 F5H (117) Huge pointer to 16-bit character
T_PHASC1132 F6H (118) Huge pointer to 32-bit character
T_PHBSTRING F7H (119) Huge pointer to Basic string
1.7 Codes for Register Variables
Table 1.8 gives the codes for register variables.
Table 1.8 Register Variables
Register Type Register Code
8-bit registers 0 AL
1 CL
2 DL
3 BL
4 AH
5 CH
6 DH
7 BH
16-bit registers 8 AX
9 CX
10 DX
11 BX
12 SP
13 BP
Register Type Register Code
13 BP
14 SI
15 DI
32-bit registers 16 EAX
17 ECX
18 EDX
19 EBX
20 ESP
21 EBP
22 ESI
23 EDI
Table 1.8 Register Variables (continued)
Register Type Register Code
Segment registers 24 ES
Register Type Register Code
Segment registers 24 ES
25 CS
26 SS
27 DS
28 FS
29 GS
Special cases 32 DX:AX
33 ES:BX
34 IP
Register Type Register Code
Register extensions 128 ST(0)
for 8087/287/387
129 ST(1)
130 ST(2)
131 ST(3)
132 ST(4)
133 ST(5)
134 ST(6)
Register Type Register Code
Chapter 2 Object Module Format Extensions
This chapter serves as a guideline to the extensions introduced to the
Microsoft OMF since its publication in the Microsoft MS-DOS Encyclopedia.
This information may be modified in the future, and Microsoft cannot
guarantee backward compatibility. This means that any software you develop
using information provided in this chapter may not be compatible with future
versions of the OMF extensions.
2.1 BAKPAT Record (QC 1.0)─B2h, B3h
This record is for backpatches to locations which cannot be conveniently
handled by a FIXUPP at reference time (for example, forward references in a
one-pass compiler). It is essentially a specialized fix-up. The following
diagram shows the format of BAKPAT:
1 2 * 1 2 2 1
| |
The following list explains the record elements of BAKPAT:
Record Elements Description
RECTYP 0xb2 (178) or 0xb3 (179).
RECLEN Record length.
SEGIND Segment index formed as in an LEDATA
record; i.e., indexes less than 0x80 are
a single byte
and indexes greater than 0x80 are formed
(0x80 | hibyte), lobyte.
LOCTYP Type of location to be patched.
0 8-bit lobyte
1 16-bit offset
2 32-bit offset (0xb3 record
The VALUE field will be fixed length (16-
or 32-bit according to RECTYP),
regardless of LOCTYP, to make .OBJ
processing easier.
OFFSET Offset into the segment to be patched
(16 bits if RECTYP = 0xb2, 32 bits if
RECTYP = 0xb3).
VALUE Value to add to the location being
patched (16 bits if RECTYP = 0xb2,
32 bits if RECTYP = 0xb3).
CHKSUM Record checksum.
BAKPAT records can occur anywhere in the object module following the SEGDEF
to which they refer. They do not have to follow the appropriate LEDATA
record immediately, as FIXUPP records do.
For every module, the linker buffers all BAKPAT records in pass two until
the end of the module and then processes them as fix-ups.
2.2 Local Symbols (C 5.0)─B4h, B6h, B7h, B8h
Three new record types handle local symbols, as shown in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1 New Record Types
Record Type
LPUBDEF 0xb6 (182) or 0xb7 (183) PUBDEF
You can use LEXTDEF, LPUBDEF, and LCOMDEF in exactly the same manner as
EXTDEF, PUBDEF, and COMDEF except that the symbols are not visible outside
the module where they are defined (for example, C statics).
The LPUBDEF record is extended for the 80386 in exactly the same way as the
PUBDEF record.
2.3 New OMF Comment─Class A1h
A comment record with class A1h indicates that the obsolete method of
communal representation via TYPDEF and EXTDEF pairs is not used, and that
COMDEF records can be interpreted. The meaning of this record is undergoing
2.4 IMPDEF (OS/2, Windows)─Comment Class A0h, Subtype 1
The Import Definition (IMPDEF) record takes the form of a COMENT record with
class 0xa0:
DW reclen ; record length
DB 00h ; for Intel compatibility
DB A0h ; class: OMF extension
DB 01h ; subtype: IMPDEF
DB fOrd ; nonzero value means import by ordinal
; Internal Name
DB n ; length of name
DB n dup(?) ; ASCII text of name
; Module Name
DB n ; length of name
DB n dup(?) ; ASCII text of name
IF import by name (fOrd == 0)
; Imported Name: if length byte is 0 then imported name is
; identical to internal name.
DB n ; length of name
DB n dup(?) ; ASCII text of name
DW ordno ; ordinal number
DB checksum
2.5 EXPDEF (C 5.1)─Comment Class A0h, Subtype 2
The Export Definition (EXPDEF) record takes the form of a COMENT record with
class 0xa0:
DW reclen ; record length
DB 00h ; for Intel compatibility
DB A0h ; class: OMF extension
DB 02h ; extension type: EXPDEF
DB flags
; 80h = set if ordinal number specified
; 40h = set if RESIDENTNAME
; 20h = set if NODATA
; 1Fh = # of parameter words
;Exported name:
DB n ; length of name
DB n dup(?) ; ASCII text of name
; IF internal name different from exported name:
DB n ; length of name
DB n dup(?) ; ASCII text of name
; ELSE internal name same as exported name:
DB 00h
; IF ordinal number specified
DW ordno ; ordinal number
DB checksum
2.6 Link-Pass-2 Comment Record (C 5.0)─ Class A2h
For the linker to take advantage of "1-1/2 pass" linking, you need to
generate a new comment record indicating the start of Link-Pass-2 records.
The class field for this record is 162 (0xa2), followed by a byte with the
value 01, followed by anything you want or nothing at all. For example, the
following diagrams the record structure and is followed by a list describing
its contents:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
000: 88 04 00 00 a2 01 <cs>
Offset Content
Offset Content
0 88 Record type = COMENT
1-2 0004 Record length excluding first 3 bytes
3 00 Attribute: must be zero
4 A2 Class 162: MS OMF extension
5 01 Sub-extension 1: start Link-Pass-2
6 <cs> Checksum: the linker doesn't verify it but other
utilities like RANLIB do
All LEDATA, LIDATA, FIXUPP, LINNUM, and MODEND records must go after the
comment record, and all other records must go before.
2.7 Incremental Compilation─INCDEF (QC 2.0)
The Incremental Definition (INCDEF) record takes the form of a COMENT record
with class 0xa0:
DW reclen ; record length
DB 00h ; for Intel compatibility
DB A0h ; class: OMF extension
DB 03h ; extension type: INCDEF (INCremental DEFinition)
DW extdel ; EXTDEF delta (signed)
DW lindel ; LINNUM delta (signed)
DB ? dup(?) ; padding
DB checksum
Every subsequent FIXUPP and LINNUM record will adjust all external index
values and line number values by the appropriate delta. The deltas are
cumulative if there is more than one INCDEF per module.
2.8 LIBMOD Comment Record─Class A3h (LIB 3.07 in MASM 5.00)
The LIBMOD comment record identifies the name of a library module:
DW reclen ; record length
DB 00h ; for Intel compatibility
DB A3h ; class: LIBrary MODule name
DB N ; length of module name
DB N dup(?) ; ASCII text of module name
DB checksum ; or 0
This record allows LIB to preserve the source file name in the THEADR record
and still identify the module name. Since the module name is the base name
of the .OBJ file, the two names may be completely different.
LIB adds a LIBMOD record when a .OBJ file is added to a library and strips
the LIBMOD record when a .OBJ file is removed from a library, so typically
this record exists only in .LIB files.
2.9 EXESTR Comment Record─ Class A4h (C 5.2)
The EXESTR comment record identifies text to be copied by the linker:
DW reclen ; record length
DB 00h ; for Intel compatibility
DB A4h ; class: EXEcutable STRing
DB ? dup(?) ; arbitrary text
DB checksum ; or 0
The EXESTR comment record implements these ANSI and XENIX/UNIX features in
#pragma comment(exestr, <char-sequence>)
#ident string
The linker will copy the text in the "arbitrary text" field byte-for-byte to
the end of the executable file. The text will not be included in the program
load image. If CodeView information is present, the text will not be at the
end of the file but somewhere before so as not to interfere with the
CodeView signature.
There is no limit on the number of EXESTR comment records.
2.10 Incremental Compilation Error─ INCERR (QC 2.0)
A COMENT record with a class value of 0xA6 will cause the linker to
terminate with a fatal error to the effect of "invalid object─error
encountered during incremental compilation." This is for the case when an
incremental compilation fails and the user tries to link manually. The
object cannot be deleted, in order to preserve the base for the next
incremental compilation.
NOPAD─No Segment Padding
DW reclen ; record length
DB 00h ; for Intel compatibility
DB A7h ; class: EXEcutable STRing
<index> iSegdef dup(?) ; list of SEGDEF indexes
DB checksum ; or 0
This comment record identifies a set of segments to be excluded from padding
imposed with the /PADDATA or /PADCODE options. This is for MicroFocus COBOL.
The index type is the standard MS/Intel OMF index type.
2.11 Weak Extern ─WKEXT
This record marks a set of external names as "weak," and for every weak
extern associates another external name to use as the default resolution.
DW reclen ; record length
DB 00h ; for Intel compatibility
DB A8h ; class: weak extern
; The following two fields are repeated.
<index> iWeak ; index to EXTDEF which is weak
<index> iDefRes ; index to EXTDEF which is the default resolution
DB checksum ; or 0
If a PUBDEF for the weak extern is linked in through other means than the
weak extern, then the weak extern is the same as an EXTDEF (for example, if
there is a weak extern for "foo," and a nonlibrary module is linked in which
defines a PUBDEF for "foo").
But if the weak extern is not linked in through some other means, then all
references to it are resolved to the address of the default resolution name.
For example, this happens if there is a weak extern for "foo" with a default
resolution name of "bar," and a PUBDEF for "foo" is in some library module X
which would not otherwise be linked in. Then X is not linked in, and any
references to "foo" are resolved to "bar."
The index type is the standard MS/Intel OMF index type.
2.12 COMENT Classes
For your reference, the COMENT classes are listed below:
Class Description
A0 OMF Extension:
04 Protected Memory Library
(link386 only)
A1 "New OMF"
A2 Link-Pass-2
A3 Library module name (LIBMOD)
A5 QC #1
Chapter 3 Extended .EXE Format for Debug Information
This chapter describes a format used by the Microsoft/IBM OS/2 linker to
embed debug information into the executable file. Language development
utilities, such as compilers and assemblers, may attach arbitrary
information to an executable file via this format, which is not part of the
program's load image. Executable files of interest include DOS 2. x-3. x and
OS/2 segmented executable files, although in theory the debug format is not
limited to these.
Use this chapter in conjunction with Chapter 1, "Microsoft Symbolic
Debugging Object Module Format," which describes the content for type
information used by the debugger and emitted by Microsoft compilers and
assemblers in object files.
3.1 Glossary
Some terms are defined below:
Term Definition
SubSection Object in the format that contains
specific information for only one module
Module Object module, i.e., an .OBJ file or
.LIB module
Linker Microsoft/IBM OS/2 linker
3.2 Principles
The sections that follow discuss principles used in embedding debug
3.2.1 SubSections
SubSections are the primary element of organization in the extended .EXE
format. A special WORD determines the type of each SubSection. Typically,
each SubSection describes some aspect of one module.
The modular nature of SubSections makes incremental changes to the .EXE file
3.2.2 Linker
The linker generates certain module-based and symbol-based information
obtained from the Microsoft Object Module Format (OMF) into the sstModules
and sstSrcLines SubSections (see Sections 3.6.1 and 3.6.5 below). This
information is not specific to any compiler.
3.3 Header Linkage
The format encompasses a block of data which goes at the end of a normal DOS
3. x or OS/2 segmented .EXE file, i.e., after the header plus load image and
possibly overlays. The lower portion of the file is unaffected by the
The last 8 bytes of the file contain a signature and a long file offset from
the end of the file (dlfaBase). The signature is "NBxx" where xx is the
version number. The long offset indicates the position in the file of the
base address. The following version numbers are active in released versions
of the linker:
Version Number Description
NB00 All linkers distributed with file dates
earlier than September 1989 produce this
format .EXE. In particular, LINK
versions 3. x, 4.0, and 5.0x up to 5.03
produce NB00 signature .EXE's. NB00
.EXE's are primarily restricted to one
segment per module and do not support
the based or currency data types.
NB01 LINK version 5.05 (provided with the
BASIC PDS 7.0) emits this signature. It
contains extensions for multiple
segments per module and for the currency
data type.
NB02 LINK version 5.10 (provided with C 6.0)
emits this signature. The primary
differences are support for the based
data type and multiple segments per
At the base address are another 8 bytes. The signature is repeated there.
The next long word is a long file offset (LFO) to the SubSection directory
with the exception of the original long file address (LFA) to the base
address (i.e., the number of bytes from the start of the line).
3.4 SubSection Directory
The SubSection directory is a WORD count followed by the same number of
SubDirectory entries (DNTs).
DW cdnt # of directory entries
followed by an array of DNT structures containing:
Location Description
00DW sst─SubSection type
02DW module─Module index number
1-based (or other attribute)
04DD lfoStart─LFO of start of section
08DW cb─Size of section in bytes
A SubSection is limited to 64K-1 bytes.
In order to collect information about a given module, the module index
number is used. There is no requirement that a SubSection use a particular
3.5 SubSection Data
The SubSection directory gives the location (LFO) and size of each
SubSection, as well as its type and module number, if applicable. The actual
data resides in the end part of the .EXE file and is in an arbitrary order.
Table 3.1 shows the organization of the .EXE file.
Table 3.1 File Organization
File Data Location
DOS or segmented .EXE 0
base section base = eof - dlfaBase
SubSection data
dir section dir = IfoDir + base
Number of dir entries
Dir entries
DWORD "NBxx" eof
DWORD dlfaBase
File Data Location
DWORD dlfaBase
The base section is located by subtracting the dlfaBase value from the LFO
for end-of-file. The dir section file offset is calculated in turn by the
addition of IfoDIR and dlfaBase.
3.6 SubSection Types (sst)
Values 200-3FFH inclusive are available for general use. All other values
not defined below are reserved for future use. For more information on
Microsoft types, please see Chapter 2, "Microsoft OMF Extensions."
3.6.1 sstModules (101H)
The basic information about an object module─including code segment, module
name, and number of segments for the module that follows─is described as
Location Description
00DW Code segment base
02DW Code segment offset
04DW Code segment length
06DW Overlay number
08DW Index into sstLibraries SubSection, or 0
if non-library module
0ADB Number of segments to follow (total
number of segments); 0 or 1 indicate a
single segment for the module
0BDB Reserved for future use
0CDB Length-prefixed string
The number of segments for the module to follow is specific to version
signatures NB01 or later (currently that means NB01 or NB02).
3.6.2 sstPublics (102H)
The linker fills each SubSection of this type with an entry for every public
symbol, as follows:
Location Description
00DW Offset
02DW Segment
04DW Type index
06DB Name length
07 Name start
3.6.3 sstType (103H)
The linker fills in each SubSection with the contents of a special segment
defined in the module, which must have these characteristics:
Characteristic Description
Name $$TYPES
Combine type private
In addition, a COMMENT record with class A1H(161) must appear in the object
module before the SEGDEF record.
The linker places all LEDATA and LIDATA records for this segment into the
SubSection after applying fix-ups. The data is not processed otherwise.
The format of records emitted by Microsoft compilers is discussed in Chapter
3.6.4 sstSymbols (104H)
The linker fills in each SubSection with the contents of a special segment
defined in the module, which must have these characteristics:
Characteristic Description
Combine type private
In addition, a COMMENT record with class A1H(161) must appear in the object
module before the SEGDEF record.
The linker places all LEDATA and LIDATA records for this segment into the
SubSection after applying fix-ups. The data is not processed otherwise.
The format of records emitted by Microsoft compilers is discussed in Chapter
3.6.5 sstSrcLines (105H)
The linker fills in each SubSection with information obtained from any
LINNUM records in the module. The SubSection is divided into areas, one per
source file in that module. The typical module will have one area. The
format of each area is:
Length-prefix string 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes
Name count line-num offset
The name is a length-prefixed string, indicating the source file name.
The offset is relative to the beginning of the module's code segment in the
.EXE file, not the module. For example, if the module contributes to segment
_TEXT starting at offset 0100H, and the code offset of the first line number
is 0010H relative to the module, it will show up in the SubSection as 0110h.
Count is the number of line-num/offset combinations.
This record is emitted in NB00-level CodeView information. NB01 and NB02 use
the 109H sstSrcLnSeg record.
3.6.6 sstLibraries (106H)
There can be a maximum of one of these SubSections.
The format is an array of:
DB length prefixed name
These names define all the library files used during linking. The order of
this list defines the library index number (see Section 3.6.1, "sstModules
(101H)"). The use of this list allows removal of redundant library names in
the modules section. The first entry should be empty (i.e., zero-length
string) since library indexes are 1-based.
3.6.7 sstCompacted (108H)
This SubSection has the same form as the sstType section. This SubSection is
produced by CVPACK and indicates to CodeView that there is only one
SubSection that contains type information.
3.6.8 sstSrcLnSeg (109H)
This is the same record as sstSrcLines, except it contains a segment index.
The linker fills in each SubSection of this type with information obtained
from any LINNUM records in the module. The SubSection is divided into areas,
one per source file in that module. The typical module will have one area.
The format of each area is:
Length-prefix sting 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes
Name count line-num offset
The name is a length-prefixed string, indicating the source file name.
The offset is relative to the beginning of the module's code segment in the
.EXE file, not the module. For example, if the module contributes to segment
TEXT starting at offset 0100H, and the code offset of the first line number
is 001 0H relative to the module, it will show up in the SubSection as
0110h. See Section 3.6.1, "sstModules (101H)," for more information on seg.
In this example, count represents the total count of line number records.
3.7 A CodeView Sample Header File
Use the following header file to read CodeView information:
#define SSTMODULES 0xl0l
#define SSTPUBLIC 0x102
#define SSTTYPES 0X103
#define SSTSYMBOLS 0x104
#define SSTSRCLINES 0x105
#define sstLibraries 0x106
#define SSTCOMPACTED 0x108 // like SSTTYPES
#define sstSrcLnSeg 0xl09
// This is the DNT structure
typedef struct dnt {
unsigned short SubSection;
unsigned short iMod;
signed long lfo;
unsigned short cb;
} dnt; //* the directory block
// These make up the SSTMODULES
typedef struct nsg {
unsigned Seg;
unsigned Off;
unsigned cbSeg;
} nsg; //* Extra segments in
//* module
typedef struct smd {
nsg SegInfo; // represents cSeg (0
// 1). if cSeg >= 2
unsigned ovlNbr; // this represents the
// first segment
unsigned iLib;
char cSeg; // Nbr of seg
// represented by module
char reserved;
char cbName;
nsg arnsg[]; // cSeg-l of these
// struct exist for
// alloc text
} smd; // Module entry
typedef struct pbi {
uoffset_t off;
unsigned seg;
unsigned type;
unsigned char cbName;
char Name[];
} pbi; //* public record type
typedef struct {
char cbName;
char Name[]; // cannot be a real member
unsigned short cOff; // count of structures
// follow.
struct {
unsigned short lineNbr;
unsigned short offset;
} loe;
// sstSrcLnSeg
typedef struct {
char cbName;
char Name[]; // cannot be a real
// member
_segment Seg;
unsigned short cOff; // count of
// structures to
// follow.
struct {
unsigned short lineNbr;
unsigned short offset;
} loe;
// sstLibraries
typedef struct {
unsigned char cbLibs;
char Libs[];
} lib[]; // an array of lib names
Chapter 4 .ILK and .SYM Binary File Formats
This chapter describes the Microsoft Incremental Linker (ILINK) and Symbol
(SYM) binary file formats, which are compatible. This information is
provided to facilitate the development of applications and tools that work
with the ILINK or SYM binary files.
Microsoft cannot guarantee that future modifications to the binary file
formats of ILINK and SYM will have backward compatibility. This means that
any software you develop using the information provided in this chapter may
not be compatible with future versions of ILINK and SYM.
Figure 4.1 illustrates schematically the binary file formats shared by ILINK
and SYM. Figures 4.2-4.7 provide further detail on the structure shown in
Figure 4.1.
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
Each of the sections (1a, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7) in Figure 4.1 can be subdivided
into constituent parts. Section 1a─Segments, is illustrated in Figure 4.2.
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
Section 2─Groups, can also be divided into subparts, as shown in Figure 4.3.
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
Section 3─Imports, illustrated in Figure 4.4, has three constituent parts.
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
Figure 4.5 shows the breakdown of Section 4─Library File Names.
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
Figure 4.6 illustrates the subparts of Section 5─Modules and Contributions.
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
Finally, Figure 4.7 breaks down the structure of Section 7─Segment Module
Info, into its relevant parts.
(This figure may be found in the printed book.)
Chapter 5 Library Format
Libraries under MS-DOS are always multiples of 512-byte blocks. This chapter
describes the components of these libraries, using tables to reflect their
5.1 Library Header Record
The first record in the library is a header. This record, shown below, looks
very much like any other Microsoft object-module-format (MS OMF) record.
That is, the first byte of the record identifies the record's type, and the
next two bytes specify the number of bytes remaining in the record.
|F0H | n
| N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
|N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
| | | | | | | | |
|N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
|N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Note that this word field is byte-swapped (i.e., the low-order byte precedes
the high-order byte). The record type for this library header is F0 hex (240
decimal). The record length field specifies the page size within the
library. Modules in a library always start at the beginning of a page. Page
size is determined by adding three to the value in the record length field;
thus the header record always occupies exactly one page. Legal values for
page size are given by the range of 2 through the n, where n is greater than
or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 15.
The four bytes immediately following the length field are a byte-swapped
long integer specifying the byte offset within the library of the first byte
of the first block of the dictionary. The next two bytes are a byte-swapped
word field that specifies the number of blocks in the dictionary.
The MS-DOS Library Manager cannot create a library whose dictionary requires
more than 251 512-byte pages.
The next byte contains flags describing the library. One current flag
definition is 0x01 = case sensitive. This applies to both regular and
extended dic-tionaries.
All other values are reserved for future use and should be 0. The remaining
bytes in the library header record are not significant. This record deviates
from the typical Microsoft OMF record in that the last byte is not used as a
checksum on the rest of the record.
5.2 Object Modules
The first object module in the library immediately follows the header, as
illustrated below. It is succeeded in turn by all other object modules in
the library. Each module is in Microsoft OMF. Individual modules are aligned
so that they start at the beginning of a new page. If, as is commonly the
case, a module does not occupy a number of bytes that is exactly a multiple
of the page size, then its last block is padded with as many null bytes as
are required to fill it.
First Record (n bytes):
|80H | RECLEN | LEN | NAME | .... | NAME |
|DATA | DATA | .... .... | DATA |
| | | | | | | | |
| DATA | .... .... | DATA | CHKSUM |
CHKSUM | N/A | N/A | N/A |
|N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
| | | | | | | | |
|N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
|80H | RECLEN | LEN | NAME | .... | NAME |
|DATA | DATA | .... .... | DATA |
| | | | | | | | |
|DATA | DATA | .... .... | DATA | CHKSUM |
CHKSUM | N/A | N/A | N/A |
|N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
| | | | | | | | |
|N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
The following illustration shows a record which follows the last object
module in the library and serves as a marker between the object files and
the dictionary. This record also resembles an Microsoft OMF record. Its type
field contains F1 hex (241 decimal), and its length field is set so that the
dictionary begins on a 512-byte boundary. It contains no further useful
information; the remaining bytes are insignificant. As with the library
header, the last byte is not a checksum.
Marker (marks end of objects and beginning of dictionary):
|F1H | 13
- 32765 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
|SIZE | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
|N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
|N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
| | | | | | | | |
|N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
| N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
5.3 Dictionary Blocks
The remaining blocks in the library, shown in the following illustration,
compose the dictionary. The number of blocks in the dictionary is given in
the library header.
Dictionary (length is DICT SIZE 512-byte blocks):
| | | | | | | | |
| N/A | N/A | N/A |
The dictionary is a hashed index to the library. Public symbols are
essentially hashed twice, though in fact both hash indexes are produced
simultaneously. The first hash index determines a block within the
dictionary in which to place the symbol; call it the block index. The second
is used to choose a bucket within the block for the symbol; call it the
bucket index.
Blocks always have 37 buckets; they are the first 37 bytes of each block. If
a bucket is full, then it contains a nonzero value which points to the text
of the symbol. To actually find the symbol, take the bucket value, multiply
it by two, and use the resulting number as a byte offset from the beginning
of the block.
5.3.1 Symbol Collisions
Collisions (i.e., two or more distinct symbols hashing to the same block and
bucket in the dictionary) are resolved by a technique known as linear open
addressing. Two hash deltas are produced at the same time as the hash
indexes. If a symbol collides with a symbol already installed in the
dictionary, then the librarian will attempt to find an empty bucket for it
by adding the bucket delta to the bucket index and using the result mod 37
as a new bucket index. If this new bucket index points to a bucket that is
empty, then the librarian will install the symbol in that bucket. If the
bucket is not empty, then the delta is applied repeatedly until an empty
bucket is found or until it is determined that there are no empty buckets on
the block. If the latter is the case, then the block delta is added to the
block index, and the result mod the number of blocks in the dictionary is
used as a new block index. With the new block index and the original bucket
index, the sequence is repeated until an empty bucket on some block is
found. The number of blocks and the number of buckets are prime so that no
matter what values of hash indexes and deltas are produced for a symbol, in
the worst case, all possible block-bucket combinations will be tried.
5.3.2 Symbol Entries
Once a free block-bucket pair has been found for a symbol, the symbol and
information concerning its place of definition must be installed. Since a
bucket is a single byte pointing to a 512-byte block, it can give at best a
word offset within that block. Thus, symbol entries within a dictionary must
start on word boundaries. Since bytes 0-36 of each dictionary block are the
hash table, the first symbol entry will begin at byte 38 (decimal).
Entries consist of the following: the first byte is the length of the symbol
to follow, the following bytes are the text of the symbol, and the last two
bytes are a byte-swapped word field which specifies the page number
(counting the library header as the 0th page) at which the module defining
the symbol begins. All entries may have at most one trailing null byte in
order to align the next entry on a word boundary.
It is possible for a dictionary block to be full without all of its buckets
being in use. This will be the case, for example, if symbol names average
more than nine characters each. Therefore, there must be some way to mark a
block as full so that empty buckets will be ignored. Byte 37 decimal
(counting from 0) is reserved for this purpose. If the block is not full,
then byte 37 will contain the word offset of the beginning of free space in
the block, but if the block is full, then byte 37 will contain the special
value 255 decimal (FF hex). Module names are stored in the THEADR record of
each module.
5.4 Extended Dictionary
The extended dictionary is optional and indicates dependencies between
modules in the library. Versions of LIB earlier than version 3.09 did not
create an extended dictionary. The extended dictionary is placed at the end
of library and preceded by these values:
Value Description
BYTE 0xF2─extended dictionary header.
WORD Length of the extended dictionary in
bytes excluding first 3 bytes.
WORD Start of extended dictionary. The number
of modules in library = N.
WORD Module table, indexed by module number,
with N + 1 fixed-length entries. The
module page number.
WORD Offset from start of extended dictionary
to list of required modules. The last
entry is null.
PART II Browser Information
This is some text for the part openings. This is some text for the part
openings. This is some text for the part openings. This is some text for the
part openings.
This is some text for the part openings. This is some text for the part
openings. This is some text for the part openings. This is some text for the
part openings. This is some text for the part openings. This is some text
for the part openings.
Got the idea yet?
Chapter 6 Browser Library Tutorial
This chapter introduces the browser library (BSC.LIB) included in the
Microsoft C Developer's Toolkit Reference. The program BSCDUMP.C is included
to demonstrate the use of the browser library; it will provide the framework
for this chapter. It is suggested that you produce a hard copy of BSCDUMP.C
for quick reference while reading this chapter.
6.1 Overview of BSCDUMP.C
BSCDUMP demonstrates the use of many browser library functions. It also
serves as a simple tool for viewing .BSC files. The .BSC files are actually
comprehensive databases containing information about the particular symbols
contained within specific code. These symbols include names of functions,
modules, variables, types, and even macros. The database contains such
information as the calltree of a function, the symbol table, the definition
table, and the reference table. Each of these tables can be queried by the
browser library to provide valuable information about these symbols.
Most of the work within BSCDUMP is done by the user interface. The database
work, as expected, is passed on to the browser library. The included header
files, BSCSUP.H and BSC.H, provide the necessary API; each of these follows
the specification explained in Chapter 7, "Browser API Definitions." Special
attention to the browser library "callback" functions is also necessary.
These functions, such as BSCOutput and BSCOpen, must be defined to avoid
dependency on the C standard I/O library.
6.2 BSCDUMP Arguments
BSCDUMP takes several arguments, as listed in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1 BSCDUMP Arguments
Argument Action Functions Called
-o[FVMT] Lists outlines FOutlineModuleLsz
-l[FVMT] Lists references ListRefs
-u[FVMT] Lists redundant definitions ListRdds
-t<sym> Provides calltree from <sym> FcallTreeLsz
-b<sym> Provides backwards calltree from <sym> FrevTreeLsz
-s Emits BSC statistics StatsBSC
-r<sym> List all references to symbol RefRangeOfInst, RefInfo
-d<sym> Lists all definitions of symbol DefRangeOfInst, DefInfo
6.2.1 List Commands
To understand how BSCDUMP works with each argument individually, note that
the arguments are interpreted in the following manner:
-o[FVMT] <file> - List outlines
This option (-o) produces all of the symbols in the module with attributes
and type that match the additional arguments. Table 6.2 shows additional
arguments that allow you to specify what should be outlined:
Table 6.2 Additional Arguments for BSCDUMP
Argument Symbol Information
F Functions
V Variables
M Macros
T Types
BSCDUMP then creates a filter mask, in this case, which represents each
option desired for the outline. If none of the suboptions is explicitly
selected, then by default they are all selected. FOutlineModuleLsz is called
with the file name of the module symbol index and the filter mask, as
-l[FVMT] List References
This call takes the same additional arguments that outlining (-o) did. A
similar mechanism is employed to set the appropriate filter mask named
mbfRef. If none of the additional options is selected for the List
References command, by default they will all be taken. BSCDUMP then calls
the library function ListRefs with the parameter of mbfRef, as follows:
-u[FVMT] List Redundant Definitions
BSCDUMP depends on the function ListRdds to list redundant definitions. This
is not a browser library function and therefore is a good example of one way
to extend the library's functionality. For example:
void ListRdds(MBF)
ISYM isym, isymMac, isymname;
IINST iinst, iinstMac;
IUBY iubyFirst, iubyLast;
isymMac = IsymMac();
for (isym = 0 ; isym < isymMac; isym++)
for ( ; iinst < iinstMac ; iinst++)
if (iubyFirst == iubyLast && FInstFilter(iinst,
Initially, ListRdds calls a browser library function IsymMac, which
returns the biggest symbol index in the browser database. This number
provides the upper bound for searching for redundant symbol definitions. The
following for loop allows the remaining part of the function to query each
symbol individually with the range of isym=0 to isym=isymMac-1. The
function then queries InstRangeOfSym to determine what the range of
instances associated with each symbol in the symbol table is.
InstRangeOfSym stores the lower and upper bounds in iinst and iinstMac,
Using the two bounds for the symbols, ListRdds calls on the library
function UbyRangeOfInst, which returns the associated range called by the
table. The function then makes a simple test to see if the upper and lower
bounds of this range are identical and if this particular symbol is one that
you requested.
After determining that the current symbol is redundant, ListRdds calls the
function DumpInst. Regardless of the type of the symbol instance, DumpInst
is sent to the standard output in the following format:
<ASCII instance name> <ASCII type name> <ASCII attribute name>
Finally, the BSCPrintf function is called to output the new line to stdout
via the BSCOutput callback.
6.2.2 Calltree Commands
-t<sym> Calltree <sym>
This option (-t) within BSCDUMP provides the calltree from a symbol name.
This symbol name may either be the name of a function or the name of a
module. This is accomplished by calling the library function FCallTreeLsz,
which takes the symbol name as an argument.
-b<sym> Backwards Calltree <sym>
Like the Calltree option, Backwards Calltree (-b) uses a symbol name to
produce its output. Once again the symbol may either be the name of a
function or the name of a module. The function called by BSCDUMP is
FRevTreeLsz, which takes the symbol name as an argument.
6.2.3 Browser Statistics
To emit the browser statistics, BSCDUMP calls the library function StatsBSC
with the -s option:
-s Emit BSC stats
The statistics include the table sizes for the following tables and lists:
■ Module table
■ Symbols listed by module name
■ Symbol list
■ Properties list
■ Definition table
■ Reference table
■ Call table
■ Called by table
In addition, the StatsBSC function outputs each symbol and the associated
instance information counts.
6.2.4 List Symbol Commands
The -r option within BSCDUMP allows the user to list each reference to a
-r <sym> List All References to Symbol
Even though this option is not included within the browser library, this
function is useful in certain situations. Thus, when this option is
executed, the program calls the function DumpRefsLsz. For example:
void DumpRefsLsz(LSZ lszSym)
ISYM isym;
IINST iinst, iinstMac;
IREF iref, irefMac;
LSZ lsz;
WORD line;
isym = IsymFrLsz(lszSym);
if (isym == isymNil)
BSCPrintf("unknown symbol %s\n", (LSZ)lszSym);
InstRangeOfSym(isym, &iinst, &iinstMac);
for (;iinst < iinstMac; iinst++)
RefRangeOfInst(iinst, &iref, &irefMac);
for ( ; iref < irefMac; iref++)
RefInfo(iref, &lsz, &line);
BSCPrintf("%s %d\n", (LSZ)lsz, line);
First, DumpRefs checks the validity of the symbol passed (lszSym) by
calling IsymFrLsz, which returns the index into the symbol table for the
appropriate symbol. Assuming that the symbol is valid, the function
determines the range of instances associated with this symbol using the
library function InstRangeOfSym. The lower and upper bounds of this range
are stored in iinst and iinstMac, respectively.
Using this range of instances, the function InstRangeofSym queries each
particular instance of the associated symbol identified by the variable
iinst. The function RefRangeOfInst takes a particular instance of a symbol
and returns the lower and upper bounds of the range in the reference table.
These values are stored in iref and irefMac, respectively.
Finally, the last for loop calls RefInfo for each particular reference
of a particular instance of a particular symbol. RefInfo takes a reference
to a symbol and returns the file name and line number within that file for a
particular reference. DumpRefs then calls the function BSCPrintf in much
the same way the standard C printf function is called.
-d <sym> List All Definitions of Symbol\n");
To list all definitions of a symbol, BSCDUMP uses a function much like the
one it used to list all the references of a symbol. The only differences are
caused by a change in type from IREF to IDEF. Thus, DumpDefsLsz calls
the functions DefRangeOfInst and DefInfo instead of the reference
Chapter 7 Browser API Definitions
This chapter discusses Browser API definitions. It explains how to use the
browser library and the processor database.
7.1 Using the Browser Library
Within the browser library (named BSC.LIB), there are many functions that
perform file I/O on the <database.bsc> file and that query the metrics of
the database tables and the information stored in them. Functions that
generate information, such as calltrees and symbol reference tables, are
also provided. Details of these functions may be found in Section 7.2,
"Browser Database Functions."
The library itself is model independent, but it does make use of the C
run-time library, which is not model independent. To provide users of the
library with maximum flexibility, there are four interface objects allowing
BSC.LIB to access either the small, medium, compact, or large C libraries.
These objects are called BTHUNKS.OBJ, BTHUNKM.OBJ, BTHUNKC.OBJ, and
BTHUNKL.OBJ, respectively. Each object module implements the callbacks
described below by calling the C run-time library in a model-specific way.
For example, to compile a small-model C program and link it with BSC.LIB
under DOS, you could use the following command:
cl /o anyprog.exe /AS anyprog.c bthunks.obj /F 2000 /link /nod
bsc slibcer
The /F 2000 sequence above indicates that an 8K stack should be allocated
for the program. This is the recommended size. Depending on your usage of
the library, you may be able to use a smaller setting.
If you have real-mode C libraries installed as your default libraries, then
the trailing 'R' in SLIBCER may be dropped (i.e., you need to specify only
SLIBCE). To create a protected-mode .EXE, simply replace SLIBCER with the
two libraries SLIBCEP and OS2. As with the real-mode (DOS) command, if the
protected-mode library has been installed as your default you can leave off
the trailing 'P' in SLIBCEP.
To build the program for any other model, consult Table 7.1.
Table 7.1 Elements of a C Object Module
Model Switch File DOS Library OS/2 Library
If you choose to define the callbacks required by the library yourself
(these are described in Section 7.2.1), then you should not link with any
version of the BTHUNK?.OBJ files. Thus you can use BSC.LIB in any custom
environments you may have.
7.2 Browser Database Functions
The following sections describe various browser database functions.
7.2.1 Callback Functions
Several callbacks must be defined by the client to avoid dependency on the C
standard I/O library. Default versions of these functions are provided via
the BTHUNK?.OBJ files described in Section 7.1, "Using the Browser Library";
the prototypes are detailed in Table 7.2. These functions handle primitive
file I/O, and memory allocation and deallocation.
Table 7.2 Callback Functions
Callback To Result Prototype
Standard memory A void far pointer must LPV LpvAllocCb (WORD cb)
Callback To Result Prototype
Standard memory A void far pointer must LPV LpvAllocCb (WORD cb)
allocation function be returned to a block
of size cb bytes. If
the block of memory has
not been allocated,
then the return value
should be NULL.
Standard memory Given a void far VOID FreeLpv (LPV lpv)
deallocation function pointer to a block of
memory lpv, the
function must
deallocate the memory
Standard file open Opens the file int API BSCOpen (LSZ
function lszFileName and lszFileName,
prepares the file for *****************int
subsequent reading or mode);
Callback To Result Prototype
subsequent reading or mode);
writing, as defined by
mode. The function must
return a file handle
for the opened file. A
return value of -1
should indicate an
error. The mode
parameter may be any
combination of the O_*
bits that are used in
the standard open()
call. At this time,
however, the library
will make this call
only with mode =
Standard file close Closes the file with int API BSCClose (int
Callback To Result Prototype
Standard file close Closes the file with int API BSCClose (int
function handle value handle. A handle);
return value of 0
should indicate success.
Standard file read Reads from the file int API BSCRead (int
function with handle value handle,
handle a number of ***************LPCH
bytes cb into the far lpchBuf,
character buffer ***************WORD ch);
pointed to by lpchBuf.
The return value should
be the number of actual
bytes which were read
or -1 if an error was
Standard file seek Moves the file pointer int API BSCS
function associated with the
Callback To Result Prototype
function associated with the
file with handle value
handle to a new
location lpos bytes
from the position in
the file determined by
mode. Here mode can be
any of SEEK_CUR,
as in the lseek() call
from the C standard
library. Currently only
SEEK_SET is used by
BSC.LIB. The return
value should be -1 on
an error; any other
value indicates success.
ASCII text output Writes the given VOID API BSCOutput (LSZ
Callback To Result Prototype
ASCII text output Writes the given VOID API BSCOutput (LSZ
function zero-terminated string lsz);
to the standard output.
This function is called
by the library whenever
it wants to output any
text (e.g., for a
calltree, outline, or
other request). The
default implementation
writes the output to
the standard output;
however, a user
implementation can be
used to direct the
output elsewhere.
Callback To Result Prototype
Error-handling These functions should VOID API SeekError (LSZ
functions be provided to handle lszFileName);
the occurrence of any VOID API ReadError (LSZ
one of the lszFileName);
corresponding errors. VOID API BadBSCVer (LSZ
The string parameter is lszFileName);
the name of the file
involved in the error.
If these functions
choose to exit the
application, they
should close any file(s)
the browser has opened.
7.2.2 Opening and Closing the Browser Database
Two browser database functions are used to open and close a browser database
file. The prototypes are detailed in Table 7.3.
Table 7.3 File I/O Functions
Purpose Result Prototype
Opens the Opens the specified BOOL API FOpenBSC (LSZ lszName);
.BSC file database file lszName.
Returns the value TRUE
if successful, or FALSE
if it can't be read.
The lszName parameter
can be any valid path
name to a .BSC file.
Closes the Closes the current VOID API CloseBSC (VOID);
Purpose Result Prototype
Closes the Closes the current VOID API CloseBSC (VOID);
.BSC file database file. This
will free any memory
the library may be
7.2.3 Querying the Database File
Several functions are provided to gain information about the metrics of the
database and its data. Each sort of object found in the database is
represented by an index value that uniquely identifies one database object.
The various indexes/objects are described below.
Modules (IMOD Variables)
Each module in the database has an associated index or IMOD value. Using the
functions detailed in Table 7.4, you can convert a file name into an IMOD,
convert an IMOD into a file name, or enumerate all the IMOD values in the
Table 7.4 IMOD Conversion Functions
Purpose Result Prototype
Converts from IMOD to LszNameFrMod (given an LSZ API LszNameFrMod
module name index IMOD) returns the (IMOD imod);
Converts from module zero-terminated string
name to IMOD name for that symbol IMOD API ImodFrLsz (LSZ
index. lszModName);
ImodFrLsz returns the
index, if one exists,
from the symbol name
lszModName. If that
Purpose Result Prototype
lszModName. If that
module name does not
exist, then the return
value is imodNil.
Determines largest IMOD The return value is the IMOD API ImodMac (VOID);
value biggest IMOD index in
this database; the
range of these indexes
is from zero to the
return value -1.
Module Symbols (IMS Variables)
The browser database contains a list of all the symbol instances (see the
section "Symbol Instances," below) defined in any particular module. Given
an IMOD variable, you can find the range of valid IMS variables for that
module, which in turn tells you the contents of that module. Table 7.5
describes IMS values.
Table 7.5 IMS Values
Purpose Result Prototype
Determines the range of The IMS values pointed VOID API MsRangeOfMod
IMS values for the to pimsMin and pimsMac (IMOD imod,
given IMOD will be filled in with *********************
the IMS start and end IMS far
values for the *********************
specified imod. Note *pimsMin,
that valid IMS values *********************
range from imsMin up to IMS far
but not including *********************
imsMac. If imsMin is *pimsMac);
Purpose Result Prototype
imsMac. If imsMin is *pimsMac);
equal to imsMac, then
the specified module
(imod) contains no
definitions and hence
has no correspond-
ing IMS values.
Gets the instance index Given the index ims of IINST API IinstOfIms
(IINST) from the module the module definition, (IMS ims);
symbol index (IMS) this function returns
the instance index for
subsequent use in other
Symbols (ISYM Variables)
All symbols (identifiers) of any type have an associated ISYM index; that
is, there is a one-to-one correspondence between ISYM indexes and symbol
names known to the database. The range of valid ISYM values is determined by
the call
which determines the size of the Symbol Table.
The return value is the biggest ISYM index in this browser database; the
range of these indexes is from zero to the return value -1. The ISYM values
are assigned to symbols such that increasing the value of ISYM also
increases alphabetical order (without respect to case). Strings can be
converted to ISYMs (and vice versa) using the following calls:
LSZ API LszNameFrSym (ISYM isym);
ISYM API IsymFrLsz (LSZ lszSymName);
Given an index isym, LszNameFrSym returns the zero-terminated string name
for that symbol index. IsymFrLsz returns the index, if one exists, from the
symbol name lszSymName. If that symbol name does not exist in the database,
then the return value is isymNil.
To get data other than the name from an ISYM, you must enumerate its
corresponding IINST values.
Symbol Instances (IINST Variables)
Each symbol may have several instances associated with it; each instance
corresponds to a different way the symbol is used in the program(s)
described in the browser database (see Table 7.6). For example, the symbol
"foo" might be used as a static variable in one place, and as a function
parameter in another.
Table 7.6 IINST Values
Purpose Result Prototype
Purpose Result Prototype
Determines the range of Fills in the values of VOID API InstRangeOfSym (IS
valid IINST values for piinstMin, and isym,
a particular symbol piinstMac in an ********************* IINS
(ISTM) analogous way to far
MsRangeOfMod(). *********************
********************* INST
******************* **
Finds the range of Determines the size of IINST API IinstMac (VOID);
valid IINST values for PropList Table. As with
the whole database ImodMac() and IsymMac(),
IinstMac() returns the
upper bound on valid
values run from zero to
the return value -1.
Purpose Result Prototype
the return value -1.
Gets information about Fills in the VOID API InstInfo (IINST
a particular instance corresponding symbol, iinst,
type, and attribute ******************ISYM far
values (pointer to ISYM, *******************pisymin
TYP, and ATR, ******************TYP far
respectively) given an *ptype,
IINST. ISYM values have ******************ATR far *
been discussed in the pattr);
section "Symbols,"
above, and can be used
as in the preceding
The type value will be exactly one of the following:
The attribute value describes the storage class and/or scope of the
instance. Any combination of the attribute bits may be set, although some
combinations do not make sense and thus do not occur in practice. These bits
can be tested using the C language bitwise operators, or through the use of
the FInstFilter function (described in Table 7.7). The attribute bits are as
Several functions designed to help with some typical operations on IINST
values are shown in Table 7.7.
Table 7.7 Attribute-Testing Functions
Purpose Result Prototype
Acts as an attribute FInstFilter returns BOOL API FInstFilter
filter TRUE if the given IINST (IINST iinst,
value has a TYP value *********************MBF
that corresponds with mbf);
the value passed in MBF.
The MBF value can be
any bitwise-OR
combination of the
following constants:
mbfNil mbfVars
mbfMacros mbfTypes
Gets an ASCII Returns the LSZ API LszTypInst (IINST
Purpose Result Prototype
Gets an ASCII Returns the LSZ API LszTypInst (IINST
description of an IINST zero-terminated ASCII iinst);
variables type string from the
instance index iinst.
These correlate
directly with the types
given above as
Dumps a single Information about the VOID API DumpInst (IINST
instance instance indexed by iinst);
iinst is output to the
standard output using
the BSCOutput()
callback. The format of
the output is
<ascii instance name> <
ascii type name> <ascii
Purpose Result Prototype
ascii type name> <ascii
attribute names>
7.2.4 Definitions and References (IDEF and IREF Variables)
Each instance in the database has an associated set of definitions and
references. These can be accessed by finding the range of valid IDEF or IREF
indexes using one of the following functions:
VOID API DefRangeOfInst (IINST iinst,
IDEF far * pidefMin,
IDEF far * pidefMac);
VOID API RefRangeOfInst (IINST iinst,
IREF far * pirefMin,
IREF far * pirefMac);
Given an instance index iinst, the range of its associated definition and
reference indexes can be determined. In the former case, these are of type
IDEF, and in the latter case, these are of type IREF. From an IREF or an
IDEF, the file name and line number of the reference or definition of an
instance can be determined using one of the following functions:
VOID API DefInfo (IDEF idef, LSZ far *plszName, WORD far *pline);
VOID API RefInfo (IREF iref, LSZ far *plszName, WORD far *pline);
Study the prototype for these two functions carefully. The LSZ argument is
not handled in the normal way; instead of putting the text in a buffer which
the caller provides, the library actually fills in a pointer to where the
name can be found in one of its internal buffers.
7.2.5 Uses/Used-by Information (IUSE and IUBY Variables)
Each instance in the database has an associated set of instances that it
uses or is used by. These can be accessed by finding the range of valid IUSE
or IUBY indexes using one of the following functions:
VOID API UseRangeOfInst (IINST iinst,
IUSE far * piuseMin,
IUSE far * piuseMac);
VOID API UbyRangeOfInst (IINST iinst,
IUBY far * piubyMin,
IUBY far * piubyMac);
Given an instance index IINST, the range of its associated uses and used-by
indexes can be determined. In the former case, these are of type IUSE, and
in the latter case, these are of type IUBY. From an IUSE or an IUBY, the
instance used or the instance which uses the queried instance can be
determined, as can the number of times it uses or is used by the queried
VOID API UseInfo (IUSE iuse, IINST far *piinst, WORD far *pcnt);
VOID API UbyInfo (IUBY iuby, IINST far *piinst, WORD far *pcnt);
After a call to one of the above functions, piinst will point to the IINST
value for the instance to which the IUSE or IUBY variable refers. The pcnt
variable will point to the number of times the symbol is used by or uses the
queried IINST.
7.3 Miscellaneous Functions
Table 7.8 describes other useful browser functions:
Table 7.8 Miscellaneous Functions
Purpose Result Prototype
Returns the length of Assists formatting of WORD API BSCMaxSymLen (VOID
the largest symbol in output from database
Purpose Result Prototype
the largest symbol in output from database
the browser database queries.
Determines case Returns TRUE if the BOOL API FCaseBSC (VOID);
sensitivity database was built with
a case-sensitive
language; returns FALSE
Sets the case Overrides the case VOID API SetCaseBSC (BOOL f
sensitivity sensitivity of the
database. Lookups in ********************Sensiti
the Symbol Table become
case (in)sensitive as
specified by
Compares strings Performs a INT API CaseCmp (LSZ lsz1,
case-insensitive *************** lsz2);
Purpose Result Prototype
case-insensitive *************** lsz2);
comparison qualified by
a case-sensitive
comparison if the
function fCaseSensitive
has set the case
sensitivity. Note that
this is the order of
the symbols in the
Symbol Table.
Dumps database Outputs statistics to VOID API StatsBSC ();
statistics the standard output
using BSCOutput. The
dump for the trivial
"Hello world!" script
when this function is
called is as follows:
Purpose Result Prototype
:#include <stdio.h>
("Hello world!");
MOD : 3
SYM : 9
INST : 9
REF : 112
DEF : 9
USE : 1
UBY : 1
<Unknown> Modsyms:2
c:\include\stdio.h Modsyms:6
hello.c Modsyms:1
_FAR_ (constant) DEF 1 REF 65 USE 0 UBY 0
_iobuf (strucnam:local) DEF 1 REF 1 USE 0 UBY 0
_MSC_VER (constant) DEF 1 REF 1 USE 0 UBY 0
FILE (typedef:static) DEF 1 REF 35 USE 0 UBY 0
fpos_t (typedef:static) DEF 1 REF 2 USE 0 UBY 0
main (function:public) DEF 1 REF 0 USE 1 UBY 0
printf (function:decl_only:public) DEF 1 REF 2 USE 0 UBY 1
size_t (typedef:static) DEF 1 REF 3 USE 0 UBY 0
va_list (typedef:static) DEF 1 REF 3 USE 0 UBY 0 2.2
7.4 Browser Objects
The following sections describe processor objects (BOBs).
7.4.1 Creating and Manipulating BOB Variables
The browser library provides several high-level functions which help the
client to query about the information stored in the database. Examples of
such queries are
■ Information about the names of all modules in the database
■ Functions an instance might call
■ Occurrences of a symbol definition
All the queries process one item called a browser object (BOB). A BOB is
actually one of the index values that are encoded along with the type of
index into a 32-bit quantity. Thus, once it is known, the type or "class" of
the BOB can be extracted, as can its appropriate index value (see below).
The ClsOfBob() macro returns one of the following CLS types for the given
clsMod clsInst clsSym
clsRef clsDef clsUse clsUby
A BOB can be created from either a name of a symbol known to the database or
from an index which is valid with respect to the database.
The following call creates a BOB from the name of an object:
BOB API BobFrName (LSZ lsz);
If no BOB can be created from the given name, the value bobNil is returned.
If the name is found, then the BOB returned will be either of class clsMod
(if the name was a module name) or of class clsInst (if the name was a
symbol name). If more than one instance is associated with the given name,
the BOB's value will be the first (smallest) such instance.
The following macros can create a BOB from one of the index values. Listed
beside each macro is the macro that performs the reverse operation.
BobFrMod(IMOD x) ImodFrBob(BOB b)
BobFrSym(ISYM x) IsymFrBob(BOB b)
BobFrInst(IINST x) IinstFrBob(BOB b)
BobFrRef(IREF x) IrefFrBob(BOB b)
BobFrDef(IDEF x) IdefFrBob(BOB b)
BobFrUse(IUSE x) IuseFrBob(BOB b)
BobFrUby(IUBY x) IubyFrBob(BOB b)
The macros which convert an index into a BOB create a BOB whose CLS
corresponds to the type of index given. But the macros which convert a BOB
back to an index do not check to make sure that the BOB has the correct CLS
to do the conversion. It is up to the user of these macros to do whatever
checking may be required before using them.
To retrieve the symbol name of a BOB, use the function
LSZ API LszNameFrBob (BOB bob);
which returns either a symbol name or a module name, depending on the CLS of
the BOB.
7.4.2 Performing Database Queries
You can initiate several predefined queries (qy...) once a BOB has been
created. These are passed to the function InitBSCQuery along with the BOB
BOOL API InitBSCQuery (QY qy, BOB bob);
The function returns TRUE if the query has been initiated successfully, and
FALSE otherwise. Not all queries can be performed of all BOBs (for example,
trying to perform the query 'What does this BOB call?' when the type of the
BOB is actually a module index). The possible queries and their permitted
BOB types are outlined in Table 7.9.
Table 7.9 Database Queries and BOB Types
Query Input BOB Type Return BOB Type Function
qyFiles (ignored) module Initiate a query about the
modules that are defined
in the database.
qySymbols (ignored) instance Initiate a query about all
the instances of symbols
that occur in the database.
qyContains module instance Initiate a query about the
symbols which are defined
in that module.
Query Input BOB Type Return BOB Type Function
in that module.
qyCalls instance instance Initiate a query about the
instances which a function
(instance) calls. If the
instance in that BOB is
not of the type function,
then the list of instances
returned will be of zero
qyUses instance instance Initiate a query about the
instances which an
instance uses.
qyCalledBy instance instance Initiate a query about the
instances which an
instance is called by.
These instances will be of
Query Input BOB Type Return BOB Type Function
These instances will be of
the type function.
qyUsedBy instance instance Initiate a query about the
instances which an
instance is used by.
qyUsedIn instance module Initiate a query about the
modules an instance is
used in (referenced).
qyDefinedIn instance module Initiate a query about the
modules an instance is
defined in.
qyRefs instance, symbol reference Initiate a query about the
references to all
instances of the symbol,
or, if the BOB is an
Query Input BOB Type Return BOB Type Function
or, if the BOB is an
instance, then the
references to that
particular instance itself.
qyDefs instance, symbol definition Initiate a query about the
definitions of all
instances of the symbol,
or, if the BOB is an
instance, then the
definitions to that
particular instance itself.
To obtain the next BOB in the query information, use the following function:
The result of a query is a collection of BOBs. Any one of these may be
passed back to initiate another query, or the name of the symbol for that
BOB may be found using the function LszNameFrBob. To obtain the next BOB in
the collection, this function may be used. If there are no more BOBs left in
the collection, then the value bobNil is returned.
7.5 Generating Calltrees
A very important feature of the browser database is the ability to generate
the calltrees from any function and output the result to the standard
output. These calltrees may be generated both forward and backward from the
given instance index or symbol name. The following functions will generate
the calltree and reverse calltree from either an instance index or a symbol
name, respectively.
VOID API CallTreeInst (IINST iinst);
VOID API RevTreeInst (IINST iinst);
VOID API FCallTreeLsz (LSZ lszName);
VOID API FRevTreeLsz (LSZ lszName);
The symbol name may either be the name of a function or the name of a
module. In the latter case, the root of the tree is the module name; the
child subtrees are the functions contained in that module. The result is
ASCII output to the standard output. Levels of the tree are denoted by
indentation. If any node is visited more than once, due to cycles in the
call graph, then the name of the node will be succeeded by '...'. If the
source script of the function is not known, then it will be succeeded by
#include <stdio.h>
void pony (void);
void lucifer (void);
printf("I knew a pony");
void lucifer()
printf(" her name was Lucifer.\n");
printf("Hello world!\n");
The following are three forward-calling calltrees, which are generated by
passing the names hello.c, pony, and main to the function FCallTreeLsz after
the browser database for the above script has been opened. Note that the
calltree is a subtree of the final calltree. This is to be expected, since
the function main calls the function pony.
hello.c pony main
| lucifer | pony | main
| | printf? | | printf? | | printf?
| main | | lucifer | | pony
| | printf? | | | printf? | | | printf?
| | pony | | | lucifer
| | | printf? | | | | printf?
| | | lucifer...
| pony...
7.6 Listing Database References
The following function lists references of all symbols in the browser
database which meet the requirements set by the filter mask mbfReqd. These
symbols will be dumped to the standard output. If the function is unable to
complete its task, then the return value is FALSE; otherwise it is TRUE. The
filter mask can be set using the bitwise OR operator.
BOOL ListRefs (MBF mbfReqd);
For example,
ListRefs (mbfFuncs | mbfMacros | mbfTypes);
produces the following output:
lucifer: pony
pony: main
printf: pony lucifer
7.7 File Outline Functions
The following function outputs the outline for this module:
VOID API OutlineMod (IMOD imod, MBF mbf);
Given a module symbol index imod and a filter mask mbf, this function will
output to the standard output all of the symbols in that module with
attributes and type that match the required filter.
For example, a call of this function
OutlineMod (imod, mbfVars | mbfFuncs);
produces the following output:
lucifer (function:public)
main (function:public)
pony (function:public)
The following function outputs the outline for the module(s) matching the
BOOL API FOutlineModuleLsz (LSZ lszName, MBF mbf);
This function performs in a similar way to OutlineMod, except the
zeroterminated string lszName contains the pattern-matching wildcard symbols
'*' and '?'.
7.8 String Processing Functions
Table 7.10 summarizes information about string processing functions.
Table 7.10 String Processing Functions
Action Result Prototype
Simple formatter Format from the string VOID API BSCFormat (LPCH
lszFormat to the string lpchOut,
lpchOut as specified by **************** *LSZ
the standard switches. lszFormat,
va_list va);
Simple printf Not declared as an API VOID BSCPrintf (LSZ
replacement due to the unlimited lszFormat, ...);
number of actual
parameters that may be
passed to it. This will
take one or more zero-
terminated strings and
output them to the
standard output. Only
three switches are
Action Result Prototype
three switches are
supported; these are %s,
%d, and %l.
Simple sprintf See printf above. VOID BSCSprintf (LPCH
replacement lpchOut, LSZ
lszFormat, ...);
Pattern-matching Returns TRUE if the BOOL API FWildMatch (LSZ
function pattern string pchPat pchPat, LSZ
matches the string *******************
pchText. The standard pchText);
wildcard symbols may be
used ('*' and '?') in
the pattern string. The
matching is undertaken
in the same way that
DOS matches file names.
Action Result Prototype
DOS matches file names.
Returns the base name Given a path name lsz, LSZ API LszBaseName (LSZ
of a path the base name is lsz);
extracted and returned.
If an empty string is
passed to the function,
then it is returned.
PART III Programmer's Workbench Extensions
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Chapter 8 PWB State File Specification
PWB maintains a project-oriented state file to be shared among multiple
applications. These state files are identified by the .STS file extension.
A state file exists for each project you define. If no state file exists,
one is created using "Set Program List" in PWB the first time it is run in a
particular directory. The program list file is the makefile for the project;
the base name of the program list's file name becomes the project name. The
program list is located in the "home" directory for the project, which also
contains the state file for that project.
8.1 Current State File
When the active project is changed (or created), the associated state file
is copied to the INIT directory (or the current directory, if INIT is not
defined) with the name "CURRENT.STS." All updates are made to this "current"
state file, which is then copied back to the project state file under
certain conditions such as calling a shell function, invoking the debugger,
making a project change, or exiting PWB. CURRENT.STS is never deleted, but
remains available to restore default conditions the next time PWB is
8.2 State File Structure
The state file consists of a three-tiered structure containing the following
Category Description
Shared Globally shared and modified information
Generic Information specific to a particular
type of tool, such as a debugger
Specific Information specific to a particular
tool, such as the CodeView debugger
The overall format of the state file is a text file similar to TOOLS.INI.
Each section is introduced with a tag:
Tag Description
[shared-] Globally shared information
[edit-] Information specific to and owned by all
cooperating editors
[debug-] Information specific to and owned by all
cooperating debuggers
[cv] One of several optional sections
containing information specific to a
particular version or brand of tool, in
this case CodeView
[pwb] Another optional section containing
information specific to a particular
version or brand of tool, in this case
All tools communicate with each other through the shared section. Different
tools of the same type communicate through the generic sections. Tools
communicate with themselves through the tool-specific sections. All path
names in the status file are fully qualified, including the device name.
8.2.1 Globally Shared Information
The items listed in Table 8.1 are placed in the [shared-] section of the
status file. It is the responsibility of every cooperating tool in the
system to update this information as appropriate.
Table 8.1 State File Format (Shared)
Tag/Item Description Example
version= Defines the version of the version=2
state file being used.
Cooperating programs may
either process or
decline to process state files
of older versions.
Programs should decline to
process state files
Tag/Item Description Example
process state files
with version numbers newer
than (greater than) they
project= Defines the location of the project=d:\zeditor\editor.mak
project program list/makefile.
This is used primarily to
locate the previously active
project on start-up.
This example defines the home
directory (d:\zeditor), the
project name (editor), and
the project makefile
mark= Positional "points of mark=debug newcmd.c 34 1
interest," such as debugger mark=debug newcmd.c 40 1
Tag/Item Description Example
interest," such as debugger mark=debug newcmd.c 40 1
breakpoints or editor
bookmarks, to be preserved and
updated as the associated file
is modified.
Syntax is:
mark=owner file line col
Line numbers are one-based. A
deleted line is indicated by
-1. 0 is reserved for future
use. The column entry is
required and is one-based; 0
indicates that no column is
relevant. Optional "other"
information can be included on
the line and should be ignored
and preserved by applications
Tag/Item Description Example
and preserved by applications
other than the owner.
The example shows two debugger
marks, presumably breakpoints.
They are defined on lines 34
and 40 of newcmd.c. All
cooperating tools which modify
files are required to update
shared mark coordinates. This
is primarily the concern of
the editor.
pmark= Primary mark. The last pmark=newcmd.c 32 1
location edited by the editor
or viewed in the debugger. It
follows the same syntax as
other marks except that there
is only one pmark definition
Tag/Item Description Example
is only one pmark definition
and one mark on that
definition. When returning to
the editor from the debug-
ger, the editor moves to the
pmark location.
8.2.2 Generic Tool Information
These items are placed in generic locations like [edit-] or [debug-] to
allow multiple types of editors to communicate among themselves. Once again,
it is the responsibility of every cooperating tool to update this
information. Edit File Tag
The following information is specific to editors:
file=c:\n\update.upd 45 1 49 33
file=c:\n\update.bat 1 1 1 1
file=c:\help\doc\appschng.txt 49 1 86 1
file=c:\nightly.log 1269 1 1271 1
File items have the following meaning:
Tag/Item Description
srch Last search string.
fSrchRe Nonzero if last search used regular
else zero.
rpl Last replacement string of a
search-and-replace operation.
src Last object of a search-and-replace
fRplRe Nonzero if last search-and-replace
operation used regular expressions, else
file May be repeated more than one time and
represents the file history for the most
recently active "current" window, most
recently accessed files first. Each file
name is followed by the line and column
that was in the upper left corner of the
display or window, and the line and
column that the cursor was on. Debug File Tag
The following information is specific to debuggers:
File items have the following meaning:
Tag/Item Description
target Name of the previously debugged
executable. Checks upon state
restoration that you are using
the same .EXE file as before.
watch A watch on a particular variable.
genericbp A generic breakpoint, one that cannot be
tied to a line number.
8.2.3 Tool-Specific Information
The form and contents of these sections are left up to individual tools. The
only restraint is that each tool needs to identify its own section with a
tag, as in [cv]. It is expected that tools follow the purpose of the state
file; i.e., they should store information only in the state file that they
need to preserve across successive invocations of themselves.
The editor maintains the file list associated with the primary window in
Section, "Edit File Tag." In the tool-specific section, the editor
keeps additional state information, such as insert mode, window layout, and
additional file instance lists for those windows. PWB Tag
The following information is specific to PWB:
screen=43 80
wnd=C 2 1 42 80
file=c:\hello.c 1 1 1 1
File items in the tools-specific section of PWB have the following meaning:
Tag/Item Description
screen Previously used screen size, rows by
winstyle Window style:
0 Plain
1 Border
3 Border+vscroll
5 Border+hscroll
7 Border+vscroll+hscroll
wnd One entry per screen window. First
parameter is a single character:
W Regular window
C Current window
Z Zoomed window
The next two parameters are the row and
column of the upper left corner of the
window. The last two parameters are the
row and column of the lower right corner
of the window.
file May be repeated more than one time and
represents the file history for the most
recently active "current window," most
recently accessed files first. Each file
name is followed by the line and column
that was in the upper left corner of the
display or window, and the line and
column that the cursor was on.
Chapter 9 Creating PWB Extensions
The new Microsoft Programmer's Workbench (PWB) provides developers with a
flexible software development environment (i.e., an editor, interface or
dialog windows, and "extensions"). As shipped, PWB allows access to almost
all of the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler options, linker options, and even OS/2
Presentation Manager Toolkit options, creating a powerful and easy-to-use
programming environment.
9.1 Extending PWB Functionality
Much of the functionality of PWB, though, is implemented as
extensions─separate C programs stored in separate files and loaded during
the PWB start-up cycle. While some editors allow you to create functions and
link them in with the editor, this editor provides an extensive API─an API
sophisticated enough to support extensions like PWB's own help facility.
PWB provides extension developers with a rich API that includes functions to
load, search, edit, delete, create, and save files; and create and manage
windows, menus, memory, full-screen operations, and even some standard C
run-time library functions.
Custom extensions can do more than just enhance the editor's text editing
functionality. Because extensions become a part of PWB's top-level user
interface, they provide a relatively unrestricted mechanism for coordinating
the interaction of all development tools. For example, if you use Microsoft
C as well as Glockenspiel's C++ front end, you can write a custom extension
to add a pull-down menu, complete with appropriate option settings, that
directly invokes the front end.
PWB's extensibility offers several advantages. Functions implemented as
extensions (rather than as parts of the core .EXE) are easy to
update─Microsoft doesn't have to release a new version of PWB, just a
different extension. PWB's open structure also allows others besides
Microsoft to develop add-on functions. Dozens of tool vendors have already
released extensions that allow PWB to manipulate their products directly.
Finally, extensions allow you to customize and configure PWB by creating and
selecting exactly the extensions you need.
9.2 Major Components
All PWB extensions must contain a "switch" table, "command" table, the
WhenLoaded function, and a PWB function.
The switch table describes the C variables associated with
extension-specific switches. These switches are available through the Editor
Settings command on the Options menu and control the behavior of the
The switch table is an array of structures of the following form:
struct swiDesc swTable[] =
{ "NonAnsiCommnents", &bfNonAnsiComments, SWI_BOOLEAN
{ NULL, NULL, 0 } };
The first field contains the name of the switch as it will appear in the
editor Options window. The name can be any text string and contain any
alphanumeric characters─though you should avoid common names such as
"switch" or "flag."
The second field is a pointer to the variable where the flag will be stored.
The variable's type should match that of information required (i.e., use a
char array to get a string, and int to get a whole number).
The last field tells PWB what kind of switch to retrieve.
The end of the swiDesc array is marked with a null entry:
{ NULL, NULL, 0 }.
The "command" table provides the link between PWB and your extension's
functions. The table contains the names of functions resident within the
extension that can be invoked by PWB.
The command table is an array of cmdDesc structures. The first element of
each structure is the name of the function as a text string. PWB calls will
reference the function by this name.
The second part of the cmdDesc structure is the actual PWB function address.
These entry points must be functions defined as PWBFUNC type or
(_pascal EXTERNAL *func)().
The third field is reserved and always set to zero. Finally, the fourth
field is a combination of flags showing what type of arguments the PWB
function can accept. See Section 9.13, "The Argument Structure," for more
In addition to the developer-defined entry points listed in the command
table, every extension must define a WhenLoaded function. PWB executes the
WhenLoaded function as the extension is loaded during startup. Typically
this function sets up any macros, menus, or initialization required by the C
extension. In addition, it can display a message informing the user that the
extension is loading. The WhenLoaded function is a regular C function
declared as a
void EXTERNAL WhenLoaded( void ).
PWB Extensions must also have at least one primary function of the type
PWBFUNC. These functions are the code bodies associated with the entry
points defined in the command table─they are the functions called by the PWB
when the user invokes one of the extension commands. Each PWB function must
be of the type PWBFUNC, a macro for
flagType _pascal _loadds _far.
PWB functions should return TRUE if the extension is able to function
correctly and FALSE if there is an error.
9.3 Arguments for PWB Functions
PWB functions use the arguments to receive user input or cursor and block
highlighting information. The first argument is the unsigned argData
variable that contains the keystroke used to invoke the extension.
The second argument points to a structure set by the user's keystrokes
(either information about the cursor location, text entered by the user, or
text highlighted by the user). See Section 9.13, "The Argument Structure,"
for more details.
The third argument is a Boolean flag that shows whether the Meta was set by
a previous Meta command. The Meta is a flag generated when the user has
pressed the F9 key. It provides a way to produce an alternate meaning for a
specified keystroke. For example, the Meta Exit (F9 then F8) command would
call the exit command with the Meta flag set to TRUE. This would allow the
command function to decide whether to save the file before exiting.
9.4 Creating New Menus
Several API functions provide menu creation and access capabilities. These
should be invoked in the WhenLoaded function so that the menus exist when
the editor is ready for user input.
The AddMenu function creates a new menu. The new menu can be placed in
either the leftmost or rightmost open location on the PWB menu bar. The
exact menu location varies depending on the number of other C extensions
loaded and the order in which extensions are loaded.
The AddMenu function takes four arguments. The first argument is the text
string to use as the menu title (the text that shows up in the menu bar at
the top of the PWB display). You can mark one character in this string as
the menu activation key (the keystroke that selects this entry from the PWB
menu bar) by placing a tilde in front of that character. For example,
would be activated by pressing X. PWB will also highlight the marked
The second argument is a description that appears in the message line at the
bottom of the screen. The third argument is a hook for the PWB help system
that allows the extension developer to supply help text for each of the
extension's menus.
The final argument determines whether the menu is added to the menu bar at
the farthest left or farthest right location. A TRUE value places the menu
at the farthest left open menu bar space.
The AddMenu function returns a handle to the newly created menu. A return
value of -1 signifies an error creating the menu.
9.5 Adding Menu Options
The AddMenuItem function adds options to a menu. Each option requires a menu
handle, a text string to be displayed as the menu option, a description
string shown on the message line at the bottom of the display, a help hook
string, and the PWB function text string description as defined in the
command table.
Again the highlighted selection key for the menu option is marked with a
tilde. You can add a separator bar to the menu bar using the AddMenuItem
function with a menu item title of "-". The AddMenuItem returns a handle to
the menu item for use with the ChangeMenu function.
The AddMenuItem function can even add items to any of the predefined PWB
menus. The API supplies predefined constants you can use as handles for
these menus (see the list below). There doesn't, however, seem to be a way
to retrieve handles to the items in these menus. You can adjust objects that
you add to the menu, but without an item handle, you can't change the
standard menu items. You can, however, add and remove files in the file
menu's file list with the AddFile and RemoveFile functions.
The following constants can be used as window handles to add options to the
PWB menus:
Constant Menu
MID_FILE File menu
MID_EDIT Edit menu
MID_VIEW View menu
MID_SEARCH Search menu
MID_MAKE Make menu
MID_RUN Run menu
MID_OPTIONS Options menu
MID_EXTENSION First extension loaded
The online help incorrectly gives MID_OPTION as the menu handle constant for
the Options menu.
9.6 Modifying a Menu
The ChangeMenu function can change both the contents and the state of a menu
option. Options can be disabled, checked, renamed, or linked to a different
command function.
9.7 Windows
Several functions support window handling, including specialized functions
that provide "pop-up" windows containing messages or even files. You can
create standard windows using the SplitWnd function, deciding how
(horizontally or vertically) and where (what line) to split the current
window. PWB returns a handle to the new window (of type PWND). You can
change the size of any window (down to a minimum of five lines by 10
columns) with the Resize function.
The GetEditorObject function will retrieve the handle of an existing window.
9.8 File Buffers
In PWB, you access most files through "file buffers," memory buffers that
hold the contents of a file. When a PWB extension requires access to a file,
it must first request a special handle to a file buffer. The
FileNameToHandle function returns the file handle associated with a file
name and is defined:
PFILE FileNameToHandle( char far *PathName,
char far *pszShortName );
The first argument is the complete name of the file (i.e., the base name
plus the extension) and may include a path name also. If the first argument
is NULL, then the argument isn't used.
The second argument is the "short" (or base) name of the file. PWB searches
its list of files for a matching base name and returns that file's handle.
If the file doesn't match any located in the internal PWB list, then PWB
returns an error code of PNULL (not NULL). The second argument also can be
NULL, in which case PWB ignores it. If both arguments are NULL, PWB opens
the current file.
Character string constants should be typecast to (char far *) if used as
arguments. The cast insures that the compiler doesn't generate a NULL
address as the argument to the function (which would then cause PWB to
return the handle to the current file and not report an error).
The AddFile function creates a file buffer and associates a file with it,
returning a file handle. The file name must include both the base name and
extension, and may include a path. This function always returns with a file
handle, even if the extension gives it an illegal path name, so care should
be taken when the extension creates the path name.
Given a file handle, the FileRead function will load the current contents of
the disk file into the file buffer. FileRead initializes the buffer for
files just opened with AddFile, but will overwrite changes to the current
file if used on handle pointers retrieved with FileNameToHandle.
Extensions can make changes to the file buffer through a series of reads and
writes to the buffer. The GetLine function reads a specified line from the
file buffer into a local buffer:
COL colMaxLength;
LINE yStart;
PFILE pfile;
char pszInBuffer[ BUFLEN ];
colMaxLength = GetLine( yStart,
pszInBuffer, pfile );
The line variable (defined currently by Microsoft as long, but the type
LINE should be used to provide upward compatibility with future releases of
PWB extension files) is a zero-based line number (first line of file buffer
is line zero) that specifies the line of the file to retrieve. The buffer
variable is a far pointer to an array large enough to hold the entire line
being read. The type linebuf can be used to declare the buffer array and
will guarantee that the buffer is large enough. The constant BUFLEN
specifies the maximum line length.
The PutLine function writes a local buffer into the file buffer. The PutLine
function has the same calling convention as GetLine. It replaces the
specified line in the file buffer with the contents of the local buffer.
The FileWrite function will force the file buffer to be written to the disk,
updating the disk file. PWB will also give the user an opportunity to save
the file buffer during the PWB exit cycle.
Not all file buffers are associated with disk files. A PWB pseudofile exists
only in memory. PWB maintains several pseudofiles, including one for the
current editor settings, the current clipboard, and one that contains the
results of the most recent compile or build.
The FileNameToHandle function will also return a file handle to pseudofiles.
For example, to access the editor settings, just call FileNameToHandle with
the short file name <assign>. Any of the items in this pseudofile (including
screen size, window sizes, build options, and defined macros) can be altered
just as if the pseudofile was a normal file buffer.
The clipboard and compile output files are identified as <assign> and
<compile>, respectively.
9.9 Miscellaneous API
The omnibus GetEditorObject retrieves various information about files,
colors, and windows. For example, you can get a handle for the current
window with the call:
PWND pwndCurrent;
GetEditorObject( RQ_WIN_HANDLE, 0, &pwndCurrent );
Microsoft calls the first parameter the "infotype" parameter. It specifies
what object should be retrieved. The second parameter is the object
"qualifier" and is zero for most objects.
The GetEditorObject function will retrieve the window "number" of the
current window when passed RQ_WIN_CUR. The top left window is number one.
The GetEditorObject function can also retrieve the window number associated
with a given window handle.
The GetString function allows extensions to display a dialog box that asks
the user for text strings.
Using the fExecute function, the extension can execute any command available
to the user─macros can be changed, menu commands executed, and keystrokes
The GetCursor and MoveCur functions will position the cursor in the active
window. The DoMessage function writes the text string out to the dialog line
(the line used for output, typically located on the left part of the lowest
line on the display).
9.10 An Example Extension
The file CURLYBRC.C (see Section 9.14) is a PWB extension that finds
matching curly braces and parentheses in the current file. When invoked,
this extension will search the current line for either an opening curly
brace ("{") or an opening parenthesis. It will then find the matching curly
brace or indicate that no match exists if the file has unmatched braces or
parentheses. This example demonstrates how to create PWB menus, set
activation keys, and access the current file.
In this extension, the WhenLoaded function creates a menu and several menu
options. It also displays a message indicating the loading of Curly Brace
Matching functions using the DoMessage function.
Two PWB functions are defined, one for matching curly braces ("{}") and one
for matching parentheses. The curly brace matching function is defined:
PWBFUNC CheckCurlyBrace(
unsigned argData, ARG _far *pArg,
flagType fMeta ) {
return ScanText( MODE_CURLYBRACES ); }
9.11 Building the Extension
There are two different ways to build a C extension. The first and easiest
is to build the extension within PWB. The Build menu includes options for
both DOS and OS/2 PWB extensions.
Building an extension without using PWB requires compiling the C source
files using
/c /As /Af /Aw
to produce near code and far data, and making sure that
SS != DS
Default code may be far, using instead
/Al /Af /Aw
and not automatically linking the file (/c). Stack checking must be turned
off (the /Gs option). Extensions that use global variables must be compiled
with /Au instead of /Aw to reload DS properly on function entry.
Linking will require that EXTHDR.OBJ (for DOS extensions) or the file
EXTHDRP.OBJ (for OS/2 extensions) be in the current directory. These files
are included as part of the Microsoft C version 6.0 Compiler. The EXT.H file
must be in the INCLUDE directory (this is where the C 6.0 installation
places it). Finally, the EXTSUP.LIB must be in the LIB directory.
OS/2 PWB C extensions always have the .PXT file extension. DOS PWB C
extensions use the .MXT file extension. The EXT.DEF file comes with the
Microsoft C 6.0 Compiler and should be linked into OS/2 PWB C extensions to
provide the correct references for the PWB API functions. If you are
building the extension for OS/2 version 1.0, you must change the name of the
extension's output file extension from .PXT to .DLL. If you wish to build an
extension that uses the DLL version of the C run-time library, then replace
the /ACu with /ML.
Normally, extensions are placed in the BIN directory, but during development
it's more convenient to have the load statement read the file from the
current directory. This allows PWB to reread the extension immediately after
you build it, so you can test the extension without having to leave PWB.
To tell PWB to use an extension, place an appropriate load: command to the
9.12 Tips and Hints
Building extensions is both easier and harder under DOS. The process is
easier under DOS because alterations to the C extension can be tested
immediately without exiting PWB. Because the OS/2 file sharing protection
prevents alteration of an open file, to test an alteration under OS/2 you
must alter the TOOLS.INI file (removing the load command), exit PWB, then
restart it to build the extension, re-edit the TOOLS.INI, exit PWB, and
again restart it to test the extension. This problem exists even with
multiple PWB sessions, since the extension file is still opened by the
original instance of PWB.
On the other hand, the CodeView debugger cannot be used to debug extensions
under DOS, but can be under OS/2.
Some of the DOS C run-time library functions can be called. Unfortunately,
functions that dynamically allocate buffer space (such as sprintf()) will
always fail. Fortunately, it's simple to tell whether a function can be used
safely─if the linker doesn't complain then the function is safe. OS/2
eliminates this library limitation if you link with the DLL C run-time
You can generate written documentation for creating PWB extensions by using
the MAKEHELP.EXE utility to decode the PWB help file (PWB.HLP). Use
to generate a large text file containing all the PWB help information. Edit
it to remove the MAKEHELP control codes, creating a complete reference that
can be printed on any printer. Combining the online help with the printed
text really simplifies extension development.
9.13 The Argument Structure
PWB passes a pointer to an argument structure on every entry to a PWBFUNC
function. This argument has the following form:
struct ARG
int argType;
struct noargType noarg;
struct textargType textarg;
struct nullargType nullarg;
struct lineargType linearg;
struct streamargType streamarg;
struct boxargType boxarg;
} arg;
The union within the structure allows the PWBFUNC function to handle all
standard argument types with a single parameter. For robustness, extension
functions that accept more than one type of argument must check the argType
before processing the argument. However, PWB will pass only the argument
types specified in the command description (cmdDesc) table. If you specify
only one type in the table, or if the type won't be used, you can ignore the
argument type and value.
Some of the most important argument types are as follows:
Argument Description
TEXTARG Allows the user to pass in a text
argument string
LINEARG Passes the location of the first and
last marked lines
BOXARG Passes the coordinates of the four
corners of a highlighted box
BOXSTR Passes in the string of the highlighted
NOARG No argument required by the function
Some different argument types generate the same type of information. For
example, both NULLEOL and NULLEOW (discussed below) use the TEXTARG type for
their arguments.
All argument types, except NOARG, read the number of arguments that PWB
generates (i.e., the number of times the user pressed the ALT+A combination
before pressing the extension activation keys). The count is stored in the
cArg element of the structures.
To read text string arguments, use the textargType structure (type TEXTARG).
Like the NOARG type, TEXTARG supplies cursor location information, but
TEXTARG also returns the argument text entered by the user. This structure
is also used by NULLEOL (retrieves text from cursor location to end of
line), NULLEOW (retrieves text from cursor location to next white space),
and BOXSTR (retrieves all text within a highlighted argument box) command
table flags.
To find the first and last lines highlighted, use the lineargType structure
(type LINEARG). LINEARG sets the LINE yStart to the first line highlighted
and the LINE yEnd to the last line highlighted. The NUMARG command table
flag also uses this structure. NUMARG requires a numeric argument from the
user and then calculates a line number in the file buffer by adding the
argument to the current line, storing that value in yEnd.
To get the four corners of a highlighted area, use the boxargType (type
BOXARG). BOXARG returns the top left and bottom right column (COL xLeft,
xRight) and row (LINE yTop, yBottom) coordinates of the highlighted block.
Author: Bill Perez/Mario Perez
Date: 6/17/1990
Purpose: Finds matching curly braces in current
file buffer of PWB.
Operating System: MS-DOS 3.x
/* Include Files */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ext.h>
/* Define Statements */
/* Structures */
/* Type Definitions */
/* Prototypes */
void EXTERNAL WhenLoaded( void );
PWBFUNC CheckCurlyBrace( unsigned argData, ARG _far *pArg,
flagType fMeta );
PWBFUNC CheckParenthesis( unsigned argData, ARG _far *pArg,
flagType fMeta );
/* Global Variables */
char pszOpenBrace[ 2 ] = "{";
char pszCloseBrace[ 2 ] = "}";
char pszOpenParen[ 2 ] = "(";
char pszCloseParen[ 2 ] = ")";
/* Switch table */
struct swiDesc swiTable[] =
{ "OpenBrace", toPIF( pszOpenBrace ), SWI_SPECIAL },
{ "CloseBrace", toPIF( pszCloseBrace ), SWI_SPECIAL },
{ "OpenParen", toPIF( pszOpenParen ), SWI_SPECIAL },
{ "CloseParen", toPIF( pszCloseParen ), SWI_SPECIAL },
{ NULL, NULL, 0, }
/* Command Table */
struct cmdDesc cmdTable[] =
{ "CheckCurlyBrace", CheckCurlyBrace, 0,
{ "CheckParenthesis", CheckParenthesis, 0,
{ NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }
// Called during loading by PWB for initialization purposes.
void EXTERNAL WhenLoaded( void )
int hMatch;
DoMessage( "Loading Curly Brace Matcher" );
// Create the top-line menu bar menu
hMatch =
"Match curly braces or parenthesis",
// Create menu item under Match menu
"Match ~Curly Brace",
"Matches curly braces",
// Place separator between options
AddMenuItem( hMatch,"-","","","");
"Match ~Parenthesis",
"Matches parenthesis",
// Set key for functions
SetKey( "CheckCurlyBrace", "shift+ctrl+b" );
SetKey( "CheckParenthesis", "shift+ctrl+p" );
// Searches from current location for first curly brace until
// closing curly brace found (counting all curly braces from
// there until closing one found or end of file found).
// Reports error if unmatched brace found.
unsigned int ScanText( unsigned int uMode )
LINE yStart,
COL xStart,
int brace_count = 0;
int col;
PFILE pFile;
char pszInBuffer[ BUFLEN ];
char pszOpenChar[ 2 ],
pszCloseChar[ 2 ];
"Searching for opening curly brace" :
"Searching for opening parenthesis" );
uMode == MODE_CURLYBRACES ? pszOpenBrace :
pszOpenParen );
uMode == MODE_CURLYBRACES ? pszCloseBrace :
pszCloseParen );
// Get starting location - (both line and column).
GetCursor( &xStart, &yStart );
yStartInit = yStart;
xStartInit = xStart;
// Get handle to file
pFile = FileNameToHandle( "", "" );
// Get the number of lines in the files
lines_in_file = FileLength( pFile );
// Read current line
colMaxLength = GetLine( yStart, pszInBuffer, pFile );
// Find opening brace on this line (starting first from
// current location, then from first column on current
// line to end of current line - if not found, then error
// message in message box).
if( pszInBuffer[ xStart ] != pszOpenChar[ 0 ] )
for( column = 0; column < colMaxLength; column++ )
if( pszInBuffer[ column ] == pszOpenChar[ 0 ] )
xStart = column;
MoveCur (xStart, yStart );
xStartInit = xStart;
if( column >= colMaxLength )
"Starting curly brace not found" :
"Starting parenthesis not found",
0 );
return FALSE;
"Searching for closing curly brace" :
"Searching for closing parenthesis" );
/* We found an opening brace, or wouldn't be here */
brace_count = 1;
// Slide past current opening brace character in current
// buffer
// Loop until closing brace found starting from
// xStart, ystart
while( brace_count )
for( col = xStart; col < colMaxLength; col++ )
if( pszInBuffer[ col ] == pszOpenChar[ 0 ] )
if( pszInBuffer[ col ] == pszCloseChar[ 0 ] )
/* More braces to find? */
if( brace_count )
/* All braces found, since none are left */
xStart = col;
if( brace_count )
/* Should really check to see that yStart is in file
if( yStart < lines_in_file )
colMaxLength = GetLine( ++yStart,
pszInBuffer, pFile );
MoveCur( xStartInit, yStartInit );
"Couldn't find matching curly brace" :
"Couldn't find matching parenthesis" );
xStart = 0;
/* Move the cursor to the row and column found */
MoveCur( xStart, yStart );
"Found closing curly brace" :
"Found closing parenthesis" );
return TRUE;
// Sets mode to search for curly braces, then scans text
PWBFUNC CheckCurlyBrace( unsigned argData, ARG _far *pArg,
flagType fMeta )
// Set up characters to search for based on mode
return ScanText( MODE_CURLYBRACES );
// Sets mode to parenthesis
PWBFUNC CheckParenthesis( unsigned argData, ARG _far *pArg,
flagType fMeta )
return ScanText( MODE_PARENTHESIS );
9.15 Summary
Creating C extensions to work with the Microsoft PWB is not difficult, with
the proper information. Once you know what to look for, the online help
provides a quick and easy reference. Many third-party developers have
already announced PWB extensions that integrate their tools into PWB. With
such a rich set of development functions to choose from, you should expect
to see many more third-party-developed extensions available in the near
This article originally appeared in TECH Specialist, August 1990, page 57.
It is reprinted with permission of R&D Publications, Inc., 2601 Iowa,
Lawrence, KS 66046, (913) 841-1631.